1 . ... ? STEVENS & BARE, Editors and Pbops. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 14, 1889. After the reception we were taken to the tdp of the capitol building where an excellent Tiew of the town and vicinity for miles around was had. Cheyenne Gall for Meeting' of the Republican County Central Committee. The Republican Central Committee for Lin coln cntintx trill meet at the court house in North Flatte, on rJaturday, August 24th, at Zpg . .w in., for the parpoee of calling a county conim JJSJ i JTu,ilLt-ir'jfcir'I7 UUfl, BUU XW I4MJ JLTBIISBVIIUU Ul DUU1 VUKt Wf new as may properly come before it. Geo. E. Fbexoh, 0 . B. Warnek, Secretary. AsfNouNGBicrtile all the Best Brands of Shoes, Slippers, $ie. AND SELL THEM ON X..O-W :a,xgiri.s fox CstsOa.- Our Stock is the Largest in Western Nebraska and no one can fail to be suited. Prnnerhr li r- -7 wtiuuvibu or nfrt .xx uuc iaai jm. . Mortation were m myonfeY- that t.Sl participated in the battle ti-xafftrahniv 4-rk avid mm Cheyenne 516 miles west fiittte-OTimd when fae annuai re Omaha and 100 north of ,Pv fa ; okM tj UIUUU -U3 UC1U XXX UCUKIUUCia J. CUU is beautifully locafrr1 knows j;bp- y&xyjfPLETE STOCK tr I .When in need of anything1 in our line. - OT3 OTTENSTEIN'S BLOCK, SPRUCE STREET. CITY IH-flLlFl3MCA.OY TlaJLrci. Poor ZN'oxrtlx of Fostoffioe. EBTABT iTHTTTTD 1884. DRUGS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass. Fine Brandies, Wines, Whiskies and Cigars. THE IMPROVED GERMAN ELECTRO-GALVANIC BELT The best and strongest. Scientifically constructed. A positive and unfailing cure for many diseases in which medicine fails. Liver, stomach and kidney diseases, dieases of the blood, .catarrh, skin diseases, lung troubles, rheumatism, female com plaints, paralysis, nervous debility, seminal weakness, impotency, ?tc. A Permanent Wall Coating, adapted for Solid Wall Relief work; Also for Plain Work. Your orders solicited. Prompt attention given. DR. F. H. LONGLEY, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. gomefPiing flew for J,a.Gies The Most Elegant Shoe Ever Made. thy ts: INSIDE VIEW CROPOOT, Manufacturers of MEN'S OUTSIDE VIEW. LIBBY & CO., AND WOMEN'S FINE SHOES. We are prepared to supply a long-felt want, and for this shoe we claim it is the most SATISFACTORY, STYLISH AND ONLY PER FECT FITTING SHOE MADE. It fits on the foot like a glove on the hand. It is not cumbersome like the button shoe that has four or five thicknesses of leather over the instep, but this shoe has but one thickness and presents a seamless, glove-fitting front, comfortable to the foot and pleasing to the eye. This shoe differs materially from the "old side lace. That had from 18 to 24 eyelets, double cord, and pulled on sideways, while this shoe has but eight eyelets, pulls on straight and is held in place by a low gore, inserted on each side of the shoe, which is covered and protected by the top, and is adjusted to the ankle by lacing on the inside, giving to the foot a very slim and small appearing form. This shoe cannot break in the back, and neither are you inconvenienced by constantly re-sewing buttons or repairing button holes. This shoe is being placed in all good towns, and its success and popularity are assured. We feel confident if you will trv a pair of these shoes you will not be satisfied with any others. Would" be pleased to have you call and make a personal inspection of this shoe and think it will interest you. Yours Respectfully. c. c. NOBLE, NORTH PLATTE. P. H. McEvoy, JEWELER, Carries in stock a fine line of ES, Silverware AND JBWELEY, Special attention' given to repairing and engraving. sylvania is the banner Republican State of the Union and appreciates the old soldiers. Tired Out. The distressing feeling of weariness, and ex hanstion -without effort, which makes life a burden to so many people, is dae to poverty of the bio and feeble vitality. If you are sdnering from such feelings, Bludbuder is just what you need and will be of the greatest benefit to you. It purines and enriches the blood, imparts tone and vigor to the whole system, aids digestion and overcomes au morbid tendencies and nervons affections caused by a depressed state of the blood, strengthens and builds np the system. while it eradicates disease. It is pleasant to take and the dose is small. Try it and be cured. race 91.W. com oy a. it. otreitz. The doctors at Bellevue Hospital, New York, say that more criminals were received from the three State pnsons to be treated for insanity during the one year of enforced idleness among convicts than in any three years before. If the theory could but be inpressed upon the people that idleness produces insanity we might have less grum- onngtaoout nard work. Uncle Sam's bone and nerve liniment will re lieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and rheumatism. sold by ail druggists. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Frice 2a cents. F. Stroitz. For sale by A. The Books comet, discovered July 6, as observed through the great telescope at the Lick observa tory, appears to be attended by a group of celestial bodies of small size, probably belonging to the same family. One of its companion tourist is described as having a de cided tail-just the kind of caudal appendage to have in fly time. EiTjEBt's Extbaot of Tab and WiT.n r. is a Bale, reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs colds, bronchitis, asthma and all thmnt trnnhw wiU relieve and benefit consumption. Try it and be convinced. Every bottle warranted: nriee Wc and $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Pre- rea by the fcmmert Proprietary Co., Chicago. dead ex- sinkinjr. John Tyler, son of the President, is gradually j His entire body has been paralyzed tor nearly a year, and he is finally giving away to the consequent in anition. When in his health he was talented, witty, learned, and companionable. For several years past he has held a sinecure in the Treasury Department. Shiloh's "Vitalizer is what you need for Consti pation, Loss of Appetite. Dizziness, and symp toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents Der bottio. For sale by A. F. Streitz. The endorsement of German Syrup is unpar allelled. We will publish 1000 testimonials re ceived during the last six months. Head them, May save yoni life. The county commissioners of Cheyenne comity have decided to submit the proposition of -voting $26,000 bonds on the county to pay oil the indebtedness and aia in run ning the county. This would cer tainly increase the value of the now almost worthless warrants of that county, for the holders would speedily get their money. Elton's Daylight Liver Pills are a boon to sufferers from sick headache, sour stomach, tor pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas nnt to take and warranted to go through by daylight. While a young son of B. Gugen- 1 f 1 L X -1 mus, wno iivees aoout xuur nines north of Sargent, was cleaning a eun one dav last week it was acci- dently discharged just as his sister was passim? tne wmuuw on sue outside of the house. The sho struck the girl's face, several shot entered her chin and came out a the cheek, one entering her neck. Her mjunes are not serious. Shiloh's Couch and consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee', it cures Consumption For sale by A. F. Streitz. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured bv Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by A. F. Streitz. A prominent resident of Ashland received a letter from a New York firm the other day, offering to sell him counterfeit bank notes printed from dies abstracted from the gov ernment, and therefore absolutely perfect, at a bisr reduction. As the erentleman is already doing a eood business f,hp. offer was declined and the letter handed over to the authorities. Patti is coming back for another farewell apperance before Amer ican audiences. She could not for get the pleasure of bidding us good by 3ret once again, especially as Manager Abbey guarantees her 4, 000 a night. Patti does not sever her connections with the American stage every two years at her own expense, and perhaps we ought not expect her to do so. Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's Teething Sy rup jnst the medicine, to have in tho. house for the children; it will euro coughs, colds, sore throat and regulate the bowels. Try it. being Elaborate preparations are niaae at nartrora, uonn., tor a re petition historical pageant of Na tional victories which was recently displayed in Boston. It is to be presented in honor of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe some time late in September. It is also annouced that a similar demonstration will be made at Newport on Aug. 15 in honor of Julia Ward Howe. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that tcrri- l.l nnr.U V.. la 1 I .1.. t U1CWU(JU UU1JU1I D IVU1C 1 LIIC XIUJUCUJ iUl JUU For sale by A. F. Streitz. latarrn cured, nenitn and sweet breath se cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price ."i0 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by A. F. Streitfe. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. "For sale by A. F. Steitz. A carriage road to the top of Pike's Peak has just heen completed. It hegins at Cascade Canon, and ex- tends sixteen mues, unui ic reacnes the very summit of the mountain, 14.147 feet above the level of the sea. There is one point, Grand View where at an altitude of 10,852 feet one mav see the smoke of a locomotive crossing Marshall Pass cj ninety miles away. Happy Home Blood Pdbihkb is the people's popular medicine for purifying tho blood; pre venting or curing dyspepsia, biliousness, head ache, boils and all fevers and malarial diseases Price 50' cents and one dollar per bottio. The Kearney Hub tells of the finding of a petrified human hand by J . it. Mote, a rarmer residing in Phelps county. The stone was dropped by . accident upon the floor and breaking in two, there rolled from within the broken clutch of the fingers a small hand ful of what appeared to be precious stones diamonds. jach or these stones were larger than a very large kernal of corn, and beautifully clear and )rilliant. Among them was one solitary stone which had the appearance o a smoky topaz. The supposed hand was probably a common geode. An inventive mechanic has laid claim to the prize of $100,000 offer ed by the Buffalo business men's association fdr a device for harness- g the power of Niagara river. His machine is an endless steel chain 200 feet long and twenty feet wide, each link of which is a tiny turbine wheel. When this chain 1 of wheels is set across the current an astonishing amount of power is developed. The region around Niagara will become the greatest manufacturing jdistrict of the coun try if the enormous power of the river can be put to turning factory wheels. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a gen eral revival of trade at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valnablo article from the fact that it always cures and never dis appoints. Couglis, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cnretl. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottio free, large size $1. Every bottio warranted. 3 Since the United States census of 1880 the population of Nebraska has increased from 452,402 to about 1,000.000; and the number of its farms from 03,387 to 141,107; the number of its live stock from 2,424, 590 to 4,047,530, and their value from 33,440,205 to 881,099.941 Its manufactories, which numbered 4,403 in 1880, with products valued at 12,027,330, having increased nearly three fold in number and more than four in value of their products. Its crops of three princi pal cereals which aggregated, in 18S0, 05,853,018 bushels, have since reached 185.902,000 bushels, and the true value of its real and per sonal property has risen from 352.- 343,128 to at least $700,0U0,UU0. G. A. TO MUr R. EXCURSION WAUKFJ3, WIS. The twentv-third National En campment of the Geand Army of the Republic, will be held at Milwaukee during the last week in Augnst next; The excursion rates from all points on the lines of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul, Railway to Milwaukee and return, will be one fare for the round trip half rates in each direction going and re turning. Children between the acre of five and twelve years at hal of the excursion rates named. The sale of excursion tickets will commence at all points on the lines of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway on August 21st and continue until August 28th inclusive. Tickets will be good only for continuous going passage to Mil waukee and will not be good going later in any event than August 31st, and will not be good tor return passage, leaving Milwaukee on any date between August 27th and September 5th, 1889, inclusive with the understanding that if the holders of such excursion tickets desire to make "side excursions from Milwaukee to points beyond in any direction, they can, by sur rendering their return coupons for sate keeping to the joint agent of the terminal lines, who will have an office (to be hereafter located) at Milwaukee and Chicago for the purpose of arranging these details, have them honored to on starting point wnere tickets was purchased (by proper endorsement at Milwaukee and Chicago) until September 30th, 1889. These tickets returning will be honored by the Goodrich line of lake steam ers if so desired. The dates of sale of G. A. R excursion tickets at points on con necting lines will vary according to distance from Milwaukee, but in all cases there will 'be sufficient time added to the dates above spec ified to permit passengers to come and go without hurry or excitement. No signatures will be required at Milwaukee to secure return passage on the line of the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway, and ample accommodations for all will be pro vided either on diners or in the company s spacious dining halls along the route. The best of first class coaches. Elegant free chair cars and Pullman's finest vestibule, sleepers will be at the disposal of all who travel by the Chicago, Mil waukee bt. Paul Railway. Our Milwaukee Short Line is unsurpassed by any other line as by taking the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway only can you avoid the terrible rush in Chicago en route, and have ample time to return to Chicago for business or pleasure. Remember that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway is the only line that can offer these super ior accomodations. For further information and tickets apply to your nearest ticket ent or to Jxo. McCltire, Wee-stern Pass. Agt. C. M. & St Ry, 1501 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. - 1 v: SOME grocers arc so short sighted as to decline "Ivory Soap," claiming it docs not pay as much ferior qualities do, so if your regular grocer refuses to get it for you, there are undoubtedly others who recognize the fact that the in to keep the profit as in- of keeping- creased volume of business done by reason articles more than compensates for the smaller profit, pleasure in getting it for you. and wiii best take A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, cadi represented to be "jtist as good as the 1 Ivory' ;" they ARE NOT, but like ail counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "lyory" Soap and Insist upon getting it. -?, 1. T " HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGR1CU LTUR AL IMPLE M E N T S, -AND- T77"a,gfrLS, Ca.rrlaes, DB-u.'g'grles, ttOJJJ GARTS, ETC. Agents for the Celebrated and Challenge Wind Mills. Agents for Union Sewing Machines. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. Goodhue Twenty-one days from Japan to New York is a good, record that has been recently made. It took the steamer,' which contained a car go of teas and silks, thirteen days for the trip from Yokohama to Vancouver, where a day was lost in transfernng the cargo to the it from York in eight cars. It can not be said that this record beats any other ever made, but it is a rare record. freight cars which brought Vancouver to New Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cats, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hnnds. chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively c respites or no pay re quired. It is (raarante give satisfaction or money refunded. Trie cents per box. For sale by A. F. Streitz. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. The losses at Spokane Falls, Washington territory, by the great fire are said to aggregate 810,000, 000. This is probably a very liber al estimate, but the loss was severe for the entire business section of the city was destroyed. The mu nicipality has wisely ruled that no wooden buildings shall be erected in the bnrned district, and the lire, like that of Seattle, will put a stop to the raising up of large two and three story blocks of the most in flammable material. (?mnt. Whoooine Conch mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. A. F. Streitz. and Bronchitis im- e or sale by Uncle Sam's Condition Powder wiU cure dis tempers, coughs, colds, fevers and most of tho diseases to which horses cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry are subject, oolu by all druggists. Dn. Jaques' GebmXk Wobm Cakes destroy worms and remove them from the system. Safe, pleasant and effective. A Kansas statistician has been sharpening his pencil since abund ant crops are assured for his state. He now tells us thaVif the proceeds or the product or the present year were devoted to debt paying entire ly, every dollar of indebtedness in the state would be swept away. This is a pretty strong stattement. Kansas has suffered from bad crops for three years' and a great many of her people are in financial straights. Still, after .giving a liberal allowance for the part play ed by imagination in these estima tes, it is evident that the crop will do Kansas a world of good. Old debts will be paid and new confi dence will be felt in the future of agriculture in that region. They say that events go in waves in Kan sas, and that the three years of crop failure will be followed by three years of plenty. In that case Kansas will be almost ready to move ahead with the booming state of Nebraska. For several years our southern neighbor has been dragging behind sadly. State Journal. Brace Dp. Yon are feeling depressed, yonr appetite is poor, yon are bothered with headache, you are bdgetty, nervons, and generally ont of sorts, and want to brace nn. Bracn nn hnf nnf. vdth otlmn. lants. spring medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and thpn leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidn atd. rpstnrn your vatality, and give renewed health end strength. Bach a medicine you will find in Uectric Bitters and only 50 centa a bottle at A F. Streitz's Drag Store. 5 Consumption is on the Increase. From recent statistics it anoears that Con sumption is on the increase throughout tho wes tern states. JJic principal cause, it is stated, is due to neglect of common couclis and colds. it is tho duty of all persons, whether of delicate or robnst nenitn to have a remedy at hand at all times in readiness, and a cough or cold mar bo broken up leforo it becomes seated- BAL- LiAKD a HOJJEHOUND SYKUP will euro nny cougli except in last stages of consumption. A sucn in umo saves nine. Always keep it in your nouso. A. otreitz. Agent. G. A. R. The National E n cam pm ent of the G. A. R. will be held this year at Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 20th to 31st. Agents of the Union Pacific Railway will sell tickets to Mil waukee and return at .the lowest one way first class fare in Nebraska and Kansas August 21st to 28th inclusive; in Colorado and Wyom ing August 20th to 27th inclusive; limited to return leaving Milwau kee August 27th to September 5th, finaly limited September 10th. For those who desire to return later than Sept. 5th the limit on tickets will be extended to Sept. 30th on opplication to the joint agent of terminal lines at Milwau kee. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming should be well repre sented at this encampment and all should go via "The Overland Route." For further information apply to any agent of this Company or E.L.LOMAX, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. The National Building, Loan AND PROTECTIVE UNION. ESTIMATED ILLUSTRATION. Showing the cost and profit to be derived by the borrower of 1,000 in five years. The borrower having been a shareholder six months, and holding thirteen shares, has made application for a loan, aud his applica tion has been accepted and approved. He receives in cash He lias paid in admission fee on thirteen shares at $2,00 per share He has paid six monthly installments at 00 cents per share, amounting to $7.80 per month He has paid two quarterly installments of 23 cents per share, amounting to $3.23 each Now he Days on tho last Saturday of each month a monthly installment of 60 cents a share ! 7.80 Also his interest at live per cent per annum on $1,000, payable monthly i I.1K;J Also his premium at five per cent per annum on 1,000 payable monthly i 4.16; As aU protective installments are returnable, total monthly payment even tually, except such times as there may bo a quarterly installment.... . . In four and one-half vears (or at months') the balance of the unexpired .time of five years, ho will have paid as installments, interest and pre- . minm . i Also add tho remainder of quarterly installments, eighteen at $3.25 each .. . ! To amount invested, aside from protective instaUments, which are return- I able owing to tho return protective installment plan adopted by the nnion Tho certificate of shares having matured is worth $1,300, which will pay tho N loan and leave a surplus of $300, thus eventually tho borrower has had the nso nf S1.(KX1 xinnn six months after becoming a shareholder, and has clearetfa handsomo profit of ' 2111.00 le.lSJSj 1000.00 2.0O 46.80 6.50 871.20 58.50' lOOtf.OO R. F. FORREST, AGT. J. Q. TH ACKER, DRU'OOI ST.!M KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE NOKTH PLATTE, - PACIFIC HOTEL. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is the best Liniment in tho world for animals. It wiU work wonders wherever any Dain or in carnation may bo found. Every owner of a horse should have it in his stable. For Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Galls, Lameness and all innamation on animals, it stands without a parallel. There is no pain Ballards's Snow Liniment will not re lieve, no swclliNg it will not subdue. No wound it wiU not he&l. A. F. STitEiTZ. Agent. 3 ONCE MORE! Comnlaint is made that cows are turn. ed out before the herder calls for them. Once moke I give notice that all cows found on the streets and not in charce of a herder, will be impounded. This is a fair warning. Save costs and trouble. bYh. Friend, 2mo Chief of Police NOTICE TO CATTLE OWNERS. Do not turn your cows out until the herder calls for them. I shall certainly enforce the ordinance and impound every animal found running at large in the city limits. The Town Lot Co'a addition is in the city limits. This notice applies to horses as well as cows. SYL FltlEND, Chief of Police. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARR'ANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. E J. BROEKE R, Merchant Tailor, JE2 -.JHTH LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Spruce Street, next door to Post office. Stable. Beick Liyeet FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street, jSTOHTH PLATTE. - TTSBJRASKL