i- - ' - " - ' . " " w r - MAllfllFrAm the debilitating dfecti Of ilfnyUi jltUN IflflKn heat;ifyoactnHsleePlWeiQHP1 TTTm """ mmm ambition and are always "tufyop'ilii M ttick ia meed of medicine as if tick abed. You need Pake's Celery Cbmpiosd at tkil ttaion, when the whole system is debilitated by the wear and tear of work or play it) tkt extreme heat. Can you afford the time and cost of a yacation? Faint' Cekry GtBpowd will remote the need of one. It is the only hot weather tonic that has trot aajjriasl ralae. Compounded from the formula of a successful physician, as a gUMCa) Utiferator it has no equal. When all down from heat or overwork, re- Will BRACE YOU UP. that Paint's Celery Compound 'mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmwmmmmmmm field by all druggists, 1 a bottle. Six for 5. WELLS, BICHABD60N & CO., Proprs, Burlington, Vt. m. S. CLINTON, WATCHES, 1 EH nv AND SIOTRWAEE PBBBBBBBBHb Fine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. Call and sec me before purchasing: elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. . T y 1 ? 3t SBBbV." sW mr' BBlk JMlfmM jJ, JT North Watte J ym Boot and Shoe Store F i'J Boots. Shoes and Slippers . . i to be found in North .J(. 771 ! Platte. Give us a call and . C. NOBLE, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. E. B. WARNER, Keeps constantly in stock Metalic and Cloth Draped Caskets, complete x " line of Trimmings in White and Black, Gloss White Caskets, Wooden Coffins of all sizes, Shrouds and Shoes. Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Beick Liveey Stable, IB-cua. "by ID- "W. FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded bv the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley Mouse on east iitn street, 3STOBTH PLATTE. - NEBEASKA WALL PAPER, Paint and Oil Depot. At 'Sr Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce Street. Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceiling decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and nil latest noylties in papers. Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXED paints for nouses, bams, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass, putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters1 supplies. 30,000 Acres Desirable Farming Land FOR SALE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the NcrtU and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the :j:y Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, An eccentric Finlander who re cently died willed all his property to the devil. Harrison, Morton and Miller will go into New York city with a ma jority few short of a hundred thousand. Wm. Carter, aged eighty-four, b a A 1 ft I has been a coroner for htty-one! years and is the oldest coroner in. England He succeeded his father. Pretty Women. All women look attractive when their color and complexion is cloar, If your skin is sallow eyea doll, yon are bilious, secure a box of Wil liams' Australian Herb Pills, take as directed, and tho -feeling of languor will leave you, your eyes brighten, and you are another woman. W. Price,Agent. M. Zola says it is a mistake to regard the French as a democratic people. No nation is . more wedded to aristocratic ideas or fon der of outward marks of distinction. "Faithful Dick" Tate, the ab sconding treasurer of Kentucky, got away with $157,000, according, to the final figures of the account ants who examined the books. The new city directory of Los Angeles, Cal., estimates the popu lation at 88,588. With a new ca lle railway, a land boom of strik ing proportion; the success of Cali fornia's southern center seems to assured. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. A single bottle of Ballard's Horehond Hyrup kept about your house for immediate nse will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. . For curing consumption its success has been simply wonderful, and for ordinary coughs.cclds, sore throat, croup, whoopipg cough, sore chest hemorrhages its effects are surprising and won derful. Every bottle guaranteed. O. W. Price, agent. The Milwaukee Evening Wiscon sin says that Editor Ruble has it all arranged. Senator Spooner is to be made attorneys general in President Harrison's cabinet and editor Ruble is to go the United States senate. Among the fifty-four Republi cans of Oneida county, New York, who signed a pledge to support Mr. Cleveland four years ago, only five stand by him to-day, and thirty eitrht have unhesitatingly declared themselves for Harrison. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is tho most successful preparation ever produced lor summer complaint. Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux and Chronic Diarrhoea and thousands of persons will certify that they believe their lives have been saved by this great remedy. It is the one prep aration that every family and every traveling man should Do provided with, especially during the summer months. Many cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted all other treatment ane ba filed the skill of good physicians have been permantly cured by it. bold by t. a. liongley. A two-story dwelling house with fourteen rooms and three large brick chimneys was moved from Peck's Mills. Conn., down the river on two barges to West Hartford last week. It was done without in any way breaking up the building. Judge Thurman and his bosom friend, Allen 0. Myers, are kicking against Canada because the urand Trunk Railway charged them full fare from Port Huron to Chicago when they thought they were, vio lating the interstate commerce law and riding on free passes. The EraprehS of Japan is rapidly becoming one of the best informed women of her time. She is a hard student of German, Russian, French, and Italian, and it is said that her majesty has certain days of the week upon which Japanese is a for bidden language. A merchant, after selling and using on article for yearsknows something of its merits. Mr. W. D. Haller, druggist, Blair, Neb., says: "1 have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea "Remedy, and do not hesitato to sny, that 1 think it the best of all medicines for diarrhoea and bowel compJnint.s generally Bold by F. H. Longley. Says "the Lincoln Xeivs: "Every body who goes abroad to other states, joins the unanimous echo on returning, 'There's no state like Nebraska.' No state has such crops: no state has better people: no state has more healthy prosperit'." With the nomination of Warner Miller by the New York Republi can convention, the last hope that the Democracy cherished of carry ing that state for Cleveland and Hill died out. The combination is too strong to be beaten. Without New York Cleveland's chances are not worth a picayune. No won der the Democrats are more dis heartened than ever. 825. OO Reward. The above reward will be paid for any case of rheumatism not benefited by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It is the most pene trating liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel. Ladies who have backache should never be without it. Price 50 cents. C. W. Price Agent. "Politics," remarked a western traveling man, "is a matter of cli mate; depends wholly on the mean annual temperature," I've just been up in -Dakota where the air is cool and bracing, and there the people are nearly all Republicans. In Iowa the weather is several degrees warmer and the Democrats are a little more numerous. In Mis souri it's considerable warmer, and the Democrats are in the majority. In Texas, where it's blasted hot, the people are ninetenths Demo crats. And in hell it's unani mous. I tell you, sir, it's all in the climate." i He knows what he is writing about. Mr. R. ' McLeod, druggist, Hemingford, Neb., says: "1 keep in stock a great variety of so called cures for diarrhea and cholera morbus, but from a personal trial of Chamberlain's. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, I regard it as the best of any mediclae in the market, for diarrhoea and all bowel cosplaints. It saved the life of our banker here." Sold by F. H. Longley. -The leading fortune teller of Paris, Mine. Moreau, left a fortune of 600,000 francs. Philadelphia people ate discuss ing the propriety of having a Na tional floral emblem for this coun try. The sun flower, the clover leaf, the lily, the ivy, the rose, the corn tassel, the pansey, lilies of the valley, camelia. oak leaves, and "Silk-eyed pimpernell have been suggested. " Their Busineee Booming: . Probably no one thing lias ansa d suh a gen eral revival of trade at A. F, Streitz's Drug Store ns their giving away to their, uato-n era of so many free trial, bottles of Dr. King's New Disovery for Consumption. Their trado is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fat that it always cures and never dit appoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and lung diseases qui kly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. George W. Cox, a murderer, was hanged at San Andreas, Cal., on Friday of last week. He swore pro fusely on the way to the gallows, and when the rope was on his neck reeled off a great amount of breezy profanity, to the astonishment of all. He refused to listen to the comforting words of the pastor, and when asked if he did not want to go to heaven, he Replied that he would sooner go to the devil, to which sulphurous statesman he probably went without tarrying by the wayside. A Safe Investment, Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satis factory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this saf s plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of tho throat, lungs or chest, 6uch as consumption, inflammation of the lungs, -bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. F. Streitz's drug store. It is rumored in London that the Queen has at length completed ar rangements which will result soon in the marriage of Prince Alexan der of Battenburg, and the Princess "Yictorin. The German emperor and Bismork are said to have waiv ed all objections and so what some months ago seemed likely to involve Europe in war, will now be consum mated so quietly that, but for the previous notoriety, it would scarcely attract public attention. The Saturday Eveniug Gazette of Boston suggests that "the old Re man will have to be silenced by his friends if he continues to make speeches in the vein in which he has begun;" and anxiously inquires: "Is he a political Rip Van Winkle who has just waked up from a long slumber, and in perfect oblivion of what -has been going on during the past" 'quarter of a century? "If, says tlie Gazette, "He was a verita ble old Roman come to life again, he could not be more antiquated in his views of political economy than he appears' to be." Jf AN EXPLANATION. Wliat it this "nervous trouble" with which 60 many now seem to be afflicted? If you will re member a few -years ago the word Malaria was comporatively unknown to-day it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are in tended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver which in performing its functions finding that it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordi nary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, maria, bil ious fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. em The pension business has placed the democrats of the house between the devil and the deep sea. The republicans by shrewd engineering, have forced Congressman Matson, of Jndiana, to report the bill remov ing the limit from the arrears of pension act, and the. bill must now be considered. If the bill passes, it will make such a drain on the treas ury that there is likely to be a deficit instead of a surplus to han dle, and that means good-bye to the Mills bill and all their pretentions to tariff reform. If the democrats vote against the bill after going on record as being against the consid eration of any other pension legis lation, they will lose the soldier vote Indiana and other doubtful in states, and is good-bye, democratic party, in either case. Norfolk Journal. Jansas tried to steal a march on young .Nebraska and carry off the chairmanship of the deep water con vention. But the convention would not have it. It recognized the metal of the Nebraska delegation and the disposition of Nebiraskans to "get there," and concluded tli'at the best way for deep water to suc ceed wis to put Nebraska to the fore front of the battle. So they set aside the report of the commit tee on organization and elected Gov. Thayer permanent chairman. It was rather an extraordinary kick for a non-partisan, non-political convention to make, but the con vention to make, but the conven tion was evidently indignant at the action of the committee in under taking to upset the agreement that had been made to put the governor in tne cnair. Jiansas will Know better next time. Brae Up, You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, yon are bothered with headache, you are fidgetty. nervous, and generally oat of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimu lants, spring medicines or bitters, jrhich have for their basis very cheap, bad. whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vatality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters and only $0 cents a bottle at A. F. Streitz's. Drug Stqre. "5 CURES JMacbt, TftHwelM. Earaelit, NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, Catarrh, Crttff, Frttt Bitot, Strt Nteflts, Caktf BrtMts, Lmm Back, RHEUMATISM Strata, Braisas, Cirfs, Burns, 0M Sir as, !. SU by tJrusgittt. 50c. amf $1.0$. HAMLIN'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. BastintlwWtfW. Try Than. 25c. SONG BOOK MAILED FREE. AMmi WIZARD OIL CO. CHICAGO PARTIES HAVING LAND on oajpear the line of the B. & M. R. 11., either railroad, school, deeded or relin quishments will do well to place them in my hands for sale. In sending list of land, please state lowest price, terms and value of improvement, if any. C. C. Hawxins, Traveling Land Agent of B. & 31. R. R., Room 34, Richard's Block, Lincoln, Nebr, A WARNING. The modes of death's approach are varions and statistics show conclusively that more per sons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast n timbers of tu bercle germs into the system and where these germs fall upon smtablejBoil they start into life and develop, at first -slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if al lowed to continue .their ravages they extend to the lungs, . producing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promt ness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boechee's German Syrup. It will give you im mediate relief. No. 349S. FIEST NATIONAL BAM, INTortli Platte, - ISTeb, Authorized Capital, $200,1 Paid in Capital, $50,1 Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Nonvay, Sweden Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. l. IT. STREITZ, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : : :. .-pgrcrQ-aaBT : : $1. One Dollar $1. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Will jkufe pape? 1 One Year. 1 I Hill House, Sign and Carriage Kalsominins: zp-A-insTTiisra-, &c. DECORATIVE PAPER HANGING done in the latest style, promptly to order, at reasonable prices. We guarantee to use good material and give satis faction on all work. It will pay you to call on us at shop upstairs in Hershey & Co's building, or leave orders at Streitz's drug store. ALL COMMUNICATIONS 0 ME WITH REGARD TO -NY INTERESTS I MAY HAVE N TOWN LOTS OR OUT LYING LAND IN NEBRASKA, COLORADO OR WYOMING, WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. J. T. CLARKSON, 164 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. AKD DEALER IN , OILS, VARNISHES "Wall Paper, WINDOW GKClSS AND BEUSHES. Agent for Slierwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth, and Sprace Streets- HERSHEY & ,CO:, DEALERS IX N AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND IROID CARTS, ETC. Agents for the Celebrated Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills. Agents for Union Sewing Machines. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. J. Q. TH ACKER, UGGIS T.J KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITEPACIFIC HOTEL. nSTOHTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. H1. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor, LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Spruce Street, next door to Post office. . There are 1 wo uistinauismna Characteristics Which, more than anything else, have contributed to the phenomenal growth of The Chicago .Daily News, giving it a circulation larger than that of all other Chicago dailies combined. It seems strange that the first practical, combined application of two such common sense principles in journalism should have been left to a paper as yet only twelve years old. And yet true it is that in this fact lies the real secret of the unparalleled success of The Chicago Daily News. Briefly stated these principles are: Second. THE DAILY NEWS Is an Independent, truth-telling newspaper. The reader can count on one hand the known newspapers whose statements in matters of politics can always be accepted as at least intentionally truthful, and commonly so in fact. On the other hand, it is the all-6ut-universal rule to praise one's party and candidate to the skies, and jU cry.dowm the opposition party and its candidate to the verge of the disreputable. So common Jiavc juchjaUjt-j-rcpicLeHSremBEbds in jour nalism become that they pass unnoticed, and are accepted as a matter of course as an evil inseparable from practical politics. But this is only another mistake of the thoughtless. The Ameri can people are intelligent enough, thoughtful enough, fair enough to appreciate and endorse honest, truth-telling journalism in truth to prefer it to the misleading, the truth-discoloring dishonesty of the " organ." The demand is more and more for the fair, impartial, inde pendent newspaper which give the reader the news, and gives it absolutely free from the taint of partisan bias. This done, an expression of opinion, based upon facts, will commend itself to the thoughtful reader even when he may. not find himself in agreement with the conclusions deduced from the premises; Disagreements are of small moment if only confidence in honesty, of purpose remains. With no mere political asbitioa to gratify,' no V ax to grind," the impartial and independent newspaper may truly be "guide, philosopher and friend" to honest men holding every shade of political faith. And this is why The Daily News has to-day a circulation of over ' a-nullion-a-week." M. Wygant, Sibley, Iowa, writes: "I am well pleased with The Daily News, although I am a bred-in-the-bone ' Re publican with a carpet tap experience in the South ending in 1872. The extreme fairness of The Daily News, giving credit where dae regardless of party, meets my approval." When to two such comprehensive elements of popularity THE DAILY NEWS now adds a third in its unparalleled price reduction to One Cent a day, it offers a combination: of attractions at once unique and unapproachable by any other American newspaper, and one which will surely multiply its friends throughout the Northwest by the thousands. The Chicago Daily 'News is for sale by all newsdealers at One Cent per copy or will be mailed, postage paid, for 3.00 per year, or 25 cents per month. The farmer and mechanic can now afford as well as the merchant and professional man to have his metropolitan dailv vxwvxv x . xrvvvov, ruDiisner Tne Dairy News, ChicifO. First. THE DAILY NEWS Is a daily paper for busy people. Of all mankind the people of Chicago and the busy north west are, the busiest. And yet perhaps no equal number of peo ple are to be found who appreciate so keenly the necessity of an intelligent knowledge of the world's daily doings. They recog nize that they, more than anyone else, are the world's providers in many, of the most important necessaries of life.. How lm portant. then, that thev should have their daily intelligence of every event-, the worlcKveryiwhich by any possibility can affect their diversified. Icomajercial holdings. And in all the higher interests of life where -can bq found a like number of people more keenly appreciative-, of all that contributes to progress in art, literature, science, religion, politics, and the thousand and one things which make up modern civilization. And yet, strange to say, right here in this great, busy north' west, in its busy metropolis Chicago, .there has taken place the creation and development of thatmost cumbrous, unserviceable, time-destroying thing, the " blanket-sheet" newspaper. With the blindness of veryatuity this monstrosity of journalism, this breeder of mental dyspepsia, has steadfastly imposed its mountain "of un threshed straw to the demand of the people for the winnowed grain of fact. It was out of the very incongruousness of such a condition of things.that TiiE Daily News had its birth. People wanted the News, all the news but they demanded it apart from tho over powering mass of the trivial and inconsequential. It is because The Daily News .satisfactorily meets that demand that its circula tion is over " a-million a-week." R. M. Lawrence, Wlliamsville, 111., says: "The 'big daily' "is too much for me Not that a person is obliged to read every thing printed in the blanket-sheets,' but one having anything lse to do doesn't have time to hunt through the long-drawn twaddle for a few grains of digestible food." Address