Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 01, 1888, Image 3

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    lie ifttaut.
STEVENS & BARE, Editors and Pkops
The atovf fes acxoas Femrth treet were
iHcd by the city this wk.
The bcidre across South river at
CFallon is afeoat completed.
WJwM- in the Eokco-
jcnurc& toTaorwMr ore at the
ueaal hour. ' -
. William KoisDd, one of The Tri
bute's typos kas bees coaiaed to the
AMS6 tkk week by malarial fever.
The iaother of Mrs. Jno. T. Hopkins
levery seriously ill and fears are enter-
tawed for her recovery.
Now if the Wallace base ball club
"will pay lor tne mask tney earned away
wnb them, our boys are willing to call it
square on the board bill and gate receipts
Mae jJietnoaist ladies gave a very
pleasant sociable at the opera house
J aursaay evening, supper ana ice cream
baictg served. If attendants did not en
joy the occasion the fault was their own.
We havn't heard the Democrats of
, the city howling themselves hoarse over
the nomination of Jno. A. McShane for
governor of this commonwealth. The
A "great unwashed" evidently don't take
much stock in the glaring headline in the
r. According to notice previously given,
Jbo several clothinghouses of the city;
which heretofore have kept-open on Sun.
day forenoon, closed their doors Inst Sat
urday night and did not open until Mon
day morning.
A double male quartette has been or
ganized for the purpose furnishing vocal
music of a Republican nature during
the campaign. The boys composing the
club are fair singers and with a little prac
tice will materially assist in making
things hum when the campaign is fairly
A dance under the auspices of the
"Three Cranks," Messrs. Monegan, Mar
- . . tin and Klein, was held at the opera
h- house last evening. If good music is one
k2enf the necessary requisites for a pleasant
time at a dance, and we believe it is, par
ticipants surely had that requisite, for the
music rendered by these "Three Cranks"
is not excelled by any trio in the state.
T. J. 9rant of Denver has the contract
for putting in the bridge across the North
river at this place at $3 62 per lineal foot.
There was one bid lower than Mr. Grant's
but as the specifications were faulty it was
thought by the board that Mr. Grant's bid
was the lowest and best bid, hence they
did exactly right in letting the contract to
him. Paxtoiv Pilot.
C. S. Clinton was married at Grand
Rapids, Mich., Thursday to Miss Gussie
Kusterer, of that city. The couple are
expected to arrive in the city to-night or
to-morrow and will stop at the Pacific
Hotel until the Hinman house on Fifth is
put in readiness for their occupancy. The
Tribune together with the many friends
of Mr. Clinton will accord to him and
his estimable lady a warm welcome.
One of the boys who returned from
Sail Lake this week, saw a number of
former North Platte people in that city.
Among the number were Oliver Shannon
and sons Harry and Tom. The old gen
tleman is reported to have a small law
practice and the boys are running a cigar
store. Louio Bayer obtained capital
from one of the boys visiting there and
had started a barber shop. John Boscha,
who married Miss Addie Cash is a clerk
in the D. fc R. G. railway offices.
North" Platte lias grown so large that
the erection of a dozen residence build
ings makes very little impression on the
apparent size of the town. During the
present summer, according to the estimate
of a competent builder, about fifty resi
dences have already been constructed,
and they can scarcely be noticed. The
season is not yet orejiHnumber of par
ties contemplating fcuildVgyet before
cold weather sets in. Take it an around,
this will be a busy building season.
J. N. Bickal, formerly of this city ,and
later of Fairview and O'Fallon precincts,
decamped a week or so ago, leaving a
large number of bills unpaid. It is said
that he also sold several horses, wagons,
etc., which were mortgaged. He has
"done np" the merchants of this place for
a thousand dollars or so, in sums ranging
from $25 to $175. Bickal's record for the
past two years has not been the best, ana
it is a source of wonder that merchants
and others placed so much confidence in
Judging from the looks of the rail
which broke and caused "the accident at
Kimball this week, it would be to the
interest of the company as well as a duty
to the public to inspect the track a little
closer, especially near stations, and re
place defective rails with good ones. The
slipping of wheels when starting and
stopping trains causes a greater wear near
stations than at other points and the rail
becomes not only worn on the surface
but the great strain gradually destroys
its elasticity and strength. This ap
peared to have been the cause of the
'breakage at Kimball.
As will be seen by reference to an
advertisement on this page, the Model
clothing house will open for business
about one week from to-day in. the room
lately occupied by McEvoy. Carpenters
have been at work for several days put
ting in new shelving and counteis, thus
making the room a very desirable and
suitable one. Mr. Einstein, one of the
proprietors, assures us that his stock will
be new and strictly first-class and that his
prices will be such as to insuro him a
liberal share of the public patronage. He
is an experienced salesman and in com
pany with C. H. Randall will do some
tall rustling.
Last Saturday Mrs. C. F. Iddings en
tertained a party of young folks at a tea
party in honor of Arthur McNamara, that
gentleman having attained his majority
on that day. Among the features of the
affair was the presentation, of twenty-one
rosebuds to 3Iac by his friends. The
gray haired critic of this paper is inclined
to believe that twenty-one full blown
roses would have been more appropriate,
signalizing hi s entrance from youthhood
into manhood, for he is now a full blown
man. However the party is spoken of as
one of the most recherche of the year,
Mrs. Iddings displaying taste in the se
lection of her viands, care in serving the
same and ability in entertaining the
In view of the fact that many of the
younger society boys will leave for school
in a few days, a number of young ladies
whose ages range from fourteen to sev
enteen gave them a farewell party, the
affair being held at the Stevens residence
on Tuesday evening. The chief entertaining-feature
of the evening was danc
ing and for this purpose a large platform
was erected on the lawn which was
illuminated by an engine headlight and
Chinese lanterns. The misses looked
their sweetest, the boys were as gallant
as men of extended society experience,
the refreshments, which were furnished
by the girls, were all that could be de
sired, so there was no reason why the
participants should not have a happy ev
ening. The boys highly appreciated this
honor bestowed upon them by their fair
friends and in the midst of their school I
life will allow their, thoughts to revert to
the "girls they left behind them,"
J. H. Hassinger, formerly of this
city, was nominated by the Republican
convention or liogan county tor costmis-
r??-inn.. X- 3 ' r Vl
Btuuc. ua&o is a gouu man iut ure pim
Lester Eells drives the finest span ot
norses in tne city . 'mere is some talk of
sbJppiaf them to Boston, where a price
sooethiar near their worth can be ob
tained. .
The North Platte deWttke. to the
State- Coaveotkm did boom txceUeat work
for Mr. Stttkerkad, but the odd weeUe
ajrfc .They .
Threshing is progressing rapidly aid
wheat and other crams are beinr market
ed in large quantities. If our friends in
the country would take the trouble to
furnish us the information, we woald be
pleased to publish reports of the yield of
fr .-- m m -ft a.
grain we wan'i me people oi we east
to know the capabilities of our country.
The Cheyenne county fatr will-"be
held at Sidney Sept. 26th to 28th inclusive.
Secretary Persinger has favored this of
fice with a ticket and premium list, and
from a glance at the latter it is easy to see
there will be plenty competition for the
preminms offered.
We understand that our enterprising
merchant H. C. Rennie will open a branch
store at Sidney in the near future. There
are no flies on this rustling North Platter
and as energy is one of the keys which
unlocks the door which leads to wealth,
he is likely to be even more successful
than he has been in the past.
Railroad men speafe in high praise
of the expeditious manner in which the
Kimball wreck was straightened up The
accident nappenea about; nait past two a.
m. The wrecking tram from this city
ran 150 miles, and had every car on the
trackready to be moved out of the way
before six o'clock.
Lincoln rounty in fact the whole of
West Nebraska produces the very finest
of melons. This year the crop is large
and the quality cannot be better. Not
withstanding the abundant supply prices
have been well maintained, the warm
weather making a good demand.- Musk-
melons are 111st coming in, although a tew
half ripened ones have been offered for a
week or more past. Those who have
raised a good quality of the latter will
realize quick sales at good prices.
Birdwood people are very anxious
for a bridge across North river at a point j
near the mouth of the Birdwood. While
North Platte is their natural market, .and
they naturally come here with their grain
and other produce, yet think their iacili
ties for reaching the railroad should be
improved. It is likely that an election
may be called in a short time for the pur
pose of voting precinct bonds to build the
. J mi ; a. - 1 1 ,
Dnuge. l ne precinct is mrgo uuu uas u
corresponding amount of property.
It is high time to be laying in a sup
ply of coal for winter use; we will all
want to hug the base-burner, and nothing
but a good supply of anthracite will make
tne operation comtortaoie. in tnis year
of liberal premiums, we had concluded
not to offer any except for the biggest
melon as outlined in The Tribune
week or two ago. But on reflection and
at the earnest solicitation of numerous
dealers, we have decided to offer one for
coal. To the party sending us the lar
gest and best load of anthracite coal we
will send The Tribune one year. For
the second best load we shall offer no
premium, but during the year will donate
the donor several good sized chunks of
thanks. We desire to bo as liberal in
this matter as is consistent with sound
business principles.
The Tribune has received a num
oer oi inquiries iaiejy rej.auye to, iub
prices of real estate In Lincoln' county,
notably one from Texas, one from Lin
coin, and another from Wisconsin. Land
in this county is yet cneap, ana can oe
purchased all the way from $3 to $10 per
acre, according to quality ana distance
from the city, rood farming land being
generally held at 6 per acre. There is
also considerable' government land, but
the best has been taken, that remaining
being what is generally called grazing
land. Large tracts of this can be taken,
and at no distant day will be quite valua
ble. Parties having the homestead right
can purchase relinquishments at very
liberal figures considering the Improve
ments. Tins is otten tne cneapest way
to take a homestead, as the purchaser se
cures at once a cultivated farm in a set
tled community with church and school
facilities. Timber claim relinquishments
can also be purchased, in some cases,
where held by non-residents who have be
come tired of their venture, at the actual
cost of entry. This is cheaper than to
break the entry by contest, saving publl
cation and attorney fees. A timber cul
ture entry can be converted into a home
stead and title acquired in five years, or
less it tne entryman was a soldier in the
late rebellion. This is often done, es
pecially under the present ruling of the
department requiring fourteen years be
fore you can make final proof. Land
may be acquired by preemption, the price
being within the limits of the railroad
grant (20 miles on each side of the road)
$2. 50 per acre ; outside the limit, $1.25
per acre. The entryman Is obliged to re
side upon a preemption at least one year
before he can prove up, but he may if he
desires take two years and a half
While we have frequently been
through the place on the railroad, this
week was the first time
the writer has visited
He was most agreeably
. Imporant Sale.
James Satkerland oa Thursday gold
his fin nsideace in the Second ward to
A. 7. Strtte for $5,000, taking as part
awat two tae vacant lots on west
Fifth street at il.000. the balance cash
This sale is another indication of the
steady values of North Platte city prop
erty and of sr sonraciatlon. Tna resi
dence secartd by Mr! Streitz is convent
est to the .basts part of the dry, the
grounds being nicely Improved with large
saoe tree, a oeatraiui lawn, anrnDoery
in several years
Ugalalla to stop.
surprised at the
evidences of substantial growth and pros
perity. " Large
moth stores, fine
brick buildings, mam
hotels, have taken the
place of low rookeries and other aux
iliaries of the former cow-boy town. In
stead of every other door a saloon run
ning openly without license, there is but
one institution of the kind in the town,
and that one pays $1,000 per year for the
privilege of doing business. The people
of Ogalalla know from experience that
hich license prohibits, for if any one
wants a class of laeer he must have
trood bank account to stand the strain of
ten cents per glass. Ogalalla has good
water, free for all, and the people find it
an excellent substitute for the Teutonic
beverage. We found a number of form
er North Platte residents doing business
there, who gave us a cordial greeting.
S. A. Stoner has the largest general store
in tho city one of the largest west of
Omaha occupying a triple building 75x
90 feet. This large space in one room is
divided into departments embracing dry
goods, millinery, clothing, bpots and
shoes, groceries, feed, hardware, and in
fact everything except furniture. Mr. S.
is county treasnrer, very popular and does
a large business. E. M. Day is practicing
law, while Mrs, D. runs the photograph
gallery. Louie Breternitz is in the butch
er business, and looked as happy and
jolly as butchers always do. Mark 31.
Neeves of the Reflector was in Denver at
tending the deep water convention, but
his son gave The Tribune man a warm
greeting. Of course no one can visit
Ogalalla without calling on the "Wild
Irishman," Mr. Mullane of the iWtc,
that is, If he don't call on Mullane he will
miss a treat. , We found him "at home,"
right in the midst of editorial stereotyp
ing, press and other work incident to a
country printing office but he found time
to entertain uf most cordially for half an
hour. The people of Ogalalla are enter
prising, hospitable, and have strong faith
in the bright future of their town. Their
faith is well placed and their expectations
will not be disappointed.
teaaiMttar Wherry hs received notice
thac eai M of Heptesnoer a new tea
wMfclr msH kmM aw astabttslMsl n
across tat oswnr oeewsen iua cur aao.
Curtis, but up to yesterday noon ho had
received no scheauie or otner lniormauon
giving the route or time of arrival andde
nartnre. This route will be a great con
venience to the people of the two places
and at intermediate points, i ne miscance
between the two towns is about forty-five
miles by wagon road. By rail it is nearly
300. reanirinr. owine to three transfers.
from three to four days for a letter mail.
ed at North Platte to reacn uurus.
The Flambeau Club.
The Republican Flambeau Club of
North Platte was formally organized at a
meeting held at the court house on Satur
day evening last, ana tne ioiiowinr or
fleers elected: President, G. E.French;
vice-president, J. D. Murphy; secretary,
Ira L. Bare : treasurer, J. n. Jttckhardt;
commander. M. C. Harrington; lieuten
ants, J2. B. Warner, J. .E. Evans, J. S.
noarland ao John uawiey. uuriag tne
week the commander has been drilling
bis lieutenants who in turn will drill
the sqtiads, consisting -o sixteen men
each. A meeting will be held at the
court house this Saturday evening to per
fect organization and the attendance of
. 1 . i i m m f
an inose wno suoscnueu ior suus is re
spectfully requested.
Tho Illinois Central. Will Build to Denver
The Omaha Herald says: "From infor
matien fathered in railroad circles yester
day, it appears that the Illinois Central,
the western terminus ot wnicn at present
is Sioux City, proposes to build a line to
Denver." It is not generally known but
is nevertheless a fact surveyors in the
employ of the Illinois Central were in
North Platte over a year aeo making a
railroad survey, and if the Illinois Cen
tral builds this line there can be scarcely
a doubt but what it will come to North
Platte, as we are on a direct line through
& territory entirely unoccupied. The
Central is a company having abund
ant financial ability, and having
no branches west of the Missouri
it is natural she should want to reach
Denver and the mountain districts. There
has always been a certain amount of
mystery as to what company was backing
the southwestern road constructed out
some sixty or seventy miles from Sioux
City and graded as-far as Greeley county.
In the light of this announcement it must
be the Central.
North Platte will extend a warm wel
come to the new road.
A Disgraceful Case.
One of those cases that are a disgrace
to any community was tried on prelimin
ary hearing before Justice Stolle this
week. The complaining witness was
James Tatum, charging that his daughter,
Rebecca, a child about 15 years old, had
been raped by one David Potter. All the
parties live In Birdwood precinct, about
twenty-five miles northwest of this city.
The testimony elicited a disgraceful
state of affairs in the Tatum family.
Tatum is an old man of some sixty years.
His children arenot of the .brightest, and
are apparently anything but models of
virtue, one son being now a fugitive from
justice by reason of incestuous conduct.
In the complaint Rebecca is alleged to be
of unsound mind. The poor girl has
been betrayed, and sought to fasten the
guilt upon David Potter, a man of middle
age, the father of a family, living near the
The hearing occupied two days, being
conducted by County Attorney Nesbitt
for the State, and by W. T. Wilcox and
W. B. Rlsse for the defense. The law
yers for the defendant conducted their
case with great spirit, eliciting an equal
amount of energy and earnestness from
Mr. Nesbitt The justice decided that
there was not sufficient cause to hold the
prisoner, and he was discharged.
A Train Ditched.
A serious accident occured to overland
train No. 3 on the U. P. as she was pass
ing through Kimball early Wednesday
morning, resulting in the ditching of a
baggage car and four sleepers. All sorts
of wild rumors were afloat all day Wed
nesday as to the number killed and
wounded, but nothing authentic could be
learned. Railroad employees are reticent
and even if they know are not expected
to impart their knowledge to others.
From a gentleman who came down on the
evening passenger, we learned that one
baggage and four sleeping cars were
thrown off the track, two of the sleepers
rolling over on their sides. The passen
gers wern baaiy snaken up, but only four
were injured, and all of those only slight
ly. The accident happened opposite the
water tank, but fortunately the cars went
off on the side from the tank,, otherwise
the result might have been very different.
The cause is said to have been a broken
rail. The engine and express car passed
over in safety.
Carl Sprechel's private car was attached
to the tram, the forward trucks of which
were off the track. The sugar king was
on his way from New York to California.
The cars were not broken much and
only slightly damaged, and were easily
placed on the track.
The Water Company has been ex
tending pipes in the west part of the city
for the benefit oi consumers.
The coaches that were in the Kim
ball wreck were taken down the road
Thursday on. their way to tho. repair
shops". With the exception of the brok
en platforms and three or four broke n
windows in one car, one would scarcely
have noticed that the cars had been in a
wreck, running nearly one hundred yards
over ties and on the around. The dam
age can be repaired for about $200.
We were shown yesterday by Mr.
Frederic! a sample of French Imperial
wheat grown by him on his farm four
miles west ef town. It is very fine and
he has prepared a sample to be sent to
the state fair. He has just threshed, the
wheat yielding about thirty bushels to
the acre. His oats and barley ,were
equally as. good. Mr. F. believes that
his corn is the best in the county.
Complaint was made Thursday
charging M. C. Keith and Jack Small-
wooa, one oi nis mrea men, with selling
a gianaerea norse. it appears that
Small T?ood traded off one of Mr. Keith's
horses and the animal proved to have
some kind of a catarrh or cold, by some
pronounced glanders. The complaint
was dismissed yesterday morn in r. The
horse has been isolated and Dr. Gerth,
the State veterinary surgeon, informed.
It is believed he will be here soon to de
termine thecharacter of the disease.
National Encampment of G. A. R. at
Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 1888. Tickets on
sale Sept 7 to 9. Inclusive : limited for eo-
ing passage to Sept. 11, extreme limit re
turning, Oct. 19. Rate for roind trip
Miss Lizaio
Kansas on
county on
tttarned from
Mrs Geof gift
is visltinc her i
- i n f J
Miss Boyd; of
nest of her
3Crs. C. iF?4.'
Omaha where
week or so.
S. Dan!
from visit
week, to risk
j i aiav ii :
mi i i aair arnaarT r.
l, .is. .
in Blaine
i f the week
fiOetacil Bluffs
Mrs. Lester Eells.
, IB 1 UK? V-11.J , uie
jCMMJ McDonald
'today for
friends for
I! '
peat a day or
tighter, Mrs?
Roche are home
at Shelton, this
to Logan last
weeks with his
parents before aWssmtag of school.
Mrs. Charier- lfetfcn left for Buffalo,
xi . i ., for a three aearta's visit with reia
tives and friends ,3
Mrs. Saml. Iflimsn and daughter.
Gertrude. left for their home in Grand
Island Wedneoiay evening.
who has been vis-
Beer, left for
peetor of the
returned Tuesday
1$ Denver.
has been
ty, the guest
port. If. Y., father
.-hTketinr in the
letejfcfng. for T. J.
sr. .
whehas been
with her parents
i -
home to-day
Ormsby left
Gem City
lea been spend
ter sister, Mrs.
home in Chlca-
Miss Hulda
iting the family of
.Kansas uiry ;rnni
Rer. John T
from a yj
a. u. nan!
of Mr. and Mr
of Mrs. N
Mrs. F. A
spending seveeeJJ
at Uouncil tiius
or to-morrow.
Will Naumaa
for Quincy, 111-
where they will
Business Collasrs. i
Miss Cora Danish:
Ing-a week or two
L. F. Simon, left fori
go Monday eveeief .;'
R. L. Graves and Thee. Kelley return
edfrom Ogdeuaad SaH Lake Wednes
day evening reporting, a- very pleasant
visit in the land of tbe-atormons.
Messrs. Taylor. BegtXKetth and Ran
dall went up to the BMwood Wednesday
on a nuntlnr and ewer expedition, re
turning Thursday night jtfell loaded with
Mrs. S. D..WadRworK:w&-hnd been
visiting her sister, Mrs! 7m.. Hinman for
several weeks, Ieft,rInTsepejpny with her
husband, for CouncU.flMSnW;, Tuesday
evening. V..lf-.
Miss Louise Bcetewteiarted yester
day for her claim hear Giily, where she
will reside for six months then prove
up. Mrs. Breternits wUltJeih her early
next week. . ?m T
Messrs. Warner, Elder&jOfeerst, Evans,
Nesbitt, Stevens, and a jfiher of others
attended the sansfnrlalifii ' represent
ative district conventions heii at Ogalalla
Mr. and Mrs. J. I.
from the east last
Nesbitt's absence he
New York City and
of Jttr. Cody .at
Beach I. Hinman.
and Will H. Me
manly Democrats who
Platte in the state
George Burke,- the
dealer of South Qmafc
tance with hi
city .Monday.'" CKJdrre
"all right."
Capt. McKenzIe, of Madrid, was a call
er at these headquarters Wednesday, his
mission in the city being that of putting
Mr. Brierly-to the front as a candidate for
representative. Mr. McKenzIe was lor a
number of years -a cantain on different
Missouri River steamboats and is very af-
able gentleman.
Mrs. R. A. Miller receiveda'handsome
Emerson piano last weekend the well
known engineer will, if possible, be more
pleasantly entertained wmie at nome tnan
before. Speaking of pianos, our attention
has been called to the fact that Fourth
street takes the premium for instruments,
fourteen pianos being owned by residents
of that street.
Foit Rent. A famished front room
on east Fifth Street. Apply to
Mrs. Joe Picakd.
Church Notice. There will be ser
vices in the Presbvterian Church Sunday
morning and evening,-SepUdd,. 1888.
Cahd op THANKS.-:-We hereby express
our thanks to our friends who so kindly
assisted us during the sickness and fun
eral of our little child. May you be
spared such sorrow for many years.
. returned
During Mr.
time in
a guest
ark, Staten
-Si Bullard
the. gentle-
d .North
ful stock
iu this
North Platte Market.
Corrected Weekly by T. J. Foley.
Friday Aug. 25, 1888.
Wheat per boshel
Oate-oer bushel
Potatoes, per bushel 3540
lomatoes, per D
Turnips, per bushel 40
Beets, per boshel 40
Cabbage per docen 50
Melons, each 5(815
Chickens, per dozen 2.50gi75
Batter, creamery 25
Batter, dairy 15820
Floor North Platte Gilt Edae 3.25
Parity 2.90
Extra Fancy 2.00
Apples, per boshel 175
Sweet potatoes, per pound 08
Feed Chopped com per cwt 1.25
Chopped corn and oats, per cwt 1.25
Old corn, ner cwt 90695
Hot. from wasrons. ner ton 5.00
Rock Springs lump or nut coal.
C. F. Iddings
To Farmers.
The North Platte Mill and Elevator Com
pany will pay the highest market price
for ail kinds of wheat. Fifty thousand
bushels wanted immediately. The pres
ent price for No. 2 is 50 cents.
the postoffice.
flour at Grady's opposite
I have just received a fine stock of
Dodson & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles,
both sweet and sour. These are fine
goods. V. Vox Goetz,
.North Side Grocery btore.
For choicest
Fork call on
cuts of Beef. Mutton or
Klexk & Gat ward.
Send in orders to Guy's Place for
family supplies of Idanha Mineral water,
the finest table water in the market.
Guy A. Laikg.
The Celebrated
For Sale by Hershex &' Co.
The Fall terarof Kindergarten School
will open Monday, Seat 4ta, 1888,
Uhiiaren irom a to years, so.uu ior
term of ten weeks.
Children from 7 to 10 years, $7.50 for
term of ten weeks. .
EiqcA 1. Ross,
Corner of eXh and Fine.
New and Seeoni-Hand
For Sale Cheap at JEershey & Co's.
- But the1--Little
'TA2nm";Syijrr Plow
At HnBHsi li Co's.
It is thx&est.
That all parties found hunting, fishing
nr trpsnassinr on nnr lands will hn nun.
ishedto the full extent of the law.
Dnxoir, Collins & Co.
are now
building extensive
sheds and in the future shall
carry a stock of fro
tons of th
Hasd aotT;
400 to 500
B WTJ-Pjabrs ylvau r a
Soft Coals.
U 1.
M PUli Law Co.,
0. O. CARNAHAN, - Manager.
Or catte wialaiii an Jhrtk Brady
nutate of aawat taV aani. Water
Come and sea far naaaaaK.
J Wn.DilRiCH8.
2Kf ' MaxwsxjvNks
Chicken Feed.
vour crocer for North Platte Mill
Screenings, the best and cheapest chicken
Office of Citv Clehk,
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 13th 1888.
Sealed bids will be received by the
City Clerk until noon of September 3d
1888, for the digging of a ditch on the
property of Mr. McKee, according to
specifications made Dy tne city engineer.
The City Council reserves the ngnt to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the Council.
E. B.Warner
City Clerk.
For the first week we will offer bargains in every
Nice Men's Suits for $5,00.
Pine Corkscrew Worsted Suits, sack
or frock, for $10.
A handsome line of Cassimere Suits worth
$25, 1000 suits to select from, at $15.
Come and see our 25 and 50 cent Neckwear. We have
just bought in New York 500 OYERCOATS AT 50 CTS.
ON THE DOLLAR. Come in and see them. A good1
pair of Jeans Pants for One Dollar. Come one, come all
and see the immense bargains offered. Come early be-,
fore all the nice goods are sold.
Model (Mini
Do nut turn your cows out until the
herder calls for them. I shall certainly
enforce the ordinance and impound every
animal found running at large in the city
lmits. The Town Lot Uo;s addition is in
the city limits. This notice applies to
horses as well as cows.
Svl Friend,
Chief of Police.
-Go to Guy's Place for an A No. 1
fine ci"ar.
Get prices on lumber and coal at North
Platte Lumber Co.
Cheap Coal OIL
150 Test Oil 20 cents.
175 Test Head Light 25 cents.
G. R. Hammond.
Try that Hermitage, spriug 1881. at
Guy's Place. Guy guarantees it to be
just as represented.
Ice Cream Soda Water
at Tliacheis.
The sausage of all kinds manufactured
y Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide
reputation for excellence. They ship
arge quantities to dealers up and down
the road.
Wanted at Elenk & Gatward's market,
rom six to ten weeks old. Highest
market price paid.
Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von
Goetz North Side Grocery store, where
you will find them aud everything else in
the grocery line.
I want one hundred dozen spring chick
ens immediately. Tne highest market
price paid at the Vienna Bakery and Res
taurant on Front Street.
B. F. Humes.
Keith's Commercial Block, Spruce Street,
Second-Hand Wagons,
Second-Hand Mowers, cheap
Good binder twine and machine oil.
McCormick, ) Harvesters
Osrorne ) . Mowers.
and repairs for the same.
One Four-Ton Scale for
sale cheap at Hershey & Co's
The North Platte Milling and Elevator
Company are paying fifty-five cents per
bushel for wheat. Bring your wheat in
For Loans on City Real Estate and
Farms, apply to G. T. Field, Rooms 7 and
8, Land Oflice Building.
The North Platte Lumber Company
handle coal .
McEvoy has secured the services of
Mr. J. W. Guimond of Kansas City, a
gentleman of over 25 years experience in
the watch business, a first-class watch re
pairer and worker in jewelry.
From the undersigned about the 10th
of June, A RED COW branded L. W.
on left side ; pretty wild. Supposed to
be on the south side. Any person know
ing of her whereabouts will please leave
word with
Martin & Nauman,
Notice to Hay Makers, Farmers
and. Others.
As I am going to move my blacksmith
shop and stock of agricultural implements
to my own residence just west of Lloyd's
opera house, I will sell- all my stock of
lumber wagons, phrctocs, buggies, buck
boards and trotting wagons ; also a lot of
Acme hay stackers and loaders, hay
sweeps of different kinds and hay rakes
of six different kinds, also Buckeye
mowers, droppers and table rakes, bind
ers, plows and harrows, cultivators, sulky
plows, five-tooth cultivators, double shov
els, corn planters, etc.
1 will rent my old stand for a livery
and feed stable and with a little .altera
tion will make a good one. Ono en
closed shed 20x88 feet, good roof, one
shed 16x75 feet and one shed 16x05 feet
and plenty of carriage house room in
front. The premises are for rent or sale
on easy terms. Apply to
Wat. J. Patterson,
On the premises.
JAMES BELTON has now in
stock as handsome a line of
Furniture as any one could
wish to select from. Elegant
New Designs in Parlor Furni
ture, beautifully upholstered
Turkish couches, artistic ta
bles and desks, fancy chairs
in great variety,' " ieH-FoaM
suits in mahogany, cherry,
ash, antique oak and walnut.
in the market.
If you are thinking of using
the splendid deep-well water
from the water works, call at
JAS. BELTON'S and get
prices on plumbing. All work
is done by an experienced
plumber and guaranteed.
Money to Loans
Lowest Rates, Best Terms.
?!. G. FBI.
fllirilPA IinniA.r.lirpfl TTama - nrul Rarm'
Klenk & Gatward's:
Look at some the Great Bargains
offered for the next Ten Days.
11 yards Dress Gingham SI 00
17 yards Standard Gingham . . 1 00
12 yards Best Prints 75
10 yards Good Prints 50
Ten-cent Lawns reduced to 3 cents.
100 doz. 50-cent Corsets reduced to
In Every Style and in Great
We call especial attention to our
stock of Phaetons and Buggies, of
which we have just received a large
invoice. Piices are lower this year,
and we offer them at very small
margins and on time if desired, hut
we "will not refuse to take cash. In
Wagons we carry a large stock and
supply you with almost any style.
Thaeker is on hand
again with the popular
drink, Mead. Try it.
A hae line of Antique, Red Oak and
Walnut Bedroom suits and Velvet and
Carpet Lounges will be found at very low
prices at Stricklers.
If you want the best flour for the
money buy "Extra Fancy."
Go to Grady's opposite
for choice groceries.
the postoffice
Walter A. Wood and Empire Binders
and Mowers. Binding twine and Machine
Oils, at
For thirty days or during the Campaign
I will sell more Hardware, Stoves, Furni
ture and Implements for cash than any
other house in the city.
L. Stbickleic.
Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full
line of Flour at Grady's opposite the
25 cents.
dozen Ladies' Hose worth 20
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
dozen Ladies' Hose worth
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
Gents' Half Hose worth
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
200 dozen Ladies' Hem-stitched
Handkerchiefs worth 25 cents
each, 3 pair for 25 cents.
50 dozen Gents' White Shirts
worth $1.25; will close out at
at ninety-five cents each.
25 pair Swiss Lace Curtains, regu
lar price $10, will go for 6.
All Dress Goods, White Goods,
Lawn, Laces and Embroideries
at less than cost.
Try Thaclier's Ice
Cream Soda Water. It
is delicious.
All farmers having Fat Cattle. Calves,
Chickens, Sheep or other farm products,
suitable for our line of business, will find
it to their interest to call on us. The
highest market prices paid.
Brodbeck & Giiimaxx.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
The best solve in the world for cats, braises,
sores, ulcere, salt rheam, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cores piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by A. F. Streitz.
500 DOZEN!
Spring Chickens wanted without delay.
Bring them right along now, while the
price is high. Don't wait.
B. F. Humes
Vienna Bakery and Lunch Counter.
You can always find
a good cigar at TJiach-ers.
Hose and Lawn Mowers
Street Hardware Store.
at the Front
For Good Meat Call on
Four rooms to rent over Foley's store .
Enquire of T. J. Foley.