Rlery (gmioun ames Mi- For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. t NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coca, the prominent i gradients, are the best and safest Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, curing Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness, &c AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous humors of tno Diooairaruying ana enricningit, and eo overcoming those diseases resulting from impure or impover ished blood. A LAXATIVE. Actingmildlybutsurelyontheboweln it cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regul or habit. Itstrength ens the stomach, and aids digestion. dA DIURETIC. In its composition tli&best and mast active diureticsof theMateriaMedica are combinedsientiIicallywith other effective remedies ftv diseases of tho Jadneys. It cpn be relied on to give quick relief and speedy Cure. Hundreds of teEtimoniaLitavobocn received from persons who have usjd this rerncdj with remarkable benefit. Send for circulars, gmrg fall particulars. Fries $1.03. Said bj Drcggirti. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.fProp's BD3LINGTOXVT. CLI NT ON, t mm s S. 7 WATGHE Clocks, LTEEWA1E .AND Fine Watch and Olock E,epair ing a Specialty. Call and see me before purcSiasirsg elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. 1881. 1888. j w.w. if) -o L U BIRGE, m 0) TV 5 IBER. Lath, Shingles, c o o Q POSTS, U Building Paper, IN ANY DESIRED QUANTITY. Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, UTortli Platte. - Nebraska. CP 3 CO - I CD a WALL PA Paint and Oi epot At PEALE'S Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce Street, Always in stock tlie most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceiling decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latest noyelties fapafers. . Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXED paints for houses, barns, wagons aud buggies. White lead, oils, glass, putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters' supplies. H. MacLEAN, riflo DUUb aim solluo ivLLa.is.ci, And Dealer In . MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Perfect EitjBest Wbrk and Goods as Represented or Mone' Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Spruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth, X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.' USi tw. m m mm mmu ftiiB I. E. SOMERS Nurseryman, Florist and Gardener, (BARTON PLACE,) NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Can furnish all kinds of fruit and shade trees, forest trees, and seed lings for tree claims at lowest nrices. Also all kinds of nlants and flowers. Estimates and designs niTAii tnr merino- mif. now (rrnnnnc . Yards kept by contract. ALL COM M l IN OkTCm -MY INTERESTS ' lAY HAVE ' -',N TOWN LOTS OR OUT LYING LAND IN NEBRASKA, COLORADO OR WYOfw.-NG. WILL RECEIVE , PROM Pi ATTENTION. j. t. clarkson; . CHICAGO. biOST SI. FOR MACHINE OE HAND USE, For sale by - T. J. FOLEY. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. EcstCongh Syrnp. Tastes good. Dso in time, sold oy druggists. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumptioa saved my life. A. H.Do7Eiii, Editor Enquirer, Eden ion, N. C, April 23, 1887. PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cure fop. Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. S CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS! H BcetCongh Syrup. Tastes good. Use 9 In time. Soldbydracsists. Bl PJ5ESONAL AND POLITICAL. Senator Manderson will SDeak at the Crete Chautauqua Assembly Julv 4th- V Col. Robert G. - Jfngersoll will Dre- seut Judge-Gresham's name to the Chicago Convention. No one man will run the Repub lican show at Chicago next week, as did Great Dictator Grover at the St. Louis convention. Hereafter all criminals in the state of $Tev York under death sen tence will be sent to the beyond by means of electricity. For the iirst time in the history of the state, the supreme bench of Illinois is Republican, the election of last Tuesday having wroug fit the change. One Ohio delegate at the. St. Louis convention voted for Gray, and when the vote was given cries of "put him out'1 were heard on all sides. Hugh M. Brooks, alias Maxwell, the noted St. Louis trunk murderer, will hang July 13, the supreme court of Missouri having so ordered. The crop report published by the Lincoln Journal last week shows that the state may produce enough corn this year to feed -a good part of the world. The news of Thurman's nomina tion did not create the furore among Ohio Democrats that was expected. The old Roman is not the idol that he was years ago. Slugger Sullivan says his share in the circus will be a. boxing bout and introducing trained ponies. 'After his experience with Mitchell he does not care to tamper with trick mules. No wonder there are clouds in the atmosphere of the German Reichstag. Out of 377 members 338 are smokers To their credit be it said the cigarette has no repre sentation. It is thought that. "Bandana" Thurman cannot long survive the strain incident to the campaign and in case he is elected will fill the vice-presidential chair but a short time. It is believed that the cattle mar ket which has been very low since last fall, will soon take an upward shoot. The prices have been yery discouraging to western raisers and many of them have quit the busi ness. Judge Thurman said a year ago that he was "an old. man standing on the .banks of the Styx, waiting to be ferried over." This was in answer to a request to allow the use of his name as a candidate for Gov ernor of Ohio. Mr. Rothacker says: After all there is a great deal of fitness in al luding to the democratic vice-presidential candidate as "the old Rom .an." The striking peculiarity of all old Romans is the fact that they are dead. The Omaha Bejmblican says: The democratic platform claims the cred it for the reclamation of 100,000, 000 acres of the public domain. As the the bills were introduced by re publicans and passed by a republi can senate, this claim is a liberal display of face. Notwithstanding Senator Gorman warned the Democrats that a low tariff platform would give New Jer sey and Connecticut to the Repub licans, a low-tanlt platiorm was adopted hy the convention. This is another indication that there will be no Grover the Second. The World announces that it is the only paper in Omaha that had a telegraphic wire running from its editorial rooms directly to the con vention hall at St. Louis. The pat rons of the paper are wondering why it didn't use it. Omaha Re- pnhlican. . t The report that Mr. Blaine will take the stump this year for the re publican presidential campaign is confirmed. He states, in a letter to a friend in Massachusetts, that he will return to this country in the latter part of June, and enter ac tively into the canvass in aid of the party in the -fall. No living American has ever been more pow erful as a campaign orator than James G. Blaine. It is not often that the emigrnts landing at castle garden, New York, bring with them very 'much money but a jew days ago astonished a money broker by the amount of cash he wanted exchanged. He had nearly 10,000 in gold, which he carried in a large bag. The Swede, his wife and four children were des tined for Minnesota, where they will settle down on a farm, and the family is considered the richest emi grants that ever arrived in this country. Charles B. Rottrock. of Iowa, who, while under the influence of drink, killed his wife, has been pardoned br the Governor on the condition that he shall forever abstain from intoxicating liquors. Should Rott rock violate this condition he will render liimself subject to re-arrest to serve out the remainder of his penalty. . rJ?his unique pardon was issued in view of a decision of the Supreme court of the state that the governor may impose any condition he chooses in granting a pardon. THE KEY. QSO. H. THATEE, of Bourbon Ind., cays: "Both inyeeK and wife owe onr lives to ShUoh's Consumption Care." Sold by Stroitz Aro yon' made miserable by indigestion, con elipation, dindrtessj loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiiohs Totalizer is a positive care. For sale by A. F. Btreitz. o i - ixia ovmv fiTTierience General Sheridan once said: I went through all the grades they nauin-uie vuiuutcoj. w. and then I commenced and went through all the grades in the regu lar service, and the date of every commission that I have is the date of a battle. ' AiWoman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that to.q1ftSa lady in this county. Disease fastened '.itfj dutches upon her and for seven years sho. withstood its severest tests, but her vi tal organs ere undermined and death seemed iniminent.jfet three months she coughed in cessandyandMpald not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dfr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and was bo much relieved on taking first dose that Ehe slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co., Shelby, N. C. Get a free trjal bottle at A. F. Streitz's drug store. 2 Senator Ingalls is preparing a speech which will refer incidentally to the fisheries treaty and in a gen eral way to the grasping policy of Great Britain regarding this conti nent. This says the New York World, is unkind. Ingalls knows that England is already in a ner vous state from the scare started by Lord Wolseley. It is not generous to hit a nation when it's down. The Commercial Travelers' Protective Associa tion, of the United Statcei has a membership of over sixteen -tjpasand and is probably the strong est association of the kind in the world. Mr. JohnR. Stone, their Nat'l Sec'y andTreas., 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, in a letter states that ho has been severely troubled at times, for tho past toveutyeare, with cramp and bilious colic which would compel ldm to take to his bed from three to six days. While in St. Louis at their last an nual meeting ho procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy and has since used it with tho best results. It is the only remedy however found that eflected a rapid and complete cure. No one can 6afely travel without it. Sold by F. H. Longley. At a meeting of the Trades As sembly of Western Pennsylvania at Pittsburg, last Sunday, resolutions were unanimously adopted condemn ing the Mills bill and -all its advo cates, and condemning Congressman Scott of Erie, as an enemy of labor, as a dangerous person to the wel fare of society and the industrial progress of Americaf -and -a bitter enemy of organized labor. The meeting represented over 60,000 la boring men. Mr. bcott was unfortu nate when he dragged himself into prominence as a labor reformer. The Yerdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy, Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles and was cured of rheumatism of ten jears standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is IHectric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do euro all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at A. F. A Washington paper figures that JudgeGresham will go into the Chi cago convention with three hundred and thirty-three votes. The Chicago Tribune beleives that he will have three hundred and fifty-five to start with. If either of these calculations shall prove to be correct it seems al most certain that Gresham will be the nominee. But very few of the delegates are instructed and choice of many of them is as unknown. Any calculation of first ballot is mere conjecture. the yet the "HA0HETA0K," a lasting and fragrant per fume. Price 2" and 50cts. For sale by Streitz. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping chough and bronchitis . Sold by Streitz WHY WILL YOU cough, when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief? Price 10 cts.. 50 cts. and SI. For salo by A. F. Streitz. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, a positure cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker-mouth. Sold by Streitz. P02 DYSPEPSIA and liver complaint you have a printed i guarantee on every bottle o Shiloh's Vitalizes It never fails to cure. For sale by A. F. Streitz. A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shi loh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Streitz. It is reported th&t some one at North Platte has filed on some of H. A. Chapin's land-in the- western part of the county. We may miss our reckoning, but we will venture the assertion that some one will get left and squander what little money he may invest in his undertaking. Gaudy Pioneer. Pretty Women. All women look attractive when their color and complexion is clear. If your skin is sallow eyes dull, you are bilious, secure a box of Wil liams' Australian Herb Pills, take as directed, and the feeling of languor will leave you, your eyes brighten, and you are another woman. C, W. Price.Agent. A bull bought by Ira Nichols at House mortggae sale,also. two of the three cows that Michael Long bought -vere left in the yard of the Nebraska barn. They pushed a board off the fence, got out and went two miles toward their old home, lay down on the railroad track and were killed by the early morning train. Plum Creek Ga zette. Ballard's Horehourid Syrup. A single bottle of Ballard's Horehond Syrup kept about your house for immediate nso will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor bill, and perhaps death, by tho use of three br four doses. For curing consumption its success has been simply wonderful, and for ordinary coughs.colds, 6ore throat, croup, whooping cough, sore chest hemorrhages its effects are surprising and won derful. Every bottle guaranteed. C. W. Price, agent. . . Newspaper correspondents who are telling juss how many votes each leading candidate will receive upon the first ballot at the Chicago convention don't know what they are writing about. There never was a time when delegates to a Na tional convention were doing more thinking, and less promising, than just now. They are looking for the man who can win the race. The -amount of work which Sarah Bernhardt has to get through daily would be enough to kill anybody but a fashionable actress. Never home from the theatre before one o'clock in the morning, she is to be seen in her ntelier as soon as there is light enough to work, busy finishing her three busts for the next salon. Af ter a hasty breakfast A mere apol ogy for a meal she drives off to the theatre to rehearse "Theres Raquin" andithe other new pieces in which she 'is to appear in the course of her approaching profes-t sional tour. While her .own drama was in preparation at the Odeon, she had, after her long morning drudgery, to spend her afternoon in the suderintendence of the rehear sals; and, not content with the or dinary method of coaching the per formers by way of advice and sug gestion, she practically went through the roles herself as she conceived them on each occasion. And. af ter a day thus spent in ceaseless toil, there was still the work of the evening to face--her performance in M. Sardou's drama at Porte St. Martin. Now that her own piece is off her hands she will have a lit tle less to do, and she is quite ra diant ot the prospect of having "only fifteen hours' work a day' ' for some tune to come. St. James' Gazette. AWARNINC. The modes of death's approach are various and statistics show conclusively that more per sons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, wiUiout exception, receives vast numbers of tu bercle germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into Ufe and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if al lowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs, producing consumption .and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death . At the on set you must, act with promt ness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Thm.it T.Ttnm Mofrnln. obtain a DOtUO OI .Boscheo's German Syrup. It will give you im- meuiaie reiier. 1 How to Cure Salt Rheum and Tetter. Many persons believe that salt rheum and tet ter can not bo cured and quietly submit to be tortured by them. If they would invest twenty five cents in a box of Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment and apply it as directed they would soon become convinced of their error. It almost instantly relieves the itching and burning sensation and has cured many cases after they had resisted aU other treatment from ten to twenty years. Try it. For salo by F. H. Long ley. o Last Tuesday, while the river was yery high, ''Chris," the well known grain buyer for the Plum Creek El evator company, while driving in our neighborhood, attempted to lord the river, when the team went un der the swift current and never rose again. k'Chris" managed to get- to land by swimming and had a close shave. The team belonged to 'M?ree Quimby of Plum Creek, and is quite a loss. Wood river is very narrow and deep, and was more than bank full, and the driver was not ac quainted with the stream, hence the accident. Broken now liepublican No. 3496. S25.00 Reward. The above reward will ba paid for any case of rheumatism not benefited by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue. no wound it will not heal. It is the most peno trating liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel. Ladies who have backache should never bo without it. Prico 50 cents. C.W.Price Agent. A jockey club proposes making a circuit of the western county fairs of the state this year, and no doubt the directors of our agricultural so- cietv will fix the time so that the club's horses will show on our grounds, provided the club com municates with the directors m time for them to arrange their premium list. While here the Reflector would suggest the idea of organizing district agricultural society to com prise the counties of Lincoln, Keith. Jrerkmsand Uheyenne the exhibi tions to be held at Ogalalla, it being a central point having ample and well fitted grounds. The city al ready has large hotel accomodations and would provide still more as ne cessity might require. Let the Cityt uouncil and Board or Trade conter with our agriculural society officers, as to this scheme and if thought advisable communicate with the counties mentioned touching the organization of such an association. Reflector. m ifri AN EXPLANATION. What is this "nervous trouble" witli which so many now seem to be afHicted? If you will re member a few years ago the word Malaria was comporatively unknown to-day it is as common as any word in tho English language, yet this word covers only tho meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are in tended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and all are caused by troubles tliat arise from a diseased condition of the liver which in performing its functions finding that it cannot dispose of tho bile through the ordi nary channeLis compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, maria, bil ious fever, etc. You who aro suffering can well appreciate a cure. Wo recommend Green s Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. $15.70 For the Round Trip. That's the new rate established by the Union Pacific from Iorth Platte to Chi cago and return on the occasion of the Republican convention. This is one cent per mile, a considerable reduction over the rate heretofore published. If low rates are any inducement, there should certainly be a good representation from this city. FIEST NATIONAL BANK, North Platte, - Neh. Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. Banking In Air Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct .on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, jNorway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. CORHi:SFOKX)ENOI3 A. ii1, STREITZ WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL AND DEALER US" t f I f- l B CURES Headache, Toothache, Earache, NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, Catarrh, Croup, Frost Bites, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, Lame Back, RHEUMATISM Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Seres, &c. Sold by Druggists. 50c. and $1.00. HAMLIN'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Bast in the World. Try Them. 25c. SONG BOOK MAILED FREE. Addrems WIZARD 'OIL CO., PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Wall Paper, WINDOW G-LlSS AND KRU SPIES. Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets. HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF KOAD GABTS, ETC. BLAOKSMITHING. CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. J. Q. TH ACKER, Mj;D 3R. XT GGIS TCjj KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOETH PLATTE, -- NEBEASKA, WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. E. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor, oxiz:.xz:zi .nxd repairer . LAEGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Spruce Street, next door to Post office. Brick Liyeet Stable, IESulicl 1037- ID- T7 Besaclr, FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street, NOETH PLATTE. - NE33JRASKA. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farmin g tanc FOR SALE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the . Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, E. B. WARNER, Keeps constantly in stock Metalic and Cloth Draped Caskets, complete! line or Trimmings in vvnite ana jdiuck, uiuss vv mie uasKets, Wooden Coffins of all sizes, Shrouds and Shaes. Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. ENBALMING A SPECIALTY.