Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, May 19, 1888, Image 3

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lk ' lr'-. IsPvT '-'- - . . "
iff-.- '
f be fritame.
The delegates
State contention
to the Ropnl
retarned 'yesterday
'i " ,; V"
, fTEVENS BARE, Editors atd Profs
SATURDAY, 'MAY 10, 1886.
The base ball season has
e East When will it
opened in
open in the
CapLStJohn, formerly 4 host of the
Hinman Hotue bat noir living on his
ranch in Keith countv. was in town thm
I early part of the week. '
1V . .
-Next 8niidaybeinrWhiti,,,ntMp.thL,..Z"0 lewOTB ro woric-yery
Hnw nnmmnni ..j ?..z:"Tr.: 4y, oui we iruw none tne less
to t. effectually. The cool weather somewhat
xiuiMiau vuuivu
Water works and electric lights are all
right in their way; they were wanted and
The sodfountainf which were onen. ey came. But they are non-prodncing
xuuuui ago naye oeen frozen up for
a couple weeks.
The first product of the creamery
brought thirty-five cents per pound, and
pronounced strictly first-class by
P. E. Sullivan will file a petition to.
tke county commissioners for a saloon
cense to sell liquors in Wallace.
enterprises that is they do not manufac
ture wealth. We want improvements,
but they must be such as will manufac
ture our raw material into articles of
commerce, into products ready for the
consumer. The mill and the creamery
are establishments of this kind especial
ly the latter, which will create thousands
of dollars out of that which has hereto
fore largely gone to waste, and will stim
ulate production.
Hat we want more manufacturing es-
In m
circus the sm& 'i
home ill Keftti county
That barber sieh
Ralph States is.gatitl
prize. -
C. C. Hawkins came
ranch Friday evening
seyeral days in town.
Mrs. G. W. DiUard aj
left for the eastf ThnrsAig
. r:.-m-
rfrmmrrtiira unwirr- mm f i Ik ' -ti :,kh -"lirWsl
oyerland- route, will sell throucK
1 -I m a . t7
ucicets, at rate or one fare tor round
trip, from points in Nebraska and
Kansas, to parties desiring to attend
the National Republican Conven-
. ... .
iwon to be held at Uhicacro. .lunft
Klwhr Tickets, good going June
lotlr' to 19th and returning June
20th to 25th inclusive, with contin
uous passage only m each direction
i: f
We have had nlentvoiF warm vathi. I feel Door.
s season, nut it came before it was
ripe. We should not be too previous in
tke affairs of life.
their ardor and made us all
r. .
councilman Wm. Roche, was the
a io sunscribe for water; his annlica.
beineNo. 1. James Relfon riMtha
fiomoing Tuesday.
A letter received from Capt. Baker,
of the McPherson National Cemetery,
says he is busy at work fixing up the
grounas m readiness ror Memorial Day,
naui uiuie nwvn4,ut i . . .WAi". &
tablishments. To become wealthy we I .to spend part of 'the.sumiXMr.-
musiproauce sometningioseii. ai pre
sent our only productls land. This we
have in abundance, but unfortunately the
market is now dull and sales not easily
fthnnlri fha hrnntn oHiw rnlspH in rjnnnln COniined tO the UOUSe
county be shipped to Chicago, be manu- an attack of malarial fever.
'. Two tramps werq out foraging
flxrtbis place one day last week :
The railroad pay OMsMS "'S SU-sf ain ?e inner m
l j x - --aajEC4i 5111(1 owe of them humbly approached
Thursday and gave
impetus to business.
Miss Louise Breternjtz
Those who spend the day at the cemetery 'ctored into brooms, shipped back again,
wm nave a aengnuui time.
The water-works comnanv has sua-
It is given out that a vounc ladv nf Pnded the work of layine the mains for
est end will wear s bridal veil in a week I 8hort timet trusting that the water may
sr so, the gentleman who will thn ha subside some. By July the crround will
ad6 happy being a resident of anbther comparatively dry and will not cave so
We understand several of our most
fascinating young men have begun a re
teenchment of expenses' preparatory to
taking a jaunt through Colorado the com
iag summer.
The first butter from the creamery
f wts placed on the marketlHonday morn
'lie In tubs. Hereafter iPfeill be put up
ii cakes, the mt&lds for that purpose hav
img arrived. The price is 25 cents per
pound. - - j
We are informed that the cornet band
has received an invitation from the
citizens of Wallace to go over and render
music for them on the Fourth of July.
It strikes us we will need the boys on
that day and we think our people should
engage them before they accept the invi
tation from Wallace."
1 -Av
Rev. Geo. WMartin has accepted an
invitation to deliver the address at Clark s
osi Decoration Day. North "Platte talent
is in demand, several parties having re
ceived invitations to sneak ut different
Joseph R. Casey and Gertrude E.
Parker were married by Rev. Martin
Tuesday evening. Some comment was
caused by the event, on account of the
youthfulness of the groom, being but a
little over eighteen years old. Both par
ties are resiueois oi iuis cuy.
Geo. B. Coburn, formerly special
agent of .the-, general land office, has re
sigsed and accepted the position of ex
asainer of the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage
Trust Company. Mr. Coburn has pretty
accurate knowledge of land in this dis
trict, which he has traveled for a number
of years.
R. H. Langford, superintendent of pub
lic instruction of Lincoln county, while
visiting' the' different school districts in
tke southern portion of that county, paid
Cutis a visit .this, week, and through his
gfeial, good natured disposition made
utny friends during his brief stay among
us. Record.
E. N. Heeler, the pioneer settler of
Willow precinct and master of the post
oflce bearing his name, was in the city
Wednesday. Like in all parts of the
covnty, everything in his precinct looks
well, and indications for an abundant crop
are indeed promising. Warm weather is
tka next thing wanted.
Hugh Ralston paid the taxes for the
Rock Island syndicate last Saturday on
their land in this county, amounting to a
little over $ 1,500. 3Ir. Ralston was well
satisfied with his assessment in this coun
ty, the tax being only about $20 per sec-
MB, 640 acres, on an average. He didn't
fata quite so well in Keith'county, some
seoos there being as higk jus $40.
Corn planted early, before the late
starsas commenced, has decayed in the
ground to such an extent as to necessitate
replanting in many cases. In the eastern
aact of the county some farmers are re
flawing the fields before planting again
la five tne corn an equal cnance wicn tne
The delegates to the congiessional
district convention at Norfolk went down
lo Omaha to witness the work of the
State Convention, most of them being
delegates to that body also. They re
turned home with flying colors, having
secured or West Nebraska triumphant
The wives, mothers, daughters and
s bf.-the engineers and firemen will
ve a strawberry sociable and dance at
ivd's Onera- House Jttonaay evening
Mxt, the-proceeds. to be donated to the re
lief fund, of the striking B. & M. engi
seers and firemen. There will be a large
attendance and a pleasant time may be
expected. H
Dr. Gray our popular dentist has now
associated with him Dr. F. L. Cary, re
ceatly assistant to Dr. Werty of Omaha.
Dr. Cary is an expert crown and bridge
worker and a first class operator. Dr.
Gray can assure the public that he can do
aay dental work in as thoroughly satis
factory manner as can be done in Omaha
or any other city. Our prices will be
The ball to be given on the evening
of the 29th by the fire laddies should be
well patronized. North Platte has a fine
set of firemen and the citizens should see
that they are supplied with uniforms.
The object of this ball is to secure suits
for the Third Ward llose Uo., tne J? irst
sad Second ward companies being al
ready supplied.
Some of the foreign holders of Keith
cauaty land have "caught it in the "neck"
pretty heavily this year in the matter of
taxes, the amount on some sections being
as high as $80. This is owing very
largely to the school tax, quite a number
of districts haying voted the full limit, 25
milk. Districts where the speculator's
lands lie; are "heeled" for several years to
come. The land sharks must educate the
After long retirement from business.
rmx, tribune pnuosopner ventured a
weather prediction last week which only
showed now easy it is to be mistaken m
sack matters. The aforesaid philosopher
Is anxious to have nice warm weather,
aad he entertains .the opinion that the less
the weather is monkeyed with by inex
perienced propnets tne sooner this desired
coadition will arrive.
Our old time and well tried republi
cs friend, Jerry Brittianham, of Deer
Creek is veryenthusiastit over the com
ing autumn campaign, and declares that
having once brought the good old ship to
iae snore, and landed au tne cargo wiui
oat the'dightest loss, we will always con
tinue to sail on to victory; and he is per
fectly willing that Hon. J. I. Nesbitt and
his "bull team" of. able bodied seamen
shall man the ship. Jerry may not be as
careful in the preservation of his spring
chickens ai some, but for kindness and
hospitality he stands the peer of any man
in the county.
Throughout the whole of the south
eastern part of the county, wheat and oats
are looking splendidly, and the farmers
are very busy planting corn ; and when
you consider that each of them is prepar
ing and planting from 75 to 100 acres, it
is an evidence that we are surrounded by
a farming community, and that the name
"ranchemen" is a misnomer. The rains
we have had, and are having, delight the
grangers' hearts, and they go to their
work with an energy born of the hope
that they wili.reap a bountiful harvest.
Joy, wealth and prosperity go with them
for they are right good fellows.
C. S. Harter living three miles south
west of town was so unfortunate as to
loose a valuable horse and ten head of
swine aid his stable also several bushels
of grain by fire last Saturday. Mr. H.
presumes his stable to have been set fire
accidentiy by one of his little children.
Ogalalla Reflector.
The recent heavy rains have been
hard on sod houses. The sides of John
Elander's house has caved in, and B. A.
Balm's blacksmith shop and . Bihls
stable have also melted under the soften
ing influences of the pattering rain.
With good crop prospects, however, these
little occurrences weigh lightly upon the
nervy settlers. Gothenburg Independent.
The street commissioner should
devote his attention to opening the street
drains as soon as possible, notably those
that have been obstructed bv lavinir the
water mains. A few loads of tilling in the
drain on Sixth street between Spruce and
Vine would not be out of place.
Evidently the cold wave reached its
culminating point Friday morning, when
the mercury was down to the freezing
Soint, there being quite a severe frost,
fot much harm was done, however, the
ground being so warm, in some cases not
even beans being injured. The cold was
general throughout the plains region.
A very pleasant party was given by
Mrs. J. Ouimette on Thursday night last,
wnerein fifteen or twenty couples emoyed
themselves till 2 o'clock in the morning.
Dancing and singing was indulged in and
everybodj' expressed themselves that it
was the most enjoyable time they had
this year. The hostess certainly deserved
great credit for the success of the evening,
for her excel let refreshments and pleasant
ways made everybody feel at home.
The railroad company 'is making
some improvements about the 'depot
yards. The plot of ground about the
train dispatchers office is being leveled
preparatory to seeding with blue grass.
Evergreen trees will be planted at proper
intervals, fountains put in, and wnen
finished it will be a Very pretty little park.
The carpenter shop occupying an out-of-the-way
position, is being moved to a
more central location.
Democrats Union Pacific, the over
land route will sell through tickets to St,
Louis, Mo., to parties desiring to' attend
the National Democratic Convention, to
be held at that place, on June 5th, at one
fare for the round trip from points in
Nebraska and" Kansas. . Tickets going
good June 2d to 5th, inclusive, and re
turning June 6th to 11th, inclusive, good
for continuous passage only in each di
rection. The money to build the county jail
is in the treasury. As little delay as
possible should be allowed in the comple
tion of that structure. To say nothing of
the unsafe condition of the present
Bastile, possibly prisoners confined there
in may have ground for damage suits
against the county for being confined in
an unhealthy jail. Whatever the law may
be in other -countries, in America the
prisoner has a right to a reasonably
healthy place of confinement.
We have recently received another
large lot of Peerless Steam Cookers.
They save their price ip. very short time
by way of saving Gasoline or Coal and
are guaranteed to be the best article for
the purpose ever invented and will not
boil dry without giving the alarm. A
large number are now in use in North
Platte, and every lady is pleased with
them. We are sole agents for them.
3w L. Strickler.
The concert given by the Woody
Bros. Tuesday evening for the benefit of
the M. E. Sunday school hold on, let's
see: Woody Bros, got 60 percent, the
house 15,. and the school 15; we rather
think it was for . the benefit of Woody
Bros. was not very largely attended.
The singing .was very fair.'but most of
our people think no better than some of
our ameteurs can give with a little
practice. As a result of the concert, the
treasury of the Sunday school isnot load
ed down with an enormous surplus.
If any of the readers of this journal
have occasion, when on either business or
pleasure bent, to pass through the south
eastern part of the county, they should
not fail to visit the equery of Mr John
Watt of Deer Creek canyon. Excepting
the stables of Hon. Wm. P. Cody, Mr.
Watts has the fiuest horse ranche in the
county; and his horses are superior to
anything found in this part of the country.
He is engaged principally in the breeding
of trotting and carriage stock, but has
lately imported the celebrated Percheron
stallion, Mouton, weighing 1900 lbs.,
splendidly proportioned, he is a magnifi
cent specimen of the equine race. Any
one visiting Mr. Watt, will meet a per-
the consumer paying the freight both
ways, besides commissions and profits?
By being manufactured here, we would
get the benefit of the manufacturers'
profits, besides the increase of wealth and
population ne would bring into tne com
munity, and consequent increase in value
of property.
We believe that a soap factor' .on a
small scale could be made a profitable
industry at -this point. .The surplus
grease from butcher's stock is prac
tically worthless, the market price
at Missouri River points being so low as
to scarcely bear shipment It can be
utilized at home in the manufacture of
soap, saving, freights and laige profits to
jobbers and dealers on this necessity.
Some of our leading citizens are talk
ing up canning factory. An improve
ment of this kind would find a ready
market for its products, as immense
quantities of canned vegetables are con
sumed here and all over the plains and
mining regions. Our soil is peculiarly
adapted to the raising of vegetables of
superior quality, and the jield is enor
mous. In commencing these roanufacturies, it
is not necessary or' advisable to go in on a
large scale ; indeed the tendency is to
commence on. too large a scale, investing
too much money, and the enterprise
proves a failure because of inability to
pay interest on the investment. Com
mence small, the main object being to
produce as good an article as can be made
elsewhere, and there will be no danger of
finding sales at a fair profit.
Our board of trade can hold profitable
meetings for the discussion of these
the back door of an eating house
hand out", while
out of sight until the
ild report success or
failure.. He only waited a few
minutes, when his upard" returned
and kin'dly informed that he could
"get s'ome water back 'there.'
Gothenjburg Independent.
. caixj J"" VJ. xwuig tne water work and soon they
fnatiAo artn oallmrr armniilriiMl i rs-i I . . ... . J
The appearance - of - tha'-sin5 yes
terday after so many days of cold,
cloudy and dismal weatner, ,was
gladly hailed. . ' ' 1 " .
S. D. Wadsworth ?was iih town
can be r connected a test will be
made. At the JTJoint whrp. fh
Miss Kate GibbS otinteraptates a nines are' cut off and connection
trip to, St?;Louisin'theietr;fature bnade with the pumps, about two
and will spend several i 'months and n half feet below the surface,
with her sisters in that eife, c the overflow was at-the rate of
Dr. :L. F. Cary, lately .olFiOHina, about seventy-five gallons per min
a denfetfrnQunc 7ut per welU. If the teat shall prpte.
associated himself witni)r?' Gray an 'insufficient supply, more" wells
and will remain in 'the ity for a will be sunk.
, xr 7,'" 'df' Now is tha time to get ready for
Frank Nowell started : Tuesday cheap traveling. If you want to go
eyenmg for Alaska.,- Hej goes .by.: t0 the St. Louis Democratic conven-
rail to PorfciTo.wnsend, WT,-and
from there tp Juneau .byvsteamer.
Building operations have' 'been
considerably retarded by the cold
and wet weather hen. the
weather clears off things- will' hum
in that line. , .
The Wild- West is coming- home tour years.
tion, June 5th, or to the Republi
can convention at Chicago June
19th, you can get a railroad ticket
for one. fare for the round trip. An
opportunity to see the great men
I who will be assembled at each of
these places only
occurs once in
Decoration Day or Memorial Day,
Our attention hus been called to the
heading over the program of exercises
for May 30th. In the original as written
by A. H. Church the heading was "6. A.
R. Programme for May 30, 1888," but it
n as printed "G. A. R. Program for
Memorial Day." Is the latter correct, or
should it read "Decoration Day ?" Is the
question. W. M. Taylor, ursine all sol
diers of Curtis to turn out on Memorial
Day says: "The 30th day of May is Dec
oration Day and the Sunday previous is
Memorial Day." In the ofhcial call of
the W. R. C. of Nebraska, General Order
No. 3 commences : "On Mav 30th. the
Grand Army of the Republic will observe
the nation's memorial day."
The Omaha Republican alludes to the
30th as Decoration Day and in another
place in the same article as Memorial
Day. .
In recent proceedings of the W. R. C.
in Lincoln the following sentence occurs :
'A -general order of the national and slsp
one of the department W. R. C. were
read, pertaining to the beautiful obser
vance of memorial day, when every gar
den is robbed of its choicest bloom to
mark the resting places of thousands of
heroic soldiers."
From these expressions it is evident
May 30th is alluded to both as Memorial
and Decoration Day. Correctly speaking,
however, we believe that the 30th of May
is Decoration Day, and the Sunday pre
vious Memorial Day.
and will open at its old place of
business on Staten, Islandv..N, Y.,
May 30th. Col. Cody, will probar
bly visit North Platte shortly ,
The stream 5 of west-bouuduemit
grant wagons is by? not lmeari&
aoating out ratnev (increasing,
The soldiers' supper given by the
Grand Array a couple weeks since
yvas sO slimly attended on account
of the unfavorable weather, that the
remark has been quite frequently
made that the Post should give
another in the nearfuture, at which
Wednesday evening a couple of
deserters came down from Fort Sidney
on No. 2. Policeman Friend rounded
them up and with the assistance of a posse
of citizens succeeded in arresting and
lodging them in jail. There they rested
quietly and peacably until Thursday
evening, when a guard of soldiers arrived
from Fort Sidney to escort the runaways
back. The runaways evidently did not
fancy the sentence of a court martial, for
tney were wen satisned witn tne accom
modations of the hotel de Baker, and
during Thursday night, notwithstanding
the coolness of the atmosphere outside
and the slimness of their purses, they
concluded to proceed on tneir journey
Accordingly a hole was made through
the ceiling and the roof, from which it is
only in easy jump to the ground. Having
gamed tne open air, tney kindly bade
adieu to Jailor Merriman. when they
resumed their journey with light hearts
and fleet heels. Apparently -they forgot
to pay tneir bills, as Jailor Merriman was
quite anxious to have them come back,
even spending some time looking about
tne country for tnem
Proclamation by the Mayor
Whereas; It is fitting and proper and in
keeping with the beautiful custom of
Memorial day that all citizens should
assist in a proper observaco of the day
dedicated to perpetuating tne memory
of the loyal defenders of our Nation,
now deceased
Therefore, I, Chas. F. Ormsby, Mayor,
call upon the business men and all citi
zens of the city to close their places of
business, and from 10 o'clock a. m. on
Wednesday, May 30th, 3888, abstain
from all business during the remainder
, of the day, and join in paying fitting
tribute to" our country's loyal dead.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said city this 17th day of May, 1888
CnAs. F. Ormsbv,
E. B. Warner,
City Clerk.
This once American deserts jgpid- 'the old soldiers should have an op
ly being peopled byre,nergetTc, . 'In- portunity to talk, if they can be in
telligent men and women. duced to do so not to make
To see all those new goods
that are now being displayed
at his mammoth store.
There you will find the
selected stock of DRY
and Shoes in "Western Ne
braska. For TEN DAYS
i it -i -
we snail place on sale as
special offers 500 yards of
nice nne figured lawn at o
cents, worth 10; an immense
line of laces and embroid
eries atv about one-half their
urigmai vaiue. ouu piam
ip i
ana iancy parasols, one-
fourth off from regular
prices. Aside from these
special offers we have an
elegant line of Dress Goods
and Wash Goods, Silk
Gloves and Mitts, Hosiery,
Etc. All we ask is for you
us a call and sret
Lowest Ratesr Best Terms,.
Go to Grady's opposite the postoffice
for choice groceries.
Rock Springs lump or nut coal,
C. F. IdduTgs.
Go to Snellinc's if VOU want to bnv
furniture, stoves or tinware, for he is sell-
mg at bed-rock prices . All kinds of sec
ond hand goods wanted.
Baled Hay.
I hare a small amount of baled hav
which I will deliver at the rafe of 35
cents per hundred pounds, by the bale or
ton. tf (1 "P. Tnnrws
Call and .get a "Quick Meal"
Gasoline Stove-bef ore they are all
Coir way & Keith.
The .North Side Grocery Store is con
stantly receiving new goods, trade being
much greater than expected. Rent and
expenses being low, Mr. Von Goetz giyes
his patrons the benefit of low prices.
Try that Hermitage, spring 1881. at
Guy's Place. Guy guarantees it to be
just as represented.
Ice Cvfonri Soda Water
at TliackeiJs.
We will easily K you want your
you that we will linJn?l
not be undersold. way & Keith
, T. J. FOLEY,
running order bring them
lawn mowers
to Con-
Conwav & Keith-are carrying. -in J speeches, but to tell a story, array
i .n i: f i j I RTtipriPTiPR or finpp.nnte. I nn Trt-
stock a full line of hvdrantsppipes, experience or
1 1 t 11-
nose, iaucers, etc., ana nave se
cured the services of a competent
plumber. They .are prepared tp
all kinds of plumbing on short notice.
buxe heartily seconds
The contract is let for the erec
tion of the new school house in
TKstrio.f: TCVv J- nnrl hnilrlino" will
Mrs. W. H, Cary anl completed in about thirty days.
The size of the building is zUxdU
and when completed will be one of
the best in the county. The school
in, this dissrict is new in session
with Mrs Sarah Johnson for teach
er, but the same difficulty is expe
rienced as m many other places,
half the children
there attend the
of Zanesville, Ohio,, mother and sis
ter of E. A- Cary,- armed in the
city Thursday evening and after
spending several days here went to
raxton to yisifc the family of Dr.
Harris. .
Mrs. 0. B. Willard, editress .of
tne Loup Uty limes, was a Dleas-Unf. mnrp fh.-m
ant caller at these" headciuarters xuhn cVmnlil hp
1XTTI1 .1 . n t I
school.. The parents- are, intensely
interested in school till they get
one, then the interest dies, and the
children are allowed to remain at
For ice cream and strawberry festival
and dance ait Lloyd's Opera House on
Monday-evening, May 21st,. given by the
"Ladies' Auxiliary" of the Brotherhood
of Engineers and Firemen.
BUTTERMILK for sale by the barrel
at the creamery.
Household furnitnre for sale at a bargain-.
Enquire of
C. W. Price.
ad in all the equine gossip of the times.
During the last term of the dis-
fect gentleman, and one who is well post- trict court at Ogalalla the question
or. meaicai evidence was brought
up' by Dr. Harris refusing to testi
fy as an expert in a criminal case.
Judge Hamer ruled against the
Doctor and his evidence was taken.
The Fourth of July.
The Fourth of July is approaching.
Preparations should at once be commenc
ed for properly observing the day in
horth Platte. Thb Tribune moves that Ifc does not seem right that a physi-
wehavea big celebration this year, and . i , , , n& , , . r"J
that the people from surrounding towns cia? should be compelled to leave his
be cordially invited to participate, patients, many of whom require his
Besides the regular services for the day closest attention, and be called to
tJ5i SEPA cou,rtj there,to held "PS for
other entertainments, all to conclude with erjf JS a? a time and then com
a fine pyrotechnic display and a grand pelled to give information that has
ball in the evening. If a proper program taken him years of study and exDe-
e from fnthn. ' t " f-
nence io acquire, not mentioning
- u
is prepared in time, people from Gothen
burg, Paxton, Ogalalla, and from long
distances in me country win come here to
spend tne Fourth.
A New General Manager.
We learn from private source that Col.
the money expended in attending
college, for books, etc., without ad
ditional compensation. We do not
know that the case has ever been
C. W. Fisher, late of the Chicago, Kansas passed on by the supreme court, but
and Nebraska road, has been elected we are satisfied if the doctors would
General Manager of the Union Piwific. "stand in" the matter could be defi
tfts settled and that they would
be a railroad man thoroughly versed in receive proper recognition. raxton
the business. Pilot.
Saturday. Mrs. Willaru is a fluent
writer and deserves credit for the
business like manne? m irhichirsne
i . ' 'V-i-i r- -
manages ner paper, one was ac;
companied by a Miss Long.
In school district 48. of which M.
E. Green is the director, there is no
school this spring. They have ex
perienced considerable difficulty in
getting their affairs so arranged
that the machinery will run
smoothly, but now matters have as
sumed a form so that it is ardently
hoped no further trouble, will, arise.
In the i matter of difference between
this district and District JNo. 4, it
will be amicably settled as soon as
No. 48 will take the trouble to as
certain from its assessed valuation
the amount due from No. 4 to it.
Some boys are oaUhe habit of
throwing, boxes, barrels .and other
articles standing on the sidewalk
into the gutter almost every night,
considerably to the damage of. the
owners of such property. The bar
rels of salt on Sixth street belong
ing to Mr. Foley seem to be a
special object, one or more being
in the water .which stand there
nearly every morning. The city pays"
1 1 i . i i , i f-
a mgnc policeman to protect tne
property of citizens during the
night time. A reasonable amount
of vigilance on his part would stop
this business. Let the property of-
merchants be protected.
The case pf the State. vg.y. Green, Turkish couches, artistic ta-
m which the attempt was made
The best quality of Beef. Pork, Mut-
A T 1 . ...
ion, i.aniD, veai ana an Kinds oi sausage
North Side
tf- Brooklyn Market.
xarmers ana ranenmen, asK your
grocers for I'Extra Fancy," "Roval" and
'Climax" flour, manufactured by the
JNorth Platte mills. Every sack war
ranted. ALLUil & HOLTKY.
.Mice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von
uoetz North Side Grocerv store, where
you will find them and everything else in
me grocery line.
We are better prepared than ever
to do your general repairing.
Conway & Keith.
JAMES BBLTON has now in
stock as handsome a line of
Furniture as any one could
wish to select from. Elegant
New Designs in Parlor Furni
ture, beautifully upholstered
bles and desks, fancy chairs
in great variety, bed-room
suit3 in mahogany, cherry,
ash, antique oak and walnut.
in the market.
compel the defendant tp send 4 his
children to school', was decided be
fore Esauire Elder, of Medicin
precinct, in favor of Mr: Cfreetiit- It.
is a lamentable fact that the com
pulsory school law. in this state is
very weak, and yet! had there been
a good attorney for the state, the TTTF. RTCST FOTnTNfi- -fiTCHR
result would, m an probability, have
'been different. Those wh'o refuse
to have their children properly ed
ucated should bear in -mind that
this case does not strengthen their
position. This decision was ar
rived at through the assistance of
one of North Platte's leading at
Another petition is goiqg around
praying that a saloon lte allawed to
open its doors in Wallace and if re
ports be true it bids fairto get the-re- Ifrom the waterworks, call at
T ! I mi TT ill
quirea tnirty signers, xne Jieraia
Also, Rod Breaking Plows of home
Deere, Hapgoodr )
Moline, Brown, CULTIVATORS
Keokuk, Maud S,)
Strobridge. SEEDERS & LISTERS.
Little Yankee, 1
Clipper Tricycle,
Flying Dutchman,
Ole Oleson,
Thacker is on hand
again with the popular
didnh, Mead. Try it.
Klenk & Gatward are slaunhte'rimi
CORN-FED Beeves exclusively. Step
into their market and be convinced. ,
Horses and Cattle for Sale.
I have 100 head of she cattle for sale .and
about 100 head of stock and work horses.
mostly mares. Will be sold bv the head
or by the bunch. Terms easy. Applv
at Stoddard's livery stable, this city. "
ko A. iu. Stoddard. .
Cheap Coal OIL
150 Test Oil 20 cents.
175 Test Head Light 25 cents. '
G. R. ILuimqxp.-
Instructions in Charcoal Drawinsr. 1
Crayon, Painting from Nature and Life.
Lustra. Kensington, and China. At mv
rooms, Corner Willow and Third Streets". ,
Mrs. Exlma Babb.
-AJust received at. Guv's Place.
barrels jif Hermitage Whisky, of
spring 1881.
You, can
a good
always find
cigar at Unacli-
r PT.nwc
Washburn flour at Grady's opposite
the postoffice.
Remember that Conway & Keith
have a first-class workman in con
nection with their furnitnre de
partment. All work warranted.
Co2tvvay & Keith.
I shall remain here permanently, and
there is no need to be in a hurry on
account of the weather. We will have
plenty good weather to finish pictures
during the spring. But if you want a
good picture, give me a call. I am bound
to please. W. II. Broach.
Bring in your repairing and
have it neatly done.
Conway & Keith.
If you are thinking of using-
the splendid deep-Well water
oes not claim any .credit, for-fcpng-!
ag the institution here, and what-
JAS. BELTON'S and get
All work
ever good comes out of it we are will- prices on plumbing.
inc shnnld TPflnnml tn t.)n 'hrmnr nf I "
those who haue encouraged its start- Us done by an experienced
ing .... James Lightens brojeen, 149 , ,
acres of his quarter section? We PiHSS6!
think Mr. Light has knocked the
persimmon around here, though all
of our farmers are turning over eve
ry foot' of ground their, means will
permit. . . .E. N. Keeler took a car
load of stock to Omaha last' week,
returning Sunday evening. He re
ports a very successful trip and is
well satisned with the. treatmenrof
Byers, Patterson & Co., of bouth
Omaha, who handled his stock.
Wallace Herald.
and guaranteed.
The partnership hithertofore existing
between John Broeker and Herman
Baumback, under the firm name of Broe
ker & Baumback, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent, the business will be con
tinued by John Broeker by whom all the
affairs of the old hrm will be adjusted.
All parties knowing themselves indebted
to the late firm will please call and settle
at once. John Broeker,
Herman Baumback,
North Platte, Neb., May 14, 1888.
The Patterson Agency Issues a !'Hail
Insurance Policy that in case of total loss,
pays the whole amount the policy called
for; and in caseof partial loss a propor
tionate amount regardles of the value
of the crop. No deductions of
any kind made. Farmers, call and examine.
Situated as I am I find it impossible to
run the house. Will sell on easy terms;
will take part cash, part in cattle or unin
cumbered real estate in North Platte.
Address, John Hawkey,
North Platte, Neb.
New and large assortment of spring
styles in wall paper at bottom figures, at
Streitz's Drug Store.
Try TJiackeis Ice
Cream Soda Water. It
is delicious.
5-Room House with two lots, one block
east of Second ward school bouse, cheap.
For full information apply at the pre
mises. U. A. "Daugiierty.
My Motto;
I Will not be Undersold.
Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a f nU
line of Flour at Grady's opposite tha
The North Platte .Creamery
Will be ready to receive'eream between
April 20th and May 1st. Parties who have
cows are requested to send in their names
and state the number of cows thev expect
to milk. The present outlook is that the
price of cream will be fifteen "cents
per gauge . A gauge will make one nound
of butter, we will pay as much a3 any
creamery in the state. Farmers should
milk all the cows they own; there is
money in it.
For information address,
North Platte, Nebraska,
Austin Powder. -W.
L. McGee is agent in North Platte'
for the Celebrated Austin Powder,
and dealers can get the same at. Omaha
and Chicago prices. Sportsmen will also
make a note of this.
The sausage of all kinds manufactured
by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide,
reputation for excellence. They ship
large quantities to dealers up and down
the road.
Use Sherwin & Williams mixed paints
on your house this spring. It is the best
and guaranteed by
A. F. Streitz, Agent.
I have purchased the Union Gallery
of 3Ir. Mathewson and will hereafter
run the business and endeavor to please
my patrons. Call and see my work and
get prices.
tf W.H. Broach.
Lovers of a good smoke will find that.
A. F. Streitz carries the finest cigars to be
had in the market, and his patent "re
frigerator" case keeps them m prime
I desire to call the attention of the
ladies to my stock of Fine Stationery.
These goods are of latest styles and have
been carefully selected. I also have a
fine stock of Artists Materials, . which
I would be pleased to have you examine.
A. F. Streitz .--
Go to Guy's
fine cigar.
Place for an A No. 1
Of nice corn-fed steers were received
by Klenk & Gatward -this week. They
will have no others. .
Jl. One
Will gecare ti? paper -
1 One Year t
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in the world for cate, braise
sores, ulcere, salt rheum, ieror sores,-tetter,
chapped .hands, chilblains, corns and all' Bkia
eruptions, and; positively cures piles or no pay r.
quired;. It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction er
Woney refunded. Price 23 cents per bx Fsr