1 Kb. lite litnte. STEVENS & BARE, Editors ajtd Props. SATUKDAY, MARCH 17, 1888. Sullivau is undoubtedly the best prize fighter now following the pro fession; but he was unable to whip Mitchell, the cricket, in a three hours effort. The whole affair was a hippodrome. A Dakota blizzard visited New York and several eastern states on Monday. They made a great hoodo about the affair, and yet it was only half a storm. When those tender New Yorkers set a whole Dakota - - blizzard they will make Rome howl. The old Kaiser Wilhelm died slowly. Several enterprising news papers noted for giving the news in advance of all others, got left by reason of the old man's tenacity of life. The Omaha World published his obituary two davs before his death. uIt is now admitted that the pres- ident s messasre was a serious mistake." The above from the North Platte Tribune is a fair sample of republi can comments on the President s niessasre. Will the Tki- bune be so kind as to inform its readers who it is that admits that "the message was a serious mistake." Broken Bow Statesman. If the above appeared in The Tbibuxe it was probably a clipping that inadvertantly slipped in on the first or fourth pages. It was not an editorial item. This editor does not believe there was any mistake in Cleveland's message. But he does believe that a great many Democrats think it was a mistake, and he knows that it has made them awful sick. They don't know what to do. They know it is defeat to advocate Cleveland's free trade theories, and yet their party is placed in such a position that they must take Cleveland with all his re pugnant ideas. There is no other northern man who will satisfy the South, and without a satisfied South their name is Dennis. Long ex perience has accustomed the Demo cratic stomach to digesting crow with comparative ease, but this frefe trade plank is a straw that makes them. tired and weary. They have no heart for the work. The young Democracy had remounced and thought they had got rid of all of the old ''time-honored principles," .and their ditfust can he imagined when Clcveland'comes lugging them in .again, jno, we are not among those who say the Presidents mes sage was a serious mistake. of D. B. Willis,' Mrs. M. H. Myers, He is anxiously waiting to take a and Mrs. Hattie Nation, was ap- ride in Black Marian', pointed to draft a constitution. Mr. John Gummer is all smiles This was followed by a discussion now days it is a boy. in regard to the manner of conduct- Valentine Knight is slowly recov ing these meetings, etc,, in which ering from a severe cold, the majority expressed themselves Artie Yates has concluded he will quite fluently and understandingly. run for dog pelter in our township Kev. Willis and Mr. Nation did con- in the spring. siderable clashing and killing of mo- Mr. Noels has quite a sick child, tiong, but the ladies present succeed- A little four year old boy has con ed in carrying out the business and gestion of the lungs, arrangements for a program for Miss Katie Kerwood and William next meeting. There existed a feel- Cormican were married at the resi ing of sociability and mirth in gen- dence of the bride's parents on last eral in the majority present, togeth- Tuesday evening, March 6th. Rev. er with the interest and energy Crago performed the ceremony, manifested. We finally adjourned Sunday the eleventh day of March after fixing time of next meeting was the birthday of Mrs. Mollie on Saturday, March 24th, at 10 Yates and also of Mrs. Carrie o clock a. m. It is intendedto have Brown. Both had a well spread I the meeting continue in an after- table and plenty of company to help noon session, nowever. uonie on. emov tne nic nacs. 31. in Lincoln coontr. Nebraska, with view to the cancellation of sua enter: contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break or caose to oe DrOKen live acres upon sua unci aanag the first Tear after entry and has filed to core said defect ap to date; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at wis omce on tne sa day of May, 1888, at 9 a. m., to respond and furnish leaumouv kuuixiiiuuis cxuu auegni uuuni, 91 Wat NevhjjS, Register every live teacher; come, everybody who is interested in school work or wishes to get new methods. We insure you a lively time as well as instruction. SCHOOLMARM PARTICIPANT. John Evens of Sangamon Co., Ills., arrived here on last Saturday makins: a short visit, he then re turned to his home north of North river. BUCHANAN. The strike on the B. & M. rail road don't seem to effect this local- gives FEBRUARY EXCHANGES. Bradstreefs for March 10 some interesting facts regarding the CJ, wu ixx ,o ebruary at 32 cities, as reported to by times, but we manage to get tha. joual ft sho'wg th(f total to al(mS- . At' have footed up 3,524,905,747, Some of your correspondents, a 01w o ftQ A onK tnzu'' few weeks since got srreen grass on io j ' : A 0 i " . w w li J I if i i . sl iirri .1 f.rXSf. Ill --- I If" I I "rf 1 1 Ii- the brain, at least they were a little previous for this locality, possibly they got two stories mixed. There is some hopes we will have green grass after the conflict between the ground hog and the roaring lion is fairly settled. 1 am of the opinion this precinct holds the belt for trading. We can per As compared with 1886, the de- creae last month amounted to 8.1 percent, but contrasted with the total for 1885 there was an increase in February, 1888, amounting to 26 per cent. "The loss in February last at New York city alone amounted to $259,754,834, or 10.4 per cent, as 1 HtmnitJ nn'1-1. 1QOH.' nnxSncI- 1 QQA arrange a trade for any kind of mer- fllQ an-n mna 10 l l A' t ' n ' nr I " t i. nnA IIOO it.t pCX bCUU, UUU Z"ZT mT comPai with. 1885 the i v n r aha proaucuve iarm. x ms incomes WflS $313 352 300, or 16.4 per cent, cattle of all kinds also hones, if any ynr fwn ftll. ,mAnr one wants a trade let him come on. For two months of the calendar I have been waiting to report the ZITaIZT" Ta -uf marriage of two of our best citizens, XTf IT but am not advised as to the real JMr ux condition of affairs, hence will wait SlFiffi a little longer. no a L -j uici&sc is per ceil i.. iisme irora . I i . a n I .lGtl A ul IV. Lil Ij V 1,11 MlliHI IIHIIH are the proua parents ot a tine (81 c&) qj, months daughter. I z 1000 00 i. H'. P. Bishop has hought the farm i. ."W Ll o A. E. Pierce. Tog," To n .. Charley Frank sold his farm to a JS Sm F-ZZZZZ gentleman m Curtis. TJ -i -icor Several other farms are awaiting Z "S" lTS. "SLiSS pUrCnaSerS. . nf fllP pnnnfnr a a nrlinlo ic Invert lhe new school house, m ox than year J t ft fa f Creek precmct is .nearly finisheo wn i ' t 1.1, Report says it is the best in this tZ CTJTj' part of the county, if not the best m& T corresPondFg Ijnods with POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot parity, strengtn and wholesomene9s. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Bom. Bakino Powdeb Co., 106 Wall Street, New ,Yqr fc. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office. North Platte, Neb., ) March 2d, 1888. J Complaint having been entered at this office by Timothy Goyman against ISdmond C.Dickson for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry Nos; 8879 dated May 28th, 18S6,.npon the northeast quarter jscction' 32, township 13, PROCLAMATION. To all to whom those presents shall come, greet ing: Whereas it has come to my knowledge in form prescribed by law, that in the county of Ian coin and state of Nebraska, a murder was committed on one Fred Fisher by some person or persons unknown who have fled from justice; Therefore, I, John M. Thayer, Governor of the State of Nebraska, by virtue of the authority vested in me. by law, and in pursuance of the statutes in such case made andprovided,do hereby issue ray proclamation and offer reward of two hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of said person or persons unKnown. In witness whereof. I havn '- hereunto set my hand and caused ( ) to be affixed the Great Seal of seal. of the State of Nebraska. ( ) Done at Lincoln this 13th day of March, A. D. 1888. By the Governor: JOHN M. THAYE1I G. L. Laws, Secretary of State. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Liiaeie Davis, Deceased. In County Court. Lincoln county. Neb. The State of Nebraska, to the heirs and next of Kin ot tue earn ijeane JJavis, deceased: Take notice, that noon filine a written instrn ment purporting to be the last will and testament ot'lieatie Davis for probate and allowance it is ordered mat said matter be set for hearing the lotu aay oi April, a. u. vsas, Deioro said count; court at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., at whict timo any person interested mav anoear and con. test the same; and notice of this proceeding is ordered published three weeks successively in the Lincoln County Tbibunk a weekly news paper, puDiisnea in tms state. In testimony whereof. f ) have hereunto set my hand and seal, f seal of the county court, at (-) North Platto, this 13th day of Glared A. V. 1888. oa J. J. P'Koubke, County Judge. HA! HA! THE BEST 0E ALL! . It did not take five years to discover that the Jewel Grasoline Stove was ine oniy sate gasoline scove raaae, ouc in loov, tne nrst vear it was htroduced irforfch Platte, FORTY-SIX were sold, more than was sold or all others combined. We have them with either drop tank or the a pneumatic, and in the language of the poet, "n pump to get out of or der or gas forced through the room," but can prove that less gas escapes ffom fB tfiaii any stove made and can show it has many points of supe riority over'all others and prove to you that the Jewel is Tlxe : Best : Store : ZLa.d.e -v and will consume Call and examine the late County Correspondence. WALLACE. Weather improving. Wallace booming. Dr. Cooper, brother to onr Dr. Cooper is visiting with his brother. C. -H. Jacobson returned from owa Saturday, where he has been for the past two or three months settling up his business affairs and making arrangements to make this his permanent home. A. Hofmeister returned from Wood River, Friday, bringing with him two car loads of stock cattle. Emigrants are coming in thick this spring. Eight or ten loads have been. unloaded within the last fifteen days. Prof. Langford is expected here in a few days. I believe he intends giving a series of readings at his next visit. Mi. Shultz, of Johnson, Neb., brought a car load of implements household gcxls, etc. J. J. Axtell, a country merchant of Hayes Co., was in town to day He purchased a supply of flour from bnswold. Ed Ferrell, living a few miles south of town, had the misfortune to get his stable burned Monday morning. He made a fire to warm harness oil and the wind blew the sparks into some loose hay near by Loss about 75. J. S. Bailor sold his drug: store to a Dr. Wilson of Curtis, who will take possession this Tuesday. Dr W. comes highly reccommended. Dr. Williams, uncle of Cash Wil liams, a practitioner of thirty years experience has located here. This profession is well supplied as we now have five Doctors, Starr, Segraves, Cooper, Wilson and Williams. All we lack now of having a first class city is a lawyer and an undertaker, and as a natural consequence a cem etery, would soon be platted out. Agricola. Teacher's Association. The teachers of this vicinity con vened at Wallace on last Saturday and organized a Teacher's Associa tion. The number present was as large as we expected, but the ma terial of whicn the audience was composed seemed larger compara tively than the teachers. Tfie meeting was held in Squire Auston's office and was called to or der soon after three o'clock. J. Gr. Beeler was elected president and Miss Mary Fisher, secretary pr.o tern. After some discussion and several suggestions, a committee consisting ' in the county. I except your city of course. Report savs there will be a dance at the residence of Rasmus Hansen in Cut canyon on Wednesday night next. Music by the Heaton band, which means good music A good, time is expected. O. A. Bacon is among us agaia. We are elad he is back., don't "want" such good boys to, go to your city. Our weather prophet says we are now going to have real spring weather. After that, summer will the showing on the whole is factory. satis- THOMAS J. POTTER, In the death of Thos. J. Potter, the. Union Pacific loses an able Manager. He entered the railroad service in inly, 1862. He was a lineman of the engineer corns of the Burlington and Missouri River Road for six months; from January 1866, to January, 1868, was sta- put in an appearance, when we will tion agent at Albia, Iowa, for that nave some no aays possioiy pieiuv rQad lg68 fo im f j d j -rr I 1 crar T aoma ynarl or Knvlinnt'nn many jvirs ? ouus xvau, u .uuiuugiuu) lowa. Jbrom January, lo7d, to April 1887, he was with the Chi cago, Burlington and Quincy Road in the following positions: January I to August, 1873, general agent at Oreston, lowa; August, 1873, to They are all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction less gasoline than any stove in the market. improved Jewel and be convinced and you will buy no other. RESPECTFULLY, L. STRICKLER. Quic i Mea Gasoline WITHOUT. A PEER! - .j Stove T LST It has been discovered. The. only perfect-j ly safe gasoline stove made, from this stove are impossible. Accidents Self-light- lit tit i ti kt er; no niatcn dox attaenment neeaea. is o pump to get out of order or gas forced into the room. Drop tank. The most simple and economical stove made. More of these stoves in use in JSTorth Platte than all others combined. Be sure and call and examine before purchasing. CONWAY & KEITH, - a: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Star Boot and Shoe Store WIDE AWAKE ! Better Ojfers Than Before AT THE. FOR THE NEXT North P a e Boot k Shoe S ore TWENTY ,!' DAYS My stock of goods is still large and my spring stock is arriving weekly: j I find it necessary to decrease my stock more rapidly to make room for tne incoming gooas. i win theretore offer my goods at still GREATER REDUCTION UNTIL APRIL Beat these prices if you can: WELLFLEET. Why can't we have a dog tax in Medicine Precinct ? .Too many dogs and not enough school money to have a good school; it would be a good plan to tax them; would make February, 1875, assistant superin- npr.ror nntra nnn iimtipt rmmis i n A i i ro Lcuueuu same uiace; reuruarv, Tl. oi.UJ.nu,ln xi i . , The farmers are rejoicing over 1875 to June 1878 sunerintend- ' ruau illuua UJ" Ui " verJ oesc mauuraccurers m the fine rain last week. It will fiit fowa division, the country, consisting of such celebrated makes as the Revnolds Bros. leave the soil in a good condition December. 1879. ereneral snnprin- I Fitip Ladies1 Shoes: nnthin.o- Letter mnrln in Hio wav -P dinc- ; fl, Men's Railr oacl Shoes. Wm'vrmtarV 9.K . 1-1 li t . I ' 7 O 1 I L r : ,i, I . 7 O 4u uuv. MU1 OUUCO 1LX VIXH I 7 - " v- . 'lis fr ..- . -rti. rnviim n nlinnn nnrl nil fiirnfinn I J t 1 TV 1 t nun IT I J I ' ' iUi. ij"ub uwiwii. lenaent; secern oer, iow, to JNo- TT;f Sfdfoa ' T7ina Qhnao o a, t t , -nr - m Our lumber yard man is taking vember. 1880. assistant general " M"7r. """ " UC1A mcumiauuuiers m iu.t;u s. wys , jyeiVS J? 1716 SILOeS, 1.7 0. n rrnnA vncf n-nA i'o nmnnnnff tnt. n I i rl? "V7 i I TiJlfllPS nnfl (ihlldren nil Sir7P! nil mn10C HPT-iio inln1na i-'Un r,t-nA I a guuu jcou emu 10 pi taj iui a manager ai imcago; Piovemoer, ' ' Aumuwuwa mcucrcuiamu rr , zr,. ji c-,..7 c7 -r good spring trade in lumber and 1880, to November! 1881. general v MeiV S Mand-beivect, bfwes, L.oO. coal. manasrer from which time tn Sen- - I I 'I.itwttv i.i n-fcT rnAn T.rt.rlH.P,s? Wjm,p, TCi.rl. Rli.nes: 7 fi1 i,i.;i..w-u,.wi,i. r. t -.oo. i ; nni im i j n, i-f,?si i im nh h v vv --w. xiiii yea, 11a u. uit: uur iuc uumc temDer. nfi Was aiSO Tinrn " i i WVJ, IT" y -77T- T- 1 ret - of Mr. and Mrs. Squire C. M..Bol- vice president of the com- j(LQjIBS Jjbil6 1!uCLorl0eSA.QU. lish. They are pround of their m- nanv as well as rrpneml for whicL we-'are the exclusive jicrents. Hhilflren pany as manager. He was also for several years vice manager of the following sizes, to 8i, will go Ladies' Fine Dongolco Shoes, 2.00 JVSSZ m$s 'fcl65;JT 1lto Ladiesf Combination French Kiel Shoes, 3.50. t the following Brnns. L3' worth $L8o5 froni 1 to 81-65, worth S2.25. Nothing bet- MW T?vP.ii.rK Kirl SI. t. ox 9 crease, and we hope it will grow up to be as honorable as his father. Mr. Jtobert vvelbum enioys him- manaarer of the following roads self by sled riding on an old fash- St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern, er for children than Henderson's Red School House Shoes. Each pair Tv Vi x F-i " ii ? nicago, ourungcon Kansas has the pictui-e of a school house on bottom of shoe. All other shoe way to Wellfleet on business. There, are a good many farmers St. .Insenh Road from SenfemLer Ladies' French Kid Shoes, 4.25. Children's, Boys1 and Misses1 Shoes at asfonisLincrU- w k of it. all the raw. nnd the fihiW & Tmvo. nin f , , T. . T"1 Ui anw' call will better convince you of the Great Rarin h3, vice-president of e Hannibal & rePresentert 33 sucil are s 011 this justly celebrated school house shoe, ly reading an advertisement, therefore if you are w Zn P here that would like to sow wheat 1884, to April, 1887. He was first uuu nave ilv sccu, auu auw w vice-presiaenu ana general mana- procure seed. Jd ailed out last year, cer 0f the Chicasro, Burlineton & the cause. Quincy and the Burlington & Mis- . n. jjavis uoes a gooa ousmess souri River roads. Since May 16, J.OB7, ne was tne nrst vice-president ;of the Union Pacific Road and ii y T i d -vr- tne uregon xiauway iMavigation Company, with office at Omaha. Thos. J. rotter was born in Uar- Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, worth $3.00 go for $2.00. Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, worth 2.50 go for 1.75. Men's Fine Shoes, worth $5.00 go for $3.75. Men's Fine Shoes, worth 4.00 go for 2.75. .;Men's Fine Shoes, worth 3.00 go for 2.25. where you will get double value for your money. Truly yours. McDonald's .block, 3 North Platte, Neb. Every pair, of .our shoes, be they for ladies,children,men or boys,are good. t -i .t nr tt and has tne post omce. ne has a large store room but no fire in it. A fire would be appreciated by his many customers. Who will be the first man to start a hardware store in Wellfleet? There is a good roH county, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1840. Boys' Shoes in a great variety of styles at the same slaughter reduction. cnauce lor some one aim a paying xhe malady that caused his death business. was heart disease. With this he Jnvfnl wentnor. fine sunshine. I i ii. j rm. J "t 7 t . -) was disu rtucuwa yiiu uiuuav. J. lie I UB U A M ll p mj and the homesteaders put me in hGft side of his face wa almost nar- wt HAI1UUE IMO oHODDY. mind of a swarm of bees ; all out alyzed. The "same was the case and doing something. A big crop wjth the is all the talk. bTUXNTSR. He was almost terrible were his sufPerincrs. heinc ot -d ASA-MT TTTT.T.'PRTCnrNfTT. I i . . . 1 ... ruuaiw i iinnhlP rn remain in ant nnairinn mi r , Portrai Pilot-. I . J 1 loncuuumuioi"--. l 1. ;unvl -rn- - i rr r iuuuci nuau. a we emoy reauiu iujs jtjjjux- as mur .. r. 7 1 3 -LUC it IS a nrst Class paper auu n e enjoy 1 1 ..n.nn reaamg our uome news. i- -rr i i , A: 'Tiin hnnl-hnnp nf the. winter has I - . . o Tt cax vx auu uici uava uj. auuuuci THE HI! PACIFIC RAILWAY. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE.5 Tho Only Line Carrjing tho United States Over land JH&il. Through Pullman Sleepers and Modern Day right side of his body. Most of onr Roods are warranted and we hold ourselves responsible for uVino- Dirprt fminPrtiAnc f most unable to sleep, so the quality of material and workmanship. We have a large stock of MdKm mictL uimeulOIlS tO FINE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE. minute at a .time. only way in which he could tnat we will close out tor less than wholesale cost: All sizes and fine secure any rest was by sitting on a grade of goods. Ladies' hose, usually sold for 75 cents by our competitors, winter has I""1; 'T-" can be had 'of us for 40'cents. All-wool ribbed children's hose, fine - ... i 111 WHIU ill 1 11 UVKI Lllti llrll'.K 111 rllllll.llHr : broken out, JooK: out occasionally , . ffo , crm . 1Q jjooj. for on. sell at 35 cents at anV nther sfnrA in fro Alex Wilson leaves Illinois the gd wo young daughters. Mrs. Our reason for this break is, we have placed some very large orders for 15th and will pull for Nebraska. footwear with eastern manufacturers and we must have room. Next He nas a nome&teau auu tiiii uci claim north of North river. Tt has been whispered that the The Chats worth disaster has al ready cost the Toledo, Peoria and tit i ! i ii eunrr western rauroaa more man ouv,- j vnnn, ,TO0. i10,r0 oni 0f nnn Literary at the Hill will close the last of this month as it is getting late in the season and people will be busv. month we will receive CAELO.ADS OF SHOES Denver, Chevenne, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento,San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and all Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming TTl 1 T.1-1. HI., i ,v J &' utan, iaauo, juontana, uregon, Nevada, California, Wash ington Territory and all Pacific Coast Points. Baggage Checked Through From ah romts m the east to Points Named. C. C. NOBLE. M. K. LEWIS & SON, HA8TINC8, NEB. H,r J U i- Zi- 000 in damages, and there is another ""V 7 T.I "Il 1 J uu' " " UJ $100,000 yet to pay. A new culvert to-day, don t wait until to-morrow, for the very shoe you wanted may by which the accident would have then be sold. We will positively sell for the next twenty days as here Don't fail to call and see us slaughter fine footwear. Buy Family Sleepers Fra on all Through Trains. At our next school election we will want a new moderator. Who been avoided, would have cost $41)0. represented ... . .i .i i mi t i i i will want the jod. ine amerence Detween tnat sum A Mr TTarro MnVeitrh nf Rim I and the total am mint, of dam acres Creek is in this vicinity visiting and paid and to be paid represents the Qni Daa qti1 QllAA IapA looking after some Nebraska soil, company's investment in experience. Owl DUUt dUuOIlUu OIUIC 1 0TT1, Prop. For farther informnHnn tory traTereed, rates of fare, descriptive pamph o -ltca ?ply to nearest agent of the Union racinc xtailway, or connectinc roadu, or address T. J. Potter, 11 km UTelMs, u.r.&T.A. latv.p. A.G.P.&T. A. MANUFACTURERS Of HAND MD HORSE POWER Well Boreing and DrillingTools Kt Pntetial Well Qntflto lia Unit. All kinds of Cast Iron Work donato Order. HU6 Work a Specialty. Write for Circuiars and Prices ! 5i w"nted 13 because it is tho best Blood Preparation known. It will poai tivelr cure all Blood Diseases, purifies tie wnole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Bemember, wo guarantee it. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. 1