! .sir S1LTERWAEE AND ine Watch ,and Olock Itepair inga Specialty. Call and see 'me - before, purchasing elsewhere. - McDonald? Block, 'Spruce Street. WALL Paint and Oil Depot At PEALE'Sv-Odd' Felloes' Block, Spruce Street. Always insfocktbe most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceilin decdrations; CORSES CENTERS,- Binders and all I latest noyelties in papers. rJEirery shade of the best brands ofcREADY MIXED paiafe forhouses! barns; Vaons andbuggies.' White lead, oil glafs, putty, brushes', Varnishes, kalsd'mine- and complete painters supplies. I. . FORT, V OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK, Uorth Platte, Nebraska. I fesirable 30,000 ACRES Fannin- FOR SALE IN Land RANGES 33 to 37 Lincoln and INCLUSIVE, IN , - Counties, Neb., audAving-bcjffreeii the jScrify and South PlaRiveipittiellne of the ----- vnion iracmc xuurvvay. L?rieesV and Terms an-be obtained on application at- the omce of DILLON & COLLINS, E. B; WARNER, KecpsrcousCantlj in stock "Metalic and Cloth Draped Caskets, complete line of Trimmings in White and Black, Gloss White Caskets, Wooden Coffins of jall'sizes, Shrouds and Shaes. Telegraph Orders Promptly'Attendedto. Open Day and Night. - BNBilLMING a specialty. If FIRST-CLASS Sample N L HiLLManager. Havim? refitted our., rooms throuhoutthe public is invited to call and-see us... - . - v ONLY . V VXiquqrs and K.ept,at tlie Bar: Cigars 9d Keith's Bloek; Frost Street,-. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Cff ONE 'DOLLAR,, . Fxow until the Istpf Iwn W iTfeiTMiBUNis'wiH be fnrnjshed, to - irtw snbscribersrat the lwpw of One Dollar ptr year, cash in ad TUice.Ani old subscsibers who are J.. imvihtr un the arrear- Mr. BUiae, h wife, tad daught er wUl remain in Paris until Christ mas. The youngest daughter will spend the winter in the French capital. General Sheridan succumbed to the fascination of the wicked weigh ing machine the other day, and it registered 174 pounds as his weight. . An animated, discussion is going on among newspaper correspon dents, as to the proper time to mar ry. The only thing which seems to hare been settled up to date is that everything depends upon the circumstances surrounding the pros pective contracting parties. This much was known before, so let the discussion proceed till some- new point is settled. - Kr -. Tbair Burinees Boominr. Frobabljr bo one tUa bas caused meh a gen anl revival of trade at A. V. Streits's Drag Steve a their giviac away to their eoetomera of so naar free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Conefimptioa. Their trade is siaaply enonBoos in this very valuable article fro the. fact that it always cores and sever dit- appoiata. Cooghe, Colds, .Asthma. Bronchitis, Creap and all throat and long diseases quickly cared. To oaa teat it before boyiag by gettiag atnatBocueiree, large aue si. jsvery Dottle woria gives BEAST! Mexican Mustang liniment Larry Jerome killed a wild bear im the woods of "lnrinia and sent jit to Ed S.J Stoakes, of the Hoffman ihouse, New York, where jt was served up to a special party at din ner, including Roscoe Conklingand Tom Ochiltree, Wednesday after noon. There-are only 250 cadets at West Point yet during the summer the .West Point laundry wshed 79,354 collars, 38,813 pairs of cuffs, 33,139 pairs of socks. 33,618 pair of gloves 56,863 handkerchiefs, 26,982 pairs of drawers 27,994 undershirts and 8,028 white shirts. No wonder the anarchists hate soldiers. 4. 111! r a m Tne standard un company, pro poses to lav a mrand trunk pipe line from Chicago to New York by way Of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Oi tail ak a seld8. The interference or tne ni ter-state commerce law makes this step neccessarv, and while the cost of the line will be $5,000,000, will also be profitable. This shows how enormous tne rebates received by the Standard have been. The New York figures showing that the Knights of Labor in New England number only 25,000 against 85,000 in 1886 the seeders going into trades assem- ak a w -a a blies. The cause for this loss ot strength is said to be disgust with the Philadelphia crowd, incapacity of the local managemunt, particu larly in strikes, and the fact that certain leaders ineu to prosiiLiuu their oflnces for pnvate- ends. Brace Up. Toa are feeliBg depressed, your appeute is JKW.yoawJbored. withheadaehe, yon are bdffetty, aervoas, and geaerally oat or sorts, ana want to brace Op. Brace up, bat not with etima lante. snriag mediciaes or bitters, which hare for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate yoa for an hoar, and then leave yoa in worse condition than before. What yoa want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and Kidneys, restore yoar vatality, and give renewed health and streacth. Bach a medicine yoa will find in Electric Bitters and only 10 sents a bottle at A F. Streita'a Drag Store. Nearly $500,000 in deposits is lying unclaimed in,, the savings banks of Boston. It belongs to 337 unknown depositors, not one of whom has put in an appearance at this bank tor more than twenty years. "The poor working people of this miserable protection coun- rtrv don t seem to be entirely out of change. r Internal revenue in the family: rJack, my boy, I profoundly hope they wont take the tax off tobacco, for you would become nothing less than a cremation furnace with cigarettes for fuel." "Dad, I profoundly hope they won t take the tax off whiskey, for you'd bottle yourself in alchohol in thirty days. John G Maimers, a wealthy afc a banker of uakiana, vol.. last sum mer volunteered to pay the fare of Miss Mary West on the New York Central Railroad train, who had lost her pocketbook. The offer was accepted, and when the young lady reached her home at Clyde, N. Y., she sent to the gentleman the v at a money paid in her behalf. A cor respondence ensued, and last Tues day the couple were married at Clyde. eiatica, Lmmbago, leratchas. Strain. ftraims, Stitemo, StifJsiato, Baekackc, Oalb, Sores, Sf&Yia Cracks. AO. Swiaaay, fdUDtOaJ&t, Pika. sure aad attmiwtww imr""x- i iit-ti t.n ruf oeueub nffcr. Remember,scash in. ad vance meaiS paJftneAt at the time of subscribing' cannot anora to send ouHhe paper, op time for less than the old rate. lanut calat, tiaf", Sites, Braitss, luuea.8, Cans, THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY accompllsbes for crerybody exactly what Iselauaed for It. One of the reasons for the great popalailtyoC the Mastaag UalBeat Is foaadlalts aalirecwal aavlleahllitT. Everybody neeas sack a wwrtlclae. The Xaataenaaa aseds it la case of aceiaeat. Tfca Haasewlfe aeeds It for gmaralfaaitly aae. The Caaalcr seeds It for his tsassaaad Hs smb. The Mechaaic. ascds It always oa als work Don't- let that cold of yours run on. Yoa think it is a light thing. Bat it may ran into catarrh. Or tatopaeBBSoaia. Or consnraption. Catarrh is disgnsting. Fneamoniais danger- oas. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus mast be kept healthy aad clenr of all obstructions and offensive asatter otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parte, head nose : throat, bronchial tabes and longs, can be delight- fally and entirely cared by the use of Boschee's Genua Syrup. If yoa don't know this already thousands and thousands of people can tell yoa. They have been cored by it and "know how it is theawelves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any drasjpet. M - Ewho a.re in needofprc rkfhcan be done while hv tltetraddress to rorilaatf' H siar aad receive free. tinwiirde wherever I rn' .lanital so treaei rfieoverfmin afOagteday atahis Att saeeeed. usgat niaaMi m Tha Mtaernecos It la cac of eiaer aeaty. -The nefraoeasl'tgataleavwltaMi.tt. ThwFaraier aeeds It la Us hoass. Ms staatag aa his stock yard. The ficesuaheataMB er the caHta It la liberal supply cfloataad ashore. Herae-faacler asds It-It Is Ms safest reliance. The Sceekgrewer aeed It-It wffl awe hha tasasef aUarsaadawerMottrsahla, The airMaBMutaeadsliaMwBlMadHse loagaskIsmekroadeacc!daaaiaBlaagaw. it. tells, r. legUke it as aa aatatote Sor-tae laab aad ceaaforfrwhlck sarroaad i The Merchant aecds ttaheat all stare Us aasaloyeea. Accldeats will s areas' .. . .- -. -w . Tl-t .C . 11 Keea Settle latlMHefwe. aahasta eceaemy. . 1t . , .7 A Kee a Beetle la the Faetery. jmi aac la case of aceMeat aavas pala Keet V Battle Alwayela the aa vrhea waated. St. John has officially announced that he will not be the prohibition candidate for the presidency. This need gire no alarm to the third pftrty people, however, for they will nave no difficulty in finding a man sufficiently demented to make the race; and we have no doubt but that he will come out of just as small an end of just as small a horn as St. John did. when the voting is over. It it a lellhri care f of Uloew, ra Mi au We aBaaaaAlam BaBBl 1 i tl s BaBwlwSWaWaaWai -A Massachusetts newspaper com positor tried to set up "A Big Fire in HulliLV "Vhen it appeared in the paper it had an e where the u was to be. ' in the little- county ot uass in Indiana, 153 women, have been freed from the bondVbf matrimony with in eighteen months, all by order of the court. " f- 4 I 1 Writing a letter is to many peo ple an irksome task; but it isn't half so irksome as, to hear a lawyer reading your letter aloud five years afterward in open court. George Westihghouse, jr., invent or of the air brake, is worth $9,000,- 000. "This is perhaps the largest rVkrf.lino axrav mula -in 4- vP ITTiti A " says the Atlanta Constitution. It has been calculated that if 32,000,000 people should clasp hands they could reach around the globe. Very likely but some of them would get their feet awful wet. YcwO. trifle any Throat "or JX,VV Lung Disease. If yoa have a Coajrh or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croupor "Whooping Cough, ase Acker's Eagliiih Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positive core,' aad we gaajraatee it. . Price 10 and 50c SbldbyA.,Streitz. jonn wentie is the name or a Kansas man who has licked all his neighbors, been in jail half a dozen times, run away from two wives, and is now' locked ,up for shooting ac a luage. ne should have been called Gentle John. The Albany Evening Jonmal has introduced a tvpesetting machine inio its omce oy wmcn tuny one- half of the matter on the paper is set. It" is said that the machine will do even better upon book type than newspaper type. John Price, the York county farmer who let down the bankers and others of York county for about $20,000 was captured at Hiawatha, Kansdsvbjr Sheriff Hamilton and taken back to York. High license in the liquor is becominsr verv popular trafic in the eastern states. One hundred and fifty-six low grogeries were closed last week in Pittsburg, Pa., through its adoption. Mrs. Garfield, the mother of Pres- dent Garfield, is 87 years old, but is as bright in mind and apparently as strong in body as when her son was elected to the chief magistracy .of the nation. Rev. Joseph Parker sent the 700 he received for his eulogy on Beecher, to the Beecher monument fund. Wbnder if Plymoth church will do any more kicking now against Dr. Parker.? kVo oW Nights is the V comfrtaint of thousands Buffering from Asthma, Con sumption, Goarhs, etc. Did yoa ever try Acker's Engigh Remedy? It is the best preparationamown for all Lung Troubles, sold on a positive guarantee at 10c, 50c For Sale by A. F. Streitz. Dennis Ferguson, a negro, is known in Chicago as the "king of the bootblacks " He employs many assistants, his wife acts as cashier and he is getting rich. He has 2,061 regular customers who buy his tickets, of which 148 are women, and he knows the faces and names of the whole 2,000, besides remem bering the names of hundreds of transient customers whom he sees but seldom. The Northern Pacific Railway officials have done well in refusing to carry the pelts 4of "the pot hunt- i.i i. ii- skins of wild animals. It will have a discouraging effect upon those who'call themselves sportsmen and yet violate all the rules of sport. Senator Stanfordhas prepared a bill to be introduced this session providing that foreigners shall not be permitted to acquire citizenship until after a twentv-one vears resi dence in the United States. There are 31U licensed saloons m Denver. They are divided into three grade. . Ten rank first grade and pay $800 a year, open day and night: thirty-five in the second erade, $500 a vear, and open from 5 a. m. till 2 a.m.: 265 in the third. $300. and iapen from 5 a. m. till midnight Jlhe total revenue from is $105,000 a vear, Their average daiiv business is es timated at $13,100 or $4,781,500 per annum. The canvass of the vote in Vir ginia has been completed, and it is announced that the democrats secured 119,806; votes and the rep ublicans 119,380, giving the demo crats a majority of 426 votes. In view of the fact that Virginia has always been considered a democratic state, there is nothing discouraging in this announcement for the repub lican party In fact it points verv significantly to the fact that the republicans will carry the state m the next general election. It also indicates the growth of republican principles in. the south, which is a most encouraging circumstance. ways navo er's Baby Soother .at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium er MerpMne, but jives the child natural cm from pain. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. F. Streitz. Sbmebodv wrote to the editor of a village paper to ask how he would break an ox. The eaitor repneu aa bllows: "Ifonlvone ox, a good wav wnitif'tfn Vinist.him bv means VI J U1U, JJ w avaw ' S of a Ioet fthain attached to his tail to the top4 of a pole forty feet from, the ground. Then hoist him1 by a rope tied to his horns to another pole. Then decend on his back a five ton pile driver, and if that don't break him let him let him start a country newspaper and trust people for subscriptions. One of the two will do it sure." There is just one way for the United' States free traders to com pete with the English manufactur ers, and that is, reduce the pay of laborers in the United States. That will come before the people next year for a decision. Michigan can be set down at 30,000 Republi can majority in 1888. Fortress Monroe is one of the celebrated strongholds of the world. It is the largest and strongest forti fied post'in America, and command ing as it does the entrance to Ches apeake bay it is one of the most im portant. The pomp and circum stance of war is still observed within its walls, and over its' gun range the young officers of the army get their artillery practice. 'It is one of the features of Old Point Comfort. A well known doctor says that the fumes of kerosene when the lamp is turned Jow, is likely to cause, diptheria. The ; New York board of trade a few years ago decided that to this more than any other cause, the prevalence of this disease was to be attributed. This is given as accounting for the fact that diptheria generally begins to spread with the advent of short days and long nights. Children dislike to go to bed in' the dark, and the kind mother lets the lamp remain in the bedroom usually turning down the flame so that the light shall not keep the child awake. Many bed rooms are thus semi-lighted all night, and the windows being closed or raised but slightly, the atmos pheric condition simply deathly. A turned down kerosene lamp is a magazine of deadly gas that the healthiest lungs should not be ex posed to? The Queen Seriously 111. This docs not refer to the Queen of England, bat to tho qneen of a household at Lincoln, Neb., where sho rules by common consent . "In March last, when bix months old, oar bfby was taken clown with 'what the physicians called "bron chitis"' (an ordinary cold) and was Tery sick for two weeks; she seemed to be filled deep in the chest with phlegm which we were unable to loos en; she conld not lie down at all, bat had. to be held upright else it caused her to cough severely; the physician did not give her any relief, although tho prescriptions were changed every day and sometimes twice a day; this treatment was con tinued about ten days and we finally determined to to a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Wo obtained a bottle and after giving a few doses eho was relieved, breathing easier and throwing off the phlegm and getting to sleep, getting well in a few days, and we believe we owe her life to the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Oar oldest girl is subject to croup and has had several severe attacks bat the Cough Remedy has brought her out all right' with bat two good doses and we would not go over night without a bottle in the house. We have great faith in it." Signed, Wil bur E. Wells, Lulie L. Wells, 1631 C stieet. Lin coln, Nebraska. Sold by C. W. Price and F. H. Longley. 4 ' JL, IT. STREITZ WHOLESALE AND -RETAIL AND DEALER IN I Is.: ' "ll it, 5 i - ' 1 - FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Wa-ll Paper, "WINDOW GKLSS AJSTD BRUSHES. Agent for-Shervrin & Williams' Mixed 'Paints; and the Diamoni Brand Paints. 4 - J if the Children. They sre pecially liable to sadden Colds, Coughs, Croup, "Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's g"ih Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold bv A. P. Streitz. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A-eiit for Tansill's "Punch". - Five-Cent Cigars. Corner Sixth, and Spimce Streets. C- IDDI1TM Succeeding CASH A fDDINCS. LUMBER BE CO A. L LUMBEK, r SASH, BLINDS, D00RS,.Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. SPFX'IAL AGENT FOli Pennsylvania Anthracitey, .Colorado Anthracite" AND Colorado Soft CD ZE-J -r YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. & CO., DEALERS IN AGRICU LTUR AL IMPLEM ENTS,'" AND MANUFACTURERS OF BOAD CARTS, ETC. BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices GuaraBteftd to be the.. Lowest Locust Street. North Platte, Nebraska? J. Q. THACIER, Mj 33 Ft TT Q GIST. Estimates on AVork Famished. Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third east of Catholic church. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. KEITH'S BLOCK. PitONT. STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Sts WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, Nebraska' State Journal Pronounced by all Nebraska's Leadisg Kepublicii Newspapir. PUBLISHED AT THE CAPITAL. SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT, EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. THE DAILY JOURNAL Eight Large Pages, with Sanday Sapple meat.' . The year 1S&3 will be one of almcit unprecedeatod Importance to toe Imericaa people, lo that It will witness one of the most Interesting aad exciting na tional campaigns in the history, of the country. It witt cuo oe oi great local Interest to tne people of itSDrasKO, as several engrossing uaueslathe stata will demand their attention for intelligent decision. The submission question and the nclectfan of a United States senator are questions that every latelllgeat uw. snouia mei iquareiy ana neciae ior nusseii. In Tie w of these fcets it behooves ercrr citisea to se lect vr ltely his soui ces of information for the coming year, r or ineycar iw mi &un jockkal will Da eucn an epitome or current events that ao intelli gent citizan can arr.r-.i to be without It, no matter of what shade ot pol.t.'cal belief. .;Since our last aa- tiotuiccme.it extensive arranrempnis have been per fected by 'jiie Jocks al for reccivms and haadllaf the news of the day linil the piiLJLfiors are pleased to announce that lor the year ieS3 Thk joukial will in secona to no paper piiDusnea west oi Chicago aa witn the reports or tbo Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & BAUMBACH, Merchant Tailors, ,X3S general LesoaLer. ciatei press and the Unl:e 1 Press aasociatlon. with the telejraph wlies Asso- aa leading dircot to Its edi torial rooms from all parts of.the world, lis tcleg.-aph columrs will be found each dav reDletewIth the lat. est intelligence, in addition to these facilities Trx Joua.vAL maintains an aide corps of special corre. spendente distributed an over i he stai e, beKldes those located at Washington, D. C, Chlcaso and othr of me principal news centers or tne country. rubltebed at tha state capital Tiik Joucxal will al ways contain the latest news from the statu depart ments ana proceedings or tne suprem court which ire of especial interest to Nebraska readers. The aews of the day will be dUctiss-M and commented upon iu an a Die manner in i: editorial column, special articles will appear fm-i t mo to time from tne moat guted writers la the o j itry. our market reports from the principal tratlu venters of the world wiu uo complete aad accurate, and la many other respects The Jourxal win be found to be the leadteg THE SUNDAY JOURNAL LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. . PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see us in Ottenstein building west of Foley's store, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, o Twelve Large Pages-Eighty-Four Colamas For the accommodation of those who do not hara time to read dally paper and yet desire to kees eay Jocrxai.. It wlU consist eacii week of twelve veil nl'edpages.and will beta a measure a resume wi iuc wcea s eTents. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. First-class rigs to let on short notice and at reasonable rates. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL. Eight Large Page Fifty-Six Columns. rne publishers desire to call the attention of Xe- ura&aa reaaers especially 10 the w kkxi.y aebbaski State Jocbxal for 1SSS. Extenslre arrangeaMata nave been made for perfecting this public ition with a view to maldnz it the bestdollar weekly acwsDaser puouaneo. juteii oy a stm care-uuy neiccted for M. C. LIlSrDS.Y, Proprietor. I Front Street, near U. P. Freight Warehouse, NORTH PLATTE, - - - T NEBRASKA. their ability. It will be found entirely distinct from uie aauy edition, and in every way calculate I to sup ply the wants of the reading masses. It will coatala the news of th week cart-f ullr collated ami tmrW told, accurate market reports, azriculttiral and hor ticultural matters or Interest U Nebraskaat editorial comment, t pedal art Iclrs on live subject-, itad the choicest miscellaneous reading. In short, it will be the paper for toe people, aad at the low price of sab script Ion, $1 per year, it will be found within the reach of all. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Journal one year. Including Sunday.... )13 00 " " sUmonths.....TTvrt 5 08 Weekly one year too " " sixmoatiis 30 " " three month ia SuHday " one year 1 08 jioaey seat by draft, postoiltce money order, or ww Jier at oar risx. ddress all orders aad make -lrafu payaKe te 8TATK JOURNAL CO MI' ANT, Lincoln, Xofcraeka. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP Has always on band new arid second-Land Lumber and Spring "Wagons, Backboards and Buggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithing. I repair all kinds of -Machinery, "Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mower, "reapers-, ha rakes, etc. Agent for the CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPERS & MOWERS; All Kinds of Hay Rake3, Etc. . Also agent ior the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring ... Wagons, Blackboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB, a