Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, December 17, 1887, Image 1

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    ' I --. . . 1 I . - I I - - - I. 1 1
I k -v - - - - ' f . ..
5 ..Vi
Six Mo4kp. im
Three Montks, isSlvance, - .
Advertising Rates on Axiplication.
vol. ra.
NO. 48.
UM OSes North PkiU. He.. " ?
T lb . '
vy r - Comilint baTiibSBSSteiekf, 1 f
J - LadwiPahfliffuart Jam Mamirldim 1 17
'iPlr-- I u;H Tuna HnkinWvii W fil1 i.-t.-.-. I A
Oma: OttenBteid's Block, up Btaiitu Office
i from 9 to 12. a. rn., 2 to a ana 7 to p. m
JReeidencc on West Sixth Stteet.
attorney at Law,
Boom 11, Land Office Block.
mid Jane Hobinsoa bam uiJnii to braakor.
to be brokaa fire mamit& fcilwl tomdti'njeuy
ntrt af umiA trmrtt. M MnB-Md Kv In on tih tKiji :
day; the eaid pwtio awbefeby ra nmowt to K-1
pear at tnu once on tee vta dur-JMMHtT,
1888; at 9 o'clock a.,m-, to raapood aad f dntth
teatimoxiy coacctninr aaid alleged ttilaiw."
465 1 VfMi NKTnXK,;HeUtOT.
H. D. Rhea.
Real Estate and Exchange
Room 12, Land Office Block.
General Law aud. Land Office Business
City and Farm Proper for Sale.
Fire and Tornado Insurance Written.
3Ioney to Loan on Improved City and
Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest.
Gouty Wins toe. I
The Coauty Saperintendent of Pablic Ihstrac
tion of Lincoln Comity mil be at Mb office
in North Platte on the
for examination of teachers and
to attend to any other business ttmt may come
before him. J. I. NESB1TT.
County Superintendent
Prof.N. Klein
Music Teacher.
Instruction on the Piano. Organ, Violin or any
. Reed or Brass Instrument.
Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired.
Fine loot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
NoTember 4th. 1887. )
Notice is hereby giren that the folloTing-rani e4
settler has filed notice of his intentiomld maks
final proof in support of hia claim, tad tfcatsaid
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver of the U. 8. Land Office atNorth Platte,
Neb.,- on Jaauary 19th, 1888, fix: Geetwe M.
Thomas who made declaratory statement No.
9006 for the northwest quarter section 25. towa 12,
range 30, west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continaoos residenoe spaa,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Asa Me
Uonnell, John G reenwood,John Wilch. dward
Bridger, all of Buchanan P. O., Lincoln county,
435 Wm. Nkviixk, Register.
Est ray Notice.
Taken np on the 15th day of October, A. D.
1887, as straj-s on section 32. in township 12 north,
range 34 west, 6 miles south of SaBshiae post
office, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, . by the
subscriber, who there resides, an black' mare
pony branded JC on left shonlder.oae brown
mare pony branded JC on left shoulder, one roan
mare pony branded JC on left shoalder. one bay
mare pony branded JC on left sheulder, one
sorrel mare pony branded JC on light shoulder.
The owner of said property can have the tame by
proving property ana paying expeasoo. .Dated
tliis 25th day of October, A D. 1897. .
J. H. 3okhail
436 Sunshine, Lincoln county, Neb.
Notice is hereby gives that sealed bids will be
received at the county clerk's office np to two
o'clock p. m.. the 19th day of December, 1887,
for lease of the poor farm for one year from
March 1st, 1888; said farm embracing the south
east quarter of section 14, town IS, nutwe 31. with
improvements thereon; eighty acres in caltiva
tion. and for care, . custody and maintenance of
all propers which may be placed on said firm
during eaia year. JJiauers will oe required 10
First, The amount of cash rent they will pay
for said farm for the year mentioned. "
Second, The amount per week they will charge
the county for the board and care of all paupers
of the ase of ten f 10) years and under, and also
of the age of over ten yean; also the amosat to
be'ehargen per week for the eve and naming of
such paupers as may be sick.
The commissioners reserve the right to reject
any and all bids. J. .Jb. JEVAHt
MB ixmaty
Tin Tint mind wliaf. nf.Viprs snv.
r - it . rnrr-ri DAT, P,P! xvond vmir wav:
Times are hard and money tight,
- 11 L 1.1- Ui.
s , po now we are an mw t-ue iiuu;
f : ' kt ' nonS u? mus1 down,
' . ' " R While the other wears the crown.
Blessings on you now we brings 5 f
' While the conflict'bas its swing.
iIWf? pncef .ate;highw
Ana to save "money nitner ny-. '
VHither" means THE PALACE store,.
Where you bought so cheap before. .
They still have a mammoth stock,
OtKei try onr ways to mock;
But withal at last they yield,
While wr still maintain tne neiai?
Sealed bids will be received by the City
Clerk of North Platte, to construct the
Hose Houses for the city of North Platte,
according to plans and. specifications now
on file at my office. Each house to be bid
upon separately. All bids to be filed on
or before Dec. 13th at 7 o'clock p. m. The
citv to reserve the right to reject any or
all bids. . E. B. Warner,
City Clerk.
v - VVerwill sell a gents' nice suit,
X& ftyilhM pr o 'spenders boot,
'Xr tFrir. a triflincr Four Dollar.
"ix. ;SJThe pirice of which make ?our eighore hollenfmw
a. nine rarxner on we mm
. - xne spieuuiu smv ior nu uiau&iuu.
Fbrriier price was Teu arid fifty,
Now Seven Dollars to make us thrifty.
, A little farther up we climb,
The prices there we find sublime.
-. ; Goods and prices cut to pieces, ':
For your uncles, aunts and neices. . ,jf
Boots and shoes for man and child, '
Childrens suits aud pants are piled,
Neat and high upon the shelf,
Please call and see for yourself.
Overcoats are very low,
Both in stock and prices show
I That we have made a hit,
Now our stock is badly split.
. Split in: prices, piles that's true,
Still we have one left for you.
Call and see, give us a trial,
We will warrant the latest style.
Now dear friends in town and out,
Do'ot-worry, fret-aud-poufe
Tli if oimnhr An no wo unw env"
We'll save you money, so come this way.
. Perkins count)' Avill in no distant future
day be- a power and an influence in the
State of 'Nebraska. Twenty -one by forty
two miles and embracing without excep
tion some of the finest land in the State,
it will be thickly populated and taxes
light. Five thriving, booming towns have
already been planted and reached con
siderable size. Madrid JViw.
A new coal field ik reported on the
.Cheyenne line of the Burlington road
fifty miles from Sterling. The find is said
to be fifty miles square. There seems to
be" two. veins, one fifteen feet below the
surfaca.and two and a half feet, thick ; the
r- .. .. j!I - jr?.-f - -
?riathkkae. The coal is said, to-bi of
excellent quality and fburns"asj .well aa
Rock Springs or Caaoa' City eoal.Uouha
Bee, ' J
Wallace is enjoying a quiet, subetantial
boom without any smoke or hurrah
about it. . There are in f course of con
struction a blacksmith and wasron shon.
drug store, hardware abd furniture store,
residence and general merchandise store,
with three other stores to bebuIlFtlm
winter yet. -Wallace is destined to be the
best Ipxm between Holdredge and
Holyoke, and her present growth-justifies
the statement. Herald.
The north river country has the cham
pion crank. He is a young man who is
impressed with the idea that he has been
called by the Lord to preach, but fearing
he could not resist temptation hts applied
to a local doctor to have an emasulation
performed. If report be correct the
doctor sent the ministerial aspirant to
Lincoln to consult others more eminent in
the profession. Sidnej' Telegraph.
Several of the boys from town got after
the mountian lion Saturday and run him
out of the country leaving him beyond tbe
Cody lake, but we don't suppose it was
much farther for hita to come back than
it was for the boys. Gaudy Pioneer.
. After the lapse of a few weeks follow
ing the publication of the affidavit of
James Wallace in regard to a four-foot
potato grovn by him, comes Alva B.
Templeton, who lives southwest of Grant
and who is a man noted for his veracity,
with a story which, if it is not as long, is
quite as large in other respects. Alva
declares that from seven hills he du? no
less than two bushels of potatoes and that
from the roots of one potato ;vine he.
v r. , 'mFz
Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods
Represented or Money Refunded..
Spruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth,
Bismark Saloon
Billiard and Pooltiall,
J. G: HUPFER, Prop.
is hereby given that bids will be received
at the County Clerk's office up to Jan.. 1st,
1888, for boo'ks, blanks and stationery, ' to
be furnished for the use 01 Lincoln county
for the year 1888: -
One Trial Docket, (Judges).
One Mortgage Index.
One Numerical Index of Lots, lined
for 20 lots to block.
One Deed Record, 640 pages.
One Mortgage Record 640 pages.
One dozen Arnold Ink, quarts.
One dozen Boxes pens, Falcon and
Spencerian .
One dozen Blotters. 4.nt.. ."-.
One hundred Road Petitions.
One hundred Bill Heads, large. .
Five hundred Bill Heads, small.
One thousand Letter Envelopes withi
return card.
One thousand Legal Envelopes with
return card.
Two thousand Warrants 5eneral. Fund.
District Court Blanks.
Twelve dozen Pencils.
Twelve boxes Rubber Bands.
Two thousand Tax Receipts.
Two thousand Letter Heads and Envel
opesfor Treasurer.
Three dozen Overseers Notice and Re-,
ceipt Books.
The Commissioners reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
J. E. Evaxs,
County Clerk.
And when in after years you tell i .
Of truth and fiction vou know well,
Remember us THE PALACE store,
Where you've been so oft before.
With the intonation of the above we kindly
ask of our friends and patrons to give us a call
before purchasing, insuring you a saving of a lib
eral per cent and returning full value for money
received. Very truly yours ;
L. F. SIMON, Mgr.
Balace Clothing Company.
The Prince of Naples, who has just
come of age, is pronounced to be la
most accomplished crown prince, in Eu
rope. California has 20,000,000 pound of
Malaga grapes for raisins this year against
13,000,000 pounds last year.
The prohibitionists of Atlanta took re
on Senator Brown by defeating
election to the Board, of Education
because he was on the "wet" side ia the
recent prohibition fight in that city.
Ex-Senator H. B. Baraum of seven
'mule fame, says that Blaine ami Cleve
land will be itaO
MrBarnum has
his prophesies were not weu-tiMed
. 1 Seven high-school glrk, 'at Haanoad,
:l:Ind., were criticised by the local paper,
and meeting the editor on the street Fri
day evening they threw red pepper in his
eyes and hen horse-whipped him.
The big summer hotel' Brighton, at
Brighton Beach; on Long Island,' has had
its foundations washed out by the ocean
sweeping inland, and it will have to be
removed inland to save it from complete
Fashionable society in San Francisco
has been shocked by young Joseph Oliver,
one of the richest of the new generation
in that city, marrying his sister's govern
Belva Lock wood says she does net
want the nomination for the president
from the National Woman Suffrage Asso
ciation next year, but that Miss Anthony
and Mrs. Lucy Stone are both lighting for
Mme. Jnnauschek, the actress, has in
structed her lawyers to bring suit for
$25,000 damages against the propretors of
the Parker House, Newport. The suit is
the result of an accident which happened j
to Mme. Janauschek while she was a
guest at the Parker House last summer.
Seantor Evart's house in Washington
used to be filled with girls, but they have
all married now except Miss MaryEvarts
and she wisnes to retire from active social
life, but her father will not permit it. He
takesrgreat interests in her toilets.
Ex-Speaker James W. Hnsted is likely
to get left in his race for the Speakership
of tbe New York Assembly for the f rat
time in his life. Assemblyman Fremont
Cole has. the pole in tke race, and will
at the Yery Leva Bates,
dtv ofr vflNilpsffiUllM.- aw-miBfeij1
1 II I III FUM -JHIi sM I Uli' 1 1 . T-
Crystal Ice,
- .
Crystal, Ice,
Keeps nonebut the finest Whiskies,such as
3f. V. 3IONARJJH, j
' 0. & C.:TAYLOjR.
Aim fine case goods, Brandies; Rum, Gin
Etc. St Louis Bottled Beer and.
Milwaukee Beer on draft.
Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets,
REWARDED are those who read this
aad then act; they will find honora
ble emploriaent that will not lake
The profits are ktrge-aad sare-lor every lBdaetri
oes per3B. many have joade and are bow maK
ing several hnadVed dollare a month. It ey
for aay one to ake teaday-andiipwarda; who
is wUliBJrto work. Either sex; yoong or old; no
capital needed; we stiwtyoa. EvervthiHg new.
rie, Mil'free: Address Stin
soBCe,, Pertlaad-MauM..
Vr. rV
I desire to inform the public that I will
this winter put. np from
2,000 to 3,000 tons of pure crystal ice
free from all dirt or sediment, pumped
from the second water bearing; strata.
This ice will be a boon to the people of
North Platte, who, until my attempt last
summer, (and I did not have enough to
last through the summer) have been' sup
plied with river ice, which is always full
of dirt and seldom free Jrom something
worse. I shall spare no effort to serve
everybody with promptness and impar
tiality, at reasonable prices.
Yours respectfully, :
174 Randolph 8fe,
O 22. 1 C'-A. 3- 0 .
Lath, Shingles,
Building Paper,
Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church,
North Platte.
CHAR w. price:,
fy the truth of this, Alva, says he can
produce several unbiased eye witnesses.
Alva's statement is endorsed unhesitat
ingly by us. We defy Dakota. Grant
The farmers that planted largo fields of
corn last season are now reaninir their
harvest. The corn crop on an average is
yielding from 30 Jo 50 bushels to the
acre of excellent quality. Those who
have been here long 'enough to have hogs
to feed their corn are realizing from $4.25
to $4.50 per hundred for them, which is
equivalent to 35 or forty cents a bushel
for corn. Those that are marketing their
corn are now receiving 25 cents a bushel with prospect of prices being much
better before summer. There are a great
many feeding cattle at present which will
consume the surplus by early spring and
make corn scarce through the summer
for home use. With the amount of graz
ing lands the county affords it will always
be well stocked with cattle which will
assure a home market for corn each
year. Farming and especially raising
corn is certain to be one of the best
businesKes in the county. A failure in
crops has never been known here and
the yield has always been above the
average of other localities. Broken Bow
Tfca Chicago Popt thiafc that' tha
m m - m. m . . m.9
tJMlectioa ot tmac city ior um wranaM as
-Tthe location for the repahMcaa aMonal
coaveatioa, will make it tha
home. oT stick gatheriags,
when the .Mir AniiloriM. Itr
with IU fire jwoof hotel wftkMft
Every mkmhwe- ( im Ratio 1
Ladaitted that Chicago was thelMM evip-
ped chy ia Ataarica far sadoRal falhar
iags, treataaeciC of the caaveatioa aaxt
June will settle the qaeatioa of fetere
gatheriags there.
:plw63-wnmpotatr -tlieavalkatmibaylW
J?rcig5 8- IDraggisls Sandries
All co'mmuuications to me, with
regard to riiy interest irir lands in
Cheyenne and other counties in
Nebraska, and as to lots in. Schuy
ler, Alda, Paxton, Julesbnrg, Sid
ney, Potter and Kimball, addressed
as above, will receive prompt and
careful attention.
rfrDfiigs and Chemicals, Toilet Aries,
Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Articles.
Prescriptions carefully compounded. Headquarters for Dh 'Duncan.
toliy's block, spruce striet,
Lei aud Stanford, Jr. had he lived,
would have reached his majority in Stay,
1889, and his parents hope to have the
university bearing his name ready for its
opening at that time.
Tee Engineering 2Tew of New York
thus punctures Lincoln's railroad scheme,
with coupon attachment:. "The railroad
projects which are gotten np for the pu r
pose'of booming real estate often show a
marvelous facility in leaking through the
little end of the horn. If the projectors
can raise the $4,000,000 or so required for
building their road, among patriotic citi
zens of Lincoln, they may. succeed in their
scheme. Otherwise it would be well to
consider whether the proposed line has a
reasonable chance of paying its operating
expenses, at fixed charges, when run
in competition with its powerful rivals."
The following paragraph in the New
York Tribune is sufficiently timely to
warrant its reproduction. It should have
been sent to the president before he wrote
the message : "A western congressman,
evidently of a mathematical turn of mind,
figures out that the surplus isn't so great
a bugbear after all. His 'sums' in ad
dition and substraction leave a final
remainder of only $45,000,060; and if he
could have his own way he woild prob
ably h,ave little difficulty in disposing of
this trifle. Seriously though, wouldn't it
be well to settle all honest claims against
the government first, and then find out
the balance on hand, before attacking the
surplus problem.""
$25.00 Reward.
The above reward will ba paid for any case of
rhetuaatiBm not benefited by Ballard's Know
LuuBMnt. There w no pain it will not subdue,
bo wound it will not heal. It is the most pene
tratiaff linhaeat knows -for all pain, for man or
beast it stands withoat parallel. Ladies who
have backache ahoald never be withoat it. Price
30 cents. C. W. Price, Afeat.
The South Carolina Methodist Confer
ence has resolved that "an attendance
upon the theater or circus, or an profes
sional or amateurdramatic or impersonat
ing exhibition, is inconsistent with the
obligations of a Christian profession to
'renounce the world, the flesh, and the
Magistrate Smith, of Philadelphia, does
not temper his justice with mercy when
dealing with men who entice young girls
from home to their ruin, and when Joseph
Van Dorn Kelly appeared before him
Friday to answer to the charge of eloping
with a young girl while he had a wife at
home, $5,000 was the bond that held him
ia the Criminal Court.
There is a slight discripency in the fig
ures somewhere. During the campaign
of '84, Senator Vest and other Democratic
leaders charged that the Republican ad
ministrations had squared since the war
$400,000,000 in repairing the eld ships of
the navy. Secretary Whitney says the
figures are only $70,000,000. But then
$330,000,000 of a stretch isn't much for a
democratic orator to make.
Nothing indicates perhaps more clearly
the growing greatest of the west than the
new departure in the matter of fast
trains on the trunk lines of railway west
of the Missouri river. Three years ago
the most vivid imagination would hardly
havo pictured eight passenger trains
flying daily through the Republican
valley ; much less one of these a "flyer,"
with a schedule time of fifty miles an
hour and making only three or four
stops in the entire State of Nebraska.
Senator Palmer, of Michigan, will intro
duce during the. session a bill prepared
for the purpose of regulating and restrict
ing immigration to the United States by
keeping out persons whoseem likely to
he undesirable citizens. The bill will
provide that all persons coming from for
eign countries for the purpose of residing
here shall be provided with a certificate
from the United States consul for the
district of his residence, setting forth that
said consul is satisfied that said person is
a suitable and desirable person for citi
zenship in the United States, and that no
certificate shall be granted to any convict,
except those convicted of political
offenses, nor to any lunatic, idiot, or any
person unable to take care of himself or
herself without becoming a public charge,
nor to any anarchist, nihilist or any per
son hostile to the principles of the consti
tution or form of government of the
United States, nor to any believer, or
professed believer, in the Mormon
religion, who fails to satisfy the coaeul
upon examination, that he or she intends
to and will conform to' and obey the laws
of the United States.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
A. single bottle ot Ballard's Horehond Srrap
kept about yonr house for inuaediate aae will
prevent serioas sickness, a large doctor bill, aad
perhaps death, by the nae of three or foar dose.
For coring congas pti on its eacceas has beta
simply wonderful, and for ordinary coafa0,eolda,
sore throat, croup, whooping coat, sere chest
hemorrhages its effects are sorprisiag aad woa
derfol. Erery bottle guaranteed. C. W. Price,
aaparently substituted aaether. i
gas is a graad saccesi both for feel par
poses aad as sa explosive. Its prepeaaity
to go off at raadom, aad aU la a heap,
with the attendant resell of '-feaeral de
norailzatloa to all eoaeeraed, provide. tha
Plttsbunrers occaaiomallv with saasrtafa-V :
Mats that are not
ated blessings.
" One of the rushers of New York, who
is a forced patron of the baraera, has com
puted the time he speeds every year ia a
barber's chair. He is shaved three tlsaes
a week, and says the average tiase speat
in the shop is twenty miaates. He feele
that this is a moderate estiaute, but ie
willing to let it pass. "That gmres up
just and hour every week," he resasaed,
"making fifty-two hoars ia a year, or two
aad one stxth days, spent by ate every
year in being shaved. Say my 'shaviag
life' is thirty years. I lows over two
months in a barbers chair. Toe much,
altogether, too mack time." New York
A recent phenomenon in Central Illi-
nois pnzzies scienunc ana oiaer peopie.
After weeks of drough the streams aad
wells becoming exhaased, abuedaat water
suddenly appeared witout raia or other
visible source of supply. Water flowed
freely in the streams, and even the shal
lowest wells were replenished. Where
this water cornea from, aad the caase of
its sudden appearance, are mysteries
which bo mas caa find oat. Some re
ligious people believe it; was aa aaewer te
prayer. It Is probable, however, thai the
effect was produced by a subterraaeaa
disturbance similar to that of aa earth-
The increased activity in all commercial;
manufacturing and Industrial directions
is a matter of surprise to the general
business interests, says the Omaha Repub'
lican . The speculative tendency at work
has helped to harden values and to stimu
late demand among a great many consum
ers who find themselves without material
enough to complete the contract work in
hand. The upward tendency in prices,
says the same paper, will not probably go
very far. Manafacturing Interests geaer
ally, are too nervous to secure a large
amount of business on their books. Be
sides, the producing capacity in all
branches has been increased to such an
extent that there Is no occasion for fear
as to supplies. In fact; the wonder ; is
that the consumptive capacity of ike
country can absorb the total outputs -
Says the Omaha World-. Congressman
Laird's proposed bill to establish In
Nebraska experimental statkmstodjevelbp
the silk and sugar industry should be
heartily endorsed by the .people of Ne
braska. The development of. a new
agricultural industry will be of immense
benefit to our agricultural interests aad it
is generally admitted that the state is well
adapted to the raising of silk aad sugar.
At present the farmers of Nebraska do
not know how to understand these new
industries, nor does any one until the
the experiment has been thoroughly tried.
It can hardly be expected that private
individuals will risk their money ia what
may prove a failure. What can be done
by the government in such experimental
stations has been proved by the successful
manufacture of sugar from sorg ham ac
complished at aa experimeetal station la
New York Mail and Exprem : Editors
laugh over the shots they give and re
ceive nowadays. Ia the days when the
World was owned by Maatoa Marble aad
the gifted Ivory Chamberlain was its
chief editorial writer, the paper oftea con
tained the fiercest invective against the
Tribune, as well as the most caustic per
sonal criticism of Mr. Greeley, aud yet
Mr. Chamberlain aad Mr. Greeley were
personal friends. There never was a
more pathetic lament, never a more re
markable editorial thaa that which Mr.
Chamberlain wrote for the World on the
death of Mr. Greeley a wild outburst of
grief, a touching revelation of self-reproach
for not having more deeply sym
pathized with Mr. Greeley oa the death
of his wife aad his other sore trials the
manly grief and tears ia priat of one of
the most scholarly of editors takiag the
reader iato his confidence in the moment
ary disregard of editorial forms; And I
belive it was the attention that this re
markable editorial attracted that led Mr
James Gorden Bennett to retain Mr..
Chamberlain for editorial duties on the
Herald at a salary of $1,000 per month.
Pretty Women.
All wcaiee look attractive when their color
aad eoaipleaioa is dear. If year Skia is ssMewt
eyes daitaoa ssaeiUeas,seeama aec tWil
liaaaa' Auetvaliaa Serb PQa, take as aViHis.r
eyeattdaatea. aw
W. Price, Agent.