- V in 4. if 5-- v. .dye 8TEVENSBARE, Edrom -uroPiwrs. 32,1M7. & For Jaifth0 Swm Gout, SAMUEL MAXWELL. Fergti of tiwBtato Uaiwitr, B.B.DAYIS, Jadictal. For JadgB of she ttth Jadfaial Dwtrict, FBAMCI8 6. HAMEK. Ooumty. a ' ' Far Ca4r Clark, ' J09M X. ETAS0. CHA8.E.O0OOOO. FarBhcriC, D. A. BAKES. ForCeaaty Jadg, J.J.OTOUIKE. For lapt. efSthooh. S. H. LAMGFOB1X Fori A. J- 8L0OIBKEY. Fori E.B. WABXEK. ForCoaatr Caauakaioaer, J. L. MCALLISTER. Hew to the party line, let dem ocratic chips fall where they may. Republicans to the front, and see to it that the entire ticket elected. is Republicans are line for 1888. Make mises in 1887. getting into no compro- "Stiady on the right boys," O'Ronrke will get there in good shape. .Experience, ability, availability, practicability and sosxtd republican ism, will make the republican tick et win this fall. Victory is in the air. In spite of all combinations, -Slootskey is the favorite in the race for the surveyorship, and will get there with both feet. Sloots key fa the farmer's favorite. Only about three weeks until election day.. Let's make it boom all along the line from this on, boys. Its awful rocky already for the democrats. Go for 'em. Neably all the socialistic-- ties of Europe have sent protests against the hanging of the Chicago anarchists, saying that if they are executed it will be judicial murder. r it it f .i in ail tnese protests tnere is no reference made to the murder that the anarchists have committed. Tme candidates, nominated may not all hare been our first choice person ally, before'the convention met, but they, are now, and we will use every honorable effort to secure their elec tion. All were good men; it was -an honorable rivalry among good men, and the defeated as well as the suc- cueiful ones will work for the cess of the entire ticket suc- Johx Evaitb commands the con fidence, and support of every citizen who knows him. He has made a clerk above reproach. He will be elected by a rousing majority. This is conceded by many democrats, and k no reflection upon his opponent. -Experience, ability, and being ac comodating alike to one and, all ir respective of party, makes John invincible. O'Roubke is walking Snelling's log in' good shape. As a man of clerical ability he is far superior. The records will be kept in proper sbrpe by him. In every other res pect he is the equal of the present incumbent, and besides is an old soldier who votes as he shot, and is the son of veteran to boot Vote for Joe O'Rourke, for County Jndga. , , . . No .attack can be made upon Osgood. He fills the feu'with the requisites of executive ability, a life of thorough discipline as a business man, large experience in clerical work, the highest education as a businessman and scholar, unim peachable standing in the county; a record in our legislature that proved him a wise and conservative ser vant and withal a man without friends to reward or foes to punish. He will make a treasurer faithful and trustworthy in every way. .Vote for him. Baker is running like greased lightning. Every body knows that he will make a sheriff who will fill the office with safety to the people and credit to himself. He has the people's confidence by years of good work as a peace officer. They know he will do his whole duly, and will give him a booming majority with out reflecting in the least upon his competitor. The people want Baker. They generally get the rur 'i man they want The, '.republicans are in the majority-and1 no - lBblt can has any excuse to $at Baker, or for that matter any man on the ticket Vote for every man on the Republican ticket. Allwdte introduced a history of the United. States into our ' city schools, which was so untruthful, and so complimentary toi confeder ates that the word rebel i could not be found in it, and rebel defeats were lauded as "confederate vic tories. The school board, kicked it out. We do not want a Superin tendent of Schools! whose heart warms toward the South to the extent that be would teach the rising generation, that rebels were right and the loyal North wae wrong. Give us honest, truthful history and a truthful teacher of the history of the war o the rebel lion. , . , 1 Lincoln county has a fair repub lican majority of at least 800. There-is no internal dissension, no kicking over the traces, no sore neaas ana no discontent in our ranks. Union and harmony pre vail, and the ticket should poll the full vote of the party. Factional ism is out of the fight, aud this is what irritates the democracy to des peration this fall. They know that with the republicans united there is no ghost of a chance for the elec tion of a democrat. Their policy is to create turmoil in our ranks, and to circulate all sorts of campaign stories. So look out for these dem ocratic roorbacks circulated in the interest of political intrigue. Why should democrats hold the best offices in a county with .300 republican majority? Republicans think of this on election day. There is more brain in the republi can party, and just as competent men for any position. Democrats cannot get into office without dis sension in republican ranks. They bank on factionalism in our ranks, and mourn when they find it not, as the whang doodle mpurneth for its first born. They are mourning loudly now and fleeing to the hills in search of a comforter. See to it that they keep on mourning and fleeing until the polls close Nov. 8th, when they will give up the ghost and kick the political bucket forever and aye in Lincoln County. MAO! Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. While this trite saying is not original with us, it is nevertheless strictly true and applicable to the democratic party and its woefully made up ticket in Lincoln county. Concentration,' shape and harmony are strangers to, their management and ticket. Dis cord and discontent constitute the leaven of its dissolution. Suspicion and ugly fate brood like a hateful night horse over their internal do ings. The political atmosphere is murky, and their devious paths are filled with pit falls, while doom, dark and vengeful, has cast their countenances with the sickly palor of political defeat, until the death rattle is plainly heard in their throats. Nothing bodes them good, xne evil genius environs them round about. Scratching will not avail them, and knifeing each other will not destroy the poisonous cancer-in their body politic. They are mad from stem to stern; mad because the old wheel horses of democracy stand silently by grimly 8miling.as the shades of death and defeat close around them, refusing to render aid and comfort to an off spring whose paternity they disown; mad at the fool editor of their organ for making an ass of him self; for Jnifing.-thejnany .toJelp the few; for committing 'them to free trade, when not one of their number dare stand up in a precinct of American farmers and working men, and advocate that doctrine in preference to protection to Ameri can industry, or favor foreign pau per over American labor and free schools; mad at his admission that Germans need not apply to the Democratic party and because then horse editor bit off, in his so-called "Dutch racket", more than they can chew up; mad because Walsh wandered back from the hills of Crazy Horse creek to mount the editorial tripod again rather than offering himself a sacrifice to the wolves and cayotes of our valleys and hills as they-huped he would; mad because scratcher Snellingis chairman of their almost defunct county central committee; mad be-' cause the Republicans of Lincoln county refuse to break into) factions but intend going en masse" to their funeral on November 8th and bury them too deep, for any possibility of it With resurrection; aiad because the treas- good points in Vixl: 1. 1 j U.-.-J It became udui tne pmpje navo maae up iu.cu . avil1 fi--j farming he knows, is interested-in nrmir so hai tn fa i,1 or cares anything .about; man oe- pit oi unicorn eppajsr. And cause smelling is a sort or nair if", Jv.fiurch Graves for office only.; nifa became Grace can'f keep CAn ggfe: A within sight of Baker;: mad because werit bnsifeiiurl cannot neat luvans, and oe-yiwiin wmng eirecv bb lai awir rnlr v Tn li- miXl ience'cheeredliini t&M iliisliow- rr- J" ' - i-., .-.i , i-..,.; -i; mad because Cleland woul not &wfGmgW 3 1.1. is l non, and would prw tfceir loyalty dump from the ticket as surveyor; when the 8th:of NsWSe. mad because Pritchard would not Jt would iiave made tke "TaftSyca- make himself a monkey's paw to more wilt' and wtsfc, to hare draw democratic chestnuts out of heard the way in wluekr the Bame i u Aii:.. of J. J. O'Rourke was reosived by ii 'vi -i ' i. . theyotersof Garfield prtcot. Tme all whiskey, couldn t get up a smell gtrajght ticket! will j j witk a cheer w ?hii tkai !defeatlWWai , j i the-fOM My tneBHMms was ;memi id' this- at Cottonwood, and. because he I rush and , a' handles the truth with the reckless- means ness of- Bill Nve: madJhecanM whdj.p O'Rourke is going to get there Eli; lTi mad because coroner Warner .will iadlhaying bury them deeper than4 the bottom thirty men. of the river; mad because thev are music ft omithVbaulji on the run for Salt creek; ' mad ? MngT' iu uuuuMiuu. The town is rich in otsjutiful (iTVr u T. 1.1 1 . 11 I - a'ft i. . .... uuxum ye near me siogan r ery, ricnness oi sou, ssMLinUM in telligence ("and patrisfcinB of ' her The members of his party were people; and will poll(aisid rep uWi- well pleased with Mr. Risse's tern- c ote KW',. ui Kucui, iux me ueueiib oi cock:, Uarey, Harden'SB titers we the party, have wished that Walsh were all well provids Jotf are feel- had 'prolonged his hunt until after in? happy and conltstt f success. election. We leave in a shoi nuth where we wil anil f.Vio RotitiKKnciM'1!! camping on -ri """""Ti- -TlTTVlV SuTBTT-TUrn ia j-t xi. n...i ... . r , ed with srrape and e m hopes to counteract some of enemy. ? If their influence. Vain hoDe: Re- '" ii-"1 publicans are gointr to vote straight this vear. Sitioa nWnland Ka AOOUt u Isr Span- " ssfoting t-Joad- wi'll lin ki t the C. W. ADDmOiL-LOCLAI.- "I f!J upzee ; A. mkmbmb came sbown the cloven foot ofdemoctacy mmS 1 ii fu i; ji .l. V c iwin ox imu ou iuii uuii ucaicu, wiej xeaiiw tuai fnend S. H urasi? 1 he whn i nnf. wifli ng ia cirai'naf no I 1 rr '" The, ding up the lines for JSTS MSS point, was a vkitoriji Weitv ves- -j . .1 ni do yet no sa 1 I! . oyssBsns ing But The Ticket. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETINGS at 6 ANDY, maofimuju, ana utjubk f liAUBB. has' been ion of be in ex- REPUBLICAN RALLIES. . 1 w isrence tnis wiBiT; a b The number of MiWis dances to be given this asMosJ srskise to ex ceed even that os4 wibkr. Our A Bonatng- Republican Meeting at Gandy. &ANDY, Oct. 19, '87. JUDS, IIBUNEi. 1 people are r class of ami The Republicans of entire Rpni held a meehnsr. as iJenitJ fLi. -ii Logan county advertised, last night at the town are very .Wick hall which was attended by the rep- their prospswi fm of this that the ticket will Democrats ed with a :1 tr. T- resentatives of the nartv. an well ns . a number of democrata! The. meef- Isaac IMaMMr hs placed ing convened at 8 o'clock, county fW P1? hatched in attorney McSay taking charge as n" Aafg mmm, mi a vase and chairman and opening with a neat Plfcedthein SisxkitatHm at Thack- uiue sneecn. surer -wnien- mmcn v " j cj mc nne Nesbitfc. flrimes. Srli rader filler looking littk fellows from three to Seeley adressed the audience and four clw ia :kwgtli. poured volley after vollev into the LosiAboutl two weeks ago, ranks of the enemy, followed by -a somewters iisarith-DeLaney house well directed charge by our own on Thwij strstt a Maltese shaped Church which made the odmsmmt caarM,wwli Essnejsc Cr. F. McNeil forces quail, and wtSsye terror ff! OMorie side and Xatin their hearts. At 4k close cf4lncnpfckm o reverse side. The Church's rousing BpeeoB, m RwWi- " RP1 same at this can yiuo or aoorre op memDers was formed and the rasimmery tetinmo The .'final nroof business at lion in such a manner as will cause this land office-was never so heavy victory to perch on the banner of as ai nrseiit,.the receipts running the grand old party in Logan, coun- up as nigh as two thousand dollars ty. The enemy was routed, fcorse, per week. Thelievy drain is one foot and artillery, and the boys will caiwe tlw striifency of the local keep them on the run till the 9th" moyBiarkfCi and Miss that the God of battles is on- our H3BttW)R$iiW-4rly in the week, side, and that right and freedom report says,;to' be married in Omaha, are once more tnumnhant. To- Mr--:OMji!iicii' ia S?rfM TTl-iT?! r the.mm the sponsible Garfield which will be attended by position dlj tek-keeper of Mr. anumberfrom this town, accom- t'oleys eacWe business. Miss paniedby the Gandy brass band; Dyke bad bs a resident of the and everything augurs well for. a ky MIk. slM:time. and was not. splendid meeting. Cox. known. The Tbi- GABJ1ELD AWT. act Gabftjeld, Oct. 20, 87. 1 Eds. Tbibune, 1 .Garfield was ablaze last night with old fashioned repub- i; ri i mi. j i i ucau eutiiuBiasm. xne lorcn linn s4tBdS;U the newly .married MO4f iM nistrcordial wishes for lbBff lilt," health and prosperity. surrender of charter has 'mSfti J.- ii f i UBunng ine past year. Tiw Gra! Lodge of Odd Fel- ol lows.Bset ii: Lincoln this week. republican victory was lighted sOra&aQptfesates were preseuK will burn .with increasing brightness The report ot Grand-Master Fergu until success shall crown- the. e: iom shows; sil the lodges of the forts' of the party JNov. 8th. Gtf siaistebeia good condition, and iKJiu is m iiue ana win oe nestm from to the great dismay of dtW ocracy. The school house wi! packed with eager lwtenereanijfiol crreat was the' ernnd that man v ki to stand outside and crouded the iPbe doors and windows and applauded 6tH7,7.r to tne ecno tne sentiments of toe. speakers. .Most of the candidates on our ticket and the lawyers of ike Platte were present. The Gaady brass band and two wagon loads of the Gandv-republican club marched into this beautiful little towa about dusk to- the tune of ges. with ah active pf .5,875,. a gain of 375 shows a balance of MiiBFriday,iOct.28, i:96 p. m., at WflliweSkttSagOct: 29,at 7:30p. mn at the town of, Wallace. North Plite, Saturday evening, Nov. 5, at Lloyd Opera House. The grand assembly Knights of Labor inj session at Minneapolis during the, past ten days, ad journed dn the l9th. All business was disiKxkd- of and.the eleventh assembly! has the record of accotn- 1 1 ." J' ill Sir. 'Vim- I . piisnmg more tuau auj. vi xw r- uecessors. , - Brace Up. Vna mm fadiw denremed. your aooetite is poor, you are bothered with hesdache, yoa are Odgettj. nervoae, and geaerally oat of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace op, bat not with stima-. lants. spring medicines or bitters, which bare for their baste very cheap, bad whiskey, and wMcK sfimnlbtA vnn fnr nn honr. and then leave yoa in worse condition than before. What yoa wantisanalteraUTethatwaiparify your blood, start healthy action of LiTer and Kidneys, restore yoor Tataliy, and give renewed health and strength. ' Bach a medicine yoa wiU find in Electric Bitlera and only 5d cents a bottle at A. F. Stroke's Drag Store. ) John k Walsh is a large stocks holder in the American News com- panyT manager of the Western News company of Chicago, a direc tor of the Chicago base ball club, president of the Chicago National bank, and the largest stockholder in the Chicago Herald. A smooth fshaven man of some fifty years, he 'hesran life without anv capital but r-i LEGAL NOTICES. POWDER Absolutely Pure; This powder never varies. A marvel el parity, strength and wholaBomonooii. More eeoaoadcal ihan the ordinary loads, aad cannot be sold in competition with the ranltitode of low teat, abort weight alnm or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans. Royal Baking Powcsa Co, 1W Wall Street, New York ONLY ONE DOLLAR, From now until the 1st of Janu ary, The Tribukts will be furnished pluck and brains, and is now worth to new subscribers at the low price 1 m n Ml- 1 11 I some four or nve minion aonars. of 0ne Dolar yeari casn in Philadelphia City Hall is still -unfinished Between 11,000,000 vance. All old subscsibers who are and $12,000,000 have been expend- in arrear by paying up the arrear ed since . laying the corner stone in , in-Up rpriPwino- 1872. It is the largest building f8J and all subsenbers renewing finished or in course of completion, fore the first of January, will in the United States, and is esti- be entitled to the benefit of this mated to cover 2,800 more square low offer. Remember, cash in ad feet than the capitol of Washington vallce means pavnient at the time of The tower on the north side when o , nnnnnL nomnlpfp,! will bA 535 fppf. hiVh. subscnbmg. We cannot afford to It has now reached a height of 270 &end out the paper on time for less KUCTtOW WOTICC. o. i, at Keith's Mo. Sat eovt heaae, mo. at oOee of Oeorae Hamn L Woct at Union hriip :i i "fcr &1??!kft dtrict school hoase 8ooi oe ffiict jfegiBiiw PreeinetatW. C. Elder's hoaie ITalkar maeiaet at N. L. Moore's reaideace Morrowlnat precinct at Watts wjetoScer' eccnaai precinct at central school boose, Tramui pneuwt at district school hosse. Fairvfew precinct at Kckal school hooee &jftk pracinet at Spannath postoaW Waiaca precinct at 8choSeld's sctoolhoase, Osgood preeuMt at Brate school house, Boaehina imeiact at Kirkwood's reaideace, OepiwaBct at red school hooT prednet at W. B. Votaw'a residence. , 8oaaTill precinct at Somerville staSeST aguyuiH U1WJUUO ui OB mu in 1 JTWI SCu2SS'ilowil5 KopotionwiUbe "i?", o the Sectors of saM coantr. to-vit: Shall tha hoanl of - t Lageacr feet. than the old rate. Their Busineee Booming'. Probably no one thing has caosed such a gen eral revival of trade at A. F. Btreitz's Drag Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cores and never dis appoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Croop and all throat and long diseases quickly cared. Yon can test it before buvintr by cettinc a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. "GUY'S PLACE." FIRST-CLASS OF Notice of Incorporation THE NORTH PLATTE WATER WORKS COMPANY. Le :-: Room, Be it known that W. 8. Kuhn. John Mclntvro and J. H. Pordy, of the county of Delaware and State of Indiana, J. W. Bixler of the county of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, and H. Walker of the county of Clair and State of Michigan and W. S. Kohn as trustee of the American Water Works and Guarantee Company, limited, of N L HALL, Manager. i lHavihe refitted our rooms "OrKB ana guarantee lyompany, umiieu, ot ,1 t r' it . .. -, . McKeesport, Pennsylvania, all citizens of the turOUgOOUt, the public IS invited to United States of America, have associated them- J uIvm turathpr fnr triA nnmnsn nr fnrnnnn1 nnrl I vtA1 OvC llO. incoroo ratine a ioint stock comnanv in accord. ance with the laws of the State of Nebraska un der sectian 123 of the compiled smtues of 1885, entil led. "Corporations" and have filed articles of incorporation in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and with the secre tary of Btate for the State of Nebraska: 1st. ine name oi said corporation is Nobth Platte Water Works Company." 2d. The principal place of transacting the busi ness of said corporation is North Platte, Lincoln county, JNeDrasKa. 3d The seneral nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation is to fujnish the city of North Platte Nebraska, the inhabitants of said city and vicinity thereof, with an ample suddIv of Dure, wholesome water for fire, domes tic and manufacturing purposes; to lay and main tain a system of. water pipes, with the necessary valves, gates, hydrants, engines, pomps and buildings for the purposes aforesaid; to lease, bov or sell real estate, to Dronerlv condnct rcuil business, and to carry on in connection with said water works a plumbing shop; to own, hold, control, manage and enjoy tony and all tools, machinery' and materials necessary and conveni ent for the successful nrosecotion of the nhiacta. needs and interests of said company. - 4th. The capital stock of said company shall be One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, folly paid up, non-assessable stock, which shall be divided into twenty-five hundred (2.700) shares of fifty (50) doUars each. 5tn. Ihe time of the commencement; of rawI corporation is August 25th. 1887. and it sh'all.ter- minate on tne Z5tn day oe August, 1H37. 6th. The hiehest amount of indebtednMft Whirh this corporation shall incur shall not at any timti exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. 7th. The affaire of this cnrnnrnf.Trm aTinlT K- conducted by a board df directors elected from among the stockholders, and for the first year snau consist ol inree. duc tne nnmtier nf iUtw. tors may be increased or decreased as the stock holders shall determine. The first board of directors shall consist of W. 8. Kuhn, J. H. Purds and M. Waller. Raid dtmntnra nnrl thmV successors snail eiect and appoint ali omcers and agents of said company, shall fill vacancies on the board of directors agencies nowever tne same may occur or be caused. The board of directors sn rhnson fnr said company shall annually elect a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The of ficers of said comoanv chosen hv nnirl hnal nf airectors xor tne nrst year are J. n.. JrURDT, President, J. W. RlIUIL VlCO Piwiflfnf 394 W. S. Kuhn. Sec'r and Treas. ONLY Choice vWines,f rs and Cigars Kept at the Bar. Keith's Block, Front Street, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Lincoln coantrtlieliiMfca. i jhcMdollarainlincoln eoMr 3d. in dVnajunatioM of $1,009 each; 5th, dated March tot. 1866; ; 8th, the interest jMyrable somi-anHually, Er 1st, 188S, ami o toe lstdayof taid raoatta each year thereafter Mtil w m duuuo w paia: 7Ui, aaid bonds to be nnabered froa one (IV toMxtr (AO) conaecntively; 1 8te, No. one (1) to six (6) inclusive of said bond payable March 1st, 18W, the other BMdTki their nwaencsl order, six payable on ths fa day of March each year thereafter until the saae are paid; and levy a tax in 1888 and eaehvear tttersaftsr to pay the-totensSSSsiti. levied to pay aUof the interest on the sSeTTnd levy tax in 1818 and each year thereafW wK osa to nay the principal of said bonds wMmt Deepasdne until sufficient is levied to nar milmt ssadbonds; said bonds to be issued ortfcWr pose of aiding m the construction of six wsjhm bridges across the Platte Biver, North Platte Barer and Sooth Platte River upon public high ways in said Lincoln county. The first twelve of said bond, numbered beat pae to twelve lnclosive, for the purpose ef erect waaoii bnde across the North Platte Kvsr at the most practicable point to be untested by the board of county commissioners of said county wi Am three nulea of a northerly directiea bos O Fallona Station. The next seven! of said bonds, numbered treat thirteen to nineteen inclusive, for the porposs of erecting a wagon bridge across the South Fktte Biver at the most practicable point to be Belated by said board of county commissioners Trithin three mJes of a line in a southerly direetieB from O Fallona Station. fl0 of.said bonds, numbered fvsat twenty to thirty-one inclusive, for the panose of erecting a wagon bridge across the North Platte Biver at the most practicable point to be selected by said board of eooaty osnunissioners hstwesm the Union Pacific Bailway bridge and ths senfls ence of the North and Sooth Platte rivets. The next twelve of aaid honda. nnmnunl tmm. inirar-cwo to lortY-tnree racinmn. fnr 4 poee oi erecting a wagon onage across the J ' river at the most practicable point to be ssi DrssKioosjra ot conntv Hmmnaiiffli i three aulas of a aonthsrlv direetinn fM well Station. The next twelve of said bonds, nambsred from forty-four to fifty-fiTe instasive, for ths sasacse of erecting a wagon bridge across the Platte nver at the most practicable point to be p started by said board of county commissioners within tans miles of a line in a southerly directtaa freea Bradv Island HUtion. The next five bonds, numbered from j to sixty inclusive, for the rebuilding and of a wagon bridge across the Soath Platte river upon tne public road leading south froat the eitt of North Platte. Which election will be open at eight o'clock in the morning and will continue open aattl six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. .Those voting ia favor of the said prsaesitiea shall have written or printed on their balals: , "For issuing ftftOOO ia Lincoln couaar bridge bonds and for vying s tax annually t par the interest aad principal of the same." Xfiose vocinff against the said propositi an hays written or printed on their ballots: v '.?ff"w,wuiug aw,Mw in lancoam pnoge Donas ana against levying a tax to pay the interest aad Brincine! of the i It is hereby ordered that ssidnotias' bshed in the Lxnooxx Couutt Tribusz. a paper oi general circulation in said coaaar, consecutive weeks, commencing on the 8tk of October. 1887. And that a CODY of tlut nnoib'nn posted up at each place of voting in daring the day of election. Witness our hands and the seal of sail this 6th day of October, 1887. Joskpk HxkSHZT. ) Jambs Bxltox, County Co JUE9IXB VV&LKZB, J (-) Attest: 18M..f JonnE.1V ) Cooatr ear-iFIstte TT. STEEITZ, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND DEALER IN NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of a cnauei mortgage dated on the 11th. day of July, 1887, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 1Kb day of July, 1887, at five o'clock and thirty minutes P. M., and executed by Win. Pickett to C. B. Startzman to secure the payment of one certain promissory note for 29.30, upon which there is nov,due the sum of $29.40; default having been made in payment of saiu sum, inereiore i will sell the prop- PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES1 Wall Pap er, h ' WINDOW GLASS AJSTO BBTJSHES Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond: Brand Paints. - . Agent for Taiisill's "Punchi'Ol Five-Cent Cigars. r Corner Sixth, and Sprnce Streets., j-P f Bepubrican Meetingrs. Tkc Republican Conutj Central ConiMittee has.arrauged Tfor. meet iw at which the principles at issue will he i discussed by 'the following weftken: ,r.' W. Rixlr R r "MwrchiM IGriiia T. 0. Patterson. A. h! through Georgia." The metta Chirefc, R. F. Forrest, Geo. French, was organized"" by the electin dP H. D.llhea. W. Wilcox, J. S. Prof. Cary as chairman, and afWr Hofknd, C, C. Williams, Wm. music by the band the .ballH oatritd W. C. Elder,3.J. I. Nesbitt with a good straight rtpWicn Gx; G. Hanna and others, speech by Judge Pattersoa, which s The appointment are as follows : was applauded to the echo. He KwU, Monday, OqVi, 7:30 p. m., at was followed bv Mr. W. T. Wifcox. , 5fe fJSt. v . . i" " . . il- m Lirmmew, lueboar, uct. ao, 7:3U p. m wuu ti- uutricau ncm w wuw ijtorrow, vveaaeawiv; Uct. 36. 7. II 1 1 1 J , L . -mm- L:--.-i as one or tne ontrnuesc mmm msm eloquent speakers in oar iiairict, who sounded the trumpet ot rtpai lican doctrine and enthwagm"tp; the delight of the audience: : Mr; Campbell, one of the soiM cituem and straight republiciM of this frecinct, was next called by the 'resident, and although a farmer making no pretentions to omonal accomplishments, he oWiTertd om of the most rnthnniiMrtir rli of the erenine, and aMtV many s. renort shows 148 frty therein described, viz: one light bay iESWS -iWrse about four ,years old with small white spot on forehead, named "Cy"; one dark bay horse about three years old with white stripe in face, named "Fred" ; one two-horse lumber wagon, one set of double work harness, one pole buggy in muumuuj ul puuiic auction at a. W. VanDoran's livery stable in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 5th day of November, 1887, at one o'clock P. M. of said day. Dated October lStbj 1887. 383 C. U. St.uitzmax. .30 n. m.. . a - - 1 at Aiorrow scaooi nouse. 8aaezset, Thanday, Oct 27, 7:30 u m., at Dickens'. r Willow, Friday; Oct28, 1:30 p. m., at Keeler sch'ool house. Oaflin, Monday, Oct 24, 7:30 p. m. at red school house. Pfcckham, Tuesday, Oct 25, 7:30 p. m., at Peckbam school house. Walker, Wednesday, Oct 26, 1:00 p. in. Deer Creek, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7:30 r p. m Fox Creek, Thursday, Oct 27, 1 :00 p m., at Schick's. r Fuchanan, Thursday, Oct 27, 7:30 p. m., at Votaw school house. Ijm the 14th day y meu in tne ot- C'.tiincoln county, r ot JUarch, 1887, minutes f. M.. Ickett andWm. in to secure the NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby givea:that by virtue of i vuaiiei mortgage aai oi juarcn, 1887, and d fice of the countv clerli Nebraska, on the 14th ( at two o'clock and thii and executed by G. T. Pickett to C. B. Startzr payment of one certain, promissory note of $50.00, upon which there is now due the sum of $33.45; default having been made in payment of said sain, therefore I will sell the property therein described, viz: one dark bay horse about four years old with white stripe m face, weighs aoout one tnousana poungs, named Fred; one bay horse about five years old,weighs about a thousand pounds, one two horse wagon, one brown mare about four years old, with white face, branded EY on left thigh; at public auction at S. W Van Doran's livery stable in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 5th day of No vember, 1787, at one o'clock P. 31. of said day. Dated October 13th, 1887. 383 C. B. STABTZ3IAN. .3 SOLD BY McEVOY, THE JEWELER; (Licensed Jeweler for the TJ. P. Ry. , -AND- FRENCH CLOCKS. TESSE GOODS ABE TEE! MM, Dip ill OT.