iN. .,-1 -,"-v. 1 - , IS k-SBSPl r i 4 1 TV IN in: - .If l,Jil S'isiSf rC-J-'je -k.&j tf, -3? ----- !H il "H . -4 !1 DEINT I 1 IX I I WATCH IS DEALER SILFEMARE AND Fine-Watch-and-Glook-Rpair- inga Specialty. Call 4 rid see me!- before purchasing elsewhere. ! McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. T. C. PATTERSON, Preft. ' . ISAAG DILLON, Vice Pratt. A. foABUCKWOM'HsTrcgdrert UV.) ' LESTER J5ELLS, Secretary. . CJorxxrctl JXreorasKa LCjAN AND TRUST- CQ., r OF NOETH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. : First Mprjoge Farm Loans "Made in Lincoln and adjoining Counties. Money on hand to close loans promptly. OFFICE IN LAiTD OFFICE I3tOCK, OPPOSITE DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, - - - NEBRASKA. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, I 1 . n Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. on short notice and at reasonable, ratesi. First-claas rigs to let I$L CINIDiY; Proprietor I Front -Street, near TJ. P. Freight Warehouse, NORTH) PLATTE, NEBRASKA i WA1.L PAPER, Paijnt and il D"e .1 pot "'litiPE'ALE'S, Odd' Fellows' Block,. Spruce Street. Alway8-i'!8lSc',i'e -oTTcomplete assortment of WALL PAPER, wal and ceiUmr decorations.v CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and alliafel noyeltifte infpapeiB. Every shade of tfie best brands of READY MIXED pntshouscs,barns, wagons and buggies. WJiite lead, oils, glsiss "pattyfbrbshes varnishes, kalsorniue and complete painters1 supplies, The interstate law ha downed two-thircb of the circ on MMir ig 2 oca u uses. UMI whiU Llr.rS- 1 Ji;L m'circns they will' r1ihe marketf Michigan City is not in Michigan and Kansas City is not in Kansas. When the children were first araed there was little thought ;giyen;to appropriateness of a name, Yjor it would have been Indiana City and Missonfiburg. The great onion district of New York Stafe,; aloig the Wallkilf river and tributaries in Sussex, New Jersey, and Orange Counties, yields arcrop of more than 600,000 bushels out theravages of the onion -fly will reduce that crop one-half this sea son. The pest of foreign' imports tion breeds very rapidly. Its-desP tructive form is that of the grub that Jeeds jippn he bulb. n C&SKJOa tiuAanfralfp,! eroM, 6rbmbleTw Wiadj CUie, TeethUr Faias, y or Stotuach Diaextes, bl jelled attoaos bTiwHtf Aek Baby Soother. It coataiaa bo Opium or JCorphise. hence is safe. Frio .25 cttts. I Cold by A. F. Streite. 1 i ' THEWILD WEST IS OPEN AGAIN WITH A FULL LINE OF Hit lti"'" Sft-t"-' A - ,- I101I ; s HWt aescripiion- AEUESS O I CONSTANTLY ON DRAUGHT. ON THE SIDE. Horse Blankets Knocked all' to y .Ai t Iff ? - , A Pie "lit es; 4Come one, M it andlbe convinced that we have the largest best, and G. C. HAWKINS & BROS'., -'IIJOV Sprhce'Street; next to 'Conway & Keith, ion i-r;..- 5 l- North Platte, :r .1 IAK ; 7CiT V OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK, I JLJ i?lL CJ -Nebraska. r . J7 41 v-A fZ0 L. t T -r y-T T ' ; r.u4 'forsale in 5 Land RANGES 33 to 37, JNCLUSIVE, IN Lmdoli-i.k Neb., and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the 1 kV mLTMon .Pacific . Eailwav, and Terms , can, J5e obtained on application, at the office of jut I '"i irir. f ' .JJIliLON & OOLLINS, .J5ATwJd" Prices IVEET Stable. FSTqpASjS IGS FURNISHED l sfeortrjppbticej an d atijeasqnable rates. Horses boarded bv the week or m. urarwu:cytpc(.eui ciujiiMyesv omuie. opposite tne xiawiey House' on east Fiftht street, An bid German farmer, Hvirir! aoour; len mnes o&ck oi oeoewaing, Mich., has a wild cat for a twf.j 1 1- was caught when very 'burigr but1 nas now oeen ine xamiuar mena or the farmer , for eight yeai?ilIi2 follows him like a 'dog and is truly Joyal with but one, .exception, r4and bUftt MS lUUb ue UUWT3 ou coicKeus. This is slightly offset by the fact that .he jcin kill ;more rats than 1,000 tame cats. Chicago Herald. t Colonel Larry Jerome, just returned from Europe, leaving Mr. CHauncey M. Depew behind him, offers, to .bet $18,000 to $28,000 that Depew gets the New York. delega tion' sol id in the convention oi 1888. The Colonel lis not a statesman,! but he generally .'puts his money where it will dp t3 most good Jbv coming bact. to him with1 the fother fellow's stake 6 bear it cdmpanyr ' ' In the trial of Fred Muncrath, for the i murder of the Rey. 'Mr. Haddock, in Sioux City, Iowa, it is said,- an attempt-will be made; to affect the honesty of the jury. On the special -iire:is claimed-there are some salon-keeptraamong the number being the' wan whose place the plans were laid that finally resulted in Mr. Haddock's martyr dom. v :r- Koid EUxir is the oalr TVR' i Blood Bmdj guaran- teed, it w a posture eaxeior uiohi, mjtv- whole Bjrtmt, heaiehes all waeaaieiie aad Kmualfie peias. We goaraatee it. Sold by A. F. That great Democratic corpora tion the Standard, Oil Company with; its untold millions of property does 'not carry a dollar of insurance although its losses' by fire are en- ormous. now noes at gee its money back from a, "fire? Why it puts up the price of oil for a day or two. The price of oil to dealers is made everyday up a fraction of a cent, or down a fraction of a cent, as the case may be. When a big tank of oil burns up, the price is' put up enough to pay the loss sev eral times over. The advance is maintained" until 'the company thinks it has got enough, and then the price is put back again. wump, Jugwn wiser -c. - "u - - -noerais -are wwld he jag ana tb mr. ' jtfitKif fall the mthti morale or- gOTernmenMW Possibly a doxen vears from now kicking andfeuffing'Chinamen ,will notfbeasfparaMiih.n8 sonie cwnb ii now:. 'Obina has lost added five Teasels to her mm uayy. , -xwo oteron crweersarnieu with powerfBlrKrui)"uns, have a speed of sixteen knots7 per hour: i. Lr!ll."2i:'4Tlii-,,. i J bu,uuui;ai xiisnKKf are ;nieu up with. expansive engines, and have a speed of eighteen and one-half knots, with, batteries of Kruppy and ArmstromThko boat is the fastest' Vessel ;of her class fever .built, -and;, has: ar speed of twenty-eight ile per jhpu'r.i Such contrivM(wl, donbtless make Celestials more repected by the uanons. IDOINCS. LUMBER BiCOAL. LUMBER J, T .aM are pterieaDTajyB- mstloB, abMey M CoaetipatKw. we fMnatee uml ' M. m ov eei , Jt." - ii r - i SoMby'iu-iVStreite. jf 1 1 ;. TOatisthecGTE. goodrifor. o youl k? Why Imy poor be Bigh;lkothertKeGl A. R, the wast' y ear' f disbursed over $252000 in cnancy out or tneir own pocKec and oyer j 26,000 worthy people, were its beneficiaries. Some of this fund went'jto relieve the distressed in. the? Sunny 'South; was ! distributed among the Charleston sufferers; yes, e.veri among those who fought on the other side. 'jWhat is it good for'doyou still ask? Why Wess you it is good for a'life as long as the life oft its last comrade, 'and as' noble and x' proud a record as the historian ever, wrote. xEx. George GouTdsays that being a rpoor' employe of one of his father's ranroaas is no vana oojecnon to a young .man , who wants to;marry nis sister, t This was clever in Geore but we"8uj?e; he does not intend it as a call for-volunteers, with free S asses from New York thrown in.' is mother married a1 poor ifrailfoad People who think df stopping their country paper should read and ponder over tne following, which we clip from an exchange: "Once upon a time a certain man got mad with the editor and stopped bis paper. The next week he sold his corn at four cents belowthe market price because he wasn't .posted. He was arrested and fined $8 for going hunting on Sunday; and .he paid $3 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks andthe public cautioned not to negotiate them. He then paid an Irishman with a foot like a forged ham mer to kick him 1L the way to a newspaper office, and paid three years' subscription, and had the him down and, rob him if 'he ever ordered his; paper discontinued again. Such is life without a news paper;1 ' j JThe annexation of Canada to the United States is a subject that is gaming considerable .headway among the leadings men of both countries.-. congressman nutter- worth, of Ohio;5-as conducting.v a campaign in western .Canada in the interest of commercial; union. Prof. Goldwin Smith, of Toronto, in a speech delivered at Toronto' a few days ago said that what Canada means bv commercial uuion is the total abolition of the customs line between her and the Unite. States, - a , perfect free trade in all tne pro ducts of both countries, whether natural or manufactured, a common tariff against, all other countries, the revenues to be pooled and equitably divided, fisheries and coasting trade1 io common, open Waterways and mutual' participa tion in all commercial facilities and advantages, free circulation of ca pital, commercial enterprise and commercial life from the border Of Mexico to the shore of Hudson's bav. He also said that he believed annexation was best for both countries and sure to come. same 'his tne man 'so didthe,wife of the late Superintendent'Hoxie. So did the wives of many others of the present millionaire railroad kings. George Gould married a poo actress. 'As strange as it may seem 'to, the envi- ousni asses. does not aever went oacieji he left thevmotnit'a1 boyhooc on 'ftm andned his, JP! Votlbn handkercmef; In this country f HvesVaT able oldv couple; Artemas and his wlfsOTa 80 pears old, three years he bis place. Seventeen yei r i'i ..... . a wire tnen gaveinim to i presenf incumbehtfof h with whom he has; since pily. His first' them, and does washing, and Vi makes more money frian alio mnAa ao'! is ,60 years: old and' tins ' at 420 pounds, IwlnV iLrtemk weighs only ninety-five i pounds. Recently a railroad, .was -''buttr by ,1.1. ? 1 1 V .. tneirpiace, ana narcissa couw not enter the car 'door when she wanted to make a trip to town, sia'at car was placed at her " disposal. A. I...:. t n of.':ff siuivi tows ymuPj ujjepiui. - - - ! . - j r . Dooier at M JJU laianuieaieoraem. it At F. Streitss. SASH, DOORS, Etc. SPECIAL AGENT FOR Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft COAL' the competition and imitation of wMikmodke. ffrm iht Chicago Mml Aus. 3, '87 j lOolonal Pat tnnj fat wefttfn orator, wno shy w " the Driest to unite the north south by means of marrying off a lot of pretty girls from Dixie to young menin the north, has had many narrow! escapes. He saved his life once by abstaining from' a game of poker and reading his Bible. A few years after the war he was a passenger on a big Missis- : 1 1 Ll J i- ci. T;a from New Orleans. The Colonel R1I W)5' WOSiUKCU W UHUU IU atuw of draw-poker that was going pn inthe fbreward part of the cabin. Tf. was finnrtuv mnrnincr. and a sudden impulse" seized him to read LIME AND CEMENT. something instead of playing paer m had nothing to read until ne YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT thought of a little Bible that a xvx, pretty young girl cousin gaveNhim KJ p T LJ in New Orleans, exacting a promise 1 J Jl I IJ .from Him that he would sooner or tiafwoon ifa Ipsvpm. 111. order to keep the poker players and HERhHEY OT PO the men who watched the game w., from laughing at him if they saw tw a t ipdo txt ? him reading a Bible, he went to his ' DEALERS IN : tBS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; from the Psalms of David about ten minutes when a terrible explosion AND MANTTF A fJTTTR'RRS OP took places killing outright an tne poker players and the men in tne front part of the cabin. The Colonel was badly shaken up, but RO.AD CABTS "mUT he managed, to, save a half dozen ladies by fighting a lot of deck- xJAjAUBlOMITIIUM, UAKJtClAtrJS JAlNTtNCr & REPAIRING hands and capturing a small boat He took to the water after pushing aJ2 W to be the below, nearly frozen to death. Pittsburg Commercial Gazette: PLATTE, NEB. Lowest: Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. T Civ Them a Chance). That is to say, yoer langs. Also all jroar 'breathing machinery. Very woaderfal awchin- ery it is.' Not only .the- larger air-passages, bet the thonsands of little tabes. and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged aad choked with matter which ought not to be there, you o?e?c1LtBuWirWOrk' ADd whatthey the purchase of new sewing machines are requested to call at the Front Call it cold, cough, croup, pneanonis, catarrh. consumption or any of the family of throat aad nose and head and lnng obstructions, all are bad. All onght to be' got rid of. There is jnet one sare way to get rid of them. That is to take Bos-1 chee's German Syrup, which any draggktwill sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed yon, you may depend upon this for certain, LADIES CONTEMPLATING Street Hardware Store and examine the DAVIS VERTICAL FEED MACHINE. They are the finest and most complete in the market. "GUY'S PLACE." I T3"V FOB SJLXj One single buggy, one two-man road cart and one one-man road cart They will be disposed of at a bargain. v all cats.:SQldV rVA udnOiaHediaMtheW todependupen. AckerBloodEI. ixir H been prMCtibML f or yean for allfa; pvrkiaaoftlieBlood. Inerayfotmof Bent-uleiBrp-mtkbr ICawatrlal rliw m, kia . ' ' ' i it i . . - ' : m iwumw. People Demand gogunt What are 'they?;fneral tutuu wiey are prescnBcions navini?, been used with great success" byvdld ana weu-reaa rnysicians.. Thou sands of invalids have been snex- pectedly cured by theirnse,r and Physicians and Kedical. '51Iej?e m ine u. p.smuch so, that 'rky sicians graduating at Medical . Col leges are requiredf rdiscountenr through them ;the JcomiiJjdoctor loses, hismost?, profiti'nraetiee. As a manufacturer ofLProbrietarv Medicines, Dr G Gl Greleltf, of Woodbury, JN,S J., Mvofeates most cordiall-r-in ordf elTt the risk, that1 the siclc and afflicted are liable to; almost dailfliy.the usef perienced person,-for ajifraB'diae meht only, and the em!bvi- of inexperienced and5 1 incbmjpeteht uwwra uy wuicu aiinosteverVr yii- xogc uiu wjwu is. cu reo p a a men claiming to be doctors who had better be undertakers, experiment ing with; their patents and 'robbing them of their moneyandS healtH. for the goo. of the icted 'that our government proteciitiiipeople by making laws to 'regulate ' the practice of medicine byrBetterj penenced and mor thoroughlv educated Physicians, afldsjtberaiiy and '.recipes nrofessKin. also form; uwsfor toe recora FHTSTMLASS le :- : Room. jLffiLIrMa8er. 1ST Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited, to call and see us. Best Goods for the Least Money at the Front Street Karri ware Store. , Hinman's Block Front Street, ONLY - i J- Q. THACKEE, MX RU&GrlS 'J-jlllB Choice Wines, vMqiiors and KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOETH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. , Kept at the Bar. Keith's Block, ront Street. SWE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT ! EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. NORTH 'PLATTE, . NEBRASKA. Kid v r r BEAST! - flHHHsHl Mexican Mustane Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & BAUMBACH; Merchant Tailors, Liniment LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS embracing all the hew designs, kept on hand and made to order. . PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see us in Ottenstein building west of Foley's store,, - NORTH PLATTE, - - . NEBRASKA. Scratch Spraicf 'Strains, Stitches, EtilTJaiatfc aexac!ic,' Galle, j 5pre Cracia. Cwtraated Mucin, ZrmptiaB Hoof Ail, 8crw Wertu, facile Qalb. Klac E. B. WARNER, UL CONSTANTLY IN STOCK METALLIC and CLOTH DRAPED CASKETS Sciatica, Lmmbaro, Uesaatis. Barssi Scalds, Stings,' BitM. Irfisoe. , linioa Cerns,; accompIae for every bedr exiwrtly what UcUImrd I . . . w-ww. w-l.- v-tj, forit. OBe ot rcns ftxrlhe treat Bopalrkj-or -Tn WTlitA .-nH T llan.Tr alkMUtr. ErcryUdy nceda kc a medlclae. V71UCMS Willie ViMKOlS. W 000611 UOIZinS OI all OlZGZ -., - a. t . - - , jk r , Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. jvt-u- rv i , T HAAilff f f- fife Ama bI m I . . . Mm. f . aeicgrspu viucrs xrrompwy iiiienaa to. upen uaj ana lMgnc. ENBAT.NTTNG A. SPECIALTY. MMfcW-------- tai and For, 8cJ by. A. FjJMnitz. rr Medicines,. un4er exaffli ists and' Physiciaiis apMint jHic tna. 'purpoue dt ine uorernntenv Deiore iney are ucensea xor genera. use. ,r ne wouia . roost ireot. the. i-recine of Boschee's M Svrup and Greens r Anirasi ji:a I rYkJWHnn. anal tbnr-jhr 'a-M 1 preindice of the PtiMr aad aTOtd mm Tkm Miacr nrcds 11 la circ or rmergencr. The lflaaccr acctlslt can'tcttnlongwlthoat It. ,Th 7arncr need it la hU Iumuc. fcls UUa, aad k ftock j-r Tfce'Steatnbcat mn sr the naacaiaa ute4a Itiallbenl supply aCoataad auiorc. 'r Marac-tnacier bm ii m bu mh h ad and kuTwi reH-ace. Ta' Sck-rriarer h It It wi tHoniiialf rf ' Tfca Bailraa ia-uaaMa tt aad trtt wMd K i taa-ltfeUaroaadbf atilJtahiii- iiapiw ; Tfca Baekwaadaama Mwda tt. - TJmt I i iaklika !t a aa antidote .for the daaflcn to Ma, Uad aad ooiafort wbleh aamiaWI the f - The.Herebaat aeeda ftafeeM Ma mn mmmm I rmr TTDT I i firrnri lTPUT TklTftU ti if n tti a TTmci a rniaf unci ,aaiirio .UKidea tdtt haaiaaMM IfJjfT DUUJ-J-lIJ AlUJDIlO mUHJ-IlO. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP Has always oa. baml new and second-hand Lumber and Spring: Wagons, Backboards and Baggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of IonnLplen.erLts. Horse aad Ox Sfcoeiag aad Blacksaithing. I repair all kinds of Machinery, Wagon, Carriages and Panning Tools. I will order repairs for kind of Mowers, reapers, bay rake, etc. Agent for the 1 .TeeaiBettle la theFaaMtT. IMa aie m eaw ef ae d aaraa Mln a t taat eC i Keee a. -toctle .I mjra la the 8aMe lev I whea waated ' ' All Kinds of Hay RakM. Etc. Also agent for the Celebrated Studehaker Road Wagons, Spring. . Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB, jykf il 1 Ii - (ft 1 1i..'w'