C. S. CLINTON, DEALER IN WATCHES, Olooks, SILYERWAEE AND Fine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. No. 3496. FIEST NATIONAL BAM, jKTortlT Platte, - INTeb. Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Comfy Soptdeit's Mice. Tho Comity Superintendent of Tablic Instruc tion of Lincoln County will be at his office in North Platte on tho TJIIL'D SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH for examination of teachers and EACH SATURDAY iu Hiinu 10 any inner Dusiness that may come before him. J. I. NESB1TT. County Superintendent NORTH PLATTE STEAM LAI M. OLSON, Siipcrifltd'nt Ferguson House, East Sixth Street, Having put in a set of the finest machinery to he had in the market, we guarantee oiir work to he satis factory in every particular, while our prices will he as low as the low est. Family washing and ironing done by the dozen. Give us a call. I. A. FORT, OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK, North Platte, - - Nebraska. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farming Land FOR SALE IN RANGE S 33 to 37, A. O. rvoei?en, Merchant Tailor. A line line of imported and domestic PIECE GOODS always On hand. Also agent for the celo brated new American Sewing Machine, Ilinman's Block, Spruce St., NORTH PLATTE. - NEB. Prof. N.Klein Music Teacher. Instruction on the Pinno. Oran, Violin or any Eeed or Brass Instrument. Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Bijou Philadelphia Press: The Demo crats in those States whose elector al vote goes Republican are as a rule, tolerably solid for Mr. Cleve land. It is a mighty stupid ad ministration that cannot command the sunnort of its nartv in the States where it is in the minority. I hive used Chamberlain's CourIi Remedy, in fact will now use no other kind, it promptly re lieves coushs and is unequaled for the throat and lungs. Robert A. Neff, Comedian, with Peck's Bad Boy Co., Denver, Col., March 1. J8S7. Cham berlain's Coagh Remedy is told by F. H. Longley. Dan Yoorhees, "the Tall Syca more of tne Wabash,1" is moved to remark: "I think that the few blunders President Cleveland has made can be traced to the mug wump influence.' The whole mug wumpian hive will swarm and settle in the branches of the sycamore with a little more provocation like that. cured every year by Acker's celebrated English Remedy. It is a guaranted prep Bration ; if it does not help you it will cost, fou nothing. Try it. A single dose will iliw its good effect. Trial bottles 10 cfes. For sale at Thacker's. New York Hcrah: The Pacific Railroad Commission examined some of our most prominent rail road men during the last few. days, and made a very remarkable dis covery namely, that speculation in stocks tends to impair the memory. The most painful cases of rheumatism may bo relieved by a few applications of Chamberlain's Pnin Balm; its continued use will cure any case no matter of how long standing. The record of this pain relieving medicine is wonderful. It is equally beneficial for lame back, pain in side, shoulder lameness, and in all painful affections requiring an external remedy. A trial will con vince any person that the above statement is cor rect. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is sold by 1'. H. Longley. Piles. Pji.ks are frequently preceded by a sense ot weurlit in the back, loins ana lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. -At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, liatulencv, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a verv disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, bleeding and itching piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon tho parts aifected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and aifoctiirj: a permanent cure. Price fifty cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua Ohio. Sold by A. F. Streitz. XJVb X T Tn; ' lr 1 a L,OUru cr Cold, or the children 5r A Rebel Arithrnatlc. A Washington correspondent of the Liter Ocean has found an ante bellum text book used in the South. If is n treatise on alarebra, and a - u very good one in the main, written by General D. H. Hill, the well known Confederate corps comman der, when he was professor of mathematics in Davidson College, North Carolina, just before the war. The examples by which he illus trates his text, while interesting can not be as highly commended as the Tihtn of his work. Thoy indicate the kind of sectional training which i the 3'outh of this institution re ceived. The following are ex amples: ;A man in Cincinnati purchased 10,000 pounds of bad pork at 1 cent per pound, and paid so much per pound to put it through a che mical process, by which it would appear sound, and then sold it at an advanced price, clearing 450 dollars by the fraud. The price at which he sold the pork per pound, multi plied by the cost per pound of the chemical process, was 3 ceiits. .Re quired the price at which ho sold it and the cost of the chemical process." "The field of battle at Buena Vista r.i six ar.d half miles from Saltillo. Two Indiana volunteers ran -away from their field of! battle at the same time; one ran half a mile per hour faster than the other, and reached Saltillo 5 minutes 45 0-11 seconds sooner than the other Required their respective rate of travel." "A Yankee mixes a certain num ber of wooden nutmegs which cost him J of a cent a piece, with a quantity of real nutmegs worth 4 C- IF1. IDDI Succeeding CASH 4b IDDINCS. LUMBER ffiCOAL. LUMBER -LI. TV SAMPLE 5 3 J. W. HINTON, Proprietor. INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb. and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Railway. I rices and lerms can be obtained on application at the office op DILLON & COLLINS, Corner Front and Locust Streets. Bismark Saloon mmm n. m bay AST! an tang Liniment Sciatica, Lnmbsgo, Rhcumaiirm. Eurnsi Scalds, Stings, Kites, Braises, Baaionr, Corns, Scratches, Sprains, Strain?, Stitches, EtiffJointa, Backache, Galls, Sorea, Spuvin Cracks. Contracted Muscle Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinnoy, Saddle Galls, Files. THIS COOS OLD STAND-BY nccompllshes for everybody exactlywbat Is claimed forlt. Oac cf tlia reasons for the great popularity of th3 ilustan- Linlmcr.t la found In Its anlveraal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. Tito Lnmbi:r:acn r.e:da It iu case of Accident. Thcllouscv.ifes cdsliforgcneralfamllyuse. The Cannier r.et-ds it for his teams and his men. Tho IIechaaic accts it always on his work bencli. Tho Sliiscrnpe-"' 5 ! career emergency. The Pioneer cc J-it csa'tgetalonswlthout It. Tho Farmer needs it in hU house, his stable, and hlsstcckysrJ. The Steamboat innn or tho TJontraan needs It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It it Is bis best friend and safest reliance. Tho Stock-Brewer needs it It trill save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tho Railroad rami needs It and wUl need It so long as his life is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs it. There is noth ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tho Merchant needs It about his store among his employees Accidents will happen, and when ILcePaBouIoInt.eHoae. TU the be..o economy. v-rt.rr- italmmedlaH Keep aBottlo in tho Facwry. cscincasaof accldentves pain andlo Keep a Bottle Always ib the Stable M ase vrhca wasted. Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HUPFER, Prop., Keeps none but the rlnestWliiskies,suchas ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN., COON HOLLOW, M. V. MONAHU11, O. F. C. TAYLOR. GUCKEN1IETMER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Hum, Gin Etc. St. Louis Bottled Beer and Milwaukee Beer on draft. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. "GUVS PLACE." FIRST-CLASS Sample :-: Boom, N L. HALL, Manager. Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. Only th .finest brands of Kentucky Whiskies And the Celebrated MILWAUKEE Kept in Stock. BEER (.JIVE 31 E A CALL. I. T. CLAHKSOff, 1 74 Randolph St., CHICAG- O. threatenedwitli Croup or "Whooping Cough, vsq Acker's English Remedy and proven luxmur troupe, n is n positive enro, and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c Sold by Thacker. Mr. Parnell has received from Paj' Director Cunningham, of the United States navy, the parchment commission of President Jackson to Commodore Charles Stewart ("Old Ironsides"), grandfather of the Irish leader and alter wnom tne latter is named. The first initial of "Old Hickory" is at least three inches long. Liver Fills. Use Dr. Gnnn's Improved Liver Tills for Sallow Completion. Pimples on the Face and Lilliousness. Never sickens or gripes. Sample bottle ) cent at A. F. Streitz's. l Bishop Watterson, of Columbus. Ohio, has just returned to Eugland after an eight month's tour through Europe and the Holy Land. He is the second Catholic Bishop from the United States to visit the Holy Land, the other being Bishop Spalding of Peoria. Bishop Wat- terson carefully satisfied himself that the venerated Mount Calvarv was outside the ancient walls and is really the Golgotha of the Bible. cents a piece, and sells the whole assortment for 44, and gains $3.75 by the fraud. How many wooden nutmegs were there?'" "A gentleman in Richmond ex pressed a willingness to liberate his slave, valued at 81,000. upon the receipt of that sum from charitable persons. ie received contributions from twenty-four persons, and of these there were fourteen-nine- teenths fewer from the North thau from the South, and the average donation of the former was four fifths smaller than that of the lat ter. What was the entire amount given by the latter?"' "The year in which Decatur pub- nsneu ins omciai letter trom iewt London, stating that the traitors of New England burned blue lights on both points of the harbor, to give notice to the British of his attempt to go to sea, is expressed by four digits. The sum of the first and fourth is equal to half the se cond; the first and third are equal to each other. The sum of the first and second is equal to three times the fourth, and the product of the first and second is equal to eight. Required the year." "The year in which the Govern ors of Massachusetts and Connecti cut sent treasonable messages to their respective legislatures is ex pressed by four digits. The square root ot i lie nrst and second is eoual to tnree; tne square root of the product of the second and fourth is equal to four; the first is equal to the third, and is one half of the fourth. Required the year." "Some pf the New England States were fully and some partially represented in the Hartford Con vention which, in the year of 1814, gave aid and comfort to the British during the progress of the war. If four be added to the number of States fully and partially represent ed, and the square root of the sum be taken, the result will be the number of States fully represented: but, if eleven be added to the sum 1,1 MuaLea juiuy sum partiaiiv re presented and the square root of the same be taken, the result will ho equal to the square root of eight times the number of States partially presented, itequired the numbe Latin. SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. SPECIAL AGENT FOR Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND I Colorado Soft c o YARD ON R. It. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. DEALERS IN AGRICU LTU R AL I M PL EM EN TS. AND MANUFACTURERS OF ZR,OJD CARTS, ETC. BLACKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest OTTERSTEDT HERSHEY & CO. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. J Q. THACKER KEITH'S IJLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOKTEE PLATTE, -- NEBRASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & Merchant AUMBACH, Tailors, 23 uSL. IS" 22 Jd. & -A.3N"33 T JLS. &BGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED? PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see us in Ottenstein building west of Foley's store, NORTH PLATTE All communications to me, with regard to my interest in lands in Cheyenne and other counties in Nebraska, and as to lots in Schuy ler, Alda, Paxton. .Julesburg, Sid- nev. Potter and Kimball, addressed above, will receive prompt and careful attention. J. T. CLARKSON ONLY Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Kept at the Bar. Keith's Block. Front Street, NORTH PLATTE, r - NEBRASKA. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Railway Htu romoved its Tickot Offici? in Omalia. and is now located at 218 South Thirteenth Street, Hetwetn Farnain and Douglas. THE ONLY LIXE RUXXIXG Free Reclining Chair Cars OX ALL TKAIXS 15ETWEEX OMAHA. LINCOLN. KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS. Pullman Buffet Cars on all night trains. Direct connections made in TJnion Deiot.s at Kansas City and St. Louis for all points East, Sonth and West. The Missouri Pacific has lately been awarded the fast mail service between the east and west. No other line exceeds tho time made by Uis line between the west and St. Louis. Gor tickets, maps, time tables or any other information call on your nearest agent or address Thos. F. Godfrey, Tass. and Ticket Agt, 218 South 13th St., OMAHA. IF. . NEWMAN, General Traffic Mgr., U. C. TOWNSENI), G. P. and T. Agt., ST. LOUIS. or btates represented fully and partially BEFOHE YOU START on a journey, call and Ket n bottle of rhamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against an at attach ot bowel complaint. Many prudent and csreful persons never travel without it. Hun dreds of traveling wen are never without a bottle in their grip. Many lives and much suffering has been saved by its timely use. No one can attord to travel without a bottle of this pleasant, safe and reliable preparation. F. II. Longley. dru"-gist. felt Rheum or Eezema. Old sores and ulcers, Scaldhcud and ringworm, Pain in the back and spine, Swelling of the knee joints, Spr uns and bruises, Neuralgia and toothache, Tender feet caused by bunions, corns and chilblains, we warrant Bkcg's Titopr c.u. Oil to relieve any and all of the above. Sold by A. F. Streitz. Hnaumatism and Neuralgia H in 2 Says, THE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO. have dis covered a compound which nets with truly mar velous rapidity in the cure of PhRiimn'iem and Neuralgia. We gn.-imnU3rtrcnre any and every case of acute rheumatism and neuralgia in TWO DAYS, ancl to give immediate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On re ceipt oe .so cems, in iwo cent stamps, we will send to any address Uie prescription for this wonder ful compound, which can be filled by your home druggist at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery to the public instead of put ting it out as a iwtent medicine, it being much less expensive. Wo will gladly refund moneyif satisfaction m not given. TnE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO., fcewly Cn.uvronDSVii,LE. I-D Tallaiiassa. Fla., 3Iay 15. Since the withdrawal of Mr. Pasco from the Senatorial race there has heen considerable talk of a com promise candidate, and the name most prominently mentioned for the position is that of Stephen R. Mallory, son of S. R. Mallory. who was United States Senator from 1851 to 1SG1, and Secretary of the Confederate Navy during the re- TT- -3 11 oemon. i iynu to oe a repres- think Rill 7Vn W .,i ' .i L L' il ri n , . ...i Wllill. UIU NEBRASKA. E. B. WARNER, North Platte. Nebraska. Th;it greatest of all crreat Wpst- eru humorists and popular wits, Bill Nye. has accepted a lucrative position on the New York World where, as he says, he will "now inflict the people exclusively.' Jn conversation with a Chicago report er Nye stated that he hesitated about accepting the proffered posi tion because he desired to set off ior a uay occasionally to go out and leciure among the unsuspecting mimuiumiB, j.ui iear mar, ir lie ear ned this idea out after going on the w orui, -the paper might not be aoie to come out during his ab sence. The proprietor, however, assumed all responsibility in that respect and told him he could take an occasional day off and he (the proprietory) would see that the paper did not miss an issue on that iccount. Being thus reassured, Nye accepted the high-salaried place. lor quaint humor, of :i stjde peculiarly his own, we do not CONSTANTLY IN STOCK METALLIC and CLOTH DRAPED CASKETS In White and Black. Gloss White Caskets. Wooden Coffins of all Sizes. Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. COMPLETE STOCK OIF TRIMMINGS , Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. ENBALMING A SPECIALTY. Wmi, FEED AND SALE STABLE, o - Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. an able lawyer, a man of fine abili ty, the choice of the young Demo cracy of the State, and possessing the confidence of the entire imrf.v i j ' TRY ORMSBY'S DOLLAR FLQUR, as a western humorist we will hnp.k him against ' "anything on the track.' CL'IiE FOK SICK HEADACHE. For proof thsit Dr. Ounn's Improved Liver Pills cures sick headache, a.sk your druggist for a free trial package. Only one for a dose. Hegular size boxes cents, bold by A. F. Streitz. First-class ngs to let on short notice and at reasonable rates. DAN S. DICKENSON, Proprietor. Front Street, near U. P. Freight Warehouse, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. oorr ft' j THE PATTEESON WAGON SHOP Has always on hand new and second-hand Lumber and Spring Wagons, Huckboards and Buggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of -grrIc-u.ltvL2:a,l im.ple32Q.en.ts- Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithiug. I repair all kinds of Machinery, "Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the CELEBKATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPEES & MOWERS, All Kinds of Hay Rakes, Etc. Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring wagons, JSucKooards ana .Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB.