C. S. CLINTON, DEALER IN WATCHES, Clocks, SILVERWARE AND Fine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. No. 3496. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, INTor-th. Platte, - Neb: Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Mills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land. France. Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, ' Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. OOHHESFONDEXOZI SOIjICITED. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST AID CHEMIST An irate editor down East shoots, Call in your old free passes; its safer walking these days anyway.' Geronimo is employed in makincr gardens at Fort Pickens. He ex pects to raise cabbage this year in stead of scalps. Queen Victoria's jubilee will be officially celebrated in Canada on the 21st of June, the authorities of the various cities having agreed upon that day. The Rev. John White, a colored preacher of Arkansas, who will be 102 years old in Julv. has been married to Miss Edie Smith, a maiden of 65 summers. C. V. Baxter, an eXDerienced and hacccuufnl druggist at DeWitL Iowa, says one family there created an immene sale lor Chamberlain Congh Bemedy, by nsing and recommending it to their neighbors daring their whooping congh. Now it Bella rapidly on its merits. It has no equal forconghs, colds and croup. Sold at Longley's drag store. Drugs, Paints and Oils, Wall Paper, Lamps, lire. ' :Presci iptions Caretully Compounded. Keith's New Block. A man digging a well at Bitz- ville, W. T., came upon an immense underground cavity, whence a strong breeze blows constantly, with a noise like the humming of telegraph wires. A lot on Broadway, New York City, 25x100 feet, sold fnis week for 356,200. That is a little more than 142 per square foot. A Boston man arraigned for crime offered to prove "a lullaby," as he was at the time "at home tak ing care of the baby." A m -V 1 I 1 At .Bismarck, the otner day a large bear was seen perched on a cake of ice borne on the bosom of the raging Missouri, calmly survey- I 1 P T L L ing r-ne scene or destruction wrought by the floods. Bruin was entitled to the cake; and, it may be added, his appearance was an omen of the turning or the tide. Liver Pills. Use Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills for hallow Gomplection, Pimples on the Face and Billiousness. 'Never sickens or gripes. Sample bottle o cent at A. P, Streitz's. 1 Senator Edmunds' remark that a good many things may happen within the next two years, sums up about all that the ablest politician reels it sate to predict iist at pres ent. Senator Edmunds is bound to be on the right side in his prophe cies. It is lo be hoped that the defal casion of the book-keeper of Mark Twain's publishing house won't interfere with the flow of Mark's humor. Mark will have to imitate Mark Tapley, whose irrepressible iollitv alwavs showed itself at its best when his affairs were at their woist. Now Has Faith. I hud been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little faith, but thought to try it as a last resort, now 1 believe even more than they tell me of its curative qualities. From the jV;r, Kli.abcth, Ky. Sample bottles fi cents at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store. 1 Succeeding CASH A IDDINCS. LUMBER 5JK COAL. LUMBER, T Jath , SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. 3- YAM.) ON It. It. TRACK WEST (W DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. SPI'XMAIj auisnt for Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite, AND Colorado Soft COAL. OTTERSTEDT, HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGRIGULTUR A L I M PL E M E N TS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF ROAD CARTS, ETC. BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest. OTTERSTEDT HERSHEY & CO. Locust Street. North Platte, - - Nebraska. I. A. FORT, Beal LA.N1) attorney, a,rxcL X-ia-xxd. H,ooa,tor. OKK1CJ3 IN KEITH'S BLOCK. North Platte, - " Nebraska. to, ir. ti irTinimr am gone to Europe, but lie will likely be in hallooing OKumce ui 7Sq Democratic Convention m leeo. Senator Sherman's wife is one of the women at Washington wno would rather lire elsewhere. &he prefers her home at Mansheld, UM although she has liveu iu " "But ton almost continuously for thirty one years. W. A. Work, 8ee'y of the Iowm Traveling Xa'i Aaaoekdon. nn: "I nnl CfiamDemin'8 Colic, Chokna Diarrhoea Remedy us one of tbeMfeet sod best medicine before tliapaMic for'all cramps, pais in the stomach or bowels, cholera morbus or diarrhoea. 1 hare asedthis medicine peraoaally." Sold at LongWs droR store. The Emperor of Germany attained his ninetieth year on the 22d of March. Judging by the frequent allusions to his birthday anniversary it seems as though he must cele brate several in a year. No mon arch of his age ever had more birth day parties or shorter twelvemonths between them than the good old Kaiser. Mrs. . I ohn Sherwood worka her self up into a fine frenzy all because American women are tabooed as inclighible to the court balls given in London. According to Mrs. Sherwood, this slighting of the American people is a far more griev ous cause of war than the fisheries question. Perhaps she can persu ade Mrs. Cleveland to call an extra session. Savod H1b Life. Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, of Howe Cnvo Ivy., says ho was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes: the pains wen! almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convul sions. He tried Electric Bitters nnd got relief from llrst bottle and after taking .six bottles, was entirely cured, and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says hH positively believes lie would havodied, had it not been for tlie relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Gray ifc Co. . 0 Don .lose Scvilla, a Peruvian by birth, but a naturalized citizen of the United States, died at Lima re cently, leaving a fortune of $8,000, 000. ' As a work of gratitude to the citv of New York, where lie resided for manv years, ho left a bequest of $500,000 "for the founding of a home to educate poor children which will bear his name in that city. Anarchists go on whining about "the poverty-stricken workiiigmen of America, and the true working men of the country go on piling up their savings and "making themsel ves comfortable homes. The State savings banks of the State of New York alone have $482,435,780 money made up of small deposits. Such facts talk louder and more to the point than the bellowing of men too lazy to work. a- Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time, in experimenting when your lungs are iu dnnger. Consumption always seems nt first, only i cold. Do not permit any dealer to" impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, but bo sure you get the genuine. Beciuise he nan make more profit lie will tell vou ho has something -just as good, or just the same. Don't bo deceived, but insist upou gettiug Dr. King's Now Discovery, which is guaranteed to give rolief in all Throat, Lung and Chest affec tions. Trial bottle free at Gray & Co's drug store. 6 Charles Lux, the California cattle millionaire, died at San Francisco. Tuesday. He owned 700,000 acres of land worth $10,000,000 and had 80,000 head of cattle. Over 700 miles of private telegraph lines con nected his ranches. One thing in the Providence Railroad's favor is that the stove doors were securely locked when ex amined after the disaster at Forest Hill. Notwithstanding the strain all but one of these were held in place and saved the passengers not mlled outright from being burned to death. A Brussels theater manager has succeeded in persuading all the la dies to remove their hats during the performance. He posted in a con spicuous place in the vestibule a notice reading: "Only ladies of a certain age will be allowed to wear bonnets in this establishment." The uncertainty of the "certain age" took off all the bonnets. Mr. William WeaUake. stock raiaer and breeder of thoroughbred horses, Uring near Atocs, Neb., was badly injured by bein thrown from a aalky. After nsing numerous liaimenta and consulting physicians, without being afforded any relief, he obtained a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm from the druggist at Aroca which he began nsing and noticed a change for the better after two ap plications; in two weeks he entirely recorered the one of his arm. It is nneaoalled for serere bruises and sprains, rheumatism and lame back. Sold at Longley's drug store. Gen. Sheridan has a sunny corner room in the new War Department building fitted up with furniture of 1 1 O t nis own cnoosing. oeverai caDineis are filled with Indian pottery and curions, and the walls are covered with paintings of Western scenery with buffaloes and Indians in the foreground. Black Kettle's war belt is as dear to him as a peachblow vase, and a Sioux war club is the chief treasure in the collection. af - - ShnsatisB and Neuralgia Cued in 2 Says. THE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO. have din- covered a compound which acts with truly mar velous rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia We guurnntee.to enre any and ovory case of acute rheumatism and neuralgia in TWO DAYS, nnd to give immediate relief in chronic cases und offect a speedy cure. On re ceipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any addrera the prescription for this wonder- fnl compound, which can be filled by your homo druggist at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery to the public instead of put ting it out us a patent medicine, it being much less expensive. Wo will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. THE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO., f."wwly CHAWFOnDHTIMiB, INI) There is one very suggestive fact . . ' 1 1 1 1 in connection witn cne ooom ana the closing of saloons in Sioux City, Iowa, according to the Journal- newspaper of that place. It says that the persons lately engaged in the saloon business there are not acting on the argument used h them a little while ago, to the e feet that closing the saloons would ruin the town, ,but are, on the con trary, acting on the opposite theory. That is to say, a multitude of in stances might be cited where ex-saloon-keepers have beeu heavy in vestors in Sioux City real estate or are engaged now in extensive build ing operations or plans for such operations. Such is the absolute fact, and it requires a profound logi cian to interpret its significance. ' FREE TRADE. Tim reduction of Internal revenue and the tak ing oft of stamps from proprietary medicines no doubt has largely benefitted tho consumers as well as relieving the burden of home manufac turers. Especially is this the case with Grktn'8 Auouht Flowxb and Hohchct.' Gkbmax Syrup, as tho redaction of thirty-six cents per doren has been added to increase the sice of the bottles containing these, remedied, thereby giving one fifth more medicino in the 75 cent else. The August Flower for dyspepsia and liver complaint and Gormaa Byrup for congh and lung troubles, have perhaps tho largest sales of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased sice of bottlcM will bo greatly appreciated by tho sick and afflicted in ever' town and village in civilised countries. Snmple bottles for ten cents remain tho same site. At military headquarters in Omaha information has been re ceived of the robbing of Paymaster D. N. Bush, at Antelope Springs Station. W. T. Major Bush, ac companied by his nephew, D. F. Bush, as clerk, and Private Martin Gregg left Douglas by stage on Thursday evening last with a valise containing $7,500 in cash to pay off i iL i i. n l Tir.x4: . tue Liuups aii evil mcjxuuiey About 11 o'clock Friday morning ther reached Antelope Springs. where they stopped for dinner, tak- n . i ii t i mg tne valise insiae tne station with them and setting it in full sight near the door. While they were eating a cowboy, named Char ley Parker, snatched the valise con taining the money, and mounting a spirited horse, sped away. The party rushed out and. fired several shots at the fugitive, but failed to reach him. Parker is a notorious character in the West, and is want ed for murder in Texas. "Major Bush returned to Douglas, and noti fied the military authorities of the neignbonng departments of the theft, and offered a reward of $1,000 for the capture of the thief and the money. A close watch has been established on all the eastern aven ues of escape, and he may yet be nabbed. He is about 23 years old 5 feet eight inches high, and of light complexion. He rode a mag- it1 1 " 1 I M mncenc oay norse,ana was neuvny armed. PHea. Piles are frequently preceded by u sense of weight in tne duck, loins ana lnwpr nftrt o? the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection i j' Jz. -i-i : a Ol me juuueys ur neiguuuinuu uigous. ai times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. t A moisture like perspira tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, bleedinir and itchinir piles yield at once to the application of Dr. JjosanKo s rue tvemeuy, wnicn jicis Airer.tlv unon the Darts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and affecting a permanent cure. Price fifty cents. Aaaress tne ur. .nosanKu Medicine Co., Piqua Ohio. Sold by A. F. Streltz. J. Q. THACKER 0 X R XT C3r GIST-!1I com Many issued adver- Chicago special: The managers of several of the principal roads leading out of Chicago anticipate some trouble in inducing' holders of annual passes of one lcind and another to surrender their paste boards when the inter-state merce bill goes into effect, of these passes have been by virtue of contracts for Using, freight shipments and ser vices rendeJed in other directions, and it is thought that the holders will plead such contracts as a reason why they should respond to a re quest to surrender. Private in structions have been given the conductors to take up all passes upon presentation and in case where the holder objects, to give him or her a printed receipt and notification to call upon tho officers of the company, who will make a settlement for any claim which may le made. fV A nnd rclinlTo JIiHlicint.iftrothebesI -J vvv to depend upon. Acker's Wood El ixir has been prescribed for ycaw for all im puritloaoftlioljlood. In ovrrr form of Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or M' rcuri&l diseases, it g invalaablc. For Rheumatism WsnoequaL For sale by J. Q. Thacker. BLACK WOLF! Or Black Leprosy, Is a disease which is considered Incurabtc, bat it has yielded to the curative prop erties of S wiit's 8 re cine now kcown all over the world as S. S. S. Mrs. Bailey, of West Soaer ville, Mass., uear Boston, was attacked several yean ao with this hideoas black ernptioa, and was treat ed by the best medical talent, whocoald only ear that the disease was a species of LEPROSx and consequently incurable It is impossible to de scribe her sufferings. Her body from the crown of her head to the soles of bcr feet was a mass of de cay, the flesh rottincoff and lcavingreat cavities. Her fingers festered and several nails dropped otT at one tune. Her limbs contracted by the fearful leeration, and for years she did not leave her bed. Her weight was reduced from 135 to SO lbs. Some faint idea of her condition con be cleaned froa the fact that three pounds of Cosmotine or out Bent were used per week in dressing her sores. Finally the physicians acknowledged their defeat by this Black Wolf, and commended the sufferer to her all-wise Creator. Her husband Bearing wonderful reports of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.). prevailed on her to try it aa last resort. Sbe began its use under protest, bat soon found that her system was being relieved cf the poison, as the sores nn-umcd a red and healthy color, as thousli the l.Nxxt was becoming pure aad active. Mrs. Bailey coniiniied the S.S.S. until last Tebraary; every sore was healed; she discard chair and crutches, and was for the first time in 12 Team a well woman. IK r rmt.md, Mr. C. A. Bai ley, la la business at 17M l!lack.-tone Street. Boa ton, and nill take plcamrc in giving the detailf ef this wonderful cure bend to us for Treatise OB Stood and Skin Diseases, mailed free Tmi Swijt SraciKC Co Drawer 3, Atlanta, Gfr BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment eiatiea, Lusbtf! Ihemaiatiim. lirmii toldf, ttiafft, lltat, BrmitM, 1 onions, Ceras, Scratches. Sprains. Strains, Stitches, Stiff-Joints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Seraw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. THIS OOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly wlmt lsclalmnl for It. One of the re nont for the jcrca t popularity of the Mustang Liniment Is found Iu Its tin I verso I llcablllty. Kvorybody needs such a medicine. The Laaaberrnnii needs It In cose of sccldcnt. The Hawsewlfc needs It for general family use. The Caaaltr needs It for Mr teams and bis men. The Mechnulc needs It always on his work baaeb. The Mlaernrcil: It In caw of emerf?cncy. The Pleaecr needs i :-oau't uet alont; without It. The Farmer ueeds It In hb house, hts stable, aad his stock yard. The Steamboat mna r the Beatwaa need It la liberal supply afloat ami ashore. The Hersc-faBcIcr needs It it Is his best Mead aad safest reliance. The Steck-grewer needs it It will save Mm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad nana needs It and will need it so loac as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Baekweeeamaa needs It- There Is noth ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb aad comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about his store amsag bis employees. Accidents will nappea, aad wheat these come the Kustaag Iinlmeat is wanted atoaee, Kee, a Battle la the Heaee. TU the best of economy. , , . Kee a Battle la the Factery. iMlatsaeaJat use la ease of accident saves pala and loss of wage Keep a Battle Always la che StaUefet? as whea waateel. KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET; OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. . WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER& BAUMBACH, Merchant Tailors, O Ij 3E3 A. N JC lEt. -A-TO" ID II.ZSP. IZI.pBZlS . LABGE STOCK OP PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see us in Ottenstein building west o Foley's store, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. E. B. WARNER, North Platte, Nebraska. CONSTANTLY IN STOCK METALLIC and CLOTH DRAPED CASKETS In White and Black. Gloss White Caskets. Wooden Coffins of all Sizes. Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. COMPLETE STOCK OP TIEtllMIIJyLIILsrG-S, Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. ENBALMING A SPECIALTY. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. First-class rigs to let on short notice and at reasonable rates. DAN S. DICKENSON, Proprietor. Front Street, near U. I Freight Warehouse. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Bargains in Town Lots IN Eighty Acres of Land Suitable for Addition to Sterling. Choice Tree Claim Relinquishments Cheap. School and Railroad Lands For Sale Cheap. It! you have anyching for sale or trade write to W. 0. PACKARD, STERLING, COL 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farmin g Land FOR SALE fN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the North and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, Comer Front and Locust Street.1;. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP IIjis always on hand new and second-hand Lumber and Spring Wagons, Backboards and Buggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of I grxic-ut-cLzal im-plemerLts. Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmitliing. I repair all kinds of Machinery, Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPERS & MOWERS, All Kj.f Hay Rakes, Etc. Also agent foA" thfc Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB.