North Platte MEAT HI -: MARKET, GATWARD, Props. A XiASQk Stock op rap Choicest Meats, Came, Fish, Poultry, Oysters, &c, Always on Hand- Aleo CHOICE BUTTER. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Spruce Street, near Belton's Stores, North Platte, Nebraska. R. V. SMITH, BLACKSMITH, Corner Front and Tine Streets, near Iddings' Lumber Yard, Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HUPPER, Prop., Keeps none but the finest Whiskies,such as ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN.t COON HOLLOW, Jf. V. MONARCH, 0. F. G. TAYLOR. GUCKENIIEIMER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin St. Louis Bottled Beer and Etc. Milwaukee Beer on draft. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds of Blncksmithing .promptly and neatly done. wawhs m mum immi Water Tanks Built. aParicos : Roasonable. THE mm tdv ML IUJ FOR 1887. It will be the aim of the GAZETTE-JO DUN AL daring the year 1887 to maintain the already very Many improvements ' Daily. Gazette-Journal, and vre can confidently promise other and greater improvements daring the year. The paper will bo kspt folly abreast of the times and will en deavor to keep ahead of the era of progress now dawning npon the state. The GAZETTE-JOURNAL will be. as in the past steadfastly Kepablican in "politics. But while it will be a party paper, it will be first of all a newspaper, and in its political dis cnseions it will never forget the consideration and courtesy due an opponent. With regard to the advancement of the mate rial progress of the state, the GAZETTE-JOURNAL will always be found ready and willing to labor for the best interests of all sections of Western Nebraska. TERMS: S6.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. The Weekly Gazette - Journal Will unquestionably be the best family newspa per published in the west. Containing all the news, splendid stories, wit and humor, articles on housekeeping, agriculture, fruit raising, stock raising and politics. Large eight-page paper for $L50 a year, sent to any address. Address GAZETTE-JOURNAL CO., HASTINGS, NEB. ROAD NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The road petitioned for by J. W. Shonp and others commencing at the southwest corner of section 6, town 13, range 33. running thence west to Plarte nver on section line, thence.west alone said river to range line between &4 and 35: also all section lines running east and west in towns 12 and 13, ranges 31, 33 and 32, are hereby ordered advertised as public highways, and all objections thereto or claims for damaires must be tiled in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the llrth day of 31arch, IS?, or such roads will be es tablished without reference thereto. 514 J. E. Evans, County Clerk ROAD NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The road petitioned for by Joseph Hershey and others commencing at the northwest corner of section 29, town 12, range 27, running thence east on section lino one mile, thence south on section line one-half mile to intersect county road and to vacate the road running diagonally across sec tion ), town 12, range 2, is hereby ordered ad vertised as a public highway and all objections thereto or claims for damages therefor must be uiea m tne county clerk s othce on or before the 10th day of March, 16S7, or such road will beal- lerea witnout reference thereto. 514 J. E. Evans, County Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids wiU be received at the county clerk's office up to 2 o'clock p. ra the first day of February, 1S87. for the lease of the poor farm for one year; said farm embracing the southeast quarter of section 14, town 13, range 31, with improvements thereon; eighty acres in cultivation, and for the care, cus tody and maintenance of all paupers which may be placed upon said farm during said Year. Bid ders will be required to specify: 1st. The amount of cash rent they will pay for said farm for the year mentioned (beginning March 1st, 18S7.) 2d the amount per week they will charge the county for the board and care of all panpers of the age of ten years and under, and also of the age of over ten years: and also the amount to be charged per week for the care and nursing of such pau pers as may be sick. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. E. Evans, County Clerk. Corner Sixth and Spruces Streets, SOUTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA Bijou SAMPLE ROOM, J. W. KENTON, Proprietor. Only the finest brands of Kentucky Whiskies And the Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER Kept in Stock. GIVE ME A CALL. MI8CELLA-NgOU9yiWB. 1 It issaid thai the area of. winter wheat is decreasing! and the area of spring wheat increasing. A man ajb Paw Paw, Mich., who has taken one paper for forty years has always pain for it in wood. Thirty members of Trinity Luth eran church at Osbkosh, Wis., have boeu suspended, owing to their re fusal to renounce allegiance to the Knights of Labor. The Schuykijl River is gorged for miles above Reading, Pa. The water has submerged the surround ing country, and is sweeping away fences and drowning cattle. The Union Labor party of Phila delphia Monday put m u ticket for city othcers, a shoemaker, n cigar maker, a car-driver, and an attornoy being nominated for the principal positions. British Minister West weighs about 200 pounds, and when attired in knee breeches, silk stockings, and a cocked hat, he is said to nreseiit a superb appearance. Liver Pills. Use Dr. G unit's Improved Liver Pills for Sallow ComnlecMon. Piratiloa Face and Rilliousness. Never sickcnn or cripes. Sample bottle 5 cent nt A. F. Strcit.'s. 1 Gunmaking is profitable. Herr Krnpp pays taxes on an income of $1,250,000, almost twice as much as any other individual in Gormany, including Rothschild. Joaquin Miller is in California. and his Washington log-cabin is closed up and snowed up for the winter, tor which Washington may be in some measure duly thankful. David Meredith, of Rich Valley Wabash County, Indiana, who re cently made the discovery that he has Cherokee blood in his veins, has received a patent from the govern ment to a rich section of land in the Indian Territory. In the sev enteenth century one of his ances tors married the daughter of. the Cherokee chief. "GUY'S PLACE." FIRST-CLASS Sample :-: Room, K L. HALL, Manager. Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. ONLY Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Kept at the Bar. Keith's Block, Fiont Street. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Bargains in Town Lots IN" Eighty Acres of Land Suitable for Addition to Sterling. Choice Tree Claim Relinquishments Cheap. School uri Railroad Lasds For Sale Cheap. If you have anyching for sale or trade write to W, 0. PACKARD, STERLING, COL. Commercial Job Printing PROMPTLY AND TASTEFULLY EXECUTED AT THE TI3IBT71TB :-: OPPICB. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP Has always on hand new and second-hand Lumber and Spring "Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. Plows, Harrows aqd all kinds of -A-grrIC""ULra,l Implements. f Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithing. I repair all kinds of 3Iachinery, Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the Celebrated new buckeye reapers & mowers, A!! Kinds of Hay Rakes, Etc. Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. ; W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. EXCITEMENT IN TEXAS. Great excitement has been caused in ihe vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remark able recovery of Jlr. J. E. Corlev. who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, ur raise his head ; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's Aew Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at uray & Co. 1 Vesta, Neb,, Jan. 24. Two young lads named Hale and Dyson aged about 17, living south of this place, got into an altercation while at school and Hale received an ugly cut extending from the leftstde across the abdomen. The wound is a severe one, hut the doctors say Hale will pull through all right. The Indian reservations of the United States contain 200,000 square miles, and their population is about 260,000. Twenty-six thou sand, square miles would locate each family upon a half section of land leaving a surplus of about 1 70,000 square miles, which would produce annually $4,480,000. This amount exceeds by about 670,000, the entire sum appropriated for the payment of their subsistence and civilization. Bloomixgton, Neb., Jan. 24, One of the most horrible occurences ever heard of here was that which brought about the death of Patrick and Charles McDermott, of this count'. Several weeks ago Patrick got druuk, laid out doors and froze both legs and both arms, which afterwards had to be amputated. To-day news reached here that both Pat and his brother are dead, the latter dying from the effects of drinking the liquor with which his brother's legs and arms had been washed. A GIFT FOR ALL. In order to give all a chance to test it. and thus be convinced of its wonderf ul curative power?, Dr. King's New Dis coveverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will be, for a limited time, given away. 1 his offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in the merits of this great remedy. All who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any effection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially requested to call at Gray & Co's Drug Store, and get a inal .Bottle I ree, .Large .bottles sfl. At 11 o'clock Thursday forenoon W. It. Cowan, a colored janitor, engaged at the Imperial building, Chicago, while cleaning windows fell from the third story and made a sheer descent, head foremost, for the ground, fifty feet below. He caught in a network of wires sup port an electric light, tearing away the wires and swinging into the building, breaking a plate glass window and doing damage to the extent of 55, He picked himself up and went back to finish his cleaning. The Omaha World howls be cause the state don't pay its' legisla tors better salaries. It cites the case of Senator Conger, whose, ex penses during the last term amount ed to S360 and cost hiin $800 to be elected. His salary amounted to 120 during the term and was therefore out of pocket 1040. The World then wants to known how our state can expect a man to bo honest, when it will not be fair. honest or decent with him. The only men who can afford to go to the legislature are poor rascals, who want to sell their votes or wealthy aristocrats who have no sympathy with common people. The legisla tors of our state ought to receive ten dollars a day and a sixty days session. - Emperor Willim his infested 500.000 "marks of his private money in the stock oftho German-African Trading Company. , Miss Ada Kurtz hat been reap pointed Deputy Sheriff of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, having served one term -jtkrpfc. Mme. $Tilsso?s1inrriagetpCotmt Miranda, wijjbtifli place at Men tone on Feb. i5Hagd will be in ex tremely quiet1 affair, only the Spanish and Swadixh Consul und a few personal friends being invited to attend. Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt hnn a pearl nccklucffthich conxifttH of JM0 oriental pearls set in a golden clu'in, which once belonged to fchrt Emprcsi Eugenie. It cont tlttO, 000. . A .movement in on foot in Eng land to obtain for Mifw Joan Inge low one of the yift of the Crown awarded for Uio "Wvieo of litera ture MiHH Ingolow wan born in 185)5. Tho DuchcMo do la Kochcfoucauld BinacolahaH a niiiwioii for collecting bonbofniores, tabatioren (muff box es), chuuicIh and mitiiaturuH. Site has 1,000.000 of UieotJjvliich are worth 10,0000(rrBtn1! it ir mud, Prohibition in Atlanta ban been tho making of Macon. It has caused a luro demand for jugn which Macon is filling. One large manufactory turiM"out oitfhfc hun dredaday, and tho jug manufac tories are springing up on eyery hand. Some editors, remarks tho Leav enworth Times, are always superior to circumstances. A Nebraska man was carried firtv miles by a cyclone and dropped in a widow's front yard. ,He married the widow and 'returned borne worth about 30,000 more $hacTwhen he started. General Miles siys that we have in tnis countrv -material lor the finest light cavalrjJn the world. In the event of tt'wutnre could recruit upon the plains 150,000 cowboys, who would- make with very little drill, matchless cavalrymen" far su perior to the Cossacks in the Rus sian service. a KENEW8 HER YOUTH. Mrs. Phoebe Chesltv. Peterson. Clav. Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney com plaint and lameness for many years could not dress myself without help. Now I am iree irom an pain ana soreness and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle only fifty cent, at Gray & Co's Drug Store. 4 James Hoag, of Cedar Springs, Mich., is said to be three inches less than four feet in height, and with scarcely more tharfapound weight for each of his S years of age, He declares the 'case of a dime museum lifo, and makes a good liv ing by braiding whip lashes. The largest bridge known has 300 arches and pillars seventy-five leer, apart' each, of which bears on a pedestal the colossal figure of lion twenty-one feet long and carved from a single block of marble. This bridge is in China, and has roadway seventy feet wide. Adulteration of liquors shouh be so severely punished as to make tho experiment. an exceedingly cost ly ono. Men Of medicine tell us that it is not due so much to the At 1 Quantity ot liquor uranic in ascer taining the ddgree of harm done, as it is to the quUlit of the article In fact the most learned medical men of the day give it as the result of years of experience and study of alcohglic use by their patients that the inferiority and the drugged liquors create an insane apetite for strong drink that is not due to the use of alcoholic beverages. Still on Earth If you are in any way interested in the subject, the experience of 5Jr. A. C. tfc- Grew, a merchant at Manhattan, Iowa may be ot value to you. Head what he says : About a year ago I was verv sick with a severe attack of lung trouble. tried a great many physicians, and they an torn me l naci quicK consumption, and I was entirely given up, so weak t could hardly walk. I traveled all throusrh Ne braska and Colorado to try and get relief. dux wunout enecr. uiten times after a severe spell' of coughing my friends would,e up. expecting every mo ment I would breathe, my iwst. I was then brought back home," and as a last resort, "like a drowning man catching at a straw," I began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the result is I am strong, healthy and well, attending to my business. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I shall recommend as long as I live, for to that I owe everything. Sold by Gray & Co. Attorney General Garland has decided that the coal mine leases in the Indian Territory are invalid and it is probable that they will be closed up. This is liable to create a coal famine in some quarters and especially in Texas. The govern ment ought to adopt a policy of some sort that will enable the coal measures of all public lands, wheth er they be on Indian territory or elsewhere to to be utilized. It is a great misfortune to the country that at the beginning of our career as an independent government, con gress did not reserve the title to all coal mines, to be worked under the general supervision of the national government. The coal monopoly bids fair to be the most dangerous in the country. Lincoln Journal. "cyX. iU' i TLrott or AJ7v Lung Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, uee Acker's English Remedy and prevenf lurtner trouDJe. it is a positive cure, and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 60c Sold by Thacker. The first of the series of state din ners for the season took place at the White House Monday. Four men were killed outright by the explosion ofta boiler in Daviess county, Ind. V It would take a printer n year and a half to putthe scriptures in to type at the rate of 5,000 ems a day. Susan B. Anthony is quoted ns saying that Abraham Lincoln vm the only man hui couhj have loved. Charles Dickina, tho younger is to vwifc America thix year and give readings from m father's work. vftrrantfjd, in btcuiro It la tho teat Mood Preparation Unovrn. It will posi tively euro li BJood VituwAH, parifl tba wJioffi nynicm, und thoroughly mbU up the coutUutloa. JUstwmhor, vu uur.-uitoe it. Hold by TJiH:k;r. p. T. mm fy',000 Won "Kennedy," which has been Buffer ing from paralysis for over a year wan released from further Buffering on Wednesday by Ji gentle portion containing sixteen ounces of cholro form. Ben Hogan, the muscular evan gelist, in trying to convert the gamblers of Woodland, Cai. Exactly 150 lives have been lost ho far in the construction of the new Croton aqueduct near New York City. o o Q 1881. W. W. BIRGE, LUMBER,, Lath, Shingles, -x POSTS, LIME, CEMENT, Building Paper, I 4 4 3 0) CD CO c IN ANY DESIRED QUANTITY, j CO Fifth Street, Cot. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, North Platte. 0 Nebraska. E. B. WARNER, Ci yi'oa rioy your dinner 3 j and aro prevented bylJjs- Bi. u3 Acucra JJjspc-Tsia 'laoiets. TM5P Thoy aro t poclt' vo caro for Dyrpepia, In direction, rJatcJenc and Constipation. Wo uu&rantee them. 25 ixd CO cests. Bold by Thacker'a. Over 500,000 tons of paper were produced in America during the last year, anu uouoie tnat; amount in Europe. The cost of material, rags etc., is estimated at $100,000,000, and the whole product, of the paper made, $200,000,000. Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose lie has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, Weeding and itching piles yield at once to the applicatiou of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing j the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and affecting a permanent cure. Price fifty cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua Ohio. Sold by A. F. Streitz. nj.:n.ersuL zz .Director, North Platte, Nebraska. CONSTANTLY IX STOCK METALLIC and CLOTH DRAPED GASKETS In White and Black. Gloss Whits Caskets. Wooden Coffins of all Sizes. Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women .and Children. COMPLETE STOCK OP TS.IMjyEIisTG-S, Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Dav and 2sight. ENBALMLNG- A SPECIALTY." BRCEKER & BAUMBACH, Merchant Tailors, 3 -A. X St 3S LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see up in Ottenstein building '.vest of Foley's score. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. BUCK WOLF! Qr rlac!j Leprosy. Js a disease which is considered incuralile. but it has yielded to the curative prop erties or Swift's Specific now known all over the world as S. S. S. Mrs. Bailey, of West Somer villc, Jlaps., near Doston.wasattackcd several years ao wild tins hideous black eruption; and was treat ed by the best medical talent, who cou.'d only ear that the diea?e was a species or LEPROSY and consequently incurable. It lsimjiossible to de scribe her 6ufferins8. Her body from the crown of hcrlicad to the soles of her feet was a mass of de cay, the flesh rottmoff and Icavw creat cavities. Her fingers festered and several nails dropped off stone time Ilcr limbs contracted by the fearful ulceration, and for years she did not leave her bed. ller weight was reduced from 125 to 60 lbs. Some faint idea of her condition can be glean; d from tucfact that three pound? of Cosmoline or oint ment were used jkt week in dressing her sores. Finally the physicians acknowledged their defeat by this Black Wolf, and commended the sufferer to her all-wise Creator Her husband hearing wonderful reports of Swift's Specific (S. S. S ). prevailed on her to try it as a last resort. She began its nsc under protest, but oon found that lier system was being relieved cf the poison, as the sores assumed a red and healthy color, as though the blood was becoming pure and active. Mrs. Cailcy continued the S.S.S. until last February; every Bore was healed; ehe discarded chair and crutches, and was for the first time m 12 Tears a well woman. Her husband. Mr C A. Bai ley, is in business at 17)f Blackstouc Street. Bos ton, and will take pleasure in giving the details of this wonderful enrc. Send to us for Treatise oa Blood and Skin, Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co Drawer 3, Atlanta. G State of Nebraska, ? .. Lincoln County. ( To all persons interested in the estate of Henry B. Plant, deceased : Whereas, 1. K. JNeely, ol said county. lias niea in my otnee an instrument pur porting to be the last will and testament of Henry B. Plant, deceased, lata of said county, and a petition praying to have the same admitted to prooate, winch will re lates to notn real ana personal estate; whereupon I have sippointed Tuesdav, February first, 1887, at one o'clock in tile afternoon, at my office in said county, as tne time ana piace lor proving said will, at wiucti time ana place you and all con cerned may appearand contest the probate ol tne same. It is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to all persons interested m said estate of the pendency of the petition and the time and place set for hearing the same by causing a coov of this order tn be published in the Lixcoii County Tribune, a newspaper printed in North Platte, in said State, for three weeks suc- essively previous to the day set for said Hearing. In testimony whereof I have hereunto pet my hand and affixed the official seal this 13th day of January. 1887. SEALJ UEOROE T. SNELMNO 523 County Judge. Horses LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, mm m nd Teams to Let Short Notice i Esasonabls Sata, M Sold mm. Boilil Mly&i. Ana a -fr.suuxjt.r. -o D. S. DICKINSON, Prop. STOHTH PLATTE, Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, NEBRASKA. Real iim North Platte, - I. A. FORT, lis i mm mi Nebraska. All Tke BUYERS' GV1DM tm laraed Sept. and 9Urck each year. S 313 pages, 8xll lachea,?vlUi orr 3,SOO Ultutratlons a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to eonaumrrm on all gooda for peraem4 or family use. Tells hor to order, aiul giTcs exact cost of erery UUag yeiii sue, eat, drink, wear, or nave tmm. with. These KSVAIA7ABLE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will ntall a copy FREE to any ad dress vpon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Let mi hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. T 4k 9t9 Wafers Avcaae, L'klcago, IkV classes of improved and unimproved real estate bought ai amraission. Stock ranches,, improved farms, town and city on and sold commission. StocK rancnesv improved lanus, town ;tsm eioy property in Lincoln, Keith, Dawson, Frontier, Logan and Gosper counties ior sale. " 200,000 Acres of TJniniDroved Land For Sale on long time and easy terms. Land shown free to purchasers. Home stead and timher claim relinquishments for sale at low figures. Settlers located on government lands. All government land business attended with care and despatch. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Fannin gLani FOR SALE IN RANGE S 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Ilivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, Corner Front and Locust Streets. 1 . t . i , .