P. J. .CONWAY. H. $ KEITH. CONWAY & KEITH DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE. 7-: ,rrXii.-v-- HEATING STOVES, And all Articles Usually Found in a First-Class Hardware Store A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF FURNITURE, At Low Prices. EAST SIXTH STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. T New Designs Just Received WATCHES In Gold and Silver. Elegant Designs, Standard Makes, Low Prices. Full Line Tobaccos and Cigars. Guns and Sporting Goods. Watch and Clock Repairing a Specially. FINE ENGRAVING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. P. H. M'EVOY, - - NORTH PLATTE. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP Has alwajs on hand new and second-hand Lumber and. Spring Wagons, Blackboards and Buggies. Plows, narrows and all kinds of --grlciJLltTJLra,! Ii'n.plezxLen.ts- Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithimr. I repair all kinds of i rjiehinery, "Wagons, Carriages andFarmirfg Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the .CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPERS & MOWERS, All Kinds of Hay Rakes, Etc. Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. PACKARD & KING, .General Land and Real Estate Agents, STERLING, COLORADO, 3Slixro For Salo Clioico Bargains lax FARMS, STOCK RANCHES AND TOWN PROPERTY. Settlers located on tree claims, pre-emptions and homesteads. Good land can yet be had convenient to town, to the railroad and the Platte river. 10 trouble to get water. LIVERY, FEED AND ITABLE Horses Bought ,iH M Ui cs to- t i mm ii And Teams to Let on Short Notice is5S' And al Reasonable Eatss. D. S. DICKINSON, Prop. Locust Stkeet, Between Fifth and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Fanning Land FOR SALE IN 37, RANGES 33 to INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the North and South Platte Rivers, on the line o the Union Pacific Railway. prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, "MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Miss Sara Jewett was at one time a treasury girl at Washington. A new postoffice in Ohio has been named Folsom. Only love letters will be mailed to that" point. Senator Everett will deliver the formal address at the installation of Professor Dwight of Yale College. The University of the City of New York has received a gift of 100,000 for a medical school. The name of the donor is withheld. . The Law and Order Club has just indicted a man in Louisville for playing poker. Probably this is the first time in the history of Ken tucky where the devotee of the no ble game has had his pleasure in terfered with. The organ of the Knights of La bor in Chicago sensibly says: What we need just now is good, skillful leaders, selected not for their abili ty to wag their jaws, but for their good horse sense. Henry Determan, of Cincinnati, was wounded on board the Hartford in 1SG3 at the time Admiral Farra gut attempted to capture Yicks burg. Last week Mr. Determan had a bullet extracted from his side which he has carried ever since the battle. James Gr. Blaine and Stephen B. Elkius are members of the syndicate which recently erected a new hotel at Eureka Springs, Ark. Ex-Senator Powell Clayton is the manager of the resort. Mr. Elliot Stock has secured the wooden-work of the room in the house at Dumfries in which Robert Burns died, and will transform it into book-covers for an edition of the poet's works. President and Mrs. Cleveland will be in Albany during the bi-centen-nial celebration, July 21st, leaving on the following Saturday for the Adirondacks. They will probably be the guests of Governor Hill at the Executive Mansion. Crystalized violets at 8G a pound are the very latest things in confec- rose leaves are Girls like to eat tionery. Candied also very popular. flowers and will pay as high as $10 a pound for some of the more expen sive kinds. They are all brought from France. Mine. Eslie Dariar, who died at Geneva a few days ago. could boast that she saw France under the first republic; saw General Bonaparte leave Paris to command the army of Italy; saw the allies occupy Paris; lived through the second empire, and saw the second republic. Jessie Benton Fremont made a- decided impression upon the social life of Washington during the past season. She retains that wonderful charm of conversation which has always made her famous, andwjj2 i . will adopt the Esquimau method of travel and living, and with a com pany of those hardy people and a large troop of dogs, he confidently believes he can reach the long sought north pole. The punishment of Herr Most for inciting riot is only one year in the penitentiaiy. Life is short and the noble Herr may turn up his toes be fore the time expires. The old fel low has had five years' experience m European jails. o A change of climate and water is a frequent cause of buwel complaint di arrhoea and cramping pain in the stomach and bowels, for a sure and certain cure take Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by Gray & Co. o Expecting it would be the last time they would see him alive, the people of Lincoln gave Gen. Yif quain a grand banquet on the eve of his departure for his far-off South American post where the yellow fever loves to feed upon the sons of the north. The General did scorn and defy the leaden bullets of battle and with equal bravery defies the insidious foe, yellow jack. - - Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: ."jly wife has been almost r-'r-- fr- '"jTj" '-"'p1 she could not tuIrvnii'-E. i bed- alfiiir. She used two Rottleof Electric Enters, and is so much improved, that she is able now to do her own work." Electric Eitters will do all that is claimed for them. Hundreds of testi raonials attest their great curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Gray & Co.'s. A good many of the California excursionists return from the coast with the '"big head," not puffed up with vanity aiul vain things, but the result of coming in contact with poison oak or some other product of the Golden State. When you talk about the beauties of that country it is well to keep a respectful dis tance from them. OV nnd reliable 3Ieuicme3 are tuebes. 'vr" to depend upon. Acfccr's Elcod El ixir iiaa been prescribed for years for all im purities of ihe Diced . Jn every fc m: of Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or rU rourial diseases, ii j? invaluable. l!'or Rheumatism , baa no etp.&L At Thacker's. porner Front and Locust Streets. ever she is found is 'always surround ed by enthusiastic admirers. Mine. Minnie Hank has let her Swiss castle for the season to a Russian family and will spend the summer in this country. One condition made in the lease requires that the stars and stripes shall be constantly kept flying from the towers of "Minpingen." Miss Rose Cleveland will pass the summer in a continental trip through Europe. She will also re main at the White House to coach the bride in her social duties, and will at once resume her literary work at Holland Patent. She will .wed a Congressman and spend the sum mer in the Lake Superior regions. Her further movements will be noted with interest. It was at a railroad-Junction in Illinois. Several passengers were waiting for the train, and one of them was so nervous and impatient that a fellow-traveler finally said: ''You seem to he.veiy anxious to get home." 'So I am. Every hour is worth ?10 to me. I got a dis patch at Pekin that fifty-one of my hogs have shown the first symptoms of cholera." And you are in a hurry to administer a remedy? No sir, 1 don't fool away my time and money on remedies. I want to get them hogs into Chicago and sold before sun down to-morrow; and its going to be a mighty close shave.' If you are a young man toiling as your father toiled, in a worn out and barren desert of the east: if you would like to live where the soil rewards the tillers; where the grain waves and sparkles in the morning dew and swells the cribs in the fall: where the banner of prosperity waves and the gaunt specire of starvation passes into another state, come to Nebraska. There never was such a country for the best brands of husbands; they run loose on the streets and you meet them everywhere. Ex. The mj'stery that surrounds the north pole presents such fascination to the scientist that notwithstanding the danger and death that has attended tlfe various exploring expeditions that have been sent out still another is being organized to again attempt a solution of the mysteries of the terra incognita within the ice bound circle. Col. Gilder, a member of Sehwatka's expedition, is leading this enter prise and to avoid the mistakes of his predecessors, he will adopt a system which from its simplicity promises very satisfactory results. He will take with him but a small party, and after reaching Fort Conger where Greely left an ample supply of provisions, and where he will spend his second winter, he In" the defeat of Gladstone's home-rule bill, the settlement of the Irish question is postponed for a time. It is the only correct princi ple of government and will ulti mately triumph. The queen will dissolve parliament at an early day and the question will go before the people, when it is hoped Gladstone will triumph. . . Life is too short at best to cough halt of it away and linger the other half with an incurable cae of consumption. Cure your cough before it reaches the consumptive stage, for relief is all the best medical skill or change of climate ca) then dr. Take Chamberlain's Cough Rqhiedy at once, and cure your couirh before-jit s toOglate, Sold by Gray & Co. Charles E. Bkssev, at the re quest of, the State Board of Agri culture, lias undertaken to prepare a report on the grasses and forage plants of Nebraska for publication in the annual report. He desires samples of cveiy grass, tame or wild, which grows in any locality, roots and all, in flower and seed. "Wrap the samples numbered in a news paper. Attach your name and direct to Charles E. Bessey, Lincoln, Neb. A heay hail storm passed over Hastings Monday evening, doing great damage to growing crops. . r-vv-y "j V trIUo vmn auv Throat o J Mi , Luil Disease. If you have a Cough, or Cold, or the children are threatened -.vith Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and preveuf further trouble" It is a positive cure, and we guarantee it. Price 10 and SOc At J. Q. Thacker's. USE HALL'S "Vesetabl Sicilian HAIR EENEWER. It is a medicinal preparation, and, at the same time, an clegaut and cleanly toilet article. Its action upon the scalp is bealth- f ul. It nourishes the glands whichsupport the hair, and causes thin, dry hair to be come thick, soft, and vigorous. It restores the color of youth to locks which have become faded with age or disease; and relieves and cures itching, caused by humor3 of the scalp. Dr. George Gray, Nashua, X. H., writes: "It gives me pleasure to testify to the wonderful effects produced by IlaUV Vegetable Sicilian Hair Keuewer, as obser-cd by me in very many cases. It will certainly restore TIIE HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It cleanses the head of dandruff, and leaves the hair soft, glossy, and beautiful." F. T. Sandhcin, 1010 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., writes : " After unavaillngly trying a number of preparations to prevent my hair from falling out, and, realizing that I was fast becoming bald, I tried, as a last resort, Hall's IlalrRenewer. I have used only four bottles of the Eenewer, and am perfectly satisfied that it is the best prepa ration in the market for checking the falling out of hair, invigorating the hair roots, and promoting a new growth." Buckingham's Dye FOR TIIE WHISKERS commends itself to all who have occasion to use a dye for the beard or mustache. It will change gray, faded, or sandy whiskers, to a beautiful brown or black, as desired. The colors produced are natural and lasting. It cannot be washed off, contains no destructive ingredients, is (3eap, safe, convenient to use, and effectual. PREPARED BY R. P. ttat.t. &, CO., ITaalua, N. H., V. S. A. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Ttivicttry TJepAETMEXT. ) Office of CosnrRoUiEB of toe Currency. Washington, Mny 1st, 15S6. ) Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to tho undersigned, it has been made to appear that "Tns First National Bank ofiobth Pjvtte", in the town of North Platte, Nebraska, lias com plied with all the provisions o tho Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before nn association Bhall be authorized to com mence the business of Banking: Now therefore I, William Li. Irennolm. Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that "The First National. Bank of North Platte." in the town of North Platte, in tho Coumv of Liucoln and State of Nebiwkc, is anUiofized to commence the business of Banking n-s provided in section Fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of tho revised statutes of tho United In" testimony whpreof witness my hand and Seal of this office this 1st day of Tilay, IbSti. W. L). Trenuolm, Tii. s.l Comptroller of tin Currency. No. S156. 115-9 PROCLAMATION. Whereas. Heretofore, to-wit: on tiie 11th day of June, A. D. 188."i, a Proclamation was issued by me, offering a reward of two hundred dollars for tho arrest and conviction of the person or per sons who, on the night of April Ud. A. D. 1SST, in the County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, committed murder upon one l'ichard Bascomb, and upon one Emily Bascomb. his wife, and Whereas, The Sheriff of suid Lincoln County has filed in thoExecntivo office his reqnet, and a sworn statement of facts in support thereof, asking that additional reward be offered for the arrest and conviction of tho murderer or mur derers of ltichard Bascouib ami Emily Bascomb. Therefore, I, James W. Dawes, Governor of Hiu State of Nebraska, by virtue of tho authority in mo vested by law, imd believing that sucli action will be in furtherance of the ends of jus tice, do hereby issue my Proclamation offering an additional reward of two hundred dollars for tho arrest and conviction of said person or per sons. , . , , T , , In testimony whereof I hnvo here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the Stato of seal Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this Twenty-first "ilay of Say, A. D. li. JAMES W. DAWES. By tho Governor; Attest: E. P. KOGGEN, 10- Secretary of State. THE TRIUMPHANT TRIO 3 j5j in1 UK 53 m R Ik. ii m i it w i v la ii w k n i ii ii r. r 1 i IMA fT.M i a vvr m ii -r m r u ii r'i r ii v ESTRAY NOTIC3. Taken up by the undersigned, May 23, 1SS. on section 22, town 'J, range 29, in Fox Cieok Pre cinct, Lincoln county. Neb., two mares: one dun color, black mane and tail, branded OTT) on left hip. OXJL The other roan color, white face, anil r branded g"y"P oa mp miIJT n ""nt shoulder. Also ono largo dark brown mule. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the imimnls away. 20-:, W.V. CARSON. "GUY'S PLACE. R j I Ha AND Sample :-: Room, 11 L W, hi OXLY Choice Wines, Liquors and' "WILL EXHIBIT AT NORTH PLATTE Ci Kept at the Bar. Opera House Blork, Front Street. XOItTJL PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA. a Bismark Saloon i Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HCTFER, Prop.,. Keeps none but the finest Vhiskies-,such as nonrxsox county, txxx., CG0X II0LL0W, jr. r. xox Alien, 0. F. G. TAYLOR. GUGXEX1IEIMER RYE. welsh ax j) homestead. Also fine case goods, Brandies, Hum, Gin Etc. St. Louis liottled Eeer and Milwaukee Beer on draft. From Atlantic's Busy Marts to Pacifies Golden Shores The transportation of this prodigious, thriee-enlarged aggregation of shows, consisting as it does or Sells' several, singular, separate shows solidified, is universally pronounced the most hazardous undertaking ever known in the world of amusements. But when the Sells Brothers decid ed to visit California, they set about concentrating an all-monopolizing, mammoth mastodon, gorged with (Jirecises &3 Menageries A satisfying satiety of startling sensations and extraordinary exhibition of earth's choicest wonders, the vasiness of which to particularize would fill a book and overflow the columns of the largest newspaper. Beinjr a union of three distinct concerns, it is MORE TilAN THEEE TIMES LARGER ! SS Than any arenie establi-hiuent or wild beast show that ever crossed the continent, requiring three times the invested capital. One million dollars involved! Three times the largest traveling rr::iiij. three times as manv employes,5three tin'ies TnoreiCTonTTrn5hdd-actos. three 'tiiiicSTEhe snM-yw list, tind as a natmal eonsequeiice three times the fun and three times more show than ver you saw since yon were born. Sells Brothers con fidently expect t6 draw three times as many people as any of their prede cessors. They have been fourteen years before the publie, and never yet "counted without tlieir host." V. hen the multitudinous masses know that, besides Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA SECTIONAL MAPS Or' fou at the TRIBUNE OFFICE. WHITE SMfMl 'I Cough. Cream An extract of roots and herbs i-uch as has been used for generations by the Indians of the Northwest for the cure '.f Coughs, Colds and all Eds eases of the Lungs, The juices of the plants from which WHifs mm ewes w is made are so incorporated as to render it MIOTJIIXG, I.VNf; HKAU-NC ASD I'.VU- taki.k to the mo.-vt delicate taste. Tiiis preparation is strictly intended for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Pleurisy and Other Diseases of the Lunsrs and Air Passages. If it possesses other remedial properties thev are unknown to the proprietors; but for all lung diseases it stands i:n cqua'ed. . CODY & POWELL, (nnlfalo Hill.) (White Ik-aver. Sole Proprietors, LA CROSSE. WISCONSIN, U. S. A. prico SO Conte. Sold by J. Q. TRACKER, Agent, di'Jly Noam Platte, Nek, IliEBIES Than were ever before put on wheels, they will actually behold the Male and Female Hippopotami ! SSEIST OUST BXHIBITIOU. Button-BurstiDg BILLY BURKE and his AND TO Sells' Stupendous Shows ! Two Pei-formances Daily, Rain or Shine. Parade at 10 A. M. Performances at 1 and. 7 P. M. Excursions on all railroads at special reduced rates. Trip tickets sold. Inquire of your station agent. X. B. At the end of the present season the existing Sells' syndicate of three shows will be dissolved and each separate establishment resume its own proper circuit. Iever stgain will the three shows travel in con junction at one price of admission to all. WILL EXHIBIT AT - Kearney, Monday, June 28th. - Sidney, -"Wednesday, J une iQfck