Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 26, 1885, Image 1

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rpBVBfe & BAKE, Prop's.
S&5B5r i Advance, r - - - $1.50.
'h0,:'' ' ' .75?
Hqnttw, in Advaace,
Advertising Rates on Application.
bailroad time table.
Took Effect March 8, 1885.
CMrrRAI'Tna. Okktra
. TiEina. Arrive. Depart
J sprees!."." "klai'elm. "iiioOajai
K Express. . . . 10:18 p.m.
k !' S030 Fast Ft. . 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m.
" 1?" Ore- J"" 8:45 p.m. 9:10 p.m.
S H S9S Freight.. 630 p. m. 9:20 pjn.
Mo. 2S, Waj Freight, 2:00 p. m. 230 p.m.
- . 1
NO 36.
No. 2, AUaatic Ex 725 p.m. BOO p.m.
4. iEucago Ex asiua. m.i
No. 18, Colorado Fast Ft.. . 5 JO p. m.1 530 p.m., ii. Ore. retxi..i 735 p.m,
-No. 22. FreLrht 430 a.m. 6:10 p.m'
Ho. St. Ireiikfr. I 5:45 p. m. 630 a.m.
- 1 All train daily except nombers 23 and 24.
Traiaa west of North Platte rue Mountain
-TiBae, one hour slower than Central Time.
Our Stock is now Complete, and we 'Invite
Customers to call and look at our Samples.
. .Shannon & Church,
"WnxPxAOncK nr axx, Courts of the State.
"With Buoy years1 experience in Contest and
other cam before U. 8. Land Office, we will jrive
strict attention to land businefcs. Briefs prepared
-aodargameats filed in the Interior Department.
Office, Room'12, Opera House Block, Oppo
site Bailroad HoteL
Prices arid Goods Guaranteed.
J. Q, Thacker, Druggist,
North Platte, Neb.
Spruce St., 1 Door
Land Office.
South U. S.
Physician, and Surgeon.
'Office: Opera Honse Block, over Thacker's
Drag Store.
Residence on West Sixth Street.
Lecve orders at Tliackui'e Drag Store.
0. K. Tonsorial Parlor,
front bt, over btar Ulotlung House.
Handsomest Barber Rooms.
- uiretHuuur tmup me ouiie.
First-Class Artists
Always in Attendance.
Tine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Shingles, Posts,
Doors, Windows,
News From Our Neighjwrs.
Stockrille. . 4
From the Faber. :,
Mr. Lemmon, who lives In 8-27;' haa
sixty acres of sod corn that will average
forty bushels to the acre. We know of
smaller pieces that are better but Mr.
Lemmon's field is a good showing of te
man's industry.
There never was a season in which
larger returns, in the way of crops, could
be shown, considering the amcmnt of
labor bestowed, than the present- This
applies to all kind? of vegetable well
as held crops. As fine potatoes aswe have
e7er seen have been grown, tbM year on
Bartonville is the name of the mew
postoffice at Barton's store three or four
miles east of town. Two or three post
offices will soon be established in .the
west part of county and one on the Medi
cine creek route. Cupid is at John
Bagley's place in the north part of the
county on the Indianola, Stockville and
North Platte route.
People in the states east of the Missouri
river doubt their friends when they write
them that Frontier county has increased
during the year beginning June 1st, 1884
and ending June 1st, 1885, from less than
900 people to over 4,100 touls. This is
settling a county with astonishing rapidity
when the reader considers that there is
only one town in the county and that
practically, only a year old and neces
sarily small. Furnas county, which
corners with Frontier on the southeast,
had over 6,000" people in 1880." " ana
increased, during the 'five years up to
is becoming intolerable and the verdict o:
our people is that it must be stopped;
The immigration to this country this
fall and next spring will' be unprece
A party of 240 Mormon immigrants,
ire&h from the alums of Europe, passed
through Sunday morning by special train,
en. route to salt Lake City.
We are informed that a large two-story
business house Is to be erected on Front
street in the near future, to be occupied
as a general store.
Messrs. D. B. Morgan and C. A. Young
measured the river Thursday at a point
due south of town, the moat likely place
forv the. erection ofllhe Mdee, and
ovMtMttt W0uw--reqmijfe.-l,4431iue&l
feet of bridge to span the river at that
Mr. A. M. Axelson, whp has been in the
eastern part of Nebraska for a few weeks,
booming this part of the country, returned
Wednesday accompanied with a regiment
of land hunters, all of whom took land in
this immediate vicinity.
Building Paper; &c., &c,
North Platte,
Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods
Represented or Money Refunded.
ront Street, one door east of Nebraska House,
City Bakery.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
I will still continue at the old stand and carry on the wood department,
such as repairing wagons, carriages, buggies, &c, in a neat and substan
tial manner. My paint shop is full of buggies being repainted, but there
is still room for a few more. First-class painting at reasonable rates for
cash. I will also redress bu22V tons, making them look as good as new.
New and second-hand buggies for sale. Paint shop at my residence, two
blocks southwest of court house.
E. J. Huntingdon,
Funeral Director and
Coffins on Hand at all Times,
Or made to order on short notice.
Coffin Trimmings,
BUrer Handles, Screws and Platoe, Silk, Satin
and all other inside trimmings in fall stock.
Rfth Street, near Dickinson's livery,
North Platte
j 1 ssMsfcrffrclft9
D. A. BAKER, Prop.
Joods and Express Matter Prompt
ly Delivered in any part of
the City.
Orders may be left at Buckworth &
Bixler's office.
,flp SHEEP.
I have a good, quantity of
4wes which I will sell in lots to suit tne
lurchaser or trade for other swck. or
'property. . , , mrry
X rn rir1"
Horn Bought iggb.
And Teams to Let
on Short Notice
And A JUftsoable Sates.
Dickinson & Wilkinson,
Locust Street, Between Fifth axd Sixth,
General Land and Real Estate Agents,
Foxr dale Oboioe X
Settlers located on tnee claims, pre-emptions and homesteads. Good land
can yet be had convenient to town, to the railroad and the Platte river.
No trouble to get water.
' - v r
885, about 1,400 soulsf making the popu
ation, this year, about 7,400. Then
consider that she has fonr villages
aggregating a population of about 1819,
which would leave them a farm popula
tion of 4,581 or only about 1,400 more than
that of Frontier. This county certainly
carries of the premium for rapid increase
of settlement
From the Independent.
Ben. L. Familton, of this vicinity, is the
father of a bouncing boyjbaby and is cor
respondingly happy.
The Dawson County Building and
Loan Association has been in operation
since April 15th 1885, and has been the
basis of ten buildings. Who says it is not
Mr. I. A. Young, who lives south of the
river, has harvested about four hundred
tons of hay this season. Three hundred
tons and over was for Nichols Beach & Co.,
for use on their stock ranches In Dawson
and Lincoln counties.
Albert T. Holmes, recently of North
Platte, was a caller at this office, yester
day. Mr. H. has been engaged to teach
the Peckham school. He is a bright
intelligent appearing gentleman and will
doubtless prove himself to be an efficient
The Anti-Monopoly county 'convention
held at Plum Creek, last Saturday,
nominated the following ticket: Treas
urer, "W. J. Fleming; Clerk, Thos. J.
Hewitt; Sheriff, Hugh MacLean;
Judge, J. S. Stuck ey; Commissioner, J.
D. Anderson; Superintendent schools, A.
H.Schutt. ,
There will be a meeting of the qualified
voters of this school district held at the
school house on October 6th, 1885, at
which time a vote will be taken on the
proposition to bond the district for $1,200.
The money is needed to aid in the erection
of a new school house and supplying it
with necessary aparatus. The amount
asked for is so small that there will likely
be but little opposition to the issuing of
bonds. The selection of a site for the
building will also be considered by the
Rev. Mr. Folglestrom, of Kearney,
spent several days of last week and the
first of this, in town in the interest of the
Swedish Baptist organization, and, we are
inform edtj arranged for the erection of a
church building here, work on the same
to commence next week. The location
selected for the byfting Is In the north
part of town in the 'Bergstrom addition.
Gothenburg is behind the times in the
matter of church buildings and we are
glad to note that it will not be so much
Messrs. Seeley & Co. have completed
their labors on the elevator buildings, and
the proprietors Messrs. E. G. West and
Jonas Adling, took formal charge of the
same Thursday. The building presents a
fine appearance and it is not only an orna
ment but a substantial addition to the
business interest of the town. The first
grain was put through Wednesday, the
machinery throughout working like a
charm, and five loads of wheat and one of
barley were put through Thursday in a
manner perfectly satisfactory to the pro
prietors. Grain can be handled as rapidly
and cheaply as at any other elevator in
the State. The dumping aparatus is
complete and it takes Jess time to unload
a wagon and send the farmer on his way
rejoicing than it does to tell It The ele
vator is just what the community has
needed for some time and will no doubt
be appreciated The proprietors are live
business men, and fanners having grain
to sell should give the Gothenburg Ele
vator Co. a show.
Denver Junction
From the (gazette.
The practice of shooting on the streets
From the News
Any one coming to Ogallala wishing to
engage in business, and expecting to buy
business lots from f 150 to $200 will be
disappointed, as lots in desirable locations
on the business streets are finding ready
sale at $400 to $1,400.
Wednesday last William Nichols, o
Omaha, bought three thousand head of
stock cattle from H. Steven3. The cattle
are to be delivered to Montana on the
Powder River range Upwards of $13
per head was paid. Mr. Nichols left
Thursday morning for Omaha.
A double murder was committed
twenty-eight miles north of Sidney on
Thursday night last. The murder was
committed tor money, but the party or
parties who committed the deed received
only $57.00. The victims were an old
man and his son, homesteaders. They
had in their employ a hired man who has
been arrested on suspicion. His story is
that a couple of men came into the house
with their faces blackened and killed the
old gentleman and then the 3on and
claims he escaped. A sum of money has
been found in his possession, which he
cannot account for. He .is held for exam
F. P. Rider's house on his claim four
miles southeast of town, was broken into
the- fore-part., of. this,wjek and about ten
dollars worth of bedding and other goods
consisting of a bridle and other small arti
cles stolen. This makes the third time that
Mr. Rider's home has been burglarized by
eneaks. The first time a saddle was taken
and altogether $50 of property. The
second, ten dollars worth of articles
making altogether $70 worth of property,
has been stolen. This kind of work has
become kind of stale with Mr. Rider, who
says the next that they take they had
belter be careful about hiding it on an
island in Le 'Platte River. Mr. Rider
will spend a small fortune for the identifi
cation of tthe guilty parties.
The new chemical acquippment at the
State university cost, $10,000; that for
botanical instruction $5,000, and those
for geology and zoology $5,000.
A skating rink in under way at
Hastings, the dimension of which are
150x88. It will be arranged so that in
summer it can be turned into a swimming
pool. The cost of the structure will be
Sergeant L. D. Brainard of the Greeley
expedition has been in the vicinity of
Fremont for some days visiting his
brothers who are prosperous farmers in
Saunders county.
Capt. Hunt, residing near Wilber, says
he has killed 300 rats this season, who
have been destroying his corn by
climbing the stalks and having a
banquet among the leaves on the upper
The Omaha Herald's statistician is
figuring on the population of Nebraska's
congressional representation to her popu
lation. The number of congressmen to
which she is now entitled is five and with
the same ratio of increase for the next
five she will be entitled to eight on a basis
of one for 170,000, though the present
basis is 151,911.
Messrs. Morgan & Johnson, of Omaha,
have purchased the Exchange bank and
are ready to do a first-class banking
business. They have made a change in
the name of the institution, and it will
hereafter be known as the State bank of
Sidney. These gentlemen are shrewd
business men and are on solid footing
which will make this bank one of the
most reliable in the state. Sidney Cor.
The Wyoming stage company have for
a certain consideration turned over to the
Northwestern stage company their mail
and express contracts between Chadron
and Deadwood and withdrawn their
stages. The Wyoming company will con
tinue to carry the mail between Sidney
and Chadron. The horses that have been
used on the Chadron and Deadwood route
will be turned out until spring and then
transferred to other lines belonging to
the company. All of the stages will be
rebuilt in the Sidney shops which will be
kept in operation most of the winter and
then moved to some point near Fort Mc
Kinney. Mr. Thos. Irwin will remain in
charge at Sidney. Sidney Telegraph.
It is probable that Kearney will have
electric light before snow talis
Mr. R.
There is a movement to nominate Col.
?red Grant as the Republican candidate
or Secretary of State in New York.
England's Indian forces have been
advanced to a point which will afford a
prompt occupation of Candahar whenever
St Paul and Minneapolis have been
raised by the Post-Office Department
to the first grade in the free-delivery
Minneapolis mills, for the year just
closed, produced 5,450,163 barrels of
flour, an increase of 652,823 barrels over
the preceding season.
Frederick Ayer, of Lowell, tho pur
chaser of the Washington Mill's property
at Lawrence, Mass., announces that he
will at onca begin to put the. mills in
operation. The mills stopped a year ago
since which time there has been much
depression in local business, as they gave
employment to 2,700 operatives.
Professional beauty on the Pacific coast
finds lucrative employment as a pretended
Illustration of the merits of patent iaedi
cine. A wonderfully lovely young
woman travels in the chariot of a vender
of medicines, which he declares, caused
the perfection of her complexion ire
sells a tonic, too, to which he attributes
the abundance of hair, and drugs for the
increase or reduction of flesh to her
There is great rejoicing at Medora, the
home of Marquis de Mores, over his
acquittal, and the cowboys gave him a
grand reception upon his arrival there
Sunday evening. Even the cowbys one of
whose number he killed, admire the
Marquis, and they came many miles to
welcome him back to his home in the
Bad Lands. As the train pulled into the
station the platform was crowded with
over 100 sombrero-crowned Westerners,
who filled the air with shouts and bullets,
swinging their revolvers above their
heads and unloading as fast as they could
pull trigger.
For sprains, swellings or lameness
Chamberlain's Pain Balm ha3 no equal.
A. Pilcher, who put in the electric light
plants at Hastings and North Platte, has
been In the city during the last ten day:?,
and has succeeded in securing a ten years'
franchise from the city authorities and
enough subscribers for the ll"ht to
warrant putting in a plant in this city.
Most any kind of light is preferable to the
present darkness of the streets at night
and the electric licrht is just what will
fill a long-felt want. Kearney New Era.
J. It. Cobb returned from Jefferson
Monday; he informs us that last Saturday
morning Jas. Cummings, of Cummings
Park, north line of this county, started to
descend his well 250 feet in depth, when
abont ten feet from the bottom, as judged
from the ropejet out the well caved in
on him. The alarm was immediately'
given and neighbors set to work to dig
him out, expecting to reach the body some
time Sunday; but at this writing we have
not learned further particulars; he joined
farms with a Mr. Abernethy, his brother-in-law,
who our readers will remember,
was killed by falling in his well, 240 feet
in depth about a year ago.
Later. We learn that the digging
party succeeded in rescuing Mr. Cum
mings at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon;
after digging down some distance, he
could hear them nailing the curbing, and
finally could exchange words with the
rescuing party. His escape is almost mira
culous and he is to be congratulated.
Custer Go. Republican.
Our community was startled Wednesday
evening by the report that Jas. R. Loudin
had committed suicide at the house of his
brother nugh Loudin, four miles west of
town. The coroner and a corps of
citizens went to tho disaster and found
James in the barn of his brother in the
throes of death. He had shot himself in
the ear with a pistol, blowing a fearful
hole in the side of his head, but he lived
three or four hours after the shooting was
done. A letter was found in his trunk,
written by the deceased which told how to
dispose of his property, and spoke of his
it love, and that he did not want to
live any longer. A young lady of Clay
Center is the object of his affections.
She is a sister of Mr. Hugh Loudin's wife,
and was at his residence when the dreadful
deed was done. The two had been in
company within a short time of his death ;
were seen in earnest conversation, but not
quarreling. The writer is of the opinion
that the young man waa very deeply in
love withtheyoung lady, that the latter
was well pleased with the intention of the
young man, but gave him to. understand
there was a bar to their marriasre, and
this he could not brook. He was to all
outward appearances in his right mind to
the very last moment; gave his sister-in-law
Mrs. Loudin a key to his trunk
that contained his letters and said he was
going awaj' probably never to return. She
asked him when he was going; he
replied between that and dark, and went
out and chatted with carpenters at work
on a building, then went to the barn
where he was found a short time after by
Mrs. Loudin in the agonies of death. The
shot was not heard because of the noise
of hammering on the building. The body
will be buried today, a funeral beinjr
reached in the Christain church. He
was a young gentleman universally
esteemed and prospering. Clay Center
The Business Situation.
To date, what has the "improvement la
business" amounted to, and is there .any
thing real in it? There are a good many,
skeptics, and they are asking questiow.
It is to be presumed that nobody wOT
contest the statement that the nnaociai.
affairs of the country are in better condi
tion than a year ago, when we were still
suffering from the effects of the panic o'f
May and there was a deep seated fear of.
further important failure and breaches.
of trust But many people reiuse to
believe that there is any gain other tnaa
that of getting the panic element out of
the situation. Well, there has been con
siderable and sustained increase ib te
bank clearings ; an advance in some classes
Of irotC goods, with - better C9Mho,.
snaro rise in sunr on. Aeavwr.omew "xt-.
distributors thaa have. leer.
years : a rise In cotton fabrics, with'
actions some weeks that for volume
compare favorably with those of correal
ponding weeks in the boom years; a
phenomenal demand for wool at
advancing prices; a somewhat better trade
in copper, tin, and lead; a great reduction
in the quantity of idle funds in the New
York banks; a lift In the stock market;
and a general return in confidence. To
these facts add the increased activity of
mills of various sorts; an abatement of
the disposition to reduce wages; the
small number of important failures; and, .
best of all, the abundant crops. Only
wheat has failed us. The other leading
products have done well or more than
well The recent fine weather has added
immensly to the wealth of the country.
A large crop of corn is now as good as a
certainty. The cotton crop insures pros
perity to the South and will give us a
profitable foreign trade. He would be a .
very exacting man who would ask for a
better outlook so far as the elements
entering directly into business are
concerned. There are some clouds in the ,
horizon, chief of which are the silver
question and the blacksmithing likely to
bo done on it by Congress the coming
winter. We shall probably have some
depression in trade later in the fall due to
the fear of Congress, but it ought to be
easy to dispose of the matter in such a
way as to cause no serious disturbance.
Q An event of last week indicates that the
revival is well sustained. The distribu
tion of staple goods were large, and
buyers are still numerous in the leading
markets. Money has not shown the
effects of revival except in the shrinkage
in the hoards of idle funds In the reserve
cities. The surplus reserve In New
York associated banks has decreased
about $13,600,000 since the 1st of June
and the loans have increased more than
$35,000,000, amounting now to upwards
of $328,000,000, but a portion of the funds
have gone to the account of deposits,
which are nearly $27,000,000 larger than
they were the 1st of June. While there is
a probability of some advance in the
rates for money during the fall, they
will be depressed for many months yet.
Prices of commodities are so low that a
large stock can be carried on what would
haye been considered a very small sum of
money a few years ago. In the ordinary
course of events we shall receive some
gold from abroad this season, but tho
imports do not promise to be heavy. Our
banks have a larger supply of the metal,
and the Bank of England has of late been
drawn onto such an extent that the dis
count rate will be raised at the first sign
of a movement to this country.
The situation in the stock market is not
by any means an unusual one. Securities
are in many cases selling at prices that
seem absurdly high, if the condition of
the properties is considered, but the bulls
have control and they have so impressed
themselves and others with the belief that
something of great importance is soon
coming to strenghthen the list that the
bears make little headway in their attacks.
There has been quite a decline from the
top and confident buying has followed on
the expectation that further improvement
in trunk-line affairs and abundant crops
will place the list on a higher level. In
the face of the good corn weather we have
these days it is imprudent to sell short,
and yet purchases must bo baaed largely
on the fact that the men of capiatl are
enlisted on the bull side.
i's ClCli
Colic in Horses, Chamberlain's Cpolic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a cer
tain cure for colic in horses. Many horse
men have used J: for years nd in
hundreds of cases wWiout loosing one.
The dose for colic in a harm. 13 four
table-spoons in half pint of water to be j
repeated In 30 minutes, if necessary. The
second dose is seldom required. Sold by
Gray &. Co.
When you can't sleep for' coughing,
take a dose of Chamberlain's rvm
t j "6J4
You may not be aware of it, but it's a
fact, that many of the medicines recoup
mended for croup , contain either
chloroform or opium, and cannot be
given to children in tho large and.
frequent doses required, in cases of croup
with any degree of safety. They are
dangerous and should be avoided at all
times. There is one preparation, however
that does not contain a single ingredient
that would injure a child, and it is certain
and positive cure for croup, and that is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
cured thousands of cases and can always
be depended upon. Sold by Gry