Tim ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, Jl'NK 30. 1022. r-I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want to bur emtb'rr? Hun areda or people ecen tbeee Went A eolurnne looklna: for what you r others bar to offer. Get qu'ck ET,,J5 J?r '-'lnr la The U.reld Want Ad department RATES One cent per word per tneertlon. Com no more than ether newipapere and we Rimr muif teat you reach several hun ird more reader. Buy circula tion, not not air. FOR SALE FOR SAIJ-: SlivlvJy u.-e.l No. S, L. C. Smith typewriter in excellent comlition. Ra renin if taken nt once. Fremont J. Wilson, (',12 V. 4.h S. H.jtf FOK SALT! Jlvlt-i n five-room bun palo in het part of town, j?1.:u) ra.-h nnrl halnnce like rent. Inquire at the HeraKl office for No. i.Ofi. (illtf roil SALE 01. 1 papers at HeraM office. 5c bundle. 54-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room?; gioun.l floor, lawn nrul garden. Clo.-e in. Call The Herald. Key No. 201. 55-2p FOR KENT Kletrantly furni.-hcl liuht housekeepins; apartments, linen nnd laundry furniVhcd. Phone C.ji). Ill Chejenne. oii-tf LOST LO.ST Avia watch, GoMr-t no fob. Ke ward. FRANCJS HACK El. ostf NOTK K. Regular teacher examinations will be held at the court hou-e, June 30 and July 1. OPAL RUSSELL, 6S-G2. County Supt. It will be to j our advantage to see me when you need a tarn loan. E. C. Uarker, First Na tional Dank Lid". 42t LAKESIDE. A number from here drove to Ell. xvoith Sunday to j-ee the ba.-eball tranie. The Lakeside boys were defeat ed by the j-coie of h to 0. v ill Brown went to work with the extra Ka"K here Monday rnornitijr, which i.-. in chaige of Nel.-on Drake of Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Toline and child ren stopped here Monday on their way to Alliance on business. Bill Boan and son, Ed, and Howard Jones drove to Alliance on a business visit Monday morning. Miss Helen Hudson went to Alliance on 43 Monday to visit relatives. Mrs. Wilbur Goodrich anil sons, Don ald and Paul, went to Alliance Monday morning-. Tom Shrewsbury of near Ellsworth was a Lakeside visitor Monday. Jim Wilson returned from the De France ranch the first of the week. Paul Gillispie came in from the ranch north of town Monday, to join his family here, and Wednesday even ing they went out to the Fullerton lanch. Lester and Walter Herman drove in from their home south of town Monday to bring a number of their boy friends to the station who were returning to Alliance after a short visit at ihe ranch. Frank DeFrance was a business vis itor here Monday evening. Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Fogue went to Alliance on 43 Monday, the former to receive medical aid for his hip which, has been causing him a great deal of trouble the last few days. Mrs. F. L. Blummer returned from Edgemont, South Dakota, Tuesday. The Messrs. McQuaid, Driller and Dobson, tool dressers at the oil well, resigned from their positions here re cently and left for Casper, Wyoming Tuesday on 43. Mrs. J. L. Hooper and daughter Naomi were shopping here Tuesday Margaret Cody and brothers Barney and Johnnie were in town from the ranch Tuesday. This part ot the hills was visited by a soaking rain accompanied by enough hail to make the ground white, about ( o'clock Monday evening. Then a 'iHm am nouario.iq uaj urea auaS and another heavy shower about C:30 'luesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Wilson of An tioch visited relatives here Tuesday afternoon. .1! Geoige Hyland worked in Howard Pogue's place on the section Tuesday. Miss Hattie A.-h drove in from the ranch Tuesday to meet Miss Garnett Lunsford, who arrived on 13 from Uni-er-ity I'lace. Oporater Tom Gorman went to Ells woun Friday on 41. Warren Mclntyre, Lee Meeker, Fred Speer and E. A. Olson returned irom working in the hay fields near Alliance Tuesdav evening. Mrs. J. L. Roe drove to Alliance Wednesday morning. Walter Tyler was in town Wednes day morning from the ranch. Viva Osbom returned home Wed nesday from a visit with her friend, Marvin Tyler, in the country. The Messrs. Stucky and Lee Wells were in town from the Cox-Jones ranch Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper were in town shopping the first of the week. Dr. Moore was called down from Antioch Wednesday to see one of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laguay's children, who, is sick. A. W. Tyler was in town on business Wednesday. , MUTUAL A fatherly old major, coming back to his quarters unexpectedly with the intention of taking a nip of his pri vate stock found his hitherto trusted orderly doing that very little thing. "Why, Jones!'' exclaimed the officer ttemlv. "I am astonished!" "So'am I, sir," confessed the orderly as he mapped to attention. "I thought the major was out on the drill field." American Legion Weekly. political tamxmaz ( ounfy Superiiitrmfepf. I hen by announce mvclf a.; a can ''h.to tor the n..m;(i..t;(. f, a.untv .viponi Kndent of V,o Butte county, Jit the primary election to be hold July IS, l!C2. 1 am well acquainted wr.h tno mods of the nival .-chools. lour .-'.ippoit will !n appreciated. MYRTLE REEVES. ( "mmi'sinncr, Second Di-trict. I hereby announce my enndidacy for the democratic nomination for County Commissioiii r frnm t!ir ., m, I .I'-, ;.. of Box Butte county, Nebraska, sub ject to tiie will of the democratic vot ers of the county at the primaries, to be hold July IN. Your support will oe greauy apprcci- ted. PHILIP KNAPP. Commissioner. Third District. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county commission er for the Third distiict of Box Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the will of the democratic voters at the pri mary election to be held July is. Your support will be pretlv jippreoiated. E. A. BENNETT. County .Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for slicriiT of Box Butte county, Nobra.-ka, sub ject to the will of the democratic voters at the primaries July Is. Your support will be appicciaU'd. S. H. FINK. Commissioner, Third District. I hereby announce my candidacy fot .he oll'ice of county commissioner in ihe Third district of Box Butte county, N'ebra.-ka, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the priinaiies, July 16, VjZZ. 1 am a good roads enthusiast, and 1 know conditions in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guided by he will of the majority in all matters Df road location. I pledge my best ef forts for a bu-iness-like administration if county affair, and have but one ither plank in my platform equality nid justice for all. J. R. LAWRENCE. County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county treasurer, subject to the will of the republican voters at the'primai ies, July 18. 1 am at present deputy county treasurer, fa miliar with the work, and if elected will devote every clTort toward tiliini '.he office in a competent and efficient way. Y'our support is respectfully so licited. MRS. NELLIE WILSON. County Superintendent. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for County. Super intendent of Schools of Box Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the will of the voter3 at the primaries, July 18. OPAL RUSSELL. County Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Box Butte county, Nebraska, sub ject to the will of the democratic vot ers at the .primaries, July 18. Y'our support is cordially solicited. CAL COX. County Treasurer. I announce myself as republican candidate for nomination of County Treasurer of Box Butte county. Four years ago I served as Deputy Treasurer, until the law was passed, "that relatives could not work for re latives," which forced me out. . 1 think I am entitled to the treasur ers office, and if elected, I will do the very best possible to fill it intelligently and save money for the tax payers. I will be very grateful to all voters who will support me at the primaries July 13, 1922. 55tf MRS. CORA M. LEWIS Commissioner, Third District. Subject to the will of the democratic voters of Box Butte county, I am a candidate for the nomination for coun ty commissioner from the Second dis trict of Box Butte county. I have been working with machinery for twenty-eight years and have been ac tively engaged in road and bridge work for the past eighteen years. If you believe, as I do, that at least one member of the county board should be a man of practical experience, your support will be appreciated. JOHN PAULING. County Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for sherilf of Box Butte county, subject o the will of the democratic voters at the primaries July is. If nominated and elected, 1 will use my best elforts to fill the office efficiently and will administer the o:Vice impartially. Y'our support will be appreciated. LLOYD GWINN. EVIDENTLY HE DID Sam had passed through a harrow in' " peripnee. He had en ro less a thing than a ghost. While his aud ience listedened with bulging eyes, he related the details of his awful ex perience. "Ah'd jes' come outer de cow pen wbh Ah d been milkin' de cows," he said, "an' Ah had a bucket o' milk I., man hand. Den Ah hears a noise by de side o' de road an' de ha'nt rushes out. Looks like it's a man wid his haid chopped plum' off, an' " ','Lawd!" interrupted one. of hi? audi tors, " 'at suttinly must of been ter rible. Didn' yo' shake wid fright, Sam?" "Ah don' know what Ah shook wid. Ah kain't say fo' Euttin Ah shook at all. But when Ah got home Ah foun' all de milk gone, an' two poun's of butter let' in de bucket." FOR ONCE HE WAS WRONG "This hotel," declared the clerk proudly "is run on the theory that ihe guest is always right." "Fine," declared the man who had been there a week. "1 don't owe you a cent!-' 'Commission Men Do Not Realize the War Is Over At different times in its moot in c tiie North Platte Valley Stork Grow ers association ha "resohod nnd re-o-lutod'' with reference to v, lint the members averred won- i',o highway methods in ti e by the live took com mission mc:i at din'oront market points in the matter of chattos for tlu-ii ,-ei-vico. Wails have gone into Washing ton at vaiiouj time-, and every n w and then some seoeti'iy or other telN the comim'-sion men they mu-t bo good or ho wiil slap them on the wrist, . ays the Scotlsbhitf Stai-Hoia'd. Some time aco Secretary Wnlbire, under who:-e depaitment the packing inmi.-trie-' were put by the "pucker's bill," told the commiss-'on men thr.t they would have to "cut out" their oveicharj.ri;i'.r of the live-tock shipper. It is rumored thrt the commission men rvrreed to the secret. try's request and then went right on charting ti e wiine old high rate. It is very likely that their long association with the pack ing inteiests had begotten in their minds the idea that a millionaire pack er of pork was b'gger than Uncle Sam. Truth to tell they can't hi blam ed very much if they did. But it now appeals that Secretary Wallace, probably knowing the men with whom he wa; dealing, did not take thorn at their word, but put in vent iirators to work who have been making a cloe study of the practices in votMie at Chicauo, Onirdia, Houston, St. Paul, Portland and other market points. The ou'eorio ha boon a report in which it is stated that the eommi-sion men apparently have very poor ideas of what is going on not as yet being aware that the war is over. At any rate they aie still rstortinir war time prices from the live stock ship pers. Federal agents have learned enough to convince them that mal practices r.re pievaknt in many stock exchange centers. The overcharges by commission merchants work both ways, according to the federal agents. They deprive the farmers of adequate profit to en courage stock raising. Second, they boost the price of meats all along the line of distribution to the con.-umer. MNT.IIAM. E. RiT.mmcr and family spent the week end cut at the vai.ch with Mis. Brammer's brothers, Nelson and Nor ris McCaity. Several of the b rys from here made up a crowd and camped at Haney lake 1-riday night. They reported a good catch 'of lish. J. H. Sellers was a Hyannis caller Monday moining, going down in the car and returning on 4J. Next Saturday is community meet ing day. Come out and lend your as sistance as well as enjoy a pleasant evening. Miss Ethel Anderson is assisting with the work at the Ellsworth hotel. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sampson are visiting old neighbors and friends preparatory to leaving the hills. They are undecided as to their final location, but are talking strong of Canada. Miss Hazel Strand, of St. Louis, Mo. is visiting her friends, the S. C. Town son and A. J. Potter families. Miss Strand will be remembered here as she spent the summer here two years ago. Ruth Melvin has gone to Villisca Iowa to fpend the summer with an aunt. l he R. E. Kinkaid family spent last week in the summer carnp on their lanch. Mrs. L. E. Ballinger is still confined to her bed with sickness. Dr Moore of Antioch was called last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Euell Edmondson spent last week in the Black Hills. They re ported the weather very hot while they were there. Miss Opal Thompson, of Haig, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Almira Town'on. Miss Delia Potten and daughter Gladys, of Broken Bow, visited friends and looked after business on the ranch last week. Mr. K. R. Kinkaid bought the old school building to J. T. Burton and will move it on the lots west of the hotel. Mr. Ray Westover of Lakeside vis ited his daughter, Mrs J. M. Ballinger, ja,-t K-;iay. Dr. Kreamer has moved back on his rantn soai.it oi town. He was plea.ed with the improvements here, especi ally the work on the streets. He ex pects to make this his trading center again. Political Advertisement Fights Profiteers! ALDERT W. JEFFERIS Republican Candidate for U.S. SENATE Mr. JeffeHa at congrman obtain) valuable evidence for the government In the war profiteering and fraud caaaa. " ONE OF U8." 'f s t.A I fw 1 1 lllS the Yeai m miMimteiii iii i i Everywhere West LET ME CURE YOUR PILES THAT I can cura your Piles (Fistula, Rectum except cance.- a ahort time longer) by an original, pain less, dissolvent method of my own, without chloroform, ether or knife, and without danger whatever to the patient. My treatment la o auctetsful that I have built up the largest practice In thla lira between Omaha and Denver. My treatment la no experiment. It la the most successful method ever discovered for the treatment of Diseasea of the Rectum. I have cured many casea where the knife had failed and many other cases that had been treated for months and years In vain. I guarantee a cure In every case I accept or maka no charge for my aervlcea. My method of curing Pilea and othe Rectal diseases, as well aa Rupture, was laughed at twenty years ago, tut today I can point with pride to all of those who have be lieved In me and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you ara Buffering with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to mo today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It Is to get cured. Be sura to use the free Information coupon when you write to me. No longer is It necessary for you to spend three or four wetko getting your piles cured. You can now be cured within five daya, and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment. Don't doubt thie amazing truth! Send for free Information today also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troublre and Rupture should appeal to all those wishing to avoid a aurglcal operation with Its attendant discomforts of dread and fear that causea ao many sufferers to delay in seeking relief. CAUSE iej j Y y"'" I'ltj I lif v "lit J 1 To-o LA r YVrJfirTSr ESSrVt k VTtstaaea -due to the constant atrain of even a mild case of pilea on the eympathetio nervous ayatem. You can pour all the medicine down your throat that money can buy, or You can apend your last dollar st the world'e beat health MMU reeorta, ar You can allow ysurserf to all cut and slaahed, yet You will MCVER get rid sf these troubles until your pllee ara cured. tR. RICH. Pile and Rupture Specialist, Grind leland, Neb. Pleaae nd me free, romplete Informs, tlon ree-mrdinf the method you uee In cur Int 1'ilea. Kutula. Fuwurw and other rerleJ diiftwi end rupture, without a. wvtr. eurglcal operation. (Mention which trouble you have when writing). NAME M Town It T. D Is to see America! To recreate in the biggest vacation land in the world. Realize your vacation hopes and dreams this summer. Vacation costs are down! Hit the trail West! The Ameri can West is the world's greatest outdoors. It's your country get out into it know it feel it. llless your eyes with a sight of that emerald gem of the Northern Rockies Lake St. Mary in Gla cier National Park. (Jet actju tinted ilh Ihe "charmed land" of the Pacific Northwest; see Timet Sound, the American Mediterranean; visit old Mount Itainier. Take that indescribable "look" down into Crater Lake Nature's unmatched spec tacle. See the grandeur nnd feel the inspiration of the Yosemite. Stroll amid California's big trees the oldest living things. Take a din in.Creat Salt Lake higher than the Allegheny Mountains and seven times larger than Palestine's Dead Sea. Stop-ofT in Mesa Verde National Park "The Land of the Past." ('Jo motoi ing past t V thundering geysers nnd through the soul-stirring c;nyons of cur Yellowstone. Hut, remember if you don't see Cody Road throuirh the Rullalo Dill coun try 30U don't see Yellowstone. Rest amid the tranquil beauty and peaceful grandeur of Rocky Mountain National Kstes Park a royal outing place. You'll come back mentally keen, physically fitf.'iling as though you could lick your weight in wild cats. No form of education is more inspirational than travel. Thee are but a few of the great show places in our wondrous West. Pack your grip and have your heart stirred and your mind refreshed by them this summer. Let your home town railroad introduce you. It costs no more to travel Burlington Every where West. II. L. ORMSIiY, Ticket Agent QUICK! Fissure and other Diseases of the MANY DISEASES tK RICH File and Rupture Ppvriallet Graud laiaud, Neb. I curs svery caes sf Pilea I treat by my mild eerum treat merit, or yeu need not pa me one cent Tin: soi.!! ni.wsoN n If '.n -n 1; I mm v it- .'iji'Vriir for ivt'iu ;ilivti(,n p-i is ami t V: t hi4 i; i i.i i( in oil- ;l r jiiilo it.- kfl. 'W!:. i- ".vi.t'iit of th L'nitc-I M.I'O- ; !. t.iirt HiiwIiYir." --,,-ft. Ami m,o is vlrr ii! r.-f- ' ..(rrviTs llii,'iU'." "'n-in thrt luin'lv i!n," ro- plii'.l kindly ju.hr "li'lt I will nivp ymi iinotl'rr ihann. Wh:it 1 ti I'l-f-vi-nt vmi hcooMvinir rvilnt 7" "Ali-ili!'' rliml'pd the lalmror in f i in m J Oi ;st - v!l r.:i l. y imo. "I nU:i. lien', ju 'o. Me too Luy. N'( otta !a tinif." Cl'olit it al Adv rli-t'mi nl.) Till! rr.oi'i i: s man rou ;mvi:knok. ALIJKKT II. I1VIU M. Stnntls for a Innlvct lill i-i.-mIc by tho tnx payers un! not ihn tax makers. Stiinils for fbaniros in the rorte bill that will rut out tiupliration anl waste iinl rot ore cvei ninrnl to the olficfis whom the pco;,le elrrt. If you want rt-Iit f from hijjh tari, . vote for Hyrum. Krpiililiran I'liiiinry, July 18. Office Il'iurs 8::!0 a. m. to 12 Noon rilONK 199 M. C. IIURD, M. D. ( IM'onfc iusn st:s IUXTAL DISK ASKS Office Over Harper') Store. EUGENE BURTON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office: First National Bank Duildlntj ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A. CLARENCE SCHOCH, M. D. Surgery and Consultation Rumer Building Alliance Phone 6C4 Alliasst Harry P. Coursey . AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sales WELDIjNG GEO. n. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd MOVING. PACKING, STOIUNG AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE -When It's Your Mots, Let Ua Know" Office Phone, 15; Res. 884 and Blk. 731 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law 1 Office in Reddish Block " L. A. BERRY ROOM 1, RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropraetora PaJmer School Phone 863 Oyer Harper's PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. J