The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 30, 1922, Image 1

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Official Paper of Box Dutte County
Official Taper of the City of Alliance
No. 62
Tug-of-War and Half a Dozen Other
New Events for to
Fair Grounds.
The stage stt, the prog-ram is
practically completed, and Alliance
will blossom forth on Tuesday morn
ing, July 4, as hostess to the thou
sands of visitors who will be her
.guests on that day. A general meet
ing of all committees is called to meet
tins evening at the cnainber of com
merce offices, starting at 7:30 p. m.,
to take up the complete program and
-to decide several matters wluch are up
.for its consideration.
New events which have been added
to the program published on Tuesday
of this week include the following:
A tug-of-war between the Pleasant
Hill farmers' union team and the
IFairview farmers' union team, at 6
.o'clock on Box Butte avenue. The
challenge has gone forth from the
torawny men of one team to the other
and a huge manilla cable will be
.-stretched along Box Butte avenue
rt hile sweat will burst from straining
men as they tug back and forth on the
The farmers of Box Butte county
.have taken hold of the proposition
with a will and are doing great things
in helping prepare a program that
will be a hum-dinger. They have
-added the following events to ihe pro
jrram. at.tW, fair grounds as published
on Tuesday i J
Horse tail 'relay race.
Rescue rql ry lace best two oat it
three. ' 1
Chariot race,,!
Bundle rake.
Calf buckihjj contest.
, Barrel ridiaj race.
The committee "--wants six or fight
yearling or Itwo-year-old calves, for
use in Uie cal( bucking contest. They
will be riddeil by boys (or boys will
try to ride thm) and they should be
Jaard-headed, Wild little brutes. If
someone who 1 lives; close to Alliance
will bring- thep in and will phone the
chamber of commerce, it will be ap
preciated by this committee. .
SonM) reservations of boxes in the
yrand stand "arV, being made. The
boxes are $2 eadh. (Those who want
a. box for the program should phone
their reeervationlst once phone 74.
Dr. A. C. Schoth, sub-chairman of
(Continued ott page 4)
STAY 1 U. S.
i i
Word Received by Local Officers to
the Effect That Evidence Not
Sufficient to Convict.
lk i
Chrl3 Kragelund, tha;Dae who was
arrested about two weeks', ago, when
he bought a meal at Jack Berry's cafe
and refused to pay for it, Jnforaiing
the owner of the cafe 't-at he could
jro to blazes, will not be, deported ac
cording to a letter received py Sheriff
Miller from W. R. Mansfield, immigra
tion inspector from Denvtr. Krage
lund was thought to be , t dangerous
character when he threatened Judge
Berry, who sentenced hint 'or his res
taurant escapade, under tha law pro
viding for defrauding restaurant keep
ers. Kragelund later toldjt'ie officers
of his contempt for the hvvs of this
country and is said to havfi expressed
decidedly anarchistic ideas '. j
Kragelund was examined,her about
a week ago by Mr. Mansfield, who
recommended that the Dane & deport -ed.
The department decided: that the
evidence against him was insufficient
and refused to issue a warrant for
his deportation. Kragelund, when ex
amined admitted that he thought little
for the laws of this country,' but
showed not the slightest desire to re
turn to Denmark. He asked, the of
ficer if he could not be sent to Canada
rather than return to his former home.
Kragelund, when he obtained' the
meal at the restaurant, cursed ' the
owner when payment was demanded.
When Ihe police took him in charge
he Eaid that he had thought he had
$15 when he entered the cafe, but that
he had either lost it or been robbed.
He admitted having "bummed4s his
way into Alliance.
The Dane was sent out of tovri
Wednesday when his sentence fo tak
ing the meal expired. The officer ac
companied him to the train and -saw
to it he was safely on his wa to
other fields. It is not thought likely
that the Dane will turn up again to
make good his threats against JUuge,
Berry an dthe town in general, trie
had told the officers that he intended
to blow up or burn down the town.
The officers ieel no great fear, hdw
, eveit .y
irttn , , , . , . i.
illt, nLAlUbU . " I T 11..
Forecast for Alliance and vicinity:
Generally fair toniht ai d Saturday.
t-omewnat Cooler tonight.
Keen Competition
Among Salesman of
Chautauqua Tickets
The children who hnve been compet
ing for the prize in selling cliautauima
ticket have made a splendid showing,
letter than any one anticipated for
the early date. Most people who pur
chase tickets will not do so until just
a few days before the opening, yet n
number of the little salesmen ami
women have turned in nice sums of
James Hunter, at this writing, heads
the list, and Drusilla Adams is second.
This does not mean, of course, that
these will necessarily be ahead at the
windup, for some of the children have
a long list of promises, so it cannot
be safely predicted who will win till
the final count is made.
Those who have not been solicited
should call, up whoever they wish to
favor anil secure a ticket, for these
season tickets will not be on sale after
the opening of the chauteuqua, and
it will be much more expensive to buy
single admissions than to buy season
Boh Ache?on of Bingham will ar
rive Saturday for a week'3 visit with
Howard Cogswell.
Mrs. H. E. Gantz, who has been ill
for the past few days, is now able
to be about.
draws fine for
a weeping jag
Judge Tash Soaks Offender (he Limit
and He Faces Stay in Jail Unless
He Can Raise the Cash.
Earl Johnson, farmer near Mars
land, was arrested Tuesday night by
Sheriff Miller, and brought, to Alliance
to answer a charge in count court
of being- drunk and "disorderly. He
was fined $50 and costs bv Judire
Tash Wednesday afternoon. The costs
in the case were over $25. due to the
fact that Sheriff Miller had to make
two trips to Marsland to arrest him.
The first trip was made last Monday,
but Johnson, who had apparently got
word or the visit, made a trip to
Dawe3 county. The sheriff returned
Wednesday and had no difficulty in
locating kis man on this occasion.
Johnson was arrested on complaint
of Mrs. Eunice Fox, who lives alone
on a farm near Marsland. Mrs. Fox
asserted that Johnson and four other
men came to her farm last Sunday,
! I . 1 1 , . I , . .
insuueu ner, ana mat jonnson nan
taken hold of her. She said that the
other men tried to keep Johnson under
control, but as they also were drunk
they had poor success.
According to the story of the
officers, this was the second visit
made by the auto load of men to her
place. On the first occasion, they did
nothing more than annoy her and the
occupants of the place, and did not
stay long. On their second visit, how
ever, Johnson was said to have been
suffering from a "crying jag" and he
wandered all over the place, she said,
making himself pretty numerous be
fore he was persuaded to leave.
Johnson was brought to Alliance
from Marsland Wednesday morning
by Sheriff Miller. Johnson had re
marked that no d n sheriff could ar
rest him out of the said sheriff's
county. When politely requested to
come along, however, he came with
the greatest speed.
Mrs. Fox said that she did not wish
to file any other charge against John
son except that of being drunk and
disorderly. The charge of assault
through the use of bad language was
not mentioned.
Johnson is known to the locj.l
sheriff's office, having been held once
before on a harness-stealing rh-di-ge.
He was returned to Mart-land from
Alliance about six weeks ago to an
swer this -complaint.
The "Farmer-Labor" party of Box
Butte county has made the following
selections of candidates from the pri
mary li.-t of filings for the various
county and state offices:
State senator F. W. Johnson of
State representative Allen Gordon
of Hemingl'ord.
County treasurer A. H, Robbins of
County clerk 0. M. Krumtum of
Sheriff Lloyd Gwinn of Alliance.
County superintendent M y r 1 1 fe
Reeves of Alliance.
Countv commissioner, third district
K. A. Bennett.
County commissioner, second district
J. P. Knapp.
Attorney Eugene Burton spent Tues
day in Bridgeport.
i f which rniriui'iica ny
i i
Two Alliance News papers
to Consolidate July 1
With this issue, the Alliance Herald
passes out of existence. Under the
term;; of an agreement signed Wednes
day, this newspaper will be consoli
dated with the Alliance Semi-Weekly
Times, under the managment of Ben
J. Sallows. George L. and Edwin M.
Burr will, for the present, remain in
Alliance and in all probability will be
connected with the consolidated news
paper, to long as they elect to continue
in that capacity.
The consolidation is made in the best
interests of the parties concerned and
the public, including the readers and
advertisers of both newspapers. It may
be said, without casting any bouquets
in our own direction, that no other city
of this size in the state has two such
newspapers as have been built up in
Alliance. The public does not realize,
perhaps, the enormous amount of ex
pense connected with publishing two
such newspapers. In the flush days im
mediately following the war the two
firms could not take care of the busi
ness that came to them unsolicited. In
the process of getting back to nor
malcy, the income of every business
house in the city has suffered a slump.
Every firm that has survived has had
to rut its sails to fit its cloth.
Neither Alliance newspaper has been
suffering particularly trom the gen
eral slump in business. But the facts
are that the returns have not been
commensurate with the efforts put
forth. Other business firms can trim
their sails in slack times, but the news
paper dares not. Once a newspaper
allows itself to slip downhill, rot
only its own business, but the city it
self suffers.
The newspapers recently arrived at
the place where they d d not feel jus
tified by the ensh returns in publishing
newspapers of such high tiuality. It
was necessary either to curtail service
and news, or to find some other solu
tion of the problem. The slomp in bus
iness, while it was realized that it was
only temporary, was nevertheless suf
ficient to warrant reduction in forces.
The two sets of publishers believed
that the best way out or the aurricuity
was to arrange a consolidation. This
step has been taken in hundreds of
places, with . jewpaper large, and
small, fiH over .the country in the past
few years, ever since newspaper costs
began to go sky-high. ,
After consulting and advising with
practically every merchant in the city,
and receiving their encouragement, the
consolidation was arranged. Under the
new plan, advertising rates will be
materially lowered; news service will
not only be kept up to the former high
standard, but materially increased;
and subscribers will be able to get a
semi-weekly newspaper, undoubtedly
the best of its kind in the state, at
very little more money than is charged
by the poorer weekly newspapers.
The two. subscription ' lists will be
combined. Subscribers who have paid
ahead for The Herald will receive full
credit on the books of the consolidated
publication which will bear the names
of both newspapers The Alliance
Semi-Weekly Times and The Alliance
Herald. Herald subscribers will receive
the Tuesday issue of the consolidated
Plans are, of course, incomplete.
There is no saying what the future
will bring forth. With but one news-i
paper in the field, with the solid sup
port of readers ami advertisers, it may
le safely assumed that every oppor-
Attorney W. U. Metz
Talks to Kotarians
on Law and Courls
Attorney W. R. Metz gave the r.d
dress of the evening at the Wednes
day dinner of the Alliance JU,u.,v
club, Mr. Metz diseased, in a broad
wa, the development of the various
codes, ami contrasted court procedure
in the United States with that of
He listed briefly the various kinds
of law such as the law of nature, or
the will of the Maker; revealed law, or
interpretations of the law of nature;
the law of nations, governing mutual
intercourse between them; and munici
pal law, for which he gave iilack
stone's famous definition, "A rule o!
civil conduct prescribed by a supreme
power in a state commanding what ii
right and prohibiting what is a ron.
He confined his remarks largely to thl
latter branch of law.
It is well known Mr. Metz said, that
the of the United States had
their origin lar rely in England. There
are two kind, the unwritten, or com
mon law, and the written or statutory
law. The unwritten law is so named,
not because it is today unwritten, lor
it is to be found in early court lec
ords and the works of ancient wrileis,
but because it is not set down in
writing as acts of parliament are, but
receives its bindinv nnwer from Innr
usage and universal reception. Among
me compilations oi the common l.;w
he enumerated the Dome Book, com
piled by Alfred the Great who died in
the year f01; and the writings of Ed
ward the Confessor, who died in lOfiii.
The unwritten law comprises thiee
kinds general customs, particular
ttnity will bo grnsed. If the time
eer comes when business will justify
a tri-weekly publication, or a daily,
.-Miance will liuve u. 1 lie consolida
tion is a big thing for the city as well
s for the men who made it Hssible.
Ihcre is little miestion but that the
principle is applicable to other busi
nesses, and nothing save false piide or
sentiment stands in the way.
Newspapers occupy a peculiar re
lation in resject to the city where they
are published. They are operated by
private individuals, for private profit,
and yet their whole effort is devoted
toward building up the community in
which they exist. They are, irrespect
ive of whether the city recognizes the
fact, the representatives of their city
cutside. A city may be judged by its
newspapers more easily than in any
other way. And both Alliance news
papers have given a splendid account
of Alliance. They have never lost faith,
never grumbled, never doubted for an
instant that prosperity was just out
side the gate, looking for the hitching
Under the consolidation plan, Alli
unce will be ably represented abroad.
Whenever any man sees a copy of the
Alliance newspaper, it will be brought
home to him that this is one commun
ity where prosperity abides and where
every citizen is forward looking. The
consolidated paper will have the
strength of both with an added
strength in the knowledge that it has
the public completely behind it. The
Herald owners have faith in the ability
of Mr. Sallows to sutisfy the var
i( us elements of the community. We
believe that he will publish a better
paper, with the field to himself, than
could have licen published with divided
support. It would seem almost impos
sible for any fiy-by-n'ght concern to de
scend upon u. with a poorly writ
ten, pooriy printed newspaper that w ill
misrepresent Alliance to any man who
happens to see it.
It will be a difficult task, of course,
to harmonize all the discordant ele
ments In this community, but it can be
done. It has been, and is being done
elsewhere. Grand Island, a much
larger city in Nebraska, has for nearly
fifteen years thrown its support to ona
newspaper, and although; from time to
time, efforts have been made to break
into this field, the readers and mer
chants realize that they benefit by
withholding encouragement from any
newspaper that is not worthy of their
city. Half a dozen cities in Nebraska,
and hundreds of them over the coun
try, are trying out the one-newspaper
plan, and are expressing them
selves as well satisfied with it as they
are with one telephone system or other
public utility.
Th success of the Dlan naturally de
volves uDon the man who will pub
lish the newspaper. Mr. Sallows has
sufficient resources and ability to
make it a success, and there is little
question that the subscribers and the
aavertisers, once they understand the
. Ml - It.
possibilities in tne pian, win give u
their enthusiastic support. Both news
imrvpf have eone uuon the theory that
there is nothing too good for their
readers; and from this time on, the con
solidated newspaper win nave me sat
isfaction of knowing that it can make
imnravements and additions to its fa
cilities that will enable it to keep up
with progress in its field, and at the
same time secure a reasonable return
for its enterprise.
customs affecting a certain locality,
and civil and canon law.
The civil law of the United States
is the civil law of England, as modi
fied by Engli.-h statutes previous to
the colonization op America, so jar rs
it has leen found adapted to tur
changed conditions and customs.
Mr. Metz closed with a comparison
of the English and American, court
systems. The comparison of the ethics
of the legal profession in the two
countries was especially interesting.
Effective Saturday July 1, the
money-order and registry window
will lie open continually from S a. m.
until 6 p. m. This will allow the pub
lic to transact their business at this
window one hour earlier in the morn
ing and during the noon hour as this
window was closed during these ho:rs.
Effective the same date the general
delivery window will close at ( p. m. is made necessary on account ci
the few patrons that avail themselves
of the privilege of calling sit the gen
eral delivery window betivoen f und
C:0 p. m. and the necessity of io
uru'i.ging the schedule of cb.' -k to
give the added service to the money
order and registry window,
June 28 To Mr. and Mrs. P.oy C.
Strong, a girl, weighing 11 pounds.
June 25 To Mr. and Mrs. 11. C.
Fisher, a girl.
June 25 To Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith, a girl.
Mrs. E. Shanki, ion and daughter
of Bridgeport are visiting relatives in
Women Frightened by
Peculiar Behavior of
An Alleged Hobo
F. F. Giersdorf, to all appearances a
nooo, wa.i arrested Juesduy afternoon,
and lodged in the citv nil. on the
charge of vnngrancy. Giersdorf
i l ightened a number of women thruout
he residence section of the town by
entering houes looking through the
house and leaving, lit did not usk
for hand-outs or leg in any way al
though he had only four cent3 on him
when arrested.
Giersdorf is a man tdout fifty years
of age, apparently well educated, and
carried a card containing his name
and the words "Musical Instructor."
lie claimed to be a talented musician.
The man claimed to be In Alliance
to lay brick on the new school-house,
nlthought this stage of construction
has by no means been reached. He
said that he was known to the contrac
tor, and had been employed by him.
Chief of Police Charles W. Jeffers
says the ma has all the indications
of being a dope-fiend, and appears to
lie in very poor health. Mr. Jeffers
says that he does not believe it pos
sible that Giersdorf would be physi
cally able to lay brick. His education,
and his evident knowledge of music
make it seem very unlikely that he
would be a bricklayer.
The contractor at the high school
said that Giersdorf had struck him for
a job, but that he had turned him down,
as he was evidently unable to work.
Giersdorf gave his home as Central
Citv, ami was evidently acquainted
with the contractor. He was released
this morning ami was warned that he
must either go to work or leave town.
has the world
backedmoff map
Burlington Immigration Agent Puts
In a Day Investigating Agri.
cultural Situation.
Val Kuska, immigration agent for
the Burlington railroad, system, with
headquarters at Omatar spent Thurs
day in Alliance, Hemlngford and .Box
Butte county, as the guest of the Alli
ance chamber of commerce. Mr.
Kuska came to Box Butte county to
personally investigate the agricultural
conditions and possibilities. To say
that he was astounded with the pos
sibilities shown him during his trip
seems putting it mild, and to use his
expression Thursday evening, "You
have the world backed off the map
on conditions as a whole. If anyone
had told me that you have clralfa
growing here like you do, 1 would
have suid nothing, but I would not
have believed it. Your agricultural
opportunities are wonderful and your
farmers are accomplishing great
Mr. Kuska was taken for an auto
trip during the day over the larger
portion of Box Butte county by a
delegation representing the chamber
or commerce, which included J. C.
McCorkle, E. C. Barker, F. A. Bald
W. S. Acheson, C. it. Wiese. G. II
Burns, S. H. Cole, Burlington agent
and Lloyd Thoma., secretary. The
party left Alliance at 8 a. m.
The party arrived at Hemingford
about 10:30, where they were joined
by K. L. Pierce, G. M. Jenkins and
P. J. Michael, who piloted them
through territory in the vicinity of
Hemingford and returned with them
to Alliance. During the afternoon
short trips were made to Antioch tnd
the Alliance Country club. Mr. Kuska
was much impressed with the appear
ance of the Country club bu'ldinjrs
ami grounds, stating that they were
among the finest he had Keen.
In the evening Mr. Kuska nr.d the
real state men were guesM of the
i Lions club, at which he was the prin
cipal speaker, hollowing ne inner,
a meeting was held at .the oil ices (i
the chamber of commerce for the pur
pose of discussing matters pertaining
to immigration into Uox llutte county.
This meeting was attended by real
estate men and officials of lhi ch'im
ber of commerce. Matters discusted
were advertising, printed literature,
homeseekers excurion rates, cr. op
erative work among the real estate
men through the chamber of com
merce, establishing a brand or trade
mark for potatoes, inc; potato
production, and other topics or nme.y
importance andjnterest.
Ms. Kuska assured the Alliance
men that the Burlington will lake an
urtivp nart in momotin immigration
into its territory in western Nebraska,
in order that the untilled agncu'turai
lands may be farmed. Us and the
agricultural lands may ba farmed. He
np-ricultural agent of .he ruilroaj will
be present and take part fn th-i an
nual potato tour wmcn starts jiom
Kimball on Augu.-t 15 an. which will
be at Alliance on August 1.'.
Beverly Bovd of Detroit, Mich., is
in Alliance visiting his uncle, E. H.
Boyd . Mr. Boyd and his nephew left
for his ranch. Beverly
iBoyd will remain in Alliance for a
few weeks.
Thursday, August 17, Will Be Spent
in Inspecting Potatoes in
Box Butte County.
The tentative program for the an
nual western Nebraska potato tour,
under the direction of H. O. Wernr,
secretary of the Nebraska Potato
Improvement association, has beem
forwarded to the Allinnr rhanL,. A
- - ... v;c vj
commerce. The tour will cover four
uays August la, 1C, 17 and 18. cov
enng the counties of Kimball, Scott
Blutf, Box Butte and Dawes.
As will be noted by the tentative
program, given below, Thursday, Aug
ust 17. Will Ka itwinl in Ra. t..77.
a meal and enter
tainment for the visitors that evening-.
i rum o;ou to :ju p. m., to be served
by the chamber of commerce.
Mr. Werner staten that nt tVi hmo-
ent time he is unable to state definitely
wmcn neius win n visited. In BOX
Butte county, preferring to make th
fii-Bt field inspection for certified seed)
before designating the fields that ar
to be visited.
The clans for the eveninir mutimf
at Alliance would include an informal
meeting, following the dinner, to
which all the potato growers of Box
Butte Countv. as well a th vUitnr
from other localities, would be invited.
Tentative Program for Tour.
The tentative urogram for fh t
as outlined by Mr. Werner, is as fol
o ' in. kJUUa
from CountV AtrriMtltnrul nr,'-
oflice ut Kimball. Visit certified seed;
potato neius or tius Forsling, August
Cadekin, H. J. Holick and other field
cf merit or interest in thn vininif.,
Bushncll and between Kimball and
uusnnen. Also possible several irri
gated fields near Kimball.
Vi o clock liinner at Kimball.
12:45 to 1:45 n m Mooting .t
Kimball. r
1:45 Iave for Srntf Ttl II AT Pniiaia
via the state highway. -4
p. m Arrfa in the vicinity of
vcuur vuuey Boutnwvst oi uenng. in.-
spect dryland fields of potatoes i
that vicinity and inspect the irrigated
neius nrounu oering, arriving as
Scottsbluff at 6:30 p. m., headquarter
ut Lincoln hotel.
(Continued on Page 8.) ,
Letters Show Elopement Planned, But
Funds Ran Out at Alliance
and Cops Stepped In.
Chief of Police C. W. Jeffers ar
rested a J. F. Peebles, and a Mrs.
Bernice Peebles, not married but
cousins by marriage. The couple wer
arrested Tuesday evening wl.u.i they
were attempting to bum their vay
out of Alliance tor North Platte.
The Peebles' came to Alliance from
Lusk, Peebles paying the way for th
lady, and abo paying her hotel bill at
Lu.-k. They were evidently trying to
elope, and had reached Alliance when
they ran out of money and wer
stranded. They had evidently been,
contemplating the elopement for soma
time, as shown by a letter found ou
Peebles, received from Mrs. Peebles,
telling of the proposed elopement, and
of arrangement for taking care of
Mrs. Peebles' children, both by former
Peebles and Mrs. Peebles maintained
that there was nothing out of the way
in their actions, but the officers be
lieved differently. A federal charga
was filed against Peebles for violating
the Mann white slave act. To maka
this charge stick it will be neccesary
to show that the woman in the casa
was transported from Wyoming int&
Nebraska for immoral purposes.
The coupe are now held in the coun
ty jail, Peebles to answer the charga
against him, and Mrs. Peebles as a
witness. They will have a preliminary
hearing before United States Court
Commissioner L. A. Berry sometima
in the near future, although the data
for this has im set.
Mrs. PeetA to be the daugh
ter of Chieff F, E. Knapp of
North Platte s that she and
Peebles were heading for that city
when they were apprehended here.
Should they be held, they will ba
tried at the federal court at Chadron
about the' first of September. Thev
will be held 'in the government jail
there until that time unless, bond U
furnished, which the officers do not
deem to be particularly likely, when,
the conditions under w hich the reached
Alliance are considered.