THE ALLIANCE. 11 KHALI). 1 TJPAY. JUNE If,. 1022 FIVE r 8Jl,c)ociew.s Alliance lo.le'c X". P-1, B. P. O. Elks, held their anr.u.,1 FIhr day cb seivance on Wedne.-iliiv, iit the clun hnu-o. -lhe chair.- veie filled with vtterens of the uiil war, in uniform. The folkwiin pi-oram wu jriven: Mu-ic, "Star Sj-s-nale-.l Banner,'" Scout band anl audience. Flaw day li.uul, i:.aited ruler an-l officii. Prayer, Chaplain In,ip. Mu.-ic, "Columbia the Cem of the Ocean," S.-ut band nnd audience. Flag' record, Brother M. D. Xolun. Altar service of the flau, Enquire ami o.ncei Sor.p, "Au!d Lanr Scout Syne," Hasr, B.othei Old Kentucky nnni and auihence. Elk.- tribute to the Edwin M. Burr. American w,jrs. "Mv Home," '"Dixie," male tiumet, Messrs, Hinuey, Welch, Irwin and t-hcllenbei-t;er. olo, "Are For Me, or Against Me." Mis. Kalph Beal. Son, "America," Scout band and audience. Informal dancing followed the program. Mr. nrA Mrs. Walter Beach enter tained the Bast Matron and B;;tnns ckili of the Eastern Star Thursday eve ning at their home. Bed, nink, and white peonies were u.-ed for decora tions. A tw o-cour.-e luncheon was s rveil during the evening. Each cue received a bouquet of pennies to take home. The puets were .hide i.r.d Mrs. ha )'.. Ta.-h, Mr. and Mrs. GeoiLe Bavis, Mr. and Mrs. E. (i. In inn, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Funis, Mrs. Mart hi Puimore, Mr-. A. S. Mote, Claudia B. Pole, Beit i'onath, Charles Fuller, Ella Yourp, Blanche Prettyman, Joe Bofran, and Daisy Adams of Ilavelock, who is here i-it!nir her sister, Mrs. Ueorpe Iavis. Mrs. Dole and Mr. Fuller won the prizes i.t the games which were played. SaUuday ni'toinoon lit 1 o'clock. There will he bi.ked article-, home-riaile ice ci earn co.'es, etc. Cioup 3 w.ll be in ch.'.rpe. Mr. nnd Mrs. tins Am'rrsoa re turned Wednesday murnintr fiom Faw law, lib, wheie they have been visit ing Mrs. Anderson's parents. They have been ono oer two wc.k. Mr. nil Mrs. E. U. l.nimr will en Mr. n:id Mis. E. B. Harris and Miss Boris tioelhe of Omaha, who is n Alliance visit ir.r with Mr. and Mrs. Harris, at dinner I hi - evening. Annual Convention of Kotary Clubs at Los A n ex I cs Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bi-hop returned Thursday from Denver, where they have spent th? la -1 few days. Thv have just re'urnrd from a month's va cation in California. Mr. p.nd Mrs. X. J. Fletcher, fU? We.-t Thiid .-treet, irave an announce ment party Ti.e. di.y evening in honor f their daughter, Katherine, who is to be married to Alien England cf The East S'i!e. I'rouiessive club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr-. Bay Garwood, with Mrs. Berry O'Bell as assistant hostess. A small number was present becau.e of the bu y season planting potatoes. Mrs. M. Cm. Wambaut-'h gave a paper on, "Our Duties as Citizens," rnd Mrs. L. .1. Si'hiil spoke on, "The Tn Sit tui tion." The net meeting will be at ihe hone of Mrs. E. B. Garrett, with Mis. William Lawrence and Mrs. Clyde Curry a.- a.-sl.-tant hostesses. Mr. Fred Carl-O'i entertained Wednesday evening in honor of Mr Fagle l ake, lex., e.lnesday evening j (-ai, t,,.ipet an(! lhe MLs,cs Mltl and June 21, at the liist I resbyteiian ,zola Vorlev, who left this morning church of this city. The hov.,e wasior Moulder! Colo.. where thev will Leautiluhy decorated in sweet peas , riftn,i .,,,. ..-i,,,,, rhn ar.l ferns. I he evening was spent in , was t.,Pnt j playing Monte Carlo playing Monte Carlo whist and hem-1 wh.;jit ' Bt which Ml.S- n A jahn,nn ming tea towels for the bri.l-?. At a . won the fi),;t .j2p nlu, ;,liss I)oris ate hour an elaborate two-course , tJopthe of i,inoo!n, who is in Alliance luncheon was served by I' ranees vLitin E. It. the flC0. Fletcher a sister of the brule-to-be, flr.:1,i. A two-course lunch was fCived f.nd Miss Dorothy 1 coring. 1 he place , .. tfc cvcnin(r . . i: ... .. .... ! )illlS Ul U Mippi'I l It'll iu H 'iij 'i sweet peas and when all the cards were put together gave Dan Cupid's message of the approaching marriage. Covers were laid for nineteen. Those pre.-ent included: Katherine Fletcher, Lulu and Buth Sturgeon, Nina Nation, upai Kusse, . u.a.ivs uagai, c.eanoi An rcsent enjoyed a very pleasant Han- c Tv .ntl-iei'inp Srnill. era Soen- 1 4 ' 1 cer. Madire Graham, Lulu Benson, Ailine Mrs. L. L. Smith returned Wednes day morning from Bock Falls, lib, where she has been visiting for the pa.-t ten l.!s with Mr. Smith's father, Bo.-s Smith. Madeline Zcdiker will leave the fir.-t of net week for Los Arieles Cal. v.-'ierc she w ill spend the summer with i her ;aster, .Mrs. I.. A. Surprise. Mr. an dMrs..A. F. Walker ef Bliil Fp. burg, Kas., arrived Thursday lor a few days' visit with Uioir son, Calvin D. Walker ar.d family. Meyer to Represent Alliance Elks at the State Convention Attornev E. L. Mever, pa. t exalte I ruler of Alliance lodge No. :m;i, B. B. O. Elks, will represent the A Fance Elks at the annual state convention of the fraternity, which w II In h:l I ai. Colunii'iiS June 21 i.nd 2J. CoiiMidius expects to entertain its gue.-ts in a m. inner seldom if ever ex-( celled by any Nebraska lodge in who-e home the meetings of this association! have been held. Good fellowship will, be the watchword from stmt to fin'sh i and not only will there be plenty of work and ilivfisior. for the Elks, but ample preparation has been made for making the stay of the ladies a most pleasant one. In the order of their arre the n-ne-tern lodges in as many dillerent cities in Nehia.ka are as follows: Omaha, Linco'n. Hastings. Fremont, Grand ls- I Mr?. C. L. il-on entertained the ladies of the Noble Band club at her l-wrm nt Piiirth imil ""lip vpn n f. Thurs day afternoon. Miss Bernice Wilson land, Beafrice, Nori'o'k, Blattsmouth, gave a number of piano selections I Alliance, Falls City, Kearney, Noith which were greatly enjoyed. A deli- Blatte. York, Nebraska City, Colum-ni-us lnnph was sprved br the hostess, bus. Fairburv. Scottsblulf. Chiub on uiternoon. i . i i i ..... . . i . 1 1 1 n . , I 1 1 1. n . . .kllt'l tldi), i loiur vuiiiii-i ri" , f:o rir,;.-., A. omu litter nf Mrs Ford Bill.e Schwensn and Mestlames G Vavf an(, Miss Joan navis Cecil Jones, Ida Letts, Dan Ford and hpr njece for her home Kenneth Mohrman. i t jIaveIock after visiting in Alliance Mr. England will arrne Sunday fop thp past few (a).g w.jth MrR Da. from Texas. vis. The Misses Adams have just ar- rived from Chadron w here they have W. D. Fisher, former secretary of been attending school. , the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, the last time in 191S, advises the cham-, ' vv. B. Bamett returned Thursday ber that he expects to attend the lun- morning from California where he has cheon to be given next Monday noon, gpent the last few weeks. Mr. Bamett June 19th, in response to an invitation stopped in Denver Wednesday to see issued to him recently. Mr. Fisher is Mrs. R.nnett. who is visiting there. devoting all his time to the Custer jirs Barnett will return to Alliance Battlefield highway and is spending Saturday. the summer months in the field, along , the route of the highway and on ad- the weekly evening luncheon of joining and intersecting highways. ne Lions club Thursday, the mertihers His visit will be looked forward to votej to hold a club picnic on Sunday, with much interest, and members of june 25. in the state park near Chad- the chamber are urged to attend the ron- ym l. .O'Keefe is chairman of luncheon to extend to him the glad the committee on arrangements. hand of fellowship and to help assure . him that the people of Alliance and; jjrSi George Davis' nephew. Archie this part of western Nebraska are with Adams, who has been attending the him in his efforts to better the roads. Ftat university at Laramie, Wyo., was throughout this portion of the west. m Alliance visiting Mrs. Davis, be- I fore proceeding to his home at Sheri- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle, their aan. vVo. 1 . i - ta : . i ' ciaugnier, iurs. mice uuiiniiim .-t Mac, and Miss Ruth Stanton left this momintr for Denver, where they will stay a few days and visit Norman . McCorkle, who is working in Denver. Mrs. Dunning, who is supei-visor of, music in the Alliance schools, and Miss ' Stanton will go from Denver to Greeley, where they Will attend sum-' roer school.- Mrs. Dunning will take special work in aesthetic and folk lancing and music supervision, while Miss Santon will take the regular work ' in her teachers' course. Miss Stanton plans to remain at the school for the entire ;uarter, p.nd possibly for the coming year. Mrs. uunning wm re wain for half of the quarter. Mesdames Ida Betts, Pedersen, Bess Pickett and Misses Edna Bullock and Lula Benson will ntertain this even ing at the home of Mrs. Carrie Bullock at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Katherine Fletcher, whose r.w.rvv. go to Allen England of Eagle Lake, Tex., will take place Wedne.-day of next week. The Ecnailla campfire girls will hold a food sale at the Mallery grocery, anil WCook. the latter having been formed just this past year. A special feature of this meeting of the association, which is attracting much attention from the members throughout the state is the competi tive exemplification of the initiatory ritualistic work by the past officers of the North Blatte and Lincoln lodges, chosen to represent their respective districts of the state. James G. Mc Farland of Watertown, S. D.f chairman of the grand lodge- judiciary .commit tee has presented the association with a large and handsome loving cup which , will co to the lodf e whose officers best exemplify the work. Mr. McFarland, will be present. i Lady Astor Fays the flapper is all right, thus confirming the information that has been supplied us by the flap per. New York Tribune. j One thing beyond the power even of thi? grppt nation is to effect a peace with Senator Borah. New York Tri bune. Another strange thing is our dry land extends three miles out into the ocean. Newspaper Enterprise As sociation. Don't criticize the young poet's pro duct. It might be verse. , Butting the gol.l.n rule to work in b'.i-ir.ess and p; i'o.-icnal every day li e is the w ay Botai ir.ns fi-ori every :' of the woild state the object o! the International As.-ociatioii Hary clubs, tbe i nnual convent .on ol v. j.'Ii bi-u.ight ten thou. i n. I of the b ;.i,ng bu ieess men of l.'JOO cities and twenty-two countiies to Los An g.v.'s the week of June ; to 10. Ihe .-ob bu-iness of Hotaiy is U n.ake the piirciple of service to the community as well as to the individua' the o'lject of all Botarinns For Ilii. u pose each Hotarian has sub-cub -d tc what is known as toe l.'otaiy Code '! htllics Mild is striving to out this O'ie into effect in his (;wn inivines. ii! i to bring iibout the adoption ol similar codes in a'l bu.-iiie.-s afsocia-tb-ns. I be Hotarian state- that his Code of E.l-ics proiiies: "Fir.-t: To consider my vocation voi thy, and us avoiding nc distinct oproriunity to serve society. "Second: To improve myself, in ci:ise my efficiency and rnlnrgc my set vice, and by so ooing ntt ,-t my f:.itli. in the fundamt nt:d principle or Jvotary that he proiits most wi:o selves : le.-t. "Third: To realize that I am a' b'.i.-iiu'i-s man nnl ambitious to sue-1 i cced; but that I nni first an ethici.l i i man, nnd wi h no suece.-s that is not ; founil'd on the highest ja-tice and morality. I; "Fourth: To 1 o'd that the rhange j i of my goods, my sen ice and my ii:'is:j foi proi'it is lee i' anil ethical,!; pio hied that all parties in the e-!j cb'a.'e are benefited theieby. ii "IT fih: To u.-o my le.-t rndeavois to eitx a'.e the standard.-, of the vo a- ti"n in which I am engaged, and .-o vol! coiiiii.-.-t my allairs thit o'.hiis in my vocation nay find it wise, raiitaliio ' j mid rrr.dw ive to huppincss to emulate my example. "Sixth: To conduct ny lm inrs in such a manner that I may give a per fect service cjiuil to or even better than my competitor, and ivh-n in d nl t to give added service beyond the strict of iibt or obliga tion. "Seven' h: To under.- tand that one of the greatest as. ets of a proi'es 'ien ol or of a business man is his fr'end aril that any advantage guinel by lea on of friendship i-: eminently ethical and proper. "Eighth. To hold that true friends demand nothing of one another nnd th:U any abuse of the confidence ol friendship for profit is fore'en to the spirit of Botary, and in violation of its code of ethics. "Ninth: To consider no penomd success legitimate or ethical which is Fccured by tuking unfair advantage of certain opportunities in the social order that are absolutely denial others, nor will I take advantage of opportunities to achieve material suc cess that others will not take because of the questionable morality involved. "Tenth: To be not more obligated to a r.irbrr lNtaib.n thi n 1 ;m to cvpty man in human society; bi-cau-e the i'"Tiias of Botary i-i not in i' compel ition but in its co-opcia-t on; for provincial! m can never l"-ve a place in an in-tiiuFun l:ke Potary. and Hotri ians nssert that, buma'n rights me not confined to Hotaiy club but are deep and as broad us the race itself; and i'oi tbe-e biuh purposes does Botary esi-t to educate all men an I nil int it ut ions. "Eleventh:- Finally, believing in the univcr-iility of the golden nile, all Ibings whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ve even so unfo them, we conten'l that rcioty he.-t holds toi'cther when ejial oppor tunity is accorded all men in the nat ural resources of this planet." Km rr hi '.i h:s- an id' "i l'irie- by v. n irr'ic. S' to iioi ov I edger. it he showing epresing rer money. BubliO There sermi to be some Russians left do p te the fact they all htarvci to (ie.aii ivei y eai . Oignnii-eil labor i alrii'ht unt;l it piMgres-'-es to organized loafing. Col umbia Record. It never occurs to these foieigu counti ies that they ould reduce their debts by paying a li'tlc. Ciormrny assures Russia that Van two nations are brother". So were tho Janips bo s. New York Tribune. ::nu::n:u:u::::::u::::K:a:uttKj:x::a:aj::utt:m:a:JJ; it J? 8 ifA Lm fjSl vm fi' I Xw J i 1! it u A ATezv Assortment of Ear Rings in the fancy colors and shapes that aio now so much in vogue. They ranjre in price from $1 to $15 8 ;! SEE OUR NEW ASSORTMENT OF SWIMMING CAfS. 1CIC iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitmtmnmt Mr. anl Mrs. William Eberly and fam'ly left Wednesday night on an ex tended trip through the east. They ....;ii . ;,; in V- Yovk snd Will in- Wtll 1 . 1 1 i.a -" s . - ; elude in their trip a number of places of interest. Mrs. Elizabeth Cornu and three children left Wednesday for Boulder, Col., where she will attend summer school before returning to take up her duties as a teacher in the Alliance schools. Frank Luke, a railroad employe, left Wednesday night for Omaha, where F,e will have his eyes, which have been troubling him for some time, exam ined vy a specuiuM. frv. nMwn-i1 and farmers' ice : i fl ii u-kh wsa tr- Ka.v been ; cream r "'X, , , ' iheld at Fairvie Wednesday, has been postponed and will be held this eve 3 sing instead, A. H. Harper, who haa been in j Omaha for the past few days, returned 'i to Alliance Thursday rooming. Harry L Sims of ThieleVleft day . for Hyanms, wnrre ww amnu 1 ftockmer's convention. i J. S. Adams of the Osage oil fields ' ; earns to Alliance Sunday to visji n $.) nnd $10 WHITE SKIRTS WASH $2.98 LADIES GAUZE VESTS 19c ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Brand New . JUST OUT These new Victor Records came in this morn ing;. Three dance records that would make ycur feet move if you were tied down. Hear them! $ COO-COO, fox trot K1CKY-KOO, fox trot Paul Whiteman KITTEN ON THE KEYS, fox trot PICK ME UP AND LAY ME DOWN IN DEAR OLD DIXIE, fox trot LOVABLE "EYES, fox trot ",y . , . I LOVE HEIp-SHE LOVES ME, fox trot y V -J.. 75c each THIELKS ANNUAL MID-SEASON CLEARANCE Our store was nacked to the limit both Wednesday and Thursday with eag e r Phop. Dcrx. buvine the many bargains we have t offer in this SENSATIONAL CLhAICALh iip r.vpiv doliar'K worth or SDrine and Summer Blouses, Millinery ABSOLUTELY SACRIFICED. Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, 98c Bargain Table Piled hiirl? with trar- ments worth many times this price. We have placed many new items on this table since the opening of this sale. $1.98 Bargain Table -Consists of Sweaters, Skirts, Blouses, Gingham Dresses, and odds and ends of 'other ttnesr 32.98 Bargain Table Imported Kimonas, Silk f BlDuses, Wool Skirts, etc, Choice of the House SUITS Tricotines, Twill Cords, Im ported Tweeds, Domestic Tweeds, etc, formerly sold as high as $69.50, your choice, for $8 $19 $29 DRESSES Included are dresses of Canton Crepe, Crepe -'Knit, Taffeta, Foul ards, Printed Cantons and many other high-grade materials, all placed into five low-priced groups. $10 $15J$I9 $4. $29 COATS CAPES WRAPS Your choice of our entire stock of high-grade stock, every ma terial and style represented, for the low price of $23 98c MILLINERY Only SO hats left on this table so you will have to come early as they will all le gone before the day is over. Only a limited number of genuine French Kid GLOVES left at the remarkable low price of 98c Summer UNDERWEAR Fine quality knit under, wear formerly sold for f 1, Sixes 34 to 40. 49c family.