The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 13, 1922, Page FIVE, Image 5

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I W fc-J . A t, I
Mrs. J. S. Khein v.-j.s ho-te-. to six-'
tctn Ku-:-t at a 1 "m lui.meon n-r til
in the i';;!ni ton Mor!;:y,
n.entaiv to l ei house vnvt, Mrs. F.
O. J. Liml-tioni of .;m l'icvo. Cal.
Hie ilocori.tion - were iKi.nie.- smib
daisies. Alter the iiui-cuuie lunch
eon, Monte Carlo whl.-t v.i. flayed, nt M;. l!;,um;.n won hijrh score,
and Mrs. Keud ! w -..ore. 'J iie quests;
included: Mrs.;ai,ie I.ind tiom,
Goore i'cad in' S'eott.-hUiir, 15. (i. l'au- '
man, t'. J. l'Uevsen, Fred Feanin.- , (j.
K. Kcc, K. 1J. Harris, J. F. O Connor, i
Chaile- Hill. Dert Duncan, L. C. Urad-'
burv, Groie .Mintzei, K. C. Hoi.r, R. :
L. Johnsto.iP, and the Misses Avi. Jo-,
tier, and Ivoris (joetise or Omaha.
Mi -. Alice rrettyr.ian, city lilrerian,
nrKr.ow!ed::os the fcift oi' hooks from
the following: Mrs. II. Hirst, Janice
Wills. H. ;. rearing, H. K.,
Mrs. Pan Lawrence and Mrrjraiet
I'orr. The appropriation for books is
not sufficiently larne to furnish enough
of thciti to keep the reading public
supplied, nr.d t'o-e havinir jr-"d books
will confer ;i favor upon the l.brnry by
emulating the example of tiio-'e to
whom thank-- are estrn.lcd .
Roy Mnier and
tf k lilare nt it
Mrs M. J. Ba.-kn and Mrs. Minor
Morris cn.e.tuincd a number of holies
Monday, who were in Alliance vvkh
their hu.-bands at 'he doctors' conven-i
tion. 'i he ladles wire entertained at i
luncheon at the Alliance hotel and'
later at the Country cij'. The ai'tr;--.
noon was spent at the Country club ;
plujii'K caius, al'ier vnicli all tne la-,
iies attended the evening banquet.
The ladies catertained were: ;Uc
ilames Giius, t'ieim, Mitchell andi
Zoeib of ScottsblutV; M'.s. Harvey of
Gerinf.1; and Mrs. of Mori i. I.
The mj'rriiH'.e of
M i -s Jesie Ifeinder
o'clock Saturday at the home
of the ureom's brother. Guv Miller.
J. Kpler performing the cerr
The bride has been employed
Alliance hotel and the L"mim
is n ra lioadev. The couple took n
!hoit trip to Sone.a to relative--of
Mr.-. Miller, and will return the
first o" this week to make their home
in Alliance.
Rev. S.
at tne
Mrs. Cl.uvlta 15. IbiV returned Sun
day fiom McCook, Neb., whoie she has
-pent the last two weeks. Her !auth-t-
r, Mild'-ed, went from MeCook to
Omaha, where .-he will spend the sum
mer with her aunt, Mis. Fiar.k Given.
Mrs. II. C. McClure and her si.-ter, I
Mi.-s ?ue DutTicM, whe arc in Alliance
visiting, entertained at a 1 :30 lunch-1
eon this afternoon at the Alliance ho-;
tel. Mi. McClure leave-1 fori
Seattle, where she will spend the ruin-!
mer. Mi s Dull'ield leave.- the la.-t o:-i
the week for Denver where she plans
to spend the summer. A number of
friends of Mrs. McClure during her:
former resilience in Alliance wtie
guests this afternoon. The afternoon j
was .-pent in playing bridge. j
ety of ti:o Metrrdist clraic'i will moot
at the home of Mrs. C. H. Gib.-on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:.10. All
members are roqueted as election of
oiViicr? will be held .
Geortve N::tion left Monday evening
for Lincoln, where he has accepted the
position of ni-.rht foreman for the boi
lermakers employed in the Burlington
shop.- there.
Alliance women can now make ap
pointments for scalp treatments at '
their own home by calling Mrs. F.tTie !
Kussell, phone 012. Mrs. Russell was!
formerly connected with the Black-j
Ftone be-auty parlor, and is experienced
in haii'd.essinjj, mnssaue, shampooing, j
elect lie facials or scalp treatments. j
5T-5S ;
Mr-. B. G. Eaurnan will entertain
a few friends at a breakfa.-t at the
Country club Wednesday, lomplimen
tary to Mr. F. 0. J. Lind.-trom, of
San Diego, Cal.
Mrs. E. L. Potarf spent the last
week end in Scott.-b'.uff and Mitchell.
While in Mitchell -he visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whitehead.
Civil Service Exam
July 8 to O.ocsc
Antioch Post mast ei
At the ivote-t of the postmaster
genera!, the I'nited States civil service
coiMinis.-ien announces an upon compe
titive exainii.i tli'n to bo hi Id on July
s. 1'.'22, to fai the i)o-ition of po-t-nu.-ter
;it AntiiKh. It i-i expected ihat
app" intment- will be made as a result
of U;'s e:.min it:on ur;h -- it is tound
in the interest o" the service to fill any
vacancy by transfer or promit'on. This
is not an examination under the civil
-eii e act and lu'es bi t is held un
der an executive order of May 10, 1!'21,
providing for such procedure.
The Antioch po-tmastevslvp became
vacant May 4. 1!22, and the annual
buy t --. 1 v t ie oMice i $1,700.
There shou'.l be a number of appli
cants. Applicant mu-t suinnit to the exam
iner on the day of the examination
their photographs, t; ken within two
years, securely pasted in the space
nrovidi d on the adrd-sion card- cent
them after their applications are filed.
Tintype- or proof will not b accepted.
Application form 2211, and form
222:t, containing full information as to
the requirements t ) be met nml the
character of the examination to be
given, may be obtained from the Anti
och postoll'ice, i r fv m the United
State Civil Service Commission,
Washington. D. C. Ap)diratio;s ;ni'd
te propel ly eecutd, show ing the
examination point at wh'eh the appli
cant dc. iies to be examined, and must
bo filed w ith the cotivni-;-if n at Wash
ington in time to airnnue for the ex-
.'"'"Mtion at the examination point
Note. Attention i "directed to the
fact that fo-called civil rerviee cor
renonder.ce schools hae ro (itfic'al
;;tntu and no connection wit'i th.e gov
ernment. Authentic information in re
gard to examinations may be obtained
onv from the L'nitod Stales civil serv
ice commission, or n ru'hcr'zed repre
sentative of the commission, and with
out co.-t. Instruction- of the ro-totl'ice
department to postmasters and postal
employe-' relative to such schools ap
oear in th Po-tal b'lllet'n of Septein
lKr 12, 1021, pnd in OetoVr, 11)21,
supplement to the Po.-tf.l f,uide.
M Wolveiij - t,-n a.nd d.nudit-r of
( i 'oi , i ite.i at the Ciaw n'
l;n-ii hi t week. Grandma Crafid
au i Mi... e- llel. ii arid lidith Ci.iw.ord
iv-' oinpatiiul iheni home for a short
Vi it.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Scdere an. I
ch Mien of Het.iineford are i.-itintr
at the Wilkin-' home thn week. 'I hey
4-ie lointr ea-t to make their home.
Alt.-. Ij-iii visited wiih Mr.-. 1
g "M Wedne-dav nn rnini-. Winter and wife help-d Joe
Caha plai-t potatoes Wedne day.
1 'iik and James Hender.oi were
bunting stray steers here Thursday.
They look dinnertsit Katun's.
I ittie Mi-- Helen Crawford was
taken with an acute attack of appendi
citis while visiting in Crawford, and
v.ts hurried to Alliance to a doctor,
who i bringing her back to normal
h'xilth. She was well enough to le
ti.m to her home Wcdnoday niUr-
Mr. Hotf motored to Alliance Wed
re day. He wus accoiepanied by .Mi-xs
nl'iied Kinnicutt.
Mr. an. I Mrs. Howard lv -ex vidted
witii the Liter's father, Mr. Wilkin.-,
V ednesda.y.
Mr-, libea, Mrs. Katon and Miss
.ban Hall were r; Hers at th.e James
Kennedy home Wednesday afternoon.
I lane Sedore and familv and Bud
Wilkin.- were shopping in Alliance Fri
day. Mr. Clayton motoied to Irs home
in Alliance after stayii g at hi.- ranch
k ' -v dny-.
Mr. Hell' was n caller at the Pi us
home Fridav afternoon, al.-o at Mrs.
1.' ea's.
The Elk? will hold their annual Flag
day exercises at their home, Wednes-,
day evening, June 14. The program,
will be put on by members and will
start promptly at S:15 p. m. The pro
gram will be ureserfted by the officers
of the lodge. After the program those ,
present win tane pan in tin mioimai
Dr. C. S. Page of Harrisburg, Neb.,
and Dr. J. M. Wills of Newcastle,
Wyo., were in Alliance as guests of
Dr. C. E. Slagle Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Carlson will entertain'
Wednesday evening in honor of the,
Misses Mabel and Izola Worley, and!
Mrs. Gail Price, who will leave rnday
for Boulder, Colo., where they will at
tend summer school. Sixteen puests
will be present and the evening will
be Fpent in playing bridge.
Joe Pattilochi suffered- a broken
wrist Sunday afternoon, after spend
ing part of the day at William Cow-
ans, eight miles from Alliance. -Mr.
Pattilochi was cranking his car and
the backfire threw the crank against j
the back oi nis ngnt wni go severtij
that it was fractured.
Kenneth P.icknell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Bicknell, left Monday for
Casper, Wyo., where he has accepted
a position in a drug store there.
Miss Louise Cogswell left today
noon for Scottsbluff where she will
visit with Miss Dorothy Zoellner. She
will return to Alliance Friday.
Miss Doris Goethe of Omaha is in
Alliance visiting Mrs. E. R. Harris.
She will spend at least the remainder
of the week in Alliance.
Mrs. and Mrs. H. C. Stetson, and
two children of Mitchell, were week
end guests at the J. S. Rhein home.
Mrs. J. J. Hodgkinson left Saturday
for Cheyenne, Wyo., where she was
called because- of the serious illnss of
her father, Patrick Green. Mr. Green
died shortly after Mrs. Hodgkinson's
arrival. Mr. Hodgkinson left today for
Cheyenne where he will attend the
Mrs. H. Patrick will entertain the
N. W. bridge club at her home Wed
nesday evening.
George Bergen of Lincoln arrived
today for a visit with, his sister, Mrs.
E. L. Potarf.
A real spray for Flics,
Gnats and Insects of all
Has been used for
years by the United
States Navy, ajid when
it stands a Navy test it
must be good.
A FLY-O-SAN Outfit
contains a srnaJl sprayer
and a can of FLY-O-SAN
both for
Miss Lela Matthews of Alva, Okla.,
arrived this morning for a visit with
her brother, Dr. Paul Matthews. Miss
Matthews is a graduate nurse and may
tiecide to remain in Alliance.
Miss Elsie Simpson, who has been
studying voice in Omaha, returned
homo Tuesday of this week.
Maryland has strawberries six in
ches around. It takes only two or
three of them to make a dozen.
"Shoot to kill" is the order Cupid is
working under.
Give it a trial and if it
doesn't do the work we'll
give you your money
Warren Kerrigan
Fritzi Brunette
Wed., June 14
Or Kisses"
, Thurs., June 15
Pauline Frederick
m :
"The Lure of Jade
EXTRA Edgar Allen Toe
Third of the Authors Series
Matinee 10 and 15c
Nights 10 and 23c
.l.iioe- and I 'ick Hm.l.-r en f..upd
their 1 1 iv .t'ci in the W.'t -li r
tine nnd took him honm Friday.
J.inio- l'.;;t"n mid wife were in Alli
1'iice Friday a'tt i I'cn'i.
1 eo ll i l inail and family woie .-liiip-I'ing
in Alienee Fi .'day,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford mo
tored to Alliance Vrdpe.-d,.y i ;t-r-lioon
after their dalle.htei.
Mr. n ud Mrs. Key lieyn- and sen
and diiui liter vne in Alliance Friday.
The weather hn- been mi ijuiet that
.eend people weie cut of water for
( 111 K( II OF ( IIIMST.
La.-t Sunday de ed the coniivt with
the .-'colt bluff school. We had !iit
double the number of point-. Wiih
the nveiauo attendance for the la -t ri
week-- beinir ncaily three hundred, we
believe that this make- our ,-chool the
larte-t in western No! ra-ka. There
m.iy be one or two st heels in North
IMat'e that come pretty co-p to thi
number. If there are any we would
be i; lad to hear from you and to re
joice with yo.i.
The church ha- nrarnred for it.
'"dni-trr t ' be nway the til -t two Sun
days in July. 15. L. Kline will occupy
the pulpit nt the morning service-
di.ririr that time. The minister and
f.Mndy aie intending to motor to
lieThany ami n I t"nl the state conven
tion, June -:;o, and then visit a
number of relatives in, eastern Ne
bia l;a. Amonir the number are Mr.
Kpler'.-; paiftit- who re-ided in
ihat p;:it of Nfbu.;ka for bout hixty
fip year-.
'Vho Wo'bifdi'v fvenimr meelirtf et
?:.''0 o'ebKk will con ider the fadi.Wt,
"'I lie Teachine of Paul on Chl i.-tian-ity
I'nity." This a live subject nml
many c;.n be pie.-ent to take part in
the service.
Some of our odnir people will at
tend the C. F e.- reti,.n at ChadlOit
and Scott.-blulT thi. week. ;
S. J. Kl'LhK, Minister, j
Sunday vj a R'c.'it day of tt"at
crowd-. The Sunday schinl was o .or
fifty larger than it n;s ever been
fore nt any rrirular or ypecial hervier.,
1 he woman's rla.-s beat the men's cliis.-
by fifty points, the men bavintc
twentv two pM-H-nt on time nnd, ''"'a
late, the women twenty-four on timp.
However, the men are deierminei vo
reach nt least fifty men nevf Sundv.
The joiin hulies' class defeated thu
vmini' mens oy over i.o(t pfniu-. 'liy
it aindn I ovs.
This week the painters hee-nn to re
decorate the inside of the buiblinir.
Theie were two additions to tho
' cbuich Sun'lav. The rre-idcnt of 1ho
11. Y. 1. I'., Oliver M--rherson, nml
Mrs. K;. 1, one by experience, the other
by baptism. We arc especially
(.. see yoont; men siandincf up for
Chri t :'nd his church.
' Nest Sunday h the last Sunday of
I the As.-ociatio'nal year. Let us nvk
it a reeonl breaker. On account of thei
j Sunday when the pastor
lard nvi 'V members will be tfono thej
'contest vill be' prolonped one week.
l'rayer meet inn tomorrow in tne so
cial rooms of the church. The woman's
loc'etv meet in the at'ternnon.
Does Your Wife
Still Have Birthdays?
Or is it just throurtli your forsrctfulness
that the isn't remeniLcivd on that day.
Don't you like to Lo remembered? Just
some little token to iow her you remember
the day. It will brinjf her much joy and
When that d;:y comes near, ju'st come in
and let us help you in the selection of a Gift
that Lasts some dainty article of jewelry.
METRO-REX INGRAM Production ft
You WiU Want
- as
"Dollar Days
Prices are good for these four days only and it will absolutely pay you to come
many miles to buy your groceries. We know what good values are and we say, "Buy
Note the PrieesThey Mean Many
2 gallon Peaches ...$1.06'
2 gallon Apples- 1.08
14 cans Standard Com..,' 1. 00
7 cans Davis County Peas.,.. 1.00
4 cans 2V lb. Peaches 1.00
5 No. 2'2 cans Plums. 1.00
7 cans Wax Beans 1.00
2 good Brooms $1.00
10 ibs. bulk Cocoa 1,60
4 lbs. bulk Coconut .! l.eO
5 4-lb. packages Mogul Pan
cake Flour ,...2' 1;06
Dollars Saving to You!
25 bars Swift's White Laun-
try soap '. j-I. 11.00
,14 bars Creme Oil Toilet
8oap'.":.I7..tlDti;..L. 1X0
1 gallon Sun Sweet Apricot
, jam v.. $1.00
5 19-oz. jars Jam 1.00
-11-6-02. glasses, of Jelly 1.00
2 gallon Brown Syrup .$1.00 '-;
8 15-oz. cans California ;
Sardines 1.00 N
5 2 Vi lb. cans Pork and Beans 1.00
9 cans 2 lb. Hominy 1.00 i
8 cans 1 lb. pink Salmon 1.00 i
' ' . m m