THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1922. SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wtnt U buy omthlmT Rm. area of peopl icao tb Want AC columns look In for what ou r nt(tr hT to offr. 0t quick J""1 J7 afl-rartliltig- In Th Uirtid Want Ad doptrt-Bcnl RATK8 One cM per word pr "rtlon. Coats no mora than lhp nawapapera and wr pruar. oie tbat you roach aavaral hun arad mora reader. Uujr circuit- n. not not air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Seed com. E. G. HER-' MAN, Hemingford, Xebr. 60-51 FOR SALE Good Earlv Ohio Seed Potatoes. Phone 813F13. 4!-f0 COLUMBIA HATCHERY. P. 0. Box 1102. Denver, Colo. We can supply y0u with any qunn tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f weekly. 17 varieties. Live tleliverj guaranteed. Parcel Post prepaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room furnished house . Call Mrs. Oscar O Bannon, 401 Emerson. 50-tf FOR RENT Suite of modern liht housekeeping rooms. Telephone (l.jfi or call at 111 Cheyenne avenue. oUtf j FOR RENT A email house. Phone ! 100 or 472. 49-50! FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Telephone 922, 32tf WANTED WANTED Lady to assist in dry goods store; one capable of handling ladies' ready-to-wear goods and mil linery. Inquire of No. 200, care of The Herald. 49-50 WANTED Gardens to plow. Rates reasonable. Call F. W. EDER, phone 687W. 41tf-Ddiu MISCELLANEOUS DOES YOUR FARM PAY YOU 10 PER CENT. Chicago income prop erty will. Let us make an exchange which will insure vour financial future. K. R. BEAK & CO., No 111. Dearborn, Chicago. LOp TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired and overhauled. Phone 35G-J 4G-tf LOST LOST Biown leather purse; between Fourth Street Market and West Third. Reward. Return to Herald office. 60-p FOUND Bull dog pup, six months old; owner can have same by iden tifying, and paying for this notice. Phone 882 W. 50-51 If you have wool to sell, see L. E. Bliss. - 40-tl ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, Third District. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner in the Third district of Box Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July 18, IW22. I am a good roads enthusiast, and 1 know conditions in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. I pledge my best ef forts for a business-like administration of county affairs, and have but one other plank in my platform equality and justice for all. J. R. LAWRENCE. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Nebraska Stock Growers' association will be held in Hyannis, Nebraska, on the 15th and 16 of June. All members are urged to be present as matters of great in terest to Ftock raisers will be brought before this convention and a general invitation is extended to all interested in the stock raising business. NEBRASKA STOCK 47-51 GROWERS' ASSN. FOWLING Mr. Hubbard of Montana, spent Fri day night at the Elsea home. He is taking a bunch of horses to Colorado. The program and box supper at the Moravek school house was a great suc cess. The proceeds went to the farm ers' union. Joe Kennedy, after a long search, found his lost calf in Elsea's pasture. Mr. Nichols was a caller at the Peterson home Friday afternoon. Osmore Howe was a caller at the Brus home Sunday afternoon. James Eaton and Abe Hall motored to Alliance Thursday afternoon to tee a doctor about Abe's hand. Joe Winton started plowing again Friday afternoon at the Joe Caha place. Miss Alice Roberts returned to her home in Mitchell, S. D., after finish ing a very successful term of school in the Henderson district. Word received from Miss Zoette Nichols states that rhe is in Hay J-'prinsrs and has a job that t-he likes. Alberta and Homer Hall spent the week-end with their grandmother, Mrs. E!.-ea. There are thirty-four reasons why the bonus bill is kept alive in the ?en- . i thowe all re-election. Wall Street Journal. EUGENE BURTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office: First National Bank Building ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA ELLSWORTH. Mrs. Ralph Shrewsbury, who was t;;kcn to Alliance last week lor an operation lit the St. Joseph hospital, is now nicely on the road to recovery. Dr. A. Mooie of Antioch advised the oerakio,i, the cu.-e acuie np pemiic.tis. Night train No. 41 was stojipe.l in oi.itr to git the patient into Alliance as soon ns possible, the iniant u.ufchter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ftniewsuuty was leu in the caie of Ralphs parents, Mrs. T. B. Shrews tuiy we. t ot Ellsworth. A car load ot furniture, household goods, eic, belonging to E. J. Schon ard, recently of Chicago, arrived here iuestlay aiternoon. the Schonard's hae lea. ed the Charles Baird place fouitecn mdes north ot Ellsworth and wnl tatte possession there immediately. 'Ihe plate was lorinerly leased by Charles Gilbaugh oi Bingham. Mi". Schonard is being assisted by his brother, John, in moving their goods out to the ranch. Mrs. Anna Bennett and sister, Miss Myrtle Arms, were Alliance visitors tne liiiiuiie Oi the wcck. W. Z. tjiiier.on, rancher, south of Ellsworth, was a business visitor here cuiie.-uay incidentally in forming us that he was planning to lease u piate near l.eweilen, XSeo., aid received word irom that place .hat lie w.-. e..otied mere soon as possible. Mr. Emerson planned to make the nip to Leweiien inuisday morning. t.oau Overseer 1. li. S.irew.bury, A. Mooi e and W. Z. Emerson has been working on the loads ot this district all wee it. 'the Laucside road noith ot' the track ha been slightly changed where the road runs through the corral at the W. F. See iohin lunch midway j between ElUwoiih and Laiteside. For merly the road passed thiough the cor rais ami a small wcl noise pasture causing much inconvenience to both tour.sts and the rancher on account oi the four gates and by cuitu.g out roi-d.i thiough the pasture. The road has now been changed to a po.nt just noiii ot this old loud a guie having been made on the west lence oi tl.e plate winch makes an outlet lorinerly made uy opening the other lour gates. 'I he road woi'Kers have hajtct ti.e l.ew road there and same shou.d toon be in as good shape as the oid one. T. V. Goinian of LaKeside has lccn assisting at the r-llswortn Supply company stole during tne absence of iibur 'Merritt who was called to Liiauioit uy tne death oi his b. Other, t ied, in an auto accident two weeKs ao. has been heard irom iiir. Merritt, out he j.s expected to le turn in the near lulure. Another uiotncr, Harry, i.ecoi.ipuiucd him to Chadron. fa. Stewart, second trick operator, at tne Station here, was caned to Broiten Bow to vvitn some reliel work there. Mr. Coiman, extra op erator ot Lakeside, will work in p. ate ot iir. Mewatt here who expects to be gone only a iew days. Edward Kennedy went to Pawlet Wednesday near where he Will pioj abiy be employed lor some time. bchool cioscs Friday afternoon and no douut the Kiddies, are as usual, "just tickled to death." A short pio graiii has been arranged lor by the teacher, Miss Sarah Craig, which will be given Friday altemoon at the school house. A iareweil party was given at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy luesday eeniug 101 Miss Sarah Craig, ine entertainment lor the evening was progressive high-five which was im meuseiy enjojed by all. Mrs. C. L. Murphy anu ins. a. iuoore vie ni-j. ccoics among tne but in the high cam cut iouowing Mrs. Moore was victorious and was awarded tne prize. l. i-. uw was the hign --coie among the men while 1". V. Gorman and Ml, r. 1J. Law w ere awarded ton. oiuuon prizes, ihose present were Mr. and ...r.,. P. c.. Law, Mi. and Mrs. J. L. Noung, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, Mr. and .uis. C. L. Murphy and children, Messrs. S. E. Stewart, 1'. v. Gorman, Don Shicwsbury, Eilwi.rd .and Gene ive..iiav, tuaigaret Kenned, Surah Lraiir. At a lute hour deliCi'.U- retie hmenis oi pie.-.-ed chicken sand wiches, cake and couee were .seivcu alter which the guests departed but not before wishing Auss Craig the 1 est of Iuck as a iareweil and hoping that she would be awarded the school the next term in order that another such alfair might be held next year. It is understood that Miss Craig will .apply lor the school next t-eason. Her work has been very satisfactory and every effort will be made to obtain her serv ices for the coming school year. Miss Craig will leave for her home in Om- qViq Xf.tiirdav. Many from here plan to attend the Bingham-fcllswortn ban game at ning ham Sunday. The following Sunday o ther hitman or Antioch will play here on the nome giounds. The game at Bingham Sunday will be started oromptiy at i p. m. Mrs. Jesse Schafenberg of the Ells worth hotel was called to Bingham Saturday on account of the illness of her i-on who is on a ranch south of Bingham. Mrs Schafenberg returned to Ellsworth Sunday on the noon rnin. I The McCartv orchestra, assisted by J. T. Thoinoson with the trap drums, ' rendered good music for the dance I Saturday night. Owing to a dance being held at Ashby the same evening th Hint-ham dancers were not present i at our dance and the usual crowd 1 fmm I akeside was missine thus not a very crowded floor resulted, although . all di esent reported a very enjoyable evening. A car load of dancers were also up from Antioch, thy advising of an Ant:och dance to be held Thursday evening. The date lor the next Ellsworth dunce lias not yet ueen Dennis Landrigen, rancher east of Ell.-worth. snent several days in Alli ance on bu-iness hut week retaining I Sunday, incidentally taking in the ball L'&me. i A. W. S'.uckey, foreman of the Paw le larrh, :'! others, were in for the Binjrham-Ell. wort h baM game Sunday al t?! noon. I John and Ernest Schonard motored to Lakeside and on to the Cody ranch north of Lakeside Saturday afternoon ! attending to business interests there C. C. Jameson, president of the Rich ards and Comstock Cattle company nent several days last wk at Spade readquaiters for the ranch, returning here Sunday afternoon in company with Mike Peterson, foreman at the ranch. Mr. Peterson remained in Sun day afternoon for the ball game. Lewis ljirsen, now working at the Pawlet ranch south of Ellsworth vis ited in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy, S. E. Stewart, Don Shrewsbury, Miss Mar garet Kennedy and Miss Sarah Craig were entertained at cards at the P. E. Law home Sunday evening. Miss Stufia Dukat, who for some time has lieen employed at the Wight man home, returned to her home, last week. Miss Dukat plans to attend the Chadron normal and teachers institute this summer. Edward and Gene Kennedy attended the dance at Ashby last Saturday eve ning. Miss Evelyn Ballard of the Ells worth hotel attended the Ashby dance Saturday returning Sunday afternoon. The first baseball game of the season was played here Sunday afternoon against the Bingham aggiei:at:on, the home team coming out victorious in a hit and run contest to the tune of tt to 15, Ellsworth beinp :t the hat when the game ended in tl.e n'nth with no men out. A strong northeast wind, in favor of the batter, together with a generally cold and disagreeable day accounted in a way for .the hieh scores. It was impossible to safely field a batted ball olf the ground, finis errors were numerous James Burton on the mou d lor the visitors pitched excellent ball, striking out cn men. but was given miserable supjKirt by his team mates and . was also handicapped by the loss of his regu lar catcher, as well as being forced to tibstitute for his rctrulnr players in other pndt'ons. Bingham batting first run in three scores but this was over come by Ellsworth's turn, to bat, they running in four scores and at no time was Ellsworth in danger until the last ol the eighth when erors allowed the visitors four runs, givmir them a one run lead but this was easily overcome by Clark's triple, House scoring him and Wightman in the last of the ninth, with no men out, which of course p. (ml the content. Next Sunday game will be played by the same teams on the Bingham ground ami w tti unig ham's regular line-up in sight prom ises to be more of a contest. Batteries: Bingham, Burton and Crandull; Ells worth House and Secbohm. Umpires: Landrigen and Law. Time of game. num.-. r.lisworth h-is a good line line-up this season and a much better brand of ball is promt; cd lor the lu ture. Six games have been booked, with other. pendintr. arranging for a home game every other Sunday. Either hitman or Ash'iy will be here lor the next home game Sunday, May 28 . For rmw reason Bingham was late on the scene Sunday, the game not beine turfed unt.l 3:30. but all games in the future wiM be started at 2 p. m. LAKESIDE A W Tv-r li:itilrd freight from the station here to his ranch Satur day. Miss Margaret Cody was a passen ger on 44 Saturday to Ellsworth to attend the big dance there. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilson nnd daughter from north of town and Mr and Mrs. Jesse Wilson oi Ant ocn visited relatives and friends here Sat urday. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry btoop drove ir Sunday and visited at the Hyland liome here. M. H. Whaley, Lee Meeker, Hed Speer and Walter House drove to Ells--worth Saturday evening to attend the dance. Donald Wilson of Antmch spent 'h" week-end with relatives here. Roy Burgner was ?n town Sunday nftpfnnnn. He used to he iit'the par age business here four years ago. He is now living on the Manx rainei ranch four miles we-t of town. Vonl ..nil .lark Ballengor of near Bingham visited friends here for flu veek-end. J. L. Roe drove out to the an lstine ranch Sunday afternoon. PICTURE OF A WAITER QuifC SO ,i,ACClOtNt WtUU MlN,m OUT ' ?AROOM tAt .WAITER . Walter and Glen House, Abe Under bill and John McGinnis attended the ball game at Ellsworth Sunday. Ells wortu won by a .-core of H to i5. Mis. luTttiit Delloid and son, Ered Sprer, drne in lion their home ii Ll.e country Monday to spend the da with Mi. Glenn House. Ray Feline moved to the Kiekei ,jlace Sunday. Mis. Foline and tin hree children went to Claie Wilson'! Saturday evening for a visit with hei sister. Mr-. Wilson. E. F. O.-born and family drove ou' to the Charles Carey home Sunday. Three car loads of cattle were un loaded here at the stock yards for ihr VanAlstiue ranch. Dick McCnnnughe; and two other men drove them out Monday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron were .shopping here Tuesday. Airs. C. M. Carey wns in town nfte: ranch supplies and visiting friend Tuesday morning. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mttnick of thr Jennings' neighborhood drove in Tues day to meet the former's father, who arrived that day on 41. William Bonn drove to Alliance on Tuesday. He took along as passcnges, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones nnd Mrs. Wiiber Goodrich. Lon Trester was in town Wcdnesdn;. morning. A niie bunch of young evergieer nnd pine trees were unloaded here Tun-day Morning for the Star ranch The ladies' aid society served r clrcken dinner at the church here Wednesday. ANGORA John Burry was at ScottsblufT Mon day. Kenneth Stoner returned to Scotts blull' Saturday to finish his school tluties lor the year. W. N. Thompson and Dave Atwell were attending to business in Scotts blulf Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. To. veil and children were entertained at the Mc Croskey home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ely were Bridge port visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Gusta.yon and children of Bridgeport spent Saturday and Sunday at the L. D. Carnine home. Miss Lillian Stoner came from her home at Osceola to spend the sum mer here looking after her farm. Del Thompson returned to his home at Cairo after spending a few day on his ranch east of town. Mr. Thomp son has had several cars of cattle shipped from Denver to pa.ture or his place this summer. Bruce May bell returned to his home in Cottonwood Falls Sunday niter t short visit here with friends and rela tives. The Community club will meet witl: Mis. Carl Nichols on May 21. Mem bers are to bring salad and cake ami Jie makings lor ice cream. The Parents and Teachers associa tion closed Friday n.ght with an ic cream feed. A very pleasanl socia evening was spent but it was almost too cold for the ice cream to lie en joyed. the Angora school closes Frida with a big picnic at Hutchinson: grove. The closing exercises were heK. at Dove's hall Wednesday night. The program was good and a large crowr attended. Superintendent Kelly cairn up from Bridgeport and presented the graduating class of the eighth grader with their diplomas. Those in the rlass irom Angora were the Misse: Helen McCroskey and Lucy and Jamc: Henderson and Earl Hull. The Misse; Hazel Brown and Thelma Miles wen in from the districts ea t of town. LOCAL COLOR Poet I am cut here to get loca' color for a pastoral poem. Farmer I reckon you're gttin' it mister. I painted that settee only this mornin". Boston Transcript. We'll like to get Sr Arthur Con.i' Doyle's opinion, as a sprtu'd'.t, or our land of departed spirits. Colum bia Record. WHO KNOWS HIS RUSINESS 0 HAm OWN ANTIOCH Mrs. F. H. Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with her son, Fenner and family of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Crawford have rcturniM to Antioch. Their daughter, Mr. Reed, will make her home with them at present. Mrs. trunk Shawley returned to her home at Crawlord Sunday afternoon. She took with her little Helen Kennedy for a few weeks' vacation. Miss Lydin Krickbaum returned to he home nt Seneca after a short visit with her brother and sisters here. Messrs. Hotflund, F. 11. Smith, Holt Hock and Brown are attending court at Rushville this weok. Mrs. Laura Brown visited Ire first, fifth and sixth grades Tuesday. Mr. Peterson moved some cattle to the summer range north of Antioch, Earl Furgeson returned from More- croft, Wyo. He is very enthusiastic over that country. In order to accommodate the teach ers in tnis end oi tne county, nils. Summers has arranged for the May examinations to be given at Antioch. Mr. VanAlstine unloaded thirty cars of cattle heie this morning, which he is putting on the old Jay ranch. I ties- duv he unloaded over a thousand head he placed on the old Beck ranch. 1 he Commencement exercises or the Antioch high school will be held Thurs day evening. May 25, at the opera housee. Those graduating are: Rachel Mav Krickuauni. Vasti -Ellen Kicrk- baum, Mildred Edythe Snwards, Cor rine Elizabeth Moore, Omer Charles Chileote. Dr. Minor Morris of Al liance will give the address. HKMLMJFORD Tlr C. W Tt i-f,(ik t!ii rvecntive secretary of the west Nebraska Metho dist hospital was in llemingford on last Sunday and addresser the congre gation tit the Methodist church. Theit? was a good crowd and the Kev. .Mr. Brooks gave a splendid, interesting address. Rev. A. J. May who was in the val- drive for the hospital funds returned home on f inlay morning oi last wecit. Mrs. S. A. Grimes visited her daugh ter in last week and the weeK uetorc. Mie returned nome on Tuesday. Mi. ,..wl M A trxw llaile nnd n nart of the tamily returned to llemingford last week where they will maKc men nome and Mr. Haile will farm his place -outh of town. The girls, Mildred and Helen, will remain in university riact antii school i.-, out when they will join .iien lai.uiy. 'I'ho t'im.iiiv urliiinl rill".- tauirht bv Mrs. Nellie Kiilwell will give a social n lUn lii.Lmnonf of t hf Mpthodjst .11 WH. IN. ..w ..." church on Friday t.ight of this week. They will serve home made ice cream ..n.l nulrn fill- 1 fC linil the Tll'OCt-cds Will go toward paying the S. S. pledge on the centenary, everyone is cuhiiuiij invited. ... . 'I lio k-.cvilnni-pnt p RPrmnn W ill be ilrdl.-nrnil t,u HpU A. .1. MjlV at the Methodist church next Sunday evening at eight o'clock. The seventh and eigntn grade pupiu are planning a picnic at Pine Ridge on Wednesday of this week. HI- 1.' II k'lnnilrn mul mm. Alfred . - ' ' are in Hcmingiord doing some decorat ing for Mr. C. Kay mis ween, me; are from Bayard. The ladies aid rocicty of the M. E. phurch meets this week on Wednesda .. ih. V,nmo tf Mrii Ham' Wildv. Ul tile liwmv v - -- - Mr. Walter Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, who is empioyei by the Hurlington at Ainance, w. visiting home folks on Saturday o last week. Miss Ida Clark, supervisor of pen mi'.nship in the Alliance public schools, wa" a visitor in the home of Pro re; ssoi ad Mr.;. Robert Embiec the latter of the week. Her home is near Jrock, Neb. A tntion that can not convict its murderers makes a fine show legislat ing the le v.-th of a bathing skirt. Columbia Record. Uy Hanny HMf m VHi& Goup - a l,Uy rot oua HEAD , ? 3 O, s4 6 f COMING TO t ALLIANCE UNITED DOCTORS' SPECIALIST Will He At The DRAKE HOTEL Saturday, May 27, 1922 ONE DAY ONLY Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. LXAMINATION & CONSUL TATION FRKK The diagnostician of the TTnifoil Doctors, licensed by the state of Ne braska, for the treatment of chronic diseases of men, women and children, oners to an w ha call on this visit, con sultation, examination and advice free. They have a system and method of tientments that are sure and certain .n their results. These doctors are experts in the treatment of chronic diseases- of tho blood, liver, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers, weak lunirs. and those afflicteil with long standing, deep eaten, chronic diseases, that have baf fled the skill of other physicians, hould not fail to call. According to tjheir system no more ojieration for appendicitis, gall stones, goiter, piles, etc., as all cases accepted will be treated without operation or hypodermic injection. If you have kidney or bladder troubles, bring a 4 ounce bottle of your urine for chemi cal analysis and microscopic examina tion. Worn-out, run-down men and wo men, no matter what your ailment may be, no matter what you have been told, or the experience you have had with other physicians, settle it forever in your mind. If your case is incurable they will tell you so. Consult them upon this visit. It costs you noth ing. Remember, this free offer is for this visit only. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their par ents. Advertisement. LO-p It will be to your advantage to see me when you need a farm loan. E. C. Uaiker, First Na tional Bank Dld. 42tf A. CLARENCE SCHOCH, M. D. Surgery and Consultation Rumer Ruilding Alliance rhone 664 AIlltMt Harry P. Coursey ( AUCTIONEER ' i Live Stock and General Farm SI WELDING GEO. II. WUXTKNER 210 W. 3rd MOVINC. PACKING, STORING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When If Vour Move, Let Us Know" Office Thone, 1 5 Rn, 88 1 and Blk. 730 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish Block L. A. DERRY ROOM 1, RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctor of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathf DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractor! Palmer School Phone 865 Over Harper! PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. I