THE ALLIANCE IIEP.AI.Il, TUESDAY. MAY Hi. 1022. SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want te buy omethlntT Hub. of people actn tbee Want A a column looking for what you r oihrra htr to offer. Uat quick raaulta by advertising- in Toe Hraid Want Ad departiaenL RATES One ceivt per word pr Insertion. Coata no mora tban ether newspapers and w guar- ntee that you reacb severed hun ued mura readers. Buy eircuia- u, not bot air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Dininpr loom table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; me, !12; pet of Knclycopedia, new. Koom U, over Hariier's. 4!p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Im-j proved quarter equipped for dairy- ing; 22 miles from Lincoln. Want ICO to 320 western Nebraska farm land. VlKGiL SMITH AND W1FF., Emerald, Neb. 47-4Sp, FOR SALE Seed Triumph potatoes, E. G. HERMAN, Heniingford, Neb. 4S-4!) FOR SALE Aberdeen-Angus Dull regbtcred, 5 years old and right in everv wnv. A bargain if taken soon. A. C. McLAIN, 20 miles north rf Heniingford, Neb. 4:5-4 1 COLUMBIA HATCH EKY. P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver! guaranteed. Parcel Tost prepaid Write for prices and full particulars, 19-t j FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, ti FOR RENT FOR RENT Three furnished light housekeeping rooms, close in. Phone ?58W. 4Sp ELEGANTLY furni.-hed rooms and board by the week, S'J.00. Phone (556 r call at ill Cheyenne. 47-uO FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment; furnished; phone 654 or. call at 224 Big Horn. 45-tf FOR RENT Modem furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Telephone 922. , 32tf WANTED WANTED Lady to assist in dry goods store; one capable of handling ImiIipk' t'PMilv-tn-vvp.'ir irruulc nml mil linery. Inquire of No. 200, care of The j Herald. 40-50 WANTED Party with teams and machinery to put in 40 acres of po tatoes, ll2 miles from town. E. G. HERMAN, llemingford, Neb. 4S-4'J WANTED Five or six room house, modern. Phone 113. 48-49 WANTED Gardens to plow. Rates reasonable. Call F. W. EDER, phone 687W. 41tf-Dd(50 WANTED A married man to work on farm. Write L. TREELAND, Heniingford, Neb. 47-4Sp MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired and overhauled. Phone 356-J 4(5-tf If you have wool to sell, see L. E. Bliss. 40-tl ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, .Third District. I hereby announce my candidacy for the otfice of county commissioner in the Third district of Box Butte county, Kebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July 18, 1S22. I am a good roads enthusiast, and 1 know conditions in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. 1 pledge my best ef forts for a business-like administration f county affairs, and have but one other plank in my platform equality and justice for all. J. R. LAWRENCE. FAIR VIEW. Ed Zochor returned home from the hospital Friday and is getting along as well as could be expected. Harrv Nve of Kenoma visited at the home of his parents the latter part of the week. The high winds the latter part of the week put nearly all telephone lines out of commission, quite a large number of poles being blown down. I Clyde Curry lost two windmills and Charles Heath one mill. Quite a large number of hay racks were also de stroyed in the wind. Ed Zochol sent a load of hogs to town Saturday. Mrs. Les Holcomb was taken to the hospital in Alliance Saturday, where f he underwent an operation for kidney stones Monday. Miss Geraldine Bradley from town t-pent the week-end visiting Mrs. Joe West. Vera Nason returned home Sunday after .-everal weeks' visit with her sis ter at Sterling, Col. . I Herb Nason attended a political meeting at Berea Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wessel were callers at the Charks Wessel home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Nason and son, Ralph, jind Ver i Nason took Sunday dinner , at the Joe We-t home. ' J. W. Frazier spent Saturday and Sundav with his family in town. Mr. 'and Mrs. Viigil Wesse and G. t. '-hnso of Al'ifire were Sunday evening visitors at the T. J. Lawrence j.oine. ti. n,rt- ! linuled ten loads of hogs to town Monday. A scenario writer does to real litera ture what the average contractor does to real architecture. Detroit Journal. LAKESIDE. F. J. Schnorr oi arrived here la. I . Cviiit'.-uay in ik.n tiU.oiuohilo. He has been Uoninu' alter luiMnoi-s mat-! ters und visiting his lriemls Mere. inc. wiiid tiitw Here nil tlay ihurs day ut a-nifcli speed, lUrmnfr over small uu. dtii, ,-iii'ui'i nis cvciyihinK oer town :ueii as p.tHes m tin, oul papers. i raiiK .e.uin, wao lives out aoout one-nui nine west lound ins wash iuu( I.. . . T uf la u:e Hiiu u.e next uay. iheiijH ast Sunday. lluir po.e was badly bent. We Hiej lhc sopm.moie class of the local giail 10 report no venous damage done. I hih school had their class day la.-t 11. n. i..o,np.-on, wno woiKen ai me &uif.ii i ui iicj iiiu ;u.i. ivw iiioiilns, was tin east hound passenger Ihursday lor Kansas City, in company w.m his three i6sler-iLughters. ihey have reiaties at that place and expect to make it their home in the iutuie. Harry brown was in vown '1 hursd.iy on business lor the Cop.-ey-bnUan lunch. 1 allies here umouued a car load of posts ior the company last week, Cnailes Hitt of Alliance visited frienns Here last week .Miss mna Urr or Kanomi visited friends htie 'Uiur. day and returned home FiiHav l.iorning. J. u. Stapleton was called from An- i tiuch iliuisday to niaue a settlement between uulurt Forney and H. H. 'J houip.-on. Mr. Forney hud loaned )'iho.n1..-on some money to pay the lun-j eral expense oi h.s wiie wno died lat wi.ner, and valued to get the matter siiuigittened up iwioje Hie man le.t for Kansas City. No. 44 was late that day, and as Mr. ihompson received a cheek ior the amount lrom a lriend on 4;J, was able to make the settlement and leave that afternoon. Warren Mcintyre went to Alliance Thursday to rete.e medical attention, lie leuirned home Friday. Joe Hon man relumed to town Thursday lrom a western trip and went (kick Friilav to look nr em- tilovment. uv. AJoore of Antioch was called to see Mrs. Ralph-Shrewsbury 'lhursIay who was ill at her home two miles nortneast of town. Henry Knapp and Miss Anna Dowd fiom twenty-six miles north ot here drove in 'ihursday to do some shop ping here. Harry Hudson returned home from the 11. S. Fullerton ranch last week. He has bten sutler. ng nom the ellects of a cactus briar in his hand the last lew days. Mrs. Bertha Haag and two children arrived the latter part of the week lo visit her daughter, Mrs. Joe Laquu. Abe L'ndeih'll returned irom a ousi-ne.-s ti ip to llyannis Thursday. Wilma Westover assisted the housework at tlie Gienn Hou.-e homo last week. Mi's, Uertha DeBord and Mrs. Mary Hou.-e, took turns taking care of ihe.r granddaughter, who will answer to the name of Mary Jane. Mother and child are both doing nicely at the time of this writing, Ed Boan and Abe Lnderhill drove! cut, to the Gust Sandoz ranch on busi ness Friday morning. I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roe had as their guests at a six o clock dinner Ihurs day F. J. Schnorr of Omaha, C. J. Hitt of Alliance, E. B. Jameson, man ager of the Lakeside Mercantile com pany here and the Misses Wilma Mote and Alice Schill. Ase Stucky drove up from the Paw let ranch on business Friday morning Mr. and Mrs. Howard Young drove In from the country Firday after some reintives who arrived here Thur.-diy. Miss Bertha Tyler drove in from her home Friday afternoon. Tlie Messrs Harry Graybill and I. D. Whaley went to Allu-nee Friday and returned home Sunday. .Miss Mae Livings entertained a nun ber of ladies at a program given in honor of Mother's day at the school house Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served at the clo.-e of the pro gram, each mother there was pre sented with a carnation. All pres ent enjoyed the afteinoon. Mrs. Ella Sanburn visited friends here la.-t week. POINT OF ROCK CREEK Mr. Johnson motored to town Thurs day. Miss Jessie Burns' school is out and she prepared a treat for her pupils, a picnic dinner at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Trine motored to Al liance Friday. Mr. Tabor motored to Alliance Fri day on a business trip. Mr. Crawford of Kearney was in this vicinity Friday. The state truck is being used to drag the roads. jfr. Duncan was a caller in this vicinity this week. Cal Hashman was a business caller in Alliance Friday. While seven million Russians are being fed by charity, Trotzky, pauses long enough to say that the Soviet Government "does not need the rest of graph. Our knowledge of tlie undertaking business has been won through experience. We furnish funerals whose well appointed character fulfills the demands of the most exact ing. When burials are necessary you should avail your of our courteous, thoroughly dependable service. Miller Mortuary MORTICIANS Phones: Day, 311 Night, 522 or 533 1 1 EM IN G FORD Amos Haile nl family arrived in Ilt'mitimonl iusl:iy noun nom Lin coln, .Ni'ii. ihey drove thiouxh fi their car. llaile will mrui on niti place Miiith ol low n. lvev. A. J. .May has hern help rrrure funds tor the iiIelhiMli.-t ho.vpiUl in Scottsbluir Irom the 1'latte valley towns the past week. His j,ulpit wum " ..... tilled by Rev. F. K. Williams of Mor- ihursday. They repoit a very pleas unt day W. a. Clark and wife have returned from l)entr, where Mr. Clark recent ly underwent an operation. oru on the improvements leing made on the Congregational church budding is progressing very nicely, 'the Congregational people will have n fine church home when these improve ments arc completed. pan Vv Mrs. O W. ihe C. H. hughes family, accom- bus.ness vi. itois to Alliance on Thurs day. the farmers around llemingford are very thanful to the chamber of commerce for installing three new hitching racks. These wei-e a much needed impiovemont. The town board is taking steps to have the streets lixe;1 up by nauiillK ,irt in tne ow places. A large number of llemingford high school students attended the track meet at Alliance last Friday. John Kinsclla is having the interior of h.s hou-e redecorated by Mr. Klempke of Bayard. Harry vvildy is having the base ment lor his new house dug this week. Due to the disagreeable weather, Miss Delsing's room was forced to give up their picnic on Thursday. A. M. Miller and Alex Muirhend went to Omaha on business the first of the week. The sister of Mrs. Tom Hollinger, together with her little girl, is visiting at the Hollinger home this week. Bertha Carter is reported as being ill at this writing. Mrs. Wat'on, Doris and Catherine Delsing, Helen Andrew and Mrs. Mary Ward, who has been visiting with rela tives in Chudron for the last week, motored down Saturday morning for the week-end. Eugene Andrew has gone out to his father's ranch, where he is going to assist with the farm work during the summer. Mr. Andrew arid son, Eugene, were bu ine.-s callers in Alliance Tuesday afternoon. Our vicinity has been visited with many wind storms during the last few days, no great damage of any kind being done, but many minor ones. Helen Andrew, of the Chadron Nor mal, who a few weeks ago cut the end of her linger off, is getting along very nicely, although ample time must be allowed lor its healing. Lola Whelan visited Irma Wright over the week-end. Great plans are being made for the Senior graduating exercises, class night being on the evening of May 25, and commencement the evening of the 2Cth at the opera house. Our large crass of Eighth graders have all passed the examinations and are ready for a try as a Freshman in high school. We all wish them suc cess. Margaret Kiester spent the week end with home folks, Oshkosh News Fears Alliance Resting on Job Garden County News: W. A. O'in cer mail, a trio to Alliance the fore part of the week, returning home i Monday evening. He reports that h made the trip over there on the G-l -C highway and came back by the way of Bridgeport, inspecting the Nortl Star route incidentally. He says that the possibilities of a real road on the former route are five to one against the other, but he says they aie sure working on the latter route. Grad ng and claving the North Stnr is the or der of the day in Box Butte county, but he says that nothing has been done this spring on the G-P-C so far as 1 e could notice. Mr. Olinger, who Is a road man and a good judge of such matters, says that the road from Broadwater to Alliance could lie made a good one and that it is in fairly good shape to commence with right now, but a little work should be done right away. This report doesn't sound as though the promises made to the road boosters of work on the route as soon as possible were being carried out. Every G. O. P. attempt to explain that "efficiency" move has a strong accent on the "fish." Philadelphia' Record. 123 West Third Street igillp siap Juicy Save the wrappers Good for valuable premiums I KHALI) WANT ADS -v;? m. -i V Iwj '-Tturu.! oJmV(" I One woman writcc: "A domestic science teacher zc'.l "t was the lightest cake she had ever tasted or seen but remarked th-t I used at least fix eggs in every cal: ?. She wouldn't believe I used only two until I showed her exact! how I made it. Now she uses noth ing but Royal." BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Send for New Royal Royal Baking Powder Co., Cheap, quick way to stop rheumatism One Day's Test Are yon willing to b convinced that aor, stiff . netting Joints or ni uncles can be relieved and rheuma tism greatly bcn-fltt-4 if not en llrely conquered, for the l.islgniflcuiit cum of 25c. Sounds tod rood t? be true, doesn't it. yet tnounanaa or t eo la T..iO Imd rheumatism hfivo found tnr.t It can be coup, i.nd thouHtm more are doirg it tudjy. . You've tr!.d th J.l -h jirlcc-l end expensive things, fnnd that they f .-tiled. vol still havo your trouble, why not try t!.ls ( Imtde. economic-!, y t!to I Ian. nnd Kt rtsuita ncak for thein t-tlVFX? Just ret a ir; box of Nature' Rem edy (Kit TaU- t ;) un I In-in t. I.'tt; It tunlKht. It acis on thu dU'-tiv mil tliminutlvo orir.'ni:. Improving i!Us tlon and Ofslmll-itlon Htid cleaiiHltl the body of acumulated wavt. im purities and polHonH. With t''""l dl' petition and atsl'till itlon, the body I ItourlbUcd and vitality and natural TI1IELE, 1'RESCimiION DRUGGIST Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint arc certainly three delightful flavors to choose from. . And WRIGLEY'S P-K the new sugar-coated pepper mint gum, is also a great treat for your sweet tooth All are from the Wrigley factories where perfection is the rule BRING BEST RESULTS rs.' G. 5. YAL Leaves No Bitter Taste Cook BooklCt FREE 130 William St, New York Try toning your digestive and climinative organs with NR. Free your body from poisonous waste and relief is quick. Proves Nil Beit powT of resistance against rJlPease (really Incnaael. With the kldneya end lowc:ls acting vigorously and rr tilarly and the body fret-d from Ir litutintr nolS'-t d. rt-lit-f m-ist come. Nature' Remedy (Nil Tat.l.ts) thouch, mill ord gc:itle in action, do Its wo::; t:irou ;-:;y ar. t ciuiikiy. Tin re la l;olhi:i hiirmful In It, nothin-f tu upsitt the stoma'-ii, cn1 ii-i rriplnif, pal.i or any tiic-c-omfu-t. Tliu CJ.Iy r"ult I 1.. f and b iiL-iit. Try It "on ta:.o no risk In !oIni ra 1 r Na.uri'e Remedy n.sM ::ly 23n n-iwrh l I ft -ty-r. . it -ys, and l ol I Willi too diatlti' t ui.U' t Hanl njc tliM It rruft rUV and t.r ini nt-y T in k. Mora n:n mill on rnt'l" thl country uro tislnif Nature's r.tmedy tuilaV. I'iVO million Im.xi-s prj;l vriy ytcr. U-ttrr jimof of Its i!i'-rlt could t offert-d? it Is mild, (rnur'uitt't-d uud rccumiuuiidcd by your uiujoiit? t) t . 4 V THAT BAD BACK To you h.-.yp n dull, strady nHio in the small of the bark sharp, stabbing twinges when stcnpini.' or lifting dis tressing urinary d.M tiers? lor bad bark !-.nd weakened kiuneys Alli.-.nro residents lecommcnd I loan's Kidney Pi'l. Read this Alliance statement. Mrs. C. O. We.t. IWl Vel'owstono St., s!is: "Dnan's Kidney Pills nre a standard me lirine for kidney trnublo in our home. My people had Doan'fl in the house all the time nnd whenever any of the family needed a kidney medicire it was always Doan's that was relied upon to straighten them out. I had attacks of dizzy spells, headaches and backache. Whenever one of these attacks came on I took Donn's Kidney Pill and they alwaya cured me of the attack promptly. It is a pleasure to give Doan s my hearty endorsement," Price C0e, nt nil dealer. Don t implv nk for a k'dney remedy get Dean's Kidey pills the same that Mrs. We.t had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., HuTalo, N. Y. 8-A NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING.. Tlo fintiiiul nw-ftincrnf the Nebraska Stock Growers' association will lx held in llyannis, Nebraska, on the 15th and in n'f .limn. All members are urired to be present as matters of great in terest to stock raisers will be brought before this convention ami a general invitation is extended to all interested in the stock raisin-? business. NEBRASKA SlUlK. 7-51 GROWERS' ASSN. A SOC IAL I'.HKOR "RiPf.t fnnVip!" croancl the kine of the cannibal. "Just my luck! Hero I've Rone ami cutcn the head chef by mistakel" AND TI1KN Till: SU1C1DR ni;n 'Tin vnn know. Miss Tasfwe. T I V I. ' " , - r you lH)k cimply charminK this even- p."Nonsrnce. Stop your f.poofinp." T ltoi-tie "No, but you lo, really. I hartlly vecontrnized you at firnt." IN SOAK T...,rVi Pi-kr ".lmlire. I'm tellin' you. You wnnta lay off'n me. I m a ',U;i,,fcnnr"Wr11. I'll IU t lot YOU soak for sixty tlayn and m how hard you nre." Solomon Mild: "There in no new thinir under the Bun," but he didn't t-ay it by radiophone. Boston Globe. EUGENE BURTON ATTORNEY -AT-L AW Office: Firet National Rank Building ALLIANCTw NEUKA5SKA A. CLARENCE SCHOCH, HL D. Surgery and Consultation Rumer Building Alliance Phone 664 Alli Harry P. Coursey , AUCTIONEER 1 Life Stock and General Farm Salat WELDING GEO. II. DPECKNER 210 W. 3rd MOVING. PACKING, STOKING AND SHHTING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It'a Your Mofe, Let Ua know" Office Phone, 15; Rea. 831 and Elk. 730 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish lilock L. A. BERRY ROOM 1, RUMER 13 LOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Nol Medicine, Surgery, Osteopath! DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractora Palmer School Phone 865 u?er Uarper PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. I