u '1 SIX THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1922. I; Snake Creek Heals Many Records Are Ash Grove, 'M to 8 IJroken in the Sunday Afternoon State Track Meet Fn:le Clink defeated A-li Gmvp 31 to H .Nuri'!:iy and maintained it--- clutch on tin; leader's -ition in thf; lUi l!utu riiur-ty lo!ifu'. A large crowd Jittl'Il('l tilt' J.','!"!'1 Spit1 ! the illl- ver.-e weather conditions. Snake Creek pounded out three home runs. Swan-t-'in pitched a good game, bating the A.h rove willow-w loldors down wiili bis hit-:. That he was somewhat wild, however, is shown by the fart that lie pa.v-nd three mm when hit by u pitched ba'l. The box feme: Ah (inup r h Ilaulov, ss-p 1 1 1 eidlo.'f, 2h 1 0 Thompson, Mb 0 1 Phillip, lb t llawlt-y, it' 2 Msb-y, c 1 Silxrnlcl, cf 1 Put inton, If 0 Miaughne.-sy, p-ss 0 po 2 2 a G 0 7 0 1 4 Total - - - 8 0 21 4 10 Snake Creek r h po a e Kamsdcll, ss 4 3 0 1 1 Nelson, c 4 4 It 1 0 iSwanimn, p-ss 3 111 (Jit en. 2b C 4 12 0 i. Kchwadercr, If-p 1 2 1)1 Nichols, lb 3 3 9 0 1 Jones, cf 3 3 0 0 0' K. Sehwailerer, rf 3 0 14 0 Parrett, 3b -2 10 0 1 Totals - - 31 23 27 10 5 Score by innings: Ash (Jrove 0 002240008 Snake Creek ..4 0 1 3 3 2 2 4 G 31 Summary Two batc hits: Ash drove 2; Snake Creek, 2. Home runs, Snake Creek 3. Hit by pitched ball, by Swanson 3. Stolen bases, Ash Grove, h; Snake Creek 11. Passed balls, Ash (Jrove, 2; Snake Creek, 2. Kase on balls by fchaughnessy, 2; Swanson, 4. Struck out by Shaughnessy, 5; Swan son, 13. Umpires, Wilkins and Dillon. Snake Creek and Rerca Teams Lead In County League Fail-view defeated Pleasant Hill 35 to 18 Sunday before a crowd of 200 jK'ople. The game ojK'nod with both teams putting across six runs in the lust inning. Pleasant Mill then fol lowed with two runs to Fairview's two in the second, and led 8 to !. From then on it wad all Fuirview, Pleasant Hill getting a numlcr of runs but being ur.abU to keep pace with their hard-hitting opponents. Fairview wored in every inning, while the Pleas- tint Hill team was unable to cross the place in only one inning, the eighth. Marple forfeited to Herea. The otliciai score of thin will be i) to 0. It is rcHrted that a number of the Mar ple players are sick and were unable to come. Herea took on the Alliance team in a practice game as a sub stitute. The Kerf Sox lost to Lawn in what was th' surprise game of the day. The score of this battle was 13 to 8. This was by far the liost game of the day The Ked Sox, picked as winners wove unable to come up to expectations and took the short end of the score, lhis trame was at Lawn. The Snake Creek team continued its winning streak hy walloping A.-h (rove, 31 to 8. This leaves Snake Creek and Herea tied for lirst place, each with three wins and no del eats. These two teams will meet next Sun day to scrap for the leading place. The standing ot the teams tt: W L Pet Herea -3 0 1000 Snake Cre k 3 0 1000 Uiwn 2 1 ",( Ash (Jrove 1 3 JI33 Fairview I 2 333 Marple . -t 2 3:i3 Ked Sox 1 2 3.S3 Pleasant 11.11 0 3 000 Allii.nee high school, w'th 10 point-, placed eighth in an entry li.-t of l'l ,o.nis at the annud high school track :.eot. Alliance was in gioup 2. The . e'-ord.s !i)aii' In this gioup were much better lis a whole than those in either ol the other two. lioal of Alliar.ce gathered : i point o for his team when he took second in the 1 10 and HMj-yaril da.-ho. In each of these the blue and white speedster fmi-hed about a loot to the rear ol the winner. In the hall mile Heal pushed Nightingale, ihe stai Broken How distance man hard, the time in this race Itv'.ng; 2:0." 1-5. In the 140 Hein the crack Wilber sprinter was forced to a pace of 54 2-5 to beat Heal by a lew inches. Dailey, Alli ance sprinter made a poor showing, taking third in the 100 and 220-yard dashes. Dailey has several times run the 100 in 10 1-5, and set a new record in the western Nebiaska meet when he stepped the 220 in 22 3-5. Hein of Wiibpr who beat him at the state meet was clocked in 24 flat. Strong, half mile and 410 man, failed to place, and Killian, Alliance miler was unable to finish. Ihe great change in altitude .seemed to bother the Alliance men, and cut dow n their speed to a great extent. Rhodes of Ansley, who set a new state record in the pole vault last year when he cleared the bar at 11 feet 8 inches, was defeated in this event by Lingle, Morrill star, who went over at 11 feet. Lingle is reported to have vaulted 11 feet 9 inches in an attempt at a state reconl only to have the crossbar blown oiT by the wind before he reached the ground. Pred etions before the meet were that Rhodes would have little if any competition in his event, but this was evidently wrong. Rhodes, however, made two new records, high jumping six feet and broadjumping 21 feet 10VA inches. He now holds three Nebraska records, being tnc omy man U.ai holds more uiuu o..o. ..tr in utei'ior mane a .ti-w ie:oil in the higii hurdles when iii.i.n .i.e slicks in li 1-5. 'lhis is two-fifths of n second la. ter than ihe old record. 'iimm ol (Scrota held ne itMiid ior about tn minutes, run ning his heat in Hi 2-5, a sl;ort time oe.oie W ;r mane his record. Franc oi iobias spiung the surprise of the uay when lie defeated Deiilaranviile, Aurora Fuller. hiancK tct a new rec ord of 4 minutes, lit 1-5 .seconds . 'Ihe iMl reeoid was 4:12. le.lai unville, who won both the mile and the halt ..ine ai iiie i.iwt lust jear, was looked uAni us a ceitain winner. 'lhisycar lie entered only in the mile in order to t-c-t a new lecoid, only to have an un Known i-natch tne laujels. 'two of the in w recon. , ttie m.ie tmd the high jUinp, teem ce.-iined to stand t.y siine time. Kither Is good for a col .ec lTC'iin. 'I he 1 1 r i 1 1 1 ol Rhodes high jiiiiiji may be realized, when it is eon . idcred that a man oi aveiage height could easily waiK underneath the bur. '1 he success of the cinder sport in Nebraska, may he almost entirely at tributed to the elforts of Coach Henry F. Schulte, of the University of Ne braska. PfCfore the advent of Schulte, Nebraska ranked far below other slates, while in two years he has built up track work in the state until Ne braska in to be fearcnl in nny circles. Schulte originated the ientathlon, the numeral system, and he has also great ly increased the interest in the state meet. Schulte is recognized as one of the greatest track coaches in the coun try, as he has coached some of the most prominent track men in the United States. Until two years two little interest was taken in this line of athletics, while now even the smallest towns are sending men to the state meet. That these give good ac count of themselves is shown by the work of Franck and Rhodes. Coach Schulte may be said to have done more for Nebraska high school athletics than any other man. Omaha Central won the Group 3 title in the annual Nebraska track meet, with Omaha Commerce second, Willier won the Group 2 title with Ansley second, and Callaway won the Group 1 championship, nosing out De Witt, last year winners, by one point E. Essay will pay a good price for fresh eggs, cash or trade, this summer 20c per dozen. This price can't be beat. 47-48 Carpentier And Jack Dempsey May Rattle Once Again ; A toiuh of real humor comes from old F.ngland. (Jeorue Carpentier and Jack Dempsey are to fight again Since Ted Lewis' defeat by Cariwntier a match is being built up between the heavweight champ of Furope and IViim.-v. "Huilt up" is the only way , of describing it, as the interest of the, public will be once more obtained by ihe sut of press-agenting with which Jack Keams, Demp.-ey's manager, is evidently such an adept. Kearns, in a statement to the newspapers says that Carp looks bigger and stronger now than when he fought Dempsey ..last July. How peculiar, when Carp is nearly thirty for him to suddenly attain such remarkable grow th and development. Let us come to America to .show the ridiculousness of this stunt. Jack Hrit ton, the venerable welterweight champ, knocked out this much touted Tec Lewis, and the welter king was neve accused of having a punch. Lewis jj a middleweight at that. Now Carp knocked Jack Hritton for a row of ash cans. This by no stretch of imagination would entitle him to a Ixiut w ith Demp hcy. And Hritton is by far a letter man than lwia. Henny lconard, our great little lightweight champ, could firobably give twenty pound to Lewis, mill knock his roof oif. Presumably then, Leonard would le in direct line l'i r a bout with Dempsey. However, if any promoter thinks that he could bunco the public into iaying good cash to see the Frenchman again kiss the canvas, let 'em fight. They would probably tax the caiuicity of the largest arena, again proving that Bar Hum was eminently correct. CHRISTY BROS. --"-IvCi.J $.v GREATER UNITED 4 RING 'hmM WILD ANIMAL EXPOSITION fmXnfSfSSJ AcV.ev.ment of Modern Amusement Creatioa AN ENTIRE TRAINL0AD OF ANIMAL ACTORS Tha Children's FftlryUnd A rninr r--'-f -- at Bab Animal 3 100 New Animal AcU 1QQ Acre of New Waterproof Tend Brilliantly Lighted tjr Three Complete Elec tric Lighting Sytteme. ntlMteSlMiftftiWorll tathlrU Q P CLOWNS 25 renic Mars m "BANDS 1 CALLIOPES 2 oh rcitgcio'js ukk inlo or ill ISICN HONS in i:s luiin in WORLD'S UMOUS CuROOitl $20,000 ftlfHNlCI FIRST m PARADE AT NQDN Tha I Coapiiti PnhrnuKit DOORS Of IK 1 30 iM I P.M. J?: a itin ,fl to Am Riiini CiKtLit l Uitn j ill ALLIANCE MONDAY, MAY 22 Farmers' Picnic and Basket Dinner Thursday, May 18th 1)1 ETCH LEU'S RANCH Dielchlei's ranch is G miles west and j miles south of Ilctningfoid; and 2 miles north and 10 miles west of Herea. COMMENCING AT 10:00 A. M. SHARP LOTS OF FUN FOR ALL TWO BALL GAMKS HACKS OF ALL KINDS mtONCllO llUSTINfi TU(1 OF WAR MEET YOUR FRIENDS HERE THURSDAY RIDS WANTED ON CONCESSIONS for soft drinks, eiffars, candy, lunch stands, ice cream, doll racks, shooting gallery and bowery dance.. For particulars address II. C. HANSEN, liox 181, Hem ingford. Neb. PLEASANT HILL BALL TEAM AND FARMERS' LOCAL No. 1459 First Game With Minatare Sunday Should Uc Fast The oponine barl:ill ir.nmr of tlio M-ason, with Minatare here on Sur.l:ty, May 21, should le a fa-t one if lopo Mutids for anjthinir. Mii'atnie has always U-en a hasoh:ill town and they ;ue reported to have a fastor apprr ration this year than ever lefore. Al lianre undoubtedly has one of the s-iicedie.st bunrhe. of wi'low fielders that ever represented the !own. A nurrhfr of the player? are rood enough for professional baseball, an ! the Al liance team will compare favor;. bly with 11 ry team in the Nbraka state lr:iC'ie. 'I'l'.e ra'iio Sund.'.y w.ll be at the t'.-ur irnni'vl--. and it should ( r;.w a hiccer riowil tli.in eer attended a KiseUill paino in Al! satire. Tennis Tournament at Hih School Will Slart Friday The hijrh srhool tern's tru'Tianient will lvr in l'riday, May lf, nceordinir to present plan. A larjrer number i. expretnl to enter th:in has ever entei-ed n tournament before, anil the competi tion will un!oul trdly le c!o-;er. lioth lust ear's single and douMe champs will enter, Frank t'ailcy in Uie frmer, and Robert Hiekre'l and lames Fowler n the la' ter. The double? champs at lea.-t, should have little dil!"icu!ty in retaininp their tide. The drawing for the tournament will be held Wed nesday, nlthout'h play will not begin vntil Friday. The racquet wielders are already limiting up, ar.d some have been practicing lor some time. DON'T HANK ON IT 1'fTiciency i. the ail of pprnding nine-tenths of your time making re jwirts that somebody thinks he is go ing to read over but never does. Kan sas Industrialist. , HERALD WANT ADS RESULTS. HUDSON has a New MOTOR A Super-Six that is a revela tion even to Hudson owners A RIDE TELLS ALL No Advance in Prices F. O. B. Detroit PHAETON - . 7-Pasa. Phaeton Cabriolet - -Coupe - $1693 1745 2295 2570 COACH - . Sedan -Tour. Limousine Limousine Look for th.i White Triangh STURGEON GARAGE 112 East Third Street Phone 118 (5106) I'Bji'iiinnsr . i - l " . ! ! $1795 f 2650 E a 2920 E a 3495 g y mmm i r o The home owner can truly snap his finger at care, while the rent payer carries on his shoulders the yoke of servitude a slave to his landlord. The illustration might well read, "Which WILL ycu BE?" for the building situation is daily opening the eyes of hundreds of rent payers the fact it costs no more to buy your own home (at the low cost of material and labor today) than your rent costs. And it's YOUR OWN HOME. Let us prove to you the true economy of owning your home. J. H. Melville Lumber Co FLOYD LUCAS, Manager.