THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MAY lfi, 1022. FIVE ) SSbaeRF The Alliance Rotary club members cme. tuii.e i uieir lucres ami a number of other Ruests at the Talm Koom of the h.ul at a l.o tlinner Monday, the occasion beinp the annual visit of District Governor Luther Brewer of the Sixteenth Kotarv dis trict, who.-e home is in Cedar Kapids, la. Governor Brewer has been on a trip to Rapid City and other South Dakota clubs, and came to Alliance from Chadron, where he pot ac quainted with Rotarians there at a din ner. Accompanied by a number of Chadron Rotarians, they drove over to Alliance yesterday. ' ' "' ! was one of the most interesting that has been presented in . . .. w ........ i n. Aiadery, president of the club, presided. Rotarian Karl L. Meyer is chairman of the entertain ment committee, and framed up some special stunts lor the evening. Dr. C. K. SlnRle, past president, made ihe report of la.-t year's activities to the district eoverror, who made a Rotar ian address. Following the Kovernor's tciK, .-inomey vv. h. Metz made presentation of a Rift to the district governor, which had the form of an enormous birthday cake, but which turned out to be a frosted hat box con taining: a small chicken. President Ed Morey of the Chadron Rotary ch:b made a brief talk, and was followed by Senator J. W. Good, who was just going strong in describ ing the b'.-autie- 01 the new and only etate park, of which he is the ofl'icial spokesman as well as the chief factor in establishing, when an alarm clock "'cded and put an end to the discourse. Following the talk., the entertain ment committee introduced a competi tion for the ladies, in which Mrs. r'red Harris was the lortunate recipient of a gift from the club. The guests included J. V. lood, I'd Morey, L. R. Bower, YY. S. BoswKt, R. G. Smith of Chadron und W. A. Russell tt Omaha. Mrs. A. H. Robbins entertained Mon day evening at a 0 o clock dinner ami miscellaneous shower for Miss Thelma Westley who will soon !e married. Games and the presentation of the shower giits were the evening's enter Uiinuient. Miss Wesiley received many beautiful and useful gifts. The fol lowing guests were present: Mesdames S. Lotspeich, J. S. Corp, Carr, T. Cross, B. J. Minort, Doluey, Fuller, Davis, Ackerman, Coker, A. A. Wright, Wayne Smith, Hirst, Tilber, Dora Walker, Lolly Settles, Barkhurst, J. M. Simpson, K. G. Laing, Lewis l'oweil, Fred Helpbringer, L. Moxon and the Misses Nnoma Moxon, Nell Wright, Betty Waltron, LauTa Joim ston, Llsie Fowlc, Violet Henry, Leiia Corey from Hemingford. The domestic science class of the high school will entertain the hign school faculty, the supervisors in the ditfeiTnt departments and the princi pals in the two grade buildings, Fri day evening at the Central school building. The entire dinner will be served "by the domestic science class who will take this opportunity to demonstrate their skill, along culinary lines. M. Burr motored to Denver, leaving from n seven weeks' sojourn in the I The stnmnth regulates the condition tctTA l,0?1:V ftf,orn,,,,n- -JVr st' ll''''rl'VM,r,,a1t.,':M,r,r,r!f'r the blood and U the fountain bead pect to take in the boxing match while Springs, Ark., also visiting Ids mother; . ... ,. . . . in the Denver. i ( Decofah. la. of hri,l1n or 1jrasr- ur stom- Comiag IMPERIAL The Home of Retter Thotoplays May 30-31 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY This charming guide will breakfas with you on a sun-drenched terrac overlooking a sapphire sea sh will tell you that glorious woman ii an adventuress that handsome mar a swindler that couple are no bodies just rich Americans spend ing money that the Princess just beyond is under suspicion but that she won 50,000 francs at the Casino that the Count is a charming man that husbands are stupid '' 4wf Below is von Stroheim who wrote directed, is featured in, and spent over a million dollars to produce the most beautiful picture the mind of man ever conceived nd all for your entertainment You will sea him at his best as a gay and gallant nobleman at his worst at a thief a coward preying on tn virtue and wealth of women as a great actor a superb director. PictoriaDy surpasses anything evei achieved in pictures dramatical! rips, fascinates and enthralls you a complex magnificence thai astounds youa direct simplicitj that drowns you in a tea of emotions. Attorneys Eugene Burton, lee Basye, R. O. Reddish, William Mitchell and P. E. Romig wore in Rushvme esterday, the occasion being ihe first dav of a district couit term. Charles Bntu.n was another Alliance man who I went to Rushville on 'that day. At- j torney Harry E. Gantz had legal busi-. ness which took him to Bidgeport. I The eise of principal interest to Alii-1 ance that will come up at this term ! at Rushville is Krau-c vs. Ming, in which attorneys for the Krause estate will ask that a temporary order tn jo.ning Long or his attorneys from at tempting to collect a large judgment given in an Omaha court be made per manent. The attorneys returned Mon day evening. P. D. Muntz, rancher living near Lusk, Wyo.. arrived in Alliance Sun day, and will tihip out today or Wed nesday with a carload of feeder stock. Mr. Muntz teUs some interesting de tails of last week's storm as it struck his part of the "Country. Fourteen in ches of snow fell last Thursday, ac companied by a seventy-five mile gale which uprooted trees and telephone poles, destroyed hundreds of smaller buildings and killed many birds. The storm did not extend beyond Sheridan or Gillette, he said. The Herald has received a copy of ihe Industrial edition published by the Thermopolis, Wyo., Independent, edited by C. O. Marct. Mrs. Maret was formerly Miss Alice Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carl son of this city. The special edition fills a good many pages with interest ing facts about the business and in dustrie sof Thermopolis, and ashoul l make a most effective advertisement for the newspaper and its community. Ed T. Shields, grand knight of Al liance council No. 97o, K. of C, and J. W. Guthrie, past grand knight, will leave Sunday, May 21, for York, iiiini-0 tViov will on Tuesday rem'esent the Alliance council at the state K. of C. convention. On Monday, also at York, they will attend the fourth de gree convention as delegates from the Alli-mpo fnui-th dpcree assembly, of which Mr. Guthrie is faithful naviga- :or and Mr. Shields laitniui capiain. n s. Smith of Lincoln, state aeent for the Security Fire Insurance com pany of Connecticut, and Stat Agent Miller of Omaha, representing the ueen company, were in Alliance Mon day, in connection with a readjust ment of the loss at the Alliance high school on December 30, when the Vioaw u-ind IiIaw over a larce smoke stack and caused considerable damage. The American legion auxiliary en tertained the memlK-rs of the local Legion post last evening in the base ment, of the Library. Monte Carlo whist was the diversion of the even ing. Mrs. Minor Morris won the free-for-all prize, John Leavitt won the high score and John Williams won the consolation. A two-course lunch was served and everyone enjoyed the even ing. The Woman's club will hold their regular meeting Friday afternoon in the basement of the Library. This meeting is to be a reception for new members and the program is in charge of Mrs. William Lamon, the chairman of the music committee. Anyone wishing to become a member of the club should do so this week. Mrs. Harry Th'ele and Mrs. Ralph Cox entertained about forty-five gue: ts Saturday noon at the home of the for mer. A five-course luncheon was served after which Monte Carlo whist was played. Mrr. Fred Feagins won the high fcore, Mrs. Floyd Hively the free-for-all and Mrs. Bruce Mallery the consolation. The Alumni bamjuet will be held Thursday evening at the Palm Room of the Alliance hotel. A large num Ikt of guests are expected, and the Senior class of the high school will le the guests of the evening. The hall will be decorated in lavender and cream, the senior color.. E. B. Smith, representing an Omaha paper house, was in the city Monday, coming here from Dead wood and Iead, S. D. He reports a severe snowstorm during the time last week when Alli ance was in the grip of the record windstorm, but in the Black Hills region wind doesn't really have the proper chance to get started. The second annual May Festival of the pupils of Mrs. Dunning's expres sion cla- es, will be at the Imperial theatre, May 19. The Fairies, Flower Girls and May Maidens will do their part t-i swell the piano fund. You do your part, and also enjoy a real treat. The ladies' aid of the Methodist church will meet Wdncsdav afternoon at the church at 2:30. Mrs. C. A. Dow, Mrs. C E. Pyle e. nd Mrs. G. E. Townley will be hostesses. This is the regular birthday meeting and a good program has been planned. "When Polly was Queen of May," is the charming little operetta to be pre sented ft the Imperial Friday, May 19. Fairies, Flower Girls and May Maidens with their happy dances and songs form an evening's pleasure you cannot afford to miss. , v A benefit dance will be given Satur day at the Armory for the baseball team. The admission to this will be The music will be by the Happy 7&c. Four. The management is planning on a good crowd, and there is little doubt that a large number w ill attend. Mrs. Addie Durham, mother of Mrs. Minor Morris, who has spent the win ter with Dr. and Mrs. Morris, lef t Sat urday noon for Kewanee, 111., where she will visit her grandson. W. R. Harper, Earl Jones and Edwin For Her GRADUATION GIFT A WRIST WATCH A NECKLACE OF PEARLS A PRETTY RING A FANCY BAR PIN; ' .... ;i 1 For Him A RING A WATCH A SCARF PIN A BELT BUCKLE Just a few suggestions of practical and lasting rifts that appeal to graduates. Come in and let us show them to you. Harry Thiele Dr. F. M. Knight returned today! Herald "V ant Ada IleSUlta. nch right by taking Tanl;.c. F. E. Moisten. 48 TODAY Tue. 16th RIALTO Tomorrow Wed. 17th What Use Would There He In Advertising Unless We Told the Truth MAE MURRAY in "FASCINATION" A ivid Romance of Young Blood and Old Spain, Where They Play the (Janie of Love for Keeps. IN ADDITION TO THIS ABOVE 8-HEEL FEATURE BUSTER KEATON in "THE HAUNTED HOUSE" 2 Reels of Clean "Honest to Goodness" Comedy Special Matinee Wednesday, at 4:30 This matinee is arranged so all school children will have an opportunity to see The Kialto's first big special. 10c for children under 12 years. Adults 13c. NOTE OUR PRICES The management absolutely guarantees the above attrac tion to be one of the best ever shown in Alliance, regardless of what you paid, or your money gladly refunded. Regular Matinee at 2:30 10 and 15c. Special Matinee Wednesday at 1:3010 & 15c. Night Two complete "shows, 7:30 and 9:30 10 and 30c. REMEMBER OUR GUARANTEE MAKE US LIVE UP TO IT "i THURSDAY, MAY 18th THAT EVER POPULAR COWIIOY COMEDIAN Fred Stone in "BILLY JIM" MATINEE 10 and 15c NHJIIT 10 and 2."c 'Foot More Day of Wonderful Bargains Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdayand the Opportunity ends REDUCTIONS OF 1L a On every item in our entire stock,. Included in the offering are remarkable values in SPRING CAPES and COATS, SUITS and DRESSES, WAISTS, the Entire Line of Spring MILLINERY. And dozens of special bargains in Women's Furnish ings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets and Underwear all of in comparable Fashion Shop style and quality. Don't fail to take advantage of this remarkable opportunity to buy the best at economy prices. FASHION SHOP v