FOUR THE ALLIANCE II EH A LP, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1922. "Sleeping Beauty" Asks Aid of the Local Bed Cross Rel Cross headquarters were visit-wl this morning by Sidney Lusk, a world veteran with a mont interesting record. Mr. Lusk enlisUl while cm doyed by the Illinois Central rail road and was sent to Siberia with the railroad engineers. He had many in teresting and exciting experience un til one day u bolshevik hand grenade exploited near him, fragments lodging in his backbone sending b ts of hrap Ttel all through the motor nerves and paralysing him from the i-houlders lown. Mr. Lusk by Rood luck was uent out and while on the transport as unconscious for days. His bud dies called him the "Sleeping Beauty" and this name stuck to nim after he was landed at San Francisco and sent to the hospital there. He was oper ated upon several times, but it was a difficult task to pet all of these shran rl splinters removed from the evtebi ae. Mr. Lu.-k has been in various hos pitals on the we. t coast, but says that the base hospital at 1'alo Alto is the real plare. J he boys are treated roy ally iy a!! the neigh Imring towns. I'cople from San Jse, Cal., came up every week with home talent enter tainments, after which they had cards, dancing and cats. At Christmas he received, along with the other boys there, a Christmas box which he was pure was worth at least $50, and in addition the San Francisco Chronicle presented every boy in the hospital with $25 in told. Mr I nvk wiiM riischarired from the hospital when he received his papers to take up vocational training. He is nuKio in tiikp mi his former occupa tion, although he still holds a nine-year seniority with the Illinois Central. He went to Illinois to visit his sister be fore taking up the training, only to find that since she had last written Vim chn hm Knlil all her nronertv in Centralia and had removed to Reno, Km Itn u follnwinir her there and that is how he happened to be here in Alliance. He has papers with him which corroborate his story. He is one of the many ex-service men whose compensat'on is not yet adjusted. Al though he has been in the hospital continually since icturning to the United States he has received but one compensation check. This will be ad justed, however, for him as soon as ne reports for vocational training. While Lusk was in Siberia, his father received word that he was killed in action and for almost a year believed him dead. During thus year the father died and the sister came into possession of all the property. This is one reason air. i.usk is so anxious to locate his sister. fnle I0YE at the Kialto Thursday. "Hilly Jim" is delicious comedy-di ama, with Frel Stone dominating the action through out. It is a play fashioned to order for him ami it cnj;bles him to bring forth all his little subletics of humor that make him so opular. Also "Billy Jim'' depicts Mr. Stone in his favorite character that of a hard-riding cow boy who is a crack shot with a rifle or pistol and can rope a steer while going full speed. Much of the action of "Billy Jim" is laid in the most beautiful country of the West. The mountain lands, with tall snow-clad peaks penetrating the heavens, form a wonderful background for the story. The experiences of a love-stricken cowboy in his pursy .t of the daughter of a wealthy man form the ground work of this most engrossing story. Mr. Stone, of course, is the lover and his novel ideas of love-making develop much clean amusement. Mrs. C. C. Smith of ScnttsblufT will arrive in Alliance Thursday night to be the guest of Mrs. V. H. l'ate for a few days. , Mrs. A. V. Newberg will entertain the N. W. Bridge cjub Wednesday evening at her home at 410 Emerson. AT THK KIALTO. "Fascination." the latest Mae Mur ray production, which is presented by Robert Z. lonard, reveals the famous star in the most ambitious of her roles. No other character that she has tmr- trayed requires as much difficulty and emotional acting as "Fascination which is the feature at the Rialto to night and Wednesday. Although it marks a new step in her career, a step in the direction of tensely emotional (h ama. "fascination is bv l.ilmunil Goulding, who wrote Miss Murray's sensationally successful "I'eacock Al ley'" from a story of Ouida. Bergere. Mo.-t of the scenes are laid in Spain. Miss. Murray appears as Dolores De Lisa, the daughter of a Spanish father and American mother. She combines Latin fire with Yankee jKp. The com bination leads her to bolt from the rigid restrictions of her Spanish home to join the crowds going to the Easter Day bull fight. There she becomes fascinated by a handsome toreador and this fascination leads her into a series of vivid adventures. The cast includes Helen Ware. Creighton Hale, Robert W. Frazer, Courtrnav Foote. Charles Lane. Vin cent Coleman. Emily Fitzroy and Francis Puglia. AT THE IMPERIAL. The Imperial is springing a new idea this week, which will be continued from now on. Hereafter Wednesday is "Family Night" at the Imerial, and pn Wednesday of this week, as well as other weeks, any family no matter how large will be admitted for f0 cents and war tax. Wednesday is bargain night and then some at the Imperial. SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith will leave Thursday evening for a ten day trip to Chicago and Rock Falls, 111. They will visit Mr. Smith's father at the latter place. The Methodist church choir will meet Saturday evening, May 20, at the church. Mrs. John Snyder and Mrs. James Scott will be hostesses. "Billy Jim," with Fred Stone, the noted comedian, as star, will be shown A. Z. Xirhola of Minatare was in the city this morning on his way home from Lincoln, where he has been at tending to business matters. C.lon Wnlilpn of Nebraska Citv was in Alliance Monday in interest of the Wilson Packing company. Ben Keach left Monday for Rcotts- bluff and returned Monday night. The ladies' nuviliarv of the Preshv- terian church will meet with Mrs. E. S. Martin Wedensday afternoon. I.eland Messex was in Van Tassell, Wvo., Saturday on business for the Auto Electric Service company. Mrs. George Read spent a few days with Mrs. Ray Hoag while on her way i 1 ( a a -1 i .r 10 ner nome in oconsoiuu. Miss Mildred Griggs spent the week end in Alliance with friends. SACRED CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT E. Essay will pay a good price! You are invited to the Sacred Con- f a j re it, ai me iciLu:fc vuuivu ivuii i v I VI ft I inil . KM' vtwfti vja j t fresh eggs, summer 20c price can't be beat. . i i i this summer 20c per dozen. This, froej ut a frPe wjn offering will bo 4-43. taken. Everybody welcome. 4 The regular meeting of the Eastern Star will lie held this evening at the Masonic Temple. Miss Dorothy Whitehead of Mitchell spent the week-end at the Fred Hani.: home. Mike Nolan end Brad M;nor left yesterday for a week's visit in Cas per. The Episcopal guild will meet Wed nesday afternoon at the Parish house. BIRTHS Mondav, May 1 o To Mr. um Mrs. Charles Grassman, a daughter. I your appetite jaded? Is your digestion peor? If so. Tanlac is what vou need. F. E. Holsten. V.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT A small house. Phone 100 or 472. 4!)-C0 WANTED Sewing; work guaranteed. 404 Niobrara Ave. 40-p FOR SALE Good Earlv Ohio Seed Potatoes Phone 813F13. 49-50 NOTICE. From and after May 16, I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife, Mrs. Frank Mel vin. 49-p F. E. MELVIN. 1 A Watch for Your Graduating Boy or Girl Ferhaps your boy or girl is graduating this June. Have you thought of a gift the gift best suited to reflect your pride in this accomplishment? What is more practical, more useful then a watch? And what will serve so well through fu ture years as a reminder of your affection? We have a large stock of sturdy, Gruen pocket and strap watches for boys and beautiful wristlets for girls. Made by the Gruen Guild craftsmen, they cannit be excelled for beauty and dependability. And you will f.nd the prices surprisingly moderate. 1 kki LVt SStfr. Harry Thiele maany hwimmtt wiwj it til We Sell for Cash, We Sell for Less. BIG STORE v. m arm lm aw y r -m .rvi.-i v . mv r- w k it itf r if I ai if -m 1 B We Sell for Cash, We Sell for Less. Special "For Wednesday, Thursday ao d v riday MEN'S UNION SUITS Athletic Style Athletic cut Union Suits, fine count nain sook and madras cloth. Waistbands; all sizes; regularly sold at ?1.25. 95c " BOYS' BLOUSES Sizes 7 to 13 years. Dark and light colors striped. Regular price1.00. 79c UNION SUITS, 55c Band top styles with tight knee. White combed cotton reinforced. Flat lock seams. All sizes (36 to 42). Ladies Spring Coats $ See these wonderful values. All new Spring styles and merchandise. These are all new. Ladies' Knitted Vests White Ribbed , These are wonderful values. All new merchandise. 15c LADIES' FINE RIBBED VESTS See these wonderful values. All new stylish merchandise. 29c LADIES' TRIMMED HATS $4.98 These are $7.50 and $8.00 values. All new stylish merchandise, in Pattern styles. See these values. MAINSOOK No. 150 ... ; 15c YARD This is a real value 10 yards to a customer. Spartan Mills, L L Muslin UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 10c YARD This is a regular 18c value. A real bar gain. 10 yards to a customer. , TURKISH TOWELS TURKISH TOWELS Black Cat BUNGALOW ;APRON$ :. 28x34 22x45 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY 98c 37C EACH 52c EACH 25c PAIR In Black and White Percale and Un- This is a regular 50c value. Regular 65c values. See these values. These are wonderful values. All sizes. bleached Muslin. $1.50 to $1.75 values. ' "' MEN'S OVERALLS Royal Worcester LADIES' SLIPPERS Georgette Union Made CORSETS in Vici Kid LADIES' BLOUSES Regular $1.23 values These are some In Pink Lace $4.98 bargain. w 7oC In Tan and Rlack, one strap. Regular $1.00 These are $1.23 and ?1.50 values. ?7.0 values. I See these wonderful values. All sizes. We Tell Only the Truth In all Our Advertisements. BIG STORE 1 MWmiM:iiaZ We Tell Only the Truth In all Our Advertisements. II I ' - . . 9 A