Till: ALLIANCE 1IEKALD. TUESDAY, MAY lf, 1022. RANDOM SHOTS We learn that Brad Minor is so innocent that ho believes a camisole i.s a young camel. Ole Buck, in hitting at u and an other 01' his editor friends declares that 11 successful business man hasn't much time to sjKjnd on the golf links. Some of these days we'll fret Ole u: on the links ana make a human Lang out of him. Making money isn't the chief aim in an editor's life, Ole. If that wor ried u mo.-1, wed go into the boot legging business. flnotlcggcrs never have lime to play jrclf, but many of their pros-jR-rous customer like the game. , Han Leggett give elaborate direc tions for putting cream into coffee. Ole Buck says that if Hunk only knew as much as he thinks he does, he would know that coifee is the best without cream. Neither of these au thorities really knows anything about the subject. The coffee should be put into the cream. We gather that while the scandal monger who mentions names is ana thema and then some, it's all right if you throw out hints as broad as a barn tioor. FIRST AID TO AMATEUR FOETS The Random Shootist is considering starting a course in jioetry for the instruction of the rank amateurs of Chadrnn. We shall start in first with the old time ballads, work up to and tniough obituary poetry and round out with blank verse, blankety-blank verse nnd vers libre. If we survive and Ieo Lloyd and Lily Begin catch the idea and show improvement, we shall in clude a few examples of other styles, such as sonnets and limericks. The first lesson is the tear-starting ballad, so popular in the early fifties This is a fair sample. We recommend that Leo try three yards of these be fore he tackles the next lesson: Put My Little Shoes Away Mother, dear, come bathe my forehead, For 1 am growing very weak; Let one drop of water, mother, Fall upon my burning cheek Tell my loving little schoolmates That 1 nevermore will play; Vdve them all my toys; but, mother, l'ut my little shoes away. Chorus I am going to leave you mother, So remember what I say, Do it, won't you please, dear mother, fut my little shoes away. Santa Claus, he gave them to me With a lot of other things, And I think he brought an angel With a pair of golden wings. Mother, I shall be an angel, By, perhaps, another day, So you will then, dearest mother, Put my little shoes away. Soon the baby will be larger, Then they'll fit his little feet Oh, he'll look so nice and cunning As he walks along the street! Now I'm getting tired, mother, Soon to all, "good-bye," I'll say, Please remember what I tell you Put my little shoes away. If Leo will kindly look the other way, we'll introduce a poetical tongue twister, translated from the original Polish, and depicting the sorrows of Danzig or is it Warsaw that's sor rowful? No dilterence. Danzig to Warsaw If Warsaw saw far more war Than Warsaw sought to see, Another town more sore war saw Than Warsaw saw that's me! For Warsaw saw the war seesaw, But Warsaw saw no sea; I saw war soar by sea anil shore, So Warsaw's sore at me! The sore war Warsaw saw seesaw Was a worse sore war for me; I saw more war than Warsaw saw, For the war wore Warsaw free! When these chilly winds blow, and spoil the golf; when the advertiser withdraws into into his lair and bolts the doors; and when we read of swim ming contests in California and other resorts, there is strong temptation to "do a Munson." However, so long as the spring in the phonograph isn't busted, we shall not be downhearted. Yesterday, for the first time in four weary months, we ate a small slice of fresh white bread, without butter. You have our word for it that angelfood cake never tasted better. Traveling man in the Alliance Hotel the morning of the big wind was sleep ing at the rate of forty miles an hour. About 5 a. m., the signboard north of the building fell, a victim to the wind. At 5:02, a hastily attired man rushed into the lobby, suitca.-e in hand. Thank heaven I got here before the ,rest of the building collapsed," he gasped. It seems that not every Burlington eniplove is entitled to be known as a Burlington candidate. Who do you reckon owns the prize Ford today? It doesn't matter whether the win ner is a business man, so long as he's an orator. The cub reporter maintains that treading the boards would be a nice business if the curtain puller would enly do his duty. But when you are suposed to sing one bar of a song before tne curtain drops, and it becomes necessary to t-ing the entire song inrougn twice oe f ere it happens, the pusuit of fame via the footlights loses its thrill. The cub reDorter once before was nlaced in an embarrassing position. In . k 1 . 1 1 i .1 another piay ne tore xua nair, poinieu at the open doorway and shouted, " I here he comes." And the cowardly villain entered bv another door. Hot dam! American Legion Note; "FACTS N()PIM()NS" Tor a year of devotion we have set aside a day of recognition. So long as man lives not by bre.nl alone, so long shall this word mother remain the strongest nnd hwcetc.t v.oid in anv language," says Hanford MacXidor, national commander of the American Legion in his Mother's day message to posts of the oipanizat on. "We of the American legion art work. ng away at the building of n castle of patriotism on the rock of sacrifice," the nips. -age continues. "We oiler and dedicate the work of our hands to the mothers of America.' Mother's day, May 14 was observed nationally by the 3,f'00 units of the American legion auxiliary made up of wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of legion men. Where organized lalor stands re garding the payment of a bonus has oten expressed by Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, in an address belore the Connecticut state federation at New Haven. President Gompers strongly favors the American legion's adjusted compensation measure, and said: "The American Federation of Iabor believes that the men who risked their lives, gave up their jobs and are now out of work should be compensated. Business would be revived and an enormous amout of money put into circulation, while the public at large would be affected financially very lit tle if congress passed a just taxation act." The York legion will celebrate the Fourth of July, and are already a' work on plans to make it the biggest celebration the city has ever had. Wrestling, and boxing matches, base ball games, great parades will be some of the attractions. The local com mercial club has donated $500 to help defray expenses. Three years ago the American leg ion instituted the idea of selling flow ers to its members and to the general public, the proceeds of the sale to be usced in caring for the graves of Am erican soldiers nnd aiding disabled ex service men. The poppy, familiar to every veteran of the A. E. F., and to the public through the beautiful poem, "In Flanders Field," was selected as the flower. Last year the legion defi nitely abandoned the poppy in favor of the daisy. This year for the first time the Americans legion's official flower, the American daisy, will be sold and used as grave decorations. The poppy was discarded because it was a foreign plant and dangerous as a weed here TIIREB and liocause certain interests have comnieiciali.ed its sale, and were t;ik- advantape 01' the patriotism of the . . .. t . i - i . ... Clonic 10 maivc mifcp pronis, The daisy, which blooms in all parts typically American, and all lunds . .11 1 .1. fl 1 ! . .nun-leu ii uie i.cgion ann us wo Kin s auxiliary will Ik? u ed directly ilir the Itlll'lm hl'llinil thr tl .In.. oration of graves loih heie j.nd over- . . ,i i . i ... cns tin intvimriai nay anu caring 101 the disabled. Nebraska legionnaires nre nlrendy lieginning to plan lor the big nation al convention at New Orleans in Oc toher. It is planned to l un lit least three special trains, one from Lincoln one lroni Omaha and one from Fall: City. Stop-overs wiil probably be ar tanged at Shdoh and Vicksburg na tional cemetery and other points oi scenic interest. Several hundred Cornhusker veler ans have already announced their in ter.tion of attending the gathering. ilue to the wonderful success of the Kansas City meeting, when a group ot world famous nun, including Marshal I'och, General Diaz and Admiral Betit- ty were the guests of the American legion: The reunion held there was the largest gathering of ex-service men since the close of the war. am this feature will be duplicated at New Orleans. An appeal to posts of the American legion in Nebraska to send donations to help decorate the graves of Ameri ran soldiers in France on Memorial day has been made by Commander William Ritchie of Omaha. Each year the legion in Paris, London und other European cities send delegates to the cemeteries to lay wreaths on . the graves. Members in the United States donate the money for this purpose. The fathers of over fifty veterans of the world war have been organized into Dad s auxiliary by the American legion post at Falls City. Former Governor Morehead is a charter mem ber of the organization. The dads will cooperate with the legion boys in putting over their Americanization program and in local activities. On Memorial day' trees will be dedicated1 to the memory of men who died in the service. Small Boys are Already Talking of Coming Circus Small boys are happv. Everywhere the gaudy posters of the clowns, the pink clad girls on the white horses, the spangled flying fig ures and the jungle tribes meet the eye. City highways and byways are splotched with color, for the show Christy Brothers' monster four-ring wild animal exposition is coming to town; will exhibit at Alliance Monday, Mav 12, The smell of the sawdust is in the spring air; hear the call of the bugle and the crack of the ring master's whip; this i3 the show that you have nil of t)u rfrrrng. Ltd for it ! I S' j 1 THE BEDSPRING LUXURIOUS DeLuxe is the most luxuriously comfortable bedspring made. It will give you a lifetime of satisfactory service and more soothing delight- iul healthful repose than you have ever known coll is thus given freedom of action and the bedspring is made flexible, so that it follows the contour of the figure and supports the whole body buoyantly in a natural and therefore healthful position. It does not sag lite a hammock or pitch to the side of heavier weight when occupied by two persons. Tranquilized and made drowsy with a sense of physi cal comfort, you drift off into sound and refreshing sleep. &Lxi m kindeu)y fniA.d in Ram GraV EmJ and wiff fit mUI tr vmJ fob (omJ bv-foot wood UJj) without any cUnou Luxurious comfort in the bedspring DeLuxe is a result of special feat ures in the construction, among which are the extra long highly tempered conical coils tied together diagonally at the top with clastic helical coils. These helical coils are securely attached to the large coils by Patented S-Hook Fasteners which insure the integrity of the entire fabric and distinguish DeLuxe from its many inferior imitations. Each t'Tcn waiting for; Chri "It! the Bedsp kino, oot the bed or mattress that makes all the difFcrenc, George D. Darling New Location, 301-303 Box Butte' Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska tv Brothers' our-rinir wild animal dmuw Ktm.il without rival. It i the only diiTerent show, liver body knows them, for they never advertise what they do not have, hence the monster water-pi of tents nre alwnys jammed with un eai;er happy crowd. Never before was such a combina tion of whirlwind spectacles, flashing colors and daring feats of ugility and strength unrolled before the enthralled Mutators. Miilarcd to five times its former sijr.o, traveling in their own sMH-ial train of double lenj'th curs, and presenting in four rings truined wild nidmiil nets in new display'., wi'h ele phants, camels, aebras, l;ons, leopards, punias, bears, monkeys, pig, ixats, dogs and ponies, performing in mixed groups, will rhow they have something new in wild U-ast exhibition. To the ch'ldren, it is the realization of their dreams, nnd a practical illus tration of many a nursery tale; t men nnd women it is nn incentive t intellectual thought nndeculation, to the man who is Ptill a boy at heart. Ihe wh te top brings bnck visions of joy ruprome. of days that tand out high above all other wonderful days. livery child visiting the nfternooik Ierformanre will be given a free pony or elephant ride; special attendants to care for the kiddies. Use Herald Want Ads for Result THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal for real estate folks because of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend able motor car every day of the year shine, rain, mud or snow. Equipped with electric self-starting and lighting system and demount able rims with 3-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all those established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and business men who drive much, but as the family car for women, the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them increases daily so we solicit immediate orders to make reasonably prompt delivery. Will you not make our shop your repair place? Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics. COURSEY & MILLER PARK ,f $imivmoMft II IU.ilff'' Qwasf with 1 ,i MX . r PKRHAPS you, too, dread wash day with its monotonous, never-seeming-to-end grind. Perhaps, you're undergoing all the tor tures that accompany the average "Blue Monday." If that be the case, we believe you aren't getting out of life what you should. Let us be your messengers of care. Let us carry away your weekly bundle and return it to you the same day with the Drudgery Taken Completely Away Our Wet Wash Department is at present helping scores of Alliance housewives to enjoy "wash day." They will tell you they never realized how easy it is to dry and iron clothes if you don't have to wash them. This is our suggestion: Call Phone 1G0 before 8:30 a. m., your next wash day. Ask our Wet Wash Department to call for your laundry. All we ask is that you give us a fair trial to lighten your housework. THE LOW COST OF WET WASH WILL SURPRISE YOU. Alliance Steam Laundry Phone 160 Alliance, Neb.