The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 12, 1922, Page SIX, Image 6

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Third Scries of
County Baseball
Held on Sunday
'Hip j";wrtpt of this week in tl.P
county lo.irue will liolp to izvl a l;iic
mi tin ciniiparativp sfrenirth of tlic
tennis, Knukr (xtek, oni of tlif loader
pl.iyini; nt Ash drove, a team ro
iously (lofivitf"! by iJcioa. tlic oilifT
top liner. Ticasant Hill hii-I l 'uii v.i u ,
two teanif tied for the ci'Har po.-itinti,
will Initio, to see which tnaintains
thi.-i. I'.i'i ea will play Mai pie, iiiul
IhhiM not ha vp any pro at op.o.-ilion,
although t lie Marplo team is not to
1)0 liphtlv taken, a is shown hv pre
virus .-cores. Tlie Kl Sox and I. awn
will i;l:o play olF it tie in standing,
both of these. te:im.s havinp lost one
iinl won one. All of the pumps will
l p hard fouHit, as the ceilar teams are
trjinp hard to rise, while the head
lint rs will naturally not have the same
iew. .Should both Heiea and Snake
Creek win, the pame between these
two on May 21, will be watche I with
interest, as it will thviilt the tuest!nn
i( leadership. These teams me by
no means certain of winninp however,
as there are a number of teams that
have dcsiirns on the championship cup
which do not include a victory for
either of the leaders.
Journal Predicts
Close Competition in
State Track Meet
The Stntc Journal in an article con
cerning prospect for the state track
rieet, i entioniny Alliance as one of
the leailinp contenders. The Journal
With twenty-five hiph school track
teams havinp entered the first part of
the week, prospects of an entry-list of
forty teams ami a new record in num
ber of schools and participants in the
interseholustic truck and field cham
pionship meet at the University of Ne
braska on Saturday, are seen by Henry
F. Schulte, head track coach at the
Cornhusker institution.
Schools that had entered the fore-
iart of the week included Alliance,
Iroken llow, Harvard, Cambridpe,
Clay Center, Friend, Beatrice, Omaha
central, Omaha commeice, Tecumseh,
Hastings, Havelock, Crete, Waverly,
l)eVVitt, Comstock, Callaway, Colum
bus, Tobias, Willier, Dodge, Gothen
burg, Cook, Osceola and Aurora.
As a large number of these teams
nlready have proven themselves the
class of their respective districts, a
few of them setting records in dual
and county meets, plenty of thrills and
frome display of exceptional form
frhould be an order for the day pro
viding it is a favorable one.
Alliance, champions of the western
Nebraska schools, emerged from last
week's meet with a total of fifty
points, closely followed by Morrill with
a total of 4a '4 points.
From a field of seven teams, Has
tings high won the Hastings college
invitation meet, although Rhodes of
Ans'oy, individual hero at the Broken
ISow meet, also carried oil personal
honors at Hastings. Ansley won the
Custer county meet and is exected to
register with the state meet officials
us an entry.
Omaha Central won the city cham
pionship over Commeice, South and
Jienson in a iiuadrangular moot, and
will have a strong team in the tour
nament. Broken Bow won the Kenr
lu'y normal district imvt; Tecumseh
the southeastern Nebraska meet, and
Cal'awiy the Seven Valleys meet.
The Filmore county championship
ir-ts with tJencva after a compara
tively ra.-y rkirinish with !e-or lights
inm cpmnu'nity centers. York hiph
-v. i n tl'e comity meet in its own county,
v.iih l'Vii. U r nl i) wii-ning individual
honors. Five teams were entered.
Alliance Placed
in Group Two at
the Stale Meet
The classification of teams entered
In ih ' t w nt h annual Neora.-ku in
te:vcl'ola-' ic track i.tid fi"H champion
iips, si 'irculcd for next Saturday on
1 1 slide university athletic field in
L.neoln, were anrioiincecl. Additional
entries received pn hid the total nuin-ii.-ii
(i, .-ciiools e iu e rod to th'i Vy-six. A
few uddilio'iul entrants are expected
Following are the team cla-.-ificu-
iiroiip three Lincoln, Beatrice, Ora
aha Central, Oi i.ih:i Commerce, Has
tings, (irand Island. Columbus, Fie
monl, North I'latto, NuixTior and
University l'
Croup Two Aurora, Alliance, Ahs-
ley, Hroken How, Camlirulve, Clay
Center, Crete, Friend, tJolhenburp,
Havelock, Harvard, McCoolc, Morrill,
.Neiiiiiskn C ity, Osceola, I'lattsmouth,
lecumseh, Wunoo and VVilher.
Croup One Waverly, DeWitt, Cal
loway, Comstock, Mead and Dodge.
Clussification of track teams in the
state meet is a matter of enrollment.
Group one comprises all schools that
have an enrollment for this year of
under 100. Schools with an enroll
ment between 100 and 2." comprise
group two. schools which have
more than 275 enrollment are placed
in pioup three.
More than three hundred athletes
will compete in the track carnival.
Coach Henry F. Schulte announced
Wednesday that probably 3-"0 track
athletes from Nebraska hiph schools
would be in Lincoln Saturday for the
big meet. ,
Roster of Officials.
The following officials have been
announced for the meet:
Committee in charge Superintend
O. . Wirsip. Kearney; V. G.
Brooks, Nebraska City; W. J. Braham,
Director of meet Coach Henry r.
Assistant director H. D. Gish.
Referee Guy Reed.
Starter Far! Johnson.
Clerks of course "Bill" Day, Eu
gene Kbersole.
Judges of finish Bvron McMahon,
J. Moyd MoMasters, Floyd Wright,
Ed Smith, Dave Deering.
Timers George Dayton, R. G.
Clapp, Otto Zumwinkle, Harry Kretz
ler. Judges of weights: Group one
Clarence Moulton, Mud Gardner, I.
K. Lukens, Group two Cecil Hart
mun, "Chick" Hartley, A. Schoeppel.
Croup three R. F. Weller, Orris
Hatch, W. D. I ear.
Judges of jumps: Group one
Dave Noble, John, Fuhrer, Ted Smith.
Group two Hob Turner, W. Fullaway,
Hugh Carson. Group three Don
Brown, W. Riddlesberger, E. Allen.
Cith.enbiirg had 1 tile ililtieulty mi'iu
tV.wr ti e Dawson county meet, pil
iiig up T'l points.
Viibor, j.ti up two li.tnipion ; in the
121 i. do nice'., will enter Sa'.unl i.v.
The indications are that the people
intid State, an iiliout to lu.-e
another jjreat strike. New York Ti.b
A. Moore announces a dance for
Saturday night at the Ellsworth dance
ball. Good music has leen arranged
for, and a good time predicted
Gene Kennedy, Clinton Fields anil
others attended the Binpham dance las
Saturday nijrht, Clinton Fields remain
ing in Bingham for a few days to
visit friends.
A mooting of the Bingham Com
munity club was hold Saturday even
ing and work on the Potash highway
was thoroughly discussed. The State
Engineer promises to have a survey
ing giinp in this vicinity within .hire
days for l iving out. the proposed road
for the "missing link between Cake
side i'nd Bmg'iam. Aocordinp to pres
ent information the road will be laid
out idong "the l;nes of the hast r
si.-'.anco"' or in other words fo'lowing
the alloys ugard!es of the railioa
track route as were the first plan
l: ..nchmi n, of cour e, ib!ect to the
nt pi:. n as thi-; woulM in many
iu.-tancis cut liiiichcs in several parts
li.u.-iti;' eicat inconvenience as well a-
e-.pen.-e for c.-.tra foncing. A imiiol
lil'oit v ;M lie i.tade In have the lo:
Mrs. J. I,. Younir, who lor some time!
has dot n visit np lelativos und fr er.ih
ii. Cr-iw.ord, N b., and Ardmore, S.
D., nturned to her home Tue d .y.
.Mii.iV froiii this community attend
ed the Alliance Auto Show wid specia.
sales la t week.
Mrs. Anna Lcnnett and friends mo
tored to Alliance the Middle of the
week. Due to strong wind.; of the past
few days tne san I h II loads nie now
getting in deplorable condition agiin.
J he "Coal Shed Bass," ju.-t w est ol
Ellsworth has been put in condition
lately, many loads of hay and manure
U inv hauled for this spot, thus mak
ing the roads we-t in fair f-hapo. The
load east to B'npham, south side was
worked on for some time bv Road
Overseer T. B. Shrcw.-borry and crew,
and was also in jood condition until j
the pa.-t week the strong winds have:
cut out the hay und filled the im:h
with ii fine sand in many place- a foot
deep. A pood foakinp lain, however,
will o'f.-et this und the we.ither looks,
promising nt this writing as heavy
li-'ins aie reported all aiound us ai;d :
ifverai iipnt siiowers n:ive taiion nere.
J. H. and I.iillion L'onohoe uttendod
Ma.-onic lodge fit Hyann's Wednesday
vening ieturn:ng on 43 Ihursdav.
The final degree of the Blue lodge was
cf nferod upon them at this moetinp.
All Masons in this vicinity will attend
a business at Lakeside Satur
day evening together with the Binp
ham fraternity.
J. L. Young returned from Omr.ha
Sunday by the overland route. A se
cond hand car brought back on this
trip also a new Nash four was driven
back by Harvey Whaley of lakeside
who has the agency for the car.
Fred C. Merritt of Chadron, who is
u oiodior oi Wilber and Hairy Mer-
ltt, was killed in an auto uccident
near Chadron Monday morning. The
full particulars of the accident were
not learned. Wilbur and Harry Mer
ritt left for Chadron Monday on 43.
Sympathy of the entire community
is extended to them in their hour of
T. V. Gorman of Lakeside has been
assisting for a few days in the Ells
worth Supplv company store during
the absence of Wilber Merritt.
A. H. Anus who has been living at
h.iil i ui .'.long the ra In. -id ti
iililv a'on'.r n the r.orth . ido, hut
cour-e, if t' carrot b1 ('one we will
eraciouslv accept tne other route, any
thing for a passable highway.
Farmers' Picnic and
Basket Dinner
Thursday, May 18th
Dietehler's ranch is 6 miles west and 5 miles south of
Memingford; and 2 miles north and 10 miles west of Uerea.
for soft drinks, cigars, candy, lunch stands, ice cream,
doll racks, shooting gallery and bowery dance.. For
particulars address H. C. HANSEN, liox 181, Hem
ingford, Neb.
the "Circle "' ranch, four miles west!
r 1 -ii i . . i , I
oi iicie, win leave soon ior nis
stoad near W hitman. W. F. Setbohm,
who has the ranch leased, plans soon
to take charge. We regret 10 lo-e Mr.
and Mrs. Arms, as well as their new
daughter from our toniirmnity, but we them success in their new under
iiking. The Kllsworth baseball club has been
tteadily at work the past lew weeks
whenever the weather permitted, ami
tl: opening game of the season will
bo plaed on the home grounds Sunday
May 11, at 2:.'J.0 p. m., with the Bing
ham aggregation. It is reported that
liinghum is affiliated with ihe former
fa.-t "Sand Hill Cubs" and Sunday's
game promises to be a fast one. Ells
worth has several new men lor
strengthening up last years bunch,
v hich wo all know was not so slow
having a record of 11 games won n;id
7 lo-t. Thus we plan on again
c ur share of the bacon. Several chi.n
res have boon made in the 1'ne-up so
don't l:nl to see the game Sunday. An
felmis.-ion of oc will be charted for
all games this season, -children under
twelve years, admitted free. A return
name will be played Ilingham Sunday,
May 21 and either Whitman ir Anti
och will play here May 2. A game
with Antioch was planned for this
Sunday, but owing to a late reply from
antioch, a game was matched w;tr
r.ingharn. Batteries for Sunday, Ells
worth: House and Seebolm; Bingham
1 urton and White. Any fa.-t teams
in the country wanting games confer
with Manager John Schonard or Secre
tary Walter Wightman.
"Va-as," drawled the old-time resi
dent of Shoal Flats, Miss., to a travel
ing salesman. "1 reckon most of our
people are pretty contented and op
timistic like. Now, there's JefT Boggs.
A year ago Jeffs legs was lun over
by a steam roller and when they was
takin' him to the ho. pital he yawns
and says: 'Oh, well,' he says, 'I guess
my pants needed pressin' pretty bad
anyhow.' "
Herald Want Ads are read.
., .C. C'J: A' 'v
M&SNL AmaiemtBl
Th ChlMrtii'i Flrylnd
A CompW r.tolcl Nm Fall
Acres of New Waterproof
Tent, Brilliantly Lighted
bjr Three Complete Elec
tric Lighting Syitcmi.
25 CLCgKS 25
l251rGnic Stars 125
ojntROiMi buck nMhn
ZU mM lions
HlblitD'S fAMOl'S CUDMfJ
Hiei?Compl!ll PidtrniKit
ThbVondsr Sbow oftT.e World
tiirt tit
or $375,or $250,or $175,or $100 or one of the many other prizes
JJAVE you entered the Nash word-huilding contest yet?
It's loads of fun and you have as good a chance as anybody to win
one of the big cash prizes amounting to 1,855.00 in all.
Costs nothing to try. Just see how many
words you can make from the letters in the
three words:
Nash's Delicious Coffee
for instance: ah, nice, delicious, clean, coffee, etc.
Send in your list today. If it is the largest and conforms
with the rules below, you will he awarded first prize. If it
is second largest, you will get second prize, etc.
If you send one complete label from a can of Nash's
Delicious Coffee with your list, and you win first place in
the contest, you will get a first prize of $100 instead of $20.
If you send in three complete Nash Coffee labels with
your list and win first place, you will get a prize of S500.00
instead of $100.00 or $20.00. See schedule of prizes below.
You do not have to buy anything to enter this contest and
compete for a prize but we're sure you'll be delighted if
you get acquainted with
It's the last word in coffee Llcndinj; a perfected blend of selected mountain plantation
coffees, based on exhaustive studies and research.
It is so I .It mled and roasted that it nnilraizrs hard
r alkaline water and makes a delirious, smooth,
Kti.f)in anil refreshing cii of coffee, whether
brewed in hard or s-oft water. Il'.s a coffee you'll
be proud to serve it makes friends your coffee
taste will tell you.
Ahvaysthc samr vr ry t an of the same hih M;mJ mI.
Air-i L'unrd no h ilT, no bitten;cs makes a crystal-clear
cup of cotTir. Sliit'il same day as roasted "hot roasted"
c i isj.y f nliiie-s, protected by moisture-proof hermetically
tealed "Napacans." '
Sold by grocers in one- and three-pound containers.
LlSt OI 1 riZCSJ hkcm: i-uikks as follow si
ll Prise
2nd I'rise
3rd I'rtse
4th I'riae
rin lrlit
Oth I'rlir
7th ITIsr
Sth 1'rlme
t h I'rlir
10th to 13th rrlses
IfNoI.aheL If 1 Label IfI.abeU
Are Sent lu la Kent In Are Kent In
, ... 2IMMI 75.(K aT.VIMI
, ... A.IMI r.lMK).... .. S.VI.IMI
, ... ft.tMl 4U.IMI 17!l.l)0
, ... B.M... ... 3MM 12.V.tMI
, ... 2.!M.?. ... JtS.tMl ItMMHI
, ... 24MMI HO.IMI
, ... 'iJM 1&.IMI MMM
Z.IMI 9.(M 44I.IMI
a.K IO.OO 2.1.00
1. Thii ronfr-t la o''" " ry man. v oman, l"y (r in Am'rirn, rm.l.iMs nt Ti.-' I..-h C.i.!to Ci. uml tht-tr rt-iaiivra. 'lhiie
i no iMrunce fie of ni.y ki.i.l.
2. To i-rih' fi'e rMa "f V;n i'"ir n hich you write y..ur Vrit
nir lii-t f vurl- in uli.ti:ilj'ti. Kl orid-r ami numlirr th-m. W r i t our
Viill niivi' una 'l lr.-M in it-.u uj ir rit:ht hand corner vt v.ich t in-i t.
8. I.i nn one woH. tU n- t u-" any li'tlr efvent-r than it ai-reura in t!i
i. The jml r.-s viu"t nly Enf lUh worHs found in WV1.-3 tor'u JCv-'W
tut. ri...ti'iiml lJuti.iii-.ry.
6. Ciliflcto, c rrj mill rr l.yphenr.U-J rvnr.lj may V" lnrlul"d in yoar
ii:t if t'i. iii.d in ti..; liiMi'-tmry inintiumd love. Kit In r tne siitKuiar ve
jiluial of u wold may le UjimI. tut nut both of tinm.
C. Thf e: mo BiiollinK if R vnnl will be counUil only once, even though
it may hau diirnr.t nK.1r.11ti.
I. Two or rmirp people may co-operate In this contest, liut only one priie
will be Kwar.l.-.J to nny su.'h vmup, mid omy one priie will be awarded
to uny one huuxthold or fitmily.
8. If you tnd Inlx-Is with your list, earh label munt b romplete.aa
vrniip.d around the face of each can vt "Nash" Delicious Cotfce."
P. All ILiU will receive vqur.l consideration, whether label are gent or
10. The prl"" will le awarded for the larjrest list of word that qualify.
The irin lending in the laret correct or the nearest correct lufc
will in the first prize. The one sending the next beat lint will receiva
second pnie, etc. No oUier consideration, uch an neatr.ena or arrange
ment will have any bearinit in awardinv prisea. However, by writing
ai plain as possible, or by typewriting your list if possible, you will
assist the Judges in coununu every word that qualifies.
II. In case of a tie. the full amount cf the prir will be awarded to each
contestant tied.
14. The priiea will be awarded by a committee of Impartial judges.
13. All list most be mailed by post office closinf time, Friday, June 8.
1. The prim winner will be announced two weelu after the doe of
-r h "T I Send in Your LUt at once qualify for the big
JLJO JLt ilOW cash prizes by enclosing the labels with your list.
Address, Contest Manager, NASH COFFEE CO.
1330 Quincy Sl, N. E-, Minneapolis, Minn.
"5 ''aUspfeiO
Nash's Delicious Coffee can be purchased at any of the following Alliance dealers