T11K AT.UANTE TIEUAI.D. KK1DAY. MAY 1 U-J2. FIVE 1 tie jurrviMii for t!io Al- li.-nro Cr." u .' ... vo'tvs ha teon comylfti'tl. Twelve mrines will be lul.l, bojrlnninp June 1 m thi.- ytw, - .,!!-:.;. ! ''-l.owitiur i. tlio srhe.iulo fur the vailou.- num'.hlv iiH't'tinirs: June 1, 1322 lfot-s :, Mis. V. C. Wt.uiil:;. I. ralrr, "Th n tmd Xuw in Ail.iii.ii,' Mrs. Julia kliur.-t. ' F.u-ts ami Figures in Alliance Civ Govern ment. ' .m. J. A. K. y;-jn, July C H.j-;e..-, Mif. s. J. r.'ev. Lratler, "Non-Pa, tU;n Hu Iv 0; C.ui d.datos" Mrs. J. J. Vance." Auu.-t :!Hoiss, Mrs. T. M. I he'i-s. Leader, "I nllorr.i Laws ,n ccinn.K V.oiacn," Mi.-, ii. .M. Han.n ton. Soptcni1.rT 7 Hours'-, Mr.?. W. v, Crtts. l.eud.r, "Child Yci,a:e,M Mrs. II. K. r.eans. Oc'.t.N-i- Hostos?. Mrs. rr V. Carpenter. I.?a.drr, "iils ".iaje-'y l!.e Law, as i:eiiesente.l Iv On ucis we Licet," Mi. S. J. lipid. Noveml er 2 Ho tes.-, Mrs. V. P. Your.jr. Loader, "My Spodal l'.e::-on for Ihanksjnvinjr," Mrs. Ho-i-Dro.vn. December 7 Ho-U.s Mrs. Julia Darkhuist. Lead' r, "Amorita-.ii.:a-tion," Mrs. C. 11. Weic. January 4, 1023 Hostess, Mr;. J. J. Vance. Leader, "Chil l Labor,1 Miss Lizzie Coker. Febiuary 1 Hostess, Mrs. William Bifmell. Leader, "The Christian Horn? the Bulwark of Civilization," Mrs. V. K. Cutts. Maich 1 Hostess, Mrs. J. A. Kre pan. leader, "Social Mortality," Mis. G. M. Fernald. April 5 Hostess, Miss Lizz:e CoW. Leader, "The Debt We Owe to Car Teachers, Mrs. F. E. Sanders. Mat 3 Hostess, Mrs. F. E. Sanders. Leader, "Women in Industry," Ma J. G. Beck. ! Ihc Alliance bind will r-.ive a bend c. lueit at thf c ty park, Sunday, May 14 at :i p. i i. luirimc national ntu-'c v,. t.';c. .'lay 11-21, a number of public concert. will be y'wrn trom 7 to 7:u' p. m. There will u idi.ubt.ily lie rant li enj iycd a; AM:; r.ce has had rrv i,t- . tie in tbe nu- :-.-d line of late. J. P. ! M inn, (lircitor, plans to hae a b;iiil for u-e timing t!:e special cclubia- ! lions tlui inir tae sumnn r. CIRJB.O-IES i i ; Mrs. A. V. Gavin 'eft t. tlay for Lin , coh, whose she will visit" her son, j IF;.roM, who is att' iidinir the stat-' i:r.i-jwr-ity. She will bo prest nt or ..leuier.s tlay at a Fpee'al oritt'itam. ii'ent. by ler mn' fraternity, Foki I'psiloi, to which ti e motht rs of all ti e 1 o; s who i.rc hici..Iki . are ia- itcd. i.i TiiiiitAN ( m i: n. Sunday arieinoon .services in J'inn-H-!i iii 2::,t) oco-k. Si ntlay m.1..oI Lit: I' li i" f-PrV.W. F. II;0I.C.1.MLI:LLI:P, Pa tor. ciiiMsmNs( ir.Nt E First Church of Christ, Scientist, 31l'a Po IJutte avenue. Sunday mt viccs, il a. in., sulij.x t, "M i tals and linnio: lab." Sunnay school. 0:4" a. m. Mvir.e ;day ci'i!in: srrvn-es at l.e.idnu Koni, :i 1 0 1 a Po Bulie avc: mif, o,nn ecry ct!nc.-tiay lioui 2 to 4 p. in. U l K'vaid (his ;,s n,r no. ,-,. I 'M u,t t.tsk. and r rl'.'oiis shoal 1 l, N-ai-; ! in tail, W L.iulicvt tU-.-,.' Aii:i,njf il.c con-'r.r events hit the' f"' "nw! -ix: May Pirtl day s,- .d, a1 - . inn- is pi..!,;, e I. June 11, I l,i M. c. SM'.Til, Pa to,. On I'll . the tn -ie S,m I iv It e "ii: Ih' in pi a er The first of !.-. K'ntc.l.f; r,,l in. hu- canl p;.i ties, which are bein:r ie-' ncwo.i r.tter lent, was ptven lhar-thiv eve iin.tr at the K. C. hall. About' tweniy (oui'es wt;re present, Civile Watteyne won the men's prize, and Pose Kite the ladies' prize. The par'v 'was an entire success anil ther-e will bo continued for jome time. ScottsMuff News: Mrs. Georpe P. Read oi Ida Grove. Ia., is expected to arrive in Scott bluff this week to be with her husband. Gcorvre II. Head, of the firm of Lirrrett & Head of this city. Mr. end Mrs. Pead have recently lived at Fairbury. Neb., and at one time lived at Alliance. There will be a joint social meeting of the American Leirion, and the Legion Women's auxiliary, Monday evening at the city library. This will be a "jret together" meetinp. Pefre.-h-ments will be served and other amuse ments w ill be provided for the evening. MLTHOPIST I Hl'P.t II. Nest Sunday every nv..ii, woman ami chibl should attend Mir.ie church in honor of Mo'ber. Not all people Ke tho Lord, but all love l heir mothers. At our i loininsr service the pastor will sie-;k on the subject, "Mother." Let people wear, if possible, a carnation in her honor, colored is ,-he is livinjr, !nd white if she is death If you cannot s'-cure a carnaton, mme other flower or een a ribbon is .omet:mes v.-oi n. In the evening at X o'clock, a f'ne set of steyeepticon pictures cn "ILmie Sweet Home" will be p-iven, together wiih n story by the minister. This wijl be a uniiiie service, a di, p'ay of the most beautiful works of ait vou hae seen and on a nibject so close to the hcurt of every man, woman rnd child. The Kpworth League will meet at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. The Sunday school board .neeiinrr Wednesday nisrht was n most inthu-j siastie meptinjr. Plans were ma le for b'irirer thinirs ami some more ecuip-J ment as well. Anion? the plans was a regular schedule for teachers meet-. ISAPHVr lll'Kcil. f t!:.- most tt:ue!i'n,r ,'!1'-' ' ,v''' l-Id in the c!iu: t Ii wa- o -i- of tl is w:-rk. 'I I . . . ,,.,.. inis-td a liie.--imr. Nest nr Mother's ,!,,v we wdl oh. is .-'ceurditU'lv. nnil tbe i i... . i ne w.tli tho le-t oi" ( lm si,i,es of .v.it-.w and irati-. 'iK i lour ime- sermon will be on the top e I "Mother, the Soul of the Home." in the ei nine tbe .M inion will be in il e i.-iure ot a l.uliv.y of nio;hei that was. and the mother that is. The tep;c be'nv', "Tho Pe.-t Mother in .!i i i ld." I he rvrnimr set ice wi'I br in tl-.e nature of a memorial, and tho-e v Ie, arc able are a-ked to bring a dol h.r to deport in the memory of the line her who has i;one ln'toro,' and ,'l,e who will soon po. This ; ptv-i',1 o'lVr uie; will beirin the huildinif fund of ,he Baptist church, to b" koown as, Tl'.e Mo, Lei's Building Fund for a new M'o'i-t church building." the same w'l! be deposited for that pui) o. e onlv. If you c:.n at'.'ord it, t.f cour-e, more than ii dol'ar will he welcomed and rppteriatetl. Let us vet up early and reach ovr tetonl attenihince tit Bible school Sunday. Welcome to the friendlv cliui-eb, wi;h pocial orchestra and choir music. . B. J. MINOKT, Pastor. ! No; t I.e-d's tlay i: otni:'g the st r-1 vices will be in honor of mot In r. 'I he st itiinii j,nd the music will h in b.n -l i........ ..:i. i. . . i . . .., .i .... I m i ..-in in r ,-ioji'ti. .i, einer. ntr. ! Slielic nbi'i'ivr will s.ng. 'I lie ubjv-t fer the c fiimr is, " 1 iie Kejivtioii ell Chri-t." 'I be male tUarti t:e w ill ii-n-! tier a spec .il nunil'cr at this m i x ice. If Jim ere r.ot in-oiled in i ny P.ib'r Mheo! e, i,;e nest Sund iy lv.orninc. Seott biuir i: ;-pt to m;, ke a big g;. n on us nest Sunday. Alliance c.mnol penmt the Su'rar Beet city to out hier u : in this co,-it-.-,t. lie Mire to be in side the tic or before II) rt'eio -k. liave a stu fed les on and stay for the morn ing war. hip. I his will on nt. to point... LveibtMy vmk and we will win. The young people k prayer meeting rt 7 o'clock will wclro.-nc yvi. Tho Senior So-iety is le.-.dirg '"On tho Poek." This book is interesting find tbe fir.-t ten minutes is pivrn a chap icr. Come to the church with a me sago and a web-omf. SliiPHKN J. LPl.IiU, Mini-ier Tin: im:st"p(Ilic y Lawyer "Now lie ierfectly frar.k with me. Are you innocent or pud t '" Client"! am guilty.'' Lawyer "Ah, an honest man! I shall be able io actpiit you." Herald Tani Ails Ueauits. ( Ht Kt II OF CHRIST The increase in attendance nt idl services and the number of additions is pleasing to us. There is room for more and a still greater work can be tlone. Remember the uledire that was made to do more visiting ami personal ! work. A Sacred concert will be given by the Baptist cho r at the Baptist church Wednesday evening. Admission free, j A free-will offering will bo received, the same to po to the choir fund. A j goon cienn program oi emenainmcni Mrs. John P. Mann ami Mrs. C .H. Fuller entertained Tuesdav in honor of M iss Alta oung, w ho will be married May 23, to Mr. Arthur LeKoy Stock man of Lincoln. This was a miscel laneous shower, Miss Young receiving! many presents. The color scheme was 0f the highest character lavender and white which was carried out in the lunch which was served. A Mrs. C. L. Reynolds won the dress numlier of cards were pav:d out to at the Fashion Shop for making the each guest, and on each of these each largest purchase between the hours of put a list of five "do's" and five "don t" io ami 11 Wednesday morning. Mrs. for the bride. The life story of the Reynolds received a ?25 diess, this guest of honor was also told, each being of her own choice. guest telling part of the tale. Thei puests were the Mesdames W. R. Pate Mrs. W. B. Bamett and Mrs. Colveri Louis Powell, A. T. Lunn, A. C. Young, her sister, who has been visiting her W. B. Young, T. A. Cross, Vermillion, for the last two weeks, left totlay for H. W. Carpenter, L. Moson, E. G. Denver, where thev will spend a few Laing, B. J. Minort, J. M. Simpson, J. (iavs. They will return some time next T. Harhurst, H. R. Beans, J. J. Vunce, vvpek. L W. Bowman. J. S. Corp, W. C.j Mounts, Earl Meyer, I. E. Tash, Joe Do vou remember "The Toy Shop?" Witowack, S. B. Mitchell, J. S. Rhein Come'to the Imperial theatre nd te .and the Misses Ethel Fuller and Alta the same group of kiddies, just as Young. I dainty, just as attractive in their Way ti ,. , , n ! Festival of dance and song. Miss Ida Clark, Miss Madge Gra-, - ham ami Miss vera Spencer, enter-1 The members of the Daughters ofi InlHA.I Tt.np.ln,' vA.l r ut t Vl A V. MY. a tT . ? T. 1 1 1 , ' Kin id lUCTiw.i c.t.iiiiK .......v lnc American iievoiunon nan a urean- the latter, in honor of Miss Thelma fa;;t this morning at the Country club Westley, who will be married soon io in honor of Mrs. Lou Spencer, dis Mr. Howard Lotspeich. This party trict officer. was in the nature of a kitchen-ware shower. A book was prepared for the I m,.s. H. F. Thielp j.nd Mrs. R. V. britle, telling of all her past lite rn.l Cox will entertain Saturday at a 1:"0 her future experiences. The party was iuncheon, at the home of the former.: for Central school teachers, where Miss t About forty guests will be present. : Westley is employed, and the i upcrvis- j ors in the different departments. The . County Attorney Lee Basve ret uracil color scheme was pink ami white, Thursday morning from Omaha anil sweet peas being ued for decoration. Lincoln, where he has been for the The pue.ts were the Misses Wilson, .)ast ten ,avs on gal business. , Jeanette ami Margaret McCennell, ' 1 Wilcox, NV ion, Abbott, Dougherty, Vhen Polly was Queen of May," is REMEM BER Sunday is Mother's Day HONOR YOUR MOTHER BY COMING TO BIIJLi: SCHOOL The Christian I.ible school can still stay ahead of Scotts blur in the contest if 300 are present on time (10:00) with a studied lesson and stay for church. FREMONT J. WILSON, Superintendent. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. Burwell. Crocker, Woiley, Dav Johnston and Gist and Mesdames Kase and Dunning. the little operatta to be staged by Mrs. Dunning's expression pupils ut the Imperial, Friday, May lt. W. D. Fisher, former secretary of! ju,p-e a. Berrv spent Wednesday the Alliance chamber of commerce m Briilgeport ami Gering, on legal and now located at Sheridan, Wyo., as busienss. He returned to Alliance secretary of the "C-B Hi way," the Wednesday night. "Historical Hiway to the West, to the . i Black Hills, Y'ellowstone and Glacier r T w n ir)n. t?. National parks" has forwarded 1 . i blue tJ liihe LLhnt ja -hi,e te to points along its route, to the Alliance chamber. Mr. Fisher is devoting all, j H Me,vie o( the Meiviiie Lum of his time ste .this hi j way, his office' c is in Alliance and will assistant at Sheridan being Miss Mane hVre for the rest of the week. Carev, former Alliance young lady.. The booklet can be seen at the cham- . ' ber of commerce office by anyone in-I Mrs Kitchen, who is employe, in terested or copies can be secured from Judge Berry s law office nrturned Mon Mr. Fisher at Sheridan in retura for day from Bndgsport and Oshkosh. thirty-five cents in sUmps. Lincoln Star: County Attorney Lee The annual high school alumni Basye of Box 'Butte county was a vis banquet, will be held Thursday, May itor at the capital Wednesday. IK. at the Alliance hotel Palm Room. This banquet includes both the alum- Chapter A H, P. E. O. will be en ni and the Senior class. The hall I tertained Monday afternoon by Mrs. will be decorated In lavender and William Bevington. cream, the Senior colors, and lilacs the ' ' Senior's flower. Rev. Stephen J. Epler Mrs. J. S. Rhein entertained a few will give a short address, and there friends Thursday afternoon at the will be the usual toasts. A large Country club, Tmmlxr is eDected at this banquet, and preparations are being made to care for them. J. C. McCorkle of the Nebraska Land company, left Alliance Wetine . ji ff t: : Frank Gaddis, a former resident f f Alliance is visiting here for a few days. Ray Rominger of Thiele's store is day morning for Madison, Neb., going ill and unable to be at work. . .. . . . i . i u: Ua.-.j. Via trie I otasn nignway in in rwu; 1 coupe. Mr. McCorkle is keeping a j E. Essay will pay a good price careful check of the condition of the f f . h h trade, hitrhwav between Alliance and An- .. . j rri riV... 'aL w thut. the chamber of this summer 20c per dozen. This commerce mav lie given a definite re- pi ice can't be beat. 47-48 vt os to the condition oi tne roau and the work Ieing tlone on it. His report will be awaited w ith interest. LT-TO-THK-MIM'TE "Are your r.ew neighbors modern ? "Modern? Say, they sent in last Oortre Nation returned from Lin-i coin Tuesday, where he spent two nitrht to borrow our radio set!" Buf tjavSt lalo t-xpress MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllltinMIIIIIMllMlltlMtllllltlMlltllMIIMIIIllMttltlilltf1tllltllMllllllttlllMlllltllIIIMtlt E IRIALTOI QllllMtltlllllllltttMMItllllltlHllllltllilllttllll1lttHlltllllOllllltlllllllMtlt(lllltltMllllltllltlltlllltlllllltllllltlltMIr 4 THE LEST IN PHOTOPLAYS' TONIGHT "HILLS OF MISSING MEN" SUSPENSE THAT HOLDS YOU. ALSO "Hurricane Hutch" A 13 CHAPTER 1'I.AY OF REAL ROMANCE SATURDAY, MAY 13 PAULINE FREDERICK in "Two Kinds of Women" HER LATEST AND BEST SINCE "MADAM X" NOTE A Special Hurricane Matinee for the children today only 5c, Adults 25c. We will repeat the first chapter of "Hurricane Hutch" at the Matinee only. SUNDAY and MONDAY Zane Grey's Popular Story "The Man of the Forest" THIS STORY IS AMONG HIS IJEST TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "FASCINATION" Two Day Daimond Bargains (1) A selection of diamond rinprs which rci, nt from $2.".00 to ?3.".00. Your selection of these for SI 6.75 CASH (2) A selection of diamond rinp;s from our quality stock that sell for ?.")i).00 to ?G0.00. Your selection for S 36.7 5 CASH Those diamonds are snappy White and blue white stones, not chips. Our guarantee roes with them. Sale Saturday & Monday May 13 and 15 THI ELKS mm v a m . j' -c- in mop Gossip ! Hear that famous homily on slander from "Barbicre di Siviglia" La Calunnia (Slan der's Whisper) sung with masculine strength and dramatic power which nevertheless do not lose the comic spirit of the opera, by CHALIAPIN Victor lUd Sul Record 864l l" lYou expect the unexpected of i MME. ALDA even though it is usually a love song. This one is a light waltz song Cari&slma sung with a fine sense of time and rhythm, ending joyously in a beautiful high note. . Victor tUd Uti lUcord 660)6 '. FRITZ KREISLER ' plays a dignified yet graceful Brahms waltz, sturdily melodious, played almost throughout in double-stops and with splendid reserve. . Victor JU4 Sul Racwd 66041 Make a note to hear these r New May Victor Records Drop Jn anytime. . We're glad to see you? Thiele's Notice-Shoe Repairie ,f . U. ? ,want Ileal Workmanship and the best of Material, bring your Shoes to us. B & B ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP