The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 09, 1922, Page SIX, Image 6

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Price, the Omaha Central negro, night
account for a new record in this. On'y
one record was pma-Jied last ear, this
lieintr the pn'e vault, Rhodes of Ans
ley went over the bar at 1 feet h
inches. A slow track probably fore
stalled other effort, and thit i.iay
ugaln be the case.
et wash calls received before
;:.;0 will be returned by 2 p. m.
0 lb, for $1. Alliance Steam
Laundry. 38-tf
It will be to your advantage to
Can you drive mules without
see me when you need a farm swearing
"Clarence can. 47
loan. E. C. Marker, fcirst ra
tional Dank Iildjr. 42tf
Herald War-t Ads are read.
Snake Creek and
Iierea Lead in the
County Ball League
Hcrra swnmped I'loasant Hill 2H to
0 in the swonil Kame of the wason, ut
I'loasiint Hill. Snake Crwk took a
hanl fought anie from the Koil Sox,
8 to 9, in tlie closest county league
paine. This was on the Kod'Snx dia
mond. Lawn took a tough game from
Fuirvirw, VJ to 1.1, after Fairview had
cros.ol the late nine times in the
first inning. Ash (Jrove took the lung
fnil of tlie score from Marble, 10-;").
Good crowds attended ull of the
Vanics, there heing two hundiTd at tlie
lleira-l'lea.-ant Hill battle. A. Mundt,
iiU'hov for the Herea team lot I'leas
tint Hill down with hut two hits, both
of wlrrh were made by H. Abrani.
With the score tied at thite all at the
end of the sixth inning, Ash (trove
liin in seven iu:s anil maintained this
lead to the end of tlie game, ea. ily de
feating Marple.
These games leave Snake Creek and
Herea tied for first wilh two wins anil
no losses. These teams meet May 21,
and if neither is defeated before this
time, this game will l watched with
interest. , Snake ('reck meets Ash
Grove, n loam previously -defeated by
Keren, but which lias since defeated
Marble, on Sunday, May 14. This will
help to pet a line on the respective
utrength of the two teams.
The standing of the teams is
Team W
Korea ' 2
Snake Creek 2
Ash Grove 1
I .awn 1
Marple 1
Ked Sox 1
Fairview 0
l'leasant Hill ' 0
Joe Kase Appears
as Likely Candidate
for Olympic Honors
Joe Knse, formerly unknown, but
now u likely candidate for Olympic
honors, smashed the world's record in
the 100 yard dash beyond repair when
he negotiated this distance in a secial
event at the western Nebraska track
meet lust Friday afternoon. His time
for the entire dash was nine and one
fifth seconds. (This time taken by Mr.
Kase who noted the time when he
t-tarted and when he finished from his
lugersoll.) Only four entered the race
with this now famous speedster, the
three hcing "Kill" Harier, Glen 'Flash'
Sanders and "SjKjed" Neiman. It is
not known as yet whether the record
will be accepted as good by the A. A.
U., as there was a slight wind leliind
the runners. The starter claims, how
ever, that sensing a new record, he
waited for the wind to tlie down be
fore he stalled the men. Mr. Kase
states that had he been pushed he is
sure he could have traveled the route
in nine seconds flat. All of the run
ners were m street ciotnesj uue to
the fact that the race was a rather
impromtu alfaijr. Should Mr. Kase
pM slightly more back to nature, there
is little doubt but that he could have
lowered his new record at least two te
conds. The race as a matter of fact was
gotten up rather in the spirit of fun,
each man "chipping in" until a pot of
$3.50 was raised. This was to go to
the winner, and but for the fact that W.
It. Pate worked on the sympathies of
the stake holder, Hev. B. J. Minort,
mil got him to donate the money to
the high school athletic fund, it would
have. More talent was uacovered when
it was found that Mr. Kase was unable
to catch the hky pilot, who promptly
left the field. Had Rev. Minort been
in the race there is no way of telling
what heights of terrific sjhxhI might
huve lxcn reached. However, Mr.
Kase has the honor, and the high
whool has the money, so all's well.
Many Western
Records Broken
at Track Meet
The track meet Friday considerably
.hanged the list of western Nebraska
records, only six of the old records-
remaining unbroken. Uailey and Lin-
.fle brought the high hurdles record
ven with the stute mark in this event,
i'hc two oldest records, the relay held
by Alliance, and the broad jump re-
ord held by Semnions of Kayard were
broken. All of the records standing at
present were made either in '21 or
22. Semmons' record in the century
dash equals the state record, whi'e
I-owry's mark in the javelin probj.bly
surpasses anything that has ever lecn
made in the state, although this is not
a state meet event. Following are the
100-vnrd daslvr-Scmmons, Kayard,
10 1-r., 1!21.
220 yard dash Dailey, Alliance, 22
410 yard dash Strong, Alliance,
Li 1-5, l'.21.
KS0 yard run Strong, Alliance 2:08
3-5, l!i22.
Mile run rruitt, ScottsblufT, 5:10,
120 high hurdles Pailey, Alliance,
and Lingle Morrill, 10 3-5, 1922.
220 low hurdles Covington, Morrill,
27 3 5, 1922.
Shot put Campbell, ScottsblufT, 42
feet 3l2 inches, 1921.
Pole vault Lingle, Morrill, 10 feet
G inches, 1921.
Discuss throw Campbell, Scotts
blutf, 104 feet 3,a inches, 1921.
High jump Lingle Morrill, 5 feet
4 3-4 inches ,1922.
Broad Jump Lingle, Morrill,, 20
feet 2 inches, 1922.
Javelin throw Lowry, Morrill, 160
feet 8 inches, 1922.
Relay Morrill, 1:39 2-5, 1922.
Some Old Records
May Be Broken
at the State Meet
It seems likely, from reports coming
in from over the state, that the rec
ord; of the state track meet arc likely
to fall. One that seems most in dan
ger is the broad jump, of twenty-one
leet 2Mi inches. Rhodes of Ansley
lumped 22 feet 1 inch in a meet
lately, while Wier of Superior has
eoualed the record.
The 220-yard dash, which has stood
since 1904 will also have a numler of
young athletes earnestly trying to ruin
it, and as a numlier have been run
ning this distance in alxiut a fifth
slower than the state mark of 22:2 it
will at least be in danger. Dai lev of
Alliance, if in shaiM?, will have a good
chance to establish a new record, 'ihe
high hurdles, another old record seeris
in dnnger, nnd this from Lingle of
Morrill. Lingle was clocked with
Dailey at 1G 3-5, both equaling the
record, while Lingle later in the dav
made it one fifth of a second less, but
was di. qualified for knocking down
three hurdles.
The old record of 10 1-5 in the H
yard dash is likely to be equaled, but
will probably not be broken, for the
high school athlete who can hang up
a mark of 10 seconds under rendition,
such as prevail at the state meet i
little short of a marvel. Rhodes of
Ansley might break his own record in
the pole vault, but this is unlikely
The 440-yard dash mark, which is not
extremely fast might' be broken,
Wilbur Hi School
Win the State
'22 Pentathlon
Wilber high school won the state
interschoolastic pentathlon for 1921
with a team total of 15,59 points
This betters the mark hung up bj
Beatrice last year by 178 points. Thi
record make by such an obscure team
as the Wilberites is little short o
marvelous, and the state meet wili
show definitely whether or not thi
team can duplicate their record. Beat
rice, last year's champs, walked awaj
with the state meet. It remains to Ik
seen if the Wilber athletes can repeal
this feat. North Platte, finishing sec
ond, has tome good men, particular
in Locke and Shaner, and will no doubt
make any team in the state step.
The record of Kd Wier of Superioi
in rolling up a total of 4,781 oints i
one that will seldom if ever be dupli
cated. Records for 1922.
120-yard high hurdles L'. Weir, Su-
jierior, 16 2-5 seconds.
220-yard dash Locke, North Tlatte,
21 1-5" seconds.
K.sO-yard run L. Price, Omaha
Commerce, 2:0".
Shot put C. Lewis, 4G feet, 8 in
Discus C. Lewis, Lincoln, 119 feet
8 inches.
Pole vault J. Rhodes, Ansley. 12
Broad jump E. Weir. Superior. 22
feet, 2'i inches.
High jump E. e;r, Superior. 5
leet ' inches.
Of the eight event, the state record
was broken in all but three. Locke
of North Platte broke a record of long
standing when he stepped the 220 in
22 1-5. Ihe state record is 1-5 of a
second slower. These records do not
of course have any official standing as
state records as the state records must
be made at the state meet. Weir
beat the state mark by an even foot
when he broad-jumped 22 feet 2'i
inches. Weir also ran the high hur
dles one-fifth of a second faster than
the state mark.
Ralph Garvin, of Alliance high fin
ished twenty-first in the state, while
I'ailey was thirty-fourth, with Beal
father down on the list. Strong was
also in the honorable mention list.
Dailey, Strong and Beal, have all made
records since the closing of the pent
athlon, which if they could have been
included would have placed them much
higher. Garvin s throw of 112 feet
with the discus was the third best in
the state, while Real's record in the
half mile was also third. The Alliance
team as a whole finished eleventh in
the state, of eighteen entries.
1922 Team inners.
Wilber 15,5
North Platte 15,200
Aurora 15,114
Ansley 14.XG1
Cambridge 14,oo0
Gothenburg 14,506
Hastings 14.309 -
Columbus 14,233
Callaway 13.574
Lincoln 13,.r,17,,i
Alliance 12.S18
Omaha Commerce 12.6x6
Kloomfield 12.G53
Crete 12,140
Fremont 12,20!) '
Friend 1 10.S70
Hartley 10,143
Sterling 8,107
Tanlac is unquestionably the most
widely talked of medicine in the world
today and those who once use it in
variably buy it over and over again
and tell their friends of the .plcndid
results they have derived from it.s use.
F. E. Holsten. 47
Omaha Central
Shows Up Well
in School Meet
Omaha Central conclusively demon
strated that they will make them all
step in the state meet from the results
of the Omaha inter-school track meet.
Price, Omaha Central colored sprinter,
set a new record of 22 seconds in the
220-yanl dash and also broke the tape
in the 440 in 4! 2-5 seconds. These
records are of course not to be taken
at face value as they were made with
a strong wind behind the runners.
Ordinarily the dusky sprinter would
i . "'.i.bly run the 440 around 53 sec
onds, and the 220 in about 23 seconds.
All the records are very giod, how
ever, and the team that beats Ceniial
v. .11 know that thoy have at lea-t I ven
in a meet.
Wet wash calls received before
St. '50 will be returned by 2 p. m.
20 lbs. for ?1. Alliance Steam
Laundry. 38-tf
Farmers' Picnic and
Basket Dinner
Thursday, May 18th
Pietchler's ranch is 6 miles west and miles south of
Ilemingford; and 2 miles north and 10 miles west of Ilerea.
for soft drinks, cigars, candy, lunch stands, ice cream,
doll racks, shooting gallery and bowery dance. For
particulars address II. C. HANSEN, Uox 1S1, Ilem
ingford, Neb.
A rrr f f
The home owner can truly snap his finger at care,
while the rent payer carries on his shoulders the yoke
of servitude a slave to his landlord.
The illustration might well read, "Which WILL you
BE?" for the building situation is daily opening the eyes
of hundreds of rent payers the fact it costs no more
to buy your own home (at the low cost of material and
labor today) than your rent costs. And it's YOUR
Let us prove to you the true economy of owning your
J. H. Melville Lumber Co.
' The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal for real estate folks because
of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend
able motor car every day of the year shine, rain, mud or snow.
Equipped with electric self -starting and lighting system and demount
able rims with 3J-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all those
established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and
upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and
business men who drive much, but as the family car for women,
the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them
increases daily so we solicit imnWiate orders to make reasonably
prompt delivery. Will you not make our shop your repair place?
Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics.
Alliance, Nebraska
. . in - - "TT-TF TRONf TRATT "
"MR' BAAgB,Sc YRK" ADMISSTON 13 and 40c and War Tax