it THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1P22. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEiNTS tt buy rr"thin? Hub-flrntl-t of pop;a itrvn th Want J column looking for hat you r othtr h to uCt. (it qulrlc rvsultt by .'vr!i;.,jr -A -jb li-tid vnt Ad oitriy.ct HATr:S Or; rent per word p" Invrtlon. CoMta ro more than Itirr n wpapoi f Mid v. e cuur- 11 at )ou t-Hi i vril bun .1 ..!"; ..! . iiuy circul j"t r. air. I (Mi SALE roll SAI.K--Sti 'vlx r; v i)liirf-. f:!.()0 lor liumlietl. .1. A. KClKiAN. 1 1-K1 roi: s i i i -o-,.s s w.tli pi.i'.s nt - i)i II. kol.sti:i?. It 1 1 r UK .-M.l'. I t-aiii si'oi on' ot -. ... .'I two lii.iKo- Sh.a jV.- or U vitrioo. Call piionc siorii. j. j. sc!;i;fc:k. -I,l-4"ip COLUMBIA UATCHKKY. P. 0. Do 110J, l'cnver, CoJo. We enn supply you with anv tu;n tity of Dahy Chicks. Capacity lO.OOf weekly. 17 varieties. Live ileliveij fruaranteed. Parcel Post prepaiil Write for prices end full-particulars. 19-tf fOli SAM: Good u.-el cars A. II. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. tf VOll KENT 1 FOU KENT Hon. kociiinir apatt- ntent; furni. lied; phone (iol or call ut 221 Uitr lforn. 4.j-tf ,n r; -rJ r : : - 1 OK KhN 1 heven-room hou-e, nil nnxlei n except fin rare; rnnre stove attached; .parasc attached to house. V2H Laramie, phone HO 1. 41-1. KOI DI'VT .,..:. 1,-l 1 V 1ILJ.I L ..i.'.iii I IUII ." I'll l""l r1. 1 1 1.1 . '"v-. 000 0.1. ? " 1! WANTED WAVTI'II A hon f-tvepii'i- in innlei-n v,,., v,,. ., m ..,.; ..ui, children. Prefer a ladv between 27, nnd -10 vears old, tmd without ci.!l,hn, but wouldn't ohiect to one child not over eieht venr.s old. Address P. O. Box !)C2, S.-ottsl.luT, Neb. 4 1-4- , , 1 . I WANTED Por ition by reliable elder- ly lady, to take care of elv'hlren or housework; v ''d cci.k. Box 11"2, Pridfre ort, Ni b. -I l-4"p 1 WANTED TO KENT ." room bou: e,: modern, with furniiee, bath, etc., not irtieular about location. Apply at the Herald oh ice. 40tf 777TT-77,' ; ; : ' WANTEI -Gaid.-r- to p,ow. I.ate reason:d.!e. Cad t. . IAH-.U, phone O.S.W. 41U"1""'" bMARKETS.;) 1 r. n.a . a. 1 ni, TV VIDITH peMC.m of re idonts ,,f :'.-cv .lim Wil-on end his cou-in. c!d;t UillAllA UtlAliN illAluViCil precinct for the appointment of Aliiea I'olmey, ver.t to Ant-oeh Friday to Peter.-on as Justice of the Pcue in vi.-it relatives nr. 1 returned Sunday. i.nd lor .nub piee.nit, was eo : i L-i-d C. Mo. ler ar.l P. C. lirun. oii vtrc OMAHA. Neb., May 1. Spot wheat by the boai.l. Whereupon, it i.s in from the St;r ratxh on bu. Ut'. s vas strotifr. iulvr.nt inr 1 to 2 cents, j novel by Carroll and .-ec'odetl ly Friday afternoon. Corn was ui.ihairrod to J:-c up, oats pur.can that ti:.: ajip i.n.ment !' Al- Alva Ash wa ja town Saturday on advanced '-c. l'..,:U v w.-.s 1 cent ni.l I'eter 0.1 as Ji..-ti.e of the toaco bu-ine-s. lower. live vfs tror.:i. Kcceipt of 1 ml tiie Pen r,', be i.iaue. Profe.-.-or Me-.-ers-ii'h d:ove dow a torn were'l i''. c.:r ;.n-l the of ..-eat .ioion Ciirried. from Atl iK h S:.t;iiday. 7j cers. The n o e.,ient of oijicr ii:e ia:uit.-i- i.f pio'.i t tacs p. id by Mi.-.- Mi- lav .-; 1 .' the 1 - .rains continvcl liiV.t. (he l i.n.ierv L nion Co oieiV.ive as.-o- end with her sister at A lihy. WHK AT No. I haul winter, SI. 31 rr tion w ..- i.ileii up j.nii upon L:e F. 1. Cody and sen v.eie .-Impj inir (iel.t't;; No. 2 haul w inter, t'1.2o(') 1.3S; cins!der:ilion of same, the l.-lIovin here .S..turduy. No. 3 hard white-. S 1 .'2( t-1 No. 4 resolution was adopte d. iau! Jo' w ; Lakeside visitor I fa hard winter, rl.2-'; No. 7, Itard winter, "Whereas, the Fanners' Union Co- latter part of the wok. Sl..7ioM.:": Sair.i.l-i hard winter. i1.2." oiieraiive :'oi iatioi ii.ud their t.ixt s 2.1 rs. J "s e Wil.-on came dovvn from CCl.tH); No. 2 ycf'i.i'w hai J, T1.31; No. 3 ol!ow hard, l.':ii; No. 1 tiiiM'd, .-?1.2'.i; No.:?':ed. si. I'i: .'). ! m:cil, !.s; county -:o:it f on the J'.'tn Uiy No. "i ni::ed, i'l.l"! 1.25. of Ari, IV-i iciju tii jr a reiund of , CO KM No. 1 white, .Me; No. 2 (.art of .-tuh paymei.t, and alii u diu,' white, -j Iff (,"i4 ' e; No. 1 yellow, .M'.-c; con-.:di ration the hoaul find- that the! No. 2 yellow, el!i 1 ;.")C; No. 3 yellow-, (viieand as 1eund u : ; i r tiie prote-t i t 5.')'j(o i!e; No. 4 yellow, .;.c; No. f ti.e Fariiiers' Union Co ojeralive j-, yellow, e; No. 2 piKod, ."(TtoM'sc; ciation, were not v;.lid ji-ountLs for a, No. 3 niiNcd, 5:Pi:!ii'"'oe; No. 4 niixed, veii'in1, it is theiefore j M'jc. O'-tieud. That the claim 'of the OATS -No. 2 wh'te, 37c; No. 3 Fanners' Union Co-operative a siiia .hite, 3f,c; No. 4 white, Ua'.c; Sam- tion for refund of taes paid on tiie pie wh'te, 3i-j t3 30 : No. 3 mixed, GOV. ;21 tax, be rejei '.ed and thai the KYI' No. 3 :"( i'l'e. 'county trea.-urer .--hall, alter holding' I5:n-ley No. 3, .V.c; No. I, o''c. j tho said fundi for twenty days, no appeal b it .: taken trom thi - ortler, j THE UVCSTeCK MARKET rTT? n'.nin v. b. V.-w i. OA i'TLL Ilecoi;)'-, 10,!)! It), v. , n a I : oral run of cattle for the ! 1'r.inR oay ol U.e week and the Market opened dull w I.i the trer.d .-f a'ves lower, Some tie-ii . b!e e:1.. line;- Mild aot'iit ..- well as l-.i-t w- e' i-ni be. t heavy cat- tie found a i. o ! s'-it.if jf oat!.;, tut tn the jri'H'ii'l iimo, l.e ;' -t n-J ios and .-ales we:e eineral'i;.' -e lower than tie ilo e of la : wit k. Choice s.d i.p to M a..d choioe fieavy b-'.e- at ? -'. ''' stuil' was in lii.ii'id .-uj ply -.a 1 ;,tn- .rally ,-teady ..'id the .- ni.e va tr. e n' ,'n'l ;:ed f. "i.'i -. HOCS lioce'l.-t'. : '"!. Then 'I't inere.l t ' - V I'i''-"'1 lovr v:ta sticr.'ii gained, eaily bulk of t'. o l ees e o- ii.;:' eiM 10c lo.ver wi.h ilo. t: sirt ) .-'. ie lit '.Hi:',- -Ol'l l.iO-li.V III' 1 . 1 .lie ' 1(1. 1. P Wit.. .'I :o ,,'i.ieo, ..-." .1. ei lo:u',s aid bu'el.o'.' wou-iits s.mI .-.!. r;,.,;.' 0 00, ; rd aiMujr rraiie-., t?S) '2.7: i'i !."', v'th e-ti'.'i'iie hoavie x S-..T."ii . 'i.'Ja. Bulk oi -. ie.- v.a d'r 10.00. ll .t 1 . ... 't OMAHA UAY wlAPJtLT OM MIA, Ne'i., May 1. HAY and i o, ;.e Cai re'l. '1 he f.t'e-. 'i.r Sel'iiv.' "riee: No. 1 1 p'a-id, j" !.".(ni'; jnocoed'i.ks v.--re had and done, i-i-v": 14.''0;N''o. 2, : 1 1.0,,,a :2.0i: No. 1 Tpe i:aiteily iop t of Iia E. '!" . h, 3 u-e:i::d, fT.'"'''- .0'i; No. 1 Piiili itnl, ' county, jui !.. . a.- e.amir.d an 1 1 - V 1 ' I - '3.00; No. 2 midland. ! 10.0M'''. t,r..M.i bv the board. ll!ti(i; :in. 3 Midi 1r.1I. ?7.00'i' s.OO; No. j The I end of the First Na'-nd 1 lowland, .?s.0i)!.j It'.OO; No. 2 lew-' Baak, 1!h linrferd, Neb., as t !"! 1 i Und. '7.0!)(a M.00. I tory for B:,x But'.c cou ity fund-, w: - ALFALFA Cho're, ?21.00(e 2.1.00; examined and approved by the bo. ml. No. 1, .Sl!UHif7?21.0": standard, SI 5.00 i 'J'he fohow ini.r claim was C i-jmie' I (.717.00; No. 2, 412.0(1(7 11.00; No. 3, land allowed and the clerk ordered to $ 10 00 hi i 11.00. .' (haw wariant on the Mother's j e:: -ii.n STB AW Oat, $S.00(r9.00; whct.t,' fi ml for same: ?7.00(o8.00. I Mrs. Mabel Ives $ .'0.00 Official Record of April IVoccci'Jns of the County Hoard ALLIANCE, Neo., Apiil l -The jo.,, i ' i c--.:,. to. i ii. -.-ii i., ,'U. IKtlU .0 Hi niiicl.t. i'loi.ib. 1 s ' pic t ai, C. E. Eashl.l.ul, t h'..l l.,.i.l e l I v.iii.k". . L:i an. i iO lie ow i: , ! ' i. .tl it t t i i. el,,', ,o-v. I. ire i.iiiwii.- ii tne !.-1 Mi'f n;.,;1 .vne lean b;. 1:1 - ;,;i ; nti .ton j i-, io it .: u j iiv .. w.. pent ill takiap, care o. .'.e pa. p .- at 1 1..: .ui.r J .11 1 A.lji U. Ii'lU at la.. :1 UI...I lOl.lo.loW in. al :i o i n. i , j Apt .1 K. Tin- I o.u i .(.'.; r, y t,-n- Iltl.-.- . . IIH'I p,if: ll .. t III .1,: k'.l;'ll- mon;. ll. 111.0 lll'-lllllt-i w; t i : i . i'.il a .'-i. i.. v : ii.l ii . .. ... p. i:.rc ..ii,-, .v wt-.e luiil uoiio, iu- .ii: I'. lli.l.l VII. I.. I . . titi' l-'y !..; . i. n o:: v u a - oiL: .oil ,- joultu lie. on' tho biai.i it l.iu 'iv in l'. i t i.iiiit t (i.i.U- i, ii Kim: t'ri.t a ji.iu ui i ho ia uionl he lt-ra. ;.-ii t.. Jic. ii. I i.r i.i;(.r ,i. in ,. ,iioi .:1 i.iul iont iat.1 uiun a iaUf i;.;o. 'I'lio iO:iiiniul.i' oi tin i lay v.a- f j -nt in Lignite iisii i...x 'ikulji.-, iou i luii.-, ,-'... Aiiji Ui v.. m -tii. Utkc'ii uriiil ion'Hiov.' nioii.n ;.t '. o'.ii i'l:. . Api J'JO. 1 he biinxl of coti :ty ni5- liii .. -loin : i at. t iiui-uant to :i Lion:, 'i lie .-a; in intrahi r.- w.-iv .-- err. as .'.-toi -Uy aa I tno k I i -. m;; riHTti'.niirs v.cie i.nd lo..o, U;- wit: ii c r.i '.' p. 11 01 i;,e nay vua : - ir.i in 1 he folluwin-i- laitawo-. were .(ml- c.l by the ton, ty tre.i-uier a i- aiain irur in tl e i.ii.-eeilani-oa. tmul; int - re - l county i-ejio-s v- .:1K.V; t i;in' ic . i,y i;XI,u,. - o, Clara N.'Ki-cl, r ..".o.m 1 J l.L'J . .. 1 1 . ,,,, ...,( ii-: i'i, ii ., aiiiouat i'i C'l 1 , ....' oe t: ill; .OI I 0l I I'i lit . the r.ii.-eclLiniiiu.' tund to toe .'.?.. oral 1 fund. 1 lie eou-.'.y trea-u er al o rep.n-t? I f .OU it1. t!u ini.- chart ou.i fur 1 ici- rent of 10. aior, which, air.ount it is o'? l,.v the imaiu, he ti-.i-..:. : e 1 t J ho 1 ... , ' A:ij.iunme..t laken iiut.l tommiow "'Onnn- ut o clock. , .. , f ( April 21. the board of county com- mis. mnei s met puii-uaVt to anjourn- met.t. ilemUi.- piv-se-it, C. L. Hash- liian, than man; Gecrf-e . J ii'icai an: I Gji.r;.', Carieil. i he fol oA i:i pioceeiliti' w. ie lual and none to-,wi: 1 he -ecieu.t v of tho tiiarubei- t f chamber 01 cuiiiiueice appeared befoie the hoai (I wiiii a re. t.luuon adoi t' d I'.v the Pi .('trei 01 1 tham.Ltr of co nmen e v.i. l sii.en by the prcsi'lcrd and .tie- la. v ..,..0 bv v;. 3. Utirvev, ch ir;an 0, ':,i(inj1 t"oailtv cwnitiissionr.-s, ic- tolvinr to (on.-ti ta 1 a 10 ei 110111 I.t v.- I ner to the lU.s Butte lounty line, ii d leque t;. l tiie Box Buitu eouaiy 1 uru to i.doi.v :ii..ilar re.-o .ution 10 i iett said o:.l at the iioe. Ln:ii con siiteratii n 01 i-utve Mteh a leo.i.- lion v.ut aiioj.t jI and !..n'ut.l !y ti".o board. to the county tie:.. '.a cr uia'er'iote t and appeared btioie the heaid if itistiiitute lie oionev in to til le'.eri.l' fund-' ior which the .-anie v.a.- a- e - j M-d." 1 he matter of the mote t of Pie. I I..' vi v,.i'.;,. wi.eie, r.,1- t:iv.i i aid o:i I 't - V anil L j:!; 1, 1 an v iw i .!,.. i.i tl; ti-e 2'.iii oay of J..!in.l), i;i-( .,. the year !!iJ!,'t.o tif eoei'.y i ; , u...r :' 15e- F. i -e o..nty, v.'.t- tak n in'o eon: id.' : tion and t!. ? l'ol- 4,wjni, n-.-oKiii'-n ..doi ted: "Wiiei':-, 1' i ed I.. Whccfer for yt.lki(. v.'h-.fler, pai:l taxi., fir .:.' ji.jj. lll t:.e coi nty trea a'-, r of Batto county u.'.' r p.titi -t , and V i-etc-a.-, T'.if 1'ir.e uv pre.-t atinif Bi p:met to th.e b,..r I o( c u ty c,,.lltp.i: .-:'.:ners ha-- now empire ! in. I v.' et oa-' the -oun'.y ti. a t. rer . till holds tii' j.vp.ev a- ; i.i-.-tl lv 1 f,,r t :e.- p; id iiiui r p'o.ct, ,i ji ,,u. i , ,!, 7;. . t -h. i-e;rfy tie sail.- .t ;,,s i; e;? i.e.. nty. N .')':.. ke, :'.- t,jA'tn ll,,. l.HITiey i i . t O,.' llO Si. i'i',., I liteli-r !ll'o tr.e .-e.ii funds tor v. hi. h the i-amj w i. ,( . i." 1 ra 1,1 t'l'.CIl until M. ii'.i 1 : ':' ;i. 1' o iloi. ti. Api I 2 a. 1 ! e 1 - aid "f e.njpt'- nr:i ltd siom 1 .- r a t ji.ii u ".'.t t. ad.l'i ut pient. M.'i.:!)oi ; pi'o.ent, C. I.. l!a--ii::iu. cli.diP'an: G.olie W. B i:t..'a.'i The follow ivfx claims were "x.iininod and allowed tiiul the clerk ordo.vd to " """f.i'l.t v II I I ii: vii II. . ill 1 II nil ioi Miiih:uil ( iii'Diioul L.'itwvi'orl", i'ou' t lim ; u;. li-'. : .'o ojiii, Iiuiion, A. -i . .-or in, i' -v,..r .. . ' -"',) I tVui ) .v.- i ; t r, sio' :,",( Up il ; i , I , ,, V', , r. ( ...'.. "!;:cl M. I I ;t , -:d.n A p.i I .1. il. C;.l r..'.l, sik.iy .la: .! 'i ; . ! . M ; -u'mon, i,. A; iii . .' . .!. , . ;,t r.i -l , ...i;..- . .). . M..! v. ..' -i v V..t :i-: . ,1. V . ? I ."cl . , t! .v o;e;:l - ill '. .1. M. ( '. I : o! I . I . Hi a ; I , . 'Tl .1 I Mi ,('.' I'l- 1 . IK A', i - M. .lull', v.; ai y Ay, l ..u 1 (..; ... . F. . Iri.-h, cprf"l' -. ('. 1.. Iln.-llt.t iri, CO'rirtl-.-si ttl T pnihmi o'i lviiri.)l ivmi'iii.. i in Miico Cioo. V. 1 luuiMti, cnMian.-.-itviiT .lorvii!' ... . . i." Oi .-IIVHI' Tin' ti.lJowstn' cl:.i:n w .'i ill low t I aii'l tlio I'loii: ouli'lol ii ih aw wai iant.s un tho l'.o..l ium' .' sanio: Now I ctrv's Hilw. Co., topair.-. S A. C. Cliao, oixiio- A. 1'. Siohottilii r, roail work C. Ci. liaton, lonl woi k .. C. ,. 11;: hman, M-i-vioos .... H. Itavid. on, 1'iroailwafi r to i.l. Geo. W. Puncan, load work 1 M ; i's, t'O.L'l; '.'!) ll'. i l) OH L! liH Geo. Oi no. I, kk.iI work i .iihowioi!- cl-'im.. wvro o .a uiiu'it rnd t-I'owed rnd the clerk ird'i'.'d to lriv warrant? i n ti e Pik.i1 !)ia-. ..'' fund for s;urc. VI. W. Puvinton, ha::t'.in!T 5 7..") J-. Manion, (lr;i,u'i,in ls.O't ii. t . lUKer, pairo.iiian '... K. V . Anderson, M-rviees L'l.d'i Cal Cox, services 00 l!i.l Kan.-, April i-idary . HnH'.V, 'there l inr no further !.u .Iih-'s to co.n; neiore the nice, io-.;. adianvn- nt i takrn until the Klih i;iv i,f May, V.K2, at o'clork A. M. C. L. HAS! I MAX. t'h -.irnin, avis Jul ;.:, l. and ?Irs. Frai.k 7en.".n are tlu pnrad p:.ient. of a ix pound e,iil who wivm l;'o Ii,- m the week, ! ,!- J;1, r . :"" f!(,n Omt:ha la.-t week to v;,;t her brother, lvl Nordell wa. here on bu u.oss from lVnvcr a few days l.v-;t u E1 Zureher of 1 1' iiinu'i'ord v.;is liere vi.ijnv hi-- father-ir-law, lv. 1J ji l' i.'ih, the latter part of th . w. ok. Mr. i-;,ins wt-.s down from An;io;'h la.-t i'hur.-dav. Mr.-. J. L. Henper and son, John-on, went to Alliance Friday to .-ee a !( tor. for the lat'.er, who' ha been sitk 'I l.ey 1 etui tied Sur.d.iy .rul di i-e to their ranch out t o:lhwe.-t of here. Ju!e, .S-nult.z arrive.l here Irotn I.-n- 'r the att:-f part ol the weeic. He h;v- been out theie dveioiien for a while. He witit on out to his tv.t l Satuid.'y. Claud Piekt n. on went to Anti w-h Friday after a visit 'with his Mother here. A. . Tyler and yon, Ed, wo.-e in town shopping P'riday. Antioch Saturday. '-I i"i h w.s pi town Saturd.if. Jim Kin;c uv.d .fol.n Mo.erip wtie OVll WIVES m PT.tH -VVilM-rtVtslci 1 o -ur, ovj:n A irv. U',K ANO MOT i a- 3. J'.stl'.ll ) .1, T'), T?tL& AeoVuv, Nq-T OBjtCT 0 'ovi n; tyiov-ipo m hc 1 AMn,on3'. i ST W V5 , 5 'Cd' iJUi'it-.lHiNC.E.L-'.; WAttTEO -To -Ccv-uvou. savw The. V.Ovtl.eaV C-ovvr l " Lakeside visitors Sit urday. I Mr. W int , nut 1 and mn fion vir , - i -1' I l I II II mil HI III II - i u i l:iy. i I-'i.'pl, 1'i'i.fN, Nv;t ,w fvo'.M r - tic !l ',1 i' ial U l' pa; l of .!. ' m, I,. I' '" ! S ni.' i-!;- w.'i. d I.,; ill i !ti il fi 'iM'iU l.i'i" .t ..,;,., !' n to" ti t o I i,w r lu't IV.:'! V -.1 .1 part tin- v i : t i :i-. 1 1 l V l tins Lhccovcred ity loo "After 10 years cf hit or miss bakinp v ilh various otlicr brands of powder I at List discovered that the bitter taste some times found in bet breads was caused from altiin in cheaper grades of powder. So I am now an ardent booster for Royal Baking Powder." Mrf L A J iiOYJIL 'y 4 B&KmQi POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum . . Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book It't FREE Royal Caking Powder Co., Bori Ever Ge Bilious? Try This Nil Toncj.'ti Tomorrovj I'cel fiijht When your Itvrr pe rm f'il!a nnl v. ui li'i'l a Ji.;i.;u-li" a.l.l liiliniii i i-f il iiiinit-'r en, In -i. :ul oi' j.'-...!,liii,r vi. ii" liver vit'i tl.vim ini't t iil.i.ii. l i.iul l o lilii - your lnv. I.i w!ta ni-inr, ir ltitlit;ir Jium-.-itlv .. Pi t. n:it lie,; of mlltl, !! 1.U11; JCi; 'i'.eikt.i aal I.i'm OIIO I'i 1 . t. O"'. I. I'll, f -will f i.j Jiirit 111 f- !e, : ' r n I villi it ponniii . .i:.iV: !"i!' ..I. .j!Tr-. i'r'-.r. 'I Ik in vPl '"1 e f: i' ;ir t tins in i. ..ui...t. if t ! i Vl in.. Ntares Rented l 4 'I'.ii.Iitf-'l v.iel'. ;irom$v.l and I.I I r.iM.'ij,!,;;,-, I.'. i. u.e u i ;en nvn l I,- title. Il'i'.'l tll-.l le.t!:'.;- i lirli' f coir.i ii ' ' ". til Uio uu- Va lien of I,':.'.'ji-','u Ftmnedy .'i 1. t - JX niily ttet llv, r. 1. t oil t!nt w!i ! a tl r " t Tl'. I t 'i- ti-.-r, r-.-l!: - it' ll, tint tM.v.','lj r t-vi n i.ii lln 1:! I-licy;-. SU'it'l l i i.i .'i i-.iO ll ,:.s r twisto ninl liiii'y iioii-i :i ih t ' "iv. i I .i-tn oli ::'; i n T tint r ' i i'-ji ii : i :nr . tc. ly t ie;. I'i J ir I. t': i ii-'. "-Vi 1 ( t i ii ch Ih ntri'in-,", ln'ii I ii :-.l t ii-' I'll . i '-upti -1 Vork of ill 'i'sll'..i iin.1 iissi-iuUiti.m It Il SllPit ll. T'li) lll.nllx il jl. ri' Vel'll "H. It tl I.i W T..r, Hi' Ih.tVeiH lilt lintl'll.ll l"'.l. Hi" 111 ..i .'!,. ll H i'S, tllltt tlllll. "il .ii v," ! u-1 l-e: IV.'I- doii-a-!i.l.' f ' '.ii'ii. i.' . e.i.M'v, TIIIELE, rKKSCRirilON KRLGGLST 1 yNd WmlMmmm "Xuo Oci&rtr fifiONa,coi 7Z i "a4tT VVHf OONT you ItSViTC frC eoxi uv Vcvxc For a PokcA ii 't': iVXN'a. ''a; .ti aV . M 0,1, Penal. I, i!ioc up ft on t ho raieli S.tnil.i) nwirii, and Mi.-. I r'"r: " I . T1I III IIIIMinil HI M'f f n 'lilll ll!! l.iU'l ss;-:o i ; ! k I't 1 1 1 1 I i fair on w w liMpTiitiiv If.',' .-.;t- 'ioim v 1 1 i I' tr.w.i. Ki'iii v.; j i'l ;i :i ' r l:-li- -l.;: I :' "'.'. !V. 1 1'.' . Ol. ,.,;'., , 1,,, f i:,,..! a', ill ' I'i i !.,. i,. y.t -t-..- u, ' : 'r'. i ,i : w " ll:.' Mo . a.i.i I .. I ,!.! . I.i- : IV: 1 x', .I.-" . ., f . (: :i 1 . l.):o' i'i; i . ('; ll M aa aaa. .... m at'-' . 130 William St., New York fork I Toko NR at once. Get digestive end climinnfive organs working in har mony and relief iz imme diate. Never cuucs tjr:p;n. "t i'p" fn1 npi-irtp't refttn rr,"l ( a t voiiiBolf iiiiinly, comiilel-jiy i Jlitc!. , Tihtp J.l vn tieltrr proof of I'i r''"it vnl'io o? Nature'r f( rnrri f. i- 1 ll! HIM.i'H.-t Mil. I O III "lii. lllll I Hi ui tl .. lei liiiU rune If. .i'i i ': 'i ; llil'-i 'Ill I ! l- nr ot I i vny c , i.vii' i tlu n tivo million bu.s.i Kul.t t..uiy r-iw. w;'.;, Jf yoi'v rot rlr!i.-"- Ti j:i-t a . 1 r of Njtura i P.m- 12 ecly fMt Til. lei ) an. I .! lii J.irt tnM.-t l..eil'.-i.l. Jf y.u n j "." I'u.iUe-i i.i i-u:i,:.o:n or i fA J t ! ". II ll I , !' ' 1 1 1 111 3 i, tnj.l. n. " a-.'ii'h i.l:-.t f I, -..i.- I. i r fa - i T'u'i note v-m f. I. . nr li.rv oli vi'l 1.' n r- ,:.! u c. ..-!i v.nk. ft - ! J-'.'.lM il- I v.,-..-. ;r ! !.. m. ll.: !n j i','--lea! I.', r .ie.i:i, i very v.;e. Cm ii'D I. ei a I in.- -: v.- ii ,-. r t r't ;. n. .1 t -n il -.a vi i y o i.". .n u '"n.i'.. -ie.! ;': v-i:... I.i li' i;i ynt:r i v ! ! i I.i rr . . t luieii I.i 'l I.I I f i ll;.-!. ' , y. i rlv.nyn fi Im-mI. Ilfi.i.'iion'i- 1; n ct I f I 0 1 em it p- r ;i v. , .1 I ' "in I.i et't veil. .! i'l 1 1 y 1 1 . ( Nature's Remedy i Tale. ! ; f.'l 1, i' ii . .-i!i' . i anil liijiiui,Ui..i ly j ..'.I- iii-L"-:Ht. By 1 1 ANN Y To Co Ou-r Mtti Pivi.wO'i '0-l .. . . . 77''. A p 1 G : m i I r, Bay Wil.-on, Hanv C.i.nyl.ill, J. I,, Eoe, (Veil ,V.. on. Mrs. It. r x 1 Roy- III 'lll.-S It HI I .1 ' f's J ... i . . I O V I'l (lTtl I in ltiin ial.t r. ic' liun.-i.ker diove ( Eli-wortU lit. lay ot anii to at. end t'.e d-mrcr. I;li i I'. ii!. I;: i'l' liime In -iltf) Sat i.i day 1 ". 1 He w s ;e( oinj an i" I h Mi - . I 1:1 1 V. ' lo,"r an I tho M- !-. Ed 00 ;.nd llanev U :'. I he la! 1 ; i hr I ,.. d fill n! ll 1 1.1 1.' : or the ! n.i'e. It.... .' ;o,i .'.ml Ii. .1. ?' -I '.-1 v.cie 111 a I ' ' :l i';e .v-i,u' laaeii Sunday i.ioi 1 iu'. A:.e If di 1; II v.-. n. to Hyamiis Sill, 1I.1. , v h ,e . e w d 'pi tnl ;i lew 'i.e. - 0 1 I'll ill'' . . . i I . I 1 1 1 . II w . 'vn from Alii at. i-e Sun I .-. .1. I.. Youa v of Eii .vn : Ji was liere " I eon 1 1 a iii t lu. t.iy. T. V . (i'liiien m iii to E'l. worth 'ua lay to mnk its otvi etor. Al i -s.- I eah e;iii' iloun from Mbam e Sunday. I. 1. U hah y'i'i d nm, II 1,-.. y, went to .'etiila'. W vt ...a.i tails l iii'lVi d llt'foi'C ':,"; will Ih ritiiiiu'd Ity 2 p. m. ii) His. fur ifl. Alliaiuc Steam i,aumliy. iJH-tf If you have wool to sell, see L. K. IMiss. -JO-tf ISN'T NAT! HE WONDBKI-UL. "But surely." enid the bauebly latne, 'if I pav the fare for mv tloir bo will bo tieat'tl the same n. other pa.-seneers and be allowed to occupy a s".'it'.'" "Of course, ni.'id-m," the rruard ie plied politelv, "piovided he tloes not put bis feet on it." Beai .-on's Weekly. ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, Third District. I hereby announce my candidacy for the olTiee of county commissioner in the Third district of Bo Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July 18, 1!22. I am n pnod roads enthusiast, nnd I know conditions in the county thor oughly. 1 believe in bailiff .TJided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. I plodjre my bt cf faorts for n business-like administration of county affairs, and have but one jther plank in my platform eiiuality ind justice for ell. J. P. LAWRENCE. Wet wash caJls received l)efoie ::)l) will Ii? rctu md ly 2 p. in. ') llv for $1. Alliance Steam f.aiMtli'V. 38-tf EUGENE DURTON ATT.t ) It N FY-AT- LA W Office: Fird Nat ion nl Hank Uuildini? ALLIANCE, MiBUASKA . CLARICE SaaCII,-H. D. Surgery ap.d Consulfation Rimer Uuildir.5 Allianre Phnne r.r.l AIIIn Harry P. Courscy AUCTIONEER Ll? Slock and General Farm Siltw WELDING GEO. IL BHEFKM.B 210 W. 3rd MOVINd. IWCKINfS. ST01CINU AND SIJUTLNC; SNYDER TRANSFER AM) I-T REPROOF STOltAGE "When It' Your Move, Let Vh Know" Office Phone, 15; Ren. 881 and BIk.730 F. A. BALD Attornoy-nf-Tw Oil'ice in Reddish lilock I.. A. RERRY ROOM 1, RUM Eli BLOCK PHONE i) .ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Bortors of Optometry Glasses Acuiately Fitted Not Medicine, Surjiiry, OstipHtky DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer. School I'lione Sii Over ILirper'i PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.