THE ALLIANCE 1! EH A LP, TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1922. nmEn L RANDOM SHOTS 1 A colemni.-t c-plains why traveling men are !'.tt by a; tiael I.Vo..dt us one. .-o many dig that "Sometimes a m..n buys a u cd car fur curiosity, and then .i ci.iio-ity inn- iiuay with him," is the coiitriiui t in of i.nn'hoi pio' wit. In tilis Cn o, the wii. ::..- Irird tun ha:d to make a joke. Second hand cars li.n t often run aw. .y -they u-ually iic en the hi: d. :i' i ,i.-t Un iiti!c from the r.eate-t garage. i'iit of life. Golf willows at O'Xoill had n telephone in-tallcd at the ii.ik; mi they can clrtk up on their hu. h .tins. . nd wlach i- woi-c a loul .team whistle is Mown at 0 p. in. Clay Cv: ter inti.n'u'cd n novrl rie'.h"d of el no-ing at a re cent (lani-e. . Fvery wviiien pic-crt rr ir.ovrd I'll;' .-I, or :.n 1 thnw it on a ,i!e i 1 the middle of the f'.oor. From the ma s of 'hops each man selected one rnd found his Cir !'"dl'i :n 1 partner for the r.ct it. 1 1 c l tilth. g In r to,t. Charily Organization Scdiing Jobs for Several Applicants Wo never krew cd 1 ut one l.u;.or of ii second tar who i;i t ti o r-.tich .-poo l u' hi it. An Au:oia banker oihp Km;: lit tin ( lu Ihoiiirs Flyer for nis son, and tiif I o .t was geared up .-n that it- (ovc-l spe. d was ; ,'i miles an l our. 'i l.iri' wiv vicrk '.he H, v. vi aid this dies' choice. thct.'.e wo;1,; for i.i- Th it'le i' want OlMll'MI l! l', !! It I IIP i I'al'ir.jr d-uvn on m1. cameo v i - I ound mi I ' but l n il: imant--. U ) leu al lm.,1 oryard. p-.di pr. ttv wcH ll-rald i.ih'iit An o poo.-i vi ad ort i d .w it e was found in i f.r.-t nay, i; ii' iiionth the oar v ace an ! u; in !n I. '. on in ti o: c t.'iO 11, if i ct;r. d 1 nt.'v I -. l.C'V. l.C W.'s lac; i. ;il e t t .i v;.i to got ar.othci Kicr. I 1; t.c Oh, v. oil, , T'p :na lib o ' ii II .aiding V.'Iiv n ; li ,s tin ; o a mail .. t y:;yy, t'' :n idw:'Vi en. ir.e. rd.iut llir; ruin i'ri'i.i N."lrh' To; pponlo off.' l'r t I'.ar 1 1 i's. pnb-j ii i- a ! 10 ,1 tllP ., Mid don't HP-..V rr;- lic.i d:-;.; n, III. f-'oinp line w v. 'if n tlu y'io v oll What-' U'is I'l.r.k iilm' idl hr vorld lovini; a lover. J.o ;'or M .'.i ns, the 1 la; tint. '.i n youth w ho oiau ii il a l iiii-h :irl ly t'aMo cin't lc nm- ir.cod tlxro'.s ;mythintr t that .-v'ntii'.io-'.. For two niontls they've I t on ti;. in;c to convince Idri that, he i.-n't 1 1;-.; riid and tin t hi- wife may not he adndaed to the foimtry, hut havii'K U Ken the b';r ( hanee in jret-tin-r I'vuiiod. lie i -n't w i hout u.!i a little thiny: a- hv.-a! few.-', lie he is "darn av,iou- to see that j' ill,'" end so, we pie.-ume, is every .ether re. ident til' Havtin.rton. Some of the e I'lench srirl.- ro the -overseas Mt-' ini t aie not nuu.h of n strain on the eyes. We 1 dial il MO ,i an I L'ill ATTF.X'i IO ( Nel'v.i.-ka ('it; r.i ;p ill a:i As: e .(nitty fo'k h;.v e an o i ni1' ( I. ASS I'M ! ) ii'ii HoW;-)i:iiei of ths'.t village j- of "wrt : dance." eld inat'. ('"il the any little upei flaou- hoy ( r w o. d- '.' '.h id. the Morteon pro; ht was A.n aw. e.oy :"ni.n ran; wi,r,J,.u how hi; win enjoyed 1 1 is piiitit-.-liari'iK plMi. Not I'V I At) I.'o; d. Oz Il'nck, cc.rtoi.r.i.-t for the om j Star, p u I the polite i' u.t man tf'.'.TO t fr the iiiv;l 'i.e of liii'tie; his pep v, aeon fa-t'T than the lew allows, and the hoy., have I iron khldinu him eutldc V'.'i'iit it. it e-ppoa'-. ivoni tlie tee. nd'-. Fut (it. e would be. wit has lioon handed thr lapherry. "IIae oii ever lien linel.ed for coiner too fa.-t'.'" he my red lit his un. oi lunate fihnd, who, v.rt ,i dinu' to heresay (iidcldy icpled, "No, hut Fve. heen tlafiped." Frolics curr t s. with a chorus of fifty numi C( n din;: ha i der jvu t htnio ht for to lay. The all, the higher ou hounce. Whcroas others have to through .smoked he view ,ed Our old friend Waffle Wiley so nicknamed hocau. c of l is t-hape used to -;iv tat if one were only sufficient ly filled with ho hut there, we've Kot one oi tho-e W. C. T. U. posters up in the window now and what Watlle said was piohably incompetent, irrcvelant iiiid immatei ial. Cler.n-Up Wcclv for Alliance a Topic for Vcrsc-Makcr Finer on school inspired by Cler.n Up Week, has Ik en hainjr a pKtieal contest. FollowinL,' is the er.try of Adah Turner, six'di ji-rade of that school : TODAY'S I3FST STORY. The Sunday school teacher was talk ing to the children about cruelty to unimals. "I once knew a little l.oy who cut off a cat's tail. Think of it, children: took a knife and cut the tail lijrht of! ! Can anyone tell nie a verse in the IJihle that would have taught this cruelty?" A moment's silence. Then a small tioy with a "happy thought" expres sion held up his hand. "What it is. my boy?" asked the teachor, hopefully. foil hath ioined lot no man .... !-- . I kn ,,l.lll I fiwi asunoei, ifsiniui.ii un rumw boy. The court hou e law n, after its first ree-ular mowinir this season, looks like a child's head after an amateur barber has been usinp: the dippers on it. Shades of J. S. Corp! After Frank Prince had explained lihvsieal culture week, and read all the points on the pledge, one of which had to do with eastinjr meat only once a t'.av, Pol) Graham told of a speaker at a meeting of stocktfrowers who had m-ored meat-eating as a builder of bod ii v strennh. His sloiran was "Red Meat for Rcd-Fleoded Men." When authorities tlill'er this way, the aver ii ee man is apt to consider all slopans the bunk. In this case, one wonders whether Prince, the A. M. or the P. M. has the right dojie. These Mexicans have the art of pil fering developed into a science. They uiw-ivs Vmnt in nairs: one buys some thing while the other steals somethinff TVi nnU- ilitficultv with the system i; that thev so seldom steal anything that is worth the risk it takes to ac quire it. Now that Ole Buck has a newspatier off his mind, his column of Puckshot isn't half o tiuarrelsome as it used to be. Probably he'll have time now to learn how to drink properly out of the moustache cup hi.- wife and dauuh te'r presented him on his last birthday. 'Tis "Clean Up Week" our mother said, and so we tumbled out of bed, We wa bed our head, we cleaned our ears Until it almost brot the tears. We found a match to burn the trash So we could earn a I t tie cash, And oh my! how the flames did soar Till we could see the trash no more. And so I think if everyone Would clean up for the summer's done. That they would always cheerfully "We have a clean back yard today. The following was also rendered by Miss I ouise Cogswell of the Sixth grade at Fmerson: They tell us a very strange story We must believe it's true, So vou may learn a lesson If I tell "the tale to you. Onee in a western village The people's pride so I am told Was found in "Clean-up Week," Until they t;uite forgot their gold. They cleaned their lawns, picked up the trash poked everv bit of earth; And had the garbage cans cleaned out And ashes from the hearth. The women took the curtains down, They washed out all the grime, The boys beat all the carpets That'could hang upon a line. The little girls and big ones, Wa-hed woodwork, pots and pans, Thev liked this work extremely well Becau.-e it whitens hands. Oh, yes! the dingy houses Were chantred both out and in, with the system is , A coat cf paint, :-ome paper too . Thev all : hone up uKe tin. She is a litt'e, energetic but ratln f i . d woman; under thuiy; with time bibies the oliie-t truer tic ia;s to. i :ge. llei hustund tie cited her some n t ilths ago, .-nice w !roh time ;ho ba Ke:i I1'!"!.: lier nest to make a livii ;: tor heijtl: mhI tne hahio; . 'I he be t few weeks .'lie ha.- been living in a otio-ioiii'i shatk in the nit-Kilts (if Al l.ance, i-vr.ii a I tde here at.d there, but watt Inn;! her . toie of groeerio.- te:idilj dinijlii: 11. The ca-e v brought to the atten tion of the Allium e Charity oigan'.a lion i.i.d tlie ( hainlHt' of connne. re Seturday evenne:, by kind nei; "lib or ,hu had helped, but who nie l one too ';hi li' th.emclvi- with t Lis Vniid. ( i o Is. At ten o'clock S iturd iv night, the set rotary of the charily organisation loi.ti d ( u a tired gtucei, li led a bi box w .tii ; 1 1 cei'i '--, i".y:- and neat, and in i-nhi'iiiiv Willi the wife of a local iidni. tir, wh.n o'.untcercii to how tho a iv, was diiton oi.t In the home o tlie l.tlle riothor. On their nriival. 'J'CV 'ou.-'i! t1 o ihark neat. Mid cle.i'i. w ith the b. bios all a -hoji. The "o.her y fat e li h'ed up with nl:cf n the sieht of the I n. of ;;i ( aries, end . he i ol .ictalitly told her -imy. ' With a biave ttiiile, di alueteere ! !o do any kind of work to earn a living for her liable - and hdeil. Mie v mi In: (i(i'ivP.I a;. r by the (.'harity oigMi- ii-.atioii a long ;is rece.-'sary, but sh.e i, cod.; a '. She i a good cock and would gladly take a plate as lvni rk( t'j er in a ranch er country I (: --Mii'io place where . he can have her b-sbies wild her. If kit.d liealled o'd bachelor or widower, who iiitds a hnu.-okeeper end who has a suit spot in his hi ait for the needy, v ill advise the secretary of the cham ber of (oinmerce in Alliance, he will be put in tourh w:th the bi-ave little woman who is lookiag for ju. t sucli t; place. Another eve for 1' et'erl !'-n of those who have been thinking that Al liance h;.d no nee i c e-, or h n ' ; il were plentifully provitl d for these cases are coming steadily to the in tention of the Charity organuatioe and to the chamh.r of commerce through the employment department a mother with a baby girl tw enty -one month-- old wir.ts a position in a ceun trv a - hou ekeetK'i' or cook. She i.- willing and capable a-d needs 1 he i work '1 once. A colored womr.n, ex-1 nriienced, wants woik in a private; home. A man w'ih two ch hlren. boy an I a girl, wants woik on a farm where lie can have his childien with, him he reeds the work and is exper- ienced. The employment (lcpnrtmrr.1 of the chamber of commerce places from one to four persons in po.-itions every day. The most needy ca-es are given the preference. If ranchmen and farmers us well as business institutions, vi cot in touch with this department. they will le provided with help. An- other thing, those who need help should ntit pay the lowest wages just because the person given the position is out of work and needs it badly; pay the workman his just w ages and he will be the better for it more con tented, and you will have a better feeling yourself for the few extra dol lars paid. Can you imagine going into one of t'.c.-o li.ii berets and asking for a have a l.i-minuic 7 Sti'l thi- i- n't any worse than a; king ioi a . Iiampoo i n casserole. li won't seeri like anything to go in ard ii-k for a haircut with Thousand I . hind dies; ing. It will be woiidoiful to he shavo,) you're dr.t.kipi; tea and h-letting ie i.reho t:a play opciutic .-cbv- I from 1 eroxi le. I 66 n n ; ' ':'' a a ; 1 t mm ihMlJ hi! h'af I 9 cigarettes lta-iness men wont cave lie- bailors a'e a I I. to' a - ll'e I. iu- : l gogd. richt e whi'tiior not, so The 1 1111 !"T: will KMin be rurninir 'n il adiei t.- t-nii n'.s en the theiiti x d I'vofoie long- we may read an ad i;r,i-tki:ur like thi-: "Come in and ten to our Saturday afternoon coti- t of special miade. I i ics by Wil- I. an .Mtei'.i! II, rbi it." Melodies bv 'ittr Ano'br ere V.'U vc; e i .ti call. i ret , oiu a u i,-l progratn !' any in Li'.-, n." d: "Yi.-it mr , ly the be t barber shop t-i in: til. net ft a" I'riliK' lv tint the big -' nr'.ht add a few baiber .hops ir ; tring of iho-dev . So ('on't be : in .ri-( d if yen see en li etrit ' irn tut in frer.t oi' a L'ti-o'-ial o nlor w hich n'-'d.-: "High Class V:nido ilie ar. l HaiiCiits." ' . 8k :y : Tliey are Good! Buy this Cigardlc and Save Money HE KALI) WANT ADS HRING HEST KESULTS in SAYS JOHN P, MEDBUR ANNOUNCING- Initial Appearance - - of the New - - LEL AND-BUI LT Some of the large barlier shops are installing orche.-ttr.s and serving tea and cakes. The first thiu.g we know we ll have to be paying a cover charge. Wet wash calls received before S :."() will be returned by 2 p. m m lh. for SI. Alliance Steair Laundry. 38-tf Herald Wart Ad.s are read. The head barber will hand us a of fare to order from. bill If you want something light you can order a shave and if you want some thing heavier you can ask for a sham poo or a massage. The musicians will come in handy. While the barber is tryintr to ell yu a bottle of hair tonic the orche.-t'.a enn be plaving "Silver Threads Ann ng the Gold." A lot of bail er shops already have fancy rams. One guy thought ;t l.n soriiil parlor was a place where yu went to have your tonsils taken out. Those baiber shops will soon b" tun on the order of Ziegleld's Mi Inight THE AKISTOCKAT OF THE MOTOR WORLD" at the - - - Alliance Auto Show May 4, 5 and 6 DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS AUTOMOBILE COURSE Y & MILLER We learn If. to five new profane words H :: n iH !: tt t-. Coif is a great sueces f n, i-t Iwn I . .T . 1 1 ..m 4l,rt t-very time we piay, eepeiHiiiiK on jiartner's linguistic ability. It's but fair to admit that "darn!" is the verv wor-t we've heard Foe u e, but it vdl take at least live more 'es- ons to get the vicious twang to inai innocent word that they j o- e. .-es when tooted by our tutor. We have jit learned tint Albion ha- both a Community club and a chamber of commerce. We were in the mood to coneratulate Alliance, un- til' the thouy ht struck us that Albion Fas no public forum. Wind's !n a name? The public forum title is almost as broad as an te, her one that comes to mind. In 1 ir-oiln there once exi-ted the "Lan caster County Athletic Association and Fe idinir Circle," until some Iowa boy got lolled for :mio and the police i aided the joint. Despite the pleadng of fiiends, A. V. A. refuses to reduce. There's hope for the prohibitionists. A friend figures that the country will ultimately go dry when the bootleg gers have all the money. A Lincoln flapper rdmitted the other day that .-he thought Grainger Twist was a new dance. Somebody is always taking the joy :::::::::::::::::::::::: Western Nebraska TRACK MEET! f.vjirr?Tm-MaiByrBwi3W V. Friday, May 5 STARTING AT 2 P. M. Ninety-five high school trade athletes will compete for honors. SEE THESE EVENTS: 100-vaVd Dash 220-yard Dash 410-yard Dash Half .Mile Hun One Mile Hun llifh Hurdles Low Hurdles Shot Hut Hole Vault Discus Throw Lavelin Throw High Jump I 'road Jump Half-Mile Helay. 9 n ife;; i iiio'iV'iliii Uvm iy. ,Ii mm ;h m ' 1 jfi 1 li' ' f f i:i'::i'' ; hiif tHft -L-. 'rrv1- !ai I -ami li Pure Ice Satisfying Service Pure healthful Ice that's Summer's greatest blessing. Please pause a minute and consider this What would you do without Ice vyhen you need it? Good Ice is as essential as the air you breathe for without it you wouldn't be able to eat the fresh things you do daily. Then why not get the best; th purest? Arkl with it enjoy a certain, positive, satisfying service. If you have not got your ice card, Phone 41 and we will send one lo you. M. D. NOLAN & COMPANY