THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1922. County Court Busy Three Days Over Dispute Over Hay Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. County Judge Tash uml a court room full of witnesses devoted their attention, with time oil for lunch and u few other delays, to the puit of Farl Ferpuson vs. 1'iude lirovles. The defendant a rancher in the Letan noitfMwrhood, while Fer puson hails from the Antioch vicinity. In Auprust, 1U21, the two of them en tered into a verbal agreement by the terms of which Ferjruson was to mow, lake and stack over three hundred tons of hay for Droyles, for which labor he was to be paid at the rate of $2 er ton, Liroyles to furnish mower, rake hwecp and stacker to do the work, lirnvlr also airreed to furnUh IVrgu- wm proceiies, fool, etc., lunnir the liarvest, the cost of tho same to be de ducted wln final settlement was made. Under this contract, Ferguson work ed and put up KH2 tons of hay, amount ing to jfUHJ at the contract price. There was no dispute over this item, nor over un additional charge of $KJ) rcpie;-cnlinK nineteen days' labor of a man :nd team. Ferpu on al-o claimed 27 add'tior.a! for l?dor done by his laihtT. v l o baled nine'.fn tons of the hay, but the court sttuck out this item. OtlVettinir the claims apme(ratinp $,V. was an item of $115 for groceries furnished by Broyles. This was not disputed. It was a!.o admitteil that Hioyles had paid Ferpu. on $ol in cash on account. Hut tlieie were other claims which were in dispute. liroyles claimed a credit of $ 1 ."".( by reason of IYiku.ou'.s mowing ami leav ing unstacked a (uantity ot hay, said to be !W tons, and valued at $ per ton. Feoruson testified that the reason this hay was not stacked was because it was coarse, of ioor nuality and filled with rushes. He said that Hioyles had told him that it ,hou!d not have been cut. that it was not mer- rfcnp'-h'p. end that he wouldn't receive ' nnv if he did stack it. The testimony ,u.-taine.t the plaintiff's story, in the , opinion of Judpe Tash, an I the court r'tn-p(i to allow im.s uem oi me coun terclaim. Another counterclaim covered fail ure of Fercuson to mow part of the Innd he had airreed'. Under the con tract, the erass was to be rernowed from 1100 acres on the (Jaiklis place. 200 acres on the Lister place and KiO on the Spetman place. The defendant alleged and proved that the plaintiff had cut no frrass on the SKtman ranch, and that Droyles was com lulled to hire men and mowers in the open market to cut it. The court found from evidence that Ferguson had fail ed to perform this part of his con tract and allowed Uroylcs an oifset of f'.N) for the failure to erform the contract. The defendant claimed another set off of $72 for a uantity of corn fold and delivered to the plaintiff to feed his horses while cutting the hay. He asked (() cents er bushel for one lot and 70 cents for another. The quan tity was very much in doubt, witnesses testifying all the way from fK to HH bushels. The court sifted the evidence and decided there was (58 bushels of corn delivered. The testimony showed that com in that vicinity was worth at that time 60 cents a bushel. Judge Tash remarVe! frankly that he was surprised at the price paid for com. rrom the press and from re marks made by legislators at the so cial session, he had concluded that corn in 1 02 1 sold for from 17 to 80 cents a bushel, and he had felt great sympathy for the oppressed farmers. He had felt this sympathy very keenly, he re marked, bv reason of the fact that farmer legislators hail refused to mise the county judge's salary because cf 30-cent corn. After giving the defendant credit for a'l sums covered by the allowable counterclaims, Judge Tash decided that there was due Ferguson from Broylesjjt the sum of $382.20, with interest at 7 per cent from October 14, 1921. Costs of f 27.45 were taxed to the defendant. Attorney S. L. O'Brien represented Ferguson and Brovles was defended by Attorney W. It. Metz. There h a general suspicion that hands across the sea Itch a little in the palms. Edmonton Journal. Our guess is the Ford campaign against senators will prove a flivver. Public Ledger. aitimmt Employes of the bureau of engrav' ing and printing who have lost their jobs might find an opening in. Ger many. Boston Transcript. We Deliver 4 times a day. Noticeably Different And the World Looked Good Again We Deliver 4 times a day. See how it tastes to put your teeth into a nice juicy Roast, Steak or Chops. The kind you want every day in the year. The taste tli at lasts. Besides we give you quality, Price and Service With a Smile, and 16 ounces to the pound. Order Early PLENTY OF DRESSED CHICKEN Order Early All kinds of Pickles, Cheese, Bread, Butter, Milk and Whip ping Cream. Don't forget to call Phone 30. Your Sunday Dinner We Deliver 4 times a day. Model Market We Deliver 4 times a day. Keep Them Running SMOOTHLY Proper lubrication for any piece of mach inery is essential. You can get the most service from your tractor if you Just Keep Them Oiled We can supply you with POLARINE TRACTOR OIL, ROYAL TRACTOR OILS THRESHER HARD OIL, Mica Axel Grease In Any Quantity or Any Size a PLENTY IN STOCK For those who plan to ue CANE SEED OR SUDAN GRASS SEED We have plenty for you FOR THE POULTRY We have a good stock of little "chick feed, Ci isco Grit as well as Poultry Tonics. Farmers' Union Phone ."01 R. J. TRABERT, Manager Alliance, Neb. HERALD WANT ADS 'BRING BEST RESULTS We Adverti-ie Nothing Rut the Truth in Our ArvertUmi. SATURDAY SPECIALS at the W. R. HARPER DEPARTMENT STORE We Advertise Nothing But the Truth in Our " i Arver thing. Allen A ' X Co V. V Women's Hosiery Black Cat Hosiery Three-quarter Silk and Lisle Tops. 98c pair Saturday This hose has been selling for $1.25 and $1.48 per pair this spring. A big special for Saturday only. . Ladies' Silk Dresses Made of Taffeta Silk, regular 25 values. $18.50 Each one of these Dresses will be marked with the new prices. A real bargain in each Dress.. 1 LADIES' OXFORDS and PUMPS ROYAL WORCESTER MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES MEN'S OVERALLS ' Black and Brown Kid and Calf t u K o L l o $4.98 llf , L L0 1 5c PAIR 98c PAIR t i t rn i i We do not have a complete run nf ?Sf2SfI lwh of sizes' This is a regular $L25 These are regular 12Vlc values. Regular $1.25 values. Union S HSE value, for Saturday only Back Three pairs to a customer. made. Saturday, a good assortment. laca Pink and Whita SEA SIDE PERCALES Toile Du Nord GINGHAM LADIES' COATS LADIES' HATS In check and dots and stripes 8c YARD All new styles. These Coats A big assortment just arrived. Saturday only. These Ginghams are Priced $10 less than they were- i os f ru 18c YARD is the best grade made in this class $35.00 Coats $25.00 . JQ . , . of Gingham. Colors guaranteed. $40.00 Coats $30.00 See the wonderful values, all Regular 25c values. Saturday Regular 25c yard this spring. Sat- $50.00 Coats $40.00 new, latest styles just arrived. At only. urday. A big assortment just arrived, a saving Saturday of $2 to $2.50. Allen A Hosiery ! SATURDAY, APRIL 29 WILLIAM S. HART, in "O'MALLEY OF THE MOUNTED" A tale of the "law of the great Northwest ADMISSION 13 and 40c and War Tax IMPERIAL THEATRE) SUNDAY, APRIL 30 ANITA STEWART, in "HER MAD BARGAIN" Also LARRY SEMON, in "THE HICK" MONDAY and TUESDAY "THE ROSARY" ALSO 4 BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE ON-MONDAY ADMISSION 20 and 50c, and War Tax THE ROSARY ONLY ON TUESDAY ADMISSION 13 and 40c, and War Tax