THE ALLIANCE linr.AU. FMnAV,, 2S. 1T22 It will hp to your advantage to see me wlion you need a farm loan. E. ('. linker, First Na tional I la nl Hide:. 42tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS aTaW 1 bu7 """'"""It Fun. ars of people ,cna the W'nt -J f-.tlum 1" '"Olnn for wht you r othrr bve to olter. Qi uulrk " by kdvertialtiR m Tb H.r.ld Want Aa ap.rtnifnt. RATES On retvt per word per insertion. Cost no more than thr newspapers and we minr "" mat uu rem.ii several hun- ffd more readers. Buy clrcula- n not not air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Strawberry plants, $2.00 per nunured. J. A. hLr,(jAN. 44 it) FOR SALE 4 sows with pips nt side, H. KOESTER. FOR SALE Close in, four-room resi dence. Ideal home. Trice very low for (;uick sale on easy terms. LLOYD C. THOMAS 44 FOR SALE By owner, SO acres al falfa and potato imputable land Torrinpton district, accept pood nuto first payment, also 3 sections mixed farming, hay and grazing land, close in, both places priced below today's values, exceptional good propositons. Box 213, Mullen, Neb. 41-43 FOR SALE Cream separators, one of two makes Sharpless or Beatrice. Call phone S10F11. J. J. SCHEFCIK. 43-45p FOR SALE Four phonographs; slightly used as demonstraters; bar gain prices. Phone 372. 43-44 FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn milk cow, recently fresh: price $75. J. A. KEEGAN. 42-44p HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING attachments: fits all sewing mach ines. Price $2.00. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 41-44p COLUMBIA HATCHERY. P. 0. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver guaranteed. Parcel Post prepaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf rOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, ti FOR RENT rOR RENT Seven-room house, all ii... i except turnace; ranpe stove attached; garage attached to house. 928 Laramie, phone 5)04. 44-45 FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Telephone 922. 32tf WANTED WANTED A hou-ekeeper in modern home by a Ma.-onic widower, with children. Prefer a lady between 25 and 40 years old, and without ch:ldren, but wouldn't object to one child not over eight vears old. Address P. O. Box JC2, SsottsblulF, Neb. . 41-45 WANTED Position by reliable elder ly lady, to take care cf children or housework; good cook. Box 1132, Bridgeport, Neb. 44-4."jp WANTED TO RENT 5 room house, modern, with furnace, bath, etc., not particular .about location. Apply at the Herald oll'ice. ' 40tf WANTED Gardens to plow. Rates reasonable. Call F. W. EDER, phone 6S7W. 41tf-Ddt!0 FOUND FOUND Large cameo pin. Owner may have same by calling at Herald office. 43-44 FOWLING Quite a rain visited this "icinity Monday night and Tuesday. It turned into snow Tuesday night and .he ground was white Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Elsea and son ana Airs, brus motored to Alliance Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith attended the bam dance at Pippett's Saturday night. They report a big crowd and a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hall ar.d children motored to Alliance Friday on a shop ping trip. They were the guests of Mrs. Hall's sister, Mrs. Jones, while there. They returned home Sunday al'nionn, Harold Hood was a caller at the Jake Henderson home Sunday after noon. Henry Roes and wife were Heming ford visitors S: turday. Grandpa Tschacher is visiting his j?on. Andrew, near Hemingford at this writing. Mis. El.-ea and daughter. Nola, Fpent Sunday at the A. H. H-Il home. Dr. Lee, veterinary, made a pro-fe.-.-ional call at the Jake Henderson home Sunday afternoon. While there he took care of the horses' tcei.h. James Eaton was a caller at the Hurlbuvt heme Monday. SUGGESTION FOR UNCLE l ittle Spencer let no grass grow un der his feet, when uncle came for a visit, before rushincr up with this: 'Uncle, make a r.oi-e like a frog." "Why?" aked the uncle. " 'Cause when I :'k daddy for any thing he savs: 'Wait till our unci" croaks.' "The Van Raalte Vanguard. BUT NOT VICE VERSA When little Percival arrived at school the opening day, he curried the following note to the teacher: "Dear Teacher: Our sweet l'ttle rercival is a very delicate, nervous child, and if he is naughty and he is likelv to b naughty nt times .iut punish the boy next to him, and that will frighten him so he will be good." Wayside Tales. , . '. , U Q - - MAKE ALLIANCE County Baseball League Opens Season Sunday Sunday, April 30, is the date when the Box Butte countv Baseball I will get into action, and from the way the players on the various teams have been working there is little doubt that some good baseball will be uncorked. The schedule has been arranged so that each team will play twenty-one games, with either ten or eleven at liome. The season will end September 17, after every team has played every Sunday, and has played each opposing team three times. The team with the highest percentage of wins will be presented with a beautiful lov ng cup, which has been donated bv an athleclic goods company. The HeruVd is making arrangements to have icports on the games every Tuesday. Following are the teams that will play Sunday, April bU: Rod Sox at Fairview. Lawn at Snake Creek. Ash Grove at Berea. Pleasant Hill at Marple. Irrigators Make Good Records In InterClass Meet That Alliance will have some real competition tiom the Irrigators in the dual meet this aiternoon is certain from the records hung up by the Blult's Uds in their intertiass track meet last Friday. Taking the records ot the respective class meets, Scotts bluif shouid win, taking six firsts to Alliance live, and with two events tied. This is rather hard to juuge, however, as the local meet was held on a slow track, while the condition of the Scottsbluff track is not known. If this was a slow track at Scottsblutl', the locals seem to be (loomed to' go down to defeat, especially without Garvin, but dope in a meet of this sort is of little value. Following are the Irri gators' records and they are to be con gratulated on their snowing, which, taken as a whole will compare favor ably with any in the state. 120-yard high hurdles: Wyatt, Ire land, Hunt, i.nie IS 4-6 seconds. Mile: Puritt, Smith, Brasher. Time 5:13 100-yaid da.-h: Wyatt, Rowland, Love. Time 10 2-5 seconds. Shot Put: Iickett, Chrisman, Ston er. Distance, 37 leet, 8', indies. Discus throw: Rowland, Chrisman, Distance, !)7 leet M inches. Jae!in throw: Rowland, Chrisman, Ges-ner. Distance, 137 leet 1 inch. 220-yard low hurdles: Wyatt, Pic kett, Kowlatid. 2!) 2-5 second.;. iO-vard lun: Chainebrs, l'ruitt, Wi.-ricr. Time 2:23 3-5 20 yard da.-h: Wyatt, Love Pick ett. Time 24 2-5 seconds. Pole Vault: Chrisman, Humbird, lira-hear. Heigtn 'J ieet o incne liifch jump: Chrisman, Wyatt. Heignt 4 tcet, IP; inches. Bioad jump: Roland, Wyatt, Beit ke. Distance IS feet, 'a inch. 440-yard d.h: V yatt, cith, Hum biid. lime 57 2-5 st'ionds. Attorney-General Daugherty says he v. I i I act in the coal stii.-te, "when the puiilic is pinched." What's the mat Lor pinching some of those other iel lows? Ph:Uuit iphia Record. Hand paint. 1, ( Lie, tidy baskets. Kee; the lmu.-e clean, try one. Khcin Hardware Co. 4 1 Wet wash calls received befor S:.;() ill be returned by 2 p. m 20 lbs. for $1. Alliance Stean Laundry. J-tl Have you seen tho e Pearl Knives and the prices at Khein's. 44 Blue-sky laws are intended to pro tect what we havp s-ned for the rainy day. New York Tribune. The world is going to dry up, Wil liam Jennings Bryan proclaims. If h"d olv fl"w faith in his words! New York Tribune. STREETS LOOK LIKE Baseball Boosters Met at C. of C. Tuesday Evening Those interested in baseball for Al liance met Tuesday evening at the chamber of commerce rooms, and made tuither arrangements for the dance, which will be given Saturday, April 20. The tickets for the dance have been going well and it is thought that a large crowd will attend. The tickets are ?1 and war tax, the price being within the reach Oi everyone. The dance w:li be held at the armory, the music furnished by the Happy Four. The suits for the team have been ordered, and they will arrive some time in the near future. These will be white with a blue thread stripe, and with a blue "A" on the lelt sleeve. All of the candidates for the team are requested to leiort at the fair grounds Sunday morning by Manager rlarold Snyder, providing weather con ditions permit. They will then start the first genuine practice o' the sea son. The indications all point to a fast team and one that Alliance can be oroud of. The nii.nagem:nt wanls everyone who can to attend the dance, or to buy a ticket, anyway. Auto tops, curtains, auto upholster ing. Threlkeld the Top Man, 121 Wesi 3rd Street. 33-ti NOTICE. Eighth evade pupils examinations will be held in the court hm e nt A1H rnce and the school house at Heming ford, May 4 and 5. OPAL RUSSELL, 42-45 County Superintendent. THE WITCH Conductor "Pardon me, madam, hut your girl seems to be more than 12." lier iUomei Liinuuioi ; uu:u, vou take me to be the mother of a girl , that acre? Conductor vou're her Bulletin. -"Lady, ton't tell me grandmother: Sydney "THAT LITTLE -Cue oYS AT "fHC MlU- WERE HAVING A 3ANE tioaiMO f he LoMcrt Hooc. , - , 3lrA STAHUM WAS 1(4 HAfiO LOCK, HAdMT WoM A PoY, Eor OH THE Go,- onIE Bre Trceu) To ACES OP Afsm AFUUU-, ANOTHER "eiVfZti STOGO PAT UJITH AFULJ',- "3tM Tf2eu) "XO HIS 5 FltlST SAT VAAS TTUST. ABOUT To -&ET AMt THEM THE MlUU WHITTLE "BuEuJ ""eACW: TO OJ0O.K, "TbOYS" tfO-Ho -A NO THE GAME ENtE t5 OOVTHOOT A "Berr "BEING MADE AFTEfZ THE "DRAW THIS Clcan-up and Paint-up, April 23-29 Several Champion ! Tracksters of '21 to Enter State Meet Some VPnt rhumninna V 10O1 high school track and field meet will compete next month when the Ne braska interscholastic tracksters com pete May 13 in Lincoln in the annual . nigh school classic. Among the high I school track stars of 1921 that passed lrom the high school class last year are Lloyd, Bioodgood, Meyers, Hepjier- lan and ijreen. Lloyd won the 100-yard and 220 yard dash last year, Bioodgood took ihe quarter mile, Green tied in the high hurdles and Myers and Heperlan won in the field events. One record holder will take part in the state meet. He is Rhodes of Ans- ey, who la.-t year established a new :iark in the pole vault by clearing the Jir at 11 feet 8 inches. He is expected lo better this achievement this season. V. DeMeranville, crack miler and half-miler from Aurora, will be an other contestant. The Auiora distance performer made good time last year, and during the season bettered the .tate record. Lost Year's. Winners. Event winners of last season and Jie time which won an event cham pionship follow: 100-yard da.-h K. I.lod, Beatrice, 10 2-5 seconds. 2-0-yawl dash K. Llovd, Beatrice, 23 3 5 seconds. 4 iG-yrd da: h E. Bioodgood, Beat rice, 53 3-5 second:;. sinO-yaid run V. DeMeranville, Au mra, 2 minutes 4 2-5 .seconds. Mile run V. DeMeranville, Aurora, I minu'.c:' 42 K-5 seconds. -120-yard h gh hurdles E. Weir, Su perior, and Green, Omaha Central, 17 i-5 second:'. 220-jurd low hurdles R. Jones, Clay Center, and E. Peterson, Lincoln, 2!) .seconds. Running hirh jump Stiner, Hast ings. 5 feet C'l inches. Running broad jump Keyt, Omaha Central, 19 feet o inches. Disous throw Myers, Beatrice, 111 feet 7 inches. Pole vault Rhodes, Ansley, 11 feet S inches. 12-pound shot put Heppeiien, Beat rice, 4 4 feft 4 inches. 8S0-yard relay Beatrice, 1 minute 3G 3-5 seconds. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! r f"st trrin?" asked the - - - salesman of the conductor 'Of rrmrsp it Is." was the reulv. "I thought it was. Would you mind my getting out to see what it is fast to?" Evans ville Cresent. GAME"- FvMAuof Oor TtriEE ZTACKS SSS. MEDBURY Times are changing: chaperones are coming back into style. There is a giat demand for deaf, dumb and I lind ones. When a aruv iroes out with h: u-li-1 he likes to be alone. Chaperones are iiKe smau brothers; you can peak more iiteiy without them. If you do have to have nn fsrort when you take your girl to the theatie, ouy one ot the seats in the gallery. One guy called on a dame, and whrn he saw the chnperone, he left the dame at home and took the chaperone. The girl had to be home by eleven, oui tne tnaperone could stay out till one. But mn:t chaperones are homelv i nd this is the only way they get a chume to go out. Chaperones pre the rensnn s-o mnny girls get taken home in the street car If you go out to supper the Oicovt has to go along with you. She doesn't eat any more than your girl; :t only seems like it. Two is company, but a -haoerone makes it a corporation. You can't even propose to vour girl alone. One cro'-s-eyed guy proposed to his girl and the chaijerone accepted him. And just because he was cro: K-eycd he got sued for breach of promise. He propo od where he was looking, but he didnt loo.c wlicie he was pro posing. One mother even hired a mind-read ing chapei one for her daughter. It's getting so that a fellow can't even keep his own thoughts to himself. If this- chaperone had been a grod mind reader, she'd have quit after she read his mir.d the first time. Pretty scon we'll have to speak in one language and think in another. Pu. "o doubt there pre chnperoncs who listen in all tongues. The best way out of it is to do your rourt'rt' in a toiler factory and then everybody for himself. By B. Link NJ III iHHll HA0J-HAU3- I . -IHAT5 Enough I If To MAue A J U ftooGH 6oV J -I SAf "SHOCKS-. I ! 1 )mm II ERA LI) VA NT A Ds K ES V LTS. NOTHli False Schedule Penalty. If nny pmnn shall make a fal.-e or fraudulent li-t, schedule or rtatement r.-M piired by (hi chapter, er shall wil fully fail or leiu o to deliver to the assessor, when called upon for that purpose, a list of the taxable property which under this chapter is required to be li. ted, or shnll temporarily convert i.ny part of such property into prop erty not taxr.Mo,, for the fradulent purpose of preventing such property from being listed and of evading tho payment of taxes thereon, or shnll tiansfer or transmit any property to any person with such intent, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor nnd sub ject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars and not more than two thou sand dollars. If any person shall know ingly swear falsely regarding nny mat ter contained in such schedule or In terrogatories, he shall'be doomed guil- tv of perjury nnd be punished accord ingly. (1903 p. 402; Ann. 10952; Comp. 4974.) 35-44 ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, Third District. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner in the Third district of Box Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July 18, 1922. I am a good roads enthusiast, and I know conditions in the county thor oughly. 1 believe in being guided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. I pledge my best ef forts for a business-like administration of county affairs, and have but one other plank in my platform equality and justice for all. J. R. LAWRENCE. Wet wash calls received before 3:30 will be returned by 2 p. m. !0 lbs. for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. 38-tf EUGENE BURTON ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Office: First National Bank Building ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BEGINNERS OH THE PIANO I make a specialty of First, Second and Third grade work. Country Pupils Taken Care of Saturdays. rhone 922. Mrs. S. J. KEID A. CLARENCE SCIIQCH, H. D. Surgery and Consultation Itumer Uuilding Alliance rhone 664 Alliance Harry P. Coursey r AUCTIONEHR " Li?e Stock and General Farm Sal WELDING GEO. n. URKCKNE 210 W. 3rd , - . . . . i MOVlKfJ, PACKING. STOKING AND SUUTLNG SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIUErROOF STOUAGB "When It's Your More, Let Ua Know" Office Phone, 15; Ren. 884 and Bik. 730 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Keddish Ulock L. A. REKRY ROOM 1, RUMKR BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEKRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopath DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH '"hiropractors Palmer School Phone 8G5 Over Harper's PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. n