The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 28, 1922, Page FOUR, Image 4

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mtmkuan ( in udi.
Suiulay afternoon at 'Z:'iO o'clock,
Cerman stixice in the Lutheran
t VUOlA.VMVV.UAAl, Pah tor.
First Church of thrift, .Scientist,
810 'a I!ox Uutte avi'huc. Sunday
frcrvices, 11a. m., subject, "Kvei
inK Punii-hnicnt. ' Sunday school, S:4
a. m. Wednesday evening M-rvice.s at
o'clock. Heading room, 310'j Uox
Uutte avenue, op?n every Wednesday
from 2 to 4 p. m.
Seventeen new members were re
ceived into the fellowship of the
church last Sunday morning. There
re others Ftill to come whose let
ters have not yet arrived. While this
Is the umallest number received at any
Raster time since the present pastor
lias been here, yet each one came ul'ter
the challenge that no one should pre
sent themselves for membership un
less in real earnest to Ret to l.caen,
and that earnestness was to l-e ittest
d by b desire to put relion 'irst in
life. With a membership composed
f Christians of this stripe, we are
only at the beginning of our growth.
The Sunday school numbered 203
last week, with several wh'j came in
after the count was made. All the
daases are jrrowinjf and some new ones
are being started. Lloyd 'thorium'
class of young men is a live one, and
will nrobablv fill the niaxe Mcut
many Sundays. Some other cIum
rooms are being finished im this week
to that older classes will soonte ublc
ha vt moms to them.selves.
We are to have a strong spei'ker
ent out by the church next .Sunday
morning, who will be on his way to
XrottKhluff for the district conference
the following day. We -iie not nbje
at this writing to give his .iume, but
have been assured it is one of Ihe
strongest men the conference is to
liivo Wf are thus assured of a
wnt In the evenimr the pastor will
the subiect. "The Hoys of
Our Community," complying with the
request of the Rotarians. All parents
and friends of boys are especially ie-
nueHted to be nresent.
We call attention of churchgoers to
home of our Un May
1. the pastor enters the eleventh year
of his ministry and will speak on the
fcubiect. "Ten Years With the Saddle
Hairs." Mav 14 is Mothers' day and
vili be observed with appropriate ser
vices both morning ani evening.
MUAliL C. SMITH, Pastor,
The oitrninir piogrnm of the new
Kialto theater is ar,noun-ed ftr the
evening js'i lorinancc on Monday, May
1. '1 he owning play a "A Man's
Home," which will lo t ho attia't on
for both Monday and Tun-day. That
the wealthy man's home has to face as
many troubles and strive as hard for
happiness as the domicile of hi work-a-day
neighbor is one of the vital facts
brought out in the play.
Kredrrick Osborn, a self-made man,
has become so engrossed in bnsinoss
atfairs that he neglects his pretty wife
who, being only in search of gay pleas
ures, falls into the hands of unscrupu
lous adventurers with the result that
the Osborn family ' soon finds itself
engulfed in a sea of scandal.
The awakening of the husband and
the forceful manner in which he en-
leavors to straighten the situation out
brings on the dramatic climax v l.ich
is the big moment in a story full of
action and suspence.
An all-star cast or distinguished
players interpret the various icies.
Harry T. Morey, star of many veil
remembered productions, portrays the
husband, and Kathlyn Williams, a long
time favorite on the screen, plays the
role of the wife. In the cast are also
Matt Moore, Faire Binney, Grace Val
entine. Roland Bottomley and Mar
garet Sedden.
Tonight is the last opportunity Al
liance patron- will have to see "Over
the Hill" at the Imperial, the perfor
mance thi evening concluding a thrc
day vi-it of this attraction. The pin
has drawn big ctowds and is conceded
to be a remarkable production. The
local movie fan.-, have given it a hearty
and richly de-erved weliome; paying
not only the tribute of spontaneous
laughter to its many delightful tinn
ed y scene--, but paying also the rarer
tribute of sympathetic tears tj its
tbetic episodes. The story, which was
taken from Will Carleton's poems, )e-count-"
the joys and sorrows of a typi
cal mother, who raises a large family
of children, only to have them, in her
old age, allow her to drift from them,
to live on charity. The "black sheep"
son, however, when he discovers this
condition, comes to his aged mother's
rescue and all ends happily with the
little mother forgivinsr and forgetting:
Anita Stewart in "Her Mnd Bar
gain'" corses to the Iripnr.l SiW'Iuy.
Its tlie tory of the strangest bar
lain a i ill ever made. It was a yer.r
A Washington scientist says he has! The cause of a lot of fires is that
perfected an invention for sending
music into the home through '.he elec
tric light bulbs. It should le
Sundav moi-mnir the pastor will
Dreuch a' special sermon on "The Boy
the Hoic of This Country, and the
Church. ' A special cltort should be
tnude bv all who teach boys to get
them to stay for the morning sermon
uhe evening sermon will ihj, "inoinu
thp Show Me Disciple."
1 opic for the nu n s class, a study of
the USth of KzeLiel, or "Of Whom
titcA 'ibis Sneak'.'"
Owing to the stormy weather, the
women s society did not meet mi.
week. The prayer meeting also wa
j.rmll this secc. Let us, however
wake up for it this next meeting
Lroiher Fowle, our state secretary
tells us that the churches all over the
t-tate are having lull house.-, hspe
cially is this so of the Suiulay school .
From periodicals we lind that this i
true ot ull denominations, showing
that a revival of interest in the B:b'e
is in the land. Happy the church
that will take advantage of this in
tere.-t and seek to bring its pupils to
tne Savior, lor unless they do 'this
the school fails in her minion. The
salvation of the soul should be and
must 6e the goal of Bible education.
The largest Sunday school attend
ance last Sunday. Can we not add on
a few more this week? Let'a try .by
tringing that neighbor who goes to'no
of life for an ai ti.-t's model money to ly effective, we assume, for transmit'
buy ew- thine she wanted. For one ting light opera. Nashville Lumber
vear of 1 he happiness .'he had never .man.
Irwvn, r.n nrf'-t ea'-" her S.'wvpfin.'
binding her in an agreement to !is-1 "
pose ot. per Me,- one -ear. uui ;::::n::;:;n::::::-:::u;:;:::;:::u;::::::;
there are not enough goods to cover
the insurance. Frenso Republican.
Apparently there is no wry to cut
the pattern of peace without having
a few straps left over. Duluth Herald
in the e'eventh month -l-e found love, 'J
anil Km w liiiti ill'; ivirnui ci iu ui
her last. It's an unusual story.
Saturday Imperial patrons will have
cn opportunity to see William S. Hart
in "O'Malley of the Mounted." There
is a mystery of real thrills the long
search for a murderer in the wilds of
the western Country. Like a blood
hound, Hart follows his man into the
hills and liecomes one of the bandit
crew which is protecting the culprit.
By a strange twist of fate, the pur
suer learns to love the sister of the
man he is after and the latter saves
him from death at the hands of the
bandits. How this situation is made
to end happily will puzzle the spec
tators to the last.
Mondiy and Tuesday the Imperial
present- "The Rosary." Love and
sacrifice are the predominant notes in
the production. Vera is engaged to
be married to Bruce Wilton, who has
given her a rosnry as a symbol of
their love. She learns that Alice,
Bruce's pretty sister, has been enticed
to the home of Kenwood Wright. Vera
goes to the cottage and pleads with
Alice to leave. Bruce, informed by
the village rialf wit that Vera has
gone to Wright's home, goes to the
place, thoup-h he refuses to believe it
is true. Vera sees him coming. She
gets Alice out of the back door. With
Wright she confronts Bruce, from
whom rhe conceals the real mission
of her visit in order to shield his sis
ter. He refuses to believe in her in
nocence and takes back the rosary he
had given her.
We put on Ford top covers complete
for $12.00.
124 West 3d
Use Herald Want Ads for Results.
Don't Throw Your
Old Hat Away
Send it to us and we will make it look like
a new one. Our long experience is your best
Alliance Shoe
Phene 214
121 Box Butte
Miiiiiim!Miitt8MtMnm;n!niiiiiMtMi T t'milllim
vrr; Lki
A sermon to new members will Le
preached net Lord day morning.
Ihe subject is "Christian Growth." In
tesponse to the request of the Rotar
ians through their local president, Dr.
Slagle, the evening sermon will be on
the boy problem. The subject is, "The
Koy." Mr. Charles Dingey will sing,
"Ashamed of Jesus." At ten o'clock
the Bible school beg ns. With as many
new pupils as were present last Sun
day we will pass all former lerords.
Miss Billie Swensen's play, "Alice's
rinrcr I'arty" will be given tonight.
Fourteen boys ami girls comprise the
jcast. This will be an interesting play
"anil w'!' be wc:th the admission o
23 ana 35
How many arc intending to go to
Bayard next week? May o-7 is the
time for the district convention. It
will encourage ycur minister who is
fuesident of the oistrict for many of
he Alliance church to attend.
Dr. C. C. Drummond, . a medical
missionary who has spent nearly twen
ty years in India, Hill again visit Al
liance May 8. On that evening he will
address an audience at the church.
When ou are considering a church
home, rememlKT th chuich with a
message and a welcome.
STLTlllIN J. E1T.F.R, Pastor
111 ill ft mm
Opening Program
Monday Evening, May 1
IE HAVE selected for our initial entertainment a picture that
' has been universally accorded high praise by reviewers and
theatregoers alike. One critic pronounces it:
"Lewis J. Selznick's Greatest Production."
Featuring An All-Star-Cast, Including: Faire Binney, MattlMcore,
Harry T. Morey, Kathlyn Williams, Grace Valentine and Rol
and Bottomley. w .,ti.t, ,
You enter this household and see stark drama when Frederick Osborn, a prosperous
self-made man who has been too busy making money to pay attention to his wife, is
shocked when he suddenly discovers that his wife is facing a scandal, due to a frame-up
on the part of Jack and Cordelia -Wilson, a pair of adventurous blackmailers.
in I
; 1 Av'iiM.
2-REEL COMEDY, Featuring
on opening night starting
at 7:30 and 9:15 p. ni.
115-117 West Third Street
Our Regular Prices
Children, (under 12) 10c
Adults, 22c; War Tax 3c
ADMISSION $1.00; War Tax 10c
B & B Electric Shoe Shop,
IS BAD ON SHOES but we can make them as good as
new again at a big saving to you. Have your shoes re
paired and put the rest of the money in the bank.
Under Alliance National Bank