THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, APRIL 2.'. 1022. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEIIENTS .0,., buy ""MhlnaT Hiii. of people ,c thM w,Bt 4 column, looking for what you r ohrr have to onr. Get Quirk by, In Tbi U.rftid Want Ad de-partamt. RATE8 One ctvt per word per in.wrtlon. Conta no trior than ther newspaper, and we ftuxr .mi ua reach cetver.l hull-t.-d Uinre render. Uujr tircula ' a n pot ir. FOR SALE FOR SALP- Iiy owner, SO acres al falfa anel potato irriirataMe land Torrinjrton district, accent uood auto first payment, al.;o 3 sections mixed farminir, hay and prazinp land, cle.-c in, both places priced below today's values, exceptional pood propo.-.'toils. Box 213, Mullen, Neb. 41-43 FOR SALE Cream separators, one of two makes -Shaiplevs or lie.ntriro. Call phone 610F11. J. J. SCIiEl-VlK. 43-i:.p FOR SALE Four phonographs; sliphtly u.-eel as deTinn.trat.ers; luir pain prices. Phone 372. 43-41 FOR SAI.K Repistcrvl Shorthorn milk cow, recently fic.-h; price $ 5. J. A. keegan. " -12-4 ip FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet b:i.-e, zinc top; also Seecar rel'rip.e'.v.tor, practically new. Inquire MO C'hej enne. HEMSTITCHING AND TICOTING attachments: fits all sewinir mach ines. Price $2.00. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, I)o: 127, Birmingham, Ala. 41-41p COLUMBIA HATCHERY. P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver) guaranteed. Parcel Post prepaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf FOR SALE Good used cars. A. II. JONES Co., Srd and Cheyenne, tf ' FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, outside entrance. Inquire 816 Cheyenne. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment, including light and phone. One-half block west of post- office. 1142 W. 4th St. 40-tf FOR RENT Modern furnished room?, for light housekeeping. Telephone 622. 32tf FOR RENT To good farmers, on long time leases if desired, first clas3 Box Butte county farm land for farming purposes. 80-tf LLOYD C. THOMAS WANTED WANTED Experienced woman want? steady work in private home. Phone 74S. 43-p "WANTED TO RENT 5 room house, modern, with furnace, bath, etc., not particular alout location. Apply at the Herald ofHce. 40tf WANTED Gardens to plow. Ratoi reasonable. Call F. V. EDER. phone G87W. 41tf-idC0 LOST LOST Small Collie pup, near color of coyote, white stripe on face. Finder please return to Zediker's, 314 Sweet water or phone dog"s whereabouts and receive reward. 43 FOUND FOUND In pianos I have tuned and cleaned: Pencils, toothpicks, hair pins, matches, collar buttons, safety pins, live mice and mice nests, moths, love letters, gum, scraps of paper, books, sheet music, pennies, nickels, dimes, jewelry, neckties, dust cloths, baby i-hoes, Yictrola needles, bric-a-brac, tiddledewinks, stockings, a prayer book, a yard ttick and plenty of dust. 1 may find the same in your piano. Don't blame your piano if it doesn't sound right- Have it tuned and cleaned by POOL, The Piano Tuner. Phono 741. 12- tt FOUND Larue cameo pin. Owner mav have same by calling at Herald office: -13-44 Wet wash calls received before 8:.J0 will be returned by 2 p. m. 20 lbs. for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. oS-tf It appears that Irish republicans ore seeking a fh,ht to a finish rather than a finish to a fiht. Non'olk Virginian-l'ilot. A lost Chicago co-cd was found af ter i-he pot a job as cook. She had a curious idea of the way to avcid the police. New York Tribune. Automobiles wouldn't be dangereus if the horse-power of the encine was proport'onedto the hor.e sense of the driver. Marion Star. You mutn't bHic-vc ell that is writ ten about the wicked movies. So in:-ny writers have had -ce'virios rejected. Richmond New.-:-Leader. A popular song writer says it i- a mystery to him how he does it. But we can not accept th"t as an explana tion. Ignorance of the law is no ex cuse. St. Paul Daily Guard. The funny part of it is that a mere sucker can locate a swindler when the most skilled detectives are baffled Erie Times. Up there the sheep and goats will he ided, but down here the sheep ciLrlUally thC goats,Eugne Dailyl ELLSWORTH. . Mis? Evelyn Mallard, employed nt the Ell-worth hotil, attended a' dance at A.hby Saturday, leaving here on 41 and retui ni.ij- Sunday evening by auto no'ii'e. Miss Stufia visited at her former home ne;.r Spade Saturday, re-. ho.e Sunelay evening with he Spade mail cairicr, Gooij,o Heck ler. Walter Wichtman, secretary and tieasuier of the Kklu.r is and' Corn stock Cattle company, left Sunday en i for N'ewiast'e, o., where h :.s called on company bu. ine .s. He e pects to return the middle of the week. P. E. Law and J. L. ou';g wore Al liance i-iters S Uurd.iy ,i eturning l.'ie thiit e' O'.i'ip. J. I!. Kennedy an 1 son, Edward, at tended the Kid'. Ins of Columbus ci ie-inoaie-; in Ail rave Sunday afternoon ard niclit, leturning on 12 Monday morning. N'oal l!:dlenger of Itintham Mopped over nivht f.aturday, while retuaininp to hi- homo from a few da vi.-it near Lake.-iile and in Alliance. J. E. Gaunt returned Sunday nipht 'ro'n a few days' vacation in liot Springs, S. D. Mr. Gaunt at cno iin:o played in a .-old'er's hand i.t lli.t S iirp: and many old acquaintances w, :e renewed while on this crip. Sjrd-'V afternoon being' an ideal eby for l.t!l pla ing m: no of the local players and fans weic out for several houis practice. Walter ard Gionn !Iou.-e of Lakeside were up for the team practice. The foirier will l-e the repular .-hent-Mop ,inl scend p'teher on t!ie team this year. Glenn II. hi e, who is an cedent catcher also idles o play with the team but local fion will he u-cd as much as po;.-i'le tor the petitions. Pitcher E. V. P.hick, v ho earlier in the ,-euon was lined up to play with our club, is now elouli'.ful Alliance has organize 1 a ball team this year. Wh'le we have not heard definitely from him it is alrrosL cer tain that we will have his services again this season. We plan to have a game here this Sunday probably vith Antloch ami the following Sunday a game will no doubt be played with the fast Whitmanites, who are being newly, equipped and will have neaily as strong a team as last year, they hav ing engaged the services of Pitcher Joe Maupin, but they will be short two last year's stars, King on third and Waite on second. Whitman has vrit- Beinp: unable to continue ranching, I have leased the place and decided to clean up. There fore, I will sell at public auction, on my place, twenty-five miles southeast of Alliance, and six teen miles south of Antioch, on w,h .M ,iLrtjrjtte&u rMtou&tf te&titkiutZ Commencing After FREE Lunch at Noon the following described property, towit: 30--HEAD OF 1 Registered White-face 1 Hoist ein Cow 10 milch cows and calves 15 JO 20 HEAD OF HORSES About 22 Head of Hogs 2 Brood sozvs; About 20 shoats, Weigh up to 1 00 lbs. FARM MACHINERY G McCcrmick mowers, run 1 and 2 years; G McCormiek rakes, self dump; 3 biff Dain Sweeps; 1 stacker; 1 freight wasor., 4-in. tire; 1 waffon, low wheels; 1 hay rack; 1 feed grinder, new; 8 sets heavy harness; 19 heavy work collars; 20 heavy halters; 1 saddle; 1 bridle; pump and windmill tools; 2 sand buckets. Other things too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE All sums under 50, cash; over that amount a credit of G months time will be given on bankable security bearing 10 interest. Parties desiring credit will make ar rangements before sale starts. No property to be removed until settled for. Harry Coursey, Auctioneer, Alliance ten us for game- and it is almost cer tain that we will play them Sunday, May 7. Mi. Ethel Fields attended the dance at A.-hby Saturday evening, returning home Sundiy nftenoon. Gene Kennedy visited friend; in Al ii. nee S.i'urday and Sunday, retarding Sunday ni,ht. Wiiuai'i Steele laid o:T Troni his raihoail work Monday working in his hoeuteid east of town lViuing, etc., preprr ten y to prov.i c up on the ;lace sometime In the near I'lrure. For ear e : t d.iiv Sa!u:ii:i, : ome An'hxh m.iic has been eni; j.el, t a:ii hei e player abo an !i!io I) piani.-t who with the as-i t;ince of II. U haley n coronet ami 1 h.o ij . o.i with the tr: ps w ll r.o doubt fin ne h u. . :',h ewiUcut nu:.-i( Dent tlio Saturday, Apr! 2'.'. Clde Sinn londs, I,akeide bo.rher, vail lie in 111!.' worth S.uuiday j-.I'te-r-neon, iinixi.'.g on ;he n o.i train. W illia i! AI'''o'.t of W'h.itman moo!"vl '.h.!'oU!::' hcie S.aiiLiy niornio" ic iiiii- iitg .ion .v.ii tm e. i: 'I pu yj : l.ort stop for the W'h ttaan ia 1 teaai and he st;.tos that comnlrie new eiiipnvnt has b en ordead for his team inelud ir : ten ni.ty new uniforms. He was iaiiun iiig for open da'es wiih our club and It is il .'line I to have a Vv hitman game l.ei? Sunday. M :y 7. School wiil clo-e May I'1, and the Lidd es say that ii is too toon at that. viu n:v. Charles We.rl, who was taken ser-ioii-ly ill last Wednesday, is slowly re gaining hi- strength and will bo taken to town Wednesday or Thurselay lor an X-ray oairiination. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Wilson M.d daughter of Dunlap spent Sunday nt the Herb Nason homo. Koss DcWe. ter returned home Snn elay, after spending a lew days at Charles Wessel's. Mr. and Mr. Fred Nason took elin ner at the F. H. Nason home Sunel y. (luite a few from here attendee! the ball game at Ash Grove Sunelay rftcr noon. Mr. anil Mrs. Jess Chilson spent Sunday at the W. J. Loranee home. Louis Ku-t nnel family visiteel Sun day at the home of William Rust. Jr. j. W. Frazier has been helping John Frazier sort spuds for several days. Mr. anel Mrs. Virgil Wessel nnel Mr. ane! Mrs. Arthur Rexlg-ers were Bull W. W. BECK, Owner I callers at the Charles W'es. el home ' ; bun-lay. I John Hill and son, W'i'liam. nit in a 'new culvert wi,,n wa badly need d , on the load near this farm. ' I The Kosinicki hi other fi'.v'i rear ! Hemi:,);,ord spent Sunday at the Ed : Zoel.ol ho, ne. i'. ix. i.awreneo and tamiiy attended chuiih in tewn Senuay evi'mng. IK (i. S. John oil tioai town t nik suppe-r at the nu.l We.-.-el liaau Sua day e . i aiee'. M .non Ko.-r.doki will work for I'd Zocho: i ) a !! William '.h hal has to i o to mo ho. ni:al lor i.n on- ei at ion I In Api il ittend men at Sunday 1, W..S t'lil'tj-tWO. ANGORA i hool, E. 1'. Mathas spent Sunelay at Ilav urel. Aaion llei (er a id Frank Cab a wrie trail a t ,n, ba -ircss in liayanl and 111 id poi t ! i ulay. W. . 1 i,o up, on went to Urielge-port Saturday, e'euuro; home in a new Feud. O. A, U ood - of G.Ting, pent Thurs elay and Friday m, hi lanch heie John Slieiopman airixeil home' from Grand l.-lann W e lne.elay, w he re be has Ik c a bavin;:' a tance-r le'inoved. Mr. Wait' el the III ielgepeii I .Vole r company, was ti . ins;. cling liu.-iness in Allr.era Tluir. da'. Mr. and Mi.-. Koheit Suit ami rhil elre n came- ho.iie li eim O-diko.-di I hurs elay, v. heii! they have been vi iting tlie pa. t week. Mi Ir. and Mrs. John Shemnmnn autoeel to liii '.c'nort Thnr-elay.- J. i.. I.. Caiey ol lienver autooel here limn Dattoii Satu.d.iy moinitig lor :i vi-it with his son, I.yle and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch are here from South Dakota, for a visit with rela tives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Wood and Elmer Iialelridgo. autoe d to SeeuLsbhitr Sunelay to visit with Walter's par ent s. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Miles gave a I Eighth grade pupil ONnminntions dance at their home Saturday night, j will he hehl in the court house nt Alli which was well attended anel the u .ua! nnr(. ltn, the school house at Heming- Koeid time en ioveel "The Poor Married Man," a hemic talent play will be given by the memliers of the Parent anel Teachers' association at Dove's hall Frielay night. If you have wool to sell, see I K. Miss. 40-tf Sale Apri CATJLE--30 Chas. Brittan, FOWLING James Kenoeelv hednrvl Ja-por Col- vin fi his well Friday. It had caved in last week. 1'ete Fane'll took elinner at the Hurl hurt home Thur; day, J Wint -n i-- busy breaking Md for Joe Caha with hi-; tractor. Mr. ar 1 Mis. J ke Ml ea :in I ;en petit Friday at the Pans Loom'. The M's ( A lie,- j rd Actio.. Wmfe n i lt"d with their cemsin, Mi-s Am es Kei-ni'ely, last we', k. M . and Mi''. Jame ; Eat "i were c.-dleis at lie- Ilui'iliirt 'iiune Thur.--e'v. M vei Lena Crawford i-; convalescing ie-ely after a seviio Mtack i f the tin. Mrs. R. L. lloif returned to lie'i' home in AUhmee' S l.iv utter spendi'Mr a few clays with he'r lu.!ani at the lilae-kri'ot l nidi. Ml. Tailor and hired mm i f GiT-nt county passed 1'iiduu'i here' l'lMay wil'l a lume'll ef hor-cs. I 11 'V vcie t".kitlg the lleH'-o-- tei I.U ,C, Wyo., tei work on a load e e ntracl. ,Iari" Eaton deliveii-vl : Mad of itoi to Mr. Join e'n, in I b'min.v or Saturdo.y. Ile'iii v Pens i th" proud owner of a new breaking plow. Mr. and Mrs. N. I'. Hnrl'mrt 'd. iied at the ,"i Kennedy home Snnd iv Mi s I !i"v Hover was an Alliance vi -I'eir W edee-il iv. Mrs. J'.l ea was n cn'ler at Mie , R'ae kreiot ranch W e elne. day afternoon , ' V7 Mi s Zootta Nieheds left li.-t week J"1...1 V lwfori! to nttend th? Advent institute. She accompanied the mail I carrier tn teivv n. Mr. t:nd Mrs. Jake LI: ea spent S..t urd iv nf the 1'rn home. Mr. Pippett of Ilemingforel wa.c a caller at the A. J. Elsea home Salur dav morning. NOTK E ford, May 4 anel 5. OPAL RUSSELL, 42-43 County Superintendent. Wet wash ciU received l)efore SzoO will Ik? returned by 2 p. m. 20 lbs. for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. 38-tf 7th 3 milch cows, Durham and White. 15 yearlings First State Bank, Alliance, Clerk It will be to your advantage to see me when you need a farm loan. K. ('. Laikor, First Na tional II ink LUiir. 42lf HERALD WANT AHSKESLLTS. NOTKli! Fal-e Schedule Penally. If any person tdiatl make a fabe or fraudulent li-t, schedule or statement rreprred by this chap e l, e,r shall wil fully fail or refu c: te eleliver tei tho n.".-es.or, whon c"liel upon for. that purpose, a li;t e,f the tasahle property which under this chapter is le'juiiid to be Lsted, or shall torn pornrily convert c.ny part of such property inlo prop erty neit taxable., tor the fraelulent purpo.e of preventing sueli proK'i'ty from being listed and of evading the payment of laves thereon, or shall transfer or trnn;'nit i ny propo-ty t't any por.-eni wiih ;u!i intent, he ihall be Kllilty of a i.iise'en'.eanor and fub ject to a line of neit les-s than fifty dollars nnel not more than two thou sand dedlai's. If any person (-hall know ingly swear falsely regarding any mat tor cont einod in such sc hi-dule or in terrogatories, be rhall be elocmed guil ty of pei jury and be pimbhd anord-itii-ly. (li'Od'p. -U2; Ann. H)'Xs2; Comp. 417 i.) 5-41 ANNOrNCLMLNT. Commissioner, Third District. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner in the Thiiel eli.trict of Re- Rutte county, Nebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July IS, i22. I am n g""el rewls enthusiast, nnel I know condition in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guieleel by the will of the majority in all matters nf roael hwation. I ple?e!ge my best ef forts for a business-like nelministration of county affairs, nnel have but ona other plank in my platform eejuidity and juaticc for nil. J. R. LAWRENCE. Wet wash calls received before S;:0 will be returned by 2 p. m. '0 lb, for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. 38-tf EUGENE BURTON ATTORNEY. AT-LAW Office: First National Rank Building ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BEGINNERS ON THE PIANO I make a specialty of First, Second and Third grade work. Country PupitM Taken Care of Saturdays. Phone 922. Mrs. S. J. REID A. CLARENCE SCHOCH, (I D. Surgery and Consultation Rumer Uuildin Alliance rhon fifil AlHaaM Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Sale WELDING GEO. n. BRECKNER 210 W. Srd MOVING. PACKING. STORING AND SIH ITING SNYDEU TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE -When It's Your Move, Let U Know" Office Thone, 15; Res. 881 and Blk. 730 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish Block L. A. KERRY ROOM 1. RL'MER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery,. Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School I'hone 805 Over flarpcr'a PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.