The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 25, 1922, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Alliance Council No. 07.", K-i.lits ,,'fj
CoiuiMi.u , put u i a c!:: .- u, inn m .ti
nt tin in.t aiii.n Si.n.wy, a Uuu.uet at;
the Arnory lo'lovim- th: ivn-eiiini
of decrees at the ckb rooms in the
mtewiooii. 'j he candidates and mem
lrs inten.l.'th m;is ;.t ti:e taihoiic
church in the niuininjr meet n i.t the'
iV.ii in th, aitiHinori (,y t!e omt'.r-'
linf of decrees, the fn t and ecn:i. of!
tlie.-e benvii rien by the A!li...iee
ouir. u a:,c ioe oy 1 bt.-ct
Iepuly Jair.cs I.. Cun.:n, and the vis
itors i'rom leal. At tlie ha,:n,uot, at I
which L. F. Shields ).i'csih ! j;s ;a t-1
iiiatcT, James I,. Cum n, of i.ead, S. 1
I)., district deputy; J. L. N'cary, pest
Grand Knkbt of the Iiiaek Ii:iis coun
cil ; i:ev. Hal'ie of ttayard. spoke. ;ll
receiving the heartiest uppb'U-e. Ka.
niond LaKiie;e Rave a vio'in sole;
Mary kintf, a somano solo and I'd
The Kine.ika C.mpfi.e b.'-M its rrtvi
lar r.u i. .iru a tlie home 'of
1-oMy I 'any, UUO bar, i.iie, Mnrdiy
c.:imr. A rc;,rt :.s j iven bv th.
2'rts who look tii.' layoff t the younir
o!'s wio. "I'his la r 1 1 was'r.ia li
en. holy by the f : i lis then e ves ruiiitj:
the l; .t two m.mths. Tito cven:n
w.!-- -,;nt in t i:u; ev t sotre by ', ,
cul'.iue le.ovd.; and l in-h m.Mii.iiont
w s t t it nit. Pel'Voi' rei" e hmrnt
ve:e rrwd by the hn.-tes-c.;, boi'
Taily mid liiini Mae ?I.'ier.
The Rural Woman's club met April' daf'l k'PT tnvl.lMn 1
2d m tl, W., r Mr ciiiln ' 11 Ul""1 c,-'Sh l her Home Satur-
Icrue attendance and nn interest na
prop-rum. i he leaders in the discus--ion
were Mrs. Louis IV. well, Mr;. F'.ta
Iieal, Mrs. Alex Lee and Mrs. tiuy
Kj.-t. A'.tr ro're: Invents the met
iiij: adjourned to i.u t in wieks
t the la. 1. 10 of Mis. Juii.uino.
There w i" be a nicetine- of
:ii' s it's cl.iji Jl.i 1'1'H'
V.ty 1, at Opal Ki.. sell s oj
curt lii.u e, et whi-h a!i i u"
jrirrr.ily re v.e.-te I to U; pre .'eiii.U' will be f take 'in
r rnii'ic
in the
i'i e
t. This
and bplit Hue. hmeuis were s-erveii.
I he M, li. ciioii- w ill rnoct Thurs
:ty vetinjjr at ti e o( Mrs. A.
i'. .il le, i m 1 1'ilow : lii ant
wid bo as,..-ta;.t !.o,te..s.
Mr;. Allied iYtnn;', a!cr a few
Week..' VI ,t Mi.h ll.'l- p;ili. ts Mr.
A. S. .Mot,., iLui;i.i'i m i.ei lu.ioo
at Nt,i I'll,.
injitti-i -. Ii !':
lisban.ied 1.
ilini' lied vh 'it ti e club
There will
p: iiy :.t ti;e
i. v., t.l I K pv
. inpai i,.u.i ii.
Iv a Mi. nt'
I ..ri.-li Ima-e
l) i' li.e :..i;
) vbi'-t
' Ulll-I
Hi U:
The Kinunka CampHre pirls rr-ive
the Ciean-ti) and raint-up moveme n
a p'cod start Saturday when, attired
for i be .ccr.. fun in army brereiies and
wool shirts hclpoij A. II. Harjier
clean up the yard of the llarpor-.ei-
rr.aa on station at tlie coi ner ol lomt'i
The La.-1eiii Star k'n.irutin will
He', 'i'h.v.i . lay at tho M::.-o: ie Teia-.
le. Al! i: e; bei s who e hiri Inlay si
eome in .i u are re 'e-i-rs. li.ere
Tlie I!pi:(n
ni'-'!av ai iei :
, ;! ; Id v.i'l meit V d
ioo.i at the t ai i Ii In. use
Ko l! ekv ith u liu. t
l Ss.
ill be co"te. ts an I ;.'iz,',s
wiivM-r.-. Liirht n f:e.- l i.ient
for the
will b
The re -u'ar i.iei fnu o," Adoniratn
I.odiie of I'ci fret ion No. 1 will ki lirbl
1 v cone: dav evening nt the Masonic
letnpie. All JVot.i b Ki:e Ma-oi? are
I'-s'ied to a tnl, as plans will bo
in: !e tor the May leue'on.
reo e
lo. liu'.te
end Mi-.. I . H. Denton h.'e
.... ii. i
iiho i no n,ier Home ai m.j
ivi n lie.
ne. Die eu.s worked stead-.
receiving several encores. All tire -H.-t -v u ' 'fx rm? making their work a
ai . ,v roon .-.jr. imrper nail lunch
sent to thciM, and in the afternoon be
"tvpftop' tbein to the matime nt the
ileintyie of Lean, a t.-nor sen), eaiiii:
receiv.n several encores, ah pre i. t
then stood and sane: "America." The
candidates initiated weie Willi an 1!.
Breckm r, Carl Dueehsen. tein, A. 11.
Lyon, F. L. O'Connor, 1). J. Sab ;!ee,
Kaymond LaKiviere, Albert U. It. n'y
of I-akeside, Ieo Ka.-tner, W. J. Ibn ae,
Martin W. Morris, A. J-.rry,
Thomas I). Vail, George Hloek, S. S.
Wozny and Thomas 1-k Kiny: i f An
pora; P. A. Canoll, John Carry, J. ,A1.
Litteras of Antioeh; Anton lVe.-ter of
Angora; Ed J. O'Neil. L. A. b.aeh.kv
and J. A. Fellner of Bavard.
Herbert J. States of Lander, Wyo.,
vbo is assoeiateil with Lloyd Thomas
in homestead locating and co'onization
work in central Wyoming-, in the Lan
der territory, stopped over in Alliance
on Saturday for a business visit with
Mr. Thomas. He reports cond'tions
The Kast Side rro'vre.--sive club met
at the home of Mrs. Charles Wolfe
and Mrs. Loy Gai wood, Apr.l II). Alter
j a very intere.-tmj; me"t:nir and re-
Ire, hnients the meet nK was adjoumrd
to meet in two weeks, or May 8, at
th? Last school houe. This
w ill be nn all-i' iy meet in tr. All are
requested to brimr their lunch and
meet with the ladies. Mrs. Pete Gor
man and Mr?. Ficd Doness will le
hostesses. "
ml :
d Mi
The ladies' circle of the Christian
Inn eh will meet Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. W. i:. Cults, Mi.'l N obrara.
It will be a work meeting and there
i.. i iii i ortant business to bo transacted.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gaiilz will
drive to Denver this week to have
their car oveib.'.u'ed ard ,'bir. theie.
Mis. Culver, who here vi-itimf
sister. Mrs. W. li. Harnett, v;ll ..coorn
pany them.
Saturday. April L'2 To Dr
11. (i. P.auman, twin f;irls.
Satiudiiy, Aoiil -J 'Po Mr
P. M. tiarwoo I. tv.i'i... a bov : i.d a i ill
Saturday, April 2t! - To Mr. and Mis.
II. L. Crair.p, Z12 Pi'iorn, a oa .y ciil.
Saturday, April l 'I o Mr. and .Sirs.
John Overman, a Lahv bov.
The led:es of the P iptif-t Aid soci
etv will be enteit ined bv Mrs. C. H.
Fuller end Mrs. W. H. Gillette at the
church W nine-day ft 2:t). All are re
quested to brinp thimble find needles.
Alliance Has u
Candi'Jale fcr (he
Trip to Franco
At the Mamlay luncheon of the Al
liance ehiiinber of comineice, Larl 1).
Mallery spoke in behalf of the Ameii
can committee for the relief of devas
tated France. Miss Anne Moruan is
financing the work of solicitation of
funds for the state quota, and arranire-
nicnts have been made whereby a cer
tain mimlor of women from over the
The Woman's club will meet IT'la
afternoon with Mrs. John Peach, fiis.
Georire Lb Darlinur and Mrs. Addis!
in excellent .-nape in nis territory anil i oie as nosiesses. ine sunject win ne,
they expect to locate a larre number "Foreign Music," and the following
of nomeseekers on government home- papers will be piven: "French Musie,"
stend du',;n?' rominsr months. While Mrs. He.ldish; "Spanish Music,' M..
here Mr. States made a trip by autoi Neuswaiifrer; "Iudian Music," Mis.
to Ellsworth to see Messrs. Jameson I Duncan. There will also be ..flections
nd Wriphtman on business matters. 1 of the various kinds of music by ('if cr
He is a former Lincoln and Nebras- ent people,
ka university man and while in the
university carried olf a number of j Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Howard enter
bonor1! on the athlet'C field. He hasltaine.l a few friends Friday evening
been located at Lander about fifteen in honor of the first birthday anni
years. There is plenty of snow over versary of their little dauRhter, Ieora.
most of Wyoming, he says, which will A dozen friends were quests for the
insure frood crops this cominjj season 1 occasion. The table was prettily dec
and plenty of water in the irrigation orated, the feature being a birthday
projects. cake with one candle.
the loreiem missionary society oi ptate will be piven free trips to France,
ine iiejioiiaii l.iuivo mix i deprndinff upon the amount of money
Wednesday aftemoon at the home of ; Fl,bsrribel from their localities. For
TlTfa 1 V lVtni'cpn Inn l(.!iilpi w i 1 i. i:.. . d...,.w., ... -i i
Mrs. J. F. Petersen. The leader will
be- A. r.s. A. P. Acheson.
Tom Pass will cive a violin solo,
and Mrs. Pass will give a few vocal
selections in Itfdian. The high school
girls' blee club will also ising a number
of song.-.
the first ?1S,0(H) contributed from the
state one girl will Ikj sent, and one
lor eacn additional ifO.tKH).
Miss Irene Pice of this city is the
only candidate entered in Nebraska in
the territory west of the city of York.
Mr. Mallery asked the chamber vf
commerce for its unqualified endorse-
. , , , , ,. unlit w vi;c ,ijiv tiiiii i-u.,..--i i iii.iv
Dr. Slag'e is in Omaha attending the .,.0,, ask t1( co-opK-ralion
the convention of the State Meiical of othor cities a)1(l t(lWn5 jn westcin
society. He left Sunday noon, ami is Xebraska without candidates. L'is
existed back the latter part of the nu)tion waa a,0.cti.
The Fortnichtly club will met Mon
day evening at the home of Miss Aita
Young, with Miss loung as Hostess.
The Biggest Ging
ham Dress Sale Ever
Held In Colorado or
The Biggest 01 ng
ham Dress Sala Evtr
Held In Colorado or
Over 1,500 fine imported gingharn dre?ses bought at great price concessions.
Reuler's purchased the entire stocks of two high-grade wash-dress makers, for which deal
liberal price concessions were made. Never in our merchandising' experience have we laid
eyes on such lovely dresses at DOUBLE THESE PRICES.
$1.75 to $2.50
About 200 chic, new
;ln:;Liaru and prtntod
volto dresses. This big
from, baa several differ
out styles from which
to choose. Dresses for
i trect wear, house wear,
uiid perch dresses
$3.00 to $3.9S
Contains about 300 high
er grade dresses, over
25 styles from which to
make selection. Made of
finest quality domestic
wash gingham i n
checks, plaids, and
8 t r i p e s. Uset ptioual!
Wonderful! At
Die very finest imported English and French Gingham Dresses extreme
v&iuc3. Nowhere could you buy dresses of this quality, workmanship, and
rtyle at less than $12.50. There are plaid3, checks, and stripes; there are
xstices, sizes for every figure. Offered at only
Up to $5.00
35 styles to srtfect from
all made of line count
gingham and many Im
ported Elnghams In new
cheeks and new sleeve
e.Tecta. The most ex
quisite 8 b o w 1 n g of
dresses ever offered at
this price In one store
Up to $10
The most startling val
ues in the entire assort
ment. High grade, fine
count imported gingham
dresses. Styles galore,
and all new sleeve ef
fects are generously rep
resented. IrcF8ea for
utreet wear, houso and
porch wear all offered
ut the extremely low
price of
Miss Kice plans to leave Thursday
for a meeting in Omahu, in connection
with the campaign.
The chamber of commerce has been
advised of several carloads of Early
Ohio seed potatoes wh'ch are for sale.
It is not the desire of the chamber of
commerce to interfere with the regu
lar commission men who handle seed
potatoes, or to supplant them in any
way, but fanners who want seed and
who are unuble to obtain it, will be
pliiced in touch with the paities who
nave the seed for sale.
Herald War-. Ad are read.
Nearly a bundled Odd -Fellows and
Kebekr.hs were present Sunday ninht
to hear the inini.-ter's sermon especial
ly prepared for the occasion, it was
a happy experience to address this
splendid body which with m;.ny others
crowded the building to its capacity.
The Bible school only lacked twenty
of exceeding the highest lecord in at
tendance. The Wednesday evening meeting be
gins at 7 o'clock. This will be one of
the meetings of the year. Choir
practice, under the direction of J. li.
Irwin, will lie held at the church at
:15. This will luliow the piuyer
The district convention of the Fifth
district churches will be held at llay
ard May ." to 7. Mrs. F. O. Kurgess
of Sidney is fecretary and S. J. Kpler
of is president. Hie presi
dent's uddress will be given the firt-t
evening of the convention.
As chaplain of IV t M, T. P. A., the
minister will attend the state conven
tion at Columbus on Friday and Sat
urday of this week.
Tiie play, "Alice's D."nn-?r Party,"
under the direction of Miss Hillie
Swensen, with fourteen boys and girls
in the cu. t will be given at the church
Fiiday eveninir at 8 o'clock. Admis
sion I'i und oj cents. Yoj will de
sire to witness this presentation of
America's cosmopolitan population.
S. J. Kl'l.LIl, Minister.
The large t Sunday school attend
ance in the nistory of the church took
place la.-t St'nday. Many new scholars
both nmong adults and young. The
morning nudlenee was unu.-ua'ly large,
end of course the eening keeps up to
its habit. Moie room needed, but v.e
must content our.-eives witn prernt
conditions ior some t rue et to come.
Two more men h:ive promi ed to join
the nu n's class Sunday, l.-t us all v.l n memljcrs 'urn out and we will
have cur large.-t attendance tlii.t
The woman's society meets at the
church tomonow a'ti-inoon. The choir
will practice at the home of J. S. Coi p,
who will ent.'iti'.in them wkh the help
of Mrs. T. A. Cro .
In keeping with the national move
among the llotarians, the pa-tor wdl
preach a special sermon on "Tlie Hoy
und Hi IMation U, the Social Order,
'.he Oovcrnment and the Kingdom of
Five of our members held a service
at Angora Sunday evening for a large
crowd. Another group will be sent
there won.
The official board meets tonight be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock at the church to
consider business.
Shall we have seventy-five at prayer
meeting tomorrow?
Ii. J. MIX0RT, Factor.
The rmplmmt department of the! wanted; what vires will W pnid; and
cb-imber of commerce n very nctivei!l(' length f time thy will bo
fiirni-hini: help lo fj-rmrrs who van,','l; nr tir.donbted'ly will le st'ir'inir spring p'rrt'ng. A l.ire '..-nry to 'o ...ire edvertising out
number " workers, will lio w.inled '"l'Avr' " thiough nn fllpbr, ment
when po'eto pb" ting starts, to cut and 1 '-'"'"V "l I-'etivr, 1 iac.ln or Oinah:t.
sort potatoe s. Fr.rmers shotii.l advise
the clianv er of commerce o'Tiee ct Cod made ti e wmbl lound. only men
nee, stating l ow many men will b can. make it sijnaie. ( eonviile Mews.
MOTHER tl mm" !ior on Molhor's
Tay, M iy 11th. wiLh a (lift 1
That I ..-sis. Soo the tlis- ?.inf:.i,
pay ;.t ThkloV.
Socially Correct
Fancy Kelts and
Kelts. You'll need a
new one for summer
?1 and Up.
And here .ire some lied Seal records that are really
good music. They are excellent reproductions of rood
simple and -understandable music and should be in
every home.
K I G 0 L ETTO -1 A 1 A P 1 1 U AS E A wonderful piano rec
ord by Coi tot.
ADIDE WITH P. IE A vocal duet by Alma Gluck and
Madame Homer.
TURKISH MARCH A Lcautiful violin record by
Jascha Heifitz.
THE LOST CIIORl)-Two beautiful records "by Alma
Gluck with a violin obligate by Zimbalist.
We always enjoy playing records for you, and these
are records you will enjoy hearing1.
7ht Stun With a Guaranttt Without Rid 7apt
o n
Alliance, Sunday, April 30
4:00 I M.
Hy SAMUEL W. GREENE, C. S., of Louisville, Ky.
Member of the Hoard of Lectureship of The Mother Chureh
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in ltoVton, Mass '