() THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1922. FOUR CHURCHES BAPTIST (TU'KCTI. Sunday was a red letter day in various ways. '1 he second largest Bible school attenditnee of the yeur. '1 wo rapacity crowds, und five more addi tions to the church, making filtecn for this month io far; and seven were baptised at the evening services. Sev eral more will submit to scriptural baptism next Sunday. The Easter song and music was the best we have heard , for years, 'ihe choir and orchestra! re certainly doing their utmost to make our services uplifting, as well as pleasant. Scarcely a day goes by now that m there Is not at least one meeting at the church. If it is not religious it is the railmen or farmer. Wednesday a ' tnoeting is called for 6, 7 and 8 o'clock beside a meeting of the representa tives of all the crafts and train service men in the afternoon to consider Im portant questions. A banquet of the Sunday school teachers and officers of the Sunday vchool will soon he announced. The pastor resumes his service at Angora Thursday, and Sunday several mem bers of the B. Y. P. U. in company with Mrs. J. S. Corp will hold services t that point. This to be followed by a special series of meetings by the pas tor. Remember the prayer meeting to morrow fvening at eight. Practice of thoir at 7. B. J. M1N0RT. Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST. It was very pleasing to see the im- KKiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiitmjiiiiinmniiirt IMPERIAL TONIGHT and TOMORROW Thomas H. Ince Presents his roaster work "Hail the Woman" Featuring Theodore Roberts Florence Vidor Lloyd Hughes 3 SHOWS DAILY Adm. 13 and 40c & W. T. Thursday, April 20 Double Value Night BOY SCOUT MINSTREL . - and -Shirley Mason, in "LITTLE MISS SMILES" COMEDY LOVE and DOUGHNUTS Bargain Counter Prices Adm, l.rc and 40c & W. T. COMING 3 Days Next Week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday A picture we guarantee to please everyone. tj H It ! -wonder picture of the century soulstirringstory of human hearts ONE SOIIDTflEAR ON BROADWAY FUN IN THK WANT-ADS. (Fail bury News-Gazette.) Another advantage the fellow in the smell town has over his brother n the city is running down the owner of a classified ad. In the small town when one puts a want ad in the paper and gives only his telephone number, the curious take down the phone bonk anil run through the numbers until they find the right one. Thus they can tell who put in the blind ad and specu late as to why she is selling oil" her furniture and other things. This sharpens the instinct of thaamatcur detective and keeps neighborhood gassip from growing stale. The woman in the city is denied this joy as the telephone books are too large and the job too tedious. mense audiences at the church both morning and evening and the results of the day made everybody happy. The male quartet in the evening seemed to please and edify the audience. The sunrise prayer meeting was well at tended and was followed by a break fast at the church. This was the greatest day since the present minister has been in Alliance. Next Sunday will be another great day. The Wednesday evening prayer meeting will be one of the best meet ings of the church. The time is 7:30. The week of prayer as observed last week was very good and the leaders were especially well prepared with the program. The district convention of Churches of Christ will be held at Bayard May 5 to 7. An excellent program for the entire field of church work will be given. The choir practice will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Scot ten, 702 Emerson on Thursday even ing. J. I). Irwin is doing excellent work in leading the choir, which is fur nishing helpful music at every service. A forward growth in prayer and efficiency is our desire. S. J. EPLER, Minister. METHODIST CHURCH. The ladies aid will meet Wednesday afternoon at the church for a business meeting. The choir will meet at the church Wednesday , night at .7:20 for their weekly practice. The new gymnasium schedule is as follows: ' Monday 4:20 to 6:40. grade boys' below Seventh grade. Instructor. Miskimen. 7 to 8:30, high school girls, instructor, Griffia. Tuesday 4:20 to 6:40, grade girls below Seventh grade. 7:30 to 9 men's class. Instructor, F. C. Prince. Thursday 6:30 to 7:45, Seventh and eighth grade girls. Instructor, Clay Ogle. 7:45 to 7, high school boys, instructor, Wible. Friday G:30 to 7:45, Seventh and Eighth grade boys; instructor, Young. 7:45 to 9, women's class. M. C. SMITH, Pastor. RAILROAD NOTES Fireman William Ellis is off for one trip. Fireman Robinson is laying off this week. Master Mechanic J. B. Irwin and Boilermaker Foreman L. P. Dickinson, were in Seneca this week on company business. Fireman Ogden is off on a short layotr on account of moving. Fireman Willis is now able to be up and around. Fireman Fink went to Casper today with inspection engine No. 366, :'or General Superintendent A. G. Smart. . UNPREPAREDNESS. "Can you fight!" ., -No!' "Come on then, you scoundrel 1" Kasper (Stockholm) Use Herald Want Ads for Results. THE HELPFUL RECRUIT . , "You told me to file these letters, sir," said the new yeoman. "Yes," returned the officer. "Well, I was just thinkin' that it'd easier to trim 'em with a pair of scis- ; scrs. Mississippi Bulletin. CHANGING COLOR SCHEME "Father, are all Bolshevists red?" tyblue." I New Yorkers have suhsrrilied fC", 000 to aid the war in Ireland, which rc?ms 10 ix? loss in need ol aid than any other activity we know. New oik 1 nbune. Spain i bejrinninc: to be glad that the interposition of the American Con tinent prevented Columbus from carry ing out his intention of discovering India. New York Tribune. In this country about the only re tired business man we have is the one who has gone to hod and is dreaming about what he has to do in the morn j ing. Cleveland Commercial. A dog expert suggests that, since the prohibition enforcement agents are chasing bootleggers with airplane, some of the ruin hounds will have to le crossed with Skye terriers. Kan sas City Journal. One puzzle confronting the British public is what they will call the House of Lords now that the ladies have been admitted. Detroit Free lYess. Doc Cook wants a congressional medal for discovering the North Pole. If congress remains obdurate, Doc might try for the Nobel fiction prize. Toledo Blade. Senator Franc was the only objec tor to the naval ratio treaty. Evident ly the senator la trvfnv hant tn liv up to hi name. New York Morning ieiegrapo, On the West Alley Road By RUDY DOUGLAS IM 11, by McOur. Mfrpicr Uyuaivai... "Many a innn plays bis best gniiM afitr he seenii to have been bent i'ii,M remarked Florence Olne) apropos of a discussion of Uie tea ills thuinplon of the day. "And more lose heart and norv and skill," argued Bob Trimmer. "1 don't think much of that son of man," Florence added. Bob Trimmer was silent for a mo ment. "Io you girls figure out tliot things that way? I never tliuutn girls went In for the psychology ol anything.". Florence bowed to him In mock deference. "Oh, 'thank you. - Yot lords of creation hne an option oi all serious thinking, have you?" Bob nodded. "AH serious, loglcn, thinking, yes," he said. "Well, well." Florence waited, u minute. "Well, well," she added, look ing him over In exaggerated admlra tlon. 'What a privilege It Is for out of us to come In contact with one ol you 1" . Obviously, Dob was out of sorts. and, obviously, the cause was a girl. Outside a blizzard was playing about In a frisky manjer, making traveling less easy every moment. "I should drive over to Baysldt tonight, but well, what's the user Bob finally said, more or less out vi order. r "If It's of no use, why go T asked Florence. ."It's 'a losing game ' I'm playing,1 he admitted doggedly. Florence looked at htm keenly. "Bob Trimmer that from you?" Bob walked to the window find looked out at the raging blizzard. - "I wonder If he's the sort that will let a enow storm keep him away?" Bob Urged the Animal On. be said, half to himself. Ills back wns toward Florence. "By 'be', I supixise you mean Fred Snyder your rival for the love of Helen Mnore?" Boh turned quickly toward lier. "How do you know so much ubout it?" "Yes how. Indeed, with my po feminine way of thinking?" she aske tensingly. Boh lauuhed. "Trains will he stopp .1 d In an hour or so If this keeps "I Snyder lives In town. I know he I . has an engagement with her tonight." "He won't he nhle to keep If, fenr." Florence ventured. "Why do you try It?" I n't "Nothing would break through this drifting snow hut n horse." "Morses me not yet antlqut Florence ventured. Sor mil I hen t n vet " rtnh cii.i suddenly. "Florence, 1 am not the sort that loses heart nt the thought of defeat, am I? You're- a good pal tell i lie. Io you think she'd. " But Florence having Koiuethlnir els to do. was pushing him out of the1 door and watching him turn up his! coat collar as he made I. Is way down the patch that led to the street. Me lived In the same Mock with !.er. They had grown up together. An hour later. Florence, busy In on npstulrs window making over a party dress, saw Boh Trimmer In an Hiitl juuted cutter and driving a strong looking horse, pass the housu. It was a long drive to Bayslde and t-he won dered If he would bo able to make It that night. Boh, urging th horse along, man aged to reach the top of Rocky Hill road and found the bllzxsrd still rag ing. When he turned Info West Alley road b felt that he would be slightly sheltered from the wind and would b abk ,to make more headway. I "We're not heateo by a Jucfui yet. V wa, Dlxiar" U said u tbt fsitb WITH THK.VOITf:KR SRT vovNeTe oust NOT jn te.r STAND TVAT& AUU- ful horse jogging along and pulling' heavy feet out of the snowdrifts. I As they neared Bayslde the drlfti' grew more and more difficult to pene trate, and at hist Bob, feeling more like an explorer than a mad lover In a civilised community, decided that he would have to leave the cutter behind him and try the remainder of the trip on the back of the horse. Almost blinded, he managed to re move the harness, all but the bridle, and to climb on the back of the horse. At last they turned Into the street on which Helen Moore lived. It was after 0 o'clock and therk wus not a soul In sight Bob bud been hours making a trip he could have made In twenty-five minutes under different circumstances. He was almost shamefaced as he rode under the big porch and holding onto the lines, dismounted and began I to stamp the snow from his boots. Immediately a porch light was turned on und a face appeared In the window. It whs the face of Helen's father. Me opened the door. "Bob Trimmer are you mad?" he asked. Mr. Moore looked nt the horse then hack Into Bob's scarlet face. "Helen." he called. Then he burst out laugh ing. "Well, well ; this Is regular mov ing picture lovemnklng, Bob. But where can we put the horse?" ' "In the garage." ventured Boh. "Oh Bob Trimmer," cried Helen, entering the doorway and seeing the picture ' outside. "How where why-" ' "Never mind about that now, my dear," said her father, "liet's get him In and have his steed attended to. You con why where how later." ' After they were comfortably seared by the big log fire and Bob had been fed as If he were an Invalid and petted as If he were an actor of heroic drama. Helen ventured to ask him why he at tempted such a trip on such a night. "I knew yu had an engagement with Snyder. I figured he would not be able to come and I saw my chance. I have been discouraged about you Helen. I was about to give up when the hlixziird, together with a remark j of a friend about men often playing j their best games after they were np- part-iitly beaten gave mo my cue. I j decided to prove to you how nearly I j shall try always to overcome any oh- , sfncle In order to be with you to have j you for my own always, dear." j Helen reached out her hand and put ' It In his. "You did not need to do this. : Bob, to make me believe It. You need-j ed only ordinary courage, and you had ' failed to have even that of late. I was beginning to be afra'd you did not cure If if IVed stepied Into your . place." ; "If you could have stcn me strug- gllng for my very existence up on West Alley road between He cutter and the back of old li'xle the hr.ro. you would never have doubted me. dear. Dur'ng that few minutes. I learned thaf you are dearer to me than anything eNc In the world that you are my world. I love you." Helen could not reply In words. , THE ORDER OF AUTHORITY "I vour wife boss of the house hold?" "She is," answered Mr. Meekton; "now that the hired girl has left." i Washington Star. ! SEEING THINGS Some one in America claims to have Been a blue caterpillar. There are bound to be the troubles so long as prohibition drive people to dnnk home made whisky. London Opinion. j Tfc rratet menaea to civiliaation sppear to t th cmlizod nation. Snaroo Herald. 1 : 'YJVV DOrVf XOU WANT Mo show xovm Nice NEW sut-v TO VOUR VrAcnnP rurv lAimn CHEERFUL THOUGH "The Yanks are coming," hummed the dentist as he prepared for the ex traction. Octopus. . Prohibition is a heavy load, but the country is still able t stagger under it. Washington Post. M hi! 1 W ;'! oar . i i - i I I i ii i 1 1 1 in n n 1 i ,g3, AW I i'T The Speedwagon No greater general utilty truck than this Reo Sneed wagon has ever leen placed on the market, and the increas ing favor with which it is received the country over, attests to its popularity among all classes of people. It is a truck for the Farmer, Uanchman, Merchant, Dray man or Contractor, and will deliver the goods quickly, eco nomically and satisfactorily. Its !tnlt-in Quality rives it that freedom from repair and up-keep that is so highly prized by the owner or operator. In other words, it is a twenty-four-hour-a-dav truck that is on the job every moment of the twenty-four 'hours, and giving value received for every dollar invested in its maintenance. No matter what your work may be, A IiEO Sweedwagon will fill the bill. It will do the work of the big cumbersome trucks in the same length of time at a whole lot less expense," and will handle the light work more quickly than the cheap trucks at as small an expense. Its speed and easy riding qualities make it an ideal car to ride over the country in and forms a combination of work and general utility that is unequaled in any other machine. All parts and service right here in Alliance assure the Speedwagon owner of a home. A truck nowadays without a home is an orphan indeed. The moral is abvious don't buy an orphan UTjY A IIEO. A. H. Jones Co. CALVIN D. WALKER, Manager REO CARS AND TRUCKS nv HATVNY n Wet wash calls received before 8:30 will be returned by 2 p. m. 20 lbs. for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. 38-tf Take care of your sense and your dollars will take care of you. News paper Enterprise Association. j rrm i irT77i i i mu i! in' A I I I t " I I M I I . . I . I "I I i