The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 14, 1922, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Want t buy omthlntT Hun
ar6 of peopl icid the t
AS column looking for what you
r other bar to oflr. Qt oulck
rlt by advertising- lo Ths
urld Want Ad department.
RATE8 One ceo-t per word per
Insertion. Coat no mora than
other tiwapppra and we prunr
ntc that you reach acreral bun-
ired more reader. Buy circular
Ion, not hot air.
FOR SALE Imported Shire Stallion.
Will ni;ike terms to suit purchaser.
FOR SALETwc ofTice safes. H. F.
TH1ELE. 39 40
FOR SALE Team of mares, weight
3,000; 7 and 11 years old. Inquire
of J. W. MILLER, Sherilf.
FOR SALE Extra pood 14 months
old shorthorn bull at $73. J. A.
KEEGAN 40-42p j
FOR SALE Ever bearinp strawberry
plants. $2.00 per hundrend. J. A.
KEEGAN 40-42p
FOR SALE A five-room modern
bungalow; priced at $4,000. Phone
621W. 34tf
P. O. Box 1102, Denver. Colo.
We can supply you with any quan
tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10.00C
weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver)
Guaranteed. Parcel Post prepaid
Write for prices and full particulars.
FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H.
JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
apartment, including light and
phone. One-half block west of post
office. 114 ',4 W. 4th St 40-tf
FOR RENT 2-room furnished house
modem except heat Phone 1058.
220 Big Horn. 39-40-p
FOR RENT 3-room house in Bel
mont addition. See M. D. NOLAN,
Fhone 41. 39-40
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms,
for light housekeeping. Telephone
922. 82tf
FOR RENT To good farmers, on
long time leases if desired, first
class Box Butte county farm land for
farming purposes.
WANTED TO RENT 5 room house,
modern, with furnace, bath, etc, not
particular about location. Apply at
the Herald office. 40tf
LOST Cameo pin on West Second or
Toluca. Return to Herald. Five
dollars reward. 39-40-p
Required by the Act of Congress of
Auorust 21, 1912, of
Published twice a week at Alliance,
Nebraska, for April 1, 1922.
State of Nebraska, county of Box
Butte, bs:
Before me, a notary public in and
for the state and county aforesaid,
personally appeared Geo. L. Burr, Jr.,
who, having been duly sworn according
to law, deposes and says that he is
the editor of the Alliance Her
ald and that the following is, to the
best of hi3 knowledge and belief, a true
statement of the ownership, manage
ment, etc., of the aforesaid publica
tion for the date shown in the above
caption required by the Act og August
24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Pos
tal Laws and Regulations, printed on
the reverse side of this form, to-wit:
1. That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor,
and business manager are:
Publishers, Burr Printing Co., Alli
ance, Neb.
Editor, George L. Burr, Jr., Alliance,
Managing Editor, none.
Business manager, Edwin M. Burr,
Alliance, Neb.
2. That the owners are: George L.
Burr, Alliance, Neb., Edwin M. Burr,
Alliance, Neb.
3. That the known stockholders,
mortgages and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of the total amout of the bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are:
" Western Publishing Co., Alliance,
Intertype Corporation, Brooklyn, N.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the own
ers, stockholders, and security holders,
if any, contain not only the list of
stockholders and security holders as
they appear upon the books of the
company but also, in cases where the
stockholder or security holder appears
upon the books of the company as
trustee or in any other fiduciary rela
tion the names of the person or cor
poration for whom such trustee is
acting, is given; also that the said two
paragraphs contain statements em
bracing affiant's full knowledge and
belief os to circumstances and condi
tions under which stockholders and
securitv holders who do not appear
upon the books of the company as
trustees, hold stock and securities in a
capacity other than that of a bona fide
owner; and this affiant has no reason
to believe that any person, association,
or corporation has any interest direct
or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or
in other securities than as to stated
by him.
Sworn to and subscribed this 7th day
of April, 1922.
Notary Public
(My commission expires January 25,
In the District Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application of
iuaior ue bonis non of the Estate of
ou.s 11. KKALSE, Deceased.
Case No. 3201.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
uance of an order of the Honorable
V. H. Westover, Judjre of the District
Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
vithln the Sixtc-enfli Judicial District
of the State of Ntbraska, made on the
1th day of March, 1922, for the sale
jf the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, I will oiler for sale at public
vendue to the highest bidder for cash
at the West front door of the Court
House in the City of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, on the 17th
day of April, A. D., 1922, at the hour
of ten o'clock, A. M. the interest of the
estate of the said deceased, that is to
say, an undivided one-half interest in
.ind to the fol'owinj described lands,
situated in Sheridan County, Nebraska,
Township 27, North Range 46.
The south half of the south half
(S'.sS'i) of section twenty-nine (29);
the south half of the southwest quar
ter (S2SWU); of section twenty
eight (2b); the south half (S',a) and
the northeast quarter (NEV4) of fac
tion thirty-one (31); the north half
(N,3) and the southeast quarter
(SEVi) of section thirty-two (32); the
west half (Wi) of section thirty
three (33); the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter (NWUNEi)
and the south half of the southeast
ouarter (SSEK) of section thirty
three (33).
Township 26, North Range 46.
The west one-half (W'a) and the
northeast quarter (NE'4), also the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter (SE'iSEU) of section four
(4); the north half and southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter (NV.
SEl4NEi) and the east half and
southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (E,4SW4SE4) also the west
half and southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter (WVfSEViSWU ) of
section five (5). the southeast quarter
(SE4) of section six (6); the south
half (S',s) and northeast quarter
(NEV ) of section seven (7): all of
section eight (8); the west half (W)
also the east half of the northeast
quarter (E'iNEtt) of section nine
(9) ; the northwest quarter (NW);
the west half and southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter (WWiSEVt
NEV4), the southeast quarter (SEtt),
and the east half of the southwest
quarter (EttSYVK) of section ten
(10) , the south half (SM), and the
south half of the north half (SN1)
of section eleven (11); the west half
of the west half (VVVfrWVi) also the
southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter (SEKSWV4) of section twelve
(12); the east half (EMO, also the
east half of the west half (EViWH)
and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter (SWUNWM) of
Fection thirteen (13); the north half
(N'4), also the porth half of the
southwest quarter (NVaSW'i), and
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (NWUSEU) of section four
teen (14); the northeast quarter
(NE'4 ), the eist half of the northwest
quarter (EiNWU), the northeast
iuarter of the southeast quarter
(NE'iSEV) of section fifteen (15);
all of section seventeen (17); the we.-t
half (W'.i) and the southeast quarter
(SE'ii of section e;j?hteen (18); all
of section nineteen (19);, the north
half (N!) also the west half of the
southwest quarter (WVfeSW ) tf sec
tion twenty (20) ; the west half ( V),
and the southeast quarter (fchtt) of
section twenty-one (21); all of t-eclion
twenty-two (22); the west half W),
the west half of the east half (W
E), also the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter (NE'iNEU), and
the east half of the southeast quarter
(EViSEVi) of section twenty-three
(23) ; the north half of th- routh half
(NVfeSty), the ouaiter of the
southeast quarter (SEViSE-i ). the
north half of the north half (NNi ),
and the south half of the northeast
quarter (SMiNEV4 ), also the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter
(SEV1NWK) of section twenty-four
(24) ; the northeast quarter (NE'4),
the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter (SEliNWi, un the north
half of the south half (MiS1), and
the south half of the southeast quarter
(S'aSE'i) of section wonty-five (25);
the south half (Sl,i), and the north
west quarter (NWVi), also the west
half of the northeast quarter (W',
NE14 of section twenty-six (2G); tbe
east half (EVa) and the northwest
quarter (NWVi) of section twenty
seven (27); the north half (Ns) and
the southwest quarter (SWVi), also
the north half of the southeast quarter
(NU'SE1) of section twentv-eight
(28); the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter (SEViSEVi) of sec
tion thirty-one (31); the east half
(E's), also the south half and north
east ouarter of the southwest -luarter
(S'iNE'iSWH) of section thirty-two
(32) ; the west half (WH), and the
south half of the southeast quarter
(SViSEVi) of section thirty-three
(33) ; the east half (EVa) and the
southwest quarter (SWVi) of section
thjrtv-four (34); all of section thirty
five (35) ; the east half of the west half
(E'iWVa), and the west half of the
east half (WViE'a) of section thirty
Fix (36).
Township 26, North Range 45.
All of section two (2); the east half
of the east half (EVsE'i), and the
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NW'iNEVi), also the north
east quarter of the northwest quarter
(NEViNWVi) of section three (3); the
south half of the southwest quarter
(S'iSWVi) of section four (4); the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter (SEViSE'i) of section five
(5); the north half (NVi), the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
(NWiSEVi) and the southwest ouar
ter of the southwest quarter (SWH
SW'i) of section eight (8); the north
half of the northwest quarter (NVi
NWU). and the southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter (SWViSW'i ) of
section nine (9); the east half (EH),
and the southeast quarter of the south
west ouarter (SE4SW4) of section
ten (10): the west half (WVs ). and the
west half of th out half (WViEVi),
also the northca. t quart r of the north
east quarter (NENEU) of H-ction
eleven (11); the north half of the
northwest quarter (N'gNW'i) and the
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter ( N W ' i NE 1 1 ) of section
twelve (12); the north half of the
northwest qu.irtcr (N'sNWU ), and
the noithwert quarter of the northeast
quarter (NW'NE1 ) of section foul-
teen (14); the northeast quarter
(NE'i), the east half of the north-ve.-t
quuter (E'uMV'U), the north
half r.nd sou'hweit quarter of the
. outheast quarter (N'tSW1 SE' ),
also the northeast quarter of the
.-outhwe.-t quarter (N'EUSW), of
section fifteen (16); the south half of
the south half (S'aS's) of section six
teen (lo); all of section seventeen
(17) except the liortheast quarter of
the northeast quarter (NEUNE'i).
All of section eighteen (IS); all of
section nineteen (19); the west half
(W'i), and the west half of the cast
half (W'-iE'i), also the cast half of
the northeast quarter (E'iN'E'i) oi
section (20); the west half of the
northeast quarter (W'.aNE1-), and
the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter (SEUNW'i), also the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter (NEUSWU) of section twenty-one
(21); the northwest quarter
(NW'4), the west half of the north
east quarter (W 'iNE'i ), the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
(NW1 SE'i ), and the northeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter (NEU
SW',4) of section twenty-eight (28);
the west half (W'a), and the south
east quarter (SE'4), also the west half
and southeast quarter of the north
cast quarter (WiSEUNEVi ) of sec
tion twenty-nine (29); the southeast
quarter (SE14), the south half and
northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter (S'iNEHNEU ), the west
half of the northwest quarter (W',a
NE'4) of section thirty (30); the east
half of the east half (EVaEVa), also
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NWV4NEV4) and the south
west quarter of the southeast quarter
(SWV4SEV4) also the southeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter (SEW
SWV4) of section thirty-one (31); all
of section thirty-two (32).
Township 26, North Range 44.
The southwest quarter of the south
west quarter (SWV4SWV4) of section
nineteen (19).
Township 25, North Range 45.
The north half (NV4), the west half
(Wa) of the southeast quarter (WH
SEVi ), and the south half of the south
west ouarter (SiSWV4) of section
five (5); the north half (NVa), and the
west half of the southwest quarter
(WaSWV4) of section six (6); the
northwest ouarter of the northwest
quarter (Nw'4 NW V4 ) of section seven
(7); all of section eight (8); the
north half (Nli), and the north half
of the south half (NVaSVi) of section
seventeen (17); the east half (EVa),
and the east naif of the west half
(EV,WV4) of section twenty-one (21);
the west half of the west half (WVi
WVi) of section twenty-two (22).
Township 25, North Range 46.
All of section one (1); the east hal
of the west half (E'iWVa), and the
northwest quarter (NWVi) of section
two (2); the north half (NVa) ol
section three (3); the northeast quar
ter (NEVi), and the north half of the
i-orthwest quarter (NVa NWVi) of sec
tion four (4); the north half and tht
southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NVaSWViNEVi ), and the east
half of the northwest quarter (EM
NWVi) of section five (5); the nortl
half of section twelve (12); the soutl
half of the southeast quarter (SV.
SEV4) of section eleven (11); th
southeast quarter (SE'i) of sector
ten (10); the west half of the north
west quarter (WVaNW'i) of sectior
thirteen (13); the north half of tht
north half (NVa NVa) and the south
east quarter of the northeast quart!
(SEV4NEV4) of section fourteen (14)
the north half of the northeast quarter
of section fifteen (15).
Said sale will remain pen one hour.
Dated this 14th day of March, A. D.,
Administrator de bonis non of
the estate of JOHN H.
KRAUSE, Deceased.
LEE BASYE, Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated on the
Cth day of May, 1921, and duly filed
in the office of the County Clerk ot
box Butte County, Nebraska, on the
7th day of June, 1921, executed by
the Hemingford Implement and In
vestment Company, a corporation of
Hemingford, Box Butte County, Ne
braska, to the Henkle-Joyce Hardware
Company, of Lincoln, Lancaster Coun
ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment
of the sum of $1,141.9(1, and upon
which there is now due the sum of
$1,242.51, default having been made in
the payment of said sum, and no suit
or other proceedings at law having
been instituted to recover said debt or
any part thereof, I will sell the pro
erty therein described, viz.: One
Douglas Two-Ton Motor Truck, serial
number 13570, and engine number
53349, at the Lowry and Henry Gar
age on the corner of Box Butte Ave
nue and Fifth Street in the City of
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, on the 15th day of April, 1922.
Dated this 23rd day of March, A.
D 1992
COMPANY, A Corporation of
Lincoln, Nebraska.
LEE BASYE, Attorney.
One of the after-war products is
grotesques m art, says a critic in the
Literary Digest And not only in art.
Chicago Journal of Commerce.
A French chef has come to the de
fense of pretzels. The war is over.
Buffalo t-venuig News.
Ill fares poor France, to hastening
ills a prey; when debts accumulate and
Huns won't pay. Shreveport Journal.
Every evil contains the germ of its
own uestruciion. wote the "axe in
tcxes. Lincoln Star.
Business is doubtless sound, . the
experts say, Dut me sound is a httie
mournful. Rochester Tiiiieii-Union.
TUESDAY, ATO1I, 11, 1022.
OMAHA, Neb., April 13. .?,
wheat was in good demand at juices
rangimr from unchanged to 2c higher.
Cora wa unchanged to a cent up, the
bulk advancing a quarter io a half.
Oats were generally a half up. Kye
and bai ley were nominal. The market
was somewhat broader and i-liowod
more activity and a better lone, 'lhere
will be no market Friday.
WHEAT No. 1 hard! $1.2(1(1.32:
No. 2 hard, $1.22(1.32; No. 3 hard,
$1.HV1.22; No. 2 yellow, $1.23.
COKN No. 3 white. .r.Oc: v 1
yellow, f2c; No. 3 yellow, 5l(irl '-c;
z mixed, o(c; io. 12 mixed, 49:l4c;
No. 3 mixed, V.Vc.
OATS No. 3 white, 34(?I34'ic.
OMAHA, Neb., April 13. CATTLE
Receipts, 3.S00. Good to choico
beeves, $7.7.riff S.40; fair to good
beeves, $7.001)7.75; common to fair
beeves, $(i.-10(7.00; good to choice
yearlings, $7.(;0(7,8.(?0; fair to good
yearlings, $7.00( 7.50; common to lair
yearlings, Sfi.MHy.OO; good to choice
heifers, $7.00(,i)7.CO: fair to vrood heif
ers, ?.i.75C'f7.00; choice to prime cows,
f(.ll)(f( o.((); good to choice cows, f.j.,r0
fi.00; fair to good cows, $5.00(ftr.i'0;
common to fair cows, ?3.()0trt) I. '!,";
good to choice feeders, .00i'fp.7o;
fairto good feeders, $fi.407.00f com
mon to fair feeders, $5.50(615: rood
to choice stockers, $7.257.75; fair to
good stockers, $6.f07.10; common to
fair stockers, $5.75f.50; oek heif
ers, $4.506.0O; stock cows, $3.f0(o
5.25; stock calves, - $5.00)7.90: eal
calves, $6.5012.00; bulls, aj;s, etc.,
HOGS Receipts, 10,200. Trading
wa3 slow to get under way today,
opening 15(325c lower, with bulk of
hogs moving close to 25c lower. Light
hogs sold lrom $10.0010.15, with a
top of $10.20. Mixed loads tmd butcher
weights, $9.7510.10; packing grades,
$9.259.75; extreme heavies, ?8.75
9.25. Bulk of sales was $9.s5(H)i0.10.
SHEEP Receipts, 6,800. Fat lambs
good to choice, $14.5015.00; fat
lambs, fair to good, $14.25)14.50;
clipped lambs, $12.2513.25; shearing
lambs, $i.7i)(g;i4.!UJ; leeoer lamos,
$13.0013.75; cull lambs, $10.0012;
fat yearlings, light, $12.5013.50; fat
yearlings, heavy, $9.5010.50; fat
wethers, $9.0012.00; fat ewes, light.
$9.50 10.00; fat ewes, heavy, $8.00
OMAHA, Neb., April 13. POTA
TOES Nebraska Early Ohio, No. 1,
per cwt, $1.75.
OMAHA, Neb., April 13. HAY
Prairie: No. 1 upland, $12.00(3) 13.00;
No. 2 upland, $10.00U.OO; No. 3,
I can cure your Piles (Fistula,
Rectum except cance a short time longer) by an original, pain
less, dissolvent method of my own, without chloroform, ether or
knife, and without danger whatever to trie patient My treatment la
o successful that I have built up the largest practice In thla line
between Omaha and Denver. My treatment la no experiment. It Is
the most successful method ever discovered for the treatment of
Diseases of the Rectum. I have cured many cases where the knife
had failed and many other cases that had been treated for months
and years In vain. I guarantee a cure In every case I accept or make
no charge for my services. My method of curing Plies and the'
Rectal diseases, as well as Rupture, was laughed at twenty years
ago, tut today I can point with pride to all of those who have be
lieved In me and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you are
suffering with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to mo
today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It
Is to get cured. Be sure to use the free Information coupon when
you write to me.
No longer is It necessary for you to spend three or four weeks
getting your piles cured. Yow can now be cured within five days,
and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment.
Don't doubt this amazing truth I Send for free Information today
also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troubles
and Rupture should appeal to all those wishing to avoid a surglcsl
operation with its attendant discomforts of dread and fear that
causes so many sufferers to delay in seeking relief. 0
due to the constant
train of even a mild
case of piles on the
sympathetic nervous
You can pour all
the medicine down
your throat that
money can buy, or
You can spend your
last dollar at the
world's best health
V i j J f'c" -1
I i . wT i'o.n
41 C VP J "'
resorts, or
. You can allow yourself to !e all cut and
lashed, yet You will NEVER get rid of
these troubles until your piles are cured.
I . Vli. RIC H. Pile and Rupture 6pec!al'.it.
( Drani Island. Nob.
2 O Plea fnd me (re. complete Inform-
2 O "on regarding the method you us in cur.
L. h In I'll". KmluW. FUaure and other rectal
1laee and rupture, without a aevere
J uriflral operation. (Mention which trouble
5 n. you have when writing).
Town , It
$7.(ti)(-i S.00. No. 1 midland, $11.00."')
12.00; No. 2 midland, !..'()( 10.50; No.
3 midland, $7.0K "S.00. No. 1 lowcind,
$;;.(0v.i 10.00; No. 2 lowland, $7.0007)
N.M1. Alfalfa: choice, $21.('0(o 2;:.;io;
No. 1. .r.U)0r21.00; Mamli id. $15.00
(n-17.(M; No. 2, $12.00(ri 11.00; No.
Suggest Changes
in United Slates
Potato Grades
Propo.ied changes in the United
States potato grades to go into effect
June 15 or July 1, have been submitted
for consideration to 400 of the princi
pal factors in the potato industry by
the I'n ted States Department of Ag
riculture. The suggest changes contem
plate the elimination from L'nited
States No. 1 of badly misshaied pota
toes anil potatoes affected by hollow
heart, and the addition of a grade to
be known as United States No. 1
Small. There apiars to be a wide
spread demand in the potato industry
for thoe modifications.
The principal reasons advanced for
the proposed changes are given by the
Department of Agriculture as follows:
Hollow heart is universally conceded
to bo a serious defect which should be
eliminated from the United States No.
1 grade and the revised grade simply
places official approval upon common
commercial practice. For the pa4
year or two it has leen the practice
to consider hollow heart as not affect
ing the grade, but, in spite of tiis
policy, the inclusion of such stock has
caused largo numbers of rejecti ns
which necessitited allowances. 1 ue
only argument in favor of admitting
holiow heart stock to United States
No. 1 grade has been based on the
difficulty of discovering the defect. It
is believed that this is not a sufficient
reason for continuing the old policy
for, unless Unite! States No. 1 pota
toes are recognized as being free from
serious internal defects, the grade is
bound to fall into disrepute.
Badly misshaped potatoes also In
jure the appearance of the product and
cause excessive waste. Since their
undesirability Is generally recognized,
the department believen that they
should be excluded from United States
No. 1 grade just as potatoes damaged
by deep scab, growth cracks or grub
injury are excluded for the same
reason. Many growers and shippers
are culling out such stock at the pres
ent time. ,
United States No. 1 Small will
provide a grade for potatoes which are
of good market quality, but too snwll
to grade United States No. 1. During
the movement of early potatoes from
the southern states and to a lesser ex
tent from some of the late producing
states, two sizes of potatoes are fre
quently shipped as follows: Stock
above 1 or 1 inches, respectively,
the United States No. 1 minimum
sizes for long and round stock, and
stock between these sizes and 1'4
inches in diameter. In the past this
small stock has been sold as United
States No. 2, but as this grade also
includes large stock which varies wide
ly from this standard of market qual
ity, an additional grade is deemeJ
necessary for the sake of clearness.
Fissure and other Diseases of the
Die and Rupture
Grand Island, Neb.
I curs every case
of Piles I treat by my
mild serum treat
ment, or you need
not pay ma one cent.
F. D.
Such a made H alreialy provided by
several suite d"paitmeot of auricd
tu re.
It h the intention to recommend tho
revi-ol grades lor die old ones at somo
defin'te early date, perl.i ps June 15 or
July 1.
False Sihpflule Penally.
If any jiorson Khali make a false or
fraudulent li-t, schedule or statement
required by this chapter, or t-hall wil
fully fail or refuse to deliver to the
assessor, when called upon for that
purpose, n list of the tanble property
which under this chapter is required tr
be listed, or hhall temiorarily convert
any part of such property into prop
erty not taxable,, for the fraclulcnt
purpose of preventing such property
from being listed and of evading tho
payment of taxes thereon, or shall
transfer or transmit any projierly to
any person with fuch intent, ho shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and sub
ject to a fine of not. less than fifty
dollars and not more than two thou
sand dollars. If any person shall know
ingly (swear falsely regarding any mat
ter contained in such schedule or in
terrogatories, he shall bo doomed guil
ty of perjury and be punished accord
ingly. (11)03 p. 402; Ann. 10952; Comp.
4971.) 35-44
Commissioner, Third District.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the ofTice of county commissioner in
the Third district of Box Ilutte county,
Nebraska, subject to the approval of
the democratic voters at the primaries,
July 18, 11(22.
I am a good roads enthusiast, and I
know conditions in the county thor
oughly. I believe in being guided by
the will of the majority in all matters
of road location. I pledge my best ef
forts for a business-like administration
of county affairs, and have but on
other plank in my platform equality
and justice for all.
Wet wash calls received before
3:30 will be returned by 2 p. m.
W lbs. for $l.s Alliance Steam
Laundry. 38-tf
Office: First National Bank Building
I make a specialty of First,
Second and Third grade work.
- Country Pupils Taken Care of
rhone922. Mrs.S.J.REID
Surgery and Consultation
Humor Iiuilding Alliance
Phon (14 '.
Harry P. Coursey ,
Lire Stock and General Farm Salsa
GEO. O. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd
"When It's Your Move,
Let Us Know" t
Office Phone, 15; Res. 881 and Blk. 730
ft A. RALD
Office in Reddish Block
Drake & Drake
Doctors of Optometry
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopatkj
Chiropractors Palmer School
1'bone 865 Over Darner's)
Transfer and