THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL I I, 1022. TTTRFBt , RANDOM SHOTS Springfield, O., it seems, has a I bachelor who recently applied for a! job on the city's police forte in order,' is he said, to keep the girls from kiss ing him. We must make it a point to asK Sheriff Miller and Chief Jeftersl if it really acts as a preventative. But, then, mavl the charm is no good except for bachelors. Jesse Miller, down at the Fa'm Room, has been reducing alonp with the rest of us. The only difference is that he wears some kind of a health belt. You tighten the thing up a notch every morning and Christian Science lces the rest. The first three days of this week, though, Jesse was tolerably worried. The health belt was reducing his waist measure, all right, but the displaced fat was forcing itself up on top of the contraption instead of dissolving into thin air. He looked like a pouter pigeon or a chorus girl. Just as all hope was about to be abandoned, a traveling salesman happened along who solved the mystery. He told Jesse that he had hi3 harness on up side down. Jesse is smiling again. ' Abe Isaacson's new canoe has ar rived and Abo is as tickled as a boy with a new rifle. Five minutes after it was on display in Darling's window, Abe was gathering his friends about it. "Well, boys," he said, "don't you think we ought to chrUtian it." In those days of hi;.h prices and seal city, baptism should be fully as clfective as breaking a bottle of cham pagne actus the prow. (TKl.LING THK WORLD.) (Cre.;ton, la.. Advertiser.) From the mayor: The pin-headed nincompoop who started report that I had refused to let carloads of pota toes be sold in Creston is an un mitigated liar. Can't say it any stronger in newspajcr, but I'd like to say a few words privately to the lying whelp who started it. Keith, mayor. The Georgia Railway and Tower company of Atlanta is among the many who are seeking to graft a little free publicity from the country news papers of Nebraska. In a recent blurb on business conditions in that state, it is predicted that unemployment in Georgia will have virtually dis appeared by July. If business keeps on disappearing, a lot of us will do well to head in that direction about the 20th of June. UP-TO-DATE RHYMES. Five paydays hath September, April, July and November All the rest have only four And that's the thing that makes us sore. Up in Nebraska City a man went into a bookstore and asked for pome thing "racy" to read. They sold him a copy of "Ben Hur." One would think that the Whizzbunk and the Hot Dorg had hit that town long ago. CUB I'Kl'OKTKK'S LAMENT. (Nebraska City l'res.) hOw doAr to ni?v hoarTT is My Bii:Tod TTcWriter WHEN sal'ly be Fore It i Sit down To Work, In IrvlNG to SoI,L out Tile name of a MighTEr, It Stol'ps in the MiDdle, then starts with a JliKK, or when I AM tryiNG to WKite for the Taper poETIc elTUSions that herein appear, the CaUKIagc GETS jammed, Or l'ERforms soMe iuoer CAPer and then the old ribbOn spooL OUt of GEar! conic S A farmer ru.-hed into town and in quired of the first man he met where he could find an undertaker. "An un dertaker," the man asked solicitously, "is there someone dead in your place?" "No," replied the farmer, "but my wife is mighty sick." "Well, then," the man advised, "what you want is a physician, not an undertaker." "No," said the farmer, "what I want is an undertaker. You know I have joined the United States Grain Growers, and we have cut out all these middlemen." Someone was telling the good things that dentists do for humanity. "Why, I know a man who was cured of in sanity by having his teeth pulled." "Yes," said the other man, who was a good friend of a dentist, "But," the first man added, "when he got the bill, he went crazy again." LABOR PROBLEMS. At "home work" one night, Henry Smith, Jr., was assigned to tussle with one of those eternal problems begin ning, "If it takes five men working ten hours a day to complete a certain piece of work " Next morning the answers to all the o:her problems were neatly written 'iit. In place of at t hinir in the blank space under that particular one, how ever, was a b'icf note from Henry Smith, Sr.: "Esteemed Madam: 1 refused to let Henry do the sum jou give him yes tcrday, because it looks to me like a slam on the eight-hour day. Any sum not more than eirht hours he is wel come to do. and if hn irrtj it vrnnir 1 will put in the extra two hour licking; the stuffing out of him. Yours truly, H. SMITH, Sr." LEGS, l egs to the right of us, I-egs to the left of us, Legs in front of us. How they display them! On they go trippingly, Dainty and skippingly, Fiosts that bite nippingly, Do not dismay them, Stright legs and bandy legs Bum legs and dandy ones, Awkward and handy ones, Flirt with the breezes: Hound legs and flatter ones, Thin legs and fatter ones, Especially the latter ones, Showing the kneeses. Knock-kneed and bony ones, Heal legs and phony ones, Silk-covered tony ones, Second to none, Straight and distorted ones, Mates and ill-sorted ones, Home and imported ones, Ain't we got fun? We put on Ford top covers complete foY $12.00. Thrclkcld. 124 Wot M Street. 33-tf If you have ao1 to sill, we L. K. IHiss. 10-tf Mr. Darwin, if alive, might concede, at that, that his theory of evolution could not explain W illiam J. Bryan. Columbia Record. Wet wash calls received before S:"0 will le returned by 2 p. m 20 lbs. for $1. Alliance Steam Laundry. 3S-tf Auto tops, curtains, auto upholster ing. Thrclkcld the Top Man, 124 West 3rd Street. 33-tf Wanted to buy Some second hand heavy woven fence wire. L. E. Bliss 40-41 Herald Wan-t Ads are read. Vapors reach deep colds When the cold "goes down" get after it by the rubbing and vapor method. Obstinate colds that go down into the chest can be reached by the combination rubbing and vapor-inhaling method with Vicks VapoRub. Apply Vicks over throat and chest. Rub well in, spread on thickly and cover with two thick nesses of flannel. At night ar range bedclothes loosely, like a funnel, so the arising vapors will be breathed all night, right into the lungs. Quick relief should be had from the tightness, soreness and cough with rapid loosening of the phlegm, abating danger of pneumonia or influenza. Vicks contains the antiseptic, healing vapors of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Oil of Turpentine and is the standby in millions of homes for congestions of nose, throat, and chest; skin hurts and itch ings, and various bodily pains. Once tried, Vicks becomes a stand-by in the medicine cabinet. Just rub it on breathe in the vapors and X0C3 vapors 'V VAROR UQ Ovmr 17 MlZion Jan IW Ymartf Help Make Alliance More Attractive. It's Our City Let's Be Proud of It. (uLiLlL J O o 1L (yllLJilL IL LJ U JJ. -LL . r A Town With Green Lawns Is a Better Place for All of Us to Live. All nature and mankind is dressing up with the new season. The dull, drab sombre Winter has passed and it's now time to put on . a new front. The merchants listed below are ready to help you all offering: you service that is 100 per cent efficient, as well as materials of the highest quality. Prices, too, are more attractive than ever. "Do Your Bit" the Week of April 24 to 29 It: Put On Screens for Cleaner Homes TT Jl V fi z.fc jeep ine nome iree (C XL from pestiferous flies. It's Cleaner, Healthier and Infinitely More Pleasant. WE CARRY FULL LINE OF SIZES IN STOCK Forest Lumber Go. Brighten Up With Paints and Enamels You can help out the Clean up and Paintup Campaign by using paints and enamels but you w ill help yourself too. They Make A Pleasanter Place to Live USE MURESCO OR KYANIZE F. J. BRENN AN ii& siittf Maws ; rr (J t lassR Of & fife n ' Alliance Clean-Up, Paint-Up April 23 "I LIKE TO SEE A MAN PROUD OF THExPLACE HE LIVES IN." . LINCOLN. GET BUSY USE THE RAKE AND THE SPADE Make a Cleaner PLANT FLOWERS ALLIANCE. PLAN A GARDEN We Supply the Tools Newberry Hardware Co. "Tar1' Fix 'Em Up Why not make Clean up and Paint-Up Week the occasion for K A . nnrrino' thnt. hnni-rt in the baclTpoi-ch floor, for building a new set of back steps. They need fixing before someone gets hurt. J. H. Melville Lbr. Co. J A JV THE OFFICIAL CITY SCAVENGER WILL CART THE REFUSE AWAY. We have extra men and equipment and can take care of you on very short notice. SAM SHELT0N, Official City Scavenger till