TUB ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, Ari'.II. 1, 1022 SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wnt t buy omth1n? nun flrd of propl icio tbe Want A4 eolumna look Inn for what you r other htT to offer. Oct qufrk rcaulta by drtl1n In Tb Haraiil Want Ad arpartment. HATES One cent per word per Insertion. Coots no more than ether newspapers and we a-inr re mat you reach reveral taun Ired more rn1era. buy circula tion, not hot air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Sport body for Ford. Call Herald (Mice. 37-tf FOR SALE Sootl potatoes. For bet ter potatoes use choice peed pi own in the sand hills. Address JOHN 11TKS, Alliance, Neb. 3G-38p FOR SALE A five-room modern bungalow; priced at 4,000. l'hone 52 1W. 34t COLUMBIA HATCHERY. P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can supply you with any quart tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliverj guaranteed. Farcel Post prepaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SAIL. i.l.o the noi tl.ea-t quartor of the north east (luartrr (NEUNEU) of srttioi llil FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern furnished room?, for light housekeeping. Telephone 922. 32tf FOR REM lo pood farmers, on long time leases if desired, first class Box Butte county farm land lor farming purposes. 30-tf LLOYD C. THOMAS FOR RENT Splendid room. Mrs. Oscar O'Bannon. 20-tf WANTED WANTED Catering and day work by experienced woman. Phone 74S. 37-38 WANTED Man and wife without children to work on ranch. Write PETER A. SAXDOZ. Spade. Nebras ka. 35-tf WANTED Housework, would prefer elderly family. Marguenette Lore, Phone 818F15. LOST LOST Cameo pin on West Second or Toluca. Finder return to Herald of fice and receive reward. 3G-37 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgage dated on the f)th dav of May, 1021, and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Mox Butte County, Nebraska, on the 7th day of June, 1021, executed by the Hemingford Implement and In vestment Company, a corporation of Hemingford, Box Butte County, Ne braska, to the Henkle-Joyce Hardware Company, of Lincoln, Lancaster Coun ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment of the sum of if l,i4i.:o, ana upon which there is now due the sum of $1,212.51, default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, I will sell the prop erty therein described, viz.: One Dougla3 Two-Ton Motor Truck, serial number 13370, and engine number 63349, at the Lowry and Henry Gar age on the corner of Box Butte Ave nue and Fifth Street in tne City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras ka, on the 15th day of April, 1922. Dated this 23rd day of March, A. D., 1922. HENKLE-JOYCE HARDWARE COMPANY, A Corporation of Lincoln, Nebraska. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Mch24-Aprl4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ri trict Court of Box Butte Coumy, Nebraska. In the .Matter of the Application of KODOLFHIS M. HAMPTON, Admin istrator tie I on s non of the Estate of UUN H. KRALSE, Dicca c I. CW No. 3201. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Notice is hereby given that in pur uance of an order ftf the Honorable .V. H. Westover, Judge of the District Jourt of Box Butte County, Nebraska, vithin the S'xtcenth Jiul.Vinl Di.-tikt of the State of Nebraska, made on th Uh day oi March, 1922, for the sale f the real estate hereinafter lo criled, 1 will offer for sale at puMic .endue to the hight bidder tor carh it the West front door of the Court ilouse in the City of Alliance, Box Uutte Count v, Nebraska, on the ITth day of April, A. D 19J2, at the hour jf ten o'clock, A. M. the interest of the .s tate oi the said deceased, that is to ay, an undivided one-half intoiest in nd to the following described lands, ituated in Sheridan County, Nebraska, to-wit: Township 27, North Range 46. The south half of the south half (S'aS'a) of sect'on twenty-nine (29); .he south half of the southwest quar ter (SSW'i); of section twenty- 'ight (2S); the south half (S'j) and .he noithea-t quarter (NE'i) of sec- ion thirty-one (31): the north half (N'a) and the southeast quarter (SEU) of section thirty-two (32); the west half (W'a) of section thirty- hree (33); the northwest quarter of .he northeast quarter (NW'i NE'i) and the south half of the southeast quarter (S'aSEU) of section thirty- ihree (33). Township 26. North It .in ire 46. The west one-half (W'i) and the northeast quarter (NE'i), also the foutheast quarter of the southeast quarter (SE'iSK'i) of sect on lou: (4); the north halt and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (N's SlUalU) and the east hall and southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (E'uSWttSEU ) also the west half and southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (WlaSEUSWU ) of section five (5). the southeast quarter (SE'i) of section six (6); the south half (S'a) and northeast quarter (NE'i) of section seven (7); all of section eight (8); the west half (W'.i) also the east half of the northeast quarter (E'aNE'i) of section nine (9): the northwest quarter (NW'i): the west half and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter W'.tU NE'i), the southeast quarter (SE',i), and the east half of the southwest quarter (E'SW!i) of section ten (10), the south half (S't), and the south half of the north hair H'sM) of section eleven (11); the west h.nlf of the west half W'sW!j also the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SE'.iSW'i) of section twelve I (12): the east half (E'i). also the least half of the west half (E',2VMi) and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter (SWUNW'i) of section thirteen (13); the north half fN'i). also the north half of the southwest quarter (N'aSW'i ), and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter (NWliSKU) of section lour- teen (14); the northeast quarter, (NEU ), the cist half of the northwest quarter (E'aNWU), the northeist ouarter of the southeast quarter! (NEUSEU of section fifteen (15); all of section seventeen (17); the we t half (Wa) and the southeast quarter (SE'i) of section eighteen (IS) ; an of section nineteen" (19); the north half (N'i) also the west half of the southwest quarter WlsSW'il (f sec tion twenty (20); the west half (W's), and the southeast quarter OLU ) ot section twenty-one (21); all of ,-eciion twenty-two (22); the west half 1W2), the west half of the east half (W? E',2), also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NEUNE'i), r.nd the east half of the southep.- t quarter (E'sSE'i) of- section twenty three (23); the north half of th-! routh half (N'sS'ii). the southei cub iter of the southeast quarter (Sr.'ii-l. i ). 'he north half of the north half (N-'rNi ), and the south half of th northe.tst quarter (S'uNE'i), also the southeast quarter of the north-vest quarter (SE'iNWU) of sectnn twen'.y lour (24); the northeast quntor (NE'), the southea.-t ;unrter of the northwest ouarter (SE'i NW'i), un the r.ortti eieven III)', tne norm nan oi int northwest quarter (N'jNWU) and the noithwe.-t quarter of the northeast nuarter (NW'iNlil of section twelve (12): the north half of the northwest quarter (N'jNW'i ), an'. the north we-t quarter of the northeast quarter (NWUNEU) of section four Urn (14): the northeast quartet (NE'.I, the east half of the north west (muter (E'aNW'U), the north half and southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (N'sSWUSEU ) also the northeast quarter of thf southwe.-t quarter (XEUSWU), of ection fnteen (Hi): the south half of the south half (S'sS's) of section six- een (Hi): all of section seventeen (IV) except the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NE'iNK' ). All of sect'on e thteen (IS); all oi -ft ion nineteen (19); the west hall (W'ai. rind the west half of the east half tW'vE'a). also the ea.-t half of rilE MOST SLANDERED WOMAN. In a recent d vision, a iuiist referred to Mary Muudalene as "a harlot '. It is common today to refer to a wi'.ian of the street as a "Magdalene.'' Now. here do people get the idea that .tary Magdalene was a harlot, or un- lean woman? Certainly it is not Mom an honert unprejudiced study of enpturo. lhn comrs from eoniu ing he unclean woman of I.uke w,th Mary Magdalene of Mark 15. the northeast quarter (E'sNEU) In the Matter of the Estate of Frank E. Reddi.-h, Deceased, in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebras ka. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of the estate will take notice that the time Ignited for presentation and filing claims against said estate is Julv 17th, 1922, and for payment of debts is March Kth, 1923; That I will fit at the county curt room in said county on July lbth, 1922, at two o'clock P. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Dated March 8th, 1922. (SEAL) IRA E. TASH County Judge. March 10 to April 7, inc. OBITUARY MRS. CHARLES PHILLIPS. Miss Elma Pister was bom near Al liance, Neb., some 29 years ago and died at Mullen, Neb., Wednesday, March 29, at 6:30 a. m., of the flu ind tjneumonia. She was married to Charles Phillips some ten years ago and to this union were born three children, two boys ur.d one girl. One little boy died some four vears apo. Her hu-band iic-d Borne three and one-half years ago and was buried at the Whitman cemetery, They lived on a little ranch norm of Whitman several years. She leaves a mother, three sisters and two broth ers to mourn her departure. She was brought up an adherent to the M. K. church and Sunday school. We all sympathize with the children anil relatives in their sad bereavement She was buried in the Whitman cemetw beside her husband, Thur.i day March 30. The funeral was con ducted by Rev, Thomas D. Davis of Hvannis. The children are with tiieir aunt, Mrs. Dan Wilcox of Ellsworth, Nei)., she being a sister of the children's father. naif oi the south half (N'-'a;, und the irouth half of the southe t.-t quarter (S'aSE'i ) of sectiorj twenty-five 2 ); the south half (S'2). and the north- pf quarter (NW'i), also the west Vinlf of the northeast quarter (W'a NEU of section twenty-six (26); tle east half (E2) and the northwest quarter (NW) of section twenty- section (20); the vest half of the northeast quarter (W'aNE'i), nn! the southeast quarter of the north west quarter (Si'i NW 'j ), also tin northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (NE'iSW'i) of section twen-tv-one (21); the northwest quartet (NWVi), the we-t half of the north ea.-t quarter (W1.. 'NEU ), the north west quarter of the southeast quarter (NW'USEU), and the northeast quar ter of the southwest quarter (NEU SWU) of section twenty-eight (2S); the west half (W'a). and the south east quarter (SEU ), also the west half and southeast quarter of the north east quarter (W'aSEUNEU) of sec tion twenty nine (29): the southeast quarter (SEU), the south half an! northeast quarter of the rortheast quarter (S'iNEU NEU ) the west half of the northwest quarter (W, NEU) of section thlty (30); the east half of the east half (E'2Ea), also the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NWUNEU) and the south- vtst quarter of the southeast quarter (SWUSEU) also the southeast quar ter of the southwest quarter (br.U SVU of section thirty-one (31); all of section thirty-two (3Z). Township 26, North Range 41. The southwest quarter of the south west quarter (SWU SWU) of section nineteen (19). Township 2,. North Range 43. The north half (N'a), the west half (Wli) of the southeast quarter (W,a SEU ). and the south nan ot tne soutn west cuarter (S'2SWU ) of section five (5): the north half (N1), and the west half of the southwest quarter (WliSWU) of section six (G); the northwest quarter or tne nortnwesi quarter ( NW U NW U ) of section seven (7); all of section eight (8); the north half (N'i), and the north half of the south half (NlaSla) of section seventeen (17): the east half (E'4) and the east half of the west half (E'iW1!!) of section twenty-one (21) the west half of the west half (W'a W',a) of section twenty-two (22). township 25. North Range 46. All of section one (1): the east half of the we.t half (E'aW'i), and the northwest quarter (NW'i) of section two (2): the north halt trs'al oi section three (3): the northeast quar ter (NEU). and the north half of the I i oithwest quarter (N'l-.WV u ) ot sec , tion four (4); the north half and the t southwest quarter of the nonneasi ouarter (N'aSWUNEU ), and the easi half of the northwest quarter (EM W'i) of ection five (5); the north half of section twelve (12); the south half of the southeast quarter (ba SEU) of section eleven (11); th southeast quarter (SEU) of sect'on ten (10): the west halt ot tne north west quarter (W'aNWU) of section thirteen (13); the north half of the r.orth half (N'a N'a) and the south eat quarter of the northeast quarter (SEUNEU) of section fourteen ( H) the north half of the northeast quarter of section fifteen (15) ' Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 14th day of March, A. D 190'' 'rODOLPHUS M. HAMPTON, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of J011W H KRAUSE, Deceased. LEE BASYE, Attorney. .Ich.l4-April.l4-inc. NOTICE. False Schedule Penalty. If any person shall make a false or fraudulent list, schedule or statement required bv this chanter, or shall wil fullv fail or refuse to deliver to the a.-.-esfor. when called upon for that purpose, a list of the taxable property which under this chapter is required to 1 listr.). o' shall temporarily convert tnv part of such property into prop erty not taxable,, for the fradulent Mary Magdalene is perhnps the tnot laniloivd woman in the world today. is true that she was possessed ot even devil.;, tuit this does not neces sarily mean that she was a harlot. Many geol moral ieoplc were imis- sessed with evil spirits in thoe days. lt us study her character and see ju;t what Mirt of a woman jl.e leally was. She was or had been demonized, but j he was not corrupt above other women of her ago and day. The first thing we are shown of her is in Luke S, where we nre told she was a vo-nan of some financial means. It was she who took the lead to bring the costly spice to embalm the body of Christ on the resurrection morning. ,uke S shows her a woman filled with gratitude revealed in loving service to the one who had liberated her from the demons. Many good people, moral- sivaking, were filled w th evil spirits in her day. (. hnst came across her nath and she appoaie I to mm not in vain. She was restored to her nor mal self. This is no proof that she was an unclean woman, nor does the fact that a woman is insane prove that she is immoral. , THE PARSON S COKNEP By Rev. B. J. Mim.rt. Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Allinncc w th keeping its machinery iroimr, but w th prodm jng th poods that are wanted. No rhuifh represents the Son of (toil which does not invsriaMy think of itself as r.oi to be nvni'deird unto, but to minister, and adjust itself to fiill needs of all who can Iv served by it. We need more d'seiples of the Magdalene tjpo of whom soiiKone said: "Not she her Ma -ter with a traitorous kiss stung. Not she denied- Him with unfaithful tongue She when Apostles fled, could dangers brave, Iji.-t at Mis cross, and earliest to His giae." We have nil known good moral men iind women who have oecome inline This was something of the condition she wis in. Christ restored her, and it wua in orntitude for this that she is shown servinc Him. She gave of wht she had. service, money and time, If those who t o not take time to reau lust what the Bible really says about this woman would be more like her, the churches would have a greater suc cess in their efforts to reach the peo ple, and there would be very little of this "retrenchment talk, in the various denominations. OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA HAY MARKET OMAHA, Nth, Ajril 3. HAY No. 1 iq land piairie, Ji.l0( t 12(M); No. 2 upland praiie, ? I0.UC, 1 1.00; No. 3 upland, 7.(H (t H.50. No. 1 m dland, s I I.OtK'i'l I. .i); No. 2 midland, ?9..'.0(f 10.50; No. ) Midland. $7.M)(.f H.M); No.' 1 lowland, $ ((i(f '.)..')(); No. 2 lowland, S-7.IK' .(. Choice alfalfa, $2).00(i 21.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $18.00(19.00; standard, $i:.00(rd7.0(); No. 2 $12.00 (a I 1.00; No. 3, .$ 10.0()(rel 1 .00. STRAW Oat, JS.()0(Vi 9.00; wheat, $7.00(f8.00. THE POTATO MARKET OMAHA. ' h., April 3. WHEAT -No. 2 dark hard winter, ? 1 .."..".i-J .,"('; ,MO. 1 t I.I IK lllllil nillll'l, ..., .m. l . . jnn,.rn hard winter. 1.29(,rl.3(); No. 2 h.n d . otk w inter, ,1.2."(nM.2S; No. 3 hard w ilder, $1.20(1.2; No. 1 yellow hard, $1.22: No. 2 cMow hard. 51.22; No. 3 ye;.ow hard, $1.1.(1.20; No. 2 mi.';:i, Jl.O.'.dj 1 2S; No. 3 miNed, $1.02. CORN No. 1 white, 49'ac; No. a white, 49Jr49'ac; No. 3 white, 4s'2c; No. 1 cl!ow, 51c; No. 2 yellow, r.O'ac; No. 3 yellow, iiOO'eoO'ac; No. 1 miexd, lc; No. 2 ni!Nol, 4i,a("149c; No. J mised, 4"';c; No. 4 mixed, 47c. OATS No. 2 white, 34 'ac; No. 3 white, 'XV-tc; No. 4 while, 33Uc; No. 3 mived, 33 U e. RYE No. 2. 91c; No. 3. K9(?90e. BARLEY No. I, 54c; Sample, 52 53c. OMVHA, Neb., April 3. POTA TOES Nebraska Early Ohio, No. 1, per cwt, $1.75; Minnesota while stork, $2.00; Colorado and Ndaho whites, per cwt., 2.0(H" 2.25; Red River Ohio Environment is a wonderful thing. Think how many parents have broad ened by nsitK-iating with their children. Elizabeth Journal. A Cleveland man says water will ngain flood the earth 300 years hence. Somebody's always flattering the pro hibitioni: ts. Washington Post, Our British friends ait; getting more) ninl more troubled over the question what to tlo with Lloyd George. Evi dently the only recourse is to Ixj patient and wait until old age gradual ly wears him down. New York Even ing Post. Luke 23 shows us the woman as being one of wonderful persistence. She followed Christ to the very cross, and was the last one to leave it. She was last to the cross and first to the tomb. The other deciples went hack fishinir. but she remained on the scene to the last. Yes, she was the nrst to get a vision of Him whom she thought dead. How many of us will gladly meet Christ in the Galilee of life where He fonrives sin. heals the body and soul does miracles, but alas when mounts He upon Olive to enter Gcthsemane and Calvorv we refuse or hang back? Not she the traitor's kiss did give, not she remained in the shadow of the judgment hall, not she returned home loavinir His body to the vultures of the air. She was a woman of titanic hope. Others left the cross, she rema ned hoping on that Christ would in some way keep His promise ot rising again It was the waiting Magdalene that received the first glimpse of the living one. How much the church owes to the watching woman of her member ship is indeed hard to tell. 1 he other women sought comfort in th com pany of others, she sought comfort in God alone. Angels came to her an demonstrated that they weie Hi ministers to those who sought God, She was blessed with a special appear ance because it was she who of all the disciples who followed Him to the very end. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET OMAHA, Neli.TTpril 3. CATTLE Good to choice beeves, $7.75!!1N.40; fair to good beeves, $;.90(r7.75; com mon to fair beeves, (i.40(iri;.K5; good to choice vearlings. ?7.'i0fe..'0; fair to good yearlings, $7.00(7.50; com mon to fair yearlings, $l'i.50C'P7.00; tood to choice heifers. $7.00Ci,7.0; fair to good heifers, $5.40fi" fi.s.5; choice to m'imp cows. $fi.l((iffi.75: good to choice cows, $5.50(i.OO; fair to good cows. 84.7f(d5.40: common to fair rowa. S' 75ri4.25: irood to choice feed ers, $(l.25(rtM3.85; common to fair feed pis. S."i.75rifi.25: irood to choice stock ers. S7.00('t7.ii; tatr to gooti suh-ri-it, $U.!()(rt'7.UU; Common to iair suHnrin, ari.7riifMi.35: stock heifers. $4.506Mi.OO; stock cows, $3.50("5.25; stock calves, $5.007.75; veal calves, Wi.uiKfi'y-mj; l.iilla tin era elf . S.t.Z.llfl tl.llll. HOGS Receipts, o.XUO. un gooti shiimer demand totlay the market opened 5(fi10c higher. Packer trade was generally strong to in spots iw hiirher. Light hogs sold mostly from $i Tdffj n.S.i with a ton price ot -.f..w. Mixed loads and butcher weights, $9.40 (f9.7o, and packing grades, ?X.75(a9.r.0 with extreme heavies $S.25S.75; bulk f colon wns SO.riOfft !l.7&. SHEEP Receipts, (1,000 head, tiood slvnnor demand was in evidence today and with good competition prices ruled mostly 25e highed. Eat lamiis mime a ,. nf Sir. .ri.ri with sales mostly within a ran re of $15.00(15.35. Clipped l.'imhs HVfiairin-jr mound nirety pound -old'nt $12.75. Feeders and shearing lambs were vtrnng to 25c hicher, mov ing from $r,.7.j(14 10, with ore !o"d at $14.25. Sheep were fully steady, Some say jazz is a passing fancy; others say a lingering infancy. News paper Enterprise Association. Anyhow, the world has made mora progress toward peace than grand opera has. Detroit news. ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, Third District. I hereby announce rhy candidacy for the office of county commissioner in the Third district of Box Butte county, Nebraska, subject to the approval ot the democratic voters at the primaries, luly 18, 1!22. I am a rood roads enthusiast, and I know conditions in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. I pledge my best ef forts for a business-like administration of county affairs, and have but one other plank in my platform equality ind justice for nil. J. R. LAWRENCE. BEGINNERS OH THE PIANO I make a specialty of First, Second and Third grade work. Country Pupils Tnken Care of Saturdays. rhone 922. Mrs. S. J. REID one load of fair 9.50. quality selling at Herald Vnnt Arta- Uexults. A. CLAHEH5E SGHGGH, M. 0. Surgery and Consultation Hunter Kuilding Alliance seven (27); the north half (N') and purpose of preventing such property the southwest quarter (SW'i). also trom being listed and of evading the the north half of the southeast quarter" payment of taxes thereon, or shall (N'-jSE1) of section twentv-cipht transfer or transmit any property to OkJl. cftti! Viofi -t fiimrtrr tf lr.P southeast quarter (SE'-tSE'-i) of sec tion thirty-one (31); the east helf (E'i), also the south half and north east quarter of the southwest -luartrr (S'iiNEUSWH) of section thirty-two (32) ; the west half (W'a), and the south half of the southet 'niarter (S'iSE'i) of section thirty three (33) ; the east half (E'i) and the southwest quarter (SW'i) of section thirty-four (34); all of section thirty five (35) ; (the east half of the west half (E'iiW'i), ami the west half of the east half (W'isE'.a) of section thirty tix (30). Township 26, North Range 45. All of section two (2); the east half of the east half (E'zE'-i), and the northwest quarter of the northea.-t quarter (NWUNEU), also the north east quarter of the northwest nuarter (NEU NW'i ) of sect'on three (3); the south half of the southwest quarter (S'iSWU) of section four (4); the .-utheast nuarter of the southeast quarter (SE'iSE'i) of section five (5); the north half (N'i), the north west quarter of the southeast quarter (NW'i SEU) and the southwest cuar ter of the southwest quarter (SW'i SW'i) of station eight (8); the north half of the northwest quarter (N'i NW'i), and the southwest quarter of the southwest tiuarter (SW'i SW'i ) of section nine (9); the east half (E'i), and the southeast quarter of the south west ouarter (SE'iSW-i) of section ten (10); the wett half (W4 ). and the west half of the east half (W'iE',2), anv oerson with such intent, he shall be gu Ity of a misdemeanor and sub ject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars and not more than two thou sand dollars. If any person shall know ingly swear falsely regarding any mat ter contained in such schedule or in terrogatories, he shall be deemed guil tv of perjury and lie punished accord ifiKlv. (1903 p. 402; Ann. 10952; Comp. 4974.) 35-44 BLACK KOOT Marshall Sheldon was a Hemingford visitor Saturday. 1 Mrs. Pete Farrell was quite sick again last week. i A number of neighbors gathered at the Leis home Saturday evening and spent it in dancing and playing games. Byrl Dyer and wife attended the dance at Jasper; on'3 Saturday night. They report a fine time. Gi E. Dyer and daughter attended the play given by the east farmers' vnion Saturday night. It was given at Jasperson's. Jessie Moravek is spending the week in Hemingford with her grand parents. All of the Scott y and Jake Hender son families are sick w ith the flu this week. Mrs. Cal Leis visited at Hookham'o Tue-dav. Claude Hookham arrived home from Lincoln Tuesday, where he has been taking a business cour.-e. HERALD WANT ADS RESULTS. Christ grants special visits only to those who are especially interested in Him. If we like Mary would care less for the things of this world, and more for the things of God, perhaps, we too, would see more of God and His Christ. Her character is worthy of the emula tion of us all. We would do well to imitate her in her loving devotion to her Savior. Would to God the churches hail more like her. The world wou'd bo reached much quicker, and souls would be coming into the fold oftener. So many of our churches exist for them selves only. It takes all the jwer they have to keep the machinery going, ami there is none to get out any products. As someone has recent ly said, "Far too many churches think of maintaining themselves as organ izations and keeping their existing machinery in motion, rather than of giving life to the society in and for which they exist," ELMER'S MA No factory concerns itself chiefly rhone 664 AUIaa Harry P. Cotirsey AUCTIONEER Lire Stork and General Farm Sahtf WELDING GEO. II. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd Like a thousand of her kind -busy every minute for the welfare of her boy worried about his health, and his mischief-making, tolerant of his pranks until her fund of patience is exhausted. Then Learn to know her in , "JUST BOVM Get the habit of reading this popular comic pago If you inquire as to the reputation of this undertaking; establishment, the overwhelming response from the people whom we have served as to our fulfillin?: our obligations, will convince you of our trustworthiness. We handle a mode rately priced funeral with as much painstaking: fidelity to details as we bestow upon a more pretentious service. Miller Mortuary aiOKTICIANS Phones: Day, .111 Night, 522 or 535 123 West Third Street MOVING. PACKING. STOKING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIKEPUOOF STORAGE "When ItV Your More, Let Uh Know" Office Thone, 13: Res. SSI and Rlk. 730 i F. A. RALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish lilock L. A. KERRY ROOM 1, RUMEIt BLOCK THONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiroprnetora Palmer School l'hone 8f5 Over Darper'a PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.