THE ALLIANCE 1 1 ERA LP, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1922 SIX TONI G II T Last shou'ir.g of Pour's greatest masterpiece 'THi: THREE MUSKETEERS" IMPERIAL THEATRE THURSDAY, APRIL G WILLIAM FARNUM in the greatest role of his career "A STACK ROMANCE" ULSTER K EATON, in "THE PALE FACE' ADMISSION 13 and 40c and War Tax WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 CONSTANCE P.INNKY, in "S9 EAST" Also Third chapter of "STANLEY IN AFRICA' ADMISSION 10 and 20c and War Tax HEMINGFORD The sacred concert at tlic Methodist church Sunday niRht was a mi cress and rnioved bv the biir crowd present. The houe was crovioi i-o capacity Kudivllle. Mr. Keed was in buines heie several years ero and has many friends here who repret to hear of his heath. He leaves a devoted wife and two younir douirhters to mourn for the nml lovinir hu.hanl and lalher. Mr. and Mrs. Kid Irwin and children were in town Saturday. lid Odell and Kay Wilson drove to Antioch the latter part of the week after tsome counters for the store here. Grace Berry went to Alliance the latter part of the week to visit her jriandparents, Judg-e and Mrs. L. A. many were rot able to pet seats. J he program consisted of an orchestra number for the opening and then the congregation sanjr two hymns accom panied by the orchestra and the regu lar preliminary services followed. The fnllnwintr i.roirram was then rendered: Male Quartet Walter, Keeve, May rmruli pnl MlCliaei. urrne.-ira numuu . n i i. irn. rvonn Aririun f'lmlc.1 Ire vvella and A Kenneth I'ruden. Walter Walker and Mrs. I. K. Walker at the piano. Vocal solo, Mrs. Paul Armstrong. Saxophone Solo, Kaye Muiihead. Violin selection, Harry Crane. Male iuartet. lHict, Mrs. Paul Armstrong and Kev. A. J. May. Vocal lo, Mrs. Harold Tatprc. Saxophone solo, Adrian Clark. Vocal solo, Mrs. Harry Crane. Orchestra selection. Male quarter, Closing hymn and benediction. Stucky were In from the Cox ranch Saturday on busi ness. Mm. W. H. Hudson has leen very s:ck with the flu the lart few days. Dr, Ed Zochol, Frank Trenkle, J. B. Hadley and T. J. Lpwrence are some of those I working on the road. Don't forpet the literary Friday cveninir. Supper will be served fol- r. very body m- funeral Friday. lr. Kuen 01 Hemingford was called o the Fnkct borne Thii'sday eveni1 to see their little Fon, Bernard, who wns finite sick. Joe Kennedy motored to Heminjrford lowing the program. Friday. He was accompanied by iNeis . viteu. Peter -son. Mm. Krohn has returned home after Mrs, C. L. Hall had the good fortune spending several weeks visiting rela to find her suit case in Hemingford i tives and friends at Lincoln, last week. It was stolen from their I . car last winter when they stayed over POINT OF ROCK CREEK night there. It contained some valu- able relics, Fverthing was in perfect Th Winam Ewex fami are James Laton rode up to the John M Nich fc. f hpr Mab.n home Sunday alter some hoises Mrs Tabor in Aniance. They VjVlioes and Carl Brus motored ( MG. Nelson have a new id niiimw ui.-j. . . linhv inv An- vn Inst Mnni av. Moore was callel down from Antioch' Mr. Hullett and Mr. McLomo ti . . . . f ... . , lr..nn;w nidcrw tlirniitrh mpva Miliir- . " . " ' . . . i i i . ri'i uranu isian. nicy all more carpenter work in th's vicinity. Mrs. Howard Essex is visiting with her sKttr, Mrs. Sadie Wilkins. Bill Hashman is on the sick list this week. Mr. Garwood moved a house up 1 from Hill's on his place Friday. Mr. Liggett was a caller in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaup-hn took dinner with Mrs. Langford Friday. Mrs. Ernie Essex is also on the sick list Howard and Lyle Lore motorcl to Sioux county to visit their sister, Mrs Anna Denton. The highest explosive known to science is made by combining idle hands and addled minds. Fremont Tribune. One reason why husbands don't stay at home more is because the house seems so empty with the wife gone. New York 'lelegram. Use Herald Want Ads for Results. Uncle Sam shouldn't be unreason able. He should remember that he took his own time to pay his debt to Lafayette. Llmira Star-Oazette. The trouble with the world seems to be that it failed to prepare for peace in time of war. New ork Tribune. Saturday afternoon. He was accom panied bv two of his daughters. I Mi. and Mrs. E. J.' Nelson drove in I fro Oakley Stephen-ton held a public sale Saturday and fold his household goods and a Ford car. Everything was sold and brought a good price. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stephenson will leave for Wyoming, where they will make their home. . , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson wno Crawford nave Vim, lifion livmir in moved to Hemingford and will live in to attend the dance. They drove I the Oscar Stephenson property. Jlulph Sunday and brought a little Saxon m out north Saturday to do some shopping. Ml'.;;is. R. A. Cook and Leo Berry drove over to Rushvillo Saturday morning. 1. D. Whaley went to Alliance on the local freight to spend the week end with relatives. Mrs. Whaley who went up last week to help care for sick folks has also been on the sick list. Clyde Summons was an east bound passenger Saturday. Harvey Whaley, I,ee Meeker, Roy nnd Walter House and Dale Pollard went to Bingham Saturday evening lhey drove back car will assist his father with the farm work this year. Murl Pollard was off duty at the I.ockwood store Saturday on account of a severe sore throat. Mr. Kendrick assisted with the work in her place. Mr. and Mrs. James Potmesil were reported on the sick list Monday, both of them feeling pretty sick. Mrs. C. F. Wahl and Miss Lee Lloyd are also sick this week. Mrs. C. M. Erskine who has been sick for some time has been confined to the bed for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. I Clark and Mr. and Mm. A. J. May were Alliance visitors on Monday of this week. Ben Price left Saturday niht for Hot Springs, Ark., where his son, Merle, is in the hospital taking treat ments for rheumatism. He will arrive Monday night. Word came on Sunday " that Merle was not getting along so veil and was somewhat discouraged. Mrs. Ben Price is visiting among v,. frlftul-i for a week or so and will thpn vn down to Alliance and ioi .i-.i K i,ir sn. (liiile and his wife Mrtrn lnir unison has been scattered lately and several dogs have jmsscd nway and some are in the convalescent state. The oircndcr has not yet been jilt Will Mr. and Mrs. Alex Olds and Mr. and XI r. I. It. Walker were in Alliance Mr. iLnd Mrs. K. L. Pierce and C.oorgf Jenkins were Alliance- visitors !ondy. , , , ki . ,,n,l Mrs. Earl Rockey, Mrs D.inbom and Murle Pol lard motored to Alliance on Monday of this week. l.wiimr fmm the number of stu dents expelled or susiended from the high school and the large number of ...v,.. buve voluntary left school for the remainder of the term there srems to le something radically wrong home where somehow. Some lxK)tch pedlers were caught last Thursday night in Hemingford by Marshall Crimes. Warren Lotspeich, Sanford Sailing and a cnuple of others whose names we did not get were im plicated in the deal. Mr. Lotspeich was taken t& Alliance Saturday and the rest of the bunch skipped the town tometime Saturday. The Messrs. George Lindley, A. E. Olhsen and Fred Blumer drove to Ku.-hville on business last Thursday. George Lindley went from there to Omaha and the other men returned home. Mrs. Pry or came down from her home at Alliance Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. E. Black and fam ily. William McKinney came in from the Harry Minuick ranch Thursday and will work on the east section here this j ear. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn House moved back from the country last week. They will occupy the south rooms of the lioval cafe again this summer. E. F. Osbom and A. J. Carter drove to Alliance Thursday evening to meet R. D. Kirkpatrick who returned from a business trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sandoz and son were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Tro-ter were in town Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Boan and baby have all been sick with the flu, but were all recovering nicely the last report. .Mrs. P. F. Gillespie and son, Jack, came down from their home at Alli ance Friday after some of their house hold goods that were still here in the house, where they lived before moving to Alliance. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mclntyre until Sunday when they returned to their borne. Charles Orr is back on the mail route after a few days' illness. Floyd Phillips from out south was in Lakeside the latter part of the week. - i i ,4 . . Jes.-e Underbill, who has been em ployed at the Koch ranch for the last lew months, returned home Friday to I with his family and work on the section here again this summer. Miss Edna Orr came in from out north Friday evening to visit Miss Velma Simmons. Mrs. Frank DeFrance was in town Friday thopping and calling on frit nils. The sad news was received here Friday of the death of Guy Reed of ago Mr. Whaley bought some time from n narfv At that nlaco. Mrs. Henry Stoop was on the sick list last week. The Misses Mae Livings. Wilma Mote and Alice Schill, our teachers spent the week-end with their parents in Alliance. Rav Toline drove in from the Star ranch Saturday and took out a load of freight for the ranch Joe Williams of Alliance was in Lakeside on business Saturday. W. R. Crowther arrived Sunday to join his family who arc visiting rela tives and friends here. Miss Bertha Tyler rode in from her home in the country Sunday and spent the day with friends here. I he Burlington water service car is sidetracked here so there will be some work done on the company wells here n a few days fioin the looks of things. Mrs. Frances Kahlor arrived Sunday from Wyoming for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Anna Hunsakcr and fam ily. Jack and xseai liaiienger anu ueu Fields visited friends here Sunday evening. The Messrs. Jim McMirtrey, Walter House, Roy Hudson, Will McKinney, Jesse Undcrhill, Glen House all went to work on the section here Monday morning. dav enroute to report the roads in fine shape in W yoming. Miss Alice Roberts and Jean .nnd Al berta Hall were callers at the Foskct home one evening last week. John Bins is nt home now. James Kennedy helped Jasper Ccl- vin fix his well last week. Mrs. Langford and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurlbuit motored to facottobluit Saturday on business. Mm. A. H. Hall and son anu miss Roberts drove up to the Jay Hall home Saturday afternoon. Mr. Banks and Mr. Kilpatrick were callers at the Teterson home Saturday morning. n with 4he flu. They are somewhat im proved at this writing. Quite a few gathered at Nichols Fri day to fix the ball grounds. William Hashman and lee Marsh were callers at the Lore home Friday. Mr. Weaver of Alliance is doing Jj TlilELE, i'K ES CK 1 ITION DRUGGIST AN G OH A FA1KVIEW. William Nye is the owner of a new Buick car purchased Saturday. Elsie Lawrence spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting relatives and friends. Mable Aspden spent Saturday and Sunday at home. .... Inez Aspden was a week-end visitor in town. , , Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson of Antioch were visitors at the Charles Heath home Sunday. Sunday school was organized Sun ihiv. Th followine officers were elected for the coming year: Maud Nason, superintendent; Adrien Hann, secretary: Mrs. T. J. Lawrence, treas urer. Adrien Hann visited with Lavernc Nacnn Sunday afternoon Herb Nason, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Mor p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herbert were somo of those who attended the Farmer-Labor meeting in town bun 1r. v. Mr. and Mrs. William Rust Jr., and son, Hall, ami Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Law rence attended churcn in town sunuay pveninc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heath and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Nason, Laveme Nason, Grandma Nason, Mrs. Fred Nason and son, Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Iiwrence and Jennie Law rence spent Sunday evening at the Ed 7nrhrA nnmi. There will be a ball game at Fair- view next Sunday afternoon, Fairview vs. Red Sox. Everyone come. Some of the farmers are buihb'ng a much needed road from the William Rust farm to the Fred Nason place. M. De a son John Burry was transacting business in Scottsbluff Saturday. Mrs. W. N. Thompson spent Sunday at the McCroskey home. M n n , I M id W V rVuvnll cnunt Sunday at the Carl Nichols' home. Fred Nason, Ralph Nason. K N Dorothv and Theodore Boodry came Wester, Ross De Wester, Herb N up from BridgejHirt to spend the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson were Bridgeort visitors Friday. Mr. and Mm. O. A. Woods and daughter of Gering were visiting nt the Carson home Sunday. Fred Wood and con, Walter, made a business trip to Scottsbluff Saturday. Little Ruth McCroskey is visiting with relatives in Gerincr. Mr. anil Mrs. John Scott have moved into the Glan cottage in the north part of town. Mr. Scott has rented his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Beister were called to Omaha where Mrs. Bei.-ter's mother is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sherlock and Mrs. Mary Sherlock spent Sunday at the John Burry home. The two weeks' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morehead has been se riously ill the past week, but we are Had to report he is belter at this writ ing. Mr. nnd Mm. Ieslie Boodry enter tained alniut twenty of their friends at an April Fool party Saturday night. An unusually fcood time was enjoyed by all present playing various games and April Fool jokes. A delicious lunch was served after which the guests departed having spent a most enjoyable evening. The Parents and Teachers' associa tion met Friday night und a very good program was given by the school children. After that a very enthusias tic debate vvas held on the question: "Resolved, That Country Life is More Beneficial Than City Life." A great many good points were brought out by loth sides, but the judges decided in favor of the affirmative. FOWLING A. II. Hall drove to Hemingford Friday after a load of coal. He was acconipained by John Brohuski. Mr. and Mrs. Klemke and daughter returned Friday from Bayard. They took dinner at the Brus home. Funeral services for Albert Lang ford were held in Hemingford Friday at the M. E. church. Interment was made in the Hemingford cemetery. Andrew Olson returned from a visit in Scottsbluff Wednesday and pent the night at the Elsea home. Little Miss Jean and Alberta Hall sent Friday night with their cousins, J;.y and Esther. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Warn pier mo tored to Hemingford Friday. Lou Hood and Jasper Col v in mo tored to Hemingford to attend the funeral. The Henderson family are some let ter after their seige of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. James Eaton and Miss Elsea and Mrs. Hall attended the ME BEST RHYMES A new contest Is just bclnj; startei. rbieh will interest every woman and uirl who rends this pnper. Any woman r pirl cm enlcr litis Contest any one cm v in ! Ail it is necessary to do is to write a Hine rli? mc on Dr. Price's I'bosphate b.'ilJng Powder, using only ihe words which npiear cither on the label of Hie Dr. Price can (front and I'm k) or on the printed slip which is Xoind in e.ich Dr. Price can. Lsii't easy? Everyone likes to inal.e iiiynics nnd hire is a chance to r-pend a fascinating hour or two writ ing rhyinis on V.:U ppnl:ir Daklnnr l'owdcr and perhaps winning a sub stantial jivize for your eiforts. 9 CASH PRIZES For the rhyn-e selected as best n prise of s?10'- v'.il be given; fir the second, third and fourth best rhymes prizis of fcTS, SiO, nnd .'., respec tively will lie given. And besides tnese prizes there will be 6j rizcs of $i each for the next 53 l'st rhymes. With such a long list of prizes as these, it would be a pilv not ta try vour hand at itt Here is a 4-llr.e rhyme as an ex ample i Two tfatfonvs cf tli foxciler make J!icuitt, muffin, pit or enkt. The I'rice's Co., autxranfee JVo alum in the cans to le. As Dr. Trice's Phosphate Biking Powder sells fur only ho cents a 1 on. can at grocery stores, some rhymes could piny up the remarkable economy of this pure and wholesome baking" powder which contains no alum. AU rhymes must be received by May 1, 1921. Only words appearing cither on the label of the Dr. Price can (front and back) or on the printed slip contained Inside the can may lie used. These words may be used as often as desired, but no other words will be allowed. If you haven't a can of Dr. Price's, a copy of the label and the printed slip will be sent to you free upon request Any woman or pirl may enter the Contest, I't.t only one rhyme from each person will be ivnsid.Tcd. In case of ties, the full amount of tl.e prre will be given t. each ting contestant. Write plainly on or:!v one side of a fchect of paper and be sure to give your naiue und address. Send your rhyme before May 1st to Price Baking Powder Factory 1001 Iudcpcadaue Blvd.., Chicago; III. Which Way? People are judged by their use of the telephone, just as by their demeanor in other social and business activities. It is a mark of refinement to speak pleasantly and properly over the telephone. In talking over the telephone, it helps greatly if one will remember to always speak slowly, distinctly and pleasantly, with the lips not more than one inch from the mouthpiece. Co-operation and pleasantness on the part of tele phone users is appreciated by the operators, and it helps them to do better work. Northwester BeCiJIephone Company IT Mi it WMpi fjjp-Jw LfL-J.', ii- .v -V." I I THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. For town and country, it is all that its name implies a Run about. Low in cost of operation ; low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength, dependability and reliability for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be oleased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything in motor car accessories, and always have a full line of genuine Ford Parts. We'd like to have you for our customer. Remember if you want your Ford to give continuous f service you must keep it in good condition. Wc. Lm- will do it for you. COURSE Y& MILLER Alliance, Nebraska f