The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 28, 1922, Image 2

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Qlir Allium? Hcralfo
Entered at the postofTice at Alliance,
Eh., for transportation through the
mill as second class matter.
GEORGE L. BURR, Jr. Editor
EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr.
Official newKpaper of the City of
Alliance; official newspaper of Box
Owned and trabllshed by The Burr
Printing Company, George L. Burr,
Jr, President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice
of the figures for a period of r evcral desires, to bring about a change in the reward and have promised to Fend Well 1 am fretting my wishes grati
year will furnish an intelligent 11 habits of a nation. It requires mora message?. Always these messages fled and the old rheumatism is a thing
on which to work. Here's a free tip than weekly Bible talk to do away, have been silly, sometimes unccn-. of jf, Junirer life Leatrue brine
to some of the candidates for the log- with crime, for crime will never disap- nectcd, urually frivolous. There was about a condition where you wont
islatur and senate, as well us county iar while there is want, misery ana one eminent English scientist who, be-' make such a flurry about a few cen
oiTiccrs. A legislator who will come unemplyoment. The man and woman fore he died, promised to send a mes-j tenariana in your midst,
out with a promise 10 work for a who crave excitement and rush madly sage to his friends on earth. The mes-j SleJf1" liVrT St iake
county manager law, md candidates from one pleasure to another will ( page he promised never came, but a your life full and overflowing. Watch
for commissioner, clerk and treasurer never change their mode of life be-j strange medium received a message the physical fide the diet and exer
who will nromise the utmost publicity' cause they Fee a newspaper containing, from him with a reference to a cer-: ci'es 10 lengthen years. It is a
Win JOKe mat One Of hi friomU J!nn uic u.kuti a nuinucu Jra
of expenditures will find they have a jertinent Bible warning,
struck a popular chord.
The men at the head of the farm bu
reau federation have had a splendid
From Philadelphia comos a touching
appeal from the laymen's home mis
sionary movement, which has seen a
great light and is struggling with all
its might and main to bring that light
to all the world. The.e mb'e souls
write to tell the editors o-er the coun-
Some dav there may arise a race knew.
of reformers with vision and common
sense, and both at the same time. Un
til then, we'll have peace ships and
. a racial crime now, but in the dawning
I n fr a if tvill Krt nn tnilivilnnl Mimn
The Los Angles interview is remark-j This one word more: I am glad to
able in that it marks the first time add my testimony to the fact that
that a purported interview with th,11?!?; ia no death-
layman missionaries and other idea!-' dead has been sensible. ' Dr. Bogart, ' savY eThuh e and lovl
i.stic fools.
ls Angeles last week was the scene
of the world's most marvelous hap-
who received the message, is said to and it is saved,
be a reputable physician, who believes
it is genuine. - Among other things,
the message said:
try that they are exceedingly pn'ned. pening, or the most cruel hoax. At a
by the prevailing wave of crime, the banquet of the Longer Life League
spread of unrighteous living and, there was read, for the nrst time in
I knew in my innermost vision that
I wov.ld celebrate my centennial be
yond the gates but that I would be
with the Lonper Life League, in the
spirit, as well. It made little dif
ference to me on which side of the
idea. There Is, so it happens, no ,h nerol disregard for Ijw and! all history, what purported to be an p-ate I made the celebration. I had
branch of the farm bureau in Box. Srt far ih.v nrA ,.anPt f(1ii.l interview with the dead, obtained by a
Butt county, but that should not pre- . apDarentJy have the welfar of ! medium through a dead newspaper
vent Box Butte farmers from taking
advantage of it The federation in
Nebraska is beginning an investiga
tion of high taxes in the state. They
are going at it systematically. Organ
isers from the state headquarters and
committee from each county where
ther is a farm bureau will co-operate
ia making in each county a thorough
investigation of taxes and public ex
penditures. These figures will be com
bined in a report that will not only
furnish great light on the problem of
, burdensome state taxation, but should
also result in getting at the evil at
its source.
It's surprising what can be dons in
the way of reducing taxes and cutting
at wasteful public expenditures whero
the citizens and taxpayers get down to
cases. In Hamilton county there is
the world upon their bleeding hearts.
A good many of us have not been sat
isfied with the world, even if we have
not set out to remold it in accordance
with our heart's desire.
And so the laymen missionaries have
discovered a cure for these conditions
a cure that deserves to rank with
Henry Ford's peace snip and other
idealistic plans to end the war. The
parallel will stand Henry Ford knew
that war was a brutal tb'ri,' that
should be ended, and so he equipped a
ship and called to the colors all the
pacifists he could find. There was no
definite program. Perhaps Henry
thought as- did an eminent English
pacifist who sought to end the war by
having fifty thousand women, d re wed
in white, appear on the battlefield
during hostilities that the mere sight
m . . A
wnai is Known as a wynyn "0u", of his emissaries would shame the
-a voluntary association . men
who are interested in eliminating
waste and cutting down the cost of
government This association has jus-
warring forces into laying down their
arms. Who knows? And who caves?
Our laymen missionary" friends
would put an end to crime waves, stop
the spread of unrighteous living and
bring about a regard for law and
order.. How? It's as clear as mud
Education in applicable Bible subjects
were doing, but those days belong to . . ... . . f
tified its existence over a period of
four years. Time was when county
officials were somewhat peeved when
the citiiens who paid their salaries
wanted to know exactly what they
the dark ages.
A systematic investigation, covering
a period of say four or five years, in
Box Butte county would result in a
jnaterial reduction of expenses. It
SvbulU not necessarily seek to dis
credit any county official. County
officials are human and like all the
rest of us, they make mistakes. But
if a competent committee of taxpayers
A 1 t 1... ,l,AVt
weni over me oos, uu,. jnn(l, on pertinent Bible subjects, wit-
thoroughly, and found exactly what b Rn authorit or by a Kon of
proportion of the tax money has gone th eratfl the crim.
lor supplies, lor rUuu, . u,, of count or turn back the
questions on porinent Bible b'ibjects
Answers are given in the words of the
Bible, It is a new catechism,
A good many of us have watched
with apprehension the trend of modem
life. Many have wished that there
might be a new renaissance that
would wipe out most of our evils. But
let's be frank about it. Articles once
a week in every newspaper in the
for elections and for other purposes,
, wayward to the paths of truth and
n wou.a lurmsn a uas.a r righteou8IM!89, Thousands of preachers
QUCMOn. H wuuiu iUiwc. J.ln vrv fnt In th uninn wnrVtnir
j seven days a week, have been unable
to exorcise these demons.
WUAV TW v- " - - r -
If it resulted in nothing else but point
ing out mistakes, at least there would
be no excuse for such mistakes in the
future. If there is a lack of system
In county road building, or in buying
county supplies, or in doing anything
that costs the taxpayers more money
than It should, such a result would be
worth. all the time, effort and money
that it would cost -
American taxpayers are peculiar.
Thty like to grumble at high taxes,
but they have only the vaguest idea of
the courses for that which hits them
in their pocketbooka. The ordinary
man will orate over the immense sums
of money that are wasted by the na-1
tional government. The thought of
billions for a soldier bonus will cause
some people to froth at the mouth.
.The money spent for Btate aid roads
seem to be outrageously large as com-
pared with the cost of road building
by the counties. But while these
wastes are large in the aggregate,1
they do not hit any one of us so hard
as careless methods in use in county
government or city government, which
is much hearer home.
The city of Alliance has adopted the
city manager plan, and has a respon
sible head for its government a man
who is directly to blame if there are
wasteful methods and careless systems
in use. The results have been atoun 1-
ing. There is little question but that'
the salary of the city manager has
been saved many times over. The
county has not one responsible head,
but half a dozen. All of them are!
probably conscientious, but mistakes'
win nujipeu, ami iui a uutu yufv
buying supplies, with no one to say
them nay or check them up, the sys
tem is largely responsible for -the re
sulting waste of public money.
Some of these days there will be a
county manager system in use in Ne
baska, as it is found in other states
which have realized the advantages of
the plan. Until that time, especially
in these days of burdensone taxes,
there is need for more system in coun
ty affairs. There has always been too
little responsibility and accountability,
The Nebraska farm bureau federa
tion's plan for a county investigating
committee comes at the time. It
is foolish to talk of taving money
until we know where the money has
been spent An intelligent analysis
We have great faith in the power of
the press, but even had the news
papers been behind Henry Ford to a
man, they could not have made the
peace ship mission a success. It re
quires more than ideals, more than
The Alliance Candy Store has been pur
chased by E. L. Lawrence and will be known
as the
Lawrence Candy Store
We will continue to carry only the choic
est Home Made and Box Candies. You will
be able to get your favorites just as you have
in the past.
We will operate the Soda Fountain to your liking
tasty ice creams with rich flavors, or invigorating soft
drinks available at all times.
We will be glad to greet all the old patrons,
and will welcome new customers, with the as- -surance
that we will do our best to please you
Pure Candies, Attractively Priced,
and Pleasant Service.
Lawrence Candy Store
E. L. LAWRENCE, Proprietor
Phone 27
210 Box Butte
man. Vr. UUy uoguri., me meuiuin,
got into touch with the shade of Her
man Kuehn, irf life a Chicago journal
ist and publisher, and the dead news
paper man agreed to get an interview
with James Martin Peebles, well
known savant, who died a few weeks
ago, just before reaching his coveted
goal of a hundred years of life. 1
Those who have ever investigateU
spirtualism will find that there are
some things that are not to be laughed
off or explained. Thousands of intel
lectual people have believed in
spiritualism and in the possibility of
communicating with the dead. Mil
lions of people in the world have be
lieved in immortality and even those
who have not believed have universally
hoped for it. Some churches forbid
their members from dabbling with
spiritualism; others believe it demon
ism and the black art. But any man
or woman who has investigated has
found much trickery, much fake and
some things that have made him mar
vel. SDiritualism has not been taken
seriously, largely because of the class (
of people who have been connected,
with it. The mediums are, for the
most part, charlatans. The most emi-1
nent mediums have been discovered
faking messages. The explanation is
always that it is so great a strain on(
the medium that she is compelled at
times to resort to trickery in order to
save herself. Considering the char
acter of the mediums and the charac
ter of the messages from the dead that(
have been received, it is small wonder ,
that the world looks upon the whole
tribe as cheap grafters.
But during tye last few years, es
pecially on the continent, there has
been an effort to discover facts. The
American and English societies .for
physical research have contained some
of the best minds in the country.
Many of them believe. There has been
no attempt on the part of these so
cieties to convert the world to their
belief. Each member i3 seeking only
to satisfy himself.
Anil there has been little enough to
encourage them. Leaders of these
societies have died and gone to their
lived so long and felt that I had given
myself the joy of working long enough
in the flesh. Guy recalls that I told
him a couple of years ago, that I was
anxious to explore the moon and go
journeying among the stars.
A short time ago, M. Briand, former
premier of France, confided to Lloyd
George that he thought efolf "a game
for schoolboys." Adding that "En
glishmen never cea?e to be children,"
Briand asked the British prime minis
ter: "Cannot you enioy a country walk
without hitting a silly little ball I"
Now that Lloyd Geonre is in the
midst of political difficulties that
...s uiki gaini'iung, "ininKing tmngs
out." To Austin Chamberlain he left
responsibility of affairs at Downing
street. And while ferment is vorkini?
apparently atrain.-t the premier of a
thousand battles, he has been hitting a
silly little ball.
j That the golf course has given Lloyd
' Georre an opportunity to refresh him
self has been evident. And perhaps
there is something about watching t,rv
unruly ball and in other exercise of
the links that determines new stra
tegy. A story is told of Robert Bruce of
Scotland, dircouraged by the tur n of
events, yet heartened to go on to vic
tory by" watching the patient endea
vors of a spider spinning a web. Per
haps b ographcrs will tell a story of
Lloyd George and the silly little bait
lhat helped solve his problems. Thou
sands of Americans might not find it.
difficult to read such a story and pas
on its merits.
About all it is necessary for an ex-
bread i3 buttered on.
ert witness to know
7 is whi
ich side his
People who monkey with the mon
key gland treatment deserve such
From the time of Benjamin Frank
lin the wisest and strongest Americans-
threaten his position as premier and j have consciously had faith in his coun
challenge his skill as a statesman, j trv. Many of them are going to cash
word comes that he is in Wales p;olf- in on that faith before long.
At a meeting of the Southwest Iowa Chiropractors Association held
at the Council Bluffs Chamber of Commerce, December 8, 1918, statistics
gathered from Chiropractors from the nine counties represented by that
association, showed that of 353 so-called "flu" cases adjusted by its
various members, only one case developed pneumonia.
No deaths were reported from pneumonia. No
deaths were reported from the so-caleld "flu."
Of 185 cases taken for the prevention of the so
called "flu," only 1 case contracted the disease.
Dr. Storey, pioneer Chiropractor of Los Angeles, Cal., did not have a
single death out of 363 so-called flu cases adjusted in 1918.
Drs. Jeffrey & Smith
Norton Block, Over Harper's. Phone 863
Dr. C. J. Bobinson of Oxnard, California, temporarily in charge.
j -a ia;a
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