THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1922. TONIGHT GEORGE HEBAN, in "ONE MAN IN A MILLION" USUAL SHORT SUIHECTS ADMISSION 10 and 30c IMPERIAL THEATRE MONDAY, MARCH 13 MAY McAVOY, in "EVERYTHING FOR SALE" ALSO BAND CONCERT ADMISSION 13 and 40c. SATURDAY, MARCH 11 MARIE PREVOST. in "A PARISIAN SCANDAL" 4 ACTS VAUDEVILLE 4 Usual Comedies ADM. 20 and 50c SUNDAY, MARCH 12 CONSTANCE TALMADGE "WOMAN'S PLACE" Usual Short Subjects ADM 13 and 40c THE PARSON'S C0RNEP By Rev. P. J. Minnrt. Fanr rf the First Baptist Church, Alliance 'lore in Alliance. Now, thin in not pay injr that we favor Sunday picture.", for we !o not. But it is a Ktatomcnt that jve do not believe that people who go here on Sundav would attend church :f it was close!. Community Club at Bingham Still Working for P-H i i'tion fori;" inf rS. H. Willey, president; J. T. Burtonvice he last is- -r , , v, ,. ". , . l . president; Kaipn t. lxnspeich, isecre- iur "Perils He nevor akl lili ,''P,"1 tary-treRurr; dirctori.IV. wTlJil- maeazine rX"ZA .: Z I aurh, C. H. Anderson, J. E. McCarty, rPIIirmiTR H I t' mull V IIV It'U UIC IIIIIUO- tir:ll: tlf-l-L xinti' a . Those Percentages and Fool Reforms May 1 convey my apprec the editorial rppeannjr in t me of the Herald concern! That Aren't" The Outlook Hlno carnl a sr. ' X? try for one cause and another. Dm ttHRSSK!" ! Hanson, who spoke so e. o- .LT ' :V;r1. tw oil wilwiweaUjr at one o tne local cnurcnes I IVM CI II "T av v iiv v " r lie men should study and profit there liv. IU title is, "The Dictatorship of the Dull." i Apin, we make the sUternont tlmt Communit club the following officers cal people could better use their time ; ., , There Is one thine I notice aliout nil of these so-called reformer, and that is their percentages of jrirls who go wrontf. Kecently three percentaKea were friven out by different men who ore in the frame of reforming the rest f us. One said that 67 per cent of the pirls fro wron through picture nhows, another aaid that 60 per cent vent wronpr through the dance; still another said that 67 per cent went wronfr through the automohlies. These Ftatements would be real funny if the makers were not so earnest about them. The writer knows the evantrelistic game from the inside and intends to tnd his ministerial life in that work when his children have frrown up, and we can understand how some of those fellows make these pArcentafre utate menta. They are the fruits of a temp tation to say nomethinfr striking knowing that the statement of an out sider is not apt to be looked into as the local man s statement would be. Many yield to this wicked trick and if one will take the trouble to look up the pource of these "pcrcentafres" he will likely find that some over-heated pub lic speaker said that "some one said," that "some one else told him," that 'his friend told him," that "he heard the wife of some evangelist known for his enthusiasim say," that he "read from some professor, or "heard a professor when he wu in collefrc," say 'that steen per cent of the frirls fro wonfr through the auto," or by eating irreen pickles after a dish of ice cream, etc., etc. 1 in a "union service, are both lormer HantiKt nreachers. The latter at one time was the pa.tor of the same church that licensed the writer to preach. The former used to be pastor of the East Side Lincoln Baptist church. It is sifrnificant that most of these lead ers are ex-preachers. Of course their salaries in their pre:nt work perhaps are larger, and perhaps they think that they can do more frood as reformers than Christ did aa Regenerator. We repeat that Christ's preachers were ne ver called to reform the world. We would go further and say that we were iiever asked to "make" people better, but to persuade them by example and precept to follow the Master's steps. People may be educated into better citizens, but you can not legislate them into better men and women. But some one will say, "How about the eight eenth amendment? Wasn't that legis lation?" Yes, but where would that act be today, were it not for the fifty years of education as to the economic evils of the traffic? Where would it be if public sentiment had not been created in its favor ? I sometimes be lieve that the country went dry about twenty years too soon. Public senti ment is certainly not in its favor yet Some of the so-called best citizens are breaking the law daily. William Welch, William Lotspeich. H J. Marr. Plans were discussed and prelimi nary efforts made to ascertain from the highest county and state sources the possibility of completing this year the gap in the Potash Highway, which exists entirely within Sheridan county between the east line and Lakeside. A committee will be appointed soon to get in touch with the Omaha of ficials with the object in view of hav- ng them extend their long distance line from Ellsworth, eleven miles west, to Bingham. This is a great need from manv an cries, for after 5 d. m. each day, when the Burlington closes, com munication with the outside world is completely cut off. it was also decided that meetings in the very near future would be ar ranged for at Ellsworth, Lakeside and Antioch in order to combine the ef fort of all of the south end of the county toward the issue of better oads. Another strange thing about it all Is that the great American people here in Alliance, a town that ought to know tetter, will "fall" for it, and swallow these statements whole. Last spring . an evangelist made a serious statement in a neighboring church about a cer percentace of our young people in school afflicted with venereal diseases, iand when the writer asked for proof, . ne said that a local man said, etc. The local man evidently did not have much proof, for he covered his tracks promptly. An investigation resulted, with no proof of the statement. Another strange thing is, a a young jrirl speaker said in our pulpit last Sunday evening. "These men would lead you to believe that if the girls kept straight, the boys would remain trraight. Why all this percentage of rirlsi v hy not boys? I have known these men to say that if we save the jnrls that the bovs will take care of themselves. Well, that may be so in the life of these men, but as far as ' we are concerned, we found that as a boy we were tempted to tempt the frirls long before the girls ever tempted us. In fact, we fail to remember one ,!nstimc where the girl took the initia- i live in any line oi wrong acq on. . '-iOntt of twe things U sure: If lh average reformer is right, the girls lead the boys wrong or they are weak er and more easily led than the boys. we believe the opposite is true, that ;a girl will hold to the straight and pure life much longer than the aver ge boy. We would like someone to try to convince us to the contrary, Next time you hear a reformer, be he your pastor or an .outsider, make these "percentage" statements, ask him for the proof. Thell him that vow don't be lieve it and won't until he come3 Across with the evidence. A lawyer friend said to the writer 1he otner day, "I never was so much disgusted in my life a I was the other evening when I went to henr that re former speak." And while he d;d rot fay what it was that disgusted him we are not far f-o-n wrong when we say it was Some "nerrent?""." for Isw "yers are not in the habit of taking for granted statements without proof or tojuuauic luuiiiiauon. Then. too. the nature of these re-form- a real laughable. Take that preacher who recently Ktartv. nut in 5lassachusett8 to put over the lw to Tomnel people to attend church. When The mil came un for reading ita soon vor "took sick." It seems to me that Tie "was sick before, but didn't know it There are many more sick folks abroad 4n the land who would eomtiel people i 'attend church. We laughingly re Ynemoer the statements of an enthu siastic reformer during the wet and lry fight, tht when the saloon would e out our churches would be full of people. Well, this preacher preaches to a weii-nuei house twioe each Sun lay, and oftentimes people are turned away, but we do not see any difference in tne "percentage" of people who at tend church now and before the saloons vent out of business. Now, do not misunderstand me, I would not for the world approve of its return, but simply point to this as an example that the only way to secure changed economic and social conditions is by changing the people a ideas and that is a slow work of education by precept and example. If we church members, and preachers in particular, set the example, we would need to wor ry less about drinking, dancing, thea ters, etc. Tuke another "fool reform" the ef fort to compel pupils to read the Bible in the public schools. Now we 'would like to see it read without comment, but we would emphatically oppose the "compelling" part Let us win people to Christianity and we will soon find a changed order of things. If we put forth less time reforming and more at performing, if we were as preach ers and churches more practical and less theoretical we would be worried less with these so-called "immoral! ties." Let us make the christian life more attractive, and the dance and all these imaginary evils will have less at traction for the young. Suppose it were possible to get all uie young tolks to stop dancing, thea ter going and joy-riding, suppose all oi tnese activities would cease im mediately and these young folks would all turn to the church to satisfy their so-caiieu instinct, what would the churches have to offer them? There is not a church in Alliance that would be able to give these young folks what their restless natures call for. It is not, therefore, folly to them to give up tola or that and not be able to give, them something in exchange lor.wna .mey, gave. up.!. . t Let us talk of reform less and per form more, so that when any of these young people that Christ died for them we will be able to offer them sometimes in return for the old pleas- ures. POINT OF ROCK CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Howard Essex are home now after helping feed cattle this winter at the Wilkinson ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Staples mo tored through from Hershey last Sat urday and are visiting Mrs. Staples' parents, Mr. and Mrs. r . Nichols. brnie Weinell had the misfortune to have his foot crushed a few days ago, but is now walking with the aid of a cane. Mr. and Mrs. Cu3ick were surprised last Tuesday evening by a large enwd of neighbors. Everyone had a fine time. Mrs. Crawford motored Mrs. Mar.n and children to Alliance Friday. They stopped on their way and took dinner with Mrs. Dillon. Miss llutcli.'n.:on also accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Lrrue Lssex drove to Alliance Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tabor drove out from Alliance Thursday and visited with the Nichols family. Roy Nichols took a load of corn to the Bliss farm this week. Chris Robuck is out in this vicinity Most of these men who are everlast ingly crying for reform this and that are usually men who know little or nothing of what they talk about In sieau oi anoiisning these things, we will find that some of them at least should be improved and not abolished, It would be well if these reformers would leave their study cots and tjilr a little exercise and look into some of tnese supposedly evil things. Perhaps in-y wouiu learn inat uie professional rerormers nave been making state ments upon hearsay evidence. A train we repeat that when the churrh will perform more, there will be less of mis retorm talk and noise. ' To heur some talk, you would think that if Sunday theaters were done away with that the churches would be ciowded to rapacity all the time. Now, ve know better than that, for we were in towns where there are no Sunday theaters and the percentage of pennle attending church was much less than NONPAREIL Miss Vera Miller spent the week-end with home folks. The Nonpareil club met Thursday with Mrs. Emory Abley. Tom Osborn was a caller at George Young's Thursday. Mrs. George Young spent Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Emory Abley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hennings visited with Jake Msea and family Thursday ir. ana Mrs. tmory Abley were cullers at Rosenberger's Friday. Ernest Osborn and family visited at the Tschacher home Sunday afternoon. Harold Moranville was a caller at H. A. Strong s Saturday. Quite a number from this neighbor hood attended the farewell dance at I Roberts place Saturday evening. Everyone reports a fine time. Alfred Tschacher was absent from school Friday on account of sickness. Osbom's are busy sorting potatoes this week. Fred Strong took a load of wheat to town Tuesday. Several from this neighborhood at tended the Mortensen sale Tuesday. Herald Want Ad3 Results. this week. Mrs. Cranford, jr., is on the sick list this week. Mr. Mae is up from Bridgeport, vis iting at the Vaughn home. Mr. Bum and Hale motored out after Miss Bums Friday evening. Now another doctor comes forward and says handshaking is in no way injurious to the health and tells every body to go ahead and shake hands. But, doc, what over? 1 per cent in white population of na tive parentage. The less nations have to fight for, the more they will have to live for. In its appeal to women to quit wear ing summer furs, the American hu mane society looks to have the ad vantage of some very favorable weath er for it The coroner haa decided that the ex plosion of the ZR-2 was due to acci dent This will be a great relief to the people who -have been thinking that perhaps the passengers did it on j purpose. Russia Is tearing up 700 miles of railroad in order to use the material for repairs on other lines. This re minds one of the hungry snake that devoured its tail. Still, we aren't being absolutely swamped by immigration. Census fig ures show a loss in ten years of .5 of H if EAD COLDS Melt Vicka in a spoon and inhale the medicat ed vapors. Apply fre . quently up the nostrils. Use freely before going to bed. MIK J VapoRud Omt 17 Million Jan UttJ Ywlg B Tomorrow Alright ALLIANCE DRUG CO. For Your PROTECTION This bank is organized solely for the protection of its depositors! Our conservative methods insure sta bility and warrant confidence. While our trust has been the basis of our success. The first and paramount considera tion of the directors and officers of this bank is the safety of the depositors' money. This bank is without question the strongest bank in this territory. Our Surplus and Undivided Profits total $130,000.00. Such an institution warrants your consideration and confidence. .We pay 5 interest on savings. Alliance National Bank Alliance, Nebraska Eitra .lirgrt mIn t Nit pvul tltn will k. ulM In m roxtt. Costs Not One Cent to Try Lots of Fun . , . . and You May Win r One of the Following Prizes: -$2,500 In Gash Prizes! .Winning Aiwiri Will Bmlx Cah 1'rUe According to TabU How Many Objects In This Picture Begin With S? In th. plrtur. .bo. Uwr. am HI tlixll of ot)cU twtnntn with th Irtler ,H." Without .117 troubl. wh.wnr rott can rrllljr w. turn, of h.m. u Miif." -tn." "IiId." . Hlmpl. tan 't Itl Wll. tlx othw cliru n Ium u Bl.ln. but tlx inM It U M who cu aud tn. turni. Eimtliliit la pUIn ?tw uuthini Uirt.trn 00 ed In I'lm th plctur. down. C. a mix and ti-H. M mir itrt In QUICK. Law ai.4 ar aornot I1M Ukt. lrt prlia, IB. tnd bMt. Ind prtia, at. OPIM TO ALL SIT BUSY NOW I LM tat fantflr work lofrthw. c tla m. If as. of tlirm can not find a Kwifwr Hat than anntlwr ona. It 11 iat fun. and wiuratknial bra! do. wiMtl win Mawtklaa. To aek iwnoa amdmi 10 a ll.t. rfwantiraa of wd.umt tbt wlo or not. will I Mul aa aamtmaul of Ik baautiral blrtbdu trming earda. It aoata rttin to taa iait and ron da nut h.r. w and la a ilnila auba'rtptioa f llw Omaha Dallr Nawa in win a prtaa. But la tooalnj orar our prla. ll roa tt will ha wall wnnb four wbll. fntni u a Httla antra truihta ik mow a few lubMnoari an that rwt Butf ba auaUAad lot on. ef lb. bldwv aud awn laluabl prlaaa. IAIV TO WIM Rr aandlnf la an. or two raarlr aubacrtpttnua (maximum two mb arriuuaa your own aubHrtpUun, aww or rauawal,' will oountt tn TM tinaha Dally Nawa at It. 50 a raar. rim eaa win. aa much aa tAOO 01 tl.vo. la eaak. Tata la a bonoa raward far kuoatara. Hara'i bowl If roar anawrr lo th. "8-Word" Pictur. punla la awardad flrat arti. Kr Ui. hu1a. and fnu bar. arat in on f.rllt aubacripiloa to Tb Omaha liaily and aunda Nrwi at I4.M. ru will rrt. ku Inataad of . Or. If ruur aniwar to th "8-Word" Plotui ptuil. I. awardad flrat , friM by tha UIm and yoa bar. ami In two yearly auhacrlptinni 10 Tn. mae Pally N.wa. ID 00 In aJI. o will nrvlr. II.OwV inatead of I JO. ' If ynur anawrr ta auallllan tn a auhvrlptioi. aa or ranaarat and r a to aanind prtia. yoa will nertn fMt. Booiir, If yoa bar. arnt la to Kuamiitliiua fur ona yaax aud wta aaouad prU. yu wlil ascl t00, and aa on dowa tha llat of urtaaa. f'jrUtarnma. two all aaonthi auhacrlptlnna will fount tha aam. al on ana-yrar auhamptloa or a two-yaar aularrlptlon will muni th. aaiit aa two otia-iear aubarriHIiina or four an auouthi aubarnptluua. Alao, th fuUuniug club ofl oounu lb aaaw aa out aa-yai aub a rlit oai Omaha Daily and ftunday Nrwa 41 yaar) I'mila'l I'l i'ular Mmuhiy (I er) Karu and Kncaida II ear) am Journal 11 year) Wnman'1 VVnrld II yrarl I'lciui.aJ Baoaw ll tnuatba) ALL FOR $5.00 HIM AM THI RULES 1 Anyon not k raaldant of Greater Omaha or OonnMI Bluffi and who I not an amployae or a ralatita of aa wiployis uf To Omaha Daiiy Newa may au built aa anawar. I All anawer ouat b wiillod brfor roar poatoffle rloalng tlma on Mareb llat. Only anawera nailad botwuM uuw nod lb auor. data will b ooaldard by lb. lutUa. I Writ on on aid of lb nipM only, and aoaibar all vordl tU L g, !.). Writ, your full name aud addniaa an aacb nac 4 Only word that appaar lo th Bnyllab dictionary will ba eoontad. Vbar tb plural Ik uaad. lb alnfular oaiuxil ba counted, and rlo rara. a Word of th am pillii( can ba ad only one, ma tbotub uaad to dealamu. dirrarenl objxu or artlclea. An nbiact or arusl saa b aaioed only one, allbouyh lh object or art lei liar If can boBaiaad and lb laMou pan of Ui oujact or artkla caa ba BaaMd. a Do not una obaolat. archaic or brpbanalod word or any aompnand word formed by Iwu or sum euaiplm. word, nbar. aacb word In I lav If la aa oblaut. T Th. anawer Mrlri th. aaaraat anrrart Mar of name of rlilhl. oh laet o artirlea alio" In tbr Mi-tur thai Ui'n wlih th letter "8" will ba awardrd tint prlia, tak h'uiuma, aijrl. or Bandwrlling bar. no bar kng 00 lb winner a. a On. or mora mem ben of a family mar aompeta but only ona prtaa will b awarded 10 ona houaeuold; nor will pniaa ba .warded to (nor. than 00 nf any croup outaida h. family, wbere two or mora aa. bvea working tciether. If mora tbaa on liat I arnt In by ona party, at If they are ant In under ditfrraut name, botb Uat W1U b barr.L k Dr. H. A. ftVnter. wroreaanr, t'ratral H'.rk kV-houL Omaha: rather Ramlll, priori pal. Crrlihlon Hifh School. Omiha. and Ptufaaaur Itwilil K. foxter. prlmtpal. Coiameratal lllyk tk-hcol, Ouiaba. bar baan appnlut4 ludgv. and both Tha Omaha Dally Kewa and the oertirlpatits air. 10 abida by aod accaK th decialoa of lb JucUjoi a final and ouoclualta 10 la raae of a lie. prlar of equal amount will ba swarded lo the tying oooteaiatita. All anawara will re-eira the aama eoneideraiiua wuaiber ur nut a auuactlptloa tut Tu Omaha Dally No la erut Uu II Th annouikcainenl of the prla. winner and tha enrrert Hit of worla will he puhliaixd In Th Omaha Daily Mean la 1U aarliaat poaelbl million followUig th. darUI'ia of tli Iuoa. Ik All llat of word niuat he mailed before tdarrh tut. althoorh Ihry can b guallfird for ou of the Urn prlie by aend'iif In aul.'ni llone up 10 and Im-lunln April 4th, but all aunacHptlon njual b. fur nruo out a nsaldaut of Oraaur Omaha or CuuncU LUuffa. llalowi Whaa rVhaa rVbea Nu On. Two Buherrip fttkbarrln- Bubaorlp ttona linn lion . Are aVot la Bout Ax mt M rrlik...t20.M ISOO.Ok 11.000.00 t4 Priik... 10.00 760.00 000.00 it em... 1.00 ia.00 tM.oo 4tk Priik... t.M (0.00 100.00 Itk Prln... 1.00 M.00 100.00 ' ktk PHra... 1.00 40.00 00.00 71 PrU... 1.00 MM 00-00 (tk PrUa... i.OO 20.00 40.00 ktk Prin... 1.00 I0OO to.00 iota k smb.. tM i.oo 10 00 Each peron knkwertmr tblo kd will be kent 10 beautUul kk korted carda. Fairness Assured! - W bar kaowa aifu ' aeleoted tbre well rbo will act ak Judge DR. H. A. tENTER, Pretaaaar Ceatral Hlh kckeeU Omaha. REVEREND I. A. HAMILU Prlaalial Crankte Hk SahaaU Omaha. PROFESiOR OWIONT t. PORTER. Prlaolpal Cmmanlal Hlgk kcaoeU Omaka. All anawrr ntil a placed hefnr tni aien, and titer, not th iuule Bian.t-r, nor autone cmneried with tlie mna Dally Newa will dacid uuua the enanera. All ooniratanu Mrc 10 aompl tbelr oolI alua a final. OMAHA DAILY NEWS, PICTURE PUZZLE DEPARTMENT. OMAHA. NEBRASS