THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1922. FIVE The dinner of the Alliance Rotary club held Tuesday evening at the Cen tral Rchool building, was one of the most enjoyable in the history of the club. The dinner ua3 srrved by the domestic (science class of the high nchool, under the direction of Miss Gertrude Gist, instructor, and was one of the important features of the pro gram. Mrs. Inice McCorkle Dunning arranged a short program for the first part of the session, which included a foIo, "Perfect Day," by Miss Vema Dow, a reading by, Miss Frances Fletcher and a piano duct by Mrs. Dunning and Miss Phyllis Thompson. There were a number of guests present for the dinner, including ex Senator Norria Brown of Omaha, Coach T. R. Crawford of the Chadron hi eh school, and a number of Burling ton railroad attorneys and other officials of the road, including, W. J. Thiehoff, chief dispatcher at Lincoln; Frank L. Givin, formerly of Alliance; C E. Temple, Wymore; E. E. Grimes, South Omaha, J. W. Weingarten, O. E. Pearson, R. T. Richardson, C. V. Krohl, Omaha; C. F. Kilpatrick, Alli ance and W. P. Loomis, Omaha. The program for the evening was in charge of Earl D. Mallery who acted as toastmaster and introduced the various speakers. The talks were all on an informal order, and each one was provocative of considerable merri ment Senator Brown told of his first visit to Alliance, a good many years ago, and of conditions along certain lines as he found them at that time; and complimented the city on its erowth and its nrogressiveness. Attorney Weinearten, E. E. Grimes and O. E. Pearson cave brief talks when the toastmaster demanded this supreme sacrifice of them. The members of the Fourth Decree of the Knights of Columbus held a dance at their hall Wednesday even ing, l-ebruary zz, on Washington birthday. Each member was required to appear in full dress and the pro gram began with a grand march and salute to me nag. ine nan was lecorated in red, white and blue which Public Radiophone Demonstration Met With Hard Luck There will be a card party Monday evening at the Catholic church base ment under the auspices of the Indies of the parish. Miss Anne Anderson returned from Antioch Wednesday where she has been visiting friends for the past few days. Mrs. W. R. Collings and children left for her home in Seneca this week after visiting relatives here. The ladies of the Eastern Star will give a parcel post and food sale, the date to be announced later. George Cronkleton, of Bayard, was in Alliance today between trains en route home from Omaha. and that they are willing to shake the' Have you seen that $70 harness at lust of the city from their brogans if Rhein's. 2C-27 the cases can be dismissed, and it isj lS,eiVh?Lt!it!?'Vl!r.u"0TI m Try. our special Sunday din depart. In the event that they should ! r r0V. no tbe elsewhere at the time the June I nvr' vu" va,e term oi eoun convenes, the cases TV n o . in iii vi i-vuiv tnnvcnes, ine cases I , - . , , ine Hoy Scouts first radio concerts against them will be brought up at!. None of the months get much notice ai me roof garden proved to be some- that time. j from now on from the poets until April ' luuure, aimougn. clue in no is iue; Dut poets no not nibernAte. part to either the apparatus or opera- That Anker-Holth Cream Separator They write about Florida and Tahiti. if n iii inn in ci t 1 iam . i . . ... - ... v . . w mrnos- at lincins is a revelation. imri iv vonuiiions oniy. i ne scouts nap- The Kniphts of Columbus held lecomveu in rcu, wnue anu oiue wnicn i "'." i"" nnn have been adopted by the Fourth lr J card party Thursday evening at their ?ree as their colors, and George Wash- ngton natchets hung from the walls and ceiling. The hall was alsc decorated with palms and bunting. Punch was served throughout the evening nnd later sandwiches and ofTee and ice crem arl cake. Thirty Tour couples were present. The ladies' auxiliary to the Ameri can Legion will hold a box social at the parish house, Saturday evening, to which each member will invite some guest or guests who are ekgible to this organization but are not a mem ber. Each member will bring a box with sufficient refreshments for her own guests. There will be card play ing and all present will undoubtedly have an enjoyable evening. Adnniram I.odire of Perfection No. 6, of Alliance Scottish Rite Masons, is planning to begin March 3 with a class of candidates, and will confer the fourth and fifth deerees on that date; the sixth and seventh on March 10, the eighth will be communicated on March 22; the ninth degree will be exempli fied on March 24, the tenth on March 81 and the remaining degrees up to the fourteenth on April 7. The four teen dee-ree will be sriven this class on April 14. Beginning April 28, there will be a class conducted through the eeremonies of the fifteenth, and mem hern of the class may then complete the work up to the eighteenth degree with the spring reunion, which will be held on May 12 and 13 of this year. It is hoped that a laige clas3 will take advantage or tnis exceptional oppor tunity. Between twenty and thirty Odd Fel lows from Dalton, will be here next Tuesday and put on th$ third degree in the Subordinate lodere. There will be a banquet at the hall beginning at 6:30 In the evening, which will be served by the Rebekah's. The local Odd Fellows attemling the banquet will pay for their dinner at 75 cent? per plate. Those wishing to attend Dle&re notify Secretary Snyder at phone 5. The Odd Fellows from Alli ance have visited Dalton several times nnd the local members want to enter tain the visitors as royally as they were entertained at Dulton. club rooms. The Alliance team of the Knights of Columbus will go to Lead, S. D., Sun day to put on a class at that place. Those who will go are J. W. Guthrie, F. O Connor, J. C. Morrow. W. J. Tragcssor, Dr. B. G. Bauman, Harry Morrish, Joseph Concannon and S. F. Buchell. A number of other members will accompany the team. Mrs. William Cherry entertained at five-course luncheon and theater party Thursday in honor of Mrs. Edwin Lundquist oi L-edar Kapias, ia., who is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dye. 1 he guest list in cluded Mrs. Morris Nelson, Mrs. Glen Sanders, Miss Anne Anderson, Miss Marie Howe and the guest of honor. The members of the Eastern Star held a George Washington kensington Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. E. Johnson as hostess. 1 here was a George Washington program and the rooms were decorated for this anni versary. The ladies of the Episcopal guild entertained at a card party Tuesday eveninsr at the parish house. Each member invited a couple to fill out her card table, and a large crowd was present. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable time had. W. B. Barnett, of the Golden Rule, who returned from a buying trip to New York city where he had a well developed attack of the grip, suffered a relapse Wednesday. He is now on the job again. Mrs. I. E. Tash left this morning for Mason City. Ia.. in response to a tele gram that her daughter, Mrs. Axel Johnson, was quite ill. JcVn M. Stewart of Lincoln, of the firm of Stewart, Perry et Stewart, at tomeys, was in Alliance yesterday on legal business. Try our special Sunday din ner. City Cafe. 26 "Dancing Christians" Last In Series by Rev. Mearl C. Smith Tliis is the subject of the last of the Feries of sermons on the Dance to be given at the Methodist church Sunday night. Ihe past two sermons, whir have been attended by large congrega lions, have shown that the modem dance had no countenance in the Bible: that according to the accepted code of ethics everywhere else in civilization, the dance was wrong; that it was harmful physically, mentally and morally, and while many escaped the pencil to be unlucky enough to pick two nights on which the aurora borealis or northern lights went on a rampage and the" resultant electrical disturbance put not only the wireless but also the long distance telephone ann teiegrapn out or order. Ihe apparatus used was of the high est quality and two engineers from me nestingnouse fc.iectnc company were here to operate it. The Westing house people have issued a statement in which they say that they will con tinue their experiments until they are able to give the people of Alliance a radio concert that will demonstrate the possibilities of this wonderful inven tion Due to the electrical disturbance it was impossible to eliminate the noise and roaring in order to distinguish the speech. Ordinarily this Fpecch oi music comes in with the same clear ness of a phonograph and with much greater volume. The writer has heard ladio music from Denver that seemed as clear as if teh orchestra had beer in the next room. Under ordinary conditions this music would have been e'ear and loud enough to dance to. A demonstration of both sending and receiving was given in which phono graph music was played close to the Herald Want Ads Results. Harness that serves, at prices $3.r.00 to 70. Rhein Hardware Co. 20-27 dangerous pitfalls, many others, both boys and girls, were entrapped in sin. I transmit tor nn.i u-Mfh mm nt uitv in ine iast sermon, vne auuwie oi jater volume although with some Christian people toward the modern distortion (due to the electrical distur bance) from the horn of the receiving apparatus. dance will be discussed. That Anker-Holth Cream Separator at Rhein's is a revelation. 2C-27 Tanlac is the ideal strengthener and body builder for old folks. F. E. Hol sten. 26 Two Churches Unite In Welfare Meeting On Sunday, March 5 One week from Sunday night there will be a community welfare meeting at the Methodist church, at which Dr. Theodore Hanson will be the speaker. At least two churches, Christian and Methodist, will unite in this, possibly more. More extended announcements will be made next week. Tanlac corrects stomach disorders, strengthens the nerves and restores health through its effect on the appe tite and nutrition of the body. F. E, Hols ten. - C. Harries that serves, at prices $35.00 to $70. Rhein Hardware Co. 26-27 After Mr. Keach, local scoutmaster, who has charge of the set has got things in proper shape for receivinp another concert will be given which will no doubt be a success. Have you seen that $70 harness at Rhein's. 26-27 State Booze Hound Fined for a Stew Over at Columbus Dispatches to the state papers from Columbus bear the news that Charles Sanford, "special investigator" for the Nebraska law enforcement bureau. drew a fine of $10 and costs for drunkenness. Sanford is the man who secured the evidence upon which Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rosetta were con victed in the Box Butte county court on charges of selling liquor. The Rosetta cases, which were set for trial on Tuesday of this week, have not yet been called. It is understood that the Rosettas are trying to dispose of their rooming house interests here Most of us know the health of all outdoors but the turning of Mother Earth is even more beneficial. Plant seeds gTow flowera or vegetables, or even both let nature give you its full measure of health fawinate you with the pleasure of xeeing things grow beautify and add comfort to your home besides it means economy. Let us send you our 1922 Year Bonk cost you only the trouble of asking and tells you all about planting, etc THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SEED CO. DENVER, COLORADO. Thielc's 'v GIFTS THAT LAST 3 Thide's KING GIVES MARY A HANDSOME PIECE OF JEWELRY. King George's principal gift to Princess Mary is a handsome piece of Jewelry, which has already been given to her. As the King knows, there is nothing which quite equals jewelry as a gift. And especially a wedding gift. Jewelry always has and will be the gift supreme. Now when Maxine gets married just come down to Thiele's and let us help you in your selection of a suit able gift. Our stock and salespeople are always at your service. SPECIAL RELEASE Victor Records WIMMIN Meledv Fox Trot, 1..75c GOODBYE SHANGHAI Fox Trot SOMEWHERE IN NAPLES Meledy FoxTrot 75c SMILIN Fox Trot by Green Dros. DEAR OLD SOUTHLAND Fox Trot 73c THEY CALL IT DANCING Meledy Fox Trot Your Choice Saturday $1.50 Special assortment of spoons, servers, child's sets and other desirable pieces of plated silverware in Com munity Plate, Wallace and other high grades. Some real bargains for people wishing to complete a set. ' They also make a very desirable gift. THIELE'S Tht Sltrt With a Cuarantu Without RiJ Taft ' 1 : i ii ii j i i niiiwriiM.iwjiiiiwwJii.M,i iji m ! - ma 1 1 im.i n iu.iim inn inui nil minium jm in jji mma n,.iiirm m.i i.M'twi nw in.m.i .. bbiiii. i 1 . I ttthhi t;tninTTHm?n:m:nni:ni;KT;;nTOm URRY 9 HURRY ! You Will Have To Hurry If You Expect to take Advantage of the Mode Big .Bargain ID) rices Crowds of eager shoppers are filling the store every day Because they are getting values at our great OSSEg OA. (O T me tore 9 .LmCo Don't Fail to Come You are missing genuine bargains that you need to buy. They Always Come to the Market WHY? THERE MUST BE REASONS. INDEED THERE ARE MANY. BECAUSE Hundreds of shrewd andeco nomical buyers are auick to recog nize the remarkable quality of the meats ottered, and have taken ad vantage of the popular prices. BECAUSE Of the pride we take in our work. BECAUSE Of our determination to main tain the high standard and qual ity of our meats. , BECAUSE You can order of us with the as surance that you will get your order taKen care oi. JUST RIGHT WITH SERVICE, QUALITY AND PRICE. Our Motto, "SERVICE WITH A SMILE." - - - at the - - - MODEL MARKET tr t n. jufcs, rrop. Phoe30 iiii i iiiiinriiriiiriiiiriniiiiiinnifiiniiiiiiiiiii i i in iiiiiiiimmmhh,,...