THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1922. SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wnt t buy somtthlnff? rtua rd of popla acan tbea Want 44 column! lookln for what you r others hT to offer. Oct quick ralu bj advertising In Tha Herald Want Ad department. RATES One cn4 per word per Insertion. Costa no mora than other newspaper and we guar antea that you reach aeraral bun ired mora read era, Buy circula te a. not hot air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two good milch cows. Call at Nebraska Land office or pee G. G. Nelson on Wells place. 23-26p FOR SALE Some fine Barred Ply mouth Rock roosters. Mrs. W. G. Zediker, 314 Sweetwater. 23-26 COLUMBIA HATCHERY! P. O. Box 1102. Denver, Colo. . We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,(XK weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver) guaranteed. Parcel Post prepaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf FOR SALE Registered Herefords. Chief Repeater at head of herd. Six horned and two polled bulls; pome polled heifers; ages ten months to two years. Place one mile south of Girard. Write. H. O. CRANE, Hemingford, Ne braska. 17-27 FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Two room house, modern except heat. 220 Big Horn, phone 1058. 25-20 FOR RENT Roomy housekeeping apartment, furnished. Reasonable rent Phone C54. 23-tf FOR RENT Splendid reom. Mrs. Oscar O'Bannon. 20-tf FOR RENT OR TRADE Alliance property, well located with good in come. Free of all incumbrance. Will sell reasonable, or trade for ranch property within reasonable distance of Alliance. See F. McCOY, at 928 Lara mie Ave. 19-tf WANTED WANTED To buy from two to five dozen Buff Orpington pullets; send price in first letter. W. A. LESTER. C23 East 1st St., Casper, Wyo. 25-26p WANTED Boarders; home cooking 222 Toluca. 22-25-p LOST ' LOST Between Boirue's and McVick er's, man's new black pocket book containing $19.75 in bills and silver. Finder return to Herald Office, 25-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Adolnh D. Brost. deceased. in the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presen tation and filing of claims against said estate is May 23, 1922, and for pay ment of debts is February 23, 1923; and that I will sit at the County Court room in said county on May 24, 1922, at 2 o'clock p. m. to receive, examine. hear, adjust and allow all . lawful claims and demands against the de ceased and consider all objections thereto duly Wen. Dated this 23d day of January. !22. IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) County Judge BOYD, METZ & MEYER, Attys. Jan.24-Feb.21. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Nellie M. Covalt, deceased, In County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. v The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is June 19th, 1922, and for payment of debts is February 8th, 1923; th:tt I will sit at the county court room in said county, on June 20th, 1922, at two o'clock P. M. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Dated February Pth, 1922. IRA E. TASH. (Seal) Comity Judge BURTON & REDDISH, Atty. Feb.lO-MarchlO-inc. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel morteagei dated Aug ust 8. 1921 and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Box Butte County. Nebraska on Aueust 17, 1921 and executed by C. C. Whitnack and It. E. Bessey to A. H. Jones Company, a corporation, to secure the payment of $325.00 with interest at ten per cent per annum upon which there is now due the sum of $236.96, default having been made in the payment of paid sum and no su t or oUier proceed incr at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, we will sell the pronerty therein de scribed, to-wit: one Ford Touring Car No. 3.209.347 with winter top at pub lic auction at the northwest corner of thg intersection of Third Street and Cheyenne Avenue in the city of Alli ance, Box Unite County, JSebraoKa, on March 1, 1922 at 'i o clock p. in. Dated February 7. 1922. A. H JONES COMPANY, A Corporation, Mortgagee, BOYD. METZ & MEYER, Attorneys. Feb.7-Feb,28-Inc. Jazz, according to the music doctors, is dying again, and this time will be buried. It might serve all the ends of extreme Justice to compel jau to lar- LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Application of RODOLPHUS M. HAMPTON. Admin istrator De Bonis Non, of the Estate cf JOHN H. KRAUSE, Deceased, for U- cense to Sell Real Estate. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY LICENSE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED ADMINISTRATOR DE BONIS NON TO SELL REAL ES TATE. Now. on this 17th dav of January. A. D. 1922, Rodolphus M. Hampton, administrator tie bonis non, of the es tate of John H. Krause, deceased, presented to me his petition under oath, "stating that there was not a jutticient amount of money or person al property in his possession for the payment of the debt.4 outstanding against said estate, in the sum cf $59,530.51 together with an allowance tor the costs of administration and other expenses of administering said estate and that it is necessary to sell the real estate of said decedent, or a sufficient amount thereof for the pay nent of said outstanding indebtedness, costs and expenses of administration. and praying for a license to be grant ed him as such administrator to tell an undivided one-half interest in nrd to the following described real estate belonging to the estate of said deceas ed, to-wit: An undivided one-half in terest in and to the following describ ed lands situated in Sheridan Coanty, Nebraska, lhe south half of the .wuth half (S'i) of (S'.i) of section twenty nine (29); the south half (S',4) of the southwest quarter (SW4) of section twenty-eight (28); the south half ( S la ) and the northeast quarter (NE',4) of section thirty-one (31); the north half (Nl?) and southeast uuarter (SEV4) of section thirty-two (32); the west half (W',i); the north west quarter (NW) of the northeast quarter (NE1), and the south half (S) of the southeast quarter (SEVl) of section thirty-three (33); all in township twenty-seven (27), north of range forty-six (46); The west half (WVi) and northeast luarter (NE',4), also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SE',4 SE',4) of section four (4); the north half (N'i) and southeast quarter (SE',4) of the northeast quarter (NE fi), and the east one-half (EVi) and southwest quarter (SW&) of the southeast quarter (SE',4); also the west half (W6) and southeast quarter (SE',4) of the southwest quarter (SWU) of section five (5); the southeast quarter (SE'4) of sec tion six (6); the south one-half (S',) and northeast quarter (NEU) of sec tion seven (7); all of section eight (8); the west half (Wis); also the east half (EM) of the northeast quar ter (NE14) of section nine (9); the northwest quarter (NWU) the west half (WVi) and southeast quarter (SEU) of the northeast quarter (NE '4 ) the southeast quarter (SEU ) ; and the east half (EV4) of the southwest quarter (SWU), of section ten (10); the south half ( S I a ) ; and the south half (S'i) of the north half (N&) of section eleven (11); the west half (Wtt) of the west half (W4); also the southeast quarter (SEU) of the southwest quarter (SWU) of section twelve (12); the east half (EV4) also the east half (EH) of the west half (W'4) and the southwest quarter (SWU) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section thirteen (13); the north half (Ntt) also the north half (NH) of the southwest quarter (SW '4 ) and the northwest quarter ( IS W U) of the southeast quarter (SEU) of section fourteen ( 14 ) ; the northeast quarter (NEU ); the east half (E'ri of the northwest quarter (NWW); the northeast quarter (NEUr of the southeast quatier (SEU) of section fifteen (15); all of section seventeen (17): the west half (WH) and south east quarter (SE',4) of sect-'on eighteen (18): all of section nineteen (19): the north half (N4) abo the west half (W4) of the southwest quarter (SWW) of -ct'on twenty (20); the west one-h tlf (W',) and the southeast quarter (SE'a) of section twenty-one (21; all of section twenty-two (22); the west half 4(WH); the southeast quar ter (SEU); the north half (NVfe) and southwest quarter (SWU) of the northeast quarter (NEU) of section twenty-three (23). The northeast quarter (NE'4), the north half (N4) and southeast quarter (SE',4) of the southeast quarter (SEU); the north half (N'fc) of the southwest quarter; the north half (N'a) and southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section twenty-four (24) The east half (E',4); the north half (N't) or the southwest quarter; (SWU): the southeast quarter (SE',4 ) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section twenty-five (25); . the south one-half (S'4) and north west quarter (NWU); also the west half (W's) of the northeast quarter (NE'4) of section twenty-six (26); the east half (EH) and the northwest quarter (NWU) of section twenty-seven (27); the north one-half (N',) and southwest quarter (SWU) also the north half (NH) of the south east quarter (.SE',4) of section twenty-eight 2V); the southeast quarter of tke southeast quarter (SEUSEU) of section thirty-one (31); the east half (E'i) also the south half (S'i) and northeast quarter (NE'4) of the southwest quarter (SW',4) of section thirty-two (32); the west half (WH) also the south half (S',&) of the south east quarter (SEU) of section thirty three (33); the east half (E'i) and southwe.-t quarter (SWU) of section thirtv-four (34); all of section thirty five (35); the east half (EH) of the west half (W',i) and the west half (W',4) of the east half (EH) of sec tion thirty-six (30); all in township twenty-six (26) north of range forty six (46); All of section two (2); the east half (EH) of the east half (EH); also the northwest quarter (NWU) of the northeast quarter (NEU) ' and the northeast quarter (NEU) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section three (3); also the northwest quarter (NWU) of the northeast quarter (NEU) and the northeaat quarter (NEU) of the northwest Quarter itNWtt) ox section tare tai: tun I L.n h Vol tZU. m.t V- -' the southeast quarter (SE'4) of the southeast quarter (SE'4 ) of section five (5); the north half (NH); the northwest quarter (NWU) of the southeast quarter (SE'4); the south rxirt quarter of the southwest quarter (SEU SWU) of section eight, (8). the north half of the northwest quarter (NHNW'4); and the south west quarter (SW1) of the south west quarter ( SW ',4 ) of section nine (9); the east half (EH) of the east half (EH); also the southeast quar ter (SEU) of the southwest quarter (SW'4) of section ten (10); the west half (VH), also the west half (WH) of the east half (EH) and the north east quarter (NEU) of the northeast quarter (NEU ) of section eleven (11); the north half (NH) of the northwest quarter (NWV4) and the tiorthwest quarter (NW14) of ' the northeast quarter (NEV4 ) df section twelve ( 12) ; the north one-half (NH) of the north west quarter (NW'4) and the north west quarter (NW'4) of the northeast quarter (NE'4) of secl'on fourteen (14); the northeast quarter (Nh'4); the east half (EH) of Ahe northwest quarter (NW'4); the north half INH) and southwest quarter (hWH4) of the Foutheast quarter (SE',4); and the northeast quarter (NEV4) of the southwest quarter (SVl4) of section fifteen (15); the south half (SH) of the south half (SH)bf section six teen, (16); all of section seventeen (17), except the northeast quarter (NE'4) of the northeast quarter (NE'4); all of section eiphteen (18); all of section nineteen (19); the west half (WH) and the west half (WH) of the east one-half (EH) and the east half (EH) of the north east quarter. (NE'4) of section twen ty (20); the west half (WH) of the northeast quarter (NE',4); the south east quarter (SE'4) of the northwest quarter (NWU); and the northeast quarter (NEU) of the southwest quarter (SW'4); of section twenty one (21); the northwest quarter (NW'4); the west half (WH) of the northeast quarter (NEU); the north west quarter (NWV4) of the south east quarter (SEU); and the north east quarter (NE',4) of the southwest quarter (SW'4) of section twenty eight (28); the west half (WH) and southeast quarter (SEU) also the west half (WH) and southeast quar ter (SEU) of the northeast quartei (NEU) of section twenty-nine (29); the southeast quarter (SEU); the south half (SH) and northeast quar ter (NEU) of the northeast quartei (NEU); the west half (WH) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section thirty (30); the east half (EH) of the east half (EH), the northwest quar ter (NWU) of the northeast quartei (NEU); the southwest quarter (SW'4) of the southeast quartei (SEU) and the southeast quartei (SE'4) of the southwest quartei (SWU) of section thirty-one (31) all of section thirty-two (32); all ii township twenty-six (26), north of range forty-five (45); The southwest quarter (SWU) oJ the southwest quarter (SWU) of sec tion nineteen (19) in township twenty-six (26), north of range forty-four (44); The north half (NH), the west hall (WH) of the southeast quartei (SEU), and the south half.(SH) o the southwest quarter (SWU) of sec tion five (5); the north half (NH) the west half (WH) of the nouthwetf quarter (SWU) of section six (6) the northwest quarter (NWU) 01 tnf northwest quarter (NWU) of sectioi seven (7); all of section eight (8) the north half (NH), the north hal (NH) of the south half (SH) of sec tion seventeen (17); the east hal (EH) the east half (EH) of the west half (WH) of section twenty-on (21) ; the west half (WH) of the wes' half (WH) of section twenty-tw( (22) ; all in township twenty-five (25) north of range forty-five (45); All of section one (1); the east half (EH) of east half (EH); the north west quarter (NWU) of section twt (2); the north half (NH) of section three (3); the northeast quarter (NE U) and the north half (NH) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section four (4); the north half (NH) am! the southwest quarter (SWU) of the northeast quarter (NEU) a'so the east half (EH) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section five (5); the north half (NH) of section twelve (12); the south half (SH) oJ the southeast quarter (SEU) of sec tion eleven (11); the southeast quar ter (SEU ) of section ten (10); the west half (WH) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of section thirteen (13); the north half (NH) of the north half (NH); and the southeast quarter (SEU) of the northeast quar ter (NEU) of section fourteen (14); the north half (NH) of the north east quarter (NE',4) of section fif teen (15); all in township twenty five (25), north of range forty six (46); It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at chambers in the city of Rushville in Sheridan County, Nebras ka, on the 4th day of March, A. D., 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to show eause if any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Rodolphus M. Hampton, Admin istrator de bonis non of said estate tto sell so much of the above described 1 real estate of said decedent as shall be necessary to pay said debts, costs Lof administration and expenses. It is further ordered that a copy of thia order be served on all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published for four suc cessive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper printed, pub lished and of general circulation in (said Box Butte County, Nebraska, i Dated this 17th day of January, A. ,D, 1922. . W. H. WESTOVER, I Judge of the District Court. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Jan20-Feb24 L. C Bliss wants to buy you1 killing hogs and cattle. Phon' him at 813G12. 13tf NOTICE We are selling the first eight quart of milk for 50c. Bent milk in the city. Fortaar Bros. Fhrat 261 W. W d- ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION I OF THE NORTHWESTERN CATTLE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. We. the undersigned incorporators, for ourselves and others hereafter to be associated with u., do hereby in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Nebraska, in such cases made and provided, associate ourselves as a body corporate, in the manner pnd for the purpose of forming an Installment In vestment Company in accordance with Article 17, of the 1919 Session Laws. ARTICLE I. Name. Said corporation shall be and is hereby named the NORTHWESTERN CATTLE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. ARTICLE II. Place of Business. The principal place of business of the corporation shall be in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebruska. ARTICLE III. Nature of Business. The general nature ot the business to be transacted by the corporation is the extension of credit and the loaning of money to and for the benefit of the agricultural and live stock interests of Nebraska. In extending credit and making loans, the corporation may take security, by note and mortgage or otherwise, upon live stock, grain, hay, ul fal fa and other farm products, and upon agricultural implements and appliances used for farm purposes. It may take, as additional security, mort gages on farm lands, ranches and other real estate. The corporation may also purchase notes and mortgages heretofore or hereafter executed upon such security. It shall have power and authority to handle, hold, sell, assign, transfer, endorse and guarantee the payment of any and all notes, bonds, mortgages or other obligations, taken, bought or held in the exercise of the powers herein granted. The corpora tion is further authorized and cm powered to borrow money for corpor ate'ue; and, to that end, it may jxecute, endorse and deliver notes, onds, mortgages, assignments, or jthcr instruments or evidences of in- lebtedness, and guarantee the pay ment thereof; and it may pledge as ccurity therefor any of the property owned or held by the corporation. The 'xrporation may lease, purchase, own, hold and sell all real and personal jroperty necessary for corporate use. n addition to the powers expressly granted herein, it is lhe intention to vest in the corporation all the inci dental and implied powers necessary to ?arry out in a broad and liberal way the purposes of the organization. ARTICLE IV. Capital Stock. The authorized capital stock of the ;orporation is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) divided into five hundred hares of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. Business may be com- nenccd when two hundred ntty izdim hares have been subscribefl and fully aid. Further subscriptions to stock ind payments thereon shall be as di rected and ordered by the board. Stockholders shall be liable for the full imount of their unoaid subscriptions. I When fully paid for, the stock Bhall I e nonassessable. ARTICLE V. Life of Corporation. The corporation shall commence when its Articles of Incorporation lave been filed, and it shall terminate in the first day of January, 1940, un- 'ess sooner dissolved. ARTICLE VI. Indebtedness. The highest amount of indebtedness ir liability to which the corporatior hall at any time subject itself shall int exceed an amount eoual to two thirds of the capital stock; Provided, however, the above limitation shall not apply to notes, bonds or deben tures where the payment of such notes, bonds or debentures shall be :ecured by tha actual transfer of real estate by trust deed or mortgage; which real estate so transferred shall be of twice the value of the par value if such notes, bonds or debentures; Provided, further, said limitation shall not apply to the guaranty of the cor orat:on for the payment after trans "er of any such notes, bonds or de bentures. ARTICLE VII. Business How Conducted. The affairs and business of the cor oration are to lie conducted by a board of five directors, and by the officers by them to be elected, and hereinafter irovided. The directors may constitute hree of their an executive committee, with power to act. ARTICLE VIII. Annual Meetings Election of Directors. The first meeting of the stockholders shall be held on the 10th day f Janu ary, 1922, and their regular annual meeting shall be held on the 1st Tuesday in February: Provided, how ever, no annual meeting shall be held until February. At the fir.-t meeting, and at each annual meeting thereafter, the board of directors shall be elected; to hold office until the annual meeting next after their election and until their successors are elected. ARTICLE IX. Election of Officers, The board of directors shall, as soon as possible after their election, elect from their own number a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, and a Secretary and Treasurer; to hold office until the annual meeting next after their election and until their success ors are elected. One person may hold the offices of Secretary and 1 reasurer. ARTICLE X. By Laws Vacancies. The board of directors shall have full power and authority to make all rules and by-laws neceasary for the proper management and control of the buidaesa affairs of the corporation, and they may alter and amend the same. Vacancies oceurinr in the board ot di rector shall be fitted by tha Btodc hotderst and other oiftoe, Taunt from whatever euro. Shall be tiled hw thM ARTICLE XL Corporate Seal. The corporation hereby adopts 0 corporate seal, which shall contain the words: "NORTHWESTERN CATTLE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM PANY, CORPORATE SEAL." ARTICLE XII. Amendments. These Articles of Incorporation may be amended by the stockholders at any regular meeting, or special meeting called for that purpose. A draft of the proposed amendment shall be sub mitted to each stockholder with the notice of the meeting to which it Is to be considered, which notice shall be given at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting. An amendment I approved by the holders of two-thirds of the capital stock shall be considered , a a adopted, and ie and become a part or the Articles of Incorporation; and the directors, or a majority thereof, shall thereafter subscri!e, acknowledge, record and publish the same as by law required. H. A. COPSEY, President. CHAS. BRITTAN, Secretary. JAY O. WALKER, Vice President FRED W. HAYES. Director. BEATRICE O BRYAN, Director. Witness: H. E. GANTZ. State of Nebraska, . Box Butte County, ss! On this ,".0 day of December, 1921, personally before me, H. E. Gnntz, a notary public in and for said county and state, duly commissioned and qualified, came H. A. Copsey, Chas. llrittan, lieatnce O id van, 1'i ed W. Hayes and Jay O. Walker to me well known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the fore going articles of incorporation, and they severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the pur poses in said articles expressed. Jn testimony thereof 1 have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my officiul seal the day and date last above written. II. E. GANTZ, (SEAL) Notary Public. My (mmission expires May 9, 1922. Jan.20-Nfb.21. NOTICE. . To Donald Maloney: lou will take notice tnat on the 23rd day of January, 1922, an Order of Attachment was issued out of Just ice Court of Im A. Berry, Justice of the Peace, against you at the suit of Frank I). McCormick. That under said Order of Attachment the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com pany was served with garnishment notice which Railroad Company has answered that it is indebted to you in the sum of Forty-six and 81-100 Dol lars. That the said cause has been contin ued to March 15th, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time you are required to appear and show cause, if any, you have, why said money should not In appropriated to the payment of the claim of the said Frank D. McCor mick. FRANK D. McCORMICK, Plaintiff. Feb.3-Feb.21-Inc. Wanted to Buy Your fat hogs or ship them op commission. O'Bannor & Neuswangcr. 17-tf NOTICE OF PETITION. ceased, in County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said estate, take notice, that a petition has been filed tor the appointment of Robert O. Red dish and Howard E. Reddish, as Ad ministrators or said estate, which ha.' been set for hearing herein, on Marc) hth, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated February 14th, 1922. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge Feb,14-March7-Inc. POINT OF ROCK CREEK Mr. and Mrs. F. Vaughn and little daughter, Maxine, were callers at Carl tiashman s rriday. Ernie Essex went to town one dav last week and brought back a man to pick corn. Lester Hashman and Ernie Wienell were visitors at the C. Hashman home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schwaderer .ind baby are improving slowly. Bill Hashman motored the De France's to town one day last week. Italph Worley is improving slowly after having the flu. Clarence Kilputrick is 'attending court this week. Will Essex was also attending court. John Hadley id working for Ernie Essex. The strictest propriety marks the careful conduct of our funerals. Everything that is known to a modern undertak ing science aids us in planning and carrying out funerals whose dignity and real worth find favor. Undertaking con nections in other cities. Miller Mortuary MORTICIANS PhaMt Daj, 311 Night 522 rS3S Love may laugh at locksmiths, but the divorce statistics probably give the locksmith a chance to chuckle. Some young men are brought up with chauffeurs to drive them and some have to shift for themselves. What has become of trose phantom ships which so upset the nerves of wler mariners along the Atlantic coast? Want ed 100-lb. stock pigs. O'Bannon & Ncus- wanger. 18tf Phone 64 Allls Harry P. Courscy AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Sale WELDING Repairing, Sand Mucking and Cleaning Out Casing Wells. H. G. DENTLER Thone 627. 23-tf WELDING GEO. n. BBECKNER 210 W. 3rd MOVING, PACKING, ST01UNQ and sinrriNG SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It's Your Mote, Let Us Know" Office Thone, 15; Res. 881 and Blk. 730 F. A. BALD . Attorney-nt-Law Office in Reddish ttlock Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri 1 Telephone 384 L. A. BERRY ROOM 1, RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted 1 Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors palmer School Phone 865 Orer Harper Real Estate; Loans and ' Insurance " F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block ft COL. J. R. LAWRENCE Auctioneer Twenfy-three Years Exnerience (it trying All Kind of Sales. Phone 787 Alliance, Neb, PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCIC PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 123 treat TkirdStrttt Ai&li tbt sroMia for JU own xunenu. j quarter (BWU) tf sorts tar 4); .ttrecteca.