' THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, FEHRUARY 17, 1922. TIIREU t RAILROAD NOTES Conductor Campbell and Engineer Bogan now have a cinder work train which has been doing bullast work rear Lakeside the fore part of the ' week. Cinder ballast has been un loaded now from Seneca to Lakeside. Ralph V. Cox, second trick train dis patcher, Alliance to Ravenna wire, was taken suddenly ill Monday evening and A. J. Welch was forced to work the entire Alliance division, Deadwood to Ravenna, until 11 p. m. when L. H. Kilgore reported for work one hour earlier than usual. Regular relief dispatcher, Geo. Eckhart, is now. re Jieving Mr. Cox and "Vacation dis patcher J. T. Cold well, is now on the relief work formerly done by Mr. Eckhart. Arthur Uhl extra operator of Craw ford is working in Alliance relay office for a short time filling the vacancy made bv J. T. Coldwell, who is reliev ing as dispatcher. Leo J. Devine, brakeman, on 41 and 42, is now talking just a little more than ever, a new baby girl having ar rived at his home Tuesday evening. Agent J. W. Thompson of Litchfield, lias been enjoying radiophone concerts for some time. Only recently he heard a conversation carried on by parties in the Carribean Islands and quite often he gets in touch with distant points in the United SUtes having talker to Riverside, Cal., J?-. Mar; Thompson has a very reliable and far reaching radiophone set and after tell- . . ? .,al nni nnrl PXDIOltS rnanv other operators and employes Tre planning to install a weles. t Second Trick Operator S. E. Stewart of Ellsworth plans to install a small Mt in the near future. This sopited dream has now most assuredly become a reality and several railroads in the cast have installed wireless appara tus at their division points for experi mental purposes as well as handling official communicaf.ons and it is rum ored that the Burlington will consider installing wireless at a few stations with Alliance as a probable point. Conductor F. K. Roberts was off a few days last week, his turn in the pool being taken by Extra Conductor Standard. Operator B. F. Williams of Broken Bow will engage in other business after March 1 when his resignation will take effect. Mis? Blanche Schurr operator at Belmont, is off on a short lay-off being relieved by Operator T. H. Taylor of Ansley. The working hours of Thed ford and Hemingford have recently been changed on the night shift. The third trick operator at Hemingford coming to work now at 10 p. m. and working till 7 a. m., while the operator at Thed ford comes to work now at midnight instead of 4:30 a. m. Mrs. H. E. McKnight, wife of the former agent at Hoffland a number of -vearR ago, died in Casper recently. Mr. and Mrs. Webb of Anselmo left "for Casper. Mrs. Webb being a sister cf Mr. McKnight. Engineer Joe Bogan and Fireman H. J. Salisbury have been enjoying the comforts of almost a special car, the wav car 13907 being assigned for their use while assigned to the work train as often they lay-up at places where the hotel accommolations is cjuite poor especially around "sand cut and Birdsell". TNIany New Taxes Will Be Needed To Pay the Bonus This program of soldiers' bonus taxes has been agreed upon by a house ways and means committee. Two and one-half per cent on the undivided profits of corporations, esti mated to yield $22,000,000. On parcel post pacnages on which the postage amonts to 25 cents or more, a tax of 1 cent for each 25 cents or fraction thereof, $20,000,000. One cent a gallon on gasoline, $70, 000,000. . Twenty-five cents per horsepower -cn automobiles, $50,000,000. Double the present 10 per cent tax on admission where the charge ex ceeds twenty-five cents, $00,000,000. Double existing documentary Btamps taxes, except in the case of sales or transfers of capital stock on which the rate would be increased from 1-50 f 1 per cent to 1-10 of 1 per cent, J64.000.000. An increase of 50 cents per 1,000 in the tax on cigarets, $25,00,000. An increase of 2 cenU a pound on smoking and chewing tobacco, $50, O00.000. Meantime another subcommittee of the house ways and means committee will work on the bonus bill itself. Chaiman Fordney hoped to have the completed measure with the appended tax program ready for the house with in a week or ten adys. Except for the taxes on undistrib uted profits and on parcel post pack ages and the elimination of the pro posal for a tax on bank checks, the program as finally draw by the sub committee was that tentatively agreed upon Saturday. The total estimate of revenue is $310,000,000, or $34,000, 000 short of the $350,000,000 a year the committee figure has dnecessary to cover the cash bonus payments over the two and one-half years beginning January 1, 1923. Approval of the tax on undistrib uted profits came as a surprise. This levy is unlerstood to have been urged by Representative Frear, republican, Wisconsin. It was pointed out that the rate agreed upon was tnly one eighth of that suggested by David Houston in his last annual report as secretary of the treasury. Among the documentary stamp taxes doubled are those on real estate conveyances. The present rates are 5 cents where the sum exceeds $100 and does not exceed $500 and DO cents for each additional $500. SPORTS big forward should lie a show in him self for 200 pound basket bnll players are few nnd far between. Hartmnn is good too as is shown by the number of baskets he gets in every game. The last few home games have been poorly patronized, probably because the teams played have not been fast enough to make the game hold any thrill. This cannot be said of the Bayard bunch, however, as they will make any west ern Nebraska team move to beat them. Coach Prince wants an espe cially good attendance at this game as it will be the last chance to-see the locals in action for Fome time. Bridgeport high school bit the dust before the local warriors Tuesday evening in the local gym. The Bridge port team which holds the cellar posi tion in the conference was outclassed by the locals although they were with out the services of Dailey the stellar forward and played a listless game. Bicknell sub forward was the star of the game making seven baskets. Cross and Captain Fowler sunk a few spec tacular shots from the middle of the floor, while Brown dropped a few in from beneath the basket. The second team 'was sent in late in the second half but had sufficient time for Inman the husky center to drop a basket from the center of the floor. All of Bridge port's points came on free throws by Brummet, center. The summary: Alliance g ft f p L. Cross, f - 3 13 7 Bicknell, f 7 0 0 14 Brown, c 3 0 3 6 J oder, g 2 0 4 4 Fowler. (C) g 2 0 0 4 C. Cross, f 0 0 " 0 0 Laing, f 0 0 0 0 Inman, c 10 0 2 Thompson, g 0 0 0 0 Eberlv. e 0 0 0 0 Totals - - ' - 18 1 10 37 Bridgeport g ft f p Duureer. f 0 0 0 0 McWilliams, f 0 0 0 0 Brummet, c 0 4 0 4 Vandal. 0 0 1 0 Brennan. sr 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 4 1 How many people remember the last time that Alliance won the west ern Nebraska basket ball champion ship? This was in 1914 when Attor ney E. L. Meyer was coach. This team had as forwards Martin Nolan and Clarence Schafer. center Willy Darnell, and guards Jack Graham and Milton Keegan. "Bud" Darnell the dusky center was according to the, old time fan3 never outjumped and was one of the fastest players ever seen on the local court. This team made the first holiday tour which under Coach Prince has become an annual affair. On this triD they played a number of eastern teams and while they did not win all their games they made a vgry creditable showing. On this trip- they played Peru normal and held them to a close score. Elmer Shellchberger is a brave man but - . At Chappell when the Chnppellites got irate and refused to let him referee he could have gone into the gym and announced that the game was forfeited to Alliance and his lecf sion would have stood as the board of control appointed him referee. How ever, the catch was that it was neces sary to announce the decision to the crowd. Shellenberger would have done it too if Coach Prince had asked him, but this was too much like feeding him to the lions or something similar. However, the difficulty was smoothed out and Alliance won anyway so what's the difference. Bridgeport has at last found a team which they can defeat. They ought to get a number of games with this team and rav.se the season's average which until now has remained at zero. For last Wednesday Bridgeport defeated Broadwater 35 to 7. Hurrah for Bridgeport. All railroads in Nebraska will grant reduced rates to the basket ball teams attending the state high school, tour nament at Lincoln. March 9. 10 and 11. The rates will be one and one half fare for the round trip and will mean a material saving to the more than 200 teams attending the tourney next month. Wahoo, one of the team3 that dumped Alliance on their trip has been going at a fast clip ever since having to date lost no games. Alliance, how ever, gave them a stiff battle and the Bohemians were forced to step their best to win. Tuesday they defeated Crete. Crete has been going at a fast pace all season too and this victory means a good deal to the . Wahoo cagesters. Peru Normal looks good for the state college championship this year as it is leading the conference row with six victories and no defeats. The Peruvians defeated Midland and Kear ney twice and the Doane and Wayne Normal once each. They still have four conference games, however, two with Cotner and one each with Hast ings and Doane. The Cotner at Cotner and the Doane games seem to le the stiff est &3 Hastings has so far done little toward annexing the banner. Our nearest conference school, Chi'iron, leads Grand Island and Wayne nor mal only in the race. Wayne normal has made a rather poor showing for a team that played a nost season fame to decide the football championship. Bayard will play at the local gym Friday evening in a game that should be close and full of interest for Bayard has shown every team they have played a good contest Hartman the THE LOST HOLE. I remember, I remember. The knothole in the fence, Whereat I gazed on baseball games At very small expense. Oh, I am glad I am not young, With freckles on my brow, Because the fence around the park Is built of concrete now. a silver lxwi-.on aish, both for 50c. 35c jar of Maraschino Cherries, two for 36c 50c tube of Clorox tooth paste 29c 25c bar of Tar sham- poo soap, two for 26c 50c jar Palmolive van ishing cream 29c 50c box Palmolive face powder 29c SATURDAY, AT V J MB.HAPPV m PARTY J A CHOICE TENDER. ROAST OF VEAU - TO APPETITE'S UKE nmc APPEAUl We know how you'll feel about our veal when once you've tried it. It's just as tender and de licious as the other meats sold at this purity bhop. You'll meet with courtesy here. And your orders will be delivered quickly. Watch for Sir. Happy Party. ! THE MODEL MARKET WEST 4 phone : ST, DRIVK TO SEARCH OUT TAX DODGERS MAY HK LAUNCHED LINCOLN A drive against Nebras ka tax dodgers is next. W. H. Oslome, state tax commis sioner, announced that a series of meetings with tax assessors in various parts of the stnt will be held to ex plain the working of senate file f.r, the revenue bill paased at the last regular session, which becomes operative in. 1922. I The chief aim of that bill was to coax out intangible assets, money, tux able bonds and other holdings which the old law failed to reach. I "The truth of the matter Is that in past years we haven't been td1e to get one-twelfth the deposit in banks based on their annual reports," Osborne said. "And that doesn't include money nnd taxable valuables tucked away in afety deposit viultsj and family stocking. Senate file 65 provides that the tax on intangibles shall be one-fifth of the tax on real and personal property. In past years the tax on intangibles has been the same as that on tangible property and the state of affairs men-, tionet above by Osborne was the re Milt. i The theory under which the one-fifth nroposition was passed was that own ers of intangibles would list their hold ings under the smaller ttx. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate of Prank E. Reddish, De ceased, in County Court of Rox Rutte County, Nebraska. The SUite of Nrbraska, To nil per sons interested in said estnte, take notice, that a petition hns leen filed for the appointment of Robert O. Red dish and Howard E. Reddish, as Ad ministrators of said estate, which ha bren set for hearing herein, on March Mh, 1!22, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated February 14th, 1922. IRA E. TASIT, (Seal) County Judg Feb.l4-March7-Inc. . The man who wrote about "th beautiful snow" probably ran a stor where goloshes were sold. COMING! Imperial Theatre POPULAR PRICES :ttittiii!iiiiiiniiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiitintiiimiiiimiiiiim;itnmm DANGE of BEAT The second of a scries of sermons by Rev. Mearl C. Smith on Dancing will be delivered at the Methodist Church SUNDAY NIGHT, 7:30 t:;;tt A nice garden of vegetables or flowers, or both, in an addition tm your home. It beautifies, offers recreation, pleasure and Interest for young and old alike. But why not be assured what you plant wlTJ grow true to name and hardy? Use our Seeds they are tested and proven for high germination. Won't you send for out 1922 Year Bok? It's FREE. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SEED CO. DENVER, COLORADO. QlMMIIIHMmMttHMmilimttMmltlltltlMtmiltlMIMHMMH Seven More Shopping Days Until the Close of Our REMOVAL ALE , We have tried to tell you the saving you will make by buying now. Could we do more ? We think not when we are offer ing goods for sale at less than we can replace them for. No Goods Sold at these Prices After February 25th George 0. Darling 115117 West Third Street Alliance, Nebr. miiiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiKiiHuiii iiiiiiiiiniHHUMiuiuiMiiiunHiiiiuiiuiiuiuuiiniiiiiiuiuiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiniiniiuimuiuuiuuHiiiQ . j Beginning Tomorrow Night, February 18th, 1922 The Price of a Dance at the ROOF GARDEN T WillBe67c PLUS 7'je WAR TAX A Total of 75c