The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 10, 1922, Page SIX, Image 7

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Phone 133
We Call and Deliver
Our Car is at Your 'Service
Cleaners of Quality
Popular Prices
The Woman's club met at the club
room Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Fordinpr as hostess. The paper by
Airs. McClelland and Mrs. Kecd on
"Are Strenuous Outdoor Exercises
Detrimental to the Growing Girl?"
was excellent The jriris of the junior
iigh school ramn down for the lec
ture. Mrs. Fording wns presented
with a beautiful bunch of carnations,
the occasion being her birthday anni
versary. Cake and coflee were served.
Friday the Woman's club accepted
the invitation of the Alliance club to
meet with them and about twenty re
sponded to the invitation, taking the
Uurlington by storm with their club
yell and enthusiasm, but Antioch asks
to be excused from any criticism we
lon't get away often. The afternoon
nt the club will long be remembered.
Mrs. K. B. Tenney, state president,
talked along the lines of club work
nnd entertainment. After the social
half-hour the ladies of Antioch were
entertained at the different homes of
the Alliance clubwomen.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. F. H.
Smith entertained at a shower for
Mrs. Fred V; Simth of .Glendo, Wyo,
Lunch was served, consisting of fruit
alad, chicken sandwiches,, cake and
coffee. Guests present were Mesdames
A. L. Anderson, Hunsakcr, J. W. Wil
son, II. G. Wilson, B. I). HoiTland, M.
K. Johnston, Charles Bovine, U A.
Hobbs, Ted Myers, T. 11. Briggs, Frank
McFall, Ed. Ozmun, William Conner,
nnd Misses Klingaman, HoiTland and
Thursday evening Miss Opal Russell,
district deputy president of "the He
bekah lodge, and George Gailsby, D.
1). I. of the I. O. O. F., installed ofTi
cers for the ensuing terms. Officers
installed were: Lillias Wilson, N. G.;
Pearl White, V. G.; Margaret Klinga
inan, P. N. G.; Ella Douglas, secre
tary; Anna Hofl'land, treasurer; Emma
Gruham, warden, and Anna HotHand,
vomluctor. Odd Fellows officers in
stalled were: F. H. Smith, N. G.;
Mr. Dove, V. G.; R. . Wyland, sec
retary; E1 Oimun; H. J. Wilson, P.
N. G. After the ceremonies, lunch
was served and the teams returned to
Alliance at a late hoar.
Thursday invitations were sent out
Ly a committee of two to the many
. friends of Henry Miller, telling them
to meet at the home of J. M. Lt
teras, thenca to proceed to the Miller
home. Each guest waa given instruc
tions as to what to bring for lunch.
The surprise was complete and moat
successful. Dancing was indulged in
to a late hour and a most pleasant
time reported. ,,
Miss Hoffland and Miss Stowell were
tdinner guests at the J. W Wilson home
SUMr?Vand Mrs. Mesaer.anith are re
joicing over the arrival of an 8 l-i
tound boy, born Sunday morning.
Harvey Myers was ta Antioch last
week buying furs for the eastern mar
lets. Alliance and Antioch played two
jrames of basket ball Saturday eve
ring, the Antioch girls winning by a
iroodly score and the Alliance boys by
u score of 38 to 23. After the game
a dance was given by the man.ige-
" Kay Toline wa3 an Antioch visitoi
Mr. Barker of Alliance was the
Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson
several days the past week.
A very pleasant surprise party was
held at the Hunsaker home Thursday
evening,, when about t went -one
friends congregated to help Miss Alice
liriggs celebrate her seventeeth bir'.h
lay anniversary. Lunch was served
und a pleasant time enjoyed.
Friday evening a number of youig
people were entertained by Dorotny
'ilson at her home to a good old
Ushioncd candy pull.
Mrs. Ted Myers is visiting her
1 other, Mrs. Lillian A. Hobbs. She
vill return to her home near Rapid
City the latter part of the week.
Miss Myrtle Arms, Mrs. Anna Ben
rtett and James Hill motored to Alli
ance Tuesday morning returning late
that eveninir reporting the roads in
excellent condition.
B. T. Hedges, Burlington repairman,
assisted by P. E. Law, is putting the
company watr service in working
order again. The east tank pump
tushinsrs having been badly worn. No
.. ..r was obtained for the stock yards
cr depot for the past few eeks. The
local section force assisted in pulling
tke west well pipes also. These pipes
having been stopped up with sand the
xwitotr supply was quite low for some
Dr. A. Moore was a professional
caller in this vicinity Monday, coming
down on No. 41, returning to Antioch
an a car driven by John Schonard.
W. F. Seebohm attended Masonic
Sodge in Hyannis Wednesday, Miss
-Myrtle Arms assuming his duties at
the post office Wednesday and Thurs
Clyde Simmonds, Lakeside barber
sold many hair cuts and shaves here
ihursday returning on the west locaL
Ir. Simmonds has arranged to do bar-!
er work in Ellaworth about every
.wo weeks.
A. Moore promises a good dance for
text Saturday night having arranged
or some good music and weather con
ditions being favorable many out of
'.own dancers are expected.
Gene Kennedy Is taking a post
rraduate course at the local school,
starting in the first of the week.
Dr. Moore of Antioch called at the
Wightman home Wednesday. Mrs.
Wightman has been on the sick list
the past few days.
William DeBord who shipped a car
load of cattle to the Denver market
last week reports striking a good
market, which was five cents higher
than the Omaha market at that time,
four cents per hundred being also
saved on freight charges. Mr. De
Bord and his neighbors will ship an
other car from thu point Saturday.
John Schonard bought furs in the
south country Tuesday and Wednes
day. After making many trips with the
Spade mail by teams George Becklcr
now has the Dodge truck in running
order ngain and made his first trip
We seem to be having some nice
weather even if the ground hog did
see his shadow.
Nels Peterson took n load of hogs
to Hemine-ford in his truck for Joe
Kennedy Tuesday. Mr. Kennedy ac
companied him, and is shipping his
hogs with the Farmers' Union.
The Crawford school is dismissed
for this week on account of a number
of the pupils being sick.
Miss Simpson is spending the week
in town.
Joe Timblin of near Hemingford ate
dinner at the Elsca hqme Tuesday. He
was taking a bunch of horses to Mel
betta for Harry Wildy.
The Boyer family are all sick with
the Lagrippe.
The Ervine sale was attended by a
large crowd. They were favored by a
lovely day.
School started again Monday in the
Mann district, after a week's vacation
on account of Miss Hutchinson being
Howard Essex and Lon Wilkins
called at the Peterson home Tuesday
"Shorty" Wilkins has rented the old
Wolverton place for this year. He ex
pects to move In the near future.
We understand that Everett Cook
intends to farm his place himself this
The Crawford children are on the
sick list at this writing, with the La
grippe. The Wilkins' young folks attended
the dance at Wienell's Saturday night
and report a fine time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil Hashman had a
new baby girl at their house Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Trine were callers at
Carl Hashman's Tuesday.
Ernie Essex is home ironr tne nos
pital and is getting along fine.
Mrs. Bessie Vaughn called at Carl
Hashman's Monday.
Cnl ITashman went to Alliance Tues
day to have some dental work done.
Mr. Wells is on the sick list.
The little dauchter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sasses fell and hurt her arm. Dr.
Peterson was called Monday.
Fay Boyer is quite til witn me nu.
Bill Johnson motored to town Wed
nesday. .,
Floyd Trine is naming poiaiocs uiis
week. ... .
Mrs. Ada Lanirford visited at c
Hashman's Tuesday.
Mr. Wills is able to W out again
after a long illness with the flu.
Cs-Viu-aHsrer nnd Tester Hash-
niinn ."-'"'" - - .
man were Sunday visitors at the I rank
Jones home. ...
Mr. Dillio.i had the misfortune o
have his well cave in while at church
Sunday. Jones and Busli are nxing u
this week. ,
Mrs. W. Essex was a visiior ai
Ernie Essex's Monday. .....
Mrs. S. Wienell is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Biekke brought
Ernie Essex home and spent the day.
G. M. Bums was a caller at the W.
Essex home Sunday evening.
Charley Squibb returned Monday to
his home in Marsiana auer fih-iuihi
the week with his uncle, Thomas
Squibb and family.
Iw Roberts and family and John
Roberta and wife spent Sunday at the
O. W. Cox home.
xt r.,., lworcnn lpft Monday
morning for Randolph, Neb., where
she was called by a message stating
that her mother was very in.
m-o I'knmnA Knuihhs irave a suv
prise party Saturday night in honor of
her daughter Naomi's sixteenth birth
day. There were forty-five people
present Refreshments or sanuwicnes
Miss Leota and Naomi Squibb were
pleasant callers at the Mrs. Albert
Nomner nome aieunesaay morning.
Mrs. Maggie Erwin and daughter,
Lilly, spent Sunday evening with Mrs.
Clora Squibbs and daughters.
Miss Opal Roberts is spending the
week with her brother, John Roberts
and wife.
The ground hog having seen his
shadow, we will have six weeks more
oaa weatner.
R. C. Brunson drove in from the
Star ranch Monday morning.
Mrs. Jameson arrived Monday from
the west for a visit with her son, Ed
ward, who is the manager of the
Lakeside Mercantile company here.
Mrs. Elise Ash was shopping here
Monday afternoon.
R. A. Westover is driving a team
for the Lakeside Development com
pany this week, hauling oil from the
Standard side track out to the rig.
Jack Cravon is also hauling out several
truck loads every day.
Dr. E. C. Cowlcs who went to Cleve
land, O., from here a few months ago
is having his household goods shipped
to that place this week.
Ruth Pollard returned home Tues
day from a visit with her sister and
family at Halsey.
Tom Matthews is working for 0. E.
Black on the ranch south of town
W. P. Trester drove in from the
ranch Wednesday morning.
It was impossible to get the last
week's items to the mail box.
Fairy Murry's mother from Mans
ville, Wyo., arrived Friday for a short
visit with her.
The farmers' union meeting vas
held last Saturday afternoon at the
school house. About thirty were
present and all had a fine time. The
Iadie3 served a warm dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Plymate an
nounce the arrival of a baby girl, Jan
uarv 30.
The dance held at Roy Grosse's last
Saturday night was well attended and
all report a fine time.
Marshal Sheldon, George Flaherty
and Pete Farrell has been putting up
ice for the past few days.
Pete Farrell was on the sick !ist the
first of last week.
Mabel Sheldon visited at George
Flaherty's last Tuesday.
COLUMBUS An unusual operation
performed at the Evans hos
pital on Mahlon Bonner will be
watched with considerable interest.
Two years ago Mr. Bonner was in an
automobile which was struck by a U.
P. passenger train. He received a
compound fracture of his right fore
arm, the bones protruding through the
flesh. The ends of the bones never knit
and finally it wa3 decided to attempt
to correct the condition by grafting a
piece of bone in it.
An operation, said to be the first of
its kind in Columbus was performed
A piece of -bone was taken front his
right shin, the ends of the useless
bone in the arm trimmed back and
this new bone inserted. He rallied
their perfect meats!
The end of a perfect,
well-fed day simply
means that another full
of promise is coming.
Our meats will bring hap
piness to your everyday
Watch for Sir, Happy
nicely from the operation. Mr. Bon
ner sued the railroad company for
damages at the time, but the cae
was . decided against him and he
never received a cent for his injuries.
handy wrrn fists
LEXINGTON-jTf. Neslund, police
judge, doctor and preacher of Cozad,
appears to be some all-around man.
He is acquiring the reputation of being
Cozad's heavyweight champ. It is re
ported he arrested one young Jones on
the charge of using profane language
on the streets of the judge's city. The
young man was haled before his
honor nnd drew a $50 fine.
O. C. Jones, the lad's father, then
made a call on the judge and in
formed him that he came to admin
ister a whipping.
Judge Neslund invited him in and
it Is reported he threw Jones over
the table a couple of times and had
Jones in the comer at his mercy - eg
ging to be turned loose.
Mrs. Neslund's efTorts to remove her
versatile spouse from the top of his
opponent were in vain. She called in
W. G. Adams, a neighbor, who after
Fome pleading, succeeded. It is re
ported that Jones was in the county
seat to consult legal talent.
1 NOTICE We are selling Rolly'e
Washday Wonder. We will deliver,
rhone 5G1-W. Fortner Bros. 18-tf
Wanted 100-lb. stock
pigs. O'Bannon & Neus-
wanorer. 18t
A woman weighing 240 pounds was
carried from a burning building by a
fireman and an inaccurate reporter
calls it a narrow escape.
Some women think that as soon as
they have acquired a husband and a
can opener they are equipped for life.
Estate of Nellie M. Covalt, deceased,
in County Court of Box Butte County,
The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
June 19th, 1922, and for payment of
debts is February 8th, 1923; that I
will sit at the county court room in
said county, on June 20th, 1922, at two
o'clock P. M. tn receive, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
Dated February 8th, 1922.
(Seal) ' County Judge
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated Aug
ust 8, 1921 and duly filed in the office
of the County Clerk of Box Butte
County, Nebraska on August 17, 1921
and executed by C. C. Whitnack and
R. E. Bessey to A. H. Jones Company,
a corporation, to secure the payment
of $325.00 with interest at ten per
cent per annum upon which there is
now due the sum of $236.96, default
having been made in the payment of
said sum and no suit or other proceed
ing at law having been instituted to
recover said debt or any part thereof,
we will sell the property therein de
scribed, to-wit: one Ford Touring Car
No. 3,209,347 with winter top at pub
lic auction at the northwest corner cf
the intersection of Third Street and
Cheyenne Avenue in the city of Alli
ance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on
March 1, 1922 at 2 o'clock p. in.
Dated February 7. 1922.
A Corporation, Mortgagee.
BOYD, METZ & MEYER, Attorneys.
As a preventive melt
and inhale Vicks night
A and morning. Apply a
... .....
little up nostms oetore
mingling with crowds.
J VapoRud
Ootr 17 Million Jan Vted Ytarlj
GOOD SEERS are most essential for successful planting. How
ever, this is not all -that is necessary one must know how, where,
when and what to plant. Our 1922 Year Book will be your guide and
cost you nothing white for it TODAY.
I will sell at public auction at the Ole Davig place, located 3
miles east and 1 mile north of Berea, and 10 mile's north and 2 miles
west of Alliance, on '&Z01is
16, '22
Commencing immediately after free lunch at 11 o'clock
the following described property:
1 roan cow, 5 years old. -1
red cow, 5 years old, fresh.
1 yearling heifer.
1 6 cows, 5 good milkers.
2 fall calves
14 last year calves, 8 steers, 6 heifers.
16 coming 2-year-olds, 7 steers, 9 heifers.
2 coming 3-year-olds.
1 bay mare, 11 years old; 1 brown mare, 11 years old; 1 gray horse, 8 years old; 1
brown, smooth mouth; 1 saddle pony, smooth mouth; 1 gray mare, 9 years old, weight
1230; 1 bay mare, 6 years old, weight 1400; 1 gray gelding, 6 years old, weight 1450;
1 black gelding, 6 years old, weight 1600; 1 buckskin horse, smooth mouth ; 1 gray
mare, 4 years old, weight 1300; 1 black mare, 7 years old, weight 1000; 1 bay gelding,
6 years old, weight 1400; 1 gray mare, smooth mouth, weight 1400.
4 or 5 dozen chickens 250 bushels Kerson Oats 50 bushels Red Triumph Seed Po
tatoes 5 or 6 bushels White Cap Seed Corn 2 or 3 bushels alfalfa seed, extra good 12
tons Prairie Hay 12 tons Alfalfa Hay.
1 Champion Potato Digger.
1 twelve-inch John Deere Gang Plow.
1 McCormick Mower.
1 Grant 6-cylinder Car, good running order
1 Champion Potato Cutter.
1 fifteen-gallon Barrel Churn.
1 seven-foot Acme Grain Binder.
Household goods too numerous to mention.
TERMS Eight months time on bankable paper bearing 10 interest from date, 3
discount for cash on all sums over $25. Any parties desiring credit are to arrange with
clerk for same before buying. All property to be settled for before removing from place.
I. E. BARRITT, Owner
Col. II. P. Coursey, Auctioneer.
Alliance, Neb.
Frank Abegg, Clerk,
First National Bank
Elk's Vaudeville
Local Charity Benefit
PRICES 27c, 50c, and 68c and V. T.-