THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, FERRUARY 10, 1922. FIVfl S AM. SSocie The Students of St Agnes academy have lately enjoyed a number of very attractive school functions. The senior boarders entertained the day pupils of their class at a Follyanna party. The fipst part of the evening was f-pent in playing the "Glad same," at which Miss Doris Tyler won the prize, a silver pencil. A dainty luncheon was served later in the evening. The junior class party was a com plete puccess. The evening was p'eas antly spent at cards end dancing. Miss Leona Schlautman carried off the first prize. A much enjoyed luncheon closed the evrn;ng's festivities. The commercial class entertained at a Hearts' party." Pro?rresFive hearts was played with much enthusiasm. A pretty box of stationery was won by Miss I.cona Ellis. The sonhomore class nr.rtv was mi(iio. The so-called "Miss Tree' f'uh." is?uel invitations to a "Hard Time party.' The prize for naiveness of costume was between Miss Clara Cates and Thelma Kiesel and was drawn bv the former. T'.e colonial party of the freshmen brought the functions to a pretty close. The "Virginia Reel-' was the distin guishing feature of the evening. Mrs. Inice McCorkle Dunning en tertained the members of the Meth odist choir Thursday evening at her home. Those present were Mr. and The Federated Shop Crafts will hold hold their regular meeting tonight in the Labor Temple. This is a very im portant meeting and a large atten dance is desired. The young peoples' missionary circle of the Christian church will -meet at he home of Mrs. L. A. Hall, 904 Box uutte, Monday evening, February 13 Everyone is invited. Mrs. Fred Carlson will entertn'n a few friends Saturday evening for Miss Lois Smith of Sioux Falls, S. 1)., who is visuing jwrs. a. u. smart. Mrs. John O'Brien, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. M F. Nolan, leives tonight for Omaha, wncre she will make her home. Mrs. A. Swett has returned from Kansas City, where she has undergone two operations. Mrs. B. G. Bnuman will entertain the Fortnightly kensington club Mi.i day evening. . Tom Gee returned to Alliance Thurs day, after a few days on the road. Mrs. William Hackett has lecn 111 for the past week with the grippe. 'I'll A Tvrninlro fnmnfiro o-trle YinA fi nome. more present were nir. nmr ,- - Mrs. C. A. Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin, theatre party Monday evening. D. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dono- ' van, Mr and Mrs. William LaMon, Mr.: Wirrn TTfnrinrra and Mrs. Floyd Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. " afoL llttinilj,! ot Larjor Hoard to Start March 6 The United States Railroad Labor Board at Chicago will start its hear ings on wages lor all railroad em W. R. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Joder, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bearing, Mr. end Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mearl C. Smith, Mrs. W. R. Fate, Mrs. Fred Yanders, Mrs. A. T. Lunn, Mrs. Nellie Wilson, Miss Eunice Bum well, Miss Ada Watwood, Miss Edna lieneuict, iuiss unci vir;uiuu, iint " . . Rosina Merk. Miss Josephine Wilson, ' iows crepi m uie nam aim Mis Verna Dow, Miss Mabel Sward, yard service on March C, it was an Miss Janet Grrssman and Herbert nouneed in a resolution adopted late Young. After the usual practice, the luesday. game of "Hearts" furnished the enter-! lhese hearings will bring to a di tainment for the evening. A dainty . max the controversies between the em two course luncheon was served. , ployees and the carriers which ha? been on ever since the awarding of a Miss Virtrinia Broome, a former res- ( reduction in wage of $400,000,000 ident of Alliance, has created a won- handed down last July 1. derful impression in Des Moines musi-1 The railroads are seeking to have cal circles by a song recital given in wages reduced from ten to forty per that city. Miss Broome, who is a so- cent. Several union organizations have prano, was well known as a singer put in counter proposals asking wage before she leu Alliance anu appeal cm jhcicivb. in a number or local enieriammcnis InVRe mm (MESH LOCAL PASTOR PLANS SERMONS ON THE DANCE Rev. Mearl C. Smith anounces that, beginning fcunday night, he will de liver a series of sermons on the sub joct of the dance. It is a well known fact that the Methodist church has al ways been bitterly opposed to dancing and in former years no one would think of identifying himself with the Methodists unless he renounced this practice. The discipline of the church is very plain on this point and al though many people including a etoud of dancing masters petitioned the last general conference to remove the ban of (lancing, the rules of the church still stand. Rev. Mr. Smith maintains that it not an arbitrary rule to keep young people from enjoying life, but is based on the mo.-t fundamental laws of the Bible and the moral universe, and thnt those who break this law, must suiter me natural reaction wiucn is certain to follow. When the sin of dancing is men tioned, Mr. Smi'.h says, many young people will ask questions such as these: What harm is there in dancing? Does r.ot the B ble say, "there's a time to dance?'' Did not David dance? It is not possible to answer these questions in a sentence, so they will be answered in a series of Sunday night addresses. The first of these, next Sunday night at the Methodist church, will answer the question, "Why Is It Wrong to Dance?" This will be followed by a sermon on "The Dance of Death." Rev. Mr. Smith promises to bring ample evidence to show that dancing more than any other amusement is detrimental to one's highe. t develop ment, and is the largest cause of moral corruption which the present age knows. Everyone is invited to attend this series of sermons, but a special invitation is extended to young people and parents of young people or child it n. American Legion Notes Exception to the strtment of Gen eral Amos Fries, chief of the chemical warfare service, that poison gas is "humane" is taken by William F. Deegnn, head of the American Legion of New York. He cites X-ray proof to show that 50 per cent of the state'? tubercular war veterans are victims of gas. and benefits. ' The Des Moine3 paper pavs of Miss Broome: "Mrs. Grace Clark Degrfiff pre sented her pupil Miss Virginia Broome, soprano, in a song recital with Gladys Monroe Stribling. at the piano last evening at the home of Mrs. Walter hp in at the annual bv Chanter V, P. E. O. , , . ' and the feature of the month, is the "Miss Broome has a beautiful qual- Es vaudeville. There'll be a three ity of voice and a splendid range, reel comedy, starting at 7:30, and fol Her singing last night was a reveu- jowei by -seven acts, under the per tion to this Des Moines audienoe. ohe iSOnai direction of Gassowav Miles .,o .wmaiiv at home in her operatic fffrrsf anil till rtf thorn nra .lraMiloftl r TVCWt -i- ...7 I f v " v . . . j ; nnmKnps flnn tnP SmallCL SOngS. I nvirul Hqvtiap hna Knn tViinlincr lini ' new stunts and cracks steadily during Russell Mann, who is at present at- the japt weoic, and the performance tending Colorado college at Colorado unioubtedly be a scream all the Springs, has made a decided hit with way through. Admission fees have! his cartooning in the form of a chalk 1)Cen pUip0Feiy made low, and there, talk according to the Colorado news- are no rese.ej SCuts, so the audience) nno Tin ic tinw travel in IT With the , 4 . t V,,,..,l it tn nvniil . Glee club of the school and his "stunt is a feature of the program. The Den ver and Colorado Springs papers praise the club very highly anu me nm wants to get a hustle on it to avoid standing in the aisles. fin Rnturd.iv. in addition to four the ciud yery mum " 'acts of vaudeville, there will be "raise paner makes special comment on kus starring Miss du Pont. The Cell's act. While- in Alliance hu?h 'a. ,:ule home in a fish. school Russell was. the schoo ;1 paper tor i cartoonist and showed marked talent. He is thinking of taking up profes sional drawing and cartooning and those who have seen his work are cer tain that he will make a success in this. Mor -in two hundred were pres ent at the "Get-together Social, given ing village and the living room of a lighthouse. Two chums want the same girl. One gets her; the other goes away. In five years he returns, and the chum and the girl are in his evil power.. The happy ending is ac complished without "mush," the press agent says, and this is a wonderful achievement. em at me un-wmiu i i i . at the Christian .church on 'nestoy charles jn ,,T nutes to evening. A brief musical program attract on for Sunday, was given at the beginning, fhw con- Go s the & boy Fisted of flections ' "V """ who is force.l to earn his own school niano !uet by the andeilas Fisf" ..ri.OJ irPts a ob on a milk route. Out late at a party the night before, he hasn't time to change .us clothes before reporting for work in the we hours or u.e morning. i arrives on the job all togged out in l is . evening clothes. His consternation when he meets his sweetheart on nis: route while so attired knows no .bounds. All sorts of complications ensue, and tne resuix, is one ui uic amusing and fascinating screen enter tainments of the decade. piano i.uv . -; - . and songs oy me u.... ----was follows! by a reading from Iucile Young and a shadow pictuie stunt by several of the young people. The committee then saw that every body was made acquainted. This was Srried out by the purchase of art.cles paper and signing the name. The vouhg people and children were enter LTned with games and all were treated to refreshments consisting of apple pie, sandwiches anci conre. v very enjoyable occasion for all. A literary program was given at thf Fainiew church Thursday evening of this week, the program including : a . number of songs, readings, dialogues and musical selections. The regular right for the event was Friday of this week, but as a number in the neighbor hood are coming to Alliance this even ing for a meeting with labor unionists at the Baptist church, it was decided to hold the program earlier in the week. There was a large crowd pres ent and standing room was at a prem ium before the evening was over. A Valentine social has been an nouned for the Fairview church for Thursday evening of next week. The affair will be on the order of a "corni valentine supper" and is expected to provide considerable amusement. The Knights of Columbus held a card party at their club rooms Thurs day night, about eighty attending. The ladies were requested to bring box lunches and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. John Wiker went to Gordon Wednes day oa business. "Did the Huns whip all the fight out of the American boys in France? Is that the reason why so many of them are quitters and will not join the Am erican Legion to help their helpless buddies?" "The father of a buck private,' writing in the Douglas County Legion naire, states his opinions with force and vigor. "A soldier who will not join the American Legion is a quitter,' he says. "From the last pood-bye at the sta tion, on through the homesickness of the camps, through the dayf when 'broke' was the common finan cial condition, over in the jammed shins to France; through the days and nights in the trenches; there grew up a new affection of hian for man . "My Buddy. Fdr him the sky was the limit. The last cigarette would be out fifty-fifty with him . Lives were risked in No Man's Land for him. To the fathers back home this beauti ful new sentiment of buddyhood be tween four million young men meant protection for America from all it ills, Then came the organization of the American Legion. "But what had come over the soldier loys who went through the hell ir France? It looks to me as though the Huns had whipped all the fight out of them. Too many of them refuse tc join the legion. They have laid down cold and refuse to lend a hand to the wrecks of the war who are in 'No Man's Land' in America today. The victims of tubercu'osis, the mental wrecks, the crippled boys, the out of work unfortunates in this country need the help of their buddies more now than during the war, because then we were all willing to do things for the soldiers. Now that our lives and property are safe we are tired of hearing about the fellows who did the fighting. "But is that the excuse for the sol diers who came out able-bodied and in good shape? If the Huns whipped all the fight ut of them we are willing to accept the decision and overlook their quitting, just the same as we would humor a soldier made mentally de ficient by the hell he went through over there." A Tnpshiv the bhotoolay feature will be Priscilla Dean m "Con ;,. it'a n renuine thriller of the Dean sort, and includes some exciting scenes taken in British Colombia, "lf- Universal offered me one minion col lars to do again what I did in 'Con flict,' I would refuse. Life is too precious," the star is quoted as Faying. Tli outstanding characteristic of the typical American is the faculty of being busted again Monday morn ing. A daughter has learned her hardest music lesson when her request lor money sounds like music in ner father's ears. If, as one speaker declares, the world is one big corporation, it 8ure ly need3 a new board of directors. About the time the Mexicans be come reasonably quiet along comes old Pppocateptel and starts an eruption. The ideal condition of international exchange would be permission to pay an, income (ax in Russian rubles. Here and there are evidences that the tendency to forget the war, so strong in the last three years, is be ing done aw ay with. One way to relieve the Jam in the patent office would be to invent some thing that would increase efficiency there. , RANDOM SHOTS Alliance queens may have their faults, hut thank heaven none of them ' has developed an aesthetic bug as yet. I Dow-n in Florida, a twenty-two-year-i old flapper has jut been discharged by the judge, with a warning to control her artistic impulses. She had dyed the family eat a lautiful shade" of rose to match the draperies. r ThiPlo'a , 1 i GIFTS THAT LAST V Thick's It seems that the only way the cura tive properties of radium can be de termined is by a referendum of the doctors. Little boy, after older rirl had knocked off his new stocking cap.1 which fell into the mud a ; d water. "Why this is my very newest hat I only got it yesterday." I A German scholar announces that the human race will eventually d'e of thirst. This accords with the convic tions of a lot of Alliance men, but the . calamity which the scientist foresees' may not le averted by patronizing the bootleggers. The German's theory U based on the fcict that the desert of Sahara was once a deep lake ami that springs in the Pyrenees mountains, I after flow ing for centuries, ' ceased. In support of this theory, it may be mmtioncd that there are thou sands of "wet spot" in Nehraska that have cra-ed to exist during the past five years. I Whatever you do, don't forget to see Gassowny Miles and his rnnir at the Imperial tonight . Gassoway is to appear in person. Dr. Adolph I.orenz, famous Vienna orthodepic surgeon, has admitted, ac cording to news reports, that he re-: cently underwent and was reiuvonated bv a H and ojeration. Who'll le the first Alliance man to be as frank? Hurray for ex-President Wilson. One of the so-called national humorous weeklies is putting on a "Smile Week" and a.-ked a number of public men for ome message for the country on such nn Important occasion. A lot of them didn't rcpond to the request, but Woodvow was the only one who had the courcge to come right out and say: "T bnv nothing to say on such a silly subject. Incidentally, National Prune Week is, headed toward us. "Will all the prunes please stand up? According to the esteemed contemp., Perc Cogswell is getting all the dope and is planmng to install at the Elks club a radiophone with a "rndius-of 17 miles. Menibers of the Alliance lodge will soon b? able to hear grand opera and equally important events in the metropolitan cities, we are told. However, with a radius of but 17 miles, .all the grand opera we'll hear will have to come from Berea, al though on good days we may be able to make connections with Antioch or Hemingford. Think of the pleasure , Alliance people could have had if there I rrz had been a radio telephone to let the whole cty enjoy the now famous Hem- " ingtjord roati meeting. ( Mavbe those radiophones are all that they're cracked up to be, but if a J man ever gets one in his home, he n have to conduct himself pretty much as though a dictaphone were in the same room with him. i;. Evelyn wants out, but she'll have plenty of opposition if it is proposed to make any one of her hall a dozen con fessions public. We are informed that "the village1 queen has. already maii-oniereu a set of those new, nifty and stylish Kussian boots, with the red leather tops. Ain't we metropolitan, now? Maybe the sort of love that Mary Miles Mintcr had for Bill Desmond, Taflor was a pure, swett. clvWish variety but do children, in such a state of exalted and noble love, scrawl . a lot of X's at the bottom of the sheet 7 We ask to know. TODAY'S BEST STORY. A lot has been said about the typo-. graphical errors in the newspapers,' but other business enterprises pull some of the same sort of mental aberrations once in a while. For in stance, there was a man in Nebraska Citv whose wife died and the was a devout woman and a church worker and. in short what we call a lovely character, and after she had died and the undertaker had got hisn, the man dwided he would have a marble testi monial of his love and affection erected over the remains of the woman, le- fore he fortrot about it or was vamped again, as it were, so he ordered a very imposing stone and gave implicit in-, structions to have this inscription' graven on its smooth surface: 'Lord, She Was Thine." And in a month the stone was set up and one Sunday the man walked out to the cemetery to view the masterpiece, and he nearly fell dead himself when he read the in scription, for the engraver had run out of room, and had omitted the "E"i from the last word. j Her Valentine Present A Necklace of Flower Heads. She always received a valentine present when sho was n pivl. Why not frive her one now Some little in expensive article of jewelry a jr.'fe that lasts. Head:?, Fancy bracelets, a pair of long enr-drops. They're not expensive and they will make her a delightful present. Come in and let us show them to you. for 35c KING COCOA ' SOAP , DANCE HITS Gypsy Blues Fox Trot' Victor record 75c. Stealing Fox .Trot Victor record 75c. Jut a Little Love Sonp; Fox Trot Victor, 75c. For that Tired, Lazy Feeling Use Nuxitone It puts jazz in your blood. THIELE'S tht Sttrt With Cuaranlu Without Rid 7aft New Flour Sacks J For Tea Towels ji Many housewives will welcome our sale of : flour sacks at this reduced price. We have quite a supply on hand and want to move $ them fast. . Small Large FLOUIt SACKS FLOUIt SACKS 75c $1.25 per dozen per dozen has to do with supplying the nece.v siues oi uiose wno uo iruus rwiw than with amusing the idle. A Cambridge psychologist is investi gating the reasons why girls kisa fcI diers, apparently oblvious to the fact that there are but two girls and soldiers. An unfortunate part of the typhus epidemic is not only the number it kills but some of those it has missed, to date, in Moscow. Russia having returned to vodka is moving forward So far as we have heard, vodka is calculated to make anybody move somewhere, THE HOME OF EAT-MORE BREAD Alliance Bakery PEMIJEBTON & GILLESHE, Proprietors. I; Phone 649 Opera House Block 5 i Gavlord Chase, the sweet singer of the Harper department store, dropped into a barber shop in Alliance yetiier-( day for a shave. Under his arm, securely wrapped, was a new alarm clock he had just purchased. ?hile the barber was scraping his chin, the alarm proceeded to sound. Confusion followed. Every barber in the place immediately dropped his razor and started for the door. , The porter got a head etart and up to noon today had not returned. I , One argument for the aerial mail seems to have been overlooked. It, might keep the mails out of reach of) bandits. Music is to be utilised in A merl es nJ tat um of the foreign born. If Jszs is used in the process what hope will there be lor the republic 1 Announcement If wish to have it publicly known and distinctively understood that. I am not now, nor have I been in any way connected with the so-called firm of Gerard & Velous Wholesale Fruits. JOHN VELOUS Box 383 Alliance. Nebraska