THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1922. TraiEU JRAILROAD NOTES H. L. St Germain left Thursday nisrht for Minneapolis to attend the funeral of his father. M. McKenzie, bridge and building foreman, left for Denver Tuesday night to see a throat specialist. CHLKHES Superintendent A. G. Smart left for Sheridan Thursday on railroad business. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Divine Service next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. F. DROEGEMUELLER, Pastor. enjoy, it Is, "Talk, Talk, Talk; or God's Propagandists." Evening a special lec ture topic, "Lincoln, the Apostle of the Golden Rule; or Lincoln and To day'ji Problems." After this week we resume our serv ices at Angora, and soon hold revival meetings at that point A number are talking of affiliating with us, and we certainly will do our best by them. Tonight we open the building for ft get-together meeting between the rail road men and the farmers. It is our aim to serve every class of people of J tne community, we beneve me cnurcn cause of this we say to the farmers, as j wen as an otners, "ine laicn nangs on CHURCH OF CHRIST. "The Christian and Personal Evan gelism," will be presented from the A conference was held Thursday T. ft. ihlii u..." ''v"'?I between the representatives of the MmnliIm which will h mntintuwi ntii r -..? : --.- i... i railroad crks and officials from dif-I Eai&e sunday. The last TwV week, ,n on 'sVtdaTeveing. and will be an Intensive program with aU ill In a few weeks have a boxing ex hibition as part of a program by the B. Y. P. U. We love to encourage clean athletics, clean sport has suffered through misguided reformers and we hope to make this a nucleus for clean sport among the boys of the church and Sunday school. We have been asked to give lessons to the scouts, and we are trying to find an evening for this but as yet have failed. Welcome to the friendly church with the friendly grip. B. J. MINORT, Tastor. fcrent parts of the division and from Chicago, to explain the new stale of wages and changes in the w writing conditions. R. G. Gregory, train dispatcher, is vnable to work this week on account cf illness. A noticeable increase in oil business with a demand for empty cars has jciven freight train movement of late a slight spurt, which while not lasting lone caused several waycara to be sermon each evening. You will see further announcements in this column. Watch for them in the future. At the evening hour a chart sermon will be preached picturing the work of the movement for the restoration of primitive Christianity. This is an other chapter following the work of the great reformers. You will not follow the chain of evidence unless you are present and hear every one that is given. We were happily surprised in the sent un onlv to be pulled off a train in i a few days. The Kirby mines had p,.eU:mng services last Sunday mom irany orders to be filled and this to-jj K in mind that we have one a. y .J .1 tintmh fMktnht " - - . seiner wan uemai u ii "Y'B"W ( continuous service from 1U ociock un cars at Sheridan kept the business fairlv well balanced. Many good runs liave been given on the oil f pedals also on the empty return specials, which as a. whole are from Baton Rouge, re ceived by the Burlington at Concordia. Two work trains on the east end, liave been doing a rushing business! unloading cinders, one at Whitman and the other at Dunning, where much needed ballast on the grades is putting the tracks in excellent condition. Over a hundred cars of cinder3 have been unloaded. Conductor Campbell and Engineer C. J. Young have the Whitman work train. Leonard Gadient, agent at Minne Tcahta is on a six weeks' vacation visit ing friends and relatives in and near Minneapolis. Mr. Morse, extra agent, formerly of Mullen is relieving at Jdinnekahta. Agent J. G. Davis, of Provo, will return shortly from an eastern trip. Guy King is relieving him. After a three months vacation Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McDonald of Ard more, are back on the job. Relief Aeent G. C. Hobson relieved Mr. Mc Donald until a week before his return when R. J Reynolds took the agency, . tii. inmnir nff to take his small olrM in Fareo. N D.. where she underwent a minor operation, til noon. Those teachers and officers will be glad to see you and the wel coming committee will give you a cor dial ereetine at the door. The En deavor prayer meetings at 6:30 in the evening will be glad to have you par- ticioate m their services. The Apostle Paul said, "the gospel is the power." That i3 what we are trying to preach. You will be helped when vou attend the church with a message and a welcome. S. J. EPLER, Minister. cot by the people of ScottshtufT but due to their record which hardlv bears out the ferocity of the name they can hardly expect it to be accepted by others. Suggestions are welcome. Chndron defeated Gordon In what was evidently a hard-fought game, 24 to 22. Chadron is leading in north western Nebraska, although Alliance easily defeated them in a game at the beginning of the season. Paul Schissler, former Nebraska basketball and baseball coach, is mak ing a good record for victories at his present position at Lombard college in Galesburg, III. His team during foot ball season ran up two victories of over 100 to 0 and his basketball team defeated the Michigan Aggies last week, 26 to 14, while at Nebraska Schissler put out winning basketball and baseball teams. SPORTS The local basket ball team will play at Oshkosh Saturday of this week be fore returning from the. trip to Chap i ell. Oshkosh is not reputed to have a very strong team and little difficulty is expected for the boys in bringing home the bacon. METHODIST CHURCH. were irlad to welcome a number of new people to our congregation last Sunday morning,. and invite them to come again, uur congregations are in creasing. Only this weeic a numDer oi people whose children have been con nected with the Sunday school have promised to begin attending the church services. It is encourag-ng to see the large number of adult3 in the Sunday school. The two classes for ladies taught by Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Baker and the class for men taught by Mr. Pate are growing with each Sunday. "College Life," will be the topic for (ha ! nV nvth lpatme next Sunday night, taking up chapter three of "John Wesley. Jr." An interesting program is being planned "Publicans and Harlots in the King dom," will be the sermon topic Sunday At 11 o'clock. nr. i a. U11 xASnt attention trt . r TT TlAnAH haa hMH " " rt f 'AdtifTfr vv . ri. uca.ii - it. r oarmnno nn - uanc nir. doing extra passenger work for some that win given in our church be time. R. C. McKenzie taking ni n the freight pool. Operator "Bob" Robinson of Ra venna is now all smile3r an eight and one-half pound baby girl having re cently arrived at his home. "Slim" Mahoney, third trick train crew caller, is on a forty-five day vaca tion at his home in Denver. Wade Crassman is working in his place. Brakeman H. Nelson will leave soon to attend a government vocational training school in Omaha, afterwards finishing up in St Louis. The course i .,r-t nrrnuntacv and liberal expense salary is allowed until the entire course is completed. Mr. Nelson will do doubt retain his seniority for some time. " During the recent spurt of business Brakeman Charles Widman was called from his mother's home in California, 'where he had been since. being cut off the board a few months previous. After finding prospects not any too favorable for much work Mr. Widman plans to return to his home soon. As in days long gone cy. No's. 39 and 40 will be discontinued between Seneca and Broken Bow, effective the 15th. This will throw one more Alli ance division crew out of work as one crew can handle this run from Broken "Bow to Ravenna and return although there is some talk of running a Lincoln division crew and one Alliance division crew through from Lincoln to Broken How and return. In either case the turn will be a preferred run and many no doubt will place bids for the posi tion. "Bill" Cunnigham still swears that every one who ever dispatched trains out of Alliance has a grudge against him. Only two stock pickups were Tun out of Seneca last week and he drew them both. However, he says he never was bashful and his favorite pastime is, as always, getting on the dispatchers' phone and telling them about it, not generally in beautiful language but its always "forceful." On account of the discontinuance of Wo's. 39 and 40 between Uroken uow and Seneca after the 15th, No's. 41 and 42 will make "flair" stops at five points, Thedford, Halsey, Dunning, Anselmo and Merna, doing Jhe passen jrer work formerly done by 39 and 40. TsVs. 43 and 44 will also make flag stops in addition at five blind sidings Letween Seneca ana uroiten cow. Harrv Hilver of third Seneca is lav ing off a few nijrhts, being relieved by Extra Operator l. v. uorman oi uxtx tide. Operator M. W. Ashby of Halsey xvi,9 relieved bv Arthur Lhl of Craw ford W'ednesday night. Mr. Ashby took degrees in the Anselmo Masonic lodge that night Wanted to Buy Your fat hogs or ship them on commission. O'Bannon & Neuswanger. 17-tf ginning Sunday evening. We have MoiiTiwi for Rome time that- this is t.h most serious problems con fronting Christian parents and Chris tian young people in Alliance. Our purpose is not to abuse those who dance, but to be helpful in pointing out the wronsr and more serious dangers. In our ministry, many young oaVpA us. "What harm is there in dancing?" This shows that most of our Christian young people have an open mind and are willing to refrain from any diversion if they see it to be wrong. No one will fail to understand wrimt u A hav reference to. we will use ninin iflncnmco. As a minister of Christ, we can oo nouuns iea. eviai nrnmt.ifln bv which Rome fell is coming upon us, and Christian people are losing their capacity ior morai in dignation. It is time we are becoming concerned when this moral leprosy threatens the life of the nation itself. M. C. SMITH, raswr. BAPTIST CHURCH. Sundav school chair gift morning, KunHav morninc. Let all who wish to pay for a primary chair come prepared to eive it Sunday. Another primary table has been constructed, to accom modate the ever increasing attendance. We registered 214 last week, can't we top that a little? Let us all be out with the children and we will more than pass that record. Wednesday evenintr meeting was unusually spiritual, and we hope to make the Sunday services also spirit ual. The morning topic for. the sermon will be a novel one, but one you will There will be a number of good games at the high school gym during the next week for Hyannis will play here on Saturday the 11th and Bridge port here on Tuesday the 14th. Bayard with one of the fastest teams in west ern Nebraska will play on Friday the ith. While the Alliance boys took the measure of the beet pickers once before they gave them a stiff game and will probably do it again. Hyannis has been defeated but once this being by Alliance during the holidays when the locals were on their annual trip, Bridgeport has done little this year and Coach Prince will probably give some of his reserves a chance to show what they can do. With three games scheduled which promise to be as fast as these the people of Alliance should surely turn out to see them, there will also be irood preliminaries to each of the games, the first being the his toric scrap between the bmerson and Central Krade srirl3 and the second be tween the A. H. S. girls' second team and the Antioch crirls. The prelimin ary for the Bayard game has not as yet been definitely decided. Let's get together on some name to call our honored rivals. Scottsbluff has often been affectionately referred to as the Beet Pickers, but why not confine this name to Bayard and call the Scottsbluff aggregation the Irriga tors, which name was applied to the late Scottabluff baseball club. The Sidney team might be referred to as the Highwaymen as their little village is located on the Lincoln highway, but out of courtesy we will refrain from that Our local team will undoubtedly be bubbed the Zebras due to their present taste in socks. The main thing however is to agree on something. The Scottsbluff team has been styled Bear- The controversy over a free throw at the Sidney irame Friday brintrs back to the minds of some of the older basketball fans the Sidney-Alliance game of 1912, which was played at Sidney. At the end of the game the Alliance coach maintained that the game was a tie and that an extra five-minute period should be played. The Sidney coach, on the other hand. was just as certain that bidney had won by one point The altercation grew hotter and hotter, until the play ers and the crowd joined in. Finnlly a number of the spectators decided that the best way to settle the argu ment was to clean up the Alliance team, and they proceeded to do it with disastrous results to the said Alliance team. After the smoke had cleared away, Martin Nolan, one of the Al liance forwards, was found to be a sorry-looking wreck and medical at tention was required to return him to his former health and beauty. Need less to say, the game was never fin ished and the mystery of whether the score was a tie or whether it was one point in favor of Sidney was never solved as to when and where the conference games between Chappell and Alliance would be played. The board decided that Chappell should play at Alliance March 4 and Alliance should play at Chappell February 9; that each Wm should pay iU own expenses; and it was further decided that Shellenbrrg oi me university or Nebraska should referee both games. The expenses of Shcllenberg, the referee, who liva at Potter, will be paid bv each of thft teams, the board decided. Wanted 100-Ib. stock pigs. 0'Bannon& Neus wanger. 18t Herald Want Ads are read. i . UMiiiiiiiiiiirmrnntitHiMniiiiiiniiiniMHMiuinMitniKiiiiiiiiiiiiininrmt 7cT"-r ---- i AOtN ao good X I . but what ft I V ' will make you V ALL1ANCK UUHi CO. - jCilS jr' j ' ' IP The Largest Fixture Factory of the Rocky Mountain Region Can Heln You Plan and Install the FiNture and In terior Work for Your Store. Offices or Bank as Simply or as Elaborately as You May Desire. We Are Specialists in tne Manufacture of Fixtures Made to Your Order and Distinctively YOURS in Every Way. The Small Store or Office Job Receives the Same Careful Attention as the Largest Install ation of Complete Bank Equipment Pt5.0tNT CF. FRANK KIRCnhOF. OFFICE AND FACTORY ARAJW10E ST. DENVER, COLO. STAHL.Vici Puts " LOUIS ANDEftS0N.5tor. Bavard hiirh will play at Alliance a week from today. The Bayard bas keteers do not have a very high stand ing in th rnnfprpnce. but have shown every team they have played a fast game. Bayard s captain, nariman, a 200-pound "forward, has been able to lrwnnia thn UnsVet for a few counters in every game, in spite of his weight. Most people s idea oi a lorwaru is a speedy man, usually not very heavy, but Hartman seems to De an excep tion to the rule. A mufinxi rvf fVia hoard of Control of the western Nebraska conference basket ball association was held at noon Saturday at the Lincoln hotel in Scottsbluff, wcording to the Daily News. Coiich Green of Sidney and Coach Johnson of Scottsbluff were present The meeting was held at the request of Coach Prince of Alliance on.i rVinrh Kopntpr of Channell to de cide an issue between the two schools OUR MOTTO IS: Service to Customers We have in stock just arrived The Seeds That Grow Write up your seed order, prices and all. Brine; it to us and we will cheerfully talk it over with you. If you are not satisfied then take your previous service and we all will feel we understand each other better. Rhein Hardware Co. TROMrT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. (nii)iiiiiiii:i:iiiiiinii;iuKi::iiiiiiiii;iiiii;niii!iinn:ininiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii::iiii POTATOES SHIP DIRECT TO THE MARKET AND GET THE TOP OF THE MARKET. WELL KNOWN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN IN CHARGE. ; SERVICE CHARGES $15 PER CAR ; J IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHIP NOW R. M. TYSON, Independent Broker 303 Terminal Bid ., OMAHA, NEB. ; Formerly with Farmers Union State Exchange. I Removal Sale Furniture and Housefuraishings This Js Your Opportunity We are placing it to the front for YOU, before we move to our new location. Don't blame anyone but yourself if you pay more for good merchandise than what we are now offering it to you for. If you would buy FURNITURE and HOUSEFURNISHINGS, at Wholesale Prices come to our store during this Removal Sale. DARLING'S STORE has long been a Household Word in all homes of Northwest Nebraska when High Grade Furniture is mentioned. Did you read our advertisement last week? We then did and now announce to our patrons who purchased goods during our Stock Reduction Sale at Red Tag prices that we will allow you a credit of ten per cent in mercha idise in order to equalize prices with the Removal Sale, providing your claim is presented before February 25th. LAST DAY OF THE SALE WILL BE FEBRUARY 25th George D. Darlin 113-117 West Third Street Alliance, Nebraska