BIX THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922. MAKSLAND, NEBRASKA jjJ ? MARSLAND, NEBRASKA SIXTH ANNUAL G (ft! OF WINTER MERCHANDISE A Real Sale Of Regular Bargains TIUS SALE IS CASH OR PRODUCE I AM GOING TO CLEAN OUT AND T WTIT Arri?iyr vrra nn nwm pn AS STATED. . SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER 1 wlLLl ALCt'1 1 tuu!5 olt UI11U 1 u" NO CHARGE SALES, NO REFUNDS GOODS. I NEED MONEY AND THESE TATOES AT THE MARKET PRICE FOR ORt RETURN OF GOODS DURING THIS GOODS WILL BL PRICED SO THAT THEY MERCHANDISE, THE SAME AS CASH. A chance to buy from one of the best assorted stocks of general merchandise in northwest Nebraska at prices that will surely please you Real Bargains. A Few of the Many Bargains I Will Offer For Lack of Space PEERLESS FLOUR $1.60 per sack They don't make better flour than Peerless. (2 sacks to a cus tomer only.) 100 pounds SUGAR per sack $6.59 SEE OUR 89c SALE OF BARGAIN GOODS. How many? CLEAN-UP PRICE ON ALL HEATING STOVES. A 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL HARD WARE, not carrying Red Tags. MEN'S FLEECED LINED SHIRTS and DRAWERS 49c per Garment While they last. MOLESKIN VESTS Leather Lined, Leather Sleeves, Regular $10 to $12 values, SALE PRICE $6.95 HEAVY WOOL FLANNEL SHIRTS Grey or Khaki, regular $4.00 to $5.00 values, a clean up price, at . $2.95 Each HY COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS Regular $2.50 values SALE PRICE $1.69 Clean-Up of all MEN'S WINTER CAPS. Values of $1.25 to $2.00 x SALE PRICE 79c MEN'S ALL RED RUBBER FIRST GRADE 4-BUCKLE OVERSHOES SALE PRICE $3.39 MEN'S 4-BUCKLE OVERSHOES Hy Railroad, Red Top, Soles, first grade. SALE PRICE $3.39 MEN'S 4-BUCKLE OVERSHOES Regular first grade. SALE PRICE $2.79 Other Overshoes, Sheep Lined Men's Coats, Mackinaws, All Leather Horsehide Vests, Mittens and Gloves at prices that will surprise you. 75 PAIRS MEN'S BIB OVERALLS At Less Than Wholesale Cost Today SALE PRICE, pair 95c ONE BIG LOT OF MEN'S DRESS SHOES $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values. SALE PRICE, PER PAIR $3.98 CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES, 2-BUCKLE, A FINE LINE AT A BARGAIN PRICE. MEN'S HEAVY, ALL-LEATHER HORSEHIDE VESTS Last Winter's price was $30.00, TODAY'S SALE PRICE $12.98 THE BIG HEAVY WOOL-NAP BLANKETS Real Ones. Regular $5.00 to $6.00 Values SALE PRICE, pair $3.49 ALL-WOOL FRENCH SERGES 36 inches wide, Sale Price, yard $1.09 ALL-WOOL STORM SERGES 36 inches wide, $1.50 values Sale price 98c GINGHAMS 800 yards, regular 20c to 22c values, a Clean-up, at 14c A SALE OF MESSALINE SILKS AND SATINS 36 inches wide, regular values at $2.75. On Sale at yard $1.95 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Divided in two bunches, here are real values One lot to go at, Suit $1.19 One lot to go at, Suit $2.49 BOYS' AND GIRLS' UNDERWEAR You will surely want to stock up on these garments for the children. They will be priced to move. GOOD BIG COTTON BLANKETS Double. Regular value $3.50 SALE PRICE, per pair $2.29 ALL-WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS THE BIG, WARM, ROOMY KIND Fancy Plaids, Real Quality. The price will be right. Buy a Supply of Stockings for the Children. The big roomy heavy kind. 25 DISCOUNT AT THIS SALE. SATIN CHARMEUSE The Finest Grade of Satins I carry, worth on today's market, per pard $4.00. MY SALE PRICE $2.39 MEN'S GREY COTTON SWEATERS Dandy good garments. SALE PRICE 98c Compare this with a year ago. ; MEN'S SWEATERS " Coat style, Wool and Cotton, mixed good heavy weights, up to $5.00 values, . SALE PRICE, $2.89 Solid Pack Gallon Cans of Best Grade PEACHES at 59c per can. 40 Dozen Cans of the Finest Grade Country Gentleman SWEET CORN Regular 20c per can, Sale price 14c A POUND CAN OF GOOD COFFEE FREE WITH EVERY $5.00 ORDER OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING OR SHOES. Solid Pack, Gallon Cans BLACKBERRIES and LOGANBERRIES One of my many 8?c Bargains. 35 REAL REASONS LISTED ABOVE WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS SALE, AND ONE HUNDRED MORE WE HAVE IN RESERVE TO SELL YOU WHEN YOU COME. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE FEBRUARY 13 to 25, 1922. We Do the Business. G o HL- HARTMAN MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. We Carry the Goods,