The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1922, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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dreswl the convention, .Mr. Bowrlng
I ICI1II S r KOM OVER STATE asked a few questions which were
answered, and all of the delegates at
(Continued from rage 1.) (ho convention knew that I was Icav
rinwevcr, they did not see fit to handle Ins Omaha that nip-lit The next day
the work, and it was contracted, ad- Mr. Ilowring took the floor and made
verti?rl and awarded in open compcti- the statements that have been referee
live bidding I to in the papers, knowing that there
The prices paid on this work were was no one present from this drpart
Iwlow the average prices being paid ment, and there was no chance of the
in our adjoining states at that time, members of the convention calling me
for the name class of work. in to answer him before the adjourned
Dr. Prine and others have attempted His critisicisms have already been
to compire the cost of two different answered to him in perron by me in
clasesn of work, which Is very unfair, puch manner that he knew better than
ror tne reason tnai tne work ione in to make the criticisims when I was
I'helps county at $000.00 per mile was present, and as Mr. Ilowring was so
nimpiy shaping up tno road wan a unjust and cowardly in his actions, I
Made grader, and taking care or the have not seen fit to answer him
drainage near culverts with team andi At the last session of the legislature,
Flip. I the investigating committees of the
The State Department of Public House and Senate found, after examin-
Works constructed fifteen bunderd ing the government records, that we
miles of this fame kind of road for Ihe were getting our roads constructed 17
various counties of the State in 1020 per cent cheaper than the average of
at an average cost or foo.uo per mile, eleven of our middle western states,
which is one-third or the cost or tne or in other words, this state highway
work done by Phelps county. I department had constructed its work
The contract work that has been ve- for $1,11)0,000.00 less than the Fame
ferred to in Phelps cou ity consists or amount of the same kind of work cost
Gfi thousand cubic yard or earth haul- jn other middle western states at that
cd endways an everage haul of five 'time.
hundred feet As the road was over I wish to call attention to the pub
rolling ground this was necessary to lie that while we have been construct
bring it to grade. Sand was encount-1 jrfr state roads since 1917, the counties
ered at the north end of this project, 1 have expended for roads and bridge
making it necessary to haul four thou- 'construction, seventeen and one-half
sand eipht hundred thirty-eight cubic million dollars, while the stale has ex
yards an average haul of a mile, to ponded from state and federal funds
protect this road that it would stand seven million dollars, and I wish to
up under traffic. invite the county board of Sherman
The surfacing was done by un county and others who have made
clay and heavy soil to cover the sand, similar criticisms to compare costs and
find then the road was graveled, haul- benefits received from all of the work
Ing nil the gravel from one end of done by all of the counties in the state
the project. with the work done by this depart-
The articles published state that "the ment in the same period, and I chal
pravel is a failure." The road was enge them to show where counties
pravclled in the same manner, using j,ave expended fifty per cent of their
the same kind of material, as the money; also to show where they have
gravelled roadsin Hall and Saunders ( received 25 per cent of the benefits
counties, and the Federal noad cngin- from the seventeen and one-half mil
cers, while here in December pro- jion dollars expended by the county
nounced the gravel road in Saunders , compared with the seven million
county the best piece of gravel con-'0f tate and federal money expended
struction that they had ever examined, Dy this department,
nnd requested me to get as many of j ' rn this challenge, I refer to a com
the different state engineers as pos-1 Iete investigation of the state as a
Bible, who were attending our Nation- j whole, and not to any two or three
al Convention in Omaha at that time, individual projects that have been con
to examine this road. Jstructed under entirely different con-
Mr. Bowlby, who is the president of ditions, and this department will assist
i-hall at any time subject itself shall they severally acknowledged the
not exceed an amount eoual to two- execution of the same to t their
thirds of the capita! stock; Provided, voluntary act and deed for the pur-
however, the above limitation shall poses in said articles expressed,
not apply to notes, bonds or deben- In Testimony Thereof I have here-
tures where the payment of such unto subscribed my name and affixed
notes, bonds or debentures shall be my official seal the day and date laid,
secured by the actual transfer of real above written,
estate by trut deed or mortgage; H. E. GANTZ,
which real e. tate so transferred shall (SEAL) Notary Public
le of twice the value of the par value ' My Commission expires May 9, 1922.
of such notes, bonds or debentures; Jan.20-Feb.21.
Provided, further, said limitation shall
not apply to the guaranty of the cor
poration for the payment after trans
fer of any such notes, bonds or de
bentures, i
Rudnes How Conducted.
The affairs and business of the cor
poration are to be conducted by a board
Dr. Charles Slagle
Tells Lions Club
About Holland
Dr. Charles E. Slagle. president of
n are w in; vumiuiini uy a lu;iru '.v. n: r-. i t. ' j i i t
of five directors, and by the officers by "2,lr VZ f ' i "TTi.
thm to he ebUed. nd hpinafr ' m.emlrs of the Lions club, at their
provided. The directors may constitute ' hu'ay dinner .taking for his subject
' ... I n 1 a trin ahmail loci BummA i.Viai Vla
three of their number an executive
committee, with power to fict.
Annual Meetings Election of
The first meeting of the stockholders
shall be held on the 10th day of Janu
ary, 1922, and their regular annual
his trip abroad last summer when he
represented the Rotary club as dele
gate to the international convention
held at Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. Sla
gle confined his talk largely to his trip
to Holland which he said he enjoyed
more than any other part of the jour
ney. .
Holland, he said, has been reclaimed
meetinc shall be held on the 1st i from the sea by the construction of a
Tuesday in February; Provided, how-1 huge sea wall, sixty feet above the
ever, no annual meeting shall be helci.ievei oi ine sea. mere are tnree se-
the American Road Ruilders Associa
tion, and Mr. Mcdonald, chief of the
Fedreal Bureau of Roads, after driv
ing over a large mileage of our roads
in Nebraska, stated that we had more
work and received more benefit from
the money expended on the roads in
the state than any state in the Union,
nnd a greater part of the roads that
these men drove over wrere identical
with the road construction in Phelps
The reason that some of the people
in I'helps county are excited over the
cost of this road is due to the fact that
the County Engineer, who at one time
was enployed by the State Highway
department and after being informed
that he was no longer needed by the
department, was employed by Phelps
county, ami he has continually made
statements creating dissatisfaction and
trouble in regard to this project After
the work was completed and turned
ever to the county for maintenance
the county did not maintain the road
for several weeks and then the County
un( It &4tVi a Inrcnt orrnflintr
moxltlnA ami inni tin the road to its i Will AXS I .
original condition as finished by the
In regard to the roads constructed
in Sherman; county about a year ago,
our division engineer arranged for
the county board of Sheridan county
to be shown over the roads in Custer
county that had been constructed by
this department with a blade grader
at a cost of approximately $22.00 per
mile; after which we turned over to
Sherman county a grading outfit that
in every way possible in making such
an investigation.
Secretary and State Engr.
We, the undersigned incorporators,
for ourselves and others hereafter to
le associated with us, do hereby in
pursuance of the statutes of the State
of Nebraska, in such cases made and
provided, associate ourselves as a body
corporate, in the manner and for the
purpose of forming an Installment In
vestment Company in accordance with
Article 17, of the 1919 Session Laws.
Said corporation shall be and is
hereby named the NORTHWESTERN
Place of Business.
The principal place of. business of
the corporation shall be in the City of
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Nature of Business.
The general nature of the business
to be transacted by the corporation is
the extension of credit and the loaning
of money to and for the benefit of the
had been assembled and used by this W '"cultural and live stock interests of State of Nebraska,
until February. At the first meeting,
and at each annual meeting thereafter
the board of directors shall be elected;
to hold office until the annual meeting
next after their election and until
their successors are elected.
Election of Officers.
The board of directors shall, as soon
as possible after their election, elect
from their own numner a resident,
one or more Vice-Presidents, and a
Secretary and Treasurer; to hold office
until the annual meeting next after
their election and until their success
ors are elected. One person may hold
the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
By Laws Vacancies.
The board of directors shall have
full power and authority to make all
rules and by-laws necessary for the
proper management and control of the
business affairs of the corporation, and
they may alter and amend the same.
Vacancies occuring in the board of di
rectors shall be filled by the stock
holders; and other offices, vacant from
whatever cause, shall be filled by the
' Corporate Seal.
The corporation hereby adopts a
corporate seal, which shall contain the
These Articles of Incorporation may
be amended by the stockholders, at any
regular meeting, or special meeting,
called for that purpose. A draft of
the proposed amendment shall be sub-,
rr.itted to each stockholder with the !
notice of the meeting to which it is to
be considered, which notice shall be
given at least ten days prior to the
date of the meeting. An amendment,
approved by the holders of two-thirds ,
of the capital stock Khali be considered
adopted, and be and become a part of ;
the Articles of Incorporation; and the'
directors, or a majority thereof, shall
thereafter subscribe, acknowledge, '
record and publish the same as by
law required.
H. A. COF3EY, President.
CHAS. BRITTAN, Secretary.
JAY O. WALKER, Vice President
FRED W. HAYES, Director.
Witness: H. E. GANTZ.
ries of canals which serve to crary
the surface water to the sea, using
10000 windmills. The canals serve
as thoroughfares, and fences in this
country, which has 3,000 miles of nav
igable rivers, 2,000 miles o frailroads,
2,000 miles of canals, and 12,000
square miles of area, about a fifth that
of Illinois. The population is six mil
lion. The chief industry is in the rais
ing of Hoi stein cattle, the country
being famous all over the world for
its stock.
The speaker described his trip to
various parts of the country, giving
interesting details of The Hague, Am
sterdam and Lsle of Markham. The
Hollander he described as friendly,
well educated and dressed like Am
ericans. They resent the stories of the
wooden shoes, he says. The Dutch
dress is peculiar, but it is found only
in certain sections of the countryv
The capital, surplus and un
divided profits of the Alliance
National Dank amount to $130,
000.00. 10-15
dejmrtment. Under the direction of our
division engineer, tne counvy run
ptrueed the Rockville-Ravenna road
and other sections of road that have
been referred to in articles as only
costing one-thenth of the amount of
money that it cost to construct state
roads'. These roads were constructed
by shaping up the surface with a
blade grader, and not transporting any
p.ny tarth excepting from the side
ditch to the center of the road, leav
ing all the lower section at the foot
of the hills to be flooded and cut to
pieces each time we have heavy rains.
In comparing the cost of heavy
const ruction work on the roads in
Sherman county, I find that on two
contracts Ut in the county about the
amc times one contract let by the
county board west of Litchfield, the
grading on the project cost $1,H04.00
per mile, while on the project con
structed by the state highway depart
ment the grading cost was 2,359.00 per
mile. This is for the cost of grading,
exclusive of drainage structures, as a
greater part of the cost of the drain
age structures on the state aid road
was included in contract let to the
county board and constructed in ac
cordance with their wishes, I do not
believe there is any complaint on the
cost of that part of the work.
1 do not know what memler3 of the
board were present when the resolu
tion condemning the cost of the work
done by this department was pas.d,
however, when the contract was
awarded there was a full meeting of
the county board present, and they
recommended that the contract be
awarded and instructed their chair
man to sign the contract with this
department -
The county also had the opportunity
to take the work and handle it with
county forces at the time. This pri
vilege has been offered to every county
In the state when state and federal
aid roads are awarded.
Several articles have appeared in
papers in regard to statements made
by Mr. Bowring of the Cherry county
board at the annual convention of the
county commissioners and supervision
in Omaha last month. In answer to
these articles I have to state that I met
with the county board and the county
clerk of Cherry county while the
county commissioners' convention was
in session and expained all their ques
tions in such manner that I considered
they would be satisfied after furnish
ing an itemized statement of the cost
f the project to thera. After I ftd-
Nebraska. In extending credit and Box Butte County, ss:
making loans, tne corporation may 0n this 30 of December 192i,
take security, by note and mortgage peonaHy before me, H. E. Cantz, a
or otherwise, upon live stock, grain,' ntnr nu ;n on,i for cni.i mtv
commissioned and
A. Copsey, Chas.
All 85c Records, now 75c
All $1.35 Records, now $1.25
Mann Music &
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hay, alfalfa and other farm products, I an(j state duly
and upon agricultural implements ' ciuixlifiel, came H.
ujipuunct's ustti wr lai in pui )ostN, n
may take, as additional security, mort
gages on farm lands, ranches and
other real estate. The corporation may
alro purchase notes and mortgages
heretofore or hereafter executed upon
such security. It shall have power and
authority to handle, hold, sell, assign,
transfer, endorse and guarantee the
payment of any and all notes, bonds,
mortgages or other obligations, taken,
bought or held in the exercise of the
jowers herein granted. The corpora
tion is further authorized and em
powered to borrow money for corpor
ate use; and, to that end, it may
execute, endorse and deliver notes,
bonds, mortgages, assignments, or
other instruments or evidences of in
debtedness, and guarantee the pay
ment thereof; and it may pledge as
security therefor any of the property
owned or held by the corporation. The
corporation may lease, purchase, own,
hold and sell all real and personal
property necessary for corporate use.
In addition to the powers expressly
granted herein, it is the intention to
vest in the corporation all the inci
dental and implied powers necessary to
carry out in a broad and liberal way
the purposes of the organization.
Capital Stock.
The authorized capital stock of the
corporation is Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00) divided into five hundred
shares of One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) each. Business may be com
menced when two hundred fifty (250)
shares have been subscribed and fully
paid. Further subscriptions to stock
and payments thereon shall be as di
rected and ordered by the board.
Stockholders shall be liable for the full
amount of their unpaid subscriptions.
When fully paid for, the stock shall
be nonassessable.
1 Life of Corporation.
The corporation shall commence
when its Articles of Incorporation
have been filed, and it shall terminate
on the first day of January, 1946, un
less sooner dissolved.
The highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which the corporation
Brittan, Beatrice O'Bryan, Fred W.
Hayes and Jay O. Walker to me well
known to be the identical persons
whose names are affixed to the fore
going articles of incorporation, and
zoc jar
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One reason the college women are It Is also a good plan to modify
si jw to marrv may be that they ve your conversation so that you will not
learned something. need so many exclamation points.
It's barelv possible that the scien-! Just now a bank book with a
tist who 1s promising U3 snapshot pic- balance looks much better than the
tures of Mars la giving us snap judg- tattered remains of last year's silk
ment. shirts.
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' T. D. Bill
; is coming
1 i ,71
I can cure your Piles (Fistula, Fissure and other Diseases of the
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Don't doubt this amazing truthl Send for free Information today
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You can allow yourself to be all cut and
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9 VR. RICH. Pile snd Rupture Specialist,
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2 Q Picas tend m free, complete Inform.
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Grand Island, Neb.
I cure every case
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Or you need
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